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Paleobiogeography and biodiversity of Late Maastrichtian dinosaurs: How

many dinosaur species went extinct at the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary?

Article  in  Bulletin de la Societe Geologique de France · January 2013

DOI: 10.2113/gssgfbull.183.6.547


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1 author:

Jean Le Loeuff



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Titanosaurian sauropods from the Ibero-Armorican Island View project

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Bull. Soc. géol. France, 2012, t. 183, no 6, pp. 547-559

Paleobiogeography and biodiversity of Late Maastrichtian dinosaurs: how

many dinosaur species went extinct at the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary?

Key-words. – Dinosauria, Maastrichtian, Species-area relationship, Palaeobiogeography, Biodiversity, Extinction

Abstract. – The global Late Maastrichtian non-avian dinosaur apparent biodiversity is extensively surveyed for the first
time. It amounts to 104 species (including unnamed forms) in 2010. The real biodiversity being obscured by
taphonomical biases and the scarcity of the continental fossil record, a species-area relationship is used to estimate it.
The results show that several hundreds (between 628 and 1078) non-avian dinosaur species were alive in the Late
Maastrichtian, which is almost an order of magnitude above previous estimates. Because of the complex Late Creta-
ceous palaeobiogeography, discussions about dinosaur extinction should be based on this estimated real global
biodiversity, not on the apparent biodiversity of a single area. Given the mean duration of dinosaur genera (7.7 Ma), the
presence of so many dinosaur species in the Latest Cretaceous is consistent with the termination of most lineages at the
Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary (the Late Maastrichtian sub-stage is 2.8 m.y. long). The Late Maastrichtian dinosaurian
biodiversity is therefore consistent with the sudden extinction of the group following the Chicxulub impact.

Paléobiogéographie et diversité des dinosaures du Maastrichtien supérieur : combien de

genres de dinosaures ont-ils disparu à la limite Crétacé-Tertiaire ?

Mots-clés. – Dinosauria, Maastrichtien, Courbe aire-espèces, Paléobiogéographie, Biodiversité, Extinction

Résumé. – La biodiversité apparente des dinosaures au Maastrichtien supérieur est analysée en détail : 104 espèces
(comprenant des formes non-nommées) ont été découvertes en 2010. La biodiversité réelle est altérée par de nombreux
biais taphonomiques et la rareté de l’enregistrement fossile continental. Pour l’estimer une relation aire-espèces est uti-
lisée, suggérant qu’un minimum de plusieurs centaines d’espèces (entre 628 et 1078) de dinosaures non-aviens vivaient
durant le Maastrichtien supérieur. Ce résultat est un ordre de grandeur au-dessus des estimations précédentes, qui ont
négligé la complexité du contexte paléobiogéographique. Etant donnée la longévité moyenne d’un genre de dinosaure
(7.7 Ma) la plupart de ces formes ont dû s’éteindre à la limite Crétacé-Tertiaire. La biodiversité dinosaurienne à l’ex-
trême fin du Crétacé était donc remarquablement élevée et la disparition du groupe a été soudaine, ce qui est
parfaitement compatible avec les suites de l’impact de Chicxulub.

INTRODUCTION focused on the presence or absence of a decline of this di-

versity in the last million years of the Cretaceous, several
Although the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary is widely authors concluding that no decline is apparent [e.g. Sheehan
known as the dinosaur extinction, a review of the literature et al., 1991; Fastovsky et al. 2004; Wang and Dodson,
suggests that only a handful of dinosaur species went ex- 2006]. Fastovsky et al [2004] have recognized that the Late
tinct at the Cretaceous Tertiary Boundary, or even slightly Maastrichtian dinosaur diversity outside North America is a
before it (12 to 14 species according to Sullivan [1987]; clue to a better understanding of dinosaur extinction sce-
Taquet [1993]; 20 genera according to Archibald [1996, nario but their work is largely focused (like most of the arti-
1997]). As these authors state, these data are not consistent cles cited above) on the supposed decline of dinosaur
with a catastrophic mass extinction and rather suggest that diversity between the Campanian and the Maastrichtian,
dinosaurs went extinct gradually on a time span of several which is not our topic here (although, again, this question
million years. However, these data are only based on the ap- cannot be properly answered without using global data).
parent dinosaur biodiversity in Montana, where outcrops of Archibald and Fastovsky [2004] recognized that “recent
the Late Maastrichtian Hell Creek Formation have been ex- discoveries of Late Cretaceous dinosaurs in South America,
tensively searched for fossil vertebrates [see Archibald, China, Europe, Siberia, and India hold promise as addi-
1997] although the biodiversity of a small part of western tional Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary sections, but for now,
North America can hardly be considered as representative we must content ourselves with what is known from the
of the whole Earth. Western Interior”. This assertion, however, is simply un-
Other points of view have been expressed about the dino- founded as many dinosaurs are now known from Late
saur diversity of this part of the world, the debate being Maastrichtian strata across the world. As shown below, the

