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INGREDIENTES Cant. Und X3 Pr Und Precio T Fotos y Observ.

Lentejas peladas, amarillas o
rojas 0.250 kg 0.750
Cebolla brunoise 0.200 kg 0.600
Mantequilla c/s kg
Caldo de ave, hasta cubrir 2 L 3

Canela rama 1 Rm
Garam masala 1/4
Cúrcuma ½ Tz
Pasta de curry roja ½ Tz
Chili en escamas ½ Tz

Comino 1 CC
Ajo 2/3 CC
Jengibre 2/3 CC
Mostaza ½ CC
Zumo de limón c/s

Nº raciones: 35 R. SUMA:

Costo total de Elab.: _______ € Peso total de Elab.: ______ Kg. Precio: ____€/kg.
Peso raciones: _______ Kg. Costo por ración: _______ €.

Rehogar en un poco de mantequilla, la cebolla brunoise y la canela en rama.
Anadir las especias y sudarlas.
Agregar las lentejas y mojar con caldo de ave y cocer hasta que estén tiernas
Como guarnición pondremos el resto de especias, jengibre y un poco de zumo de limón.
Se sirve con un pan típico llamado NAAM.
El garam masala "mezcla de especias", es una mezcla de especias muy empleada en la
cocina india, no es especialmente picante, pero tiene una cierta agudeza.
Butter chicken

ingredients For the marinade

100ml/3½fl oz plain yoghurt

1 lime, juice only

15g/½oz garlic, crushed

2.5cm/1in piece fresh root ginger, grated

1 tsp ground cumin

1 tbsp ground coriander

1 tsp garam masala

pinch paprika

pinch salt

For the chicken

4 x 150g/5½oz chicken breasts

25g/1oz unsalted butter, melted

½ lemon

For the sauce

100g/3½oz unsalted butter

1 onion, grated

2.5cm/1in piece fresh root ginger, grated

2 garlic cloves, crushed

100g/3½oz tomato purée

2 small red chillies

pinch chilli powder

200ml/7fl oz double cream

salt and freshly ground black pepper

To serve

handful fresh coriander


For the marinade, mix all of the marinade ingredients together in a bowl until well combined.
Add the chicken breasts and make sure they’re well covered in the marinade. Set aside to
marinate in the fridge for 12 hours, or overnight.
When the chicken has marinated, preheat the grill to its highest setting. Remove the chicken
breasts from the marinade, shaking off any excess, and grill for 8-9 minutes on each side, or
until the outside is golden-brown and the inside is cooked through. Baste the chicken breasts
with the butter and a little lemon juice. Set aside.

Meanwhile, for the sauce, heat the butter in a frying pan over a medium heat and fry the onion
for 4-5 minutes, or until softened. Add the ginger and garlic and cook for a further minute,
then stir in the tomato purée, chillies and chilli powder and cook for another 2-3 minutes.

Reduce the heat, stir in the cream and simmer for a further minute, then add the chicken
breasts to the sauce. Season, to taste, with salt and freshly ground black pepper.

To serve, place the butter chicken breasts onto serving plates and drizzle over the sauce.
Sprinkle over the coriander.
Pakoras y lentejas con leche de coco

For the coconut dal

2 tbsp sunflower oil

1 onion, finely chopped

2 garlic cloves, finely sliced

1 tbsp medium curry powder

200g/7oz split red lentils

1 x 400ml tin coconut milk

½-1 tsp salt, to taste

2 tbsp lime or lemon juice

freshly ground black pepper

For the pakoras

350g/12oz frozen mixed vegetables, thawed and drained

4 heaped tbsp chopped fresh coriander (optional)

150g/5½oz gram flour, sifted

1½ tsp fine sea salt

1 tsp hot chilli powder

1 tsp ground turmeric

2 tbsp sunflower oil, plus extra for deep-frying

To serve

4 tbsp plain yoghurt

3-4 tbsp mango chutney

1 lime, cut into wedges (optional)

handful chopped fresh coriander (optional)


For the coconut dal, heat the oil in a large non-stick saucepan over a low heat. Add the onion
and garlic and fry very gently for 5-6 minutes, stirring regularly until softened and just
beginning to brown. Stir in the curry powder and cook for a further 30-40 seconds.

