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Self Lymphatic Drainage Massage Guide

An at-home lymphatic massage is a relaxing self-care practice to

help detox your body, boost immunity, and increase energy, in just a
few minutes a day.

Lie down in a
comfortable position on
your back and take some
deep, slow breaths,
feeling the rise and fall
of your abdomen.
Continue this type of
breathing for the
remainder of the

Cross your arms across
your chest and, with
fingers touching the top
of your shoulders, lift
your elbows up toward
the ceiling several times.
This movement flushes
the lymphatic area
beneath your clavicle.

With arms still crossed, massage
from the outside of your neck, just
above your collarbone, to the center,
in one soft movement. You can do
both sides at the same time. Repeat
this and the following massage
strokes about 10 times.

Use very gentle pressure, just enough
to move the skin surface, but not
enough to disturb underlying muscle.
Avoid massaging swollen or
infected areas.

Stretch the front, back, and
sides of your neck. This is
accomplished in three strokes
by placing your hands at the
very top of your neck and, using
gentle pressure, stretching the
skin down towards the base of
the neck.

5 TIP:
Put one hand under your Use the flat of your hand
head and, with the other
hand, cup your palm and rather than fingertips.
gently pull the skin,
starting at the top of your
underarm, up and in
toward your body.

Place your arms at
your sides with palms
TIP: up and gently pull the
Drink extra water after skin on the inside of
massage to flush released your elbow towards
your shoulder.
toxins and keep fluids
In order to help release the
fluid in your legs, place both
hands behind your knees and,
with fingers interlaced, gently
stretch the skin up towards
the thigh.

On to your body: Place your
hand behind your head and, with
your other hand and starting at
your hip, stretch the skin up
towards your armpit. Repeat
this several times, working your
way up the side of your body.

In order to work on
your arms and legs,
simply start at the
endpoint (fingers and
toes) and gently slide
your hand(s) up
towards your armpit
or groin, respectively.

For more information, visit

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