In This Denomination Each Congregation Is Regarded As: When Would Be A Good Substitute For ?

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While the

synonyms autonomous and free are close
in meaning, autonomous stresses
independence in matters pertaining
to self-government.
in this denomination each
congregation is regarded as autonomous
When would independent be a good
substitute for free?
In some situations, the
words independent and free are roughly
equivalent. However, independent implies
a standing alone; applied to a state it
implies lack of connection with any
other having power to interfere with
its citizens, laws, or policies.
the colony's struggle to
become independent
When is sovereign a more appropriate
choice than free?
The words sovereign and free are
synonyms, but do differ in nuance.
Specifically, sovereign stresses the
absence of a superior power and
implies supremacy within a thing's
own domain or sphere.
separate and sovereign armed services
free adjective
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Synonyms & Antonyms of free (Entry 1 of 2)
1not being under the rule or control of another
the 20th century saw many African countries
become free after many years of European rule
Synonyms for free

autonomous, freestanding, independent, self-

governed, self-governing, self-ruling, separate,
sovereign (also sovran)
Words Related to free

delivered, emancipated, freed, liberated,
manumitted, redeemed, released
unconquered, unruled, unsupervised
empowered, enfranchised
democratic, republican
Near Antonyms for free

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