Add the lentils, coconut milk, 400ml/14fl oz water and half a teaspoon of salt to the
onion and garlic mixture, then bring it to the boil. Reduce the heat until the mixture is
simmering. Simmer, stirring regularly, for 25-30 minutes, or until the lentils are swollen and
tender and the dal has thickened. Stir in the lime or lemon juice, season, to taste, with the
remaining salt and plenty of freshly ground black pepper, then remove from the heat and set
aside until needed. (The dal can be reheated when required; meanwhile, the flavours will
intensify as it stands.)

For the pakoras,

in a large mixing bowl, mix the thawed vegetables with the chopped coriander, if using. Add
the flour, salt, chilli powder and turmeric and stir to combine and coat the vegetables in the

Stir in the 2 tablespoons of sunflower oil using a large wooden spoon, then gradually add
150ml/5fl oz tepid water in a thin stream, stirring constantly, until the ingredients coating the
vegetables form a thick, smooth batter.

Add enough sunflower oil to reach 2.5cm/1in up the sides of a deep-sided, heavy-based
saucepan. Heat the oil to 160C, or until a breadcrumb sizzles and turns golden-brown when
dropped into it. Take care not to allow the oil to overheat. (Caution: Hot oil can be dangerous.
Do not leave unattended.)

Carefully lower dessertspoonfuls of the pakora batter into the hot oil, in batches of 6 or 7. You
will need to push the batter off the spoon using a second spoon. Cook the pakoras for 2½-3
minutes, turning once during cooking, until they are crisp and golden-brown and float to the
surface of the oil. Remove the pakoras from the hot oil using a slotted spoon and set aside to
drain on kitchen paper. Keep warm. Repeat the process with the remaining pakora batter.

Just before serving, reheat the dal, adding a little extra boiling water to loosen it if necessary.

To serve, ladle the dal onto plates with a spoonful of yoghurt and mango chutney
alongside. Garnish with a lime wedge and chopped coriander, if using. Serve the pakoras on
separate side plates, or as a starter.
CHANA MASALA Curry de verduras y garbanzos.

1 tbsp sunflower oil

1 onion, thinly sliced

2 garlic cloves, very thinly sliced

3 tbsp Indian medium curry paste, such as tikka masala or rogan josh

2 tbsp plain flour

500g/1lb 2oz butternut squash, peeled and cut into roughly 2cm/¾in chunks

1 carrot, peeled, halved lengthways and cut into roughly 1cm/½in slices

400g/14oz can chopped tomatoes

400g/14oz can chickpeas, drained and rinsed

200g/7oz frozen spinach

1 tsp soft light brown sugar

400ml/14fl oz hot vegetable stock (made with 1 stock cube)

freshly cooked basmati rice, plain or soya yoghurt and assorted chutneys and pickles


Heat the oil in a large frying pan and gently fry the onion for 5 minutes, or until lightly
browned, stirring frequently. Add the garlic and curry paste and cook for 30 seconds more,
stirring constantly.

Transfer to the slow cooker and add the butternut squash and carrot. Sprinkle over the
flour and toss together. Add the tomatoes, chickpeas, frozen spinach, sugar and stock.

Stir well, cover with the lid and cook on low for 9–11 hours, or until the vegetables are
tender and the spices have mellowed. Stir well before serving with freshly cooked basmati rice,
yoghurt and assorted chutneys and pickles.
Pasta curry Roja


3 tbsp coriander seeds

2 tbsp cumin seeds

1 tbsp mustard seeds

1 tsp fennel seeds

1 tsp black peppercorns

1 tsp ground turmeric

1 tsp ground cinnamon

1 tsp paprika

1 or 2 dried chillies, depending on personal preference

1 tsp salt

thumb-size piece fresh root ginger, peeled and finely grated

4 garlic cloves, finely grated

1 tbsp tomato purée

4 tbsp white wine vinegar or cider vinegar

vegetable or sunflower oil, to cover the paste for storing


Put the seeds and peppercorns into a dry frying pan over a medium heat. Cook for
about three minutes, stirring often, until the mustard seeds start to pop and the seeds turn
golden and aromatic. Tip into a bowl and allow to cool for a few minutes.

Add the turmeric, cinnamon, paprika and dried chillies to a pestle and mortar. Add the
cooled toasted spices and grind everything together into a fine powder. Add the salt.