1. Musée des Dinosaures, 11260 Espéraza, France (

Manuscript accepted on April 13, 2012

Bull. Soc. géol. Fr., 2012, no 6


Western Interior dinosaur record accounts for about 40% of expressed by S = c Az where S is the number of species, A
the global Late Maastrichtian record. A very few authors is the geographic area (in km2) that was sampled and c and
have tried to assess the real dinosaur diversity from the z are empirically derived constants that express the slope of
known record. Russell [1995] was the first to use species- the power function and its intercept. Such methods were
area relationships to estimate real dinosaur biodiversity. He originally transposed to palaeontology for estimations of
did not focus on Late Maastrichtian record but obtained a Late Pleistocene mammalian biodiversity (excluding bats,
total diversity of 403 genera for the Campanian stage (ap- rodents and insectivores: cf. Dodson [1990]) rather than for
parent diversity: 111 genera in 1995). Wang and Dodson the more fragmentary Mesozoic data. Russell [1995]
[2006] used a statistical method, the abundance-based cov- obtained the following relationship for Late Pleistocene
erage estimator, to suggest that between 213 and 246 dino- mammals:
saur genera were present in the whole world for the whole
Maastrichtian stage, but their attempt does not take into ac- Generic diversity = 0.1386 A0.36
count the palaeobiogeographical context. Their estimate in-
cludes only genera with discoverable record however, Russell [1995] proposed to employ the exponent (0.36) to
whereas Russell [1995] and this paper try to estimate the to- calculate intercepts postulated to be representative of dino-
tal biodiversity (including genera having no discoverable saur diversity, given that the area of emerged lands in the
record: see discussion in Wang and Dodson [2006]). The Late Cretaceous can be estimated from palaeogeographic
complex palaeobiogeography at the Cretaceous-Tertiary maps [e.g. Smith et al., 1994], and that the apparent generic
transition [see Le Loeuff, 1991; 1997] invalidates all hy- diversity of the best sampled area in the world (postulated
potheses based exclusively on the North American record to represent the real generic diversity) is used to calculate
(thus most of the previous hypotheses) as at least four major the intercept.
palaeobiogeographic realms can be recognized, each of However there is no reason to postulate that this expo-
them hosting endemic vertebrate assemblages in several nent 0.36 has a general value for land vertebrates. An alter-
bioprovinces: the dinosaur biodiversity of less than 6% of native method is to use field data (i.e. lists of taxa per
the Earth’s emerged land (western North America) cannot localities) to establish a species-area relationship for Late
be representative of the global diversity. The aim of this pa- Maastrichtian dinosaurs like Barnosky et al. [2005] did for
per is to provide accurate global data on Late Maastrichtian Miocene mammals. We obtained the following formula
geographical and stratigraphical dinosaur distribution, and from the North American data using locality data from the
tools to assess the real biodiversity from these incomplete Paleobiology Database ( and faunal lists
data. The recent data on Late Maastrichtian dinosaurs col- from Weishampel et al. [2004] (see also appendix I). The
lected in many places of the world [e.g. Bolotzky and curve (fig. 1) was produced from a set of faunal lists, suc-
Godefroit, 2004; Buffetaut et al., 2005; Candeiro et al., cessively adding species from different areas of western
2008; Case et al., 2000; Godefroit et al., 2000, 2001, 2003, United States (corresponding geographic areas are the
2004, 2008, 2009; Godefroit and Motchrova-Dekova, 2010; smallest polygons that enclosed all localities contributing to
Laurent et al., 2002; Lockley et al., 2002; Pereda- a given list).
Suberbiola et al., 2004, 2009a,b] are summarized below.
Species diversity = 1,8093 A 0,2259

METHODS – APPARENT BIODIVERSITY VS This curve does not depend of the chosen palaeo-
REAL BIODIVERSITY geographic map as it is based on the surface of the polygons
enclosing localities, not on the whole surface of the Western
Signor and Lipps [1982] have emphasized the disparity be- North American subcontinent. However both approaches
tween real and apparent biodiversity in the fossil record. In [Russell, 1995 and this paper] rely on the same ecological
the case of land vertebrates, taphonomic biases are so im-
portant [cf. Fastovsky and Sheehan, 1997] that they have a
strong incidence on the significance of both the sampled
biodiversity and the sampled stratigraphical distribution
(many dinosaur species are known from a single locality,
which gives an idea of how bad the fossil record is for large
land vertebrates). The apparent (or sampled) biodiversity
(i.e. the number of Late Maastrichtian dinosaur species
known so far) is thus lower than the real biodiversity (i.e.
the number of dinosaur species which really existed during
the Late Maastrichtian). Several methods have been used to
estimate real palaeobiodiversity from the sampled
biodiversity. Some are based on the relationship between
the area of a land mass and the number of animal species
that live upon it [cf. Brown, 1995]. As stated by Barnosky
et al. [2005] the species-area curve is one of the best under-
stood relationships in ecology and it predicts how many
species can be expected as the geographic area of sampling FIG. 1. – Species-area curve for the Late Maastrichtian. Equation abbrevia-
tions: S = species; A = area.
increases. In other words when the area of a region in- FIG. 1. – Relation aire-espèce pour le Maastrichtien supérieur. S = espèce ;
creases, so does the number of species. This relationship is A = aire.

