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What is Questlandia?
It is a printable game of 1 to 4 people from 25 to 40 minutes for 12 years

In the land of Questlandia there is a custom of generations where travelers embark to distant lands to face fierce
enemies, it's time to go!, this is where your adventure begins.

What is it?
You must earn victory points through different places that provide, strength, keys, food etc, essentially
handles roll and write mechanics and dice placement, you fight an intelligence Artificial variable, you
must make successful changes, random control decisions in the fights and proper use of skills, develop
your strategy to accumulate more victory points.

What do I have to have to play Questlandia?

1) Print the board and annotations in letter size
2) Get a pen for each player of different color
3) 2 6-sided dice (lone), 4 6-sided dice to more players – 1 dice more to customize the Pg5.
4) 5 token for each player's life count

Improve the gaming experience: Use or create coins with values 1,3,6,10 (optional)
How to prepare a game?
Select an initial player the way you want, players start with all their values at zero. And with 5 tokens,
In games with 3 players, everyone starts with 2 defense and 4 players with 3.

End of game and final score?

When the travel area is complete it will be the end of the game
Solitaire mode when you complete 4 rows will be the end of the game
proceeds to count the victory points by:
Add those you have as defeated enemies and those you have in PV
5 PV per majority on each type of enemy,
3 PV per majority in skills.
objects that were not used;
1 PV per pen
2 PV for each key
3 PV for each jewel.
Subtraction -2 PV for each death
(At the end of the rounds players who have not played make their normal turn)

Important notes
The next player can roll their dice and think about their strategy by seeing the results they got
while the other player finishes their turn.
The dice values must be exact, example a result of 6 is required, the player throws the dice gets
a 3 just paying 3 diamonds will get it.
the die doesn't go from 6 to 1 or 1 to 6
how to play a game?
When the initial player is set the others will follow him on the right, in the turn the player must roll his
two dice and choose a result to place in the area of the trip, then decide where he wants to place them
his two dice, there are 3 types of placement:

any given result required result required any given + payment

Only in the case of enemies if you decide to put one of your dice here, the result is
uncertain, since you will have to roll the dice again.

You can put 2 dice in one place only in this case

Specifying places

you get 1 of food and 6 coins

you can change all the contracts you have with the
placement of a single dice.

Get 1 strength

By placing the dice and paying 2 keys you get 3 strength and 2 of food

Swap 1 key for 8 PV

Once you are in the store you can buy everything you need
How does combat work?
throw a dice if the values of the enemies come out you must fight against that,
otherwise you can choose which will be your opponent.

First initiates the enemy by attacking, let's say the snake attacks and inflict the
difference from its attack to your defense now attacks the player, this time the
player's force level is applied as damage to the spider's life, Repeat this cycle until you defeat
the enemy.
In this case the enemy's attack is 3 and its vitality is 4, if you die, in the vitality box
you can carry the remaining life account of the enemy then you can defeat it again if
it defeats you, use a dice to access this place but you should not throw it as it is
assimilated that you continue with the previous battle, the enemies do not attack being in the vitality box,
but with one die you can attack once, placing another you get a second attack, if another player attacks the
same enemy must defeat it with the values originals and if you defeat it first you will have lost your efforts
to defeat it

When you defeat the enemy underline

if the enemy has his all-black heart it is required to roll the effect dice.

Poison: Each turn reduces 1 life(continuous) Stun: throw a dice every turn
you must take out 3+ or die (continuous)
Bite: Causes 3 damage
(They do not recover with food in battle) . Replica: enemy strikes again
Ice: in the next two shifts you die. Fire: throw a dice the result will be
2 means 2 potions if you want to override damage.

When the enemy is in the vitality zone underline half a box to remember
that the enemy is weakened, the player can throw bombs from another
place in this way does not spend the dice on this same enemy.

bombs cause 3 damage, but are not stored in the turn they are purchased
You can throw them into the vitality box or in battle against an enemy

Food can be used on your combat turn to recover 1 health.

By defeating an enemy, you get a key

Important notes #2
If you die losing your 5 life tokens you revive with your whole life.
Before you start the battle when you already know who you're going to face and you're left
with your other dice you have a chance to put your dice wherever you want
Value placement rules

Then, roll the two says and fill in the boxes with dots from left to right through rows with a
different color to the players' pens.
Con the purpose of aguiling the placement of the initial values releases 4 dice, for example:

Once the initial values are placed, the game begins.

In each player's turn, place the result of one of the two dice that you rolled in the box of the row you
prefer, but always in the first square on the left, when a row is filled the player with the highest added
value will take the coins and victory points corresponding to that row.

Get extra victory points in this place

Complete a line starting from 1 through 5 with the following conditions.

In the row that ends 5 will be the row that awards

the victory points

You should not cross the same line made by you, but others.

you can go through equal numbers. but you can't use a number at a distance
of 2 squares it should be adjacent to a box
You can use a feather in a row to skip writing numbers to a certain
Here use the pen to skip 5 squares and be able to write the 2 and 3
that came out in the dice and thus be able to join the line, once used
the feather must be typed from the previous boxes that are empty.

Important notes #3
none player can count on already underlined numbers.
The number 6 can be used as if it were a 1 or a 5
The player can make more than 1 line on their turn, but should not be
Cross out these two solo rows or short two-player games.......................
in solitaire mode you don't gains PV by majority


The number in parentheses is equivalent to the cost in feathers, which you can
take at any time, when you buy it crosses half the circle, when you use it you
cross out completely

.................. Diamonds are used to increase or decrease 1 unit in the die

......................... Shield adds to your defense

......................... Remove an enemy effect

....................... Feathers to learn skills

PV ................... Victory points

(continuous) ...................... It is removed until the player dies

Jonathan steve López martinez, Bogota Colombia Questlandia Game board - roll and write 2020
paste these icons into another 6-sided

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