Add grated ginger, garlic, tomato purée and white wine vinegar and mix well to make a

Use immediately, or spoon the paste into a jar, cover with a layer of oil, seal with a lid
and store in the fridge for up to a week.
Curry chawly (Curry de alubias)

225g dry beans

4 gr cumin seeds

4 gr coriander seeds

2 gr fennel seeds

1 gr fenugreek seeds

1cm/½in stick cinnamon

½ - 2 tsp crushed chilli flakes

4 tbsp vegetable oil

1 tsp black mustard seeds

10 curry leaves (fresh or dried)

1 medium onion, finely chopped

2 garlic cloves, crushed

5cm/2in piece fresh ginger, grated

salt to taste

550ml/1pint water

2 tbsp coriander leaves

2 tbsp fresh coconut, grated


Drain and rinse the beans, and mash a few lightly with fork.

Put the cumin, coriander, fennel and fenugreek seeds with the cinnamon stick into a
small heavy-based frying pan. Roast on a medium heat, stirring frequently until the spices
change colour and become aromatic, taking care not to burn them.

Grind the roasted spices into a fine powder in a coffee grinder, and add crushed chilli

Heat the oil over medium heat. When hot, add the mustard seeds and curry leaves. Remove
the pan immediately from heat, cover, and let the seeds and leaves crackle and pop.

Put the pan back on heat, add the onion and cook until light golden. Add the ginger and garlic,
and cook for a further 30 seconds.

Add the beans, ground spice mixture, salt, and water, and bring to the boil.

Turn the heat to low, cover and simmer for 20 minutes.

Top with coriander leaves and fresh coconut, if using, and serve with rice or flatbreads.


3 tbsp vegetable oil

½ tsp mustard seeds

60g/2½oz chopped onion

1 tsp finely chopped ginger

60g/2½oz frozen peas

1 tbsp ground coriander

1 tsp ground cumin

¼ tsp red chilli powder

½-¾ tsp garam masala

1-2 tsp dried mango powder, to taste (alternatively, use juice of 1/2 a lemon)

salt, to taste

splash water

600g/1lb 5oz potatoes, peeled, boiled until soft and crushed into large lumps

4 tbsp chopped fresh coriander leaves

packet ready-made filo pastry

5 tbsp melted butter, for brushing

2 tbsp sesame seeds (optional) (you can also use poppy or nigella seeds)


Heat the oil in a small non-stick pan and fry the mustard seeds for about ten seconds, or until
they begin to splutter.

Add the onion and ginger and cook for 2-3 minutes over a high heat. Add the peas, stir well
and add the spices, mango powder, salt and a splash of water. (If using lemon juice, add this
instead of the water.) Cook for 1-2 minutes, then add the potatoes and coriander and cook for
2-3 minutes. Taste and adjust the seasoning.

Preheat the oven to 200C/400F/Gas 6.

Unroll the pastry and cover with cling film and a damp tea towel. Peel off one piece and keep
the rest covered so that it doesn't dry out. Lay the pastry sheet flat on a clean surface and
brush with melted butter. Fold in one third of the pastry lengthways towards the middle. Brush
again with the butter and fold in the other side to make a long triple-layered strip.

Place one rounded teaspoon of the filling mixture at one end of the strip, leaving a 2cm/1in
border. Take the right corner and fold diagonally to the left, enclosing the filling and forming a
triangle. Fold again along the upper crease of the triangle. Keep folding in this way until you
reach the end of the strip. Brush the outer surface with more butter. Place onto a baking sheet
and cover while you make the rest of the samosas. Sprinkle over a few sesame seeds, if using.

Bake in the centre of the oven for 30-35 minutes, or until golden and crisp, turning halfway
through the cooking time.

To serve, place the samosas onto a large serving plate with a bowlful of chutney.


2 tbsp vegetable oil

1 onion, finely chopped

2 cloves garlic, thinly sliced

1 tsp chilli powder

3 tsp ground turmeric

pinch salt,

750g/1lb 10oz skinless chicken

400g can chopped tomatoes

2 tsp ground ginger

3 tsp ground cumin

3 tsp ground coriander

2 tbsp melted butter

1 lemon, juice only


Heat the oil in a pan and fry the onion and garlic over a low to medium heat for 4–5 minutes,
or until softened.

Mix the chilli powder, turmeric and salt together in a bowl until well combined, then add the
chicken pieces and mix well to coat. Add the coated chicken to the pan and fry for 10–15
minutes, or until golden-brown and cooked through.

