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ee 20 angst 1908 + Yompiete Rostor, Submission of fF mesantet ener Aosaquivtert, ail ipgine Sy rept 2 mt 2g, Altgnes toto 48 tho ammloto rostor of "ng uangh venastiea® duly aévtitiod te by a9 96 0 copy of tho soster oF chie wante kanazitn 02 Deemer 196, ie Tuxther attzohol documents aro truo ooptoe of tho omore attadhe tng "Ang Kanigs Hetil tua" t tm PAsth Davairy Hosieoat, 5, Tho submission ce this rostor 42 delayed becwusos a, On ov Shoat Aprii 4945, 1 vas ofstctelly tafomod that fang Hatign urharditn” hed boon 'sooognd tou az of 11 sobraney 1946 Inssmuoh 81 A aopy of tho ortgtual somtor of this whit nas beam i Seat to tho dls, SEL my Back in 1948, 1b eno bollorod that mere } WAS no neoonotty for sulmitting tha sane fo ayzvovele b; 12 the tise days of Dosobor 1944, 1 preeonded to the | Houtein Zroringo on su intelticcaae clseion ier denon hasten Hauas, ‘he Landings in Lingyen, Fangnsdson, ec off my mates ' to ay orn ongiaisttion, i'een attached to tho ats Gree WUFIR, Ki, since 12 Deoomer Odds tain wilt war one taey i 4m Suote “lasaye sot Zaebata tn tao oagngan Yadley co nl dn Gormantotionn to ce foon tale mat ware cut, sen the Japon | | {2 beson vitatsew to tho Osgazan Valiays the dts tnateeas eae le feerouniod by iho cueey sp hte moat of split wane Sy 1 | riared to Gis, Uaivie, Mi, up spaasen, vesns ue Unione tae | | wediatety royeeatot xy’ voldaae fron dotacine earviey teh’ { Jogueat wan doniod by tha 040, USAEIE, Wl. Nor was ay royuent SF louvo catortaines, Me 1 bed Lot contact with the cfciocre ant nau of wy matt nat the ortgtve) rontor ond otter pipere of tha orpinisation 2 ‘wore Parted ncumuhore in uontle, I sioue know the ivention thareos, 4;, ina wy ce thense std mt rogate 0 pepars of cao ormaimtion, Yafe Haschso dings, hond of tho ppepial Inteldn + Milee acct ok, woking ct Gonnaad ing Oftier, susmified @ nostes \ of tee Aenaraiia Wait in Banter Panguedn vies fe mus thee : BEGEBAINA 00 aatassvoaa [ric | ‘operat ings Inasmdh oo this roster inoluded only, the zon ‘operating in Pangasinc, it was insomphotoy hin inocmplote roster 44 he dovuscnt nov on ‘ilo ct the Hosdguaxtors, ailippino Amy, 4, tho following information about this oxganization is eubmitted: 8, this onganizaid on hae boon in eyexation since 1 Deconber 1042,” Regist that tho vogords of tho Guz Seetion, SUZ bo cote Suited on this mattor, attention 2 epatslly aniict to tho compilation ontitled "ino Aietary of tho Leaiataze Hovonsnt in the Muilippi2o9” in which this gurrilie osganization wae dondt om cad its sotivitios desoribods De Wen I Loft the hosdgwaztore of this oxgualsation in aside on § Soptonbox 1946, Gays Pacition 4. daro0s, Exooutive Officer, mn Mio wit, congoataating on intoiLigouod ond sabotage work, ©. On #8 deauney 1968, a mep Of GoteLicd cummy dofonso ime tatiations in the oily of Mantle we dieyataned ios the need ave of thie ongentzabion, It was ordored to be dozivored fee §1th Divieion aolumn vhich wae thon roving torards Jantley The four couriers bearing tho map aLippol thro ihe own Lines faremd tho ofty ‘md provooded to tho Anovicnn coluane ho firat Anerieen salt contated was the en Platoon, "" dow Inte, BPth Div. undor 