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Organized by Brian Dixon
STAR WARS SAGA EDITION - FEATS..................................................................................................................... 3
STAR WARS SAGA EDITION - FORCE POWERS.................................................................................................... 65
STAR WARS SAGA EDITION - FORCE TECHNIQUES.............................................................................................. 89
STAR WARS SAGA EDITION - FORCE SECRETS..................................................................................................... 94
STAR WARS SAGA EDITION - SKILLS................................................................................................................... 96
ACROBATICS (DEX).................................................................................................................................................................................................96
CLIMB (STR)............................................................................................................................................................................................................98
DECEPTION (CHA)...................................................................................................................................................................................................99
ENDURANCE (CON)..............................................................................................................................................................................................101
GATHER INFORMATION (CHA).............................................................................................................................................................................102
INITIATIVE (DEX)...................................................................................................................................................................................................103
JUMP (STR)...........................................................................................................................................................................................................104
KNOWLEDGE (lNT)...............................................................................................................................................................................................104
MECHANICS (INT).................................................................................................................................................................................................105
PERCEPTION (WIS)...............................................................................................................................................................................................108
PERSUASION (CHA)..............................................................................................................................................................................................109
PILOT (DEX)..........................................................................................................................................................................................................111
RIDE (DEX)............................................................................................................................................................................................................111
STEALTH (DEX)......................................................................................................................................................................................................112
SURVIVAL (WIS)....................................................................................................................................................................................................113
SWIM (STR)...........................................................................................................................................................................................................115
TREAT IN.JURY (WIS)............................................................................................................................................................................................115
USE COMPUTER (INT)...........................................................................................................................................................................................116
USE THE FORCE (CHA)..........................................................................................................................................................................................120
STAR WARS SAGA EDITION - TALENTS............................................................................................................. 122
FORCE TALENTS....................................................................................................................................................................................................126
PRESTIGE CLASS TALENTS................................................................................................................................ 159
A FEW MANEUVERS (Threats of the Galaxy, pg. 64):
You can weave, juke, and roll to avoid enemy fire in the thick of combat.
Prerequisites: Dodge, Vehicular Combat.
Benefit: When piloting a vehicle of Colossal size or smaller, you grant a +2 dodge bonus to your vehicle’s Reflex Defense. Furthermore, if you are the target of a missile or torpedo attack
and the attack roll misses by 5 or more, the projectile self-destructs harmlessly.

ACCELERATED STRIKE (Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 32):

Your melee attack is exceptionally quick.
Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +6.
Benefit: Once per encounter, when using only weapons with which you are proficient, you can take a full attack action as a standard action.

ACROBATIC ALLY (Unknown Regions, pg. 24):

You move an ally around with ease and accuracy by giving him or her a leg up or a helpful toss.
Prerequisites: Dexterity 13, Strength 13, trained in the Acrobatics skill.
Benefit: You can hoist or toss an ally of your size or smaller up to 2 squares. You and your ally must act on the same initiative number and start in adjacent squares. If you succeed on a
DC 20 Acrobatics check as a standard action, your ally ends up in a square of your choosing up to 2 squares above or away from you. This counts as a free action for your ally and ends
your turn. Your ally can then continue his or her turn. If you fail your check, both you and your ally immediately become prone in your square. Your turn is ended, but your ally can take
his or her turn normally.
Special: This feat can provoke attacks of opportunity against either character.

ACROBATIC DODGE (Unknown Regions, pg. 24):

When you react to an attack, your acrobatics training improves your mobility.
Prerequisites: Dexterity 13, Dodge, Mobility, Skill Focus (Acrobatics), trained in the Acrobatics skill.
Benefit: Once per encounter, as a reaction, if a melee attack misses you, you can immediately move into an adjacent square without provoking an attack of opportunity.
Special: You must be aware of the attacker to benefit from this feat. You can use this feat a second time during the encounter by spending a Force Point.

ACROBATIC STRIKE (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 82):

Your dexterous maneuvers and skilled acrobatics allow you to slip past a foe's defenses and deliver an accurate strike against him.
Prerequisite: Trained in the Acrobatics skill.
Benefit: If you succeed in tumbling to avoid an attack of opportunity (see the Acrobatics skill, page 62), you gain a +5 bonus on the next attack that you make against that foe as long as
the attack occurs before the end of your current turn.

ADAPTABLE TALENT (Galaxy of Intrigue, pg. 25):

You're a multitalented being, capable of pulling all kinds of tricks out of your sleeve.
Benefit: Choose one talent that you meet the prerequisites for, from a class you possess. Once per day, after at least 6 hours of rest, you can choose to swap out one of your current
talents for the talent you chose for this feat.
The talent you swap out cannot be the prerequisite for any other talent you have. You can swap back to your original talent after at least 6 hours of rest.

ADVANTAGEOUS ATTACK (The Force Unleashed, pg. 31):

You know how to take advantage of slow-moving enemies in combat.
Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +1.
Benefit: When you make a successful attack against an enemy who has not yet acted in combat, you add your full heroic level to damage rolls.
Normal: Typically you add only one-half your heroic level to damage rolls.

ADVANTAGEOUS COVER (The Force Unleashed, pg. 31):

You know how to make the best use of available cover as shelter from enemy attacks.
Prerequisite: Trained in the Stealth skill.
Benefit: When you have cover, you take no damage from area attacks, even if the attack rolls exceeds your Reflex Defense.
Normal: You take no damage from area attacks when you have cover only if the attack roll misses.

ANGLED THROW (The Force Unleashed, pg. 32):

Your amazing throws bounce grenades off walls into open hatches or through congested battle zones.
Prerequisite: Dexterity 13.
Benefit: When throwing a grenade or grenade-like weapon, you can attempt to bounce it off a wall or other surface close to your target. If your attack roll exceeds a Reflex Defense of
15, you ignore cover and improved cover (but not total cover) with your attack.

ANOINTED HUNTER (Clone Wars, pg.28):

You have been anointed as a hunter for your tribe and possess skills few other Nelvaanians do.
Prerequisite: Nelvaanian species.
Benefit: If you end your move at least 2 squares from where you started, you gain a +1 competence bonus on attacks made with thrown weapons until the end of your turn.

ARMOR PROFICIENCY (LIGHT) (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 82):

You are proficient with light armor (see Table 8-7: Armor) and can wear it without impediment.
Benefit: When you wear light armor, you take no armor check penalty on attack rolls or skill checks. Additionally, you benefit from all of the armor's special equipment bonuses (if any).
Normal: A character who wears heavy armor with which she is not proficient takes a -2 armor check penalty on attack rolls as well as skill checks made using the following skills:
Acrobatics, Climb, Endurance, Initiative, Jump, Stealth, and Swim. Additionally, the character gains none of the armor's special equipment bonuses.

ARMOR PROFICIENCY (MEDIUM) (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 82):

You are proficient with medium armor (see Table 8-7: Armor) and can wear it without impediment.
Prerequisite: Armor Proficiency (light).
Benefit: When you wear medium armor, you take no armor check penalty on attack rolls or skill checks. Additionally, you benefit from all of the armor's special equipment bonuses (if
Normal: A character who wears medium armor with which she is not proficient takes a -5 armor check penalty on attack rolls as well as skill checks made using the following skills:
Acrobatics, Climb, Endurance, Initiative, Jump, Stealth, and Swim. Additionally, the character gains none of the armor's special equipment bonuses.

ARMOR PROFICIENCY (HEAVY) (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 82):

You are proficient with heavy armor (see Table 8-7: Armor) and can wear it without impediment.
Prerequisites: Armor Proficiency (light). Armor Proficiency (medium).
Benefit: When you wear heavy armor, you take no armor check penalty on attack rolls or skill checks. Additionally, you benefit from all of the armor's special equipment bonuses (if any).
Normal: A character who wears heavy armor with which she is not proficient takes a -10 armor check penalty on attack rolls as well as skill checks made using the following skills:
Acrobatics, Climb, Endurance, Initiative, Jump, Stealth, and Swim. Additionally, the character gains none of the armor's special equipment bonuses.

ARTILLERY SHOT (Clone Wars, pg.28):

You have learned to use the angle and distance between you and your target to devastating effect.
Prerequisite: Proficient with weapon used.
Benefit: When you make an attack with a burst or splash weapon against a target at greater than point blank range, you can affect two additional squares adjacent to the normal burst
or splash area.
ASSURED ATTACK (Rebellion Era, pg.28):
You have become so practiced with your attacks that you almost always deal significant damage.
Benefit: Whenever you deal damage to a target with an attack and you roll multiple damage dice, you can reroll the lowest damage die but must keep its second result, even if it is

ATTACK COMBO (FIRE AND STRIKE) (Legacy Era, pg. 34):

You can make deadly ranged and melee attacks in rapid succession.
Prerequisites: Attack Combo (Melee), Attack Combo (Ranged), base attack bonus +9.
Benefit: If you hit a single target with two consecutive ranged, melee, and /or unarmed attacks during the same turn, any additional ranged, melee, or unarmed attacks you make until
the end of your turn (including attacks of opportunity and attacks made as reactions) deal +1 die of damage on a hit. This extra damage stacks with extra granted by other feats or

ATTACK COMBO (MELEE) (Legacy Era, pg. 34):

After landing successive blows against a single target, your melee and unarmed attacks become more devastating.
Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +3.
Benefit: If you hit a single target with two consecutive melee and/or unarmed attacks during the same turn, any additional melee or unarmed attacks you make until the end of your
next turn (including attacks of opportunity and attacks made as reactions) deal +1 die of damage on a hit. This extra damage stacks with extra damage granted by other feats or talents.

ATTACK COMBO (RANGED) (Legacy Era, pg. 34):

Your damage-dealing ability improves after hitting a single target with successive ranged attacks.
Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +3.
Benefit: If you hit a single target with two consecutive ranged attacks during the same turn, any additional ranged attacks you make until the end of your next turn (including attacks of
opportunity and attacks made as reactions) deal +1 die of damage on a hit. This extra damage stacks with extra damage granted by other feats or talents.

AUTOFIRE ASSAULT (Legacy Era, pg. 34):

Your autofire attacks are devastating when focused in a single area for multiple rounds.
Prerequisites: Weapon Focus (chosen weapon).
Benefit: When you target the same area with an autofire attack that you made an autofire attack against on your last turn, the penalty on the autofire attack is reduced to -2 (-1 if using
a braced autofire-only weapon of the Controlled Burst talent) and you deal +1 die of damage on a hit.
Normal: A -5 penalty applies to autofire attack rolls, and there are no bonuses for consecutive rounds of fire in the same squares.
Special: This feat cannot be used with the Autofire Sweep feat or the Burst Fire feat.

AUTOFIRE SWEEP (Legacy Era, pg. 34):

You can sweep an area with your autofire weapon, spraying fire in a 180-degree arc in front of you.
Prerequisites: Weapon Focus (chosen weapon).
Benefit: When making an autofire attack, you can attack all targets in a 6-square cone. The origin square of the cone can be any square in your line of sight and within point-blank range.
Normal: A penalty -5 applies to autofire attack rolls. Autofire attack that miss deal half damage.
Special: This feat cannot be used with the Autofire Assault feat or the Burst Fire feat. It can be used with the Suppression Fire talent (see page 31).

BAD FEELING (The Force Unleashed, pg. 32):

You have developed an innate ability to sense when things are going badly, and thus can prepare yourself for the worst.
Benefit: You can always take a move action during a surprise round, even if you are surprised. If you are not surprised, you can take this move action in addition to any other actions you
are normally allowed to take in the surprise round.

BANTHA HERDER (Galaxy at War, pg. 22):

You know how to frame your targets with your ranged attacks, moving the targets where you want them to go.
Prerequisites: Proficient with weapon used, base attack bonus +1.
Benefit: When you damage a Large or smaller creature with a ranged attack, compare the result of your attack roll to the target`s Will Defense. If your result equals or exceeds the
target`s Will Defense, you can move the target 1 square in any direction as a free action. If your ranged attack deals damage to multiple eligible creatures, you can use this benefit
against all of them. You can`t move a target that`s being grabbed or grappled, and you can`t move a target into a solid object or into another creature`s fighting space.

