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Aquatic Biodiversity of Lake Mainit, Southern Philippines

Submitted in partial fulfillment for the

subject Bio104C General Ecology

Lumictin, Rica Mae S.

December 29, 2021


Lake Mainit is the Philippines' fourth largest lake, according to Tumanda's ecological
assessment. It is an oligotrophic lake with good transparency and substantial nutrient supply
to maintain high production. Lake Mainit is one of the healthiest lakes in the Philippines,
with well-oxygenated freshwater of outstanding quality for domestic use. Lake Mainit is a
limited commodity of the provinces of Agusan del Norte and Surigao del Norte in
Northeastern Mindanao, and is surrounded on all sides by eight municipalities that make up
the Lake Mainit Watershed. It is called Mainit (hot) Lake because since the water is warm not
only because of the heat of the sun, but also because it has two sources of hot springs. As a
result of the region's fast economic and social development, the lake's productivity and
biodiversity have become sensitive to a variety of environmental and human stress factors. A
replenishment of fish, invertebrates, and aquatic vegetation found in Lake Mainit and its
single exhaust river, the Kalinawan, was conducted in order to create a comprehensive
description and status of the lake's biodiversity, which will be beneficial in updating the Lake
Mainit Development Plan to ensure the lake's resources are used sustainably.


The goal of this research is to identify the Lake Mainit's aquatic diversity and to
describe the value of biodiversity as a source of various biological resources. This research
also tries to determine the various species and ecosystems that aid biodiversity in meeting the
ecosystem's many needs. Aside from that, the study's overall goal is to assess the biotic and
abiotic factors of Lake Mainit in order to fully comprehend the lake's biodiversity, as well as
the biotic and abiotic conditions of the Lake Mainit ecosystem that are influenced by human
activities and how humans will benefit from it. This study also examines how people interact
with the environment and how they manage it in order to preserve a high-quality lake and
meet its demands. In the particular interest is how individuals address environmental issues
and difficulties.
Ecosystem Assessment through Literature Reviews

Freshwater resources such as lakes, rivers, streams, reservoirs, ponds, marshes, and
swamps are dispersed throughout the Philippines' major islands. The physical, chemical, and
biological characteristics of Lake Mainit were assessed as a step to understand the nature of
the lake as an environment. According to Tumanda, M., Roa et al. (2003) The lake
characteristics that were investigated included morphology, bathymetry, visibility, vertical
temperature dissolved oxygen profile, bacterial load profile and the vertical variations of
nutrients in the lake basin including those coming from river tributaries. Results from echo
soundings and other processed data indicated that Lake Mainit has a surface area of 149.865
km2 and a water volume of 18.3556 km3. Maximum depth was estimated at 219.35 m with
mean depth of about 122.48 m. Crytodepression of Lake Mainit was estimated at 198 m.
Coastline length was estimated at 50 km. Lake Mainit has the good quality of water that
freshwater is well-oxygenated and of great quality to supply, it is one of the cleanest lakes in
the Philippines and is used for residential purposes. It was stated by Paylangco, J. (2020), that
Lake Mainit is a unique biodiversity area characterized by having various biodiversity

The lake is primarily used for several commercial fisheries as a source of livelihood.
According to the study of Punongbayan, 2003, Lake Mainit that is characterized generally by
elongated shape and deep bathymetric contour profile. The formation of Lake Mainit was
aided by the growth of Kapalaian Volcano that now defines its northern boundary. But this
ecosystem has limits and faces its different challenges, the Lake Mainit is currently facing
threats from several anthropogenic activities such as mining, unsustainable fishing practices,
the use of agrochemicals and the increase of human settlements that might worsen the
problem. The state of freshwater quality and its impact are being monitored. The biodiversity-
ecosystem can be carried out using the use of bioindicator species that live there Because of
their sluggish mobilization, long life span, and sensitivity to environmental changes,
tolerance, and contamination, aquatic macroinvertebrates are biological indicators used to
evaluate specific pollutants in the aquatic environment.
Species Diversity

