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Study Guide in Prof.Ed.

103-The Teaching Profession Module 3: Unit 3 –Philosophy of Education and Personal

Philosophy of Teaching

Module No.3

Unit 3 – Philosophy of Education and Personal Philosophy of Teaching


We are heirs to a rich philosophical heritage. Passed on us are a number of philosophies of

various thinkers who lived before us. These thinkers reflected on life in this planet. They occupied
themselves searching for others to questions about human existence. These essential questions
come in different versions – “what is life?” “who am I?” “why I am here?” or “what am I living
for?” “what is reality?” “is the universe real?” “what is good to do?” “how should I live
meaningfully?” and the like. In the school context, these existential questions are: “why do I
teach?” “what should I teach?” “how should I teach?” “what is the nature of the learner?” “how do
we learn?”.etc. These questions are philosophical questions. They are tackled in the subject,
philosophies of education and our own personal philosophy of teaching. Remember that
philosophy of education is the window to the world or compass in life. Hence, philosophy of
education is reflected in our dealings with students, colleagues, parents and administrators.


1.Elaborate the definition and nature of philosophy of education.

2. Differentiate philosophical foundations of education between western and eastern philosophies.
3.Discuss some articles under 1987 Philippine Constitution of different sections.
4. Formulate personal philosophy of education.


A. What is Philosophy of Education?

1. Definition and nature
Philosophy literally means 'love of wisdom'. It is an attempt to arrive at a rational conception
of the reality as a whole. It enquires into the nature of the universe in which we live, the nature of
the human soul, and its destiny, and the nature of God or the Absolute, and their relation to one
another. Your philosophy of education is your concept of the learner, concept of what must be
taught and how this must be taught. These thoughts are the bases of your actions and decisions
when you prepare to teach and when you teach.


Study Guide in Prof.Ed.103-The Teaching Profession Module 3: Unit 3 –Philosophy of Education and Personal
Philosophy of Teaching

2. Philosophy and Education

 Philosophy
 the study of the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality and existence,
especially when considered as an academic discipline.

 is the study of general and fundamental problems, such as those connected with
reality, existence, knowledge, values, reason, mind, and language. ... The word
"philosophy" comes from the Ancient Greek (philosophia), which literally
means "love of wisdom".
 Education
 the process of receiving or giving systematic instruction, especially at a school or

 Education is defined as the process of gaining knowledge. An example

of education is attending college and studying.

 is the process of facilitating learning, or the acquisition of knowledge, skills,

values, beliefs, and habits. Educational methods include teaching, training,
storytelling, discussion and directed research.

B. Philosophical Foundations of Education

1. Western Philosophies
 Generally, a Western philosophy of education comprises two schools, which are
traditional and modern. 
a. Idealism - the aim of education is to discover and develop each individual's abilities and full
moral excellence in order to better serve society. The curricular emphasis is subject matter of mind:
literature, history, philosophy, and religion.
b. Realism
- is the belief that we should study logic, critical thinking, and the scientific method to teach
students to perceive and understand reality. ... Realists believe that the job of schools is to teach
students about the world around them.
-has probably had the greatest impact on educational philosophy, because it is the foundation
of scientific reasoning. Realist educators encourage students to draw their observations and
conclusions from the world around them, rather than confining themselves to an analysis of their
own ideas.
c. Pragmatism/Experimentalism
-  is an educational philosophy that says that education should be about life and growth. Two
important elements of pragmatism include practical learning, which focuses on the real-world
applications of lessons, and experiential learning, which involves learning through experience, not
through simple ideas.


Study Guide in Prof.Ed.103-The Teaching Profession Module 3: Unit 3 –Philosophy of Education and Personal
Philosophy of Teaching

- encourages a democratic way of learning through purposeful and cooperative projects and
activities. The school is expected to provide learning and experiences that are useful. 
-Education is not bound to tradition.

2. Eastern Philosophies

 an Eastern education philosophy holds on to the concept of teaching. Students receive

fully knowledge from the teachers inside the classroom. Students in away receive
knowledge in a rigid way as they only seem to learn and study straightly from the


- focus on shiksha (education) as value based worthwhile learning (Chinta Mani Yogi). They
believe that through education, one can attain the skills essential for living/survival but vidya is
attained for life. Through shiksha, one can become successful but having vidya, is having the
ability to attain wisdom.

b. Buddhism
- The chief aim of Buddhist education is all round development of child's personality. This
includes his physical, mental, moral and intellectual development. The other aims of Buddhist
Education are to make a free man, a wise, intelligent, moral, non-violent & secular man.
- The primary role of a teacher is to deliver classroom instruction that helps students learn. To
accomplish this, teachers must prepare effective lessons, grade student work and offer feedback,
manage classroom materials, productively navigate the curriculum, and collaborate with other

- The core of Confucian educational philosophy is how we learn to be human. Human beings
are the ends not the means. Confucius believed that the ultimate end of learning was to realize the
true nature of human beings – become fully human.
- Confucius believed in the equality and educability of all people. He viewed education as a
means of transformation, the discovery of human nature, and the cultivation of character.
Through education, virtues are developed and integrated.