BANTHA RUSH (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 82):

You can shove your opponents around the battlefield to gain a tactical advantage.
Prerequisite: Strength 13, base attack bonus + 1.
Benefit: After making a successful melee attack against an opponent up to one size category larger than you, you can choose to move that opponent 1 square in any direction as a free
action. You can't bantha rush an opponent that's being grabbed or grappled, and you can't bantha rush your opponent into a solid object or another creature's fighting space.

BATTERING ATTACK (Galaxy at War, pg. 22):

You know how to use your strength to batter an opponent to the ground, knocking him or her prone.
Prerequisites: Bantha Rush, Trip.
Benefit: Whenever you successfully move a creature with the Bantha Rush feat, you also know that target prone.

BIOTECH SPECIALIST (Legacy Era, pg. 34):

You can make custom modifications to Yuuzhan Vong biotech-based armor, weapons, vehicles, and similar devices.
Prerequisites: Trained in the Mechanics skill.
Benefit: You can modify a Yuuzhan Vong biotech-based device, suit of armor, weapon, or vehicle so that it gains a specific trait. Specific traits are listed in the chart on page 35. You can
perform only one modification at a time. Unless noted otherwise, you cannot grant more than one benefit to a single device, suit of armor, weapon, or vehicle, and you cannot apply the
same benefit more than once.
Before beginning the modification, you must pay one-tenth the cost of the device, suit of armor, weapon, or vehicle you wish to modify or 1,000 credits, whichever is more. Completing
the modification requires one day per 1,000 credits of the modification cost. At the end of this time, make a DC 20 Mechanics check; you can’t take 10 or take 20 on this check. If the
check succeeds, the modification is completed successfully, and the object gains the desired trait. If the check fails, you lose all credits spent making the modification, and the object
doesn’t gain the desired trait. However, you may start over if you wish.
Due to the specialized nature of biotechnology, only other characters with the Biotech Specialist feat can assist you, reducing proportionately the time needed to complete the
modification. At the end of the modification process, they can make a Mechanics check to aid your check.
The market value of a modified item is equal to the base cost of the item + double the cost of the modifications made to it (not including credits wasted on failed modification attempts).
Special: Nobles and scoundrels may add this feat to their class list of bonus feats. This feat allows you to make Treat Injury checks on biotechnology without the -5 penalty.
Agile Armor The armor’s maximum Dexterity bonus increases Dovin Basal Enhancement Increase the effects of a dovin basal to grant one of the
by 1. following benefits to a starship: +1 additional square of
movement at starship scale, +2 SR, or +1 die of damage
when using a dovin basal.
Fortifying Armor The armor’s equipment bonus to Fortitude Defense Enhanced Dexterity Increase the vehicle’s Dexterity score by 2.
increases by 1.

Protective Armor The armor’s armor bonus to Reflex Defense increases Improved Speed Increases the vehicle speed by one-quarter of its base
by 1. speed (minimum 1 square)


Add Device to Creature Alter a bioengineered creature to accept a biotech or Improved Accuracy The weapon gains +1 equipment bonus on attack
standard technological enhancement such as a rolls.
miniaturized sensor pack.

Enhanced Strength Increase the device’s Strength score by 2. Improved Damage The weapon deals +2 points of damage on a successful hit.
If the weapon has a damage multiplier (for example,
5d10x2), apply the extra damage before applying the
Improved Durability The device’s damage reduction increases by 1, and it Selective Fire An autofire-only ranged weapon can be set to fire single
gains extra hit points equal to one-quarter of its shots, or a single-shot ranged weapon that doesn’t have a
maximum hit points. burst radius can be made to have an autofire mode.

Mastercraft Device Skill checks made using the device gain a +1 equipment
bonus, or the device’s existing equipment bonus
increases by 1.

BIOTECH SURGERY (Legacy Era, pg. 35):

You can perform the surgical procedures necessary to graft biotech components onto living flesh, similar to those used by the Yuuzhan Vong.
Prerequisites: Trained in the Treat Injury skill.
Benefit: You can install a biotech prosthesis onto a living being. The surgical procedure takes 1 hour of uninterrupted work, after which you must make a DC 20 Treat Injury check. If the
check succeeds, the prosthesis is installed correctly. If the check fails, the prosthesis is not installed properly; however, you can try again after another uninterrupted hour of surgery.
Special: You can install a biotech prosthesis on yourself, but you take a -5 penalty on the Treat Injury skill check. If you have the Surgical Expertise feat (see page 88 of the Saga Edition
core rulebook), you can install a biotech prosthesis in 10 minutes instead of 1 hour.

BLASTER BARRAGE (The Force Unleashed, pg. 32):

You and your allies engulf an area with dense blaster fire.
Prerequisite: Coordinated Attack.
Benefit: When you make an attack with a weapon set on autofire that deals damage to at least one target within the designated area, you grant a +2 circumstance bonus on any of your
allies’ autofire attacks made against that same target until the beginning of your next turn.

BONE CRUSHER (Galaxy of Intrigue, pg. 25):

You are skilled at dealing lasting damage to grappled opponents.
Prerequisites: Crush, Pin.
Benefit: When you deal damage to a grappled opponent, the opponent also moves -1 step on the condition track.
BRILLIANT DEFENSE (Galaxy of Intrigue, pg. 25):
You think quickly enough on your feet to stay alive in dangerous situations.
Prerequisite: Intelligence 13.
Benefit: Once per encounter, you can add your Intelligence bonus to your Reflex Defense as a reaction; this benefit lasts until the start of your next turn.

BRINK OF DEATH (Legacy Era, pg. 35):

You can take an enemy to the brink of death without killing him.
Benefit: When you deal sufficient damage on an attack to kill a target, you may instead choose to reduce the target to 0 hit points, leaving it unconscious but alive. Normal rules for
being at 0 hit points apply (see page 146 of the Saga Edition core rulebook).

BURST FIRE (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 82):

When using a ranged weapon in autofire mode, you can fire a short burst at a single foe.
Prerequisites: Weapon Proficiency (heavy weapons), proficient with weapon.
Benefit: When using a ranged weapon with autofire capability in autofire mode, you may fire a short burst as a single attack against a single target. You take a -5 penalty on the attack
roll but deal +2 dice of damage. For example, a weapon that deals 3dlO points of damage deals Sd10 points of damage instead.
The effects of this feat do not stack with the extra damage provided by the Deadeye or Rapid Shot feat.
Special: Firing a burst expends five shots and can only be done if the weapon has at least five shots remaining. If you do not have a Strength of 13 or higher, increase the penalty on
attacks to -10 when using this feat with non-vehicle weapons.
Normal: Autofire uses ten shots, targets a 2-square-bY-2-square area, and can't be aimed at a specific target. Without this feat, if you attempt an autofire attack at a specific target, it
simply counts as a normal attack and all the extra shots are wasted.

BURST OF SPEED (Scum and Villainy, pg. 21):

You are capable of incredible bursts of speed.
Prerequisite: Trained in the Endurance skill.
Benefit: As a move action, you can move up to twice your speed. At the end of your movement, you move -1 step along the condition track.

CAREFUL SHOT (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 82):

You are particularly skilled at aiming your attacks.
Prerequisites: Point Blank Shot, base attack bonus +2.
Benefit: If you aim before making a ranged attack (see Aim on page 154), you gain a + 1 bonus on your attack roll.

CHANNEL RAGE (Galaxy of Intrigue, pg. 25):

You have learned to turn your rage into pure will and determination.
Prerequisite: Rage species trait.
Benefit: Once per day, instead of entering into a rage, you gain a +5 bonus to Will Defense until the end of the encounter. This bonus counts as using your rage ability for that day.

CHARGING FIRE (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 82):

You are able to make ranged attacks while charging.
Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +4.
Benefit: When you charge, you may make a ranged attack instead of a melee attack at the end of your movement. Unlike a normal charge, your momentum does not help overcome
your target, so you gain no bonus on attack roll. As with a normal charge, you still take a -2 penalty to your Reflex Defense.
Normal: You can make a single melee attack with a +2 bonus, on your attack roll at the end of a charge.

CLEAVE (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 83):

You can follow through with a powerful melee attack.
Prerequisites: Strength 13, Power Attack.
Benefit: If you deal an opponent enough damage to reduce its hit points to 0, you get an immediate extra melee attack against another opponent within your reach. The extra attack is
with the same weapon and at the same bonus as the attack that dropped the previous opponent. You can use this ability once per round.

CLOSE COMBAT ESCAPE (Scum and Villainy, pg. 21):

When you slip free from your opponent, you can deliver a parting attack.
Prerequisite: Trained in the Acrobatics skill.
Benefit: When you successfully use Acrobatics to escape a grapple, you can spend a swift action to make a single attack with a melee weapon or an unarmed attack against the opponent
that had grappled you. If the attack hits, it deals normal damage, and your opponent is considered flat-footed until the start of its next turn.

COLLATERAL DAMAGE (Scum and Villainy, pg. 21):

Your hail of fire can catch secondary targets in your firing arc.
Prerequisite: Rapid Shot, base attack bonus +6.
Benefit: When you deal damage with a single, non-area attack using the Rapid Shot feat, once per turn on your turn you can immediately make a second attack at a -2 penalty against a
second target within 2 squares of the first. If this attack hits, you deal half of the original attack's damage to that target.

COMBAT REFLEXES (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 83):

You can respond quickly and repeatedly to opponents who let their guard down.
Benefit: When opponents leave themselves open, you may make a number of additional attacks of opportunity equal to your Dexterity modifier.
For example, a character with a Dexterity of 15 can make a total of three attacks of opportunity in a round: the one attack of opportunity every character is entitled to, plus two more
attacks because of his +2 Dexterity bonus. If four stormtroopers move through the character's threatened area, he can make attacks of opportunity against three of the four. You still
only make one attack of opportunity on a single opponent.
With this feat, you may also make attacks of opportunity while flat-footed.
Normal: A character without the Combat Reflexes feat can make only one attack of opportunity per round and can't make attacks of opportunity while flat-footed. (See Attacks of
Opportunity, page 155, for more information.)

COMBAT TRICKERY (Unknown Regions, pg. 24):

You excel at deceiving others with your tricks and masterful feints in combat.
Prerequisite: Trained in the Deception skill.
Benefit: You can spend two successive swift actions on the same turn to make a Deception check against a target's Will Defense. If the check is successful, the target is flat-footed
against your next attack made before the end of your next turn. Additionally, you can spend a Force Point to extend your target's penalties until the end of the encounter.

CONDITIONING (Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 32):

You are in excellent physical condition, enabling you to extend physical activities. You might not have great strength, but you have a lot of stamina.
Prerequisite: Strength 13, Constitution 13.
Benefit: You can reroll any Strength- or Constitution-based skill checks for skills that you are trained in. The result of the reroll must be accepted even if it is worse. Additionally, once per
encounter you can add your Strength bonus to your Fortitude Defense as a reaction; this bonus lasts until the beginning of your next turn.

CONTROLLED RAGE (The Force Unleashed, pg. 33):

You learn to channel your rage.
Prerequisite: Rage species trait.
Benefit: You can enter a rage as a free action. Your rage ends 1 round after you declare it is finished.
Normal: You must use a swift action to begin a rage and may not end it at will.
Special: You may not use this feat to extend the number of rounds or rage available to your character.
COORDINATED ATTACK (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 83):
You are skilled at coordinating your attacks with your allies.
Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +2.
Benefit: You are automatically successful when using the aid another action to aid an ally's attack or suppress an enemy as long as the target is adjacent to you or within point blank
Normal: You must make an attack roll against a Reflex Defense of 10 to gain the benefits of the aid another action.

