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Smith Watson and Topper Model

in the Determination of the Fatigue Life

of an Automotive Steel

F. F. Curiel, R. R. Ambriz, M. A. García, M. C. Ramírez and S. García


Fails due to fatigue are an issue in automotive components that are subjected to
cyclic loading during its operations. The presence of high loads and variation for
long times leads to crack formation and propagation because of the local damage
occurred in the vicinity of the cracks [1]. Some of the main components used in the
automotive industry include frames, crank shafts, axles etc. The design for this parts
involves not only metallurgical properties, but the use of tools such high cycle
fatigue (HCF), low cycle fatigue, (LCF) and mathematical models to predict the
fatigue life [2, 3]. The safety of the components depends on the degree of intensity
of the loads to which it will be exposed throughout its operation [4]. It’s well
known that HCF and LCF can predict the fatigue life in the elastic and plastic
regime respectively [5]. Nevertheless, it was necessary to develop mathematical
models to combine both the HCL and LCF to have a better context on the fatigue
life of components subjected to completely reversible loads [6]. In this regard, L.F.
Coffin and S.S. Manson developed a mathematical form called Coffin-Manson
relationship that contemplates the elastic-plastic behavior of the components, giving
us a more successful panorama of the elastic-plastic transition and fatigue life [6].

F. F. Curiel (&)  M. A. García  S. García

Universidad Autónoma de Coahuila. Facultad de Metalurgia, Carretera 57, Monclova,
Coahuila, Mexico
R. R. Ambriz
Instituto Politécnico Nacional CIITEC-IPN, Cerrada de Cecati S/N Col. Sta. Catarina,
Azcapotzalco 02250, DF, Mexico
M. C. Ramírez
Instituto Tecnológico Superior de Monclova, Ejercito Mexicano, Carretera 57 km 4.5,
Unidad Tecnológica y Universitaria, Monclova, Coahuila, Mexico

© Springer International Publishing AG 2018 197

R. R. Ambriz et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on New
Trends in Fatigue and Fracture,
198 F. F. Curiel et al.

On the other hand, the Smith Watson and Topper (S.W.T.) model predicts the
fatigue life of components with a mean stress equal to zero [7].
This study seeks to determine the fatigue life of an automotive steel by the use of
LCF, HCF and S.W.T. tools.


Material Characterization

The chemical composition of the material used in this study is show in Table 1.
Figure 1 shows a microstructure of the initial material used in this study. It can be
seen that the material is composed of ferritic microstructure whit pearlite islands
aligned along the rolling direction.

Monotonic Test

In order to determine the initial parameters for HCF and LCF test, a tensile test was
performed according to ASTM E646 [8]. The true stress, r = r(1 + є), and the true

Table 1 Chemical composition of the steel in the fatigue life study

C Cr Mn Mo Ni Si Fe
1.4 0.08 0.83 0.055 0.18 0.53 Bal

Fig. 1 Microstructure of the base metal used for fatigue life testing
Smith Watson and Topper Model … 199

strain, є = ln(1 + є), were calculated from the engineering stress-strain data. The
sample was tested at 10 mm/min in displacement mode.

Fatigue Tests

Fatigue test were carried out in the stress amplitude and strain amplitude. The
specimens were machined to the final dimensions according to ASTM E466
standard in order to perform the high cycle fatigue (HCF) and low cycle fatigue
(LCF) tests [9]. Figure 2 shows the dimensions of the specimens.

High Cycle Fatigue Tests

For stress amplitude, HCF tests were performed on a MTS-370 machine equipped
with 250KN MTS load frames and calibrated cells. The tests were carried out
according to the requirements of ASTM E466. The frequency used for this study
was 12 Hz and stress ratio R = −1 at room temperature in air. The specimens were
tested until reach the failure during the positive and negative load application.

Low Cycle Fatigue Tests

Strain tests (LCF) were performed according to the specifications of ASTM E606 at
0.5 Hz. An extensometer of 25 mm gage was attached during the strain tests and a
MTS software was used to acquire the data.

Fig. 2 Samples used for the HCF and LCF tests

200 F. F. Curiel et al.

Fracture Observation

After failure, several samples were cut and prepared for fracture observation. The
samples were analyzed in a JEOL JSM-7600F field emission scanning electron
microscope equipped with EDX analyser. The microstructure was observed with
secondary electrons.

