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NIB Bank Limited

NIB bank was launched in March 2003. NIB has acquired and merged with
PICIC and PICIC Commercial Bank and is now the seventh largest
commercial bank in Pakistan. Management of NIB BANK accepted the
challenge to transform this bank into a highly professional, most efficient &
service oriented institution. The management has been successful in
fulfilling the undertaken challenge. It has been successful in making a
significant contribution to both corporate and retail banking in Pakistan. NIB
is now the second most highly capitalized bank in the country with paid up
capital exceeding Rs27.5 billion.

Organizational chart

Branch Service
Delivery manager

Job Analysis
Positions and their job chosen for this study

1. Operation Manager

Operations department
NIB Bank Ltd
Sadiqabad Branch, Rawalpindi

2. Cash Counter Supervisor

Operations department
NIB Bank Ltd
Sadiqabad Branch, Rawalpindi

Job Analysis
In order to conduct the job analysis the method we have considered appropriate is
Interview which we have conducted with the two employees working at NIB Bank
Limited Sadiqabad Branch, Rawalpindi, Operation Manger (Mr. Muhammad Ali)
Cash Counter Supervisor (Mr. Wajahat Ali Chowdry).

1. Operation Manager

Job Summary

Mr. Ali is working as an operation manager in NIB Bank Limited, Sadiqabad Branch,
and Rawalpindi for 3 years having the banking experience of six years in total as
regular full time employee of grade 10. His job is basically to manage NIB policies
and procedures, to manage State Bank of Pakistan’s policies and procedures,
managing daily operations keeping the bank’s daily activities going smoothly and he
is also connected with the internal audit of a bank.

Basic Information
The basic information that we have gathered through an interview about the operation
manager of NIB Bank working at Sadiqabad Branch, Rawalpindi is as below:

Name : Muhammad Ali Department: Operations

Organization Name: NIB Bank Ltd Grade:10

Job title: Operation Manager Salary : 50,000

Work Location: Sadiqabad Branch, Job code: N/A


Job Specification and Description

Job time
Mr. Mohammad Ali is a regular full time employee. His duty timings are 9am to 5pm in
papers but actually he works more than 9 hours a day.

Banking experience

His total banking experience is around 6 years but he is serving NIB bank ltd for 3 years.

Academic qualification

He holds a Masters in Business Administration (MBA) degree from Arid Agriculture

University with majors in Finance. And has done B.COM from Punjab College of

Job location and Dealing

According to Mr. Ali he works indoors, he has nothing to do with outdoor activites like
selling services door to door or any other type of field work. He works in the back office
and work on the data given to him from front office. So apparently he doesn’t have any
“out of office” work.

Required Experience

Around 6 to 7 year job experience is needed to do this job satisfactorily, however people
who have good managerial skills, analytical and communication skills but don’t have
enough experience are also suitable for this job.

Work mode

Usually they work in a team, of 5 or 6 people. Mr. Ali also works in a team of 6 members
in which 5 people come under him, and he manages them being the team leader.
He supervises them, guides them with his expertise whenever needed. Also advises them
with his experienced insight.

Supervising activities

 NIB bank works under the policies and procedures of State Bank Of Pakistan, so
it is the duty of operations manager to keep an eye on bank operations whether
they are performed according to the rules or not.

 Secondly he has to make sure that daily transaction and other banking activities
are going up to the mark of standard of the Bank.

 Coordinate operation activities with other departments and divisions.

 Identify problems and implement solutions.

 Supervise, coordinate and control the safe and efficient operation of an assigned
work unit.

To whom you report

Being the operation manager he has to report directly to the area operation manger in the

Overall purpose of the job

 To manage NIB policies and procedures

 To manage State Bank of Pakistan’s policies and procedures
 Managing daily operations
 Keeping the Bank’s daily activities going smoothly

Major Duties and Responsibilities

As Mr. Ali is involved in operations he is performing many important duties and the
major duties that he performs includes:

 Managing daily operations.

 Coordinate a larger managerial staff, facilitating interdepartmental communication
and allocating tasks and resources as needed.
 Manage operation team,
 Keeping the Bank’s daily activities going smoothly is an integral part of an
operations manager's job description.
 Handle SBP.
 ICU and internal Audits etc.

Guidelines, Procedures or manuals required

As all the activities in the bank are governed by certain rules and regulations. Similarly
Mr. Ali is performing all his duties with the help of

 NIB operation manual and

 SBP Prudential Regulations

As State Bank OF Pakistan has passed certain regulations and all the bankers are
required to perform all the activities in accordance with those regulations in order to
avoid mistakes.

