Phy2 Q3

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Question 3: Two moles of an ideal monatomic gas go through the cycle abc.

For the complete

cycle, 800 J of heat flows out of the gas. Process ab is at constant pressure, and process bc is at
constant volume. States a and b have temperatures Ta = 200 K and Tb = 300 K. (a) Sketch the all
possible pV-diagrarns for the cycle. (b) What is the work W for the process ca?


Qnet= -800 J,
U= 0 (cyclic process)
Because U= Q-W => Qnet= Wnet = -800 J
 Sense of cycle will be anti-clockwise

 For a  b, P= constant => V T

Vb Tb V b 300
 = => = => Vb = 1.5 Va
V a Ta V a 200
So, Va= V0 , Vb= 1.5 V0

 For b  c, V= constant => Vb=VC=1.5 V0

 For c  a, PV => P=k.V

 Line c-> a will pass through origin

P c V c 1.5 Vo
= = => Pc=1.5 Pa, Pa=P0 , Pc=1.5 P0
Pa V a Vo


(b) Wnet= -800 J

|Wnet| = Area enclosed by the curve
 800 = ( 0.5V0)(0.5 P0)
 P0V0= 6400
|Wca|= Area under the curve
= (a+b).h
= (P0+1.5 P0)(0.5V0)

1 1
|Wca|= *2.5*0.5*P0V0 = *2.5*0.5*6400 = 4000 J
2 2
Wca = - 4000 J

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