Newsletter 7 January 2022

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Advice. Ideas.


Anita’s Garden
Volume 4, Issue 14 7 January 2022

Useful Links Editorial


Blog Welcome to the fourteenth issue of waste bag with rubbish for collection
my newsletter for Volume 4. next Thursday. We have recently
Newsletter back issues signed up for Green Waste’s monthly
Happy new year! It’s hard to believe collection service as our existing two
Facebook that it’s already 2022. I think the wheelie bins were not big enough to fit
pandemic has made time fly extra all our garden waste in
Twitter  Remove spring bulbs from bulb
We are rapidly approaching mid- baskets and allow to dry out. I
Pinterest summer in the garden. I am still usually leave them in the green-
busy, but have managed to make a bit house so they stay dry incase it
of time to simply enjoy the outdoors rains and they get spoiled
Contact me and make the most of the wonderful
weather we have been having.  Organise seeds for sowing over
 Feedback autumn and winter. I am going
Here is the list of tasks that I need to to make a list so I don’t acci-
 Newsletter input get through over the next week or dentally forget to sow anything
(tips, recipes, gar- two:
den photos etc)  Remove sunflowers along our
 Weeding our zinnias. So far I fence line as they finish flower-
 To be added to my have planted Benary’s Giant ing. I’m going to use this space
mailing list and Oklahoma Mix from the to grow snake beans and zinnias Egmont Seeds Commercial Cat- I grew from seed
alogue. I also intend to pinch
out the tips of the first bud to  Continue weeding the garden as
encourage the plants to branch I have time
Inside this issue: and be more bushy. In my
opinion it is well worth sacrific-  Stake dahlias that require sup-
ing the first flowers to do this, port

P ot te r ing aro u nd 2 for a longer and better display  Continue to make homemade
Anita’s Garden over the summer and autumn
guava moth traps to keep control
of the population over the sum-
 Planting okra. At the moment mer and protect our fruit trees
Top 5 gardening tasks 2 it is in our greenhouse in 10cm  Continue to harvest every 1-2
for the week pots. I will be moving it into 9
litre pots outside over the com-
ing week. Have a great weekend.

Collaboration news 2  Planting marigolds. I raised Useful links

the variety Chamelon from seed
in early December  Italian Seeds Pronto

 Potting up rudbeckia seedlings.  Awapuni

Tips for growing snake 3 I raised them from seed in early
beans December. It is my first time
 Bulbs Direct
growing rudbeckia Kind regards,
 Filling out a 600 litre garden Anita Kundu
PAGE 2 A NI T A ’ S G A R D E N V O LU M E 4 , I S S U E 1 4

Pottering around Anita’s Garden

This week we picked the first of

our sweet corn. This variety is An example of our harvest. We
Honey and Pearl from the Egmont have been having an abundance of
Seeds Commercial Catalogue. I zucchini, beans, cucumbers, straw- This year has been our best ever
am very happy with our crop so berries, blueberries and cape crop of cape gooseberries. Last
far this season. Last year was ter- gooseberries lately. We are so year I sowed some plants from
rible for growing corn. The ker- lucky to be enjoying fresh veggies seed and they overwintered, de-
nels were rotten inside. This year from the garden but it has come at spite it being an incredibly cold
our corn matured very quickly. I a sacrifice. We have chosen to stay winter last year. Mum and I have
started sowing seeds on our heat home and look after the garden discovered that cape gooseberries
pad in early October and planted rather than go to our bach at Tau- are delicious! They are also in-
out seedlings over Labour Week- ranga Bay. credibly easy to grow.

Top 5 gardening tasks for the week

1. Organise autumn and make sure you check on your
winter seeds plants and pick them every day. 5. Feed strawberries
While it’s quiet, now is a good time 3. Stake dahlias Give your strawberries a huge
to sort through your seed collection feeding with some granular or slow
and get your seeds for the coming Check to see if your dahlias need
release rose fertiliser. I also like to
autumn and winter season ready staking so they don’t fall over.
sprinkle banana skins around our
for sowing. roses as they contain potassium,
4. Water, water, water
which is an excellent fertiliser.
2. Pick blueberries
It has been especially hot and dry We collect them in a container and
They ripen at an alarming pace so lately so make sure that your let them amount so there is a good
plants have been getting enough amount to place around the roses.