Bull. Soc. géol. Fr., 2012, no 6


relationship and the results obtained by the two methods are New Zealand, Antarctica); a Euramerican (East northern
of the same order of magnitude. We present below (tables I-IV) America, western Europe) community; a Laurasiatic associ-
the results obtained from our species-area curve, which is ation (West northern America, Asia). This geographical
supposed to better reflect an ecological reality. The crucial splitting led to an important endemism in the different is-
point, as is shown below, rather lies in the recognition of lands, with different families occupying the same ecologi-
the bioprovinces, their surface area and the degree of cal niches. A now classical example for the top predators
endemism in the various provinces. was given by Bonaparte and Kielan-Jaworowska [1987]:
large Late Cretaceous meat-eating dinosaurs in northern
America as well as in Asia are tyrannosaurids, i.e. giant
DATA Coelurosaurians whereas in southern America this ecologi-
cal niche is occupied by the family Abelisauridae which are
Late Cretaceous palaeobiogeography Ceratosaurians. Recent investigations have shown that
During the Cretaceous period, original faunal associations abelisaurids were also the top Late Cretaceous predators in
had differentiated on the different landmasses [cf. Russell, India, Africa and Europe [Buffetaut et al., 1988; Le Loeuff
1995; Rage, 1981, 1988; Le Loeuff, 1991, 1997]: a West- and Buffetaut, 1991; Wilson et al., 2003]. Even inside the
Gondwanan association (Africa, South America, India, paleorealms, the different provinces show marked differ-
Madagascar); an East-Gondwanan association (Australia, ences at the generic and/or specific levels, a consequence of
their separation since many million years at the end of the
Mesozoic. Thus, it is irrelevant to try to use data from a sin-
gle landmass to estimate the latest Cretaceous dinosaur
TABLE I. – Low endemism hypothesis based on the paleomap of Smith paleobiodiversity. Late Maastrichtian dinosaurs have been
et al. [1994]. Emerged surfaces of the 10 main Late Maastrichtian biopro- discovered in most areas of the world, as far as correct
vinces, calculated real species diversity; the right column indicates the ap-
parent biodiversity in 2010. datations for continental strata can be obtained. The fossil
TABL. I. – Hypothèse de faible endémisme basée sur la carte paléogéogra- record is very different however for these different Late
phique de Smith et al. [1994]. Surfaces émergées des 10 principales bio- Maastrichtian landmasses: in some places, a very few or
provinces, diversité réelle calculée (nombre d'espèces) ; la colonne de
droite indique la biodiversité apparente en 2010. even no dinosaur bone has been unearthed for different
reasons (lack of Late Maastrichtian continental strata,
Province Surface real app div
(km ) div 2010
unexplored strata, etc.).
W. North America (WNA) 6 537 000 63 42
Asia (AS) 2 6149 000 86 23
Europe (EA) 4 503 000 58 18
E. North America (ENA) 8 135 000 66 3 TABLE III. – High endemism hypothesis based on the paleomap of Smith et
al. [1994]. Emerged surfaces of the 21 Late Maastrichtian bioprovinces,
Madagascar (MA) 435 000 34 0 calculated real species diversity.
India (IN) 2 324 000 50 6 TABL. III. – Hypothèse d'endémisme élevé, basé sur la carte paléogéogra-
phique de Smith et al. [1994]. Surfaces émergées des 21 bioprovinces du
South America (SA) 12 493 000 73 7
Maastrichtien supérieur, biodiversité réelle estimée.
Antarctica-Australia (AA) 22 227 000 83 2 2
Province Surface (km )
Africa (AF) 23 389 000 84 2
W. North America (WNA) 6 537 000 63
New Zealand (NZ) 290 000 31 1
Mainland Asia (AS) 26 149 000 86
TOTAL 106 482 000 628 104
Japan (JP) 290 000 31
N. West Asia (NWA) 145 000 26
Scandinavia (SC) 3 777 000 55
Ibero-Armorican Island (IAI) 435 000 34
TABLE II. – Low endemism hypothesis based on the paleomap of Ziegler
et al. [1997]. Emerged surfaces of the 10 Late Maastrichtian bioprovinces, Central Europe (CE) 290 000 31
calculated real species diversity. Hateg region (HA) 100 000 24
TABL. II. – Hypothèse de faible endémisme basée sur la carte paléogéogra-
phique de Ziegler et al. [1997]. Surfaces émergées des 10 bioprovinces du S.E. North America (SENA) 3 922 000 56
Maastrichtien supérieur, biodiversité réelle estimée. N.E. North America (NENA) 2 033 000 48
Province Surface (km2) real diversity Greenland (GR) 2 179 000 49
W. North America (WNA) 8 814 000 67 Madagascar (MA) 435 000 34
Asia (AS) 38 886 000 94 India (IN) 2 324 000 50
Europe (EA) 3 629 000 55 South America (SA) 12 348 000 72
E. North America (ENA) 11 795 000 72 N.W. South America (NSA) 145 000 26
Madagascar (MA) 259 000 30 Antarctica (ANT) 11 476 000 71
India (IN) 2 981 000 52 Antarctic peninsula (ANT2) 290 000 31
South America (SA) 15 814 000 77 Australia (AUS) 10 459 000 70
Antarctica-Australia (AA) 21 517 000 82 West Africa (WA) 5 665 000 61
Africa (AF) 24 369 000 84 East-South Africa (ESA) 17 723 000 79
New Zealand (NZ) 518 000 35 New Zealand (NZ) 290 000 31
TOTAL 128 586 000 648 TOTAL 106 462 000 1 028

