Listening Journals 15

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Module 3: TED Talks

Listening Journal No.(11-15)

Date: …19/11..
Date 19/11… Information

Video title: Write the title of the video

and the name of the speaker. Title: Cooking as never seen before
The speaker: Nathan Myrvoid

Video summary: Write a one-sentence

summary of the video A book that envisions, writes and learns about food
more fully than other books

Vocabulary: Write new and interesting 1. Establish: củng cố

words and phrases with the meanings These methods of working were established in the
and examples. last century.
2. Tremendous: to lớn
She has every right to be proud of her
tremendous achievements.
3. Aesthetic: thẩm mỹ
The new building has little aesthetic value
4. avant garde: tiên phong
New York is the international capital of
the musical avant-garde.
5.Broccoli: bông cải xanh
6. Steam: hơi nước
The steam from the kettle misted up her glasses.
7. Seduce: dụ dỗ
He felt that she was trying to seduce him.
8. Philosophy: triết học
Marxist philosophy
9. Lavish: xa hoa
drip down: nhỏ giọt
10. palatable: ngon miệng
The meal was barely palatable.
11. Vertically: theo chiều dọc
Many plants will continue to grow vertically unless they
are stopped.
12. Mimic: bắt chước
She was mimicking the various people in our office.



Activity 2&3
Compare your first notes with and without subtitles.
a. What percentage did you understand the talk without subtitle?
I can understand 60% of the talk without subtitles
b. What information did you get when you listened without subtitles? What kind of
information did you miss?
I can hear one on the information but miss the details of it. I missed a lot of
important, auxiliary content because I didn't know what the vocabulary was.
c. Why do you think you missed or misunderstood this information?
It's missing from the record and I don't know the word.
Activity 4
 Gap-Fill Score 1: 8/15
 Gap-Fill Score 2: 6/10

1. What was easy to hear and understand?

Short information and easy-to-understand vocabulary.
2. What was difficult to hear and understand?
Long information and new vocabulary

Overall Reflection:
1. What skills have you already improved or are already strong?
Listening skills, notes, copy speed, reflexes...
2. What listening skills do you need to improve further? (Make the goal of your next
listening journal)
Copy speed faster, listen to longer passage

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