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Maria Yoh is a famous fotographer, she will go to Pillaro in January for a special reason: the
Diablada of Pillaro and its devils. These are not common devils, they are colorful and happy
devils, they like to dance and make jokes. Maria will take a plane from Lima to Quito, and then
she will take a bus that will leave her in Pillaro. Ms Yoh works for Ayllu Magazine, and she will
take lots of pictures of the devils for an article about traditions of Ecuador. Before her trip, her
boss recommended her to make a little research about, and one of her partners gave her this
short note:
“If you ever go to Pillaro, Tungurahua, in Januray, you will probably see these colorful
characters. Yes, they are devils, but they won’t hurt you. Pillaro’s devils will prefer to dance with
you and show you the beautiful city of Pillaro.
Every year, the dwellers of Pillaro will make these awesome masks using wood and animal
horns. The masks are part of Ecuadorian cultural patrimony, and they are also the proud of the
people of Pillaro. I can asure you that if you ever ask a person wearing one of these masks
during La Diablada, he will surely tell you that he made the mask himself.”
Maria is very excited about this trip; she will definitely enjoy it. After the Diablada, Maria will
have a free week and she will use it to visit as many cities as she can. Her friends recommended
her to visit Alausi and take the train, so she will definitely put it on her bucket list.


Dweller: Someone who live in a certain place.

Recommend: To suggest.
1. Answer the questions with complete sentences.

Where is Pillaro?

What is the name of the main character?

What will she do in Pillaro?

What will Maria do after the Diablada?

2. Match the pictures with the actions.

Will go from Lima

to Quito.

Will go to the

Will go from Quito

to Pillaro.

Will dance and make

3. Choose the materials of which the masks are made of.

____ Paper

___ Wool
___ Wood
___ Animal bones
___ Animal horns
___ Plastic
4. Choose the correct answer.

Diablada of Pillaro takes places in June / January.

Maria works for a magazine / newspaper called Ayllu.
Maria is from Ecuador / Peru.
Her partner / boss recommended Maria to do a little research.
Pillaro is located in Pichincha / Alausi / Tungurahua.
5. Choose True or False.

Maria Yoh is a photographer. TRUE / FALSE

The Diablada is part of Peruvian cultural patrimonial. TRUE / FALSE
Maria will take a plane from Quito to Lima. TRUE / FALSE
Dwellers of Pillaro make their own masks. TRUE / FALSE
Maria will go to Alausi before she goes to Pillaro. TRUE / FALSE

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