COORDINATED BARRAGE (Clone Wars, pg.28):

When you combine fire with an ally, your barrage can have devastating results on the attacker.
Prerequisites: Coordinated Attack, base attack bonus +5.
Benefit: When you aid an ally's attack, for every 3 points that the ally's attack roll beats the target's Reflex Defense, the attack deals + 1 die of damage. The maximum number of bonus
damage dice the attack receives is equal to the number of allies with this feat that aided on the attack roll or +5 dice, whichever is lower.

CORNERED (Scum and Villainy, pg. 21):

You are vicious when cornered.
Benefit: Whenever you are threatened by an opponent and unable to take the withdraw action, you gain a +2 bonus on attack rolls against opponents that threaten you.

CRITICAL STRIKE (Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 31):

At the cost of speed, you can make a devastating attack.
Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +9, proficient with melee weapon used, Weapon Focus for the melee weapon used.
Benefit: You can take two consecutive swift actions in the same round to increase the critical range of your next melee attack by 1. Thus, if a weapon scores a critical hit on a natural 20,
it can score a critical hit on a natural roll of 19 or 20 instead. However, any roll other than a natural 20 is not considered an automatic hit; if you roll a natural 19 or miss the target, you
do not score a critical hit. You lose the benefits of Critical Strike if you lose line of sight to your target or if you take any other action before making your attack.

CROSSFIRE (The Force Unleashed, pg. 33):

You are skilled at aiming your shots so that they have a chance of hitting more than one target.
Prerequisite: Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, base attack bonus +6.
Benefit: If you miss when making a ranged attack against a target that has soft cover (that is, cover provided by another character, creature, or droid), you can immediately make an
attack roll (with the same weapon and at the same attack bonus) against the target that is providing the soft cover.
You can use this feat only once per round.

CRUSH (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 83):

You can deal damage to a creature that you've grappled.
Prerequisites: Pin, base attack bonus + 1.
Benefit: If you successfully pin an opponent with a grapple attack (see the Pin feat, page 87), you can immediately deal bludgeoning damage to it equal to your unarmed damage or claw
damage, whichever is greater.

CUNNING ATTACK (The Force Unleashed, pg. 33):

You are skilled at attacking unprepared opponents.
Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus on attack rolls against a flat-footed enemy or one who is denied its Dexterity bonus to Reflex Defense.

CUT THE RED TAPE (Galaxy of Intrigue, pg. 27):

You know how to work the bureaucratic system to get information you need.
Prerequisite: Trained in the Knowledge (bureaucracy) skill.
Benefit: You can use your Knowledge (bureaucracy) modifier instead of your Gather Information modifier when making Gather Information checks.
If you are entitled to a Gather Information check reroll, you can reroll your Knowledge (bureaucracy) check instead (subject to the same circumstances and limitations). You are
considered trained in the Gather Information skill for the purposes of this check.

CYBERNETIC SURGERY (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 83):

You can perform the surgical procedures necessary to graft cybernetic components onto living flesh.
Prerequisite: Trained in the Treat Injury skill.
Benefit: You can install a cybernetic prosthesis (see page 137) on a living being. The surgical procedure takes 1 hour of uninterrupted work, after which you must make on a DC 20 Treat
Injury check. If the check succeeds, the prosthesis is installed correctly. If the check fails, the prosthesis is not properly installed; however, you can try again after another uninterrupted
hour of surgery.
Special: You can install a cybernetic prosthesis on yourself, but you take a -5 penalty on the Treat Injury skill check. If you have the Surgical Expertise feat (see page 88), you can install a
cybernetic prosthesis in 10 minutes instead of 1 hour.

DEADEYE (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 84):

You are skilled at picking off enemies with well-aimed ranged attacks.
Prerequisites: Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, base attack bonus +4.
Benefit: If you aim before making a ranged attack (see Aim, page 154) and the attack hits, increase the damage you deal by an additional weapon die. For example, if you score a hit with
a blaster pistol using the Deadeye feat, the blaster shot deals 4d6 points of damage (instead of the normal 3d6 points).
The effects of this feat do not stack with the extra damage provided by the Burst Fire or Rapid Shot feat.

DEADLY SNIPER (Scum and Villainy, pg. 21):

You are adept at staying out of sight when attacking from hidden positions.
Prerequisites: Sniper, trained in the Stealth skill, base attack bonus +9.
Benefit: When you make a ranged attack against a target that is unaware of you, you gain a +2 bonus on your attack roll and deal + 1 die of damage on the first attack each turn.

DECEPTIVE DROP (Scum and Villainy, pg. 21):

When you get the drop on your opponents, you dazzle them with your speed and ferocity.
Prerequisite: Trained in the Initiative skill.
Benefit: During the surprise round, if you damage a flat-footed target, that target is also knocked prone if your attack roll also exceeds the target's Fortitude Defense. The target adds its
size modifier to its Fortitude Defense: Colossal, +50; Gargantuan, +20; Huge, +10; Large, +5; Medium and smaller, +0.

DEFT CHARGE (Rebellion Era, pg.28):

When you charge, it is merely part of a larger attack pattern that you continue to execute.
Benefit: After you charge, you can take a swift actions, reactions, and free actions before your turn ends.
Normal: Without this feat, charging ends your turn immediately after the attack is resolved.

DEMORALIZING STRIKE (Galaxy of Intrigue, pg. 27):

You know how to dishearten your opponents when they least expect it.
Prerequisite: Charisma 13.
Benefit: When you successfully deal damage to an opponent with an attack of opportunity, you can immediately make a Persuasion check to intimidate the opponent as a free action.

DESPERATE GAMBIT (Scum and Villainy, pg. 21):

You can draw upon you inner reserves to make a shot or strike count when it matters most.
Benefit: Once per turn when you miss on an attack roll, you reroll the attack, but you take a -2 penalty to Reflex Defense until the end of your next turn. If your first attack missed
because you rolled a natural 1, you can still use this feat, but you take a -5 penalty to Reflex Defense instead. You must accept the result of the second roll, even if it's worse than the
DESTRUCTIVE FORCE (Galaxy at War, pg. 22):
You cause so much devastation to vehicles and objects that you also deal damage to others around those targets.
Benefit: When you deal damage to an object or vehicle that equals or exceeds the target`s damage threshold and reduces the target to 0 hit points, you deal 1 die of damage (of the
same type as the damage used in the attack) to all targets, including allies, that are adjacent to the vehicle or object.

DISABLER (Galaxy at War, pg. 23):

You are skilled in the use of ion weapons and gain certain benefits depending on which weapon you use.
Prerequisites: Proficient with weapon used.
Benefit: When you make a ranged attack with an ion weapon, you gain one of the following benefits, depending on the kind of weapon you use.
Ion Grenade: When you use an ion grenade, the grenade`s burst ratio is 2 squares instead of 2 squares.
Ion Pistol: When you use an ion pistol, the damage dice increase from d6 to d8.
Ion Rifle: You treat the ion rifle as an accurate weapon.

DISTURBING PRESENCE (Galaxy of Intrigue, pg. 27):

Your presence is such that enemies let you move past them freely.
Prerequisite: Trained in the Deception skill.
Benefit: If you succeed on a DC 15 Deception check, you can move through the threatened area or fighting space of an enemy as part of your move action without provoking an attack of
opportunity. Each threatened square or occupied square that you move through in this manner counts as 2 squares of movement.
Normal: You can tumble through an occupied enemy square only by using the Acrobatics skill.

DIVE FOR COVER (Galaxy at War, pg. 23):

You can leap behind cover, even when caught out in the open.
Prerequisites: Trained in Jump.
Benefit: Once per turn, as a reaction to being targeted by a ranged attack, you can make a Jump check to jump horizontally. If you land in a square that provides you with cover from
your attacker, you gain the normal cover bonus against the attack, even if you didn`t have cover at the time the attack was made. When you use this feat, you always land prone.

DODGE (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 84):

You are adept at dodging blows.
Prerequisite: Dexterity 13.
Benefit: During your turn, you designate an opponent and receive a + 1 dodge bonus to your Reflex Defense against attacks from that opponent. You can select a new opponent on any
A situation that makes you lose your Dexterity bonus to Reflex Defense (if any) also makes you lose dodge bonuses. Also, dodge bonuses stack with each other, unlike most other types
of bonuses.

DOUBLE ATTACK (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 84):

You can make an additional attack during a round of combat.
Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +6, proficient with chosen weapon.
Benefit: Choose a single exotic weapon or one of the following weapon groups: advanced melee weapons, heavy weapons, lightsabers, pistols, rifles, simple weapons. When you use the
full attack action, you may make one additional attack when wielding such a weapon. However, you take a -5 penalty on all attack rolls until your next turn because you're trading
precision for speed.
Normal: Making a single attack is a standard action.
Special: You may select this feat multiple times. Each time you select this feat, it applies to a different exotic weapon or weapon group.

DREADFUL RAGE (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 84):

You deal horrendous damage while raging.
Prerequisites: Rage species trait, base attack bonus + 1.
Benefit: While raging, your rage bonus on melee attack rolls and melee damage rolls increases to +5.
Normal: A character with the rage species trait gains a +2 rage bonus on melee attack rolls and melee damage rolls while raging.

DROID FEAT - AIMING ACCURACY (Scavenger’s Guide to Droids, pg. 22):

When you have time to analyze your shot, your shooting accuracy has a precision that only a machine can achieve.
Prerequisites: Droid, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, proficient with weapon.
Benefit: If you aim at a target as a full-round action (instead of two swift actions), you gain a +5 bonus to your next attack made in the following round against that target. The target
must remain in your line of sight.

DROID FEAT - DAMAGE CONVERSION (Scavenger’s Guide to Droids, pg. 22):

You can make last-minute moves to take hits on more durable portions of your chassis and/or armor, altering the damage dealt to you.
Prerequisites: Droid, Dexterity 13.
Benefit: When you take damage from an attack against you (other than an area attack, or an attack that deals ion or Force damage) and that damage equals or exceeds you r damage
threshold, you can take an additional 10 points of damage instead of moving down the condition track. Each subsequent time you use this feat in a single encounter, the additional
damage you take increases by 5 points.

DROID FEAT - DISTRACTING DROID (Scavenger’s Guide to Droids, pg. 22):

You use lights, holographic projectors, sudden movements, erratic flight, odd noises, or other uniquely droid techniques to distract an enemy.
Prerequisite: Droid.
Benefit: As a standard action, make a Persuasion check against the Will Defense of all enemies that are within 6 squares of you and that can see or hear you, as determined appropriate
by the Gamemaster. If the check equals or exceeds an enemy's Will Defense, the enemy loses one move action on its next turn. If the attack exceeds an enemy's Will Defense by 10 or
more, the enemy is also flat-footed until the start of your next turn. This is a mind-affecting effect.

DROID FEAT - DROID FOCUS (Scavenger’s Guide to Droids, pg. 22):

Choose a single degree of droid (first, second, third, fourth, or fifth). You are especially familiar with this class of droid, gaining the listed bonuses while working on or against them.
Prerequisites: Trained in the Mechanics and Use Computer skills.
Benefit: You gain a +1 bonus to Deception, Mechanics, Perception, Persuasion, and Use Computer checks when used on or against a droid of the selected degree, and a + 1 bonus to all
defenses against attack rolls and skill checks made by droids of the selected degree.
Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects do not stack. Each time you take the feat, it applies to a different degree of droid.

DROID FEAT - DROID SHIELD MASTERY (Scavenger’s Guide to Droids, pg. 22):
You quickly replenish your onboard shields.
Prerequisites: Droid, equipped with shield generator.
Benefit: You automatically succeed on Endurance checks to restore your shield rating by 5 points (up to your normal shield rating). Additionally, you replenish your shields in two swift
Normal: Three swift actions and a DC 20 Endurance check are normally required to restore lost shield power (see page 197 of the Saga Edition core rulebook).

DROID FEAT - ERRATIC TARGET (Scavenger’s Guide to Droids, pg. 22):

You bob, swerve, dip, and dive to avoid incoming shots and other attacks.
Prerequisites: Droid, equipped with hovering locomotion or f lying locomotion, Dexterity 13, Dodge.
Benefit: You can reduce your speed by up to 2 squares to increase your Dodge bonus by 1 for each square of speed you give up, until the start of your next turn. You must move at least
2 squares to gain this benefit.