Stir the tomatoes, ginger, cumin and coriander into the pan, then reduce the heat until the
mixture is just simmering. Cover the pan with a lid and cook for 20–30 minutes, stirring
occasionally and adding a tablespoon of water every so often if the mixture appears too dry.

Stir in the butter and add the lemon juice, to taste.

To serve, spoon the chicken jalfrezi onto serving plates. Serve with rice, naan and lime wedges
on the side, then garnish with the chopped coriander and sliced red chillies.
Chicken Biryani


300g basmati rice

25g butter

1 large onion finely sliced

1 bay leaf

3 cardamom pods

small cinnamon stick

1 tsp turmeric

4 skinless chicken breasts, cut into large chunks

4 tbsp curry paste (we used Patak's balti paste)

85g raisins

850ml chicken stock

30g coriander, ½ chopped, ½ leaves picked and 2 tbsp toasted flaked almonds, to serve


Soak 300g basmati rice in warm water, then wash in cold until the water runs clear.

Heat 25g butter in a saucepan and cook 1 finely sliced large onion with 1 bay leaf, 3 cardamom
pods and 1 small cinnamon stick for 10 mins.

Sprinkle in 1 tsp turmeric, then add 4 chicken breasts, cut into large chunks, and 4 tbsp curry
paste. Cook until aromatic.

Stir the rice into the pan with 85g raisins, then pour over 850ml chicken stock.

Place a tight-fitting lid on the pan and bring to a hard boil, then lower the heat to a minimum
and cook the rice for another 5 mins.

Turn off the heat and leave for 10 mins. Stir well, mixing through 15g chopped coriander. To
serve, scatter over the leaves of the remaining 15g coriander and 2 tbsp toasted almonds.

For the marinade

2 tbsp ginger and garlic paste

430ml/15fl oz plain yoghurt

½ tsp ground turmeric

1 tbsp red chilli powder

¼ nutmeg, grated, 1 tsp

caster sugar, 1½ tsp salt, 1 lemon, juice only

For the biryani

1kg/2lb 4oz mutton from leg or shoulder, bone removed, cut into 2.5cm/1in cubes

500g/1lb 2oz basmati rice

½ lime, juice only

¼ tbsp salt

150g/5½oz ghee, melted, or vegetable oil

40g/1½oz raisins

60g/2¼oz walnut halves

4 green cardamom pods

5cm/2in piece of cinnamon stick

3 bay leaves

1 tsp cumin seeds

2 black cardamom pods (optional)

2 tsp ground coriander

1 tsp garam masala

½ tsp saffron strands, soaked in 120ml/4fl oz warm milk or water

few drops rosewater or kewra water

30g/1oz dried figs and apricots

30g/1oz dried cranberries

20g/¾oz fresh mint leaves


Mix the marinade ingredients together in a large bowl, add the meat and stir to coat. Cover
and put in the fridge to marinate for 30 minutes, or if possible overnight.

Meanwhile, wash the rice in a couple of changes of water, then soak it for 20 minutes. Bring
2.5 litres/4½ pints of water to the boil in a large saucepan. Add the rice, lime juice and salt and
boil for 6 minutes, until the rice is two-thirds cooked. Drain the rice and spread it out on a tray
to cool.

Heat two-thirds of the ghee or vegetable oil in a wide, heavy-based casserole dish. Add the
raisins and fry for 30 seconds, or until they puff up, then remove them and drain on kitchen
paper. Add the walnuts and fry for 30 seconds, then remove them and drain on kitchen paper.

Add the cardamom pods, cinnamon and bay to the casserole and fry for 30–60 seconds. Add
the cumin and black cardamom pods. Add the meat with its marinade and cook for 10–12
minutes over a high heat, stirring occasionally. Add the coriander, garam masala and 250ml/9fl
oz of water and cook, covered, over a medium heat for 1 hour, or until the meat is tender and
some sauce still remains in the pan. Add a little more water, if needed.

To assemble, spread an even layer of the rice over the cooked meat and sauce, sprinkle the
saffron milk, rose water, fried raisins and walnuts, cranberries and mint over the rice and the
remaining ghee.

Cover with a tightly fitting lid and cook over a medium–low heat for 10–15 minutes, until the
dish is hot through. Set aside for another 5 minutes, then open the pot and serve.
Egg Curry (Anda Curry) .

