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TRANSPORT REQUISITION FILE COMPILAT. NEWLY POSTED TEACHERS FROM GOVERN TEACHERS’ TRAINING COLLEGES 1.A stamped application addressed to the Minister of Secondary Education; 2.A certified photocopy of the Ministerial Decision signed by the Principal of the school you have been transferred to; 3. Original stamps should be clearly seen on the photocopies of decisions signed by: e The Minister of Secondary Education; © The Regional Delegate of Secondary Education; e The Principal of the school in which you have been transferred to; : 4. A photocopy of the Assumption of Duty Certificate ; 5.An Attestation of Effective Service in duty dated not more than three months; 6.An Attestation of distance produced by Public Works Structures (Ministry, Regional Delegation or Divisional Delegation MINPW) NB: The complete file should be submitted in the school where you have been transferred to, for onward transmission to the Regional Delegation of Secondary Education through the Divisional Delegation of Secondary Education. NOUVE LLEMENTS AFFECTES 1-une demande timbrée au MINESEC $ 2-une photocopie certifiée par le chef de Pétablissement de la _décision _ministérielle affectation sienée par le Délégué Régional (on doit voir photocopies cachets Ministére des Enseignements Seconduires, Délégation Régionale Enseignements secondaires de PAdamaoua et le cachet ORIGINAL de de Chef de Pétablissement ott on est affecté); 3-une photocopie du certificat de prise de service ; 4-une attestation de présence effective au poste datant de moins de trois mois ; : S-une attestation de distance établie par les services des__Travaux Publics (ministre, délégation régional ou départementale MINTP). NB: le dossier complet est déposé a l'établissement pour acheminement & la via DRES-AD via DDES.

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