Collaboration news
Italian Seeds Pronto has a wonder- Just a little heads up that Bulbs Awapuni has a great deal on for
ful cucumber variety called Beth Direct have a number of growing you at the moment. Get 15% off
Alpha which has been so produc- guides to help you on their web- selected veggie bundles. The deal
tive in our garden this summer. It site. They contain all the advice ends at 10 January 2022 or while
does well over a trellis but can also that you need for planting your stocks last.
be grown on the ground. Pick bulbs and edibles. Kayne and the
around 15 cm long for the best fla- team have also helpfully put to- This is an online special only.
vour and texture. Each packet con- gether some gardening ideas and Prices on the Specials page are
tains approximately 180 seeds so inspiration. They can all be found already discounted. No discount
you will certainly have plenty of under the “Grower’s Corner” tab of code is required.
plants! the menu.
V O LU M E 4 , I S S U E 1 4 PAGE 3
A NI T A ’ S G A R D E N

Tips for growing snake beans

Last year I raised some snake Nutrition
beans from seed and planted them
Snake beans are very nutritious.
in the second week of December,
They are a good source of protein,
thinking it was warm enough by
vitamin A, thiamin, riboflavin,
then. I ended up losing most of my
iron, phosphorus and potassium.
plants. This year I was a bit wiser
They are also a very good source of
and waited until mid-December to
vitamin C, folate, magnesium and
sow seeds on my heat pad. I only
planted the first lot of plants about
a week ago and I still have two Snake beans in cuisine
and a half trays to plant out,
which I will do when our sunflow- Snake beans are widely used in
ers finish flowering and I have ethnic cuisine.
some space along our fence line.
In West India, they are stir-fried
Varieties and served with potatoes and
shrimp. In Odisha, they are used
This year I am growing just two to make a sour dish with mustard
varieties, Yard Long Runner from and lime. In the Philippines, they
Kings Seeds and Orient Wonder Homegrown snake beans are stir-fried with soy sauce, garlic
from Egmont Seeds (I got a big and hot pepper and are also eaten
packet from the Commercial Cata- 5. Snake beans require full in an all vegetable dish called
logue which you have to request). sun in order to grow well. Utan. In Malaysian cuisine, they
Asian Seeds also stocks a broader are stir-fried with chillies and
range of snake bean seeds. 6. Prepare the ground before-
shrimp paste or used in cooked
hand by mixing in some
Tips for growing snake beans compost and a little fertilis-
er. Ideas for using snake beans
 Don’t make the mistake I
did last year and sow seeds 7. If you don’t want to raise  In Thai fish cakes
too early. Snake beans are your own plants from seed,
a heat loving plant that you can purchase snake  Stir fried with eggplant
thrives in really hot weath- bean seedlings from
er. I recommend sowing Awapuni, who sell them in  Stir-fried with tofu
seeds no earlier than mid- bundles wrapped in newspa-
per.  Stir-fried with chicken
8. Water plants  Stir-fried with
 I recommend using a heat
well at the chicken
pad or your hot water cup- “Snake beans require
board to aid germination. time of plant- full sun in order to  Stir-fried with
At night time the tempera- ing. To get grow well” shrimp
ture can drop. Snake beans plants estab-
need a really warm temper- lished, I like to  Curry
ature in order to germinate water them twice a day, in
the early morning and again  Omelette
 Once seedlings have germi- in the evening
nated, move them to your  Salad
greenhouse so they can grow 9. To encourage healthy
a bit more. Once they are growth, liquid feed plants  With noodles
big enough, you can slowly weekly with a water soluble
plant food such as Seasol or  Sambal
start hardening them off by
exposing them to the out- Thrive  Chicken wings with snake
doors gradually, before you beans
10. Harvest snake beans as they
plant them outside.
become ready to encourage
 Roasted snake beans
 Unless you are growing further cropping.
dwarf snake beans (Asian  Achar
11. Snake beans can be stored
Seeds do stock these), they in the fridge if you cannot
will require some support.  Soup
use them all at once.

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