1, Kenkamaky, After vortsication of idem tity, tho map tubuitted by the courlors was soopptod and trans mitted to tho Ge of tho Wshaviikn Later that the Auerfoan troops ontoxingmnila Redisod depiioate oopioe of tho map autmitted ty our non. TE was the first mip suletttod designating ondmy dofensos in Zanita in dota. 7 a, On 5 Fobxwaxy 1946, closmnte of tho ab Guve2ry, Vai ane bored uatecigan Fedeoc, On & Tebxuszy 1945, ooouts of tho Mahase Ales anit operating on tho uorth benie of tha Ferig Rivor contacted | Depts Fowaman, Oth Heck. Kegs, 18% Gare, USA. he non wore Adentistol ¢xé tetsctd fo thie Anerioon walt, ‘IntolLigorgo wae fmubmitted wed the ogn Wal for patrolLirg weit we operations 4m Manta wero ovore E, A grave Injostiee han bocn coumittod agaiurt many offtoors ant pon of the Daburiixe hoensse white tho nin Lis $o2 asea 1. to renter fof tao Sass Pangasinan Unit evo boon granied tioix guerzi1i8 winks, thom mosboxe of tho keharlika mh nef garved iin onnksabion #in0e Ite start of opaetione in 1t2 end who wore not incited sn tho op proved roster of tho Sash Zagisisin Unit nara uot boda Oxeadied Wie | peezzan se agnatssvI9n0 ad Seay 14. etloiy ity cankansky ocmented to to offtoem DECLASSINISD Astor NIIDES A eeogition of thelr proper weaks, 5 Request therefore that tho complote rostor of “Ang ign BabarLita” bo opproved ani this oxgantzation be given reoognitions AOD jor, Ineantay, ‘emnaaing 1st Ind HEADQUARTERS LGAP, 4P0 301, 16 Septonber 1945 ‘10s Lt Gol James W Davis, Guer Coordinator, Lac, 4PO 198 Returned with the following information and comments? a, April Roster of ang Mga Mehartten; Raat Pangasinan, earliest submitted to this Hq, enclosed. ‘This outfit was recognized 11 February 1945. b, Par 3 b. 1s contradictory in itself, 9 “landings at Lingayen Gulf eut off my return to organization". However, he atchd hinself to USAl ML 12 December 1944, only a fou days after he ar rived in that area.’ Landings a month later could not have influenced his abandoning his outfit and attaching hinsolf to another guorrilla organization, ©. Suggest inquiry into veracity of par 4 a. and authority of Perdinan! 3. Marcos to organize guerrillas and commission his om officers} also check-up of papers in support of subpars 4c, & 4 d. 4, Further suggest caso bo referred to la) Harciso Ramos, now Congressman, for his consent and explanation re par 3 d. basic communication, 2, Aftor 911 the foregoing are complied with, ease may bo fofwrrdéd to HPA for such action as is Necessary in the promi: ie : Major, Infantry, AUS Inelst, os Soeler Tne/ my Gommanding Ang Fee Clabes be Papert on | BEDEBIAINA ev ‘aanatss¥ Tone g DECLASSUNED uorty A ange 1965 = Vingiads ‘bogota: Baws major Ae GunprtLin Units AO BO EALATLAs (Bondyuortors) ere Pt = tan an mene b| thie cae oR ETE 8 . He i Ue be A i af Hail 2,22 22 33 29724242433 $2822 22 aes 2° 3" 333 3 33, s.aans PEPTPPEeEey| f RE23 A naan er ii aT 3 33 i cee HE HE: HL? sara “2 42324 oe a2. 