-Taoist philosophy, though different on several accounts than Confucianism, is similarly


Study Guide in Prof.Ed.103-The Teaching Profession Module 3: Unit 3 –Philosophy of Education and Personal
Philosophy of Teaching

based on the central idea of yin and yang. The yin represents earth and the yang represents heaven.
Taoists believe that all things contain yin and yang and it is their blended influence that promotes
-. The philosophy of Tao signifies the fundamental or true nature of the world, it is the
essential, unnameable process of the universe. Tao both precedes and encompasses the universe.
Nothing in the Universe is fixed, static or non-moving; per se everything is transforming all the
-A Taoist approach to this question would be: without the general education courses you
will not be properly prepared for the courses in your major of study. As Taoism teaches, no one
can go from being a novice to being an expert without developing specific skills along the way.

e.Zen Buddhism
- Zen is simply to be completely alive. Zen is short for Zen Buddhism. It is sometimes
called a religion and sometimes called a philosophy. ... Zen in its essence is the art of seeing into
the nature of one's own being, and it points the way from bondage to freedom. Zen is meditation.
-Zen is a school of Buddhism which emphasizes the practice of meditation as the key
ingredient to awakening ones inner nature, compassion and wisdom. The practice of meditation
(Zen in Japanese) as a means of attaining enlightenment was introduced, as we have seen, by the
Buddha himself.

f.Christian Philosophy
- When elementary, middle and high schools, as well as colleges and universities, are guided by
a Christian philosophy of education, there is more to daily assignments than Bible study and more to
the environment than dress codes and disciplinary policies. The Christian philosophy of education
encompasses all areas of the educational life of students, including core subject curriculum, character
building and practical living, both now and in the future.
-The Christian philosophy of education encompasses every aspect of a student's experience,
from kindergarten through postgraduate degree programs. Learning and understanding through the
lens of the Bible at a Christian school gives students of all ages the opportunity to stay true to their
spiritual values while receiving a high-quality education in preparation for the future.

g. Saracen Philosophy
-Saracenic education aimed at the development of individual initiative and social welfare-
liberal education in its truest sense. All education began with religious education and
memorization of the Koran. It was a simple religion emphasizing a high degree of tolerance with


Study Guide in Prof.Ed.103-The Teaching Profession Module 3: Unit 3 –Philosophy of Education and Personal
Philosophy of Teaching

the faith.

•Contemporary Philosophies
-Perennialists believe that the focus of education should be the ideas that have lasted over
centuries. They believe the ideas are as relevant and meaningful today as when they were written.
They recommend that students learn from reading and analyzing the works by history's finest
thinkers and writers.
- A perennialist classroom aims to be a closely organized and well-disciplined environment,
which develops in students a lifelong quest for the truth. ... For example, reading, writing,
speaking, and listening are emphasized in the early grades to prepare students in later grades to
study literature, history, and philosophy.
-Thomas Aquinas. Perennialism was originally religious in nature, developed first by Thomas
Aquinas in the thirteenth century in his work De Magistro (On the Teacher).

-is an educational philosophy whose adherents believe that children should learn the
traditional basic subjects thoroughly. In this philosophical school of thought, the aim is to instill
students with the "essentials" of academic knowledge, enacting a back-to-basics approach.
-Essentialists believe that there is a common core of knowledge that needs to be transmitted
to students in a systematic, disciplined way. The emphasis in this conservative perspective is on
intellectual and moral standards that schools should teach.
-Essentialism tries to instill all students with the most essential or basic academic knowledge
and skills and character development.
-William C. Bagley was America's most influential philosopher of teacher education.
Although he has become known as the father of “Essentialism,” his central focus throughout his
career was the education of teachers and, more specifically, curriculum for the education of

-Existentialism in education focuses on the individual, seeking out a personal understanding
of the world. Thus each individual characterizes for himself or herself the concepts of reality, truth
and goodness, schools exist to aid children in knowing themselves and their place in society.
-Existentialism is a philosophy that emphasizes individual existence, freedom and choice. It
is the view that humans define their own meaning in life, and try to make rational decisions despite


Study Guide in Prof.Ed.103-The Teaching Profession Module 3: Unit 3 –Philosophy of Education and Personal
Philosophy of Teaching

existing in an irrational universe.