Lake Mainit contains different kind of species that makes the lake home and take care
to its kind and population, the Lake Mainit contains different kinds of species diversity under
the flora and fauna. The lake is the haven of several commercial species of fish that are a
source of livelihood of fishermen around the lakeshore. According to Uy et al. (2015), a total
of 41 species of fish, 5 crustaceans, 8 mollusks and 14 species of aquatic plants were
identified in the lake. Some of them are either migratory or were introduced by the Bureau of
Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR) or by some private individuals to augment the fish
stocks in the lake. This different kinds of fishes and other organism living in the Lake Mainit
have a huge factor in maintain the good quality of the Lake and its biodiversity, this
difference in species diversity across time could be attributed to a number of factors. Some
species may have become locally extinct due to overfishing or the increased prominence of
introduced or exotic species (such as tilapia, carp, and catfish). The apparent increase in
species diversity of fish in Lake Mainit could be due to the migratory nature of many species
that follow different temporal patterns. At least 11 of the 41 finfish species (27%) identified
in the lake are freshwater fish and the rest 73%) are mostly migratory fish that either enter
freshwater bodies or move out to sea at certain parts of their life cycle in order to spawn
(Pauly et al. 1990). Many of these species have a wide range of habitats in which they live,
Lakes, rivers, estuaries, lagoons, and creeks along the shore. The vast majority of these fish
were captured at an advanced stage.

While in the flora of the Lake Mainit, according to Uy et al, (2015), A total of
fourteen (14) species of aquatic plants classified into six submersed and eight floating and
emergent plants are found in Lake Mainit. All submersed plants form extensive underwater
meadows with the exception of the duck lettuce Ottelia alismoides. A common aquatic plant
is Vallisneria sp., locally called lusay akin to the marine eelgrass, which is found growing in
clear water along the shore together with Hydrilla verticillata, Najas graminea and
Ceratophyllum sp. Hydrilla, known locally as dugman, grows quite extensively as
monospecific mats with average cover of 86%, particularly in Alegria and Jabonga along the
mouth of Kalinawan river and Hydrilla has been reported to be a noxious plant in
Washington Bay (Winterton & Scher, 2007), its ability to form extensive mats making the
bottom anoxic. This knowledge is important in lakes where the water is generally still, as
opposed to rivers with a strong current. Because dugman is a fast-growing plant, it may
compete for space in the lake with other plant species.
Climatic data for the Lake Mainit region are characteristic of the southeastern coasts
of the Philippines. No other records are available from near the lake, but regular records are
kept at Surigao, 44 km north of Mainit Dr. William M. Lewis Jr. (1973). It was also stated by
Lewis (1973) during his study that there is considerable variation between years, the 30-year
record of rainfall and temperature for Surigao clearly illustrates the trend toward heavy
rainfall and low temperature. A combination of dryer weather and higher mean temperatures
(luring other months, especially June through Septcmber. Mean annual rainfall is 318 cnii
year and mean air temperature (average of daily maximum and minimum temperatures) is
26.Y "C. The complexity of the ecosystem is influenced by the water quality in the lake
littoral zone. Lake Mainit is a big range of water and its quality, the surface temperature
range of Lake Mainit is between 27.00oC - 30.66oC. According to Tumanda, M., Roa, E.,
Gorospe, J. G., Daitia, M. T., Dejarme, S. M., & Gaid, R. (2003).

It is perceived to be complex due to presence of hot springs in the northern and

eastern part of the lake and possibly within the lake as shown by temperature anomalies. The
vertical water temperature range in Lake Mainit is between 26. 60oC - 30.66oC.
Depthtemperature data indicated that Lake Mainit is stratified. Secchi visibility was used to
assess the visibility of Lake Mainit, and it was discovered that Secchi disk visibility is a
measure of water clarity that is linked to photic depth. The municipality of Mainit, which
includes the municipalities of Kitcharao and Alegria, has very limited visibility near rice
fields. Visibility is better in areas distant from tributaries. Lake Mainit as observed by Lewis
(1973) at a Secchi depth of 2.6 m was noted in this study at 13 m. The result would mean that
the 1% PAR in Lake Mainit was 5 times the Secchi depth although in natural waters the 1%
PAR was generally between 2-5 times the Secchi depths (Lind, 1979). This abiotic factor aids
the Lakes biotic factor, which is dependent on natural resources, particularly the quality of
water, because it is an aquatic ecosystem, and water quality and temperature are two of the
most important abiotic factors for the species in the ecosystem. Low salinity, temperature,
sunshine, and soil composition are all essential abiotic elements in lakes that generally
needed by the Lakes and other aquatic ecosystem, this ecosystem's needs must be met in
order to meet the ecosystem's basic requirements. The less sunshine (another abiotic
component) the ocean receives the deeper you go. Because sunlight penetrates more of the
water layers, a shallower lake will have a greater variety of plant and animal life.
Environmental Problem and Impacts