DROID FEAT - ION SHIELDING (Scavenger’s Guide to Droids, pg. 22):

Your systems are insulated to improve your resistance to ion damage.
Prerequisites: Droid with Strength 13, or cyborg with Constitution 13.
Benefit: If the ion damage (before being halved) equals or exceeds your damage threshold, you move only -1 step on the condition track.
Normal: If the ion damage (before being halved) equals or exceeds your damage threshold, you normally move -2 steps on the condition track.

DROID FEAT - LOGIC UPGRADE: SKILL SWAP (Scavenger’s Guide to Droids, pg. 22):
You are able to quickly swap one programmed skill for another. A droid with a basic processor can use this trick to enable it to attempt skills in which it is untrained.
Prerequisites: Droid, equipped with basic processor.
Benefit: Select a skill you are not trained in (other than Use the Force).
As a full- round action, you can swap this skill for one you are trained in. You do not gain any benefit from the original trained skill while it is swapped out.
You are not considered trained in the swapped-in skill, and therefore you cannot use any trained-only options or add a bonus to your skill check. You still add one-ha lf your level and
your associated ability bonus, as usual.
Special: If you become t rained in the skill selected for this feat, you can select another skill to replace it. You can take this feat more than once, each time selecting a different skill to

DROID FEAT - MECHANICAL MARTIAL ARTS (Scavenger’s Guide to Droids, pg. 24):
You know how to inflict pain using your metal appendages when fighting in unarmed combat against organic enemies.
Prerequisites: Droid, Martial Arts I, base attack bonus +1.
Benefit: When you successfully damage an enemy with an unarmed attack, the enemy takes a -5 penalty to all melee attack rolls and damage rolls until the start of your next turn.
Special: If you strike an organic enemy while using this feat during an attack of opportunity, the penalty lasts until the start of the enemy's next turn.

DROID FEAT - MULTI-TARGETING (Scavenger’s Guide to Droids, pg. 24):

Your targeting system allows you to track multiple targets over time, negating cover bonuses.
Prerequisites: Droid, Intelligence 13, proficient with weapon.
Benefit: You can use swift actions across more than one round to aim at a target. You can attack different targets prior to the completion of your aim action. If the subject of your aim is
out of your line of sight for any reason, you lose your aim and must start again.
Normal: You must normally use two consecutive swift actions in the same round to aim (see page 154 of the Saga Edition core rulebook).

DROID FEAT - PINCER (Scavenger’s Guide to Droids, pg. 24):

You use your mechanical strength to restrain and damage enemies.
Prerequisites: Droid, equipped with claw or hand appendage, base attack bonus + 1, Pin, Crush.
Benefit: When you successfully Pin an enemy (see page 87 of the Saga Edition core rulebook). You can maintain the Pin beyond 1 round and can make subsequent grapple checks against
the pinned enemy as a swift action. You can apply the Crush feat whenever your subsequent checks are successful.
Normal: Grapple checks are normally a standard action. The Pin feat must usually be rerolled each round as a new grapple check.

DROID FEAT - PINPOINT ACCURACY (Scavenger’s Guide to Droids, pg. 24):

This improved version of the Aiming Accuracy feat moves your enemy -1 step on the condition track.
Prerequisites: Droid, Aiming Accuracy, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, proficient with weapon.
Benefit: When using the Aiming Accuracy feat, a target you damage cannot take the recover action until the end of its next turn.

DROID FEAT - SENSOR LINK (Scavenger’s Guide to Droids, pg. 24):

You can broadcast your sensor input to an ally, such as another droid or a friendly computer system.
Prerequisite: Droid or some cyborgs (see below).
Benefit: As a swift action, you can broadcast the input from your audio, visual, and any special sensors to a droid ally, com link, communications system, or holographic receiver within
24 squares. That ally is aware of anything you are aware of, and can use the aid another action to aid on your Perception checks even if you do not have line of sight to one another. If
both you and your ally have Sensor Link, you share information simultaneously, granting a +2 bonus to Perception checks.
Special: Cyborgs with built-in cybernetic sensors and communications gear can also take this feat.
DROID FEAT - SHIELD SURGE (Scavenger’s Guide to Droids, pg. 25):
You can surge the power of a vehicle's shields through your direct data link at precisely the right moment to reduce the damage to the vehicle from incoming enemy fire.
Prerequisites: Droid or cyborg with scomp link or similar direct data link with the vehicle, trained in Mechanics skill.
Benefit: As a reaction, when your vehicle takes damage above its shield rating, after the shield rating is reduced you can reduce the amount of damage sustained by the vehicle by an
amount up to the remaining shield rating (see page 161 of the Saga Edition core rulebook). However, the shield rating is immediately reduced by one point for every point of damage
Special: The Recharge Shields action cannot be used on the vehicle until a full round after the use of Shield Surge.

DROID FEAT - SLAMMER (Scavenger’s Guide to Droids, pg. 25):

You clap two hands, claws, or appendages together, delivering a crushing blow to an enemy.
Prerequisites: Small or larger droid, equipped with at least two suitable appendages, Strength 13.
Benefit: As a standard action, you slam two of your appendages together from either side of an enemy, crushing your target between them. Make a melee attack. If the attack is
successful, you deal unarmed damage with double your Strength bonus. If you also exceed the target's damage threshold, it has a persistent condition that can be removed only with 8
hours of rest or a DC 20 Treat Injury check.
Special: If you also have the Crush feat, increase your unarmed damage by 1 die when using Slammer.

DROID FEAT - TOOL FRENZY (Scavenger’s Guide to Droids, pg. 25):

You use all your built-in appendages, claws, probes, instruments, and tools at once to slash, pierce, burn, or cut your enemy in a frenzied melee attack.
Prerequisites: Small or larger droid, equipped with at least two append ages with tools mounted.
Benefit: As a standard action, using appendages not normally considered weapons, you can make several strikes as a single attack against a single target. Make an unarmed melee attack
with a +2 bonus; until the end of your next turn, you take a -2 penalty to your Reflex Defense. Use the damage die of the highest rated appendage (see page 190 of the Saga Edition core
rulebook) when determining damage.
Special: True (non-improvised) melee or ranged weapons are not considered tools for the purposes of this feat.

DROID FEAT - TURN AND BURN (Scavenger’s Guide to Droids, pg. 25):
You can retreat from enemies with additional speed and agility.
Prerequisites: Droid, equipped with hovering, flying, wheeled, or tracked locomotion, Dexterity 13.
Benefit: When using the withdraw action, you can move up to 2 squares to escape threatened squares without provoking an attack of opportunity, and you can move your speed. You
can spend a Force Point as a reaction to an enemy ending its movement adjacent to you to withdraw.
Normal: When using the withdraw action, you can normally move only 1 square to escape a threatened square without provoking an attack of opportunity and can move only up to half
your speed.

DROID HUNTER (Clone Wars, pg. 29):

You have learned to target the delicate parts of your droid opponents, taking advantage of their mechanical frailties.
Prerequisite: Proficient with weapon used.
Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus on damage rolls against droid enemies, or +4 if you are using a weapon that deals ion damage.

DROIDCRAFT (Clone Wars, pg. 28):

You can repair droids quickly.
Prerequisite: Trained in the Mechanics skill.
Benefit: You can perform repairs on a droid in 10 minutes.
Normal: Repairing a droid typically takes 1 hour (see the Mechanics skill, page 70 of the Saga Edition core rulebook).

DUAL WEAPON MASTERY I (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 84):

You are adept at fighting with two weapons and double weapons.
Prerequisites: Dexterity 13, base attack bonus + 1.
Benefit: When you attack with two weapons or with both ends of a double weapon as a part of a full attack action, you take a -5 penalty (instead of a -10 penalty) on all attack rolls until
the start of your next turn. You only gain this reduced penalty if you are wielding a weapon with which you are proficient.
Normal: If you use a full attack action to make more than one attack on your turn (see Full Attack, page 154), you take a -10 penalty on all attack rolls for the round.

DUAL WEAPON MASTERY II (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 84):

You are a master at fighting with two weapons and double weapons.
Prerequisites: Dexterity 15, base attack bonus +6, Dual Weapon Mastery I.
Benefit: When you attack with two weapons or both ends of a double weapon as a part of a full attack action, you take a -2 penalty (instead of a -10 penalty) on all attack rolls until the
start of your next turn. You only gain this reduced penalty if you are wielding a weapon with which you are proficient.
Normal: If you use a full attack action to make more than one attack on your turn (see Full Attack, page 154), you take a -10 penalty on all attack rolls for the round.

DUAL WEAPON MASTERY III (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 84):
You can wield two weapons or a double weapon without penalty.
Prerequisites: Dexterity 17, base attack bonus + 11, Dual Weapon Mastery I, Dual Weapon Mastery II.
Benefit: When you wield two weapons or attack with both ends of a double weapon as a part of a full attack action, you take no penalty on your attack rolls. You only gain this benefit if
you are wielding a weapon with which you are proficient.
Normal: If you use a full attack action to make more than one attack on your turn (see Full Attack, page 154), you take a -10 penalty on all attack rolls for the round.

DUCK AND COVER (Scum and Villainy, pg. 21):

When exposed to an area attack, you can dive for cover.
Prerequisite: Trained in the Stealth skill.
Benefit: Whenever you are the target of an area attack that misses, once per turn you can move 2 squares as a reaction. This movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity.

ECHANI TRAINING (Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 33):

You are trained in Echani unarmed fighting techniques, giving you an advantage in hand-to-hand combat.
Prerequisite: Dexterity 13, Marital Arts I.
Benefit: You can double the damage bonus provided by your Strength bonus to unarmed attacks (minimum +1) provided you make only one unarmed attack this turn. Once per
encounter when you deal damage to a target with an unarmed attack you may make an immediate unarmed attack against the target’s Fortitude Defense as a free action; if successful
you knock your opponent to the ground (prone) in their current square, provided they are one size larger than you or smaller.
Special: Targets gain a bonus to Fortitude Defense against being knocked prone on their size: Large +5, Huge +10, Gargantuan +20, Colossal +50. Unusually stable creatures (such as
those with four legs) gain a +5 bonus to their Fortitude Defense against being knocked prone as well.

ELDER'S KNOWLEDGE (Unknown Regions, pg. 24):

You have gained the wisdom of elders, whether through your own experiences or by learning from their instruction.
Prerequisite: Skill Focus (Knowledge [social sciences]) or (Knowledge [galactic lore]).
Benefit: Once per encounter, you can substitute a Knowledge (social sciences) or Knowledge (galactic lore) check for a Wisdom or Wisdom related check.

EXOTIC WEAPON PROFICIENCY (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 84):

Choose an exotic weapon, such as bowcaster or atlatl (see Exotic Weapons, page 119). You understand how to use that type of exotic weapon in combat.
Prerequisite: Base attack bonus + 1.
Benefit: You make attack rolls with the weapon normally.
Normal: A character who uses a weapon without being proficient with it takes a -5 penalty on attack rolls.
Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Each time you take the feat, it applies to a different weapon.

EXPERIENCED MEDIC (Clone Wars, pg. 29):

You have spent so much time on the battlefield that patching up wounded allies has become second nature to you.
Prerequisite: Trained in Treat Injury.
Benefit: You can perform surgery (see page 74 of the Saga Edition core rulebook) on a number of creatures equal to your Intelligence bonus (minimum 2) simultaneously. You make
Treat Injury checks for each individual creature as normal.

EXPERT BRIBER (Galaxy of Intrigue, pg. 27):

You are adept at greasing the palms of contacts to minimize the amount of the bribe normally required.
Prerequisite: Charisma 13.
Benefit: When using the Haggle application of the Persuasion skill (see page 71 of the Saga Edition core rulebook), you reduce the DC reduce the price of the item haggled over by 10.