-Søren Kierkegaard (1813-1855) as an Existentialist Philosopher. Kierkegaard was many
things: philosopher, religious writer, satirist, psychologist, journalist, literary critic and generally
considered the 'father' of existentialism.

- Progressivists believe that education should focus on the whole child, rather than on the
content or the teacher. This educational philosophy stresses that students should test ideas by active
experimentation. Learning is rooted in the questions of learners that arise through experiencing the
-Progressivism is an educational movement started by John Dewey that says that students
learn through their own experiences. Progressivism revolves around the students' needs,
including teaching students to be good citizens as well as good learners, a concept known as
focusing on the whole child.
-John Dewey (1859–1952), who would later be remembered as the "father of
Progressive education," was the most eloquent and arguably most influential figure .

e.Social Reconstructionism
-Social reconstructionism is a philosophy that emphasizes the addressing of social questions
and a quest to create a better society and worldwide democracy. Reconstructionist educators focus
on a curriculum that highlights social reform as the aim of education
-Social reconstructionism promotes teachers to not tell students what is right or wrong in
society, but instead to guide students by exploring social issues, presenting alternative viewpoints,
and facilitating student analysis of the issues.
-Theodore Brameld (1904-1987) founded social reconstructionism . He believed that
education had the responsibility to mold human beings into a cohesive and compassionate society.

• Post-modern Philosophies

- Postmodernism includes various groups of philosophers who follow multiplicity.

Regarding postmodernist, the aims of education are teaching critical thinking, production of
knowledge, development of individual and social identity, self -creation. In postmodern
education teachers just lead students to discover new things.
- Regarding postmodernist, the aims of education are teaching critical thinking, production of
knowledge, development of individual and social identity, self-creation. In postmodern


Study Guide in Prof.Ed.103-The Teaching Profession Module 3: Unit 3 –Philosophy of Education and Personal
Philosophy of Teaching

education teachers just lead students to discover new things. ... They tolerate others criticism and
try to think in critical way.

C. Principles and Philosophy of Philippine Education

• Art. II, Sec.17 (1987 Phil. Constitution)



Section 17. The State shall give priority to education, science and technology, arts, culture, and
sports to foster patriotism and nationalism, accelerate social progress, and promote total human
liberation and development.

• Art. XIV, Sec. 1-2 (1987 Phil. Constitution)


Section 1. The State shall protect and promote the right of all citizens to quality education at all
levels, and shall take appropriate steps to make such education accessible to all.

Section 2. The State shall:

(1) Establish, maintain, and support a complete, adequate, and integrated system of education
relevant to the needs of the people and society;

(2) Establish and maintain a system of free public education in the elementary and high school
levels. Without limiting the natural right of parents to rear their children, elementary education is
compulsory for all children of school age;

(3) Establish and maintain a system of scholarship grants, student loan programs, subsidies, and
other incentives which shall be available to deserving students in both public and private schools,
especially to the underprivileged;

(4) Encourage non-formal, informal, and indigenous learning systems, as well as self-learning,
independent, and out-of-school study programs particularly those that respond to community
needs; and

(5) Provide adult citizens, the disabled, and out-of-school youth with training in civics, vocational
efficiency, and other skills.


Study Guide in Prof.Ed.103-The Teaching Profession Module 3: Unit 3 –Philosophy of Education and Personal
Philosophy of Teaching

D. Personal Philosophy of Teaching

•Importance of a personal philosophy of teaching
A personal teaching philosophy is an essential and active element of a teacher. Acquiring a
philosophy is powerful, in that it directs and guides a teacher’s teaching practices in the classroom
as well as how they perceive teaching and learning and the students around them. It is also a self-
reflective statement of your beliefs about teaching and Example learning.

• How to write a personal philosophy of teaching?

General Guidelines:

1.Make your Teaching Statement brief and well written. 

2. Use a narrative, first-person approach. This allows the Teaching Statement to be both

personal and reflective.

3.Make it specific rather than abstract. 

4. Be discipline-specific.  Explain how you advance your field through teaching.

5. Avoid jargon and technical terms. Be sincere and unique. Avoid clichés, especially ones about
how much passion you have for teaching.

6.Be humble. Mention students in an enthusiastic, not condescending way, and illustrate your
willingness to learn from your students and colleagues.

7.Revise. Teaching is an evolving, reflective process, and Teaching Statements can be adapted and
changed as necessary.

Example of Teaching Philosophy

"My philosophy, when it comes to teaching, is to never give up on my students. Everyone has
their talents and strengths. My philosophy will be to teach my students HOW to study, HOW to
maintain focus, and HOW to ask the right questions. With those tools at their fingertips, they will
be able to achieve so much more."


