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Question Bank:

8BCA543E: Mobile Application

Module – 1: Overview of Mobile Technologies

1. Differentiate between Android, iOS and Blackberry
2. List the different mobile technologies being used.
3. List out the future smartphone technologies.
4. List out the different android versions with API.
5. Compare some well know Android OS flavors: Jellybean, Marsh Mellow, Orio, etc.
6. Define Android API.
7. Explain Android Architecture.
8. Define Application Framework.
9. Explain Features of Android.
10. Define the components of Android Applications.
11. What is Manifest in Android application?
12. Explain the Installation procedure of Eclipse with SDK.
13. Define AVD.
14. What are the ways to execute Mobile app.
15. How to execute an App on Physical device.
16. What is an Activity?
17. What is Fragments?
18. Define Intent and its types with example.
19. How to pass parameters to an Intent?
20. Explain the Lifecycle of an Activity with the help of a neat diagram.
21. Write a program to open Second activity from the Main activity using Intent.
22. Write a program to open a web site using Intent. Lab program
Module – 2 :Working with Views and Menus
23. Explain the different Layout that are used to design apps.
24. Define: 1. LinearLayout, 2. Relative Layout, 3. ScrollView, 4.TableLayout
25. Define: TextView, EditText, Spinner, Button, radiobutton.
26. Write the statements to TextView Control with its respective object- > using findViewById.
27. Compare beween ListView , Spinner and GalleryView.
28. How to change orientation in AVD?
29. Write a program to accept a number and calculate factorial on click of a button.
30. Write a program to accept P,R,T and compute SI, design the layout for the same.
31. Write a program to change the orientation and change the background color on change of orientation. Lab
32. Define the different specialized fragments: ListFragment,DialogFragment, PreferenceFragment.
33. Explain the different types of Menu.
34. Write the XML code to create menus (File, Edit, Search)
35. Write a program to create menu for Semester courses. Lab Pro

Module – 3:Working with Graphics and Media

36. Define ImageView.
37. Define GalleryView.
38. Define : 1. AnalogClock, 2. DigitalClock, 3. WebView
39. Compare between Toast and Alert Dialog.
40. Write the statement to create a Toast to show any message.
41. Write the Alert Dialog statement to create an alert with YES and NO buttons.
42. List the different animation types in android applications.
43. Write a program to rotate an image-- > Lab pro
44. How to play media from local file.
45. How to play media from SD card file.
46. Write a program to play audio from the list. ---Lab prog
47. Write the statements to play audio and video files.
48. Write a program to record audio – Lab prog
49. Write a program to take pic.
Module – 4:Data Persistence and Communication

50. Define the different data persistence option in android Apps.

51. Compare Shared preferences with Internal storage.
52. What is a Database Helper Class.
53. Compare External storage with Internal storage.
54. Write the SQL statements: Create, Select, Insert, update, delete.
55. Write the statements to:
a. create SQLite database
b. Create a table in the database
c. Insert records to the table
56. Write a program to save STUDENTS info to internal file.
57. Write a program to save Name & Phone to shared preference
58. Write a program to save EMP info to SQLite Database.
59. Write the functions to read records from the SQLite database in the App.
60. Write a program to send a mail.

Module – 5:Widgets, Threads and Services

61. Define widget.
62. What is thread?
63. Define the different services.
64. Define Bluetooth and its API.
65. Define Wi-fi and its API.
66. Write a program to switch on/off Bluetooth.
67. Write a program to switch on/off Wi-fi.
68. How to mark our position for my home on google map.
69. Define latitude and longitude
70. Explain the steps to publish an App on Google play store.

Assignment #1

Write the different Android versions and their API level till now.
2. Explain the applications of:
a). drawable folders, b).string.xml, c). menu.xml and d). menifest.xml files in Android project.
3. Explain Intent and its application in android programming.
4. List the future mobile technologies.
5. Design an App to compute EMI of any loan.[desing and Java code both must be given]
Note- All the answers must be written and uploaded in one PDF format in this assignment. Registration
number must be written on each page.

Assignment #2

1. Write a program to create MENU [ Login ,Registration, Feedback] and link Link the login Activity from Login
Menu. ( Write Java Code and Menu XML code).
2. Write a program to design app to play audio from the list.
3. Write a program to record and play the audio.
4. Write a program to save Contacts(Name, Phone number) on Shared preferences.
5. Write a program to save and delete Items information(Ino, name, price, brand) to/from SQLite database.



Course Code: 8BCA543E Course Title: Mobile Application

Duration : 01 Hour Total Marks : 20

SECTION A (2 x 2 = 4)
Answer any 2

1. What is an Activity in Android Application?

2. Compare IOS, Blackberry and Android.
3. Write the importance of Android manifest.xml file.
4. What is a Toast? Give an example to create a toast.

SECTION B (1 x 6 = 6)

Answer any 1

5. Design and write the code for implementing an App for Simple Interest calculator.
6. What is the use of Intent? Explain different types of Intent with example of each.

SECTION C (1 x 10 = 10)
Answer any 1

7. Design and write the Java code of an app to implement login and home page.
-Login page should validate hardcoded userid and password
-Home page should open only on valid credential.
-Home page should display user id reading it from Intent extra.
8. Explain the life cycle of an activity with a neat diagram. Define all the probable methods of the life cycle.


Course Code: 8BCA543E Course Title: Mobile Application

Duration: 01 Hour Total Marks : 20

SECTION A (2 x 2 = 4)
Answer any 2

1. Differentiate between the listView and Spinner.

2. Define Fragment and its application.
3. Write the steps to create View Animation in Android Application.
4. What is video view? Link the videoView control with the VideoView Reference.
SECTION B (1 x 6 = 6)

Answer any 1

5. Explain the different types of menus we can create in Android Application. Write a sample XML file to create
menus like (Home, Registration, Login)
6. Write the code to play pause and stop media in the application.

SECTION C (1 x 10 = 10)
Answer any 1

7. Write a program to change the background color of the app onclick on the specific color button, take 3 buttons
on the layout RED, GREEN and BLUE to change colors of the layout at the run time.

8. Design and write the code for the app to play a selected song from the list of the songs

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