EXPERT DROID REPAIR (Clone Wars, pg. 29):

You can repair multiple droids simultaneously.
Prerequisite: Trained in the Mechanics skill.
Benefit: You can repair a number of droids equal to your Intelligence bonus simultaneously. You make Mechanics checks for each droid as normal.

EXTRA RAGE (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 85):

You can fly into a rage more often.
Prerequisite: Rage species trait.
Benefit: You can rage one additional time per day.
Special: You can take this feat multiple times; each time you take the feat, you can rage one additional time per day.

EXTRA SECOND WIND (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 85):

You tend to come back from the edge of oblivion more often.
Prerequisite: Trained in the Endurance skill.
Benefit: You can catch your second wind one additional time per day, but you can still only catch a second wind once per encounter (see Second Wind, page 146).
Normal: A hero can catch his or her second wind once per day.
Special: A non heroic character that takes this feat for the first time can catch a second wind once per day.
You can take this feat multiple times; each time you take this feat, you can catch a second wind one additional time per day.

FAR SHOT (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 85):

You are better at shooting distant foes.
Prerequisite: Point Blank Shot.
Benefit: When you use a ranged weapon against targets at short, medium, or long range, the range category is considered one less. In other words, you take no penalty on ranged attack
rolls against targets at short range, a -2 penalty on ranged attack rolls made against targets at medium range, and a -5 penalty on a ranged attack rolls made against targets at long
Normal: When making a ranged attack roll, a character takes a -2 penalty against targets at short range, a -5 penalty against targets at medium range, and a -10 penalty against targets
at long range.

FAST SURGE (Rebellion Era, pg. 29):

You can return to the fight in the blink of an eye, giving your enemies no time to find an opening.
Benefit: On your turn, you can catch a second wind as a free action instead of a swift action.

FATAL HIT (Legacy Era, pg. 36):

Enemies you take down don’t get up again.
Prerequisite: Strength 13, Dexterity 13.
Benefit: When your attack drops a target to 0 hit points, you may choose to automatically kill that enemy even if the damage dealt does not exceed the target’s damage threshold. In
addition, you can perform the coup de grace action as a standard action.
Normal: A creature that drops to 0 hit points becomes unconscious if the damage dealt does not exceed its damage threshold. Performing a coup de grace is a fill-round action.

FEAT OF STRENGTH (Legacy Era, pg. 35):

You draw on inner reserves of physical power to perform great feats of strength, such as lifting heavy objects, leaping great distances, or hauling yourself up a cliff while weighted down
by a heavy load.
Prerequisites: Strength 15.
Benefit: Once per encounter as a full-round action, you can take 20 on a single Strength check or Strength-based skill check (you must be trained in the skill), even if you are distracted or
Normal: You may not take 20 when distracted or threatened, or in a single round.
Special: After using this feat for the first time in a given encounter, make a DC 15 Endurance check (as a free action). If the check succeeds, you can use this feat once more during the
same encounter.

FIGHT THROUGH PAIN (Galaxy at War, pg. 23):

Through sheer willpower, you can keep yourself at peak fighting performance, ignoring physical pain and negative effects.
Benefit: You can use your Will Defense instead of your Fortitude Defense when determining your damage threshold.

FLASH AND CLEAR (Clone Wars, pg. 29):

You can use the smoke, noise, light, and confusion caused by your grenade attacks to move unseen near your foes.
Benefit: When you damage a target with a burst or splash weapon, you gain concealment against that target until the beginning of your next turn.

FLECHE (Galaxy of Intrigue, pg. 27):

You throw yourself at your opponent to make a single precise strike.
Prerequisite: Base attack bonus + 1.
Benefit: Once per encounter, when you charge, you can turn any natural attack roll of 17+ into a critical hit.

FLEET-FOOTED (Scum and Villainy, pg. 21):

You gain a burst of speed when you attack while running.
Prerequisite: Running Attack.
Benefit: If you move both before and after you make an attack using the Running Attack feat, your speed is increased by 2 squares until the end of your turn.

FLOOD OF FIRE (Clone Wars, pg. 29):

You fill the air with weapon fire, keeping your opponents from escaping the barrage.
Prerequisite: Proficient with weapon used.
Benefit: When you make an area attack with a weapon set on autofire, all targets in the area lose all dodge or deflection bonuses to Reflex Defense against the autofire attack.

FLURRY (Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 33):

You attack using a series of quick strikes, sacrificing defense in the process.
Prerequisite: Dexterity 13.
Benefit: When wielding only light weapons or lightsabers, you can make a flurry of attacks. You take a -5 penalty to your Reflex Defense, but you gain a +2 bonus on your melee attack
rolls. The bonus on attacks and penalty to Reflex Defense apply until the start of your next turn.
Special: You can use this feat in the place of the Point Blank Shot feat to qualify for the elite trooper prestige class.

FOCUSED RAGE (The Force Unleashed, pg. 33):

You retain better focus while enraged.
Prerequisite: Rage species trait, Controlled Rage.
Benefit: While raging, you can use skills that require patience and concentration, at a -5 penalty.
Normal: While raging, you cannot use skills that require patience and concentration, such as Mechanics, Stealth, or Use the Force.

FOLLOW THROUGH (Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 23):

You have learned to take down an enemy with an attack and then use your momentum to dash across the battlefield.
Benefit: If you deal enough damage to your opponent with a melee attack to reduce it to 0 hit points, you can immediately move up to your speed. You can use this ability once per turn.
Special: If you have the Cleave feat, you can move up to your speed before making the extra melee attack granted by the Cleave feat.

FORCE BOON (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 85):

You are able to draw upon the Force more often than less skilled users.
Prerequisite: Force Sensitivity.
Benefit: You gain three additional Force Points at each level.

FORCE OF PERSONALITY (Galaxy at War, pg. 23):

As a result of your self-confidence and conviction, your will is strong.
Prerequisites: Charisma 13.
Benefit: You can use either your Wisdom modifier or your Charisma modifier to determine your Will Defense.

FORCE READINESS (Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 33):

The Force is always with you, and you have a knack for succeeding even when the odds are against you.
Benefit: You can spend Force Points as a free action, even if it is not your turn. All other restrictions to Force Point use still apply.
Normal: Unless otherwise specified, you can spend Force Points only on your turn, preventing you from enhancing attacks and skill checks made as reactions.

FORCE REGIMEN MASTERY (Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 23):

You learn one or more Force regimens, which you can use to enhance your regular training.
Prerequisites: Force Sensitivity, trained in the Use the Force skill.
Benefit: You learn a number of Force regimens (see page 10) equal to 1 + Wisdom modifier (minimum 1).
Special: You can take this feat more than once. Each time you take this feat, you learn a number of additional Force regimens equal to 1+ your Wisdom modifier (minimum 1). If you
Wisdom modifier permanently increases, you immediately gain a number of Force regimens equal to the number of Force Regimen Mastery feats you have taken.


The following Force regimens can be learned by any Force-sensitive character and enhance Force use in a variety of ways.
AWAKEN FORCE SENSITIVITY (Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 10):
This training regimen is used to awaken another character to the larger world of Force sensitivity. You and the beneficiary of this regimen practice meditation, quieting your
minds and listening to the Force.
Time: 1 hour. Target: One willing ally who does not possess the Force Sensitivity feat.
Make a Use the Force check. The result of the check determines the benefits of the regimen:
DC 13: You gain the benefit of the Gauge Force Potential talent (if you do not already have it).
DC 18: As DC 13, and you awaken the first glimmer of Force sensitivity in the target. For the next 24 hours, the target can make untrained Use the Force checks as though he or
she possesses the Force Sensitivity feat.
DC 23: AS DC 18, except the target also gains a +1 Force bonus on Use the Force checks.
DC 28: As DC 18, except the student also gains a +2 Force bonus on use the Force checks.

EYES OF THE FORCE (Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 10):

This regimen trains you to sense images that you cannot normally see by reading the surface thoughts of others. During this regimen, an assistant holds a two-dimensional
image viewer so that you see the images being displayed on the screen. As the image viewer cycles through different images of common objects, you must read the surface
thoughts of the assistant to determine what image is being displayed on the screen at that time.
Time: 1 hour Target: You.
Requirements: A two-dimensional image display and an assistant.
Make a Use the Force check. The result of the check determines the benefits of the regimen:
DC 13: You successfully read one-third of the assistant’s surface thoughts. You gain a +1 Force bonus on Use the Force checks make to use the Telepathy application of the Use
the Force skill.
DC 18: You successfully read two-thirds of the assistant’s surface thoughts. You gain a +2 Force bonus on Use the Force checks made to use the Telepathy application of the
Use the Force skill.
DC 23: You successfully read all of the assistant’s surface thoughts. You gain a +2 Force bonus on Use the Force checks made to use the Telepathy application of the Use the
Force skill. In addition, if you successfully use Telepathy against an unwilling target, you can also sense the target’s surface emotions and stray thoughts (as determined by the

OXYGEN BOTTLE (Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 11):

This difficult regimen trains you to master environmental manipulation through the Force. You must first empty a glass bottle of air, creating a perfect vacuum inside. Then you
must allow only oxygen to slip past the seal created by the Force, eventually filling the bottle with pure oxygen before placing the vac-seal stopper. This regimen requires you
to use the Force in a nearly molecular level, as well as the Sense aspect of the Force to determine what molecules are making their way into the bottle.
Time: 1 hour. Target: You.
Requirements: A glass bottle with a vac-seal stopper.
Make a Use the Force check. The result of the check determines the benefits of the regimen:
DC 26: You fail to create a vacuum in the bottle before the regimen begins, resulting in an imperfect mixture. You gain a +2 Force bonus to your Fortitude Defense against
inhaled poisons and non-corrosive atmospheric hazards.
DC 32: You create a vacuum in the bottle, but let other molecules enter through your Force seal, creating an imperfect mixture. You gain a +5 Force bonus to your Fortitude
Defense against inhaled poisons and non-corrosive atmospheric hazards.
DC 38: You complete this regimen perfectly, resulting in a bottle of nothing but pure oxygen. You become immune to inhaled poisons and non-corrosive atmospheric hazards.

QUIET THE MIND (Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 11):

This regimen trains you to block out distractions and stray thoughts. It requires little more than finding a quiet, secluded spot and slipping into a meditative trance to clear your
mind of doubt, questions, fear, and the chaos of the galaxy. Jedi use this technique to open themselves to the flow of the Force, allowing them to see distant places and
Time: 1 hour. Target: You.
Make a Use the Force check. The result of the check determines the benefits of the regimen:
DC 13: You meditate, but your mind is still clouded by external stimuli. You can add one use of the farseeing power to your Force suite, but once it is used, it cannot be
regained by any means.
DC 18: You meditate, quieting your mind except for but a few small distractions. You can add one use of the farseeing power to your Force suite.
DC 23: You meditate, quieting your mind entirely. You can add one use of the farseeing power to your Force suite, and you gain the benefits of the Visions talent (if you do not
already know it).

TELEKINETIC PRACTICE (Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 11):

This regimen hones your skill with the Alter aspect of the Force and enhances telekinetic precision. You begin by placing a deep bowl on the ground, with an orb at the bottom
of the bowl. First, you must use the Force to hold the bowl perfectly still and pin it to the ground. Then you roll the ball slowly up the side of the bowl, keeping it in contact
with the bowl at all times, until it reaches the upper rim. The orb is then held in place for 5 minutes, and must remain perfectly still. You then roll the orb slowly back to the
bottom of the bowl, moving it with the Force and not allowing the orb to move under gravity’s power.
Time: 1 hour. Target: You.
Requirements: A deep bowl and a polished stone orb.
Make a Use the Force check. The result of the check determines the benefits of the regimen:
DC 18: You let the bowl move during the regimen. You gain 1 temporary Force Point which you can apply only a Use the Force check to activate a power with the [telekinetic]
DC 23: You let the orb roll under gravity’s power back to its starting position. You gain 2 temporary Force Points which you can apply only a Use the Force check to activate
powers with the [telekinetic] descriptor.
DC 28: You complete the regimen perfectly. You gain 2 temporary Force Points which you can apply only a Use the Force check to activate powers with the [telekinetic]
descriptor or use to reroll a Use the Force check made to activate a power with the [telekinetic] descriptor or use to reroll a Use the Force check made to activate a power with
the [telekinetic] descriptor (you must keep the second result, even if it is worse).