Bull. Soc. géol. Fr., 2012, no 6


TABLE IV. – High endemism hypothesis based on the paleomap of Ziegler in the same province. The ichnological data are taken into
et al. [1997]. Emerged surfaces of the 21 Late Maastrichtian bioprovinces,
calculated real species diversity. account in the same way. A complete list of the taxa is
TABL. IV. – Hypothèse d'endémisme élevé, basée sur la carte paléogéogra- given in appendix I.
phique de Ziegler et al. [1997]. Surfaces émergées de 21 bioprovinces du
Maastrichtien supérieur, biodiversité réelle estimée.
Province Surface (km2)
W. North America (WNA) 8 814 000 67
During the Late Cretaceous, Laurasia comprised North
America and Asia (despite the regression of the Western In-
Mainland Asia (AS) 38 109 000 93
terior Sea during the Late Maastrichtian, eastern North
Western Asia (WAS) 777 000 39
America was possibly still a different palaeobioprovince
N.W. Asia (NWA) 129 000 26 linked to the European archipelago: see Carpenter et al.
Scandinavia (SC) 2 981 000 52 [1997]). In western North America, various Late Maastrichtian
Ibero-Armorican Island (IAI) 259 000 30 formations have yielded 36 dinosaur species, according to
Central Europe (CE) 129 000 26 Weishampel et al. [2004]. This apparent biodiversity of west-
Hareg region (HA) 259 000 30 ern North America is therefore clearly greater than that of
S.E. North America (SENA) 557 3000 60 Montana alone (20 species). Since Weishampel et al.’s paper
N.E. North America (NENA) 583 3000 61 in 2004, a few new taxa have been described [e.g. Bakker
Greenland (GR) 387 000 33
et al., 2006; Farke and Williamson, 2006; Wu et al., 2007;
Madagascar (MA) 259 000 30
Longrich and Currie, 2009]. The 6.537.000 km2 [from Smith
et al., 1994] western North American province has thus
India (IN) 2 981 000 52
yielded 42 dinosaur species (including unnamed species: see
N. South America (NSA) 13 610 000 74
appendix I) in 2010 and is the best sampled area in the world
S. South America (SSA) 2 203 000 49 for this time interval.
Antarctica (ANT) 9 592 000 68
Eastern North American Late Maastrichtian faunas, east
Antarctic peninsula (ANT2) 1 693 000 46 of the Western Interior Sea, are known from the late
Australia (AUS) 10 240 000 69 Maastrichtian New Egypt Formation [Carpenter et al., 1997],
West Africa (WA) 4 277 000 57 which has yielded the theropod Dryptosaurus aquilunguis,
East-South Africa (ESA) 20 091 000 81 Coelosaurus antiquus (Ornithomimidae) and “Hadrosaurus”
New Zealand (NZ) 518 000 35 minor (Hadrosauridae). Thus three species only are known
TOTAL 128 714 000 1 078 from this large part of northern America.
In Asia (the largest part of Laurasia with 26,149,000 to
38,886,00 km2 according to Smith et al. [1994] and Ziegler
et al. [1997], respectively), most of the richest Mongolian
localities are Late Campanian or Early Maastrichtian in age
A short review of Late Maastrichtian dinosaurs
[Jerzykiewicz, 1997; Osmolska, 1997a,b,c]. No Late
Maastrichtian dinosaurs are now known from all continents. Maastrichtian locality is known so far in Mongolia. In
The richest continental deposits spanning the Creta- South China (Nanxiong basin, Guangdong Province), Dong
ceous-Tertiary boundary are exposed in western North [1979] described four dinosaur species from the Yuanpu
America (Canada and United States of America). However Formation, a unit close to the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary
only some of these Maastrichtian localities can be confi- as a basaltic flow near its top yielded dates averaging
dently assigned to the Late Maastrichtian, either on the ba- 67.4 ma [cf. Russell et al., 1993]: the taxa comprise the
sis of palynological associations or because of their tyrannosaurid Tarbosaurus, the nemegtosaurid Nemegtosaurus
intercalation inside marine deposits. In a few cases, dino- pachi, the therizinosaurid Nanshiungosaurus brevispinus
saur bones have been found in marine rocks of Late and the hadrosaurid Microhadrosaurus nanshiungensis. The
Maastrichtian age: hadrosaurid and theropod bones are overlying Pingling Formation (which contains the Creta-
known from different localities of the Maastricht Formation ceous-Tertiary boundary) yielded at least 6 different dino-
of the Netherlands [see Jagt et al., 2003 for a recent synthe- saurs according to Russell et al. [1993]: small theropods,
sis] or its equivalents in Germany [see Wellnhofer, 1994]. A tyrannosaurids, therizinosaurids, dicraeosaurids (= nemeg-
few radiometric datations have also been used in some parts tosaurids), small ornithopods and hadrosaurids. The precise
of the world such as in the Nanxiong basin of China to pre- age of the Nanxiong dinosaurs has been disputed, some au-
cise the age of Late Cretaceous dinosaur-bearing forma- thors [e.g. Zhao et al., 2002] suggesting a Paleocene age for
tions. Although there are sometimes claims for Paleocene some of the Pingling dinosaurs; however it seems that this
non-avian dinosaurs, all these assertions have been refuted formation is rather well dated of the Late Maastrichtian
[see Ocampo et al., 2006 for a recent review]. The follow- [cf. Russell et al., 1993] but that some reworked Cretaceous
ing review includes the skeletal record with additional data material is mixed with Early Paleocene material [e.g. Buck
from the ichnological record when available (i.e. in South et al., 2004]. We retain a total of 6 dinosaur species for the
America); dinosaur eggs parataxa are not taken into ac- Late Maastrichtian of the Nanxiong basin although studies
count. Unnamed forms are treated as independant “species” on eggshell microstructure suggest up to 8 different forms
when they belong to an unrepresented family in the fossil [cf. Zhao et al., 2002].
record of the palaeobioprovince (e.g. the single theropod Since the late 1990s fieldwork by Pascal Godefroit
tooth from the Late Maastrichtian of Africa is considered as from the Brussels Natural History Museum on the banks of
representing an original species) or when it can be shown the Amur River both on Chinese (Yuliangze Formation of
that they do not belong to a well established species present Jiayin and Wulaga) and Russian (Udurchukan Formation of

