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Biographical context

Submitted by: Raphael luis dg. escala

Author's biography
Juan Portocarrero Juan De Plasencia was )
born to a prestigious family in Plasencia in

the region of Extremadura Spain in the

early 16th century.

He was one of the seven children of a

captain of a Spanish sailing vessel called

schooner .
Juan De Plasencia grew up during the

period known as the Siglo de Oro a Golden

Age when arts and literature flourished in

many parts of Spain among them his

Juan De Plasencia native Extremadura .

Author's biography
Juan de Plasencia wrote a number of

books designed primarily to promote the

understanding of both the Spanish

language among the natives and the local

languages among the missionaries to ,

facilitate the task of spreading

He is the author the first book printed in

, ,
the Philippines the Doctrina Cristiana that

was not only printed in Spanish but also in

Tagalog iand it even had a version in
Juan De Plasencia
also known as Christian Doctrine
was an early book on the Catholic Catechism, written in 1593 by
Juan de Plasencia
and is believed to be one of the earliest printed books in the
The book Doctrina Christiana simply talks about human values
published during the Age of Discovery and is very much applicable
to our modern society to teach us about kindness, generosity,
humility and some of principles on humanism.
In the “Doctrina,” we see one of the earliest examples of printed
Tagalog in Romanized and Baybayin script. Baybayin was a writing
system based on an Indic script, which was developed prior to contact
with the Spanish, and speaks to the connection of societies in the
Philippines to larger Southeast Asian trends.
The title "Doctrina Christiana" literally means “The Teachings of
Christianity”, and thus the primary goal of the book was to
propagate Christian teaching across the Philippine archipelago.

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