The following Force regimens focus on the art of lightsaber combat. Each one is a training routine that enhances a different aspect of lightsaber combat, and can be used by
practitioners of any lightsaber combat form.

SPARRING PRACTICE (Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 11):

This simple regimen allows you to practice against another living opponent, simulating one-on-one combat. During sparring practice, each combatant attempts to strike the
other while exercising restraint and control. If you use a training lightsaber (see page 56), you can spar without fear of harming your opponent.
Time: 2 hours. Target: You.
Requirements: Lightsaber (or training lightsaber) and a sparring partner.
Make a Use the Force check. The result of the check determines the benefits of the regimen:
DC 18: You hone your lightsaber skills but see little in the way of improvement. You can spend a Force Point to add to the result of a Use the Force check made to activate the
Block talent. This does not count toward the “one Force Point per round” limit.
DC 23: You hone your lightsaber skills, improving your technique by small degrees. You can spend a Force Point to add to the result of a use the Force check made to activate
the Block talent. This does not count toward the “one Force Point per round” limit. You also gain 1 temporary Force point, which can only be used to add to the result of a Use
the Force check made to activate the Block talent.
DC 28: You hone your lightsaber skills and see significant improvement in your technique. You can spend a Force Point to add to the result of a Use the Force check made to
activate the Block talent. This does not count toward the “one Force Point per round” limit. You also gain 2 temporary Force Points, which can only be used to add to the
results of Use the Force checks made to activate the Block talent.

TRAINING REMOTE (Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 12):

You hone your skill at deflecting blaster bolts using your lightsaber. This Force regimen is performed blind, often with the help of a helmet equipped with an opaque blast
Time: 1 hour. Target: You.
Requirements: Lightsaber, training remote, and a helmet with a blast shield.
Make a Use the Force check. The result of the check determines the benefits of the regimen:
DC 18: You hone your lightsaber skills, but the training remote gets several hits on you. You can spend a Force Point to add to the result of a Use the Force check made to
activate the Deflect talent. This does not count toward the “one Force Point per round” limit.
DC 23: You hone your lightsaber skills, and the remote gets in a few small hits on you. You can spend a Force Point to add to the result of a Use the Force check made to
activate the Deflect talent. This does not count toward the “one Force Point per round” limit. You also gain 1 temporary Force Point, which can only be used to add to the
result of a Use the Force check made to activate the Deflect talent.
DC 28: You hone your lightsaber skills, and the remote never harms you. You can spend a Force Point to add to the result of a Use the Force check made to activate the Deflect
talent. This does not count toward the “one Force point per round” limit. You also gain 2 temporary Force Points, which can only be used to add to the results of Use the Force
checks made to activate the Deflect talent.

VO’REN’s FIRST CADENCE (Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 12):

Vo’ren’s first cadence teaches precision through control of one’s body and sensory awareness. You set up 19 wax cylinders at 10-degree intervals around your body, each one
approximately 1.5 meters away, forming a semicircle. Atop each cylinder, one metal ball bearing is placed. You must then use your lightsaber to strike each ball bearing
without making contact with the wax cylinder beneath it. You must place the cylinders and ball bearings one at a time until all 19 have been placed.
Time: 1 hour. Target: You.
Requirements: Lightsaber, 19 wax cylinders, and 190 ball bearings.
Make a Use the Force check. You take a penalty on your Use the Force check equal to your Dark Side Score. The result of the check determines the benefits of the regimen:
DC 13: You damage two cylinders. You gain a +1 Force bonus to your Will Defense.
DC 18: You damage one cylinder. You gain a +2 Force bonus to your Will Defense.
DC 23: You complete the cadence without damaging any cylinders. You gain a +3 Force bonus to your Will Defense, and you gain the benefits of the Severing Strike talent (if
you do not already know it).

VO’REN’S SECOND CADENCE (Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 12):

Vo’ren’s second cadence teaches not only control but also spatial awareness. You must set up 72 wax cylinders at 5-degree intervals around your body, each one approximately
1.5 meters away. Atop each cylinder, one metal ball bearing is placed. Like in the first cadence, you must place the cylinders and ball bearings one at a time until all 72 have
been placed. However, unlike the first cadence, you must strike all of the cylinders in a full 360-degree arc without turning your body to face the cylinders to the rear, honing
your ability to strike at enemies coming from all sides.
Time: 2 hour. Target: You.
Requirements: Lightsaber, 72 wax cylinders, and 2,701 ball bearings.
Make a Use the Force check. You take a penalty on your Use the Force check equal to your Dark Side Score. The result of the check determines the benefits of the regimen:
DC 18: You damage two cylinders. You gain a +1 Force bonus on lightsaber attack rolls against creatures that flank you.
DC 23: You damage one cylinder. You gain a +2 Force bonus on lightsaber attack rolls against creatures that flank you.
DC 28: You complete the regimen without damaging the cylinders. You gain a +2 Force bonus on lightsaber attack rolls against creatures that flank you, and you gain the
benefits of the Whirlwind Attack feat (if you do not already know it).

VO’REN’S THIRD CADENCE (Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 13):

Vo’ren’s third cadence teaches precision through control of one’s body and sensory awareness. You set up 180 way cylinders at 2-degree intervals around your body, each one
approximately 1.5 meters away. Atop each cylinder, one metal ball bearing is placed. Unlike the second cadence, in the third cadence you must strike every fifth ball bearing,
making a rotation around your body several times over the course of the regimen. This prepares you for irregular attack patterns from all sides.
Time: 3 hour. Target: You.
Requirements: Lightsaber, 180 wax cylinders, and 16, 290 ball bearings.
Make a Use the Force check. You take a penalty on your Use the Force check equal to your Dark Side Score. The result of the check determines the benefits of the regimen:
DC 23: You damage two cylinders. You gain a +1 force bonus on ranged attack rolls made when using the Redirect Shot talent.
DC 28: You damage one cylinder. You gain a +2 Force bonus on ranged attack rolls made when using the Redirect shot talent.
DC 33: You complete the regimen without damaging the cylinders. You gain a +2 Force bonus on ranged attack rolls made when using the Redirect Shot talent, and you can
spend Force Points to enhance Use the Force checks to Block and Deflect (as per the talents), even when it is not your turn. Furthermore, Force Points spent to enhance Use
the Force checks to Block and Deflect do not count toward the “one Force Point per round” limit normally applied to spending Force Points.

VO’REN’S FOURTH CADENCE (Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 13):

Vo’ren’s fourth cadence teaches composure and quick thinking amid the chaos of battle. If begins by setting up 360 wax cylinders at 1-degree intervals around your body, each
one approximately 1.5 meters away. No ball bearings are required for this cadence. You must strike the cylinders according to a complex mathematical formula. By the time
the cadence is completed, you will have learned to perform incredibly taxing mental tasks while also focusing on the external chaos of combat.
Time: 3 hour. Target: You.
Requirements: Lightsaber and 360 wax cylinders.
Make a Use the Force check. You take a penalty on your Use the Force check equal to your Dark Side Score. The result of the check determines the benefits of the regimen:
DC 26: You make a mistake during the first hour. You gain a +1 Force bonus on Use the Force checks made to continue maintaining a Force power whenever you take damage.
DC 32: You make a mistake during the second hour. You gain a +2 Force bonus on Use the Force checks made to continue maintaining a Force Power whenever you take no
DC 38: You make no mistakes during the regimen. You gain a +2 Force bonus on Use the Force checks made to continue maintaining a Force power whenever you take
damage, and if you are damaged while maintaining a Force power, you can spend a Force Point as a reaction to not have to make a new Use the Force check.

VO’REN’S FIFTH CADENCE (Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 13):

In Vo’ren’s fifth and final cadence, you must demonstrate true mastery over yourself and your lightsaber. No wax cylinders are required; you simply know when you have
made a correct strike. Unlike the other cadences, this regimen requires you to use the Force to manipulate your lightsaber, an act of pure telekinetic power in which your
hands never touch the weapon. This technique brings together the Control, Sense, and Alter aspects of the Force into one training regimen.
Time: 3 hour. Target: You.
Requirements: Lightsaber.
Make a Use the Force check. You take a penalty on your Use the Force check equal to your Dark Side Score. The result of the check determines the benefits of the regimen:
DC 31: You make a mistake during the first hour. You gain a +1 bonus on Use the Force checks made to use the Move Light Object application of the skill.
DC 37: You make a mistake during the second hour. You gain a +2 bonus on Use the Force checks made to use the Move Light Object application of the skill.
DC 43: You complete the cadence without making a single mistake. You gain a +2 bonus on Use the Force checks made to use the Move Light Object application of the skill, and
you add the Kinetic Combat Force power (see page 51 of the Knights of the Old Republic Campaign Guide) to your Force suite. Additionally, you can spend a Force Point to
reroll any Use the Force check made to activate a Force power with the [telekinetic] descriptor, keeping the better result.

FORCE SENSITIVITY (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 85):

You are Force-sensitive, allowing you to call on the Force and learn to draw on its power.
Prerequisite: Cannot be a droid.
Benefit: You can make Use the Force checks, and Use the Force is considered a class skill for you. In addition, whenever you gain a new talent, you have the option of selecting a Force
talent instead. You must meet the prerequisites of the Force talent to select it (see Force Talents, page 100).
Normal: You can't make Use the Force checks (page 77) or select Force talents unless you have the Force Sensitivity feat.
FORCE TRAINING (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 85):
You learn one or more Force powers (see Force Powers, page 95).
Prerequisites: Force Sensitivity, trained in the Use the Force skill.
Benefit: You add to your Force power suite a number of Force powers equal to 1 + your Wisdom modifier (minimum 1). You can add the same power more than once.
Special: You can take this feat more than once. Each time you take this feat, you add to your Force suite a number of new Force powers equal to 1 + your Wisdom modifier.
If your Wisdom modifier permanently increases, you immediately gain a number of Force powers equal to the number of Force Training feats you have taken.

FORCEFUL BLAST (Galaxy at War, pg. 23):

You can position your grenade attacks such that they blast creatures away from the center of the explosion.
Prerequisites: Proficient with weapon used, base attack bonus +1.
Benefit: When you damage a Large or smaller creature with a grenade or thermal detonator, compare the result of your attack roll to the target`s Fortitude Defense. If your result equals
or exceeds the target`s Fortitude Defense, you can move the target 1 square in any direction as a free action. If the grenade or thermal detonator deals damage to multiple eligible
creatures, you can use this benefit against all of them. You can`t move a target that`s being grabbed or grappled, and you can`t move a target into a solid object or into another
creature`s fighting space.

FORCEFUL RECOVERY (Galaxy of Intrigue, pg. 27):

The Force is strong with you, and it gives you focus and vitality.
Prerequisite: Force Sensitivity, Force Training.
Benefit: Whenever you catch a second wind, choose one expended Force power and return that power to your Force suite.

FORTIFYING RECOVERY (Galaxy at War, pg. 23):

Even as you reel from attacks, you can get yourself back into the fight and make a difference.
Prerequisites: Constitution 13.
Benefit: When you take the recover action, you also gain a number of bonus hit points equal to 2 x your Constitution bonus (minimum 2). Damage is subtracted from the bonus hit
points first, and any bonus hit points remaining at the end of the encounter are lost. Bonus hit points do not stack.

FRIENDS IN LOW PLACES (Scum and Villainy, pg. 21):

Given enough time, you can dig up the right tool for the job.
Prerequisite: Trained in the Gather Information skill.
Benefit: Whenever you would acquire a license for a restricted or military object, you can substitute a Gather Information check for a Knowledge (bureaucracy) check. Reduce the black-
market cost multiplier of such items by 1.