5-6 Boiled egg 5-6
500gr Tomato concasse
250 gr Onions
4gr Cumin seed
20 gr tsp v. Ginger,
20 gr Garlic
4-5 tsp oil
2 gr turmeric, 2 gr red chili, 2 gr garam Masala,

For Seasoning Eggs

1. Heat oil in a pan.

2. Add Kashmiri Red Chilli Powder, Turmeric and Salt.
3. Poke Boiled Eggs with a toothpick so it can soak the seasonings.
4. Add eggs to the seasoned oil and pan fry for couple of minute.
5. Once you see the eggs are coated with the seasoning, turn off heal and keep the eggs

For Curry
1. Heat Oil in a pan on medium to high.
2. Cumin Seeds.
3. Add Onions and saute until golden brown.
4. Add Ginger and Garlic Paste and cook until the Garlic aroma disappears.
5. Garam masala, Kashmiri chili, Turmeric and Salt.
6. Mix well and cook for 2 minutes.
7. Add Tomatoes and mix well. Cook for 4 to 5 minutes till tomatoes are properly cooked.
8. Add Water and mix well.
9. Cover the pan and cook for 3 to 5 minutes on medium heat
10. Add seasoned eggs and Cilantro.
11. Cover with lid and cook for 4 more minutes on medium.
12. Remove the lid and stir.
13. Serve with Plain Rice or Chapati.
INGREDIENTES Cant. Und X3 Pr Und Precio T Fotos y Observ.
Cilantro 2,3 Gr
Comino 2,3 gr
Clavo 2 Gr
Pimienta negra 2 Gr
Cardomomo negro 1,5 Gr
Canela rama 2,6 Gr
Hoja de laurel 1 Ud

Nº raciones: 35 R. SUMA:

Tostar ligeramente las especias y moler.

West Indian spiced aubergine curry


2gr cumin

2gr coriander

1gr ground turmeric

500gr large aubergine

70 gr tomato purée

½ green chilli, finely chopped

1cm piece ginger, peeled and finely, chopped . 2 tsp

3 spring onions, chopped ½ bunch of coriander, shredded cooked rice, natural yogurt, roti
and lime wedges, to serve.


1. Mix the dry spices and 10gr salt together in a bowl and set aside. Slice the aubergine
into 1cm rounds, then score both sides of each round with the tip of a sharp knife.
Rub with the spice mix until well coated (you should use all of the mix), then transfer
to a board. Put 150ml water in the empty spice bowl with the tomato purée, chilli,
ginger and sugar. Set aside.
2. Heat the oil in a large non-stick frying pan over a medium heat and arrange the
aubergine in the pan, overlapping the rounds if needed. Fry for 5 mins on each side,
or until golden. Add the liquid mix from the bowl, bring to a simmer, cover and cook
for 15-20 mins, turning the aubergine occasionally until it’s cooked through. If it
seems dry, you may need to add up to 100ml more water to make it saucier. Season.

Scatter over the spring onions and coriander, and serve with rice, yogurt, roti and lime
wedges for squeezing over.
Bengali-style aubergine cooked in yoghurt

400gr aubergines, thinly sliced into rounds

2 gr turmeric

3 gr salt, to taste

1gr chilli flakes

2 tbsp vegetable oil

250gr yoghurt, 1-1½ tsp sugar, 4 gr cumin seeds, toasted in a frying pan and ground in a clean
coffee grinder or pestle and mortar handful fresh coriander leaves, chopped, to garnish


Dust the aubergine slices with the turmeric, salt and half the red chilli powder.

Heat the oil in a large, non-stick frying pan and fry the aubergine pieces until soft (you may
have to do this in two batches). Set aside.

In a bowl, beat 200ml/7fl oz of the yoghurt with the sugar, salt and the remaining red chilli
powder. Pour into a small saucepan and heat gently, stirring often to stop it from splitting,
for about five minutes.

Stir in the ground cumin and the aubergine slices. Heat gently and stir to combine.

Stir in the remaining yoghurt, check the seasoning and serve garnished with the fresh
Brinjal bhaji – aubergine curry

500g of aubergine, whole

2 tbsp of vegetable oil

1 tbsp of onion seeds

1 tbsp of ginger, 􀃘nely chopped

2 green chillies, chopped

100g of onion, sliced

100g of tomatoes, chopped, 1tsp turmeric powder, 1 tsp garam masala, 1 tsp red chilli
powder 100g of peas, blanched, coriander cress, optional.


