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Smoking and Disease

1. Tar:-
Settles on the lining of the airways.
Stimulates goblet cells and mucous glands to enlarge and secrete
excessive mucus.
Inhibits the cleaning action of cilia by destroying most of it or paralysing
Contains carcinogens which stimulate mutation to cause Lung Cancer.
EFFECT- Mucus accumulates in which bacteria, dirt and viruses are
collected. Scar tissues and smooth muscles thickening cause the airway
to become narrower. Infections develop in the mucus causing
inflammation (Bronchitis/Chronic Bronchitis).

Symptoms—severe cough, breathlessness.
Continuous inflammation stimulates phagocytes to leave the blood and
line the airways. To do so, they release an enzyme, elastase, which
destroys elastin in the walls of the alveoli. With reduced amount of
elastin, the alveolar walls do not stretch and recoil much during
breathing. This causes the bronchioles to collapse trapping air in the
alveolus, making them burst (Emphysema). It reduces the surface area
for gas exchange. Heavy coughing from bronchitis can also physically
damage the alveolar walls.
2. Carbon monoxide:-
Diffuses into blood and binds with Hb more readily. Hb has a higher
affinity towards carbon monoxide.
EFFECT- Reduces the carrying capacity of oxygen of Hb causing
deficiency in oxygen for cells. As a result blood pressure increases.
Increased blood flow can damage the linings of the coronary and carotid
arteries which can lead to the build up of Atheroma (cholesterol, fibres,
dead muscle cells and platelets), causing Atherosclerosis.
Atherosclerosis in coronary arteries causes Coronary Heart Disease
(Angina, Heart attack, Heart failure). Atherosclerosis in the carotid
arteries cause them to burst. As a result blood leaks out and spread over
the brain in a particular area. The brain tissue in that area is starved of
oxygen supply and dies (Stroke).

Symptoms—unable to control body parts(paralysis),
dizziness, slurred speech, confusion, blurred vision, loss of vision.
3. Nicotine:-
Drug which is readily absorbed by blood and travels to brain.
EFFECT- Stimulates nervous system to reduce the diameter of arterioles
and increase the secretion of adrenaline. This increases the heart rate
and blood pressure. There is a decrease in blood supply to the
extremities of body. It also increases the stickiness of platelets increasing
the risk of blood clot.
Causes Cardiovascular diseases (Stroke, Atherosclerosis, Coronary Heart
4. Carcinogens:- For example benzpyrene or phenol, cause mutation in
genes to stimulate uncontrolled cell divisions leading to the formation of
a mass of cells, tumour, which leads to lung cancer.

The process of atherosclerosis restricts the flow of blood increasing the risk of
blood to clot and form a thrombus.

Formation of Atheroma – Atherosclerosis

Formation of Thrombus – Thrombosis

Low Density Lipoproteins tend to deposit its cholesterol in tissues.

High Density Lipoproteins tend to remove cholesterol from tissues.

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