Results and Discussion

Monotonic Test

Samples of 1.4 C steel, 0.250 in diameter were tested to investigate the monotonic
properties of the material used in this study. The mechanical properties are listed in
Table 2. Yield strength at 0.2% offset, tensile strength and fracture strain were
calculated directly from the plot (433 MPa, 743 MPa and 0.37 MPa respectively),
The Elastic modulus (208 GPa) was calculated in the slope of the elastic portion of
the curve in Fig. 3.

Table 2 Mechanical properties of the MB studied

Yield Tensile Fracture Elastic Strain Strength
strength strength strain modulus hardening coefficient
(Mpa) (Mpa) (GPa) exponent (MPa)
433 743 0.37 208 0.241 1065.19

Fig. 3 Stress-strain curve of the base metal

Smith Watson and Topper Model … 201

On the other hand, the strength coefficient (K = 1065.19 MPa) and the strain
hardening exponent (n = 0.241) were determined from the true stress-strain curve
regression and analysis. Ramber-Osggod relationship describes the mathematical
representation of stress-strain curve, which can be written as [10].

r  r 1=n
e ¼ eelastic þ eplastic ¼ þ ð1Þ

High Cycle Fatigue Properties

The results obtained from the HCF test are summarized in Table 3. A set of 8
specimens were placed in the load control fatigue test and 7 fail during the trials,
only one continued without failure. The reversals to failure were gathered with
different levels of applied load.
The data obtained from the stress tests were used to plot the S-N curve for the
material used in this study. The fatigue failure of this material may occur beyond 107
cycles, this is, fracture occurred between 105 and 107 cycles. This plot can decreases
usually from megacycle to gigacycle range. The data obtained from the stress tests
from Fig. 4 were used to plot the S-N curve for the material used in this study.
From the plotted data the stress life properties were calculated by means of the
data regression. The stress life exponent (b = −0.7137), stress life coefficient
(A = 1607 MPa) and fatigue strength coefficient (r′f = 1689 MPa) are shown in
Table 4.

Low Cycle Fatigue Properties

In order to determine the fatigue life of the steel, mechanical behaviour due to the
low cyclic load was determined. Low cycle fatigue test specimen of 6 mm in
diameter were polished and prepared for been testing. For this, strain-controlled
fatigue tests were carried out at different levels.

Table 3 High cycle fatigue data for the steel

Sample Stress amplitude (MPa) Applied load (kN) Reversals to failure Notes
01 350 11.390 142,380 Failure
02 350 11.270 102,072 Failure
03 325 10.617 194,901 Failure
04 325 10.714 430,304 Failure
05 300 9.869 1,392,017 Failure
06 300 9.823 1,278,208 Failure
07 275 9.051 4,196,994 !
08 250 8.123 6,133,923 Failure
202 F. F. Curiel et al.

Fig. 4 Stress amplitude

versus reversal to failure plot

Table 4 Stress life properties Fatigue strength coefficient r0f 1689 MPa
Stress-life coefficient A 1607 MPa
Stress-life exponent b −0.07137

Table 5 summarises de cyclic data obtained from the strain-controlled tests. In

here, the highest strain amplitude range (0.02334) reaches only 133 cycles until the
fail, meanwhile the value for the lowest strain range (0.00694) reaches 7414 cycles.
With this data, the e-N curve was built in order to obtain the cyclic properties.
Figure 5 shows the strain versus reversals to failure plot generated from the data
of LCF tests. From this plot, the fatigue ductility coefficient and the fatigue ductility
exponent were calculated doing a regression analysis of the log-log linear plot.