Roast the aubergine in the oven or in a tandoor until completely soft. Peel away the skin and
roughly chop the 􀃙esh

3 Heat the oil in a saucepan, add the onion seeds and sauté until they crackle. Add the ginger
and green chilli and sauté over a medium heat until the ginger is golden.

4 Add the onions and cook for 3–5 minutes, or until soft. Add the chopped tomatoes and stir
in the powdered spices.

5 Mix through the aubergine fresh and peas and heat through. Taste, adjust the seasoning as needed and serve with a
garnish of coriander cress
Verduras Korma

For the Sauce

1 medium yellow onion, peeled and halved

3 cloves garlic, peeled

1 (1-inch) piece ginger root, roughly chopped

1 jalapeno pepper, stemmed and seeded

1/4 cup raw cashews


1 tablespoon vegetable oil

2 teaspoons curry powder

1 teaspoon ground turmeric

1 teaspoon garam masala

1/2 teaspoon cinnamon

1/2 teaspoon coriander

1/2 teaspoon kosher salt

1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper

1/8 teaspoon ground cardamom

2 small tomatoes, diced

1/2 cup canned, unsweetened full-fat coconut milk

3/4 cup plain yogurt

1 1/2 teaspoons brown sugar

1 medium waxy potato, peeled and diced

1 cup frozen peas and carrot mix

1 cup chopped fresh green beans

1. Place the onion, garlic, ginger, jalapeno, and cashews in the bowl of a blender along
with 1/2 cup of water. Process until pureed.
2. Heat the vegetable oil in a large saute pan set over medium heat. While the oil heats,
measure out all of the spices (the curry powder through cardamom) and place in a small
3. Pour the pureed sauce mixture into the hot pan, using caution to avoid splatters. Stir in
the pre-measured spices and allow to cook for 2 to 3 minutes, until fragrant.
4. Add the tomato, coconut milk, yogurt, brown sugar, potato, peas-and-carrots, and
green beans. Stir well, cover the pan, and allow to simmer on medium heat for 10
5. Uncover and cook a further 5 to 10 minutes, until the potatoes are tender. Serve with
cooked basmati rice and naan bread.
-Chicken Tandoori

1 kg Chicken

250 gr Yoghurt

40 gr Ginger

20 gr Garlic paste

2 limon juice

2 tsp v. Oil

8 gr Gram masala

black pepper , 4 gr Salt, 4 gr turmeric, 16 gr

(mezcla tandoori ) 2gr Kashmiri Red chili, 2 gr cumin

Punjabi Resturants. Chicken Tandoori ingredient i. Chicken 1 kilogram ii. Yoghurt 4-5 tsp iii.
Ginger & Garlic paste 2 tsp each iv. Lemon juice 2 tsp v. Oil 2-4 tsp vi. Gram masala &
black pepper 2 tsp each vii. Salt,turmeric,Red chili,cumin 1 tsp each
Healthy Zucchini curry indian style recipe. Zucchini Curry
Ingredient: i. Zucchini 2-3 cup ii. Ginger , Garlic 1-2 tsp iii. Onion 1
iv. Tomato 2-3 v. Salt,Gram Masala,Termeric,Chili 1 tsp each vi.
Spring onion/Cilantro to garnish vii. Oil/ Ghee 3-4 tsp

Roasted aubergine & tomato


600g baby aubergines, sliced into rounds

3 tbsp olive oil

200gr onions, finely sliced

2 garlic cloves, crushed

6 gr garam masala

4gr turmeric

4gr ground coriander

400ml can chopped tomatoes

400ml can coconut milk, pinch of sugar.


Heat oven to 200C/180C fan/gas 6. Toss the aubergines in a roasting tin with 2 tbsp olive oil,
season well and spread out. Roast for 20 mins or until dark golden and soft.

Heat the remaining oil in an ovenproof pan or flameproof casserole dish and cook the onions
over a medium heat for 5-6 mins until softening. Stir in the garlic and spices, for a few mins
until the spices release their aromas.
Tip in the tomatoes, coconut milk and roasted aubergines, and bring to a gentle simmer.
Simmer for 20-25 mins, removing the lid for the final 5 mins to thicken the sauce. Add a little
seasoning if you like, and a pinch of sugar if it needs it. Stir through most of the coriander.
Serve over rice or with chapatis, scattering with the remaining coriander.