The Problem
Lakes and reservoirs are becoming increasingly significant as the most reliable
suppliers of enormous volumes of water all throughout the planet. For large water consumers
such as cities and industrial centers, lakes and reservoirs are more appealing water supplies
than rivers and underground water. Man-made lakes today are equivalent to freshwater
natural lakes in terms of size, number, and dispersion. The diminishing of fish catch, fish
deformity and contamination, water pollution due to inappropriate waste management and the
existence of rice farms along the lake, and the capture of wild birds are among the significant
challenges. The researchers went on to say that some of the persons they spoke with indicated
they had a hard time catching fish, that some of the fish they caught had skin problems, and
that others had malformed bodies, which they suspected were caused by chemical
contamination. Some of the people they spoke with thought that water pollution from mining
chemicals was the cause of the fish's skin disease and bodily distortion. It was also
discovered that the Magpayang River, which flows from Tubod barangays and Mainit areas
and is one of the primary tributary rivers to Lake Mainit, has unusually black water.

According to several of the locals they spoke with, the Greenstone Mining
Corporation, which is based in Barangay Siana, Mainit, Surigao del Norte, may contribute to
water pollution by dumping processed waste at night. Tillage from the mining operation
could overflow into rivers and lakes. They claimed that, despite the fact that this was heresy,
the facts needed to be validated. Rice fields along the lake was also identified as a problem
that have some effect to lake pollution. They assumed that most of the farmers applied
inorganic fertilizers and pesticides that brought chemicals to lake. There were discharges
from other possible sources of pesticides in the Lake Mainit but their detection could have
been influenced by the occasional drainage from agricultural lands. It is also possible that
certain pesticides present in Lake Mainit is due to rice field and other fields that uses
inorganic pesticides that cause a pollution to the water. The absence of pesticides from the
sediment samples may also be attributed to the people’s awareness of the effects of pesticides
to the aquatic environment. he presence of activities which include timber poaching, kaingin,
illegal logging, small-scale and large-scale mining, use of agro-chemical fertilizers in rice
paddies adjacent to the lake, settlement near the lake and unsustainable fishing practice
currently threatening the sustainability of the Lake Mainit KBA’s ecological integrity

The Impact

This problem has a significant influence on the people who live in the area, and it has
a particularly negative impact on the ecosystem. The key issue that has a significant influence
on the people is pollution, which can have a negative impact on the health of the people who
live in the area and use water for essential purposes. This has a significant impact on
sustaining the people's good health. Since Lake Mainit is an aquatic ecosystem, the residents
who live in the vicinity rely on the lake for their livelihood, which is fishery. As a result of
the pollution, many species have been harmed, as well as the people's way of life. Lake
Mainit exhibits the typical characteristics of a threatened fisheries resource: biodiversity loss,
high fishing pressure, unsustainable fishing gear and methods, declining fish catch and catch-
per-unit-effort, decreasing size of fish caught, and marginal or meager fisher incomes barely
enough to meet basic daily needs such as food, health, and children's education.
Environmental and human factors have threatened the biodiversity and productivity of the
Lake in recent decades, many fishes are damage.

Many species are caught in progressively smaller sizes, resulting in lower economic
value and hence, marginal fisher incomes. Pollution, unsustainable fishing practices, high
fishing pressure, and lack of enforcement of fisheries policies have drastically reduced the
annual fish catch. Considering the Lake Mainit has a rice field this also cause a negative
impact to the resident and especially in Lake Mainit ecosystem. Chemicals used to grow and
produce rice in the area run into the lake, causing damage to aquatic species. It is major
concern also the water pollution due to unproper way of waste disposal to people, Trash
pollution in water bodies has been widespread and caused serious consequences for the
ecosystem and livelihood of people. In terms of water quality control, trash generated from
human activities might be identified as litter, debris, rubbish, or refuse. Currently, trash is
easily found in rivers, lakes, beaches and seas. The lack of and insufficient infrastructure,
management systems, management institutions, and human resources who handle waste, as
well as low awareness and community participation, have been blamed for widespread
rubbish disposal to aquatic bodies. In fact, the impacts of pollution on water bodies have been
widely reported, such as causing illness, water dysfunction, endangering aquatic life, flood,
erosion and infrastructure damage.
Summary and Conclusion