Bull. Soc. géol. Fr., 2012, no 6


Blagoveschensk and Kundur) sides, in far eastern Siberia, localities are Late Campanian and Early Maastrichtian
has revealed an extraordinary new dinosaur fauna, which is [Buffetaut and Le Loeuff, 1991; Buffetaut et al., 1991, 1997;
dated of the Late Maastrichtian by a palynological assem- Le Loeuff, 1992; Le Loeuff and Buffetaut, 1995] and are
blage [Godefroit et al., 2008]. Following early twentieth characterized by Titanosaur-Rhabdodon dominated assem-
century Russian researchers, Godefroit and colleagues have blages. However, recent excavations of Late Maastrichtian
described a new Late Maastrichtian hadrosaur-dominated localities have led to the discovery of another hadrosaur-
fauna comprising at least seven distinct hadrosaurids, a dominated assemblage [Le Loeuff et al., 1994] comprising
theropod and an ankylosaur [Tumanova et al., 2004]. at least five hadrosauroid taxa (including Pararhabdodon
Alifanov and Bolotsky [2010] have described the alleged isonense, Koutalisaurus kohlerorum and Arenysaurus
sauropod Arkharavia from the same beds but this species is ardevoli [Pereda-Suberbiola et al., 2009a,b; Le Loeuff et al.,
apparently based on a few caudal vertebrae which belong to 1993; Laurent et al., 1997]), a dromaeosaurid [Le Loeuff
a very large hadrosaur, not a sauropod. However, rare sauropod and Buffetaut, 1996] and at least two additional small
remains have been found from the Udurchkan Formation theropods including “Euronychodon”-like teeth [Lopez-
(P. Godefroit, pers. comm.). The localities belong to the Martinez et al., 2001], a large theropod, an ankylosaur and
Wodehouseia spinata – Aquipollenites subtilis paleozone. at least one saltasaurid sauropod [Laurent et al., 2002 ;
As stated by Godefroit et al. [2004], Wodehouseia spinata Canudo et al., 1999]. Localities in southwestern France are
is regarded as a good biostratigraphic indicator for Late well dated with benthic foraminifers [Laurent et al., 2002]
Maastrichtian formations in North America. and can be safely assigned to the Late Maastrichtian. There
In 2009 Godefroit et al. yielded the preliminary results is no consensus about the age of some Spanish localities
of their excavations at Kakanaut in northeastern Russia. A considered as Early Maastrichtian by Lopez-Martinez et al.
diversified dinosaur assemblage of Late Maastrichtian age [2001], an opinion refuted by Laurent et al. in 2002. Eleven
has been recognized with at least seven different species of different species are thus known from this island.
dromaeosaurids, tyrannosaurids, troodontids, hadrosaurids, In Romania, 11 different dinosaurs species are known
ornithopods, neoceratopsians and ankylosaurians. from the Hateg basin during the Maastrichtian. Although
The apparent diversity reaches 23 dinosaur species for the age of the Sanpetru Formation was usually thought to be
Late Maastrichtian Asia. The whole Asiamerican record Late Maastrichtian, recent studies [e.g. Panaiotu and Panaiotu,
reaches 68 species. 2002] suggest a slightly older age (Early Maastrichtian),
thus these data are not used in this paper.
Europe The Fenno-Scandian island has yielded only Campanian
dinosaurs referred by Lindgren et al. [2007] to the family
Europe was an archipelago during the Late Cretaceous with Leptoceratopsidae, a clade previously unknown in Europe.
an important degree of endemism on the different islands as This suggests a dinosaur assemblage quite different from
most dinosaurs are generically different between Romania the South-European fauna.
and western Europe for example. Palaeogeographic maps
The European apparent dinosaur biodiversity in the
show that 4 main islands existed in the Maastrichtian: an
Late Maastrichtian therefore amounts to 18 species (includ-
Ibero-Armorican island on France and Spain, a Central Eu-
ing unnamed species).
ropean island, a British island and a very large island on
Scandinavia and northeastern Europe (Fenno-Scandian
island). Additional smaller islands were located closer to Western Gondwana
the Black Sea in Crimea, Bulgaria and Romania, which pre- In Africa, most Late Cretaceous localities are Cenomanian
cise extension is obscured by the subsequent Alpine thrusts in age [Cavin et al., 2010]. Maastrichtian Formations from
[see Jianu and Boekshoeten, 1999]. Niger have yielded a few dinosaur bones [Taquet, 1976] but
Late Maastrichtian marine deposits of northern Europe their precise age (Early or Late Maastrichtian) is unknown.
(The Netherlands and Germany) have yielded the theropod The recent discovery of dinosaur bones in the Late
Betasuchus bredai (possibly related to Dryptosaurus Maastrichtian phosphates of the Ouled Abdoun basin of
aquilunguis) and the hadrosaurid “Orthomerus dolloi” [see Morocco [Pereda-Suberbiola et al., 2004; Buffetaut et al.,
Jagt et al., 2003; Wellnhofer, 1994 for a discussion on the 2005] is thus so far the only evidence of latest
age of the specimens]. In a recent review, Jagt et al. [2003] Maastrichtian African dinosaurs. The age of these deposits
concluded that “at least one type of theropod and more than is well constrained by selachian teeth [Noubhani and Cappetta,
one taxon of non-lambeosaurine hadrosaurid as well as a 1997]. The dinosaurian remains consist of fragmentary re-
possible euhadrosaurian are represented in this material”. mains of a sauropod referred to the Titanosauriformes by
Thus the remains of at least 4 different taxa are represented Pereda-Suberbiola et al. [2004] and a theropod dinosaur
close to the Central European island. tooth referred by Buffetaut et al. [2005] to the family
Isolated finds from Crimea (a hadrosauroid dinosaur Abelisauridae. This is so far the meagre record for African
named “Orthomerus weberi” by Riabinin [1945]; see Le Late Maastrichtian dinosaurs.
Loeuff [1992]) and recently from Bulgaria (a possible In India, the Lameta Formation is directly overlain by
ornithomimosaur according to Mateus et al. [2009] and a the Deccan Trapps, the emplacement of which seems to
hadrosaur described by Godefroit and Motchurova-Dekova have begun in magnetozone 29R [see Buffetaut, 1987]. The
in 2010) show that there is some potential for more Late Lameta Formation is thus supposed to be of Late
Maastrichtian dinosaur discoveries around the Black Sea Maastrichtian age. Its dinosaur assemblage described by Huene
where three taxa are represented by isolated bones. and Matley in 1933 has been revised in recent years. Two
In southern France and northern Spain (a third island of sauropods species are considered as valid: the saltasaurids
the European archipelago), the richest Late Cretaceous Isisaurus colberti (JAIN & BANDYOPADHYAY, 1997) and

