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Draw a DNA nucleotide: Name the 4 DNA bases and the base pairs:

Thymine - T
Cytosine – C

Adenine - A
Guanine – G


Compare eukaryotic and prokaryotic DNA:

Prokaryotic Eukaryotic

Stored in one long, circular DNA ring Linear DNA

Smaller than Eukaryotic DNA Larger than Prokaryotic DNA

NO Associated Proteins Associated with proteins

DOES NOT form Chromosomes Forms Chromosomes

No non coding DNA in plasmid Contains introns and mini satellites

What do the following terms mean?

Intron Degenerate
Non coding DNA in genes Each codon codes for more than one amino acid

Codon Mini-satellite
Triplet code Non coding DNA between genes

Genome Proteome
The complete set of genes required to build a is the complete set of proteins produced by the
functional organism. genome at any one time.

Explain DNA replication:

1. DNA Helicase (enzyme) ‘unzips’ DNA by breaking the H bonds between the bases
2. DNA nucleotides now base -pair with exposed bases on the two separate strands
3. DNA Polymerase (enzyme) joins together these new nucleotides to form a new strand
4. You end up with two copies of DNA. Each have 1 original strand of DNA and 1 new strand of DNA

Draw a diagram to explain the Meselson and Stahl experiment:

Compare and contrast DNA and RNA

Both polymers called nucleic acid

Both have monomers nucleotides
Both have C, G, A

Dna differences
Double stranded
Has T, and no U
Has sugar deoxyribose

Rna differences
Single stranded
Has U, and no T
Has sugar ribose

Draw a condensation reaction to show the production of ATP:

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