½ small pack coriander, roughly chopped


or chapatis, to serve
Ahi Poke Recipe

This perky Poke Recipe could be the life of

your next party. Hawaiian Ahi Poke makes a
splash on the islands, has elegant appeal,
and takes only moments to make.


2 large sashimi grade Ahi tuna steaks about

1 1/2 pounds

1 shallot sliced (or Maui onions)

1/2 cup chopped green onion

3 tablespoons soy sauce look for a gluten

free brand

1 teaspoon sesame oil

1 teaspoon chili garlic sauce

1 tablespoon sesame seeds


Pat the Ahi tuna dry, then neatly cut it into small 1/2 inch cubes. Place in a bowl.

Add the shallots, green onion, soy sauce, sesame oil, chili garlic sauce, and sesame seeds.

Gently toss. Serve immediately or cover and refrigerate.

California Roll Poke
[print recipe]
based on this recipe

8 oz. maguro (sashimi grade tuna)

1 cup crab meat (king crab, lump blue
crab, or imitation)
1/2 cup green onions, sliced
1/2 cup Japanese, Persian, or English
cucumber, sliced thin or medium dice
(1/2-inch cubes)
1 cup avocado, peeled, pitted, and cut to
medium dice (1/2-inch cubes)
2 tbsps masago or tobiko (flying fish roe)
4 tsps sesame oil
2 tbsps soy sauce
2 tbsps toasted sesame seeds
1/2 -3/4 cup Sriracha mayonnaise (see
below for recipe)
flake sea salt

sriracha mayonnaise
1/2 cup mayonnaise
2-3 tbsps Sriracha hot sauce (to taste)
2 tbsps rice vinegar
salt to taste

Make the Sriracha mayonnaise: Mix the mayonnaise, Sriracha, and rice vinegar together.
Season with salt to taste. Makes about 3/4 cup.

Make the poke: Cut the tuna into 3/4-inch cubes (large dice) and set aside. In a medium or
large bowl, combine the crab meat, green onions, cucumber, avocado, masago or tobiko,
sesame oil, soy sauce, sesame seeds, and half of the Sriracha mayonnaise until well-mixed.
Add more mayonnaise as desired. Gently fold in the tuna. Serve immediately with flake sea
salt sprinkled on top. Optional: Garnish with extra crab meat, nori (toasted seaweed) strips,
and daikon radish sprouts. Serves 4-8 (depending on meal or appetizer portions).

Chili and garlic water:

4 small red chili

1/2 tsp of chili flakes

1 clove of garlic, smashed

1 1/2 tsp of salt

2 tsp of rice vinegar

1/2 cup of water

21.2 oz (600 grams) of sashimi-grade salmon

(preferably Alaska wild salmon)

2 tbsp of soy sauce

1 1/2 tbsp of chili and garlic water

1 tbsp of sriracha sauce

1 tsp of sesame oil

1/2 cup of thinly sliced onion

1/2 tbsp of toasted sesame seeds, plus more for sprinkling

8 roasted cashews

2 tsp of chili flakes

1 1/2 tbsp of soy sauce (darker soy sauce preferred), plus more for adjusting

1 1/2 tsp of sesame oil

1 tbsp of chili water

2 tbsp of of finely diced scallion (green parts only)

2 avocado, optional

Steamed sushi rice to serve

To make the chili and garlic water: Finely mince the red chili and add it into a jar with
chili flakes, smashed garlic, salt and rice vinegar. Mix evenly and let sit for 10 min. Bring
1/2 cup of water to boil, then pour it into the jar. Let the mixture sit at room-temperature
for 2 ~ 3 hours before using.

To make the salmon poke: Cube the salmon into bit-size chunks and place in a large
bowl. Add soy sauce, chili and garlic water, sirracha sauce and sesame oil. Mix evenly then
cover with plastic wrap. Chill in the fridge to marinate for 30 min.
Finely slice the onions and cut into short segments. Soak in cold water for 5 min to reduce
the sharpness of raw onions, then drain the water off completely. Pound and grind toasted
sesame seeds and roasted cashews in a stone-mortar into a coarse powder-consistency.
Take the marinated salmon out of the fridge and add the onions, ground sesame/cashew,
chili flakes, soy sauce (Depending on the saltiness of the brand, you may need to add
more/less to adjust to taste. Poke is supposed to be on the saltier side to go with rice.),
sesame oil and chili/garlic water. Mix evenly and chill in the fridge for another hour.