Lake Mainit is the Philippines' fourth largest lake, according to Tumanda's ecological
assessment. It is an oligotrophic lake with good transparency and substantial nutrient supply
to maintain high production. The purpose of this study is to determine the aquatic diversity of
Lake Mainit and to assess the significance of biodiversity as a source of various biological
resources. The lake is primarily used for several commercial fisheries as a source of
livelihood, The lake characteristics that were investigated included morphology, bathymetry,
visibility, vertical temperature dissolved oxygen profile, bacterial load profile and the vertical
variations of nutrients in the lake basin including those coming from river tributaries. the
Lake Mainit is currently facing threats from several anthropogenic activities such as mining,
unsustainable fishing practices, the use of agrochemicals and the increase of human
settlements that might worsen the problem. The state of freshwater quality and its impact are
being monitored.

The area is considered a moderately high in terms of biodiversity status with high
endemicity status which is noteworthy for conservation and protection. Most of these
threatened species were distributed in all sampling sites but diminishing in numbers due to
natural and several anthropogenic activities thus these areas worth conserving and preserving
for future use. Constant monitoring should be implemented to help alleviate and mitigate the
current issue of water quality status. The uncontrolled introduction and accumulation of fine
materials into the lake which cannot drain outside is already a threat to the integrity of the
lake. This should be an immediate concern for policy makers as it can result to a situation
where it would be very difficult to manage. Future management effort should also include
information drive to farmers regarding the use of pesticides and fertilizers. The right amount
and the timing of application and draining must be stressed so that Cd and pesticide pollution
in the lake will be prevented. The study also indicated that biological pollution in Lake
Mainit is not serious and confined only within a small part of the water body. It should be
emphasized, however, that the bacteriological analysis of water conducted in the Lake is very
limited in terms of temporal and spatial coverage. Ecosystem-based management approaches,
such as improving water quality, regulation of mining and fishing activities, and promotion of
sustainable livelihoods, are recommended in conserving the aquatic diversity of the lake and
its environs.


Lake Mainit is also an important habitat to a highly diverse community of freshwater

invertebrates and vegetation. The preservation of the ecosystem's various diversity is critical
in order for the ecosystem to last for many years and for the species living in the ecosystem to
stay and improve their kind of species. Lake Mainit is also an important habitat to a highly
diverse community of freshwater invertebrates and vegetation, many of them important and
iconic, such as the Indian lotus N. nucifera or paguse whose ecological and economic
importance is yet to be evaluated. On the other hand, the uncontrolled growth of the water
hyacinth, Echornia crassipes, particularly along its tributary and outlet rivers, can lead to
seasonal backflows and flooding episodes along the lake margins that can severely affect the
livelihoods of lakeshore settlements. Increased siltation and pollution from mining activities
and open access fisheries are among the most serious environmental concerns that threaten
the sustainability of Lake Mainit’s biodiversity.

Ecosystem-based management approaches, such as improving water quality,

regulation of mining and fishing activities, andpromotion of sustainable livelihoods, are
recommended in conserving the aquatic diversity of the lake and its environs. Strengthening
inter-LGU cooperation under the Lake Mainit Development Alliance (LMDA) paramount in
implementing sustainable management for this critical ecosystem. Other species make the
earth habitable for humans. Say there’s a species in the planet if you destroy half the
individuals of that species, you’ve got a whole lot less pest control going on. There’s also the
intrinsic value of non-human life. These are living beings that we have shared the planet with
for millennia. They have just the same right to existence that we do. They are species that our
parents and their parents stewarded and cared for, looked at in wonder, and enjoyed. Ours
will be the first generation that failed in that stewardship duty. For the successful
management and conservation of the Lake the participation of everybody is needed to
conserve the aquatic ecosystem to sustain the earth’s biodiversity, we’ll need new protections
and better enforcement of the existing ones. We have about a decade to achieve urgent,
transformative change.
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