Skills and knowledge required

The basic skills required in order to perform an operation manger job satisfactorily

 Strong operation and SBP policies and procedures knowledge

 Good communication skills like Writing skills, Listening skills, Observation
skills, leadership skills.
 Good managing skills, etc.

Equipment or machine required

As such no special equipment is required by an operation manger except,

 A good IT system
 And a computer

As in todays banking world none of the activites are possible without IT.

Degree of unpleasantness in the day-to-day activities

Not on regular basis but sometimes there is a degree of unpleasantness in the activites that
are being performed. And the reason for this unpleasantness is the problems that he face
while performing his day to day activities like,

 Individual differences and as a result of these differences conflict arises which

really disturb the momentum of activities which are being performed.

 Sometime there are customer related problems which bring disturbance.

 Disputes between management and subordinates.

A good operations manager tries to anticipate problems and set policies in place to deal
with them when or if they do happen. He should also be skilled in dispute resolution and
have the leadership skills to keep other employees focused and working toward mutual

Training programs
NIB bank does arrange training programs. In todays banking world changes are made
frequently. So in order to help the employees to acclimatize to those changes training
programs are very important.

 Service training,
 ATM and operations training,
 Cash handling training etc

Performance Standards
Performance standards are set for every person. And the performance evaluation is totally
based on whether the employees have performed all his duties in accordance with
standards set and Mr. Ali’s performance is also evaluated on these standards.

 Wether all the customer queries have been solved efficiently or not.
 There should not be any case of fraud during the year.
 Wether all the prudential regulations of SBP are being followed correctly or

Compensation packages
As compensation packages are the basic desire of every employee these incentives are
considered encouraging and motivating like

 yearly bonus
 fuel
 Mobile etc.

2. Cash Counter Supervisor

Job Summary

Mr. Wajahat Ali Chowdry is working as Cash Counter Supervisor in NIB bank since
April 2006.And he is responsible for monitoring cash management practices in
accordance with the state’s bank prudential regulations and also ensuring the transparency
of the entire operation of cash management system. As Bank has two main departments
one is Back Office and other is Front End Office this position is of working in Back
office. Sufficient knowledge and skills are required to perform this job.

Basic Information
The basic information that we have gathered through an interview about Cash Counter
Supervisor of NIB Bank working at Sadiqabad Branch, Rawalpindi is as below:

Name : Wajahat Ali Chowdry Department: Operations

Organization Name: NIB Bank Ltd Grade:12

Job title: Cash counter supervisor Salary: Enough to meet day to day

Work Location: Sadiqabad Branch, Job code: N/A


Job Description and Specification

Job time

Mr Wajahat Ali Chowdry is Cash Counter Supervisor in NIB Bank. He is working as a
full time employee (FTE) in NIB bank since April 2006.


He has done his graduation (Bsc) from Punjab University and Masters in Computer
Sciences (MCS) from Hamdard University.


He has a 3 years working experience as a cash counter supervisor.


He has sufficient knowledge about general office procedures including filing and data
entry and also about accounting procedures.


Work devotion, hard work, time management, stress management and product


He has the ability to prioritize daily work with more urgent weekly/monthly/yearly tasks;
to work independently; to interact with others in a courteous and tactful manner; to meet

Job location and Dealing

NIB bank has two main departments. One is back office and the other is front end office.
A back office is a part of most corporations where tasks dedicated to running the
organization itself take place. And front office may refer to Sales and Marketing divisions
of an organization. It may also refer to other divisions in a company that involves
interactions with customers. Mr Wajahat is working in back office of NIB bank.

Work mode

As every one has to work for their own grave but along that I am
running a team of three persons.
And he manages them being the team leader. He supervises them, guides them with his
expertise whenever needed. Also advises them with his experienced insight.

To whom you report
To the operation manger.

Supervising activities
As a supervisor his responsibilities are

 To minimize the risk factor

 To manage the time well
 Capable to lead a team
 To work under pressure
 Supervising counter staff
 Cash management

Overall purpose of the job

Being cash counter supervisor his job is related with,

 Management of cash
 Systems and procedures covering billings and collections
 Monitor and control the flow of cash receipts and disbursements to meet the
banks business and investment needs
 Cash advances
 Cash held at bank.
 Also manage my time and supervise my subordinates.

Major Duties and Responsibilities

As far as his duties and responsibilities are concerned

 Proving myself under stress and guide to my internal and external customers well
 Top priority is to satisfy and please customer. As customer care is the key to
 Check on all cash related operations to ensure the transparency of entire system.
 It is mandatory to follow state’s bank prudential regulations.