Right before serving, mix in the diced scallion and sprinkle with toasted sesame seeds.
Serve the salmon poke over warm steamed rice and diced avocado. Drizzle with more
chili/garlic water for more kicks.


for the poke:

1 lb sushi-grade ahi tuna

1 tbsp soy sauce (or to taste)

1/2 tsp sesame oil (or to taste)

2 scallions, finely sliced (about 1/4 cup)

1/4 medium sweet onion, sliced (optional)

2 tbsp kewpie mayonnaise

1–2 tbsp Sriracha, or to taste

2 tsp tobiko or masago (optional)

a three-finger pinch of Hawaiian salt or other coarse salt (this Sriracha sea salt is great, too)

to assemble:

about 1 cup diced avocado (or 1 small avocado)

2–3 cups cooked rice

for topping:

kaiware sprouts (daikon microgreens), other microgreens, or watercress

toasted sesame seeds

scallions, finely sliced

tobiko or masago, if you feel like splurging


If tuna is frozen, thaw by submerging in cold water for 30 minutes.

When tuna is just short of fully thawed, slice into small cubes, around 3/4 inch or smaller. I
tend to go a bit smaller for more flavor.

Combine in a bowl with about 1 tbsp soy sauce, about 1/2 tbsp sesame oil, and 1 chopped
scallion. Feel free to adjust the soy sauce and sesame oil to your taste — I generally use just
enough to coat the tuna thinly. Chill in fridge for about 30 minutes.

Combine the kewpie mayonnaise, Sriracha, remaining scallions, and 1 tbsp tobiko or masago,
whisking briefly until combined. When tuna is chilled, add the spicy mayonnaise mixture and
mix gently until fully coated.

Layer rice, avocado, and poke in small bowls, glasses, or Weck jars, then top with microgreens
of your choice, sesame seeds, scallions, and tobiko. Serve immediately.
Ahi Tuna Poke Bowl


1 1/2 cups short-grain brown rice

or white rice

1 1/2 pounds sushi-grade ahi tuna

3 tablespoons low-sodium soy


2 teaspoons toasted sesame oil

1 tablespoon rice wine vinegar

1 teaspoon grated ginger

1 teaspoon minced garlic

Chili paste

2 green onions, white and green parts, thinly sliced

3 carrots, grated

1 bunch (about 8) medium radish, thinly sliced

2 large, ripe avocados

1 bunch cilantro, chopped

Sesame seeds


1. Rinse the rice in a fine-mesh strainer. Cook the rice according to instructions or in a rice

2. With a sharp knife, cut the ahi into 1-inch cubes. In a large bowl, whisk together the soy
sauce, sesame oil, minced ginger, grated garlic, vinegar, and chili paste, to taste. Add the ahi
and green onions and stir gently to combine. This much can be done up to 1 hour in advance.
Keep chilled.

3. Just before serving, pit and dice the avocado into small cubes.

4. Arrange your poke bowl with a generous scoop of rice, ahi tuna, avocado, grated carrot and
sliced radish. Sprinkle sesame seeds on top. Serve with cilantro and more soy sauce on the
aubergines 500 grams

Hot black bean sauce 2 tablespoons

Salt to taste

Dark soy sauce 2 tablespoons

Cornflour/ corn starch 4 tablespoons

Oil 2 tablespoons

Red chillies 2

Spring onions 2

Ginger chopped 1 inch piece

Dark soy sauce 1 tablespoons

Sichuan peppers crushed 8-10

Black peppercorns crushed 7-8

Vegetable stock 1 1/2 cups

Malt vinegar 2 tablespoons

Sugar 1 teaspoon

Ingredients for 'Sichuan Eggplant With Black Bean Sauce' Recipe

step 1

Cut each brinjal into 3-4 pieces and then quarter each piece. Put them in a bowl, add salt, soy
sauce and 2 tbsps cornflour and mix till all the pieces are well coated.

step 2
Heat sufficient oil in a wok and deep fry brinjal till crisp. Drain on absorbent paper.Cut fresh
red chillies into long slices. Quarter spring onions.

step 3

Heat 2 tbsps oil in a non stick wok, add onions, ginger, black bean sauce, dark soy sauce, red
chillies, crushed Sichuan peppers, black peppercorns and stock and mix.

step 4

Mix remaining cornflour with 2 tbsps water and add along with malt vinegar and sugar and
mix. Add fried brinjal and salt and mix. Serve hot immediately.

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