FRIGHTENING CLEAVE (Unknown Regions, pg. 24):

Enemies that see you successfully use the Cleave feat become fearful.
Prerequisites: Strength 13, Cleave, Power Attack, base attack bonus +4.
Benefit: Immediately after you use the Cleave feat, each enemy within 6 squares of you and within your line of sight takes a -1 penalty to its Reflex Defense, attack rolls, and skill checks
against you until the end of the encounter.
This penalty stacks to a maximum of -5. This is a mind-affecting effect.


Service in the Galactic Alliance has honed your toughness.
Benefit: You do not move down the condition track the first time an attack exceeds your damage threshold in an encounter.
GEARHEAD (Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 33):
You are naturally talented with machines and electronics.
Benefit: Once per encounter, you can make Mechanics and Use Computer checks more quickly than normal. A check requiring a full-round action can be attempted as a standard action,
a check requiring a standard action can be attempted as a move action, and a check requiring a move action can be attempted as a swift action. Checks requiring multiple swift actions
can be reduced by one swift action. Checks requiring more than a full round action can be attempted in one-half the amount of time required at a -10 penalty.

GRAB BACK (Unknown Regions, pg. 24):

You are able to counter grab and grapple attacks, redirecting them back on your attacker.
Prerequisite: Dexterity 13.
Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus to your Reflex Defense against grab and grapple attacks. If an enemy misses you when making a grab or grapple attack, you can immediately make your
own grab attack against the same enemy as a reaction. If you have a feat that enables you to make a grapple attack (such as Pin or Trip), you can make a grapple attack instead.


You have received basic training from the Grand Army of the Republic and know how to turn even bulky armor into an asset.
Prerequisite: Proficient with armor worn.
Benefit: If you wear armor that provides an equipment bonus to your Fortitude Defense, you also apply the armor's equipment bonus to your Will Defense.

GRAPPLE RESISTANCE (Legacy Era, pg. 36):

You make it difficult for enemies to grab or grapple you, or attack objects in your possession.
Benefit: You gain a +5 bonus to your Reflex Defense when an enemy makes a grab or grapple attack against you, and you gain a +5 bonus to all opposed grapple checks. All objects that
you are holding or carrying gain a +5 bonus to their Reflex Defense when attacked (see “Attack an Object” on page 151 of the Saga Edition core rulebook).

GRAZING SHOT (Galaxy of Intrigue, pg. 27):

Using precise aim, you can hit two targets with a single shot.
Prerequisite: Point Blank Shot.
Benefit: When you successfully make a ranged attack against a single target, you can make a second attack roll against an additional target that is in direct line of sight and no farther
than 6 squares from the original target.
If the second attack roll succeeds, make a single damage roll, and divide the damage equally between the two targets. If the second attack roll fails, you deal no damage to either target.

GREAT CLEAVE (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 85):

You can wield a melee weapon with such power that you can strike multiple times when you drop your opponents.
Prerequisites: Strength 13, Power Attack, Cleave, base attack bonus +4.
Benefit: As the Cleave feat (page 83), except that you have no limit to the number of times you can use it per round.

GUNNERY SPECIALIST (Clone Wars, pg. 31):

You are right at home in the gunner's seat and use heavy artillery to great effect.
Prerequisite: Base attack bonus + 1.
Benefit: While you are the gunner of a vehicle, you are considered proficient with vehicle weapons. Additionally, once per encounter, you can reroll an attack roll made with a vehicle
weapon, though you must keep the second result, even if it is worse. You can declare this reroll after you learn the result of the attack roll, but before damage is resolved.
Special: Taking this feat satisfies the prerequisites for the Starship Tactics feat (page 20 of Starships of the Galaxy); however, unless you are trained in the Pilot skill and have the
Vehicular Combat feat, you may only take [gunner] maneuvers when you select starship maneuvers for Starship Tactics.

HALT (Unknown Regions, pg. 25):

When making an attack of opportunity, you can stop an enemy in its tracks.
Prerequisites: Trip, Weapon Focus in selected weapon, Weapon Proficiency in selected weapon, base attack bonus +8.
Benefit: If you hit with an attack of opportunity against an enemy of up to one size larger than you, compare the same die roll result against the target's grapple check (see page 154 of
the Saga Edition core rulebook). If the die roll succeeds against the grapple check, the target immediately halts all movement and falls prone in its current square. The target can spend
any remaining actions normally. If your attack exceed the target's damage threshold, the target loses any remaining actions and ends its turn immediately. Apply damage normally to the
target regardless of the results of this feat.
Special: If the target is using the charge action when moving past you, its charge is ended if you successfully knock it prone, and the target cannot charge again on this turn.

HASTY MODIFICATION (Scum and Villainy, pg. 22):

You can tweak and adapt equipment on the fly.
Prerequisite: Tech Specialist (see page 21 of Starships of the Galaxy).
Benefit: You can exchange a trait that you have applied to a piece of equipment or droid for another one by spending 1 minute to make a DC 20 Mechanics check. If you succeed, the
equipment loses the old trait and gains a new trait until the end of the encounter, at which point the device loses all traits it had previously acquired through use of the Tech Specialist

HEAVY HITTER (Unknown Regions, pg. 25):

You know how to pound targets when firing heavy-weapons emplacements and vehicle weaponry.
Prerequisites: Weapon Focus (heavy weapons), Weapon Proficiency (heavy weapons).
Benefit: When making an attack roll using a weapons emplacement or a vehicle weapon, you add an additional 1 point of damage for every 5 points you roll above the target's Reflex
Defense. If you exceed the target's damage threshold, then on its next turn the target cannot attack and its speed is reduced by 2 squares (1 square starship scale).

HIDEOUS VISAOE (Scum and Villainy, pg. 22):

You can twist your features into a startling mask.
Prerequisite: Shapeshift species trait.
Benefit: Once per encounter, as a swift action, you can make a Deception check against one opponent that can see you. If the check equals or exceeds the opponent's Will Defense, you
move the target 1 square away from you and it takes a -1 penalty on all attacks until the start of your next turn. This is a mind-affecting fear effect.

HOBBLING STRIKE (Galaxy of Intrigue, pg. 28):

You know where to hit your enemy to slow it down.
Prerequisite: Sneak Attack, Rapid Shot, or Rapid Strike.
Benefit: Whenever you would deal extra damage by using Sneak Attack, Rapid Shot, or Rapid Strike, you reduce the target's speed by 1 square until the end of the encounter instead of
dealing the extra damage.

HOLD TOGETHER (Unknown Regions, pg. 25):

Sometimes vehicles seem to hold together by your force of will.
Prerequisite: Trained in the Mechanics skill.
Benefit: As a reaction, you can spend a Force Point to delay the effect of damage dealt to a vehicle you are riding in or piloting until the end of the round. The vehicle must be of Colossal
size or smaller.

HYPERBLAZER (Unknown Regions, pg. 25):

You are familiar with blazing new routes and navigating the tangled web of hyperspace in the Unknown Regions.
Prerequisite: Trained in the Use Computer skill.
Benefit: When traversing the hyperspace tangle, you reduce by half the calculation time and penalties on Use Computer checks for astrogation (see page 237 of the Saga Edition core
rulebook). You also reduce hyperspace mapping time by half when mapping new hyperspace routes.


You have been instilled with the sense of discipline and loyalty demanded by the Empire.
Benefit: Once per encounter, as a free action on your turn, you can negate any one mind-affecting effect targeting or currently affecting you.
IMPERSONATE (Scum and Villainy, pg. 23):
You can alter your appearance to resemble a specific person.
Prerequisites: Shapeshift species trait, Skill Focus (Deception).
Benefit: You can make a Deception check to alter your features to that of a specific person. This feat also allows you to change your voice to match the target's. You always treat
impersonating a person as a Moderate deception.

IMPETUOUS MOVE (Scum and Villainy, pg. 23):

You have an uncanny ability to call upon your reserves when you most need them.
Prerequisite: Constitution 13.
Benefit: When you catch a second wind, you can choose to regain only half of the hit points you normally would with a second wind and immediately move up to half your speed. This
movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity.

IMPLANT TRAINING (Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 33):

You have acclimated your mind and body to the presence of a cybernetic implant.
Prerequisite: Do not move extra steps down the condition track.
Benefit: You are not moved an extra step down the condition track when you would normally be moved down the condition track.
Normal: Characters with an implant move one extra step down the condition track when moved down the condition track for any reason.

IMPROVED BANTHA RUSH (The Force Unleashed, pg. 33):

When using the Bantha Rush feat, you push your opponent additional squares away from you.
Prerequisite: Bantha Rush, Strength 15, base attack bonus +1.
Benefit: When making a Bantha Rush, you push your opponent a number of additional squares away from you equal to half your Strength modifier (round down, minimum 2 squares
pushed total).
Normal: When using Bantha Rush, you normally push your opponent only 1 square away from you.

IMPROVED CHARGE (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 85):

You can charge around obstacles.
Prerequisites: Dexterity 13, Dodge, Mobility.
Benefit: You can make a charge (see page 152) without having to move in a straight line, and you can alter your direction when making a charge to avoid obstacles. All other charge rules
Normal: A character must charge in an unobstructed straight line.

IMPROVED DEFENSES (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 85):

You are skilled at fending off attacks of many forms.
Benefit: You gain a + 1 bonus to your Reflex Defense, Fortitude Defense, and Will Defense.

IMPROVED DISARM (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 85):

You are skilled at disarming opponents in melee combat.
Prerequisites: Intelligence 13, Melee Defense.
Benefit: You gain a +5 bonus on any melee attack roll made to disarm an opponent. In addition, if you fail to disarm your opponent, he doesn't get to make a free attack against you.
Normal: See the normal disarm rules on page 152.

IMPROVED DAMAGE THRESHOLD (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 86):

You are harder to take down in a fight.
Benefit: You increase your damage threshold by 5 (see Damage Threshold, page 146).
Normal: A creature without this feat has a damage threshold equal to its Fortitude Defense plus its size modifier (+5 for Large, + 10 for Huge, +20 for Gargantuan, or +50 for Colossal).
Special: You can take this feat more than once. Its effects stack. Each time you take this feat, increase your damage threshold by 5.


When your opponent lets down its guard, you open it up to additional attacks.
Prerequisites: Combat Reflexes, Opportunistic Trickery.
Benefit: Whenever an opponent provokes an attack of opportunity from you, once per turn you can sacrifice the attack to reduce the target's Reflex Defense by 5 until the end of the
target's next turn.

IMPROVED RAPID STRIKE (Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 33):

Your Rapid Strike is more effective with light melee weapons.
Prerequisite: Rapid Strike, light melee weapon.
Benefit: When using a light melee weapon or lightsaber with the Rapid Strike feat, you can take a -5 penalty to your attack roll to gain +2 dice of damage on a successful strike. This does
not stack with the rapid Strike feat or extra damage provided by any source that does not stack with the Rapid Strike feat (such as Mighty Swing).
Special: If you do not have a Dexterity of 13 or higher, the penalty to your attack roll is -10.

IMPROVED SLEIGHT OF HAND (Unknown Regions, pg. 25):

You manipulate small objects quickly, and they seemingly disappear with a flick of your wrist. You excel at hiding objects when observed, even at close range.
Prerequisites: Dexterity 15, Skill Focus (Deception), trained in the Deception and Stealth skills.
Benefit: When using the Sleight of Hand application of the Stealth skill (see page 73 of the Saga Edition core rulebook), you can use your Deception skill to improve your chance of
success. Prior to making the Stealth check, you can make a Deception check as a swift action. The opposed Perception check of anyone attempting to notice your action must exceed
both your Deception check and your Stealth check.
Additionally, you can, as a single action, use Improved Sleight of Hand to simultaneously draw and palm a weapon two sizes smaller than you. Make a Stealth check as a free action when
drawing your weapon to successfully
conceal it in a position in your hand (or similar appendage), where you can use it on a following action. Once the weapon is used, you can attempt to palm it again as a swift action.