Guidelines, Procedures or manuals required

Assistance is very important for every person because it helps in performing activiites
efficiently without any mistakes.

 Books
 Internet
 Especially seniors help out in performing job duties in efficient manner
 SBP Prudential Regulations.

Skills and knowledge required

 Lot of communication skills like oral presentations, writing, listening or
observation skills are required by my job for developing social networks, for
understanding issues and for creative solutions to different type of problems, with
out these skills it becomes very difficult to handle things properly.

 Mathematical aptitude, Stress management, time management and product

knowledge are key to perform is duty well. His job is completely based on all
these things.

 According to him knowledge related to the performance of that comes from

experience and also from training programs. Most importantly he should have
proper knowledge of the Bank’s policy and procedures like wise the knowledge of
SBP Policies and their strict implementation.

Equipment or machine required

Very good IT system is provided for performing our work duties. It helps in resolving
customer queries in lesser time. It has made our work easier. All operations are done in
less time and increased efficiency of whole staff as well.

Degree of unpleasantness in the day-to-day activities

Yes he does come across these types of things. Repulsiveness is there in work but he tries
his best to handle these types of issues with creative solutions, as according to him we are
here to handle and provide our customer the maximum care. And the reason of
unpleasantness is the problems that he faces in his day to day activiites like,

 Majority of the problems are customer related like when they don’t have sufficient
collateral to provide against the loans, some times customers get unable to pay
back the loan, and then we have some techniques to deal with such problems.

 If any body commits fraud while handling cash, this is another big problem for
him being a supervisor because he is answerable to the authorities.etc

Training programs

NIB bank does arrange training programs. In todays banking world changes are made
frequently. So in order to help the employees to acclimatize to those changes training
programs are very important.

 House session for personality development.

 House session for improving communication skills.
 If some latest technology is introduced then training is given to work with new

Performance Standards

His performance is totally evaluated on the basis of whether he has performed all his
duties in accordance with the standards or not. As being a cash supervisor his job is
very complicated because he deals the huge cash transactions. He has to take care that
no mistake should occur while receiving and disbursing cash. He has to make sure
that there should not be any mishandling of cash which can lead to customer problems
or fraud.

Compensation packages

Compensation packages are given to all the employees to increase there efficiency
like bonuses, incentives in form of cash, promotions etc, but they are given according
to our pay grade. Being the cash counter supervisor in this reputed organization he is
given lots of incentives like Fuel, mobile, bonus at end of each year and Car Rental


From this study it is learnt that the,

 Jobs of “operation manger” and “cash counter supervisor” are very important
in the hierarchy of NIB bank.

 They are performing important duties on job which includes handling the banking
activities, supervising the teams, making sure that the bank is working under the
rules and regulations given by State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) and maintaining its
standard and goodwill in the banking industry of Pakistan.

 There are specific skills and personality traits that one has to develop in carrying
out these jobs effectively. During the study it was observed that employees feel
motivated when they are given the incentives and compensation packages. These
factors do influence the efficiency and effectiveness of jobs.

 Another thing that we noticed is that both the employees are supposed to follow
the Prudential Regulations of Pakistan while performing their day to day activities
in order to avoid mistakes.


Interview Questions

Question: 1
Are you regular full time employee or temporary full time employee?
Question: 2

For how long you have been in this job?

Question: 3

What is your background qualification?

Question: 4

What is your job location dealing with indoor or outdoor activities or both?

Question: 5

How many months and/or years of experience needed to acquire the skills necessary to do
your job satisfactorily?

Question: 6

Do you work alone or with a team?

Question: 7

Do you supervise others?

Question: 8

If you supervise others what activities are parts of your supervisory duties?

Question: 9

How many people you supervise?

Question: 10

To whom you report?

Question: 11

Are there any compensation packages or incentives offered to you? If yes please mention.

Question: 12

Are there any communication skills like oral presentations, writing, listening or
observation skills are required by your job?

Question: 13

What is the over all purpose of your job?

Question: 14

Are there any performance standards that your are required to follow?

Question: 15

What are your main duties and responsibilities?

Question: 16

What skills and knowledge is required for your job?

Question: 17

Is there some degree of unpleasantness in the day-to-day activities of your job?

Question: 18

Is there any special equipment or machine that is required for performing your work

Question: 19

What guidelines, procedures or manuals assist you in carrying out your job duties?

Question: 20

Describe some typical problems that you generally solve on your own using your
experience and expertise?

Question: 21
Are there any training programs arranged to help you out in performing your duties with
the ease?


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