We have a very rich philosophical heritage. That’s why, Philosophy of Education and Personal
Philosophy of Teaching were discussed here: Philosophical Foundations of Education both Western and


Study Guide in Prof.Ed.103-The Teaching Profession Module 3: Unit 3 –Philosophy of Education and Personal
Philosophy of Teaching

Eastern Philosophies and Principles and Philosophy of Philippine Education. The different philosophies
differ in their concepts of the learner and values, in why do we teach (objectives), what should be taught
(curriculum) and how should the curriculum be taught (teaching strategies). However, there exist also some
similarities among the philosophies.
Your philosophy is your own thought and formulation, never formulated for you by another that
is why you were advised to begin stating it with the phrase “I believe”. It is best to state it in the concrete
not in the abstract like a theory because this is your blueprint to daily life.


Review Exercises
Name: _________________________________ Date: _________
Year & Section__________________________ Score: __________

Activity 1.1 Critical Questions: Reflect and write your answer to the following questions
1.Why is one’s philosophy of education said to be one’s “window” to the world or “compass” in

2.What are the consequences of the absence of a teacher’s lack of a clear philosophy of

3. Does this education philosophy of yours make a difference in your life? Why?


Study Guide in Prof.Ed.103-The Teaching Profession Module 3: Unit 3 –Philosophy of Education and Personal
Philosophy of Teaching


Review Exercises
Name: _________________________________ Date: _________
Year & Section__________________________ Score: __________

Activity 1.2 Identification: Write the correct answer before each number.

____________________1. It is an educational philosophy whose adherents believe that children

should learn the traditional basic subjects thoroughly. In this philosophical school of thought,
the aim is to instill students with the "essentials" of academic knowledge, enacting a back-to-
basics approach.

____________________2.It is an educational movement started by John Dewey that says that

students learn through their own experiences. Progressivism revolves around the students'
needs, including teaching students to be good citizens as well as good learners, a concept known
as focusing on the whole child.

____________________3. One of the Eastern Philosophies is where the primary role of

a teacher is to deliver classroom instruction that helps students learn. In order to accomplish
this, teachers must prepare effective lessons, grade student work and offer feedback, manage
classroom materials, productively navigate the curriculum, and collaborate with other staff.

____________________4. A philosophy that emphasizes individual existence, freedom and

choice. It is the view that humans define their own meaning in life, and try to make rational
decisions despite existing in an irrational universe.

____________________5. The father of Progressive education. He was the most eloquent and

arguably most influential figure.

____________________6. It is an essential and active element of a teacher and also a self-

reflective statement of your beliefs about teaching.

____________________7. He founded social reconstructionism and he believed that education

had the responsibility to mold human beings into a cohesive and compassionate society.

____________________8.It was originally religious in nature, developed first by Thomas


Study Guide in Prof.Ed.103-The Teaching Profession Module 3: Unit 3 –Philosophy of Education and Personal
Philosophy of Teaching

Aquinas in the thirteenth century in his work De Magistro (On the Teacher).

____________________9.It encompasses every aspect of a student's experience, from

kindergarten through postgraduate degree programs. Learning and understanding through the
lens of the Bible at a Christian school gives students of all ages the opportunity to stay true to
their spiritual values while receiving a high-quality education in preparation for the future.

____________________10. The study of the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality and

existence, especially when considered as an academic discipline.

Review Exercises

Name: _________________________________ Date: _________

Year & Section__________________________ Score: __________

Activity 1.3. Essay: Formulate your personal philosophy of education. Do it well for this will
form part of your teaching portfolio which you will bring along with you when you apply for a
teaching job. Write it down here.



Study Guide in Prof.Ed.103-The Teaching Profession Module 3: Unit 3 –Philosophy of Education and Personal
Philosophy of Teaching




Salandanan, Gloria G.Methods of Teaching . LORIMAR Publishing, INC.

Salandanan,Gloria G.Elements of Good Teaching LORIMAR Publishing, INC.

Salandanan, Gloria G.Teaching and the Teacher. LORIMAR Publishing, INC.

Pawilen ,Greg T..Copyright 2019.Teaching Profession Passion and Mission Second Edition.REX Bookstore
Publishing Co.

BilbaoPurita 2012.The Teaching Profession,Second Edition.LORIMAR Publishing, Inc.

BilbaoPurita 2018.The Teaching Profession, Fourth Edition.LORIMAR Publishing,


BilbaoPurita 2006.The Teaching Profession,LORIMAR Publishing, Inc.

Prepared by : DR .SHIRLEY L. MILANES

Faculty/Program Chair, Beed &


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