Research Methodology Project M

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“Techniques of Interpretation”
Sociology -II

[Submitted as a partial fulfilment of the requirements for B.A. LL.B (HONS) 5

Year Integrated Course]

Session: 2020-21
Submitted On: 29/05/2021
Submitted By: Submitted to:
Hardik Jain Dr Deepa Mathur
Roll no. –34 (Faculty Sociology -II)
Class: IV Semester (A)

University five year law college

University of Rajasthan

I, Hardik Jain hereby declare that this project titled “Techniques of
Interpretation” is based on the original research work carried out by me under the
guidance and supervision of Dr. Deepa Mathur

The interpretations put forth are based on my reading and understanding of the
original texts. The books, articles and websites etc. Which have been relied upon by
me have been duly acknowledged at the respective places in the text.

For the present project which I am submitting to the university, no degree or

diploma has been conferred on me before, either in this or in any other university.

Date:15/06/2021 Hardik Jain
Roll No-34

Dr. Deepa Mathur Date:15/06/2021
Assistant Professor
University five year law
college University of
Rajasthan, Jaipur
This is to certify that Hardik Jain student of semester IV, section A of University
Five Year Law College, University of Rajasthan has carried out project title
“Techniques of Interpretation ” under my supervision. It is an investigation of a
minor research project. The student has completed research work in stipulated time
and according to norms prescribed for the purpose.


I have written this project titled, “Techniques of Interpretation” under the
supervision of, Dr. Deepa Mathur Faculty, University Five Year Law College,
University of Rajasthan, Jaipur. Her valuable suggestions herein have not only
helped me immensely in making this work but also in developing an analytical
approach this work.
I found no words to express my sense of gratitude for Director Dr. Sanjula Thanvi
constant encouragement at every step.
I am extremely grateful to librarian and library staff of the college for the support
and cooperation extended by them from time to time.

Hardik Jain




Chapter 1…………………………………………..……………………………………………….....6


Chapter 2……………………………………………………………………………………………...7


Chapter 3 …………………………………………………………………………………………….8

Types of

Chapter 4……………………………………………………………………………………………11

Techniques of Interpretation………………………………………………………………………..11



Chapter: 1

Data interpretation is part of daily life for most people, interpretation is the process of
making sense of numerical data that has been collected, analyzed, and presented.
A common method of assessing numerical data is known as statistical analysis, and the
activity of analyzing and interpreting data in order to make prediction is known as
inferential statistics.
After collecting and analyzing the data, the researcher has to accomplish the task of
drawing inferences followed by report writing.
Only through interpretation that the researcher can expose relations and processes that
underlie his findings.
All this analytical information and consequential inferences may well be
communicated, preferably through research report, to the consult of research result
who may be either an individual or a group of individuals or some public private
• For drawing inferences from data
• Exposing relationships and process underlying the findings
• Searching for broader meaning of research findings
• Understanding and explaining what has been observed in the study
• Providing theoretical conceptions to serve as a guide for further research
• Opens avenues of intellectual adventure
• Stimulates the quest for knowledge
• Post-factum interpretation translates finding of exploratory research into
experimental research.

Chapter: 2

Meaning of Interpretation
Interpretation refers to the task of drawing inferences from the collected facts after an
analytical and or experimental study. In fact, it is a search for broader meaning of
research findings. The task of interpretation has two major aspects. The effort to
establish continuity in research through linking the results of a given study with those
of another, and the establishment of some explanatory concepts.
“In one sense, interpretation is concerned with relationships within the collected data,
partially overlapping analysis. Interpretation also extends beyond the data of the study
to include the results of other research, theory and hypotheses.” Thus, interpretation is
the device through which the factors that seem to explain what has been observed by
researcher in the course of the study can be better understood and it also provides a
theoretical conception which can serve as a guide for further researches.

Chapter: 3

Types of Interpretation

1. Over the Phone Interpretation:

Also known as telephonic interpretation, it is adopted when the in-person isn’t
available for face to face. The process is also called as Scheduled telephone
interpreting; the process is done when both parties establish an appointment. If the
participants of the call can hear only the voice of the interpreter, this process is
conducted. This is done when both the parties are located in different regions. In fact, it
is the simple process allowing people to break the barrier and communicate with ease.
Telephones and VOIP services are available in every company; over the phone
interpretation services are making the best use of technology.

