The Effect of Solid Waste in Our Deteriorating Society

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As we all know solid waste is one of the main reason Philippines’ image is

being ruined. Solid waste comes in many forms but the most common of them

all is what we call trash or garbage. The effect of solid waste does not only

cause our society to be dirty but it is also the reason for other environmental

issues.First,it causes soil contamination, Improper disposal of solid wastes is

the reason for soil contamination because of the other toxins and bacteria

from it that causes the soil to be unusable for plant use.Second,it causes

water pullution,as we all know a lot of garbage and other solid wastes are

found on different bodies of water, If you thought the trench could escape the

global onslaught of plastics pollution, you would be wrong.

A recent study revealed that a plastic bag like the kind that given away at

grocery stores, is known to be at the deepest known piece of plastic trash

found at a depth of 10,975 meters(36000 feet) inside the Mariana

Trench.Third,burning such waste causes air pollution, we all know burning solid

wastes is one of the ways of decomposing solid wastes but burning such

things causes air pollutions due to the enormous amount of carbon dioxide it

creates which soon results to global warming and climate change.Fourth,it

impacts nearby plants and causes it to die due to dust and other dirty

substances. Improper throwing of solid wastes is also the main reason for this

causes so discipline from us is also needed. Improper disposal of solid wastes

also does not cause other environmental issues but it also affects people’s

health. Solid waste can also cause lung problems due to the air pollution this

solid waste causes due to burning this wastes, it can also cause infections due

to the insects and other toxic substances that stayed on those areas near

dumpsites. It also affects not only humans but also animals, solid wastes also

ruin their environmental habitat due to improper disposal of solid wastes and

the enormous amount of it covering environmental areas, It also causes death

to other animals living on water due to the amount of plastics and other

garbages,they can die due to suffocation and dirtiness of the water.

Solid waste and by-products of production and consumption are considered

urban territorial phenomena and can be defined as an excess supply of waste

materials resulting from a mismatch between the cause and benefits of

material use.Because of this dangerous issue I recommend that we should

start taking action before it’s too late, one of it is following the basic 3R’s and

that is Reduce-We must know how to reduce the usage of plastic waste, we

must also start to learn about recyclable and eco friendly materials since a lot

of our prodocts from our soap to or food, it all contains microplastics.Reuse-We

must also know how to reuse items to reduce solid wastes, Recycle-and lastly

recycle, we also must practice to recycle to avoid wasteful consumptions of it.


The paper aims to provide additional empirical evidence to the ongoing

debate about the impact of population growth on economic development with

the Philippines as a case study the findings of this study indicate the

existence of a long run equilibrium relationship between economic performance

and populating growth In the Philippines the results of the statistical analysis

also point toward the existence of an unidirectional causality from economic

development to population growth in the Philippines that is economic

development in the Philippines has had a positive impact on population group

in the country this empirical results supports the hypothesis of economic

development induced population growth which is the key outcome of a study.

More recent and concerns about an impending food crisis have generated

intense debates among development and population economists about the

ability of the world economy to sustain the ever expanding world population.

Demographic trends have a substantial impact on any country’s economic

performance for example the declining fertility rates in the industrialized nations

have led to labor shortages and put a strain on pension systems on the other

hand rapidly expanding population in the developing nations has been viewed

as a potential impediment to their socioeconomic development. In recent years

the relationship between population and economic development in the developing

countries has attracted considerable attention from economists and researchers.

However there is still no consensus on whether population growth is beneficial

or the three mental to the economic performance of a developing nation the

relationship between a poor demographic trend and economic growth has been

described as “a complex one and historical evidence is ambiguous particularly

concerning what is caused and what is effect”.

In developing countries where the relationship between population growth and

economy performance could be viewed as positive the demographic situation

stimulates economic development which leads to a rise in living standards.

This is because in these countries population growth and still encourage

competition in business activities and expands the market’s potential expansion

of the market encourages entrepreneurs to set up new businesses a

prominent relation economist Julian Simon has highlighted the positive side of

a population growth when he noted that a human being is the vital essential

element in the ultimate resource that contributes to economic growth. Becomes

an impediment to the country’s economic development this is because the

rapid expansion of population increases the dependency burden. To prevent this

kind of situation we should make solution about It ,such as promoting family

planning, empower woman, one child legislation government incentives etc..


This paper aims to provide the negative and positive effects of tobacco

smoking in the Philippines .Tobacco smoking is the act of inhaling and exhaling

the fumes of the burning plant material. Based on studies, there are about 17.3

million Filipino adult smokers in the Philippines, the reason for this myriad

amount of smokers is because of the nicotine found on tobaccos. Based on a

smoker smoking feels addicting because of the pleasurable feeling it gives. A

lot gave statement about the negative effects smoking while some stated it’s

positive effects. Let’s start of with the positive effects of smoking on a human

being. The positive effects of smoking tobacco is it’s effect on someone’s blood

pressure, within 20 minutes, your heart rate and blood pressure drop. The

carbon monoxide level in your blood drops to normal in 12 hours, Your

circulation improves and your lung infection increases in 2-12 weeks, coughing

and shortness of breath decrease in 1-9 months, and your risk of coronary

heart disease is about half that of a smoker’s in in a year.

Now that I finished siting the positive effects smoking causes from what

people sited I’m now going to list the negative effects of smoking to a person

and to the environment. Based on a YouTube channel named CDC(Centers for

Disease control)There is a video of a former smoker named “Terrie”, Like what

Terrie said on the video “I had my first cigarette at the age of 13 and by
the age 17 is when I started smoking on a regular basis and then on 2000

is when I found a little sore on the inside of my mouth and it wouldn’t go

away. A routine dentist appointment he saw it, and he thought it looked

suspicious, and so he did a biopsy and it came back to be mouth cancer. So

I had to go through radiation and then in December is when we discovered

the tumor on my larynx” from her statement it really do tell us the negative

effect of smoking to someone. It causes addiction different type of sickness

and of course how it affects the people around us. Second Hand smoke also

is a negative effect of smoking to those who doesn’t smoke, so it means

smoking de not only affect someone directly smoking but also those who can

smell it.

Cigarette smoking also causes environmental pollution by the toxic air

pollutants it releases on the atmosphere, cigarette butts also litter the

environment and the toxic chemicals in the residues seep into soils and

waterways, thereby causing soil and water pollution. We can put an end to

this by raising awareness and banning the selling of cigarettes , and by that

we can not stop it entirely but we can prevent it and soon, stop it.
Submitted by: Reena Lera P. Sambrano

Submitted to: Sir Harold Alvior

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