Bull. Soc. géol. Fr., 2012, no 6


Jainosaurus septentrionalis (HUENE & MATLEY 1933); Wil- America, Europe, India, Madagascar, Africa, South Amer-
son et al. [2003] described the new abelisaurid theropod ica, Antarctica, Australia, New-Zealand) existed in the Late
Rajasaurus narmadensis. Wilson and Mohabey [2006] con- Maastrichtian. Their area was comprised between 0.3 and
sider that three large theropod species (including the 28 million square kilometres. All these provinces have now
abelisaurids Indosaurus and Indosuchus), one small-bodied yielded Late Maastrichtian dinosaurs totalising 104 species
theropod (possibly a fourth abelisaurid) and at least two (including yet unnamed species and one unnamed ichno-
sauropods are present in these horizons. species). This is the apparent global dinosaur biodiversity at
In South America, most Late Cretaceous localities are the end of the Maastrichtian in 2010 (in 1975 it amounted to
ante-Maastrichtian in age. However, Dias-Brito et al. about 35 genera; in 2000 to 59 genera according to Le
[2001] have referred the uppermost formation of the Bauru Loeuff and Laurent [2000]).
Group of Minas Gerais State in Brazil (the Marilia For-
mation) to the Late Maastrichtian on the basis of a
charophytes-ostracods association. This unit has yielded
several dinosaur taxa, including three saltasaurids
(Baurutitan britoi KELLNER et al., 2005; Trigonosaurus We have applied our species-area relationship to two hy-
pricei CAMPOS et al., 2005; Uberabatitan riberoi SALGADO potheses of the palaeobiogeography of the Latest Creta-
& CARVALHO, 2008) and three theropods: a possible ceous. The surfaces of landmasses have been calculated
elmisaurid [Novas et al., 2005], an abelisaurid [Candeiro from the Maastrichtian palaeogeographic maps of Smith
et al., 2008; Novas et al., 2008] and a possible et al. [1994] (see fig. 2) and Ziegler et al. [1997] (see fig. 3)
carcharodontosaurid [Candeiro et al., 2008; Candeiro and using the software PDF-XChange Viewer (tool “area”).
Tanke, 2008; Candeiro, 2009]. Meyer and Lockley [1999] Both maps are Mollweide equal area projections which sac-
have described a dinosaur megatracksite from the Late rifices fidelity to angle and shape in favour of accurate de-
Maastrichtian El Molino Formation of Bolivia [see also piction of area. These reconstructions differ from each
Lockley et al., 2002]. They recognized at least five different other in many details with a total of emerged lands of
ichnotaxa (two theropods, one ankylosaur, two sauropods). 106,462,000 km2 in Smith et al’s map versus
From these ichnotaxa, the ankylosaur is retained here as 128,582,000 km2 in Ziegler et al. [1997]. However the re-
this group has no skeletal record in the Late Maastrichtian sults do not change significantly whether one map or the
of South America. other is used (compare tables I and II and tables III and IV).
This gives a total of 15 dinosaur species for West
Gondwanan provinces (including one ichnotaxon) with Low endemism hypothesis
Abelisauridae, Carcharodontosauridae,?Elmisauridae, Salta-
sauridae, Ankylosauria. In this hypothesis ten bioprovinces only are recognized
(tables I and II; figures 2a and 3a) during the Late
Maastrichtian. Our relationship gives a real biodiversity of
East Gondwana
628 species with the map of Smith et al. [1994] and 648
The first dinosaur bone from the Late Maastrichtian of Aus- species using the map of Ziegler et al. [1997].
tralia is a theropod humerus from the marine Miria Forma- If all late Maastrichtian dinosaurs species have been
tion of Giralia range, western Australia [Long, 1992, 1998]. found from Montana and the Dakotas (an unlikely hypothe-
Its age is well calibrated by foraminifers and ammonites sis) the global Late Maastrichtian dinosaur generic
[Bennett and Long, 1991]. In New Zealand, the Upper biodiversity would be situated between 628 and 648 spe-
Maungatuniwka Sandstone is of Early Maastrichtian age cies. The Late Maastrichtian fossil record would thus be
and yielded various dinosaurs [Wiffen, 1996; Molnar, 16% complete, which is in good agreement with former es-
1997]. A recent find in the Takatika Grift of the Chatham timations of the total dinosaur fossil record (10 to 28%
island, 900 km east of New Zealand was reported by complete according to Holmes and Dodson [1997]). It can
Stilwell et al. [2006] who have described several bones of a also be noticed that the northern hemisphere records ac-
large unidentified theropod in this unit spanning the Creta- counts for 83% of the observed biodiversity and that south-
ceous-Tertiary boundary. The discovery of a Late ern data are still extremely scanty.
Maastrichtian hadrosaur tooth from Antarctica was reported
by Case et al. [2000] in the Lopez de Bertodano Formation, High endemism hypothesis
a marine unit of Vega island (Antarctic peninsula) well
dated by ammonites and palynomorphs. Other Late Creta- It is likely that these are under-estimates, as we have
ceous finds from Antarctica come from older strata of over-simplified the Late Maastrichtian palaeogeography
Campanian to early Maastrichtian age [Salgado and (note that a 24,000,000 square kilometres area would con-
Gasparini, 2006; Hooker et al., 1991] with the exception of tain 84 species, but two 12,000,000 square kms areas would
a partial hadrosaur bone [Rich et al., 1999]. The East contain 72 species each, i.e. a total of 144 species). It may
Gondwanan provinces have thus yielded only three Late be more realistic to consider that the Late Maastrichtian
Maastrichtian dinosaur species from unexpectedly remote world was more partitioned. The example of western Eu-
places. rope suggests that this may be correct as the data from the
different islands show a strong endemism: most if not all
species are different between the “Hateg island” and the
Late Maastrichtian apparent biodiversity
“Ibero-Armorican island”. The few available data from
Four palaeobiogeographic realms and a minimum of 11 prov- Scandinavia [e.g. Lindgren et al., 2007] also suggest a dino-
inces ( Asia, eastern North America, western North saur assemblage extremely different from what is known in

Bull. Soc. géol. Fr., 2012, no 6


southern and eastern Europe. Thus in a second hypothesis Based on the map of Smith et al. [1994] we obtain a
we have opted for a more provincialized world, shifting real diversity of 1028 species. An alternative calculation
from 10 palaeobioprovinces to 21, a pattern consistent with was also made after the larger landmasses of Ziegler et al.
the palaeogeographical maps (figs 2b and 3b). The species- [1997] and suggests a very slightly higher diversity of 1078
area relationship presented above is not altered. species.

FIG. 2. – Late Maastrichtian palaeogeography [from Smith et al., 1994]

Abbreviations for top: WNA: western North America; AS: Asia; EA: European archipelago; ENA: eastern North America; AF: Africa; MA: Madagascar;
IN: India; SA: South America; AA: Antarctica-Australia; NZ: New Zealand.
Abbreviations for bottom: WNA: West North America; SENA: southeastern North America; NENA: northeastern North America; GR: Greenland; AS:
Mainland Asia; JP: Japan; NWA: North West Asia; SC: Scandinavia; IAI: Ibero-Armorican Island; CE: Central Europe; HA: Hateg Island; WA: western
Africa; ESA: East and South Africa; MA: Madagascar; IN: India; SA: South America; NSA: northern South America; ANT: Antarctica; ANT2: Antarctic
Peninsula; AUS: Australia; NZ: New Zealand.
FIG. 2. – Paléogéographie du Maastrichtien supérieur [d'après Smith et al., 1994].