2. Simultaneous Interpreting:
Also known as Conference Interpreting, it is done for the people in the event who have
limited English proficiency and need conference interpreters. In this process, the
interpreter listens to the content spoken using headphones and understands the
meaning of the sentence. Simultaneous interpretation services have modern tools that
make this simultaneous communication worth using. Professional interpreters translate
the sentence with only a few seconds’ delay. Interpreters sit in the conference room
having direct audio feed making the transmission. Simultaneous interpreters or
conference interpreters are certified and are trained to interpret complicated sentences.

3. Video Interpretation:
This is the most innovative interpretation method used by companies to interpret words
without much of hassle. Remote interpreting services use this method to connect with
listeners to interpret without much fuss. This is majorly done when hearing impaired
person wants the interpreter to interpret the document. This method is largely used in
sensitive situations. This is a money saving method used, especially when the person is
in a remote location. For companies, this is the best way to communicate with clients
offshore. By hiring video interpreter, these companies can easily connect with clients
without facing miscommunication.

4. Liaison Interpretation:
This method is also called as escort interpreting and completely relies on the
interpreter who translates out of the source into the target language. This interpretation
is majorly done during the small and informal meeting. Liaison means communication
is done to maintain mutual understanding and cooperation. Companies usually adopt
liaison interpretation methods within the organizations.

5. Medical Interpretation:
Medical interpretation services are offered to help patients and medical professional to
understand medical terms and legalities easily. Medical care is a stressful situation, and
it can be much difficult if having trouble communicating. Certified medical interpreters
offer complete assistance to patients to understand the terms. Many hospitals and
healthcare centres hire professional medical interpretations to help patients in
understanding the medical terms.

Benefits of Hiring Interpreting Service:

Companies and individuals are hiring professional interpreters to help in easy
communication. Interpretation services rates are affordable and easy to hire them. In
fact, it is the best way to avoid any miscommunication. Some of the benefits are:

•Assured Quality:
When there is complexity in translation or interpretation, a professional interpreter
should be hired. The communication is done precisely to provide complete details
about the complexity. Professional interpreters invest their time and experience to
bring down the best communicate details. Be it the interpretation or translation, quality
is what company looks for. This is why hiring professional company is highly

•Connect Culturally:
Grammatically correct, native speaker and precise pronunciation, the interpreter needs
to connect culturally. The languages, words and tone differ according to the language.
So the interpreter is trained to interpret accurately and understand the culture. Whether
it is the document or audio version, the interpreter ensures that the interpretation
connects culturally without any distortion.

Interpretation is done by professionals who are well-trained and understand how the
documents or audio should be interpreted. These interpreters are trained in multi-
language and tones to adopt various methods. Be it for medical, law or consecutive,
interpreters are trained to deal with the different process.

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Chapter 4

Techniques of interpretation
• An art learnt through practice and experience.
• Researcher must give reasonable explanations of the relations which he has
found and he must interpret the lines of relationship in terms of the underlying
processes and must try to find out the thread of uniformity that lies under the surface
layer of his diversified research findings.
• Extraneous information, if collected during the study, must be considered while
interpreting the final results of research study, for it may prove to be a key factor in
understanding the problem under consideration.
• Consultation will result in correct interpretation and thus, will enhance the utility
of research results.
• Researcher must accomplish the task of interpretation only after considering all
relevant factors affecting the problem to avoid false generalization.
• It is advisable to consult someone having insight into the study and who is frank
and honest and will not hesitate to point out omissions and errors in logical
argumentations. This will enhance the utility of research results.
• Researcher must consider all relevant factors affecting the problem to avoid
false generalization. He must not be in and hurry while interpreting results, for quite
often the conclusions which appear to be all right at the beginning, may not at all be

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Interpretation is an easy way to make the language understandable without much of the
difficulty. Hiring a professional interpretation company like Bhasha Bharati Arts is
the best way to get words interpreted. From medical interpretation to consecutive
interpretation, BBA has been serving clients regional and global.

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1. Ram Ahuja , (2001) . Research Methods. Rawat Publication Pvt. Ltd.

2. Danny L. Jorgensen. (1989). Participant Observation: A Methodology for Human
Studies. SAGE Publications Inc.
3. William J. Goode and Paul K. Hatt. (2019). Methods In Social Research. Surjeet

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