Table 5 Low cycle fatigue Sample Strain Reversals to failure Notes

data for the steel amplitude
01 0.00694 7414 Failure
02 0.00694 7112 Failure
03 0.00972 3150 Failure
04 0.00972 3380 Failure
05 0.00948 2056 Failure
06 0.00948 2138 Failure
07 0.01861 570 Failure
08 0.01861 423 Failure
09 0.02334 358 Failure
10 0.02334 133 Failure
Smith Watson and Topper Model … 203

Fig. 5 Strain amplitude

versus reversals to failure plot

Table 6 Strain life properties Cyclic elastic modulus E 170 GPa

Cyclic yield strength r0y 105 MPa
Cyclic strain hardening exponent n0 0.048
Fatigue ductility coefficient e0f 0.157
Fatigue ductility exponent c −0.310
Fatigue strength exponent b −0.07137
Cyclic strain hardening coefficient K0 862 MPa

On the other hand the elastic modulus and cyclic yield stress were calculated
from a portion of the hysteresis loop, 170 Gpa and 105 Mpa were obtained
On the other hand the elastic modulus, cyclic yield stress were calculated from a
portion of the hysteresis loop, 170 Gpa and 105 Mpa were obtained respectively.
Beyond the elastic portion of the hysteresis loop, the cyclic strain hardening
coefficient (K′ = 862 MPa) and the cyclic strain hardening exponent (n′ = 0.048)
were calculated in the plastic region of the loop.
The strain life properties are show in Table 6.

Smith Watson and Topper

The Smith Watson and Topper parameter is a model based on the damage induced
on the material and the inherent properties determined from LCF tests [11]. The
determination of this parameter in fact is due to the ratio, R = −1, which is an
energy criterion. This approach can be used for determining the fatigue damage
induced in components subjected to complete reversal loads.
204 F. F. Curiel et al.

Fig. 6 S.W.T. curve for the 100

Best fit


σmaxεa , MPa

101 102 103 104 105 106 107

Nf , Reversals to failure

The S.W.T. parameter is also used usually as Ramber-Osgood and

Coffin-Manson equations for structures or components tested under stress control
[12, 13].
The relationship that defines the SWT parameter is described by:
r0f 2b b þ c
rmax ea ¼ 2Nf þ r0f e0f 2Nf ð2Þ

This approach assumes that the life for any situation of mean stress depends on
the product, this parameter was calculated with the fatigue life properties at rm = 0.
The S.W.T. parameter was determined for each sample at the failed cycle [14].
Figure 6 is a plot of the above equation. The points represent the experimental
data. The best fit for the data are plotted in the blue line. The coefficient and the
exponent of the Smith Watson and Topper parameter were determinate from a
log-log linear regression of the data showed in the graph, such data are
C = 203.5 MPa and c = −0.381 respectively.


Figure 7 shows the fracture surfaces obtained from the failed specimens for the HCF
test. In Fig. 7a it can be appreciate the crack initiation in the edge of the specimen, the
appearance is flat and forms a semi-ellipse, but the fracture becomes a little rough.
A radial ridge pattern parallel to the crack propagation is formed through the fracture
[15]. A fish-eye is observed in the center of the sample, suggesting that the fatigue
crack could takes place at an inclusion located inside the material tested. On the other
Smith Watson and Topper Model … 205

Fig. 7 Fracture surface of the HCF specimen

Fig. 8 Fracture of the LCF specimen

hand, Fig. 7b shows the fracture near the fish-eye displaying elongated and quite flat
shear dimples as well as decohesion along grain boundaries of elongated grain. Crude
steps have formed, suggesting that some degree of pulsation occurred during the test.
The surface fracture for the LCF tests is shown in Fig. 8. Extrusion and intru-
sions at the surface can be seen. Due this material contains ferrite-pearlite
microstructure, fatigue crack can initiate trough the ferrite and the stronger pearlite
colonies tended to retard the crack growth.
Figure 9 shows another region of the fracture were striation-like and
cleavage-like are observed. This feature could be caused due to the rubbing of the
surfaces as the test push and pull was performed (R = −1) [16].
206 F. F. Curiel et al.

Fig. 9 Fracture of LCF with

cleavage facets


The SWT parameters were calculated from LCF and HCF tests carried out in a
carbon steel. The fatigue live properties of LCF and HCF were used in the SWT
relationship where the coefficient and the exponent are C = 203.5 MPa and
c = −0.381 respectively.
The range of the fatigue live for the steel is between 105 and 107 cycles for HCF.
Nonetheless, the range for LCF is between 133 and 7414 cycles.
Fish-eye fracture was observed in HCF suggesting that the failure occurred in an
inclusion. For LCF cleavages-like facets were observed in the fracture surface due
to the push-pull process during the fatigue test.


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