Bull. Soc. géol. Fr., 2012, no 6


In this second hypothesis the dinosaur fossil record suppose that the same pattern was true during the Mesozoic
would be 10% complete. Our results are an order of magni- and thus strongly suggest that our hypotheses are more real-
tude above previous estimates [Wang and Dodson, 2006; istic than previous estimates. As remarked by P. Godefroit
Russell, 1995]. The lessons of modern studies on the (pers. comm.) it is remarkable that within a relatively small
areography of recent species suggest that the majority of area the tree sedimentary basins he sampled in eastern Asia
species are absent from most places and where they do oc- have yielded three different hadrosaur associations from the
cur they are usually quite rare [e.g. Gaston, 2003]. We same palynozone. It can also be noted that the total surface

FIG. 3. – Late Maastrichtian palaeogeography [from Ziegler et al., 1997]

Abbreviations for top: same than fig. 1.
Abbreviations for bottom: WNA: West North America; SENA: southeastern North America; NENA: northeastern North America; GR: Greenland;
AS: mainland Asia; WAS: western Asia; NWA: northwestern Asia; SC: Scandinavia; IAI: Ibero-Armorican island; CE: Central Europe; HA: Hateg island;
WA: western Africa; ESA: East and South Africa; MA: Madagascar; IN: India; NSA: northern South America; SSA: southern South America; ANT:
Antarctica; ANT2: Antarctic Peninsula; AUS: Australia; NZ: New Zealand.
FIG. 3. – Paléogéographie du Maastrichtien supérieur [d'après Ziegler et al., 1997].

Bull. Soc. géol. Fr., 2012, no 6


of emerged land does not significantly change the real obscured in the fossil record by a Signor-Lipps effect. As
biodiversity but that the number of provinces strongly influ- the last observed occurrence of a species rarely coincides
ences the global counts (compare tables I and III and tables with its real extinction, the sampled fossil distributional
II and IV, respectively). pattern after a sudden extinction will tend to look like that
Our results are testable in two ways: further analyses of of a gradual extinction. The same hypothesis may be ap-
the North American record may allow to precise the real plied to continental vertebrates, taking into account that
biodiversity of this crucial province and may help to estab- their fossil record is much worse than that for marine ani-
lish a stronger species-relationship area. Excavations at mals. Given that many of the Late Maastrichtian dinosaur
poorly known localities in every province may help to assess species were sampled at a single locality or formation, it is
the degree of endemism in the various islands to test our hy- possible to use the mean duration of dinosaur genera to es-
pothesis of a 100% endemic assemblage in each province. tablish their probable distribution. The total duration of the
Maastrichtian stage is estimated at 5.1 m.y. [70.6-65.5 Ma]
according to Gradstein et al. [2008]. The Late Maastrichtian
CONCLUSIONS begins with the CF4 planktic foraminiferal zone 68.3 Ma
ago [cf. Li et al., 1999], thus the total duration of the Late
104 dinosaur species have been reported from Late Maastrichtian substage is of about 2.8 million years. Given
Maastrichtian strata around the world in 2010. Real dino- that the mean duration of a dinosaurian genus was calcu-
saur biodiversity in the Late Maastrichtian (i.e. in a 2.8 Ma lated by Dodson [1990] to be of 7.7 m.y., the presence of a
time interval between 68.3 and 65.5 m.y.) would be situated dinosaur species in the short Late Maastrichtian time inter-
between 628 and 1078 species. Therefore all discussions val strongly suggests that it experienced the crucial Creta-
about dinosaur extinction should be based on this estimated ceous-Tertiary events. Thus, the Late Maastrichtian dinosaur
real biodiversity and not on the apparent biodiversity of a stratigraphical distribution is consistent with the termina-
single area. One important conclusion is that the North tion of most of the lineages (i.e. between 628 and 1078 spe-
American record represents only 43% of the apparent dino- cies) at the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary. In the present
saur biodiversity in the Late Maastrichtian, thus analyses state of knowledge, the hypothesis of a sudden impact-re-
based on North American data will miss almost two-thirds lated extinction of non-avian dinosaurs at the Cretaceous-
of the available data. It is suggested that the over-represen- Tertiary boundary is supported by our data: speculations
tation of the North American dinosaurs is simply linked to a about a random extinction of a handful of dinosaur species
collecting bias, as the Late Cretaceous localities from this are no more tenable as it is a large and diversified group of
part of the world have been extensively excavated since the land vertebrates which disappeared at the Cretaceous-Ter-
1870s. Our results are almost an order of magnitude above tiary boundary.
Wang and Dodson’s estimations (i.e. between 213 and 246 Beyond demonstrating that hundreds or thousands of di-
species for the whole Maastrichtian stage), a result of the nosaur species went extinct at the Cretaceous-Tertiary
over-simplification of the palaeogeographical framework by boundary, our results also show that the global diversity of di-
these authors. Fastovsky et al. [2004] concluded that “both nosaur during the Mesozoic (1850 genera for Wang and
South America and Asia have much to contribute to the Dodson [2006]; 3400 genera for Russell [1995]) has been
question of late Cretaceous dinosaur diversity and that the largely underestimated as the palaeobiogeographical context
key to better understanding Mesozoic dinosaur richness is has not been enough taken into account. The use of spe-
not collecting more dinosaurs but obtaining better temporal cies-area relationships at various geographic levels (regional,
control on the ones we already have”. A better temporal continental, global) may provide new insights on Mesozoic
control is indeed extremely important but new data from biodiversity and help to recognize long term ecological trends.
outside Northern America are even more crucial to help to
define palaeobioprovinces of the Cretaceous-Tertiary Acknowledgements. – This work has been inspired by Jean-Claude Rage’s
transition and their degree of endemism, which will allow papers on the palaeobiogeography of Mesozoic and Cenozoic vertebrates. I
more precise estimates of the real dinosaur biodiversity. thank Eric Buffetaut and Jean-Sébastien Steyer for inviting me to contri-
bute to this volume honouring Jean-Claude’s stimulating work. Pascal Go-
Work on Maastrichtian marine invertebrates [cf. a sum- defroit and Julien Claude provided useful reviews which greatly improved
mary in Jablonski, 1997] suggests that they suffered a bru- this paper. Special thanks to Julien Claude for his invaluable assistance in
tal extinction at the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary, partially the realization of figure 1.