332 He THEE HE: ga3_4432. ay 2 3 ; "3 iat HEB aa paaed as 3 Pare i i a) 3828223343 p3z343 bussszan talaga 2228 32 SRR228% 2 2 3 ainanige, at fae id A till hulp A ati TEERREETEREEEESS ESSE SARTRE Adasasteegasdstasssadadd aseas saaea gd t Hiv t i sere eee 3 dha a yer + ‘aataissv os DECLASSIFIED Assos - #ae 7a servos with quorriiiee a jerome a3 utuazuneied ne HAHA et a ad ue bt | Sas tHtdae HEH Hass HELA ai gk 2H? 2? a3" 2 ages : aatatssvTon patllltabifty babi y thi, biota ta Hiatal a TA tv REREREREREERE A4dddddddddddidadaddddddgdsssssa ag ssaddddddtadssddsaies y DECLASSIFIED ‘Auaborty iy re ol Feveatececeearanatnnnangntayt ania . , 3 SENHA 4 na : g sy ib SUA hay 1 ae ' ity hn al es Haat He a hentutile ~ '| EREEEEEE Henle a 4 SedigaseeasasgdagdiiiatN F emanate a Autbority fasaanaastaiit sti’ g 2 3 HAHAH Ha TA na Aahidddtdtids ommouns septein,Snmatey ama ice ‘aatnssv19: “yee seco enn on te NDE a ab uAsRaR 2B OAL a0. * = my 1945 miso: Attnonnont cedorss > Gomeading “f¢ioor, AKO MANGA WAKANLIKA GUGERILIA UHTRy Le Zereuant to authority oontoined 41 1ettor Youdyuartors Sixth Amayy Supjoot! "Prominent, Tov0gsi ton, wo, srpply ant oteyosition of GwnrriLie Unten dated S kay 1948, tho ANG WU BANAILIIA GUIRLLLA UNIT 48 ploood under the ooatrel of #1hm Covatry Roginont By eedor of Roginantat Comcior? sangan ang Garaary R mage: oe? ye & ungor, Lasatay, Be 1005 ANG MANOA MARTI fa “BEEBE Soe canara \ WauE "ancHaTA, ; Donato 0. GASIANO, Francisco SANA Florentino Constantine M, ULOY, MAUARADLO, tLfredo U. GLAVIDES, "Felipe RODRI LIBERO,‘ orlos Santos, Guay," Drapeto, a3uAM, Victorians AL 8, a hh cugpin, garique Rope SaNDat Bugenio D, » Ambrosio YENTURA; Teodoro ‘XLARDE, ABERIN, Gristino Ruz, be GonPts, aero vontand! autor, cuzin, Tabor agano, 40, maxiom,, opaita, PELE, POLIDO, ay Pd ‘Tgnedio dro dele Silverio lia, Maxino Adorable ‘Agapito de Ata ‘mando ‘hoyaundo. Artemio ‘Isidore 'gildo Juanite DECLASSUAKD Abority MIDE. 2075 USAFFR LUZON GUERALLLA ARMY FORCES PANGASINAN MILITARY AREA x | Released - BEGEBSANAL 0 agnatss¥vTona DATS 18/4/45) t t | t 1 | t 18/4/45) : 1 1 t 1 1 ‘REMARKS AWOL 4=20-41 __ mums Atorty Ge a Bente an & Sama, 0 8 bae Pita, St Stand to : ee bee Be te te ALIWORONG, ATrreao ieee rie, i ta ens 0, Benjamin a Ginic, trios Bert ee GAOILE, ipotonto CAOILE, Rsteban Bstaaiiz0, Florencio Been ESTEBAN, Honorio. yh, Franco enti Fe Fast iitin Pe Moolas LzAtDb, Doninco Set tree Sea ci FLORES, Marcelo a cect Ta 5 Hui, Vietoriano nti WARABE, Honorio UARABZ, Pontaleon manag, Papuha Pagan. PALIS, PALES PusCUL, liartano Pannand, Yictorio sebto earto RAYO3, Domingo ssrGbeacsere222¥ans2 t 1 1 1 1 1 1 { i 1 t 1 ! ! ! Yayo 1 ! ! 1 1 1Roleasea 1 !Raleased 1 ' ! ! I 1 1 1 ‘ 1 1 ! ! ! ! ' ! 1 1 ! : 1 ! It ! ! ! ! 1 ! 1 1 1 1 Q 1 1 i 1 ! 1 1 ! 1 1 1 ! 1 a Ea 1 1 te | BEDEBRANGT 0 assvioa AWOL 20-44) ANOL 20=4=4) a88 a 200baAS sexontosrmeni sms DECLASSIFIED ‘Autor NUDES 207 eas WAS para | REMARKS aaa Te et 1 1 t t 98: stmobigo, Taeronso ft 1 1 1 123+ S015, bnestine ta 1 ! Sontako, Genaro #o Bit 1 1 1 ‘TOMBAGA, Marcos j ae 1 1 LawoL, 20/4/45 URBANO, "Dionisio wot ! . 1 URBANO) Cirilo a I ! 1 GUITOS, Toottio 1 t ! ! BLT) Jan ist 1 1 1 Vaiased, Jose PAG oy { 1 1 VRLORIA, Lauro Aa 4 1 ' tawoL 20/4/45 Wwoibs’elicione to" I 1 1 fs 4 llarealo Yuet 1 1 1 Muy ices ot st 1 1 1 MATEO, Amado ee 1 ! 1 Submitted by: Sap: Dowato 9. aNcmETa CO, MAHARLIKA, Pita UskrFZ-LoaP CERTIFIED TRUE COPY: Hq | BERBNANT me aamsissvoaa

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