Data compiled from Weishampel et al. [2004] have no reference added (LONGRICH & CURRIE, 2009b); Tyrannosauridae: Tyrannosaurus rex,
Nanotyrannus lancensis, Albertosaurus sarcophagus, Aublysodon
Late Maastrichtian mirandus; Dromaeosauridae: Dromaeosaurus albertensis, cf. Saurorni-
tholestes langstoni; Troodontidae: Troodon formosus; Saltasauridae:
Alamosaurus sanjuanensis; Euornithopoda: Thescelosaurus neglectus,
Western North America (42 species)
Parksosaurus warreni, Bugenasaura infernalis; Hadrosauridae:
Coelurosauria Inc. Sed.: Ricardoestesia gilmorei, cf. R. isosceles; Edmontosaurus regalis, E. annectens, E. sa-skatchewanensis,
Ornithomimidae: Ornithomimus velox; Oviraptorosauria: Caenagnathus Parasaurolophus walkeri, Anatotitan copei; Nodosauridae:
sp., Chirostenotes elegans; C. pergracilis; Alvarezsauridae indet. Edmontonia cf. rugosidens, E. longiceps, Glyptodontopelta mimus;

Bull. Soc. géol. Fr., 2012, no 6


Ankylosauridae: Ankylosaurus magniventris; Pachycephalosauridae: Bulgaria/Crimea: Ornithomimidae indet. [Mateus et al., 2009];
Pachycephalosaurus wyomingensis, Stegoceras edmontonense, Stygi- Hadrosauridae indet. [Le Loeuff, 1992].
moloch spinifer, Sphaerotholus buchholtzae, S. goodwini, Dracorex Southern France/northern Spain (“Ibero-Armorican” island):
hogwartsia (BAKKER et al., 2006); Neoceratopsia: Leptoceratops Dromaeosauridae indet. [Le Loeuff and Buffetaut, 1996];
gracilis, Montanaceratops sp.; Ceratopsidae: Triceratops horridus, Theropoda indet.: 3 taxa [Lopez-Martinez et al., 2001];
Torosaurus latus, T. cf. utahensis (HUNT AND LEHMAN, 2008); Saltasauridae indet. [Laurent et al., 2002 ; Canudo et al., 1999] ;
Pentaceratops sp., Diceratops hatcheri, Eotriceratops xerinsularis Ankylosauria indet.; Hadrosauroidea: Pararhabdodon isonense,
(WU et al., 2007), Chasmosaurinae indet. [Farke and Williamson, Koutalisaurus kohlerorum, Arenysaurus ardevoli, two unnamed
2006]. species [Pereda-Suberbiola et al., 2009a,b; Le Loeuff et al., 1993].
Hell Creek Formation, Montana (70000 km2), 20 species
Hell Creek Formation, Montana-Dakotas (140000 km2), 28 species Africa (2 species)
Lance Formation, USA (330000 km 2), 30 species
Abelisauridae indet. [Buffetaut et al., 2005]; Titanosauriformes
Late Maastrichtian formations, Montana (100.000 km 2), 25 species.
indet. [Pereda-Suberbiola et al., 2004]

Asia (22 species)

India [Wilson et al., 2003; Wilson and Mohabey, 2006]
Nanxiong basin: Theropoda indet. [Russell et al., 1993];
Abelisauridae: Indosuchus raptorius; Indosaurus matleyi;
Tyrannosauridae: Tarbosaurus sp.; Therizinosauridae: Nanshiun-
Rajasaurus narmadensis, unnamed Abelisauridae ; Saltasauridae:
gosaurus brevispinus; Nemegtosauridae: Nemegtosaurus pachi;
Isisaurus colberti, Jainosaurus septentrionalis.
Hadrosauridae Microhadrosaurus nanshiungensis (DONG, 1979);
Ornithopoda indet. [Russell et al., 1993].
Amur River [Godefroit et al., 2008] (P. Godefroit, pers. comm): South America
Theropoda indet. ; Sauropoda indet. ; Hadrosauridae: Olorotitan ?Elmisauridae indet. [Novas et al., 2005]; Abelisauridae indet.
arharensis ; Kerberosaurus manakini; Amurosaurus riabinini ; [Novas et al., 2008]; ?Carcharodontosauridae indet. [Candeiro and
Charonosaurus jiayinensis; Sahaliyania elunchunorum ; Wulaga- Tanke, 2008]; Saltasauridae: Baurutitan britoi; Trigonosaurus
saurus dongi; unnamed hadrosaurid. Ankylosauridae indet. pricei, Uberabatitan riberoi.
[Tumanova et al., 2004]. Ichnological record [Meyer and Lockley, 1999]: Theropoda (two
Kakanaut [Godefroit et al., 2009]: Dromaeosauridae indet.; ichnogenera); Ankylosauria (one ichnogenus); Sauropoda (2
Tyrannosauridae indet.; Troodontidae indet.; Hadrosauridae indet.; ichnogenera).
Ornithopoda indet.; Neoceratopsia indet.; Ankylosauria indet..
Eastern North America (3 species)
Hadrosauridae indet. [Case et al., 2000].
Theropoda indet.: Dryptosaurus aquilunguis; Ornithomimidae:
Coelosaurus antiquus; Hadrosauridae: “Hadrosaurus” minor
Theropoda indet. [Long, 1992].
Europe (17 species)
New Zealand (Chatham Island)
Netherlands/Germany: Theropoda indet.: Betasuchus bredai;
Hadrosauridae: 3 unnamed species [Jagt et al., 2003]. Theropoda indet. [Stilwell et al., 2006].


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