IMPROVISED WEAPON MASTERY (Unknown Regions, pg. 26):

You use improvised weapons with true skill.
Prerequisite: Weapon Proficiency (simple weapons).
Benefit: You treat all improvised weapons as simple weapons, and you can use them without penalty and with talents and feats designed for use with simple weapons. You also deal an
additional 1d6 points of damage on a successful hit.

IMPULSIVE FLIGHT (Scum and Villainy, pg. 23):

You are not above running when the situation turns against you.
Benefit: You can withdraw one extra square using the withdraw action.

INCREASED AGILITY (Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 33):

Due to your own natural abilities or specific training, you move faster or farther than normal when climbing, jumping and swimming.
Prerequisite: Conditioning
Benefit: You increase your Climb speed, Swim speed and Jump distance by 2 squares and do not lose your Dexterity bonus to Reflex Defense when climbing.

INDOMITABLE PERSONALITY (Galaxy of Intrigue, pg. 28):

Your powerful personality helps you cope with attacks that assault your will.
Prerequisite: Charisma 13.
Benefit: Once per encounter, you can add your Charisma bonus to your Will Defense as a reaction; this benefit lasts until the end of your next turn.
INFORMER (The Force Unleashed, pg. 33):
You are adept at prying into the affairs of others and dealing with those who are most interested in gaining that knowledge.
Prerequisite: Trained in the Perception skill.
Benefit: You can use your Perception modifier instead of your Gather Information checks. You are considered trained in the Gather Information skill. If you are entitled to a Gather
Information check reroll, you can reroll your Perception check instead (subject to the same circumstances and limitations).
Additionally, when you have favourable conditions for your Gather Information check (such as from operating on your home planet), you reduce by half the time it takes to make a
Gather Information check.

INSTINCTIVE ATTACK (Unknown Regions, pg. 26):

Your accuracy improves when you act on instinct. Though you might call it luck, the Force is with you.
Prerequisite: Proficient in weapon used, living character (not a droid).
Benefit: When you use a Force Point when making an attack, you can reroll the attack and take the better result. Apply the results of the die from the Force Point to the better result.

INSTINCTIVE DEFENSE (Unknown Regions, pg. 26):

You naturally know how to avoid attacks and defend your mind and body when the Force is with you.
Prerequisite: Living character (not a droid).
Benefit: On your turn, as a free action, you can spend a Force Point to increase all your defenses by 2 until the start of your next turn.

INTIMIDATOR (Unknown Regions, pg. 26):

When you intimidate others, either physically or verbally, you shake their confidence so severely that it affects their performance.
Prerequisite: Trained in the Persuasion skill.
Benefit: When you successfully use the Intimidate application of the Persuasion skill against a creature, instead of the normal results, the creature takes a - 5 penalty to all skill checks
(including Use the Force) and a -2 penalty to all attacks when you are within its line of sight, until the end of your next turn. If aboard another vehicle, your enemy must be able to see or
detect your vehicle.
Special: You cannot use this feat with the Maniacal Charge feat.

JEDI FAMILIARITY (Clone Wars, pg. 31):

You have worked alongside Jedi or other Force-users and have developed an excellent rapport.
Benefit: Once per encounter, when you are targeted or affected by a Force power or Force talent originating from an ally, you gain one temporary Force Point, which must be spent
before the end of the encounter or it goes away. If the Force power or Force talent damages you or moves you down the condition track, you do not gain the benefit of this feat.

KNIFE TRICK (Scum and Villainy, pg. 23):

You can use a concealed weapon to deadly effect.
Prerequisites: Lightning Draw, trained in the Stealth skill.
Benefit: If you have a concealed weapon, you threaten squares as though armed with a melee weapon. When you can make an attack of opportunity, you can draw a weapon you have
successfully concealed on your person (see page 72 of the Saga Edition core rulebook) and make a single attack against the target. If you choose not to draw your concealed weapon and
attack with it, you cannot make the attack of opportunity unless you would otherwise normally be able to do so.
Normal: With the Quick Draw feat, drawing or holstering a weapon is a swift action.

KNOCK HEADS (Legacy Era, pg. 36):

You knock two opponents’ heads together in unarmed combat.
Prerequisites: Dexterity 13, Strength 13, Multi-Grab.
Benefit: After successfully using the Multi-Grab feat against two targets that are both adjacent to you and each other, you can immediately knock their heads together, dealing
automatic bludgeoning damage to each creature equal to 1d6 plus your Strength modifier. When comparing the damage to each creature’s damage threshold, treat their damage
thresholds as if they were 5 points lower. Both creatures are still grabbed at the end of using this feat.
LEADER OF DROIDS (Clone Wars, pg. 31):
You are experienced in leading droids, and you know how to direct them tactically.
Benefit: Whenever you provide a beneficial, mind-affecting effect to your allies, you may select from among these allies a number of droids equal to your Intelligence modifier
(minimum 1). The droids you designate ignore their mind-affecting immunity with regards to this effect, provided they are willing to ignore this immunity.

LIGHTNING DRAW (Scum and Villainy, pg. 23):

You can draw and fire in one smooth motion.
Prerequisite: Quick Draw.
Benefit: Once per encounter, you can draw a holstered weapon and attack as a single standard action.
Normal: With the Quick Draw feat, drawing or holstering a weapon is a swift action.

LINGUIST (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 86):

You pick up languages quickly and easily.
Prerequisite: Intelligence 13.
Benefit: You gain a number of bonus languages equal to 1 plus your Intelligence bonus (minimum of 1). See the sidebar on page 22 for a list of common languages.
Special: You can take this feat more than once. Each time you take this feat, you gain a number of additional languages equal to 1 plus your Intelligence bonus (minimum of 1).

LOGIC UPGRADE: SELF DEFENSE (Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 34):
You can use your acquired knowledge and experiences to increase your defenses.
Prerequisite: Droids only.
Benefit: Once per encounter, as a reaction, you can grant yourself a +2 morale bonus to the defense score of your choice until the end of your next turn.

LOGIC UPGRADE: TACTICIAN (Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 34):

You have learned to use your systems and equipment to arm yourself.
Prerequisite: Droids only, base attack bonus +4.
Benefit: Once per encounter, you can use the aid another action to grant a single ally a +5 bonus to their next attack roll against an opponent.
Normal: Successfully aiding an attack roll grants a +2 bonus to the ally’s next attack roll against the opponent.

LONG HAFT STRIKE (Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 23):

You have learned to take advantage of oversized lightsabers, turning them into double weapons.
Prerequisite: Proficient with weapon used.
Benefit: When you use a lightsaber pike or a long-handle lightsaber, you can attack with both ends of the weapon, treating it as a double weapon. See the description of the individual
weapon for more information on attacking with both ends of the weapon.

MANDALORIAN TRAINING (Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 34):

You are trained in Mandalorian fighting techniques, giving you an advantage in many types of combat.
Prerequisite: Charging Fire.
Benefit: When using the Charging Fire feat, you gain a +2 bonus to a ranged attack made at the end of a charge. As with a normal charge, you still take a -2 penalty to your Reflex
Defense, but you also gain a +2 morale bonus to your Will Defense until the beginning of your next turn.
Normal: You gain no bonus to a ranged attack made at the end of a charge with the Charging Fire feat.

MANIACAL CHARGE (Unknown Regions, pg. 26):

You charge your enemies like a battle-crazed berserker.
Benefit: When using the charge action, you can make a Persuasion check as a free action to intimidate your target and each enemy you pass within 1 square of. When your check
succeeds against an enemy you pass, it cannot make an attack of opportunity against you. When your check succeeds against your target, it loses its Dexterity bonus and is considered
flat-footed until the start of your next turn.

MARTIAL ARTS (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 86):

You are adept at fighting unarmed.
Benefit: Damage dealt by your unarmed attacks increases by one die step: 1d3 becomes 1d4, 1d4 becomes 1d6, and 1d6 becomes 1d8. In addition, you gain a + 1 dodge bonus to your
Reflex Defense.
Normal: The amount of damage you deal with a successful unarmed attack is based on your size: Small, 1d3; Medium, 1d4; Large, 1d6.
Special: A situation that makes you lose your Dexterity bonus to Reflex Defense (if any) also makes you lose dodge bonuses. Also, dodge bonuses stack with each other, unlike most
other types of bonuses.

MARTIAL ARTS II (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 86):

You are a master at fighting unarmed.
Prerequisites: Martial Arts I, base attack bonus +3.
Benefit: Damage dealt by your unarmed attacks increases by one die step: 1d4 becomes 1d6, 1d6 becomes 1d8, and 1d8 becomes 1d10.ln addition, you gain a + 1 dodge bonus to your
Reflex Defense (which stacks with the dodge bonus granted by the Martial Arts I feat).
Normal: The amount of damage you deal with a successful unarmed attack is based on your size: Small, 1d3; Medium, 1d4; Large, 1d6.
Special: A situation that makes you lose your Dexterity bonus to Reflex Defense (if any) also makes you lose dodge bonuses. Also, dodge bonuses stack with each other, unlike most
other types of bonuses.

MARTIAL ARTS III (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 86):

Your martial arts prowess is second to none.
Prerequisites: Martial Arts I, Martial Arts II, base attack bonus +6.
Benefit: Damage dealt by your unarmed attacks increases by one die step: 1d6 becomes 1d8, 1d8 becomes 1d10, and 1d10 becomes 1d12. In addition, you gain a + 1 dodge bonus to
your Reflex Defense (which stacks with the dodge bonus granted by the Martial Arts I and Martial Arts II feats).
Normal: The amount of damage you deal with a successful unarmed attack is based on your size: Small, 1d3; Medium, 1d4; Large, 1d6.
Special: A situation that makes you lose your Dexterity bonus to Reflex Defense (if any) also makes you lose dodge bonuses. Also, dodge bonuses stack with each other, unlike most
other types of bonuses.


You are trained in Echani unarmed fighting techniques, giving you an advantage in hand-to-hand combat.
Prerequisites: Dexterity 13, Martial Arts I.
Benefit: If you make only one unarmed attack during your turn, you can double the damage bonus to that attack provided by your Strength modifier (minimum +1).
Once per encounter when you deal damage to a target with an unarmed attack, you can immediately make an unarmed attack against the target`s Fortitude Defense as a free action. If
successful, you knock the target to the ground (prone) in its current square, provided that the target is no more than one size larger than you.
Special: Targets gain a bonus to Fortitude Defense against being knocked prone based on their size: Medium or smaller, +0; Large, +5; Huge, +1-; Gargantuan, +20; and Colossal, +50. In
addition, unusually stable creatures (such as those four legs) gain a +5 bonus to their Fortitude Defense against being knocked prone.
If you have the Echani Expertise talent (see the Martial Arts Forms talent tree on page 32), whenever you score a critical hit with an unarmed attack, the target is immediately knocked
to the ground (prone) in its current square, provided that the target is no more than one size larger than you.


You are trained in the Hijkata style of unarmed fighting and can quickly turn enemies` attacks against them.
Prerequisites: Combat Reflexes, Martial Arts I.
Benefit: Once per round, when an adjacent enemy successfully damages you with a melee attack, you can make an attack of opportunity with an unarmed attack at a -5 penalty against
that enemy, even if the enemy`s attack normally would not provoke an attack of opportunity.
Once per encounter, when an enemy provokes an attack of opportunity from you and you successfully damage that enemy with an unarmed attack of opportunity, that enemy takes a
penalty to attack rolls equal to your Dexterity modifier (minimum +1) until the end of your next turn.
Special: If you have the Hijkata Expertise talent (see the Martial Arts Forms talent tree on page 32), once per encounter, you can spend a full-round action to designate a single adjacent
ally. Until the start of your next turn, any enemy adjacent to you or the designated ally that makes an attack roll against that ally provokes an attack of opportunity from you. If the ally
moves during his or her turn, you can immediately move a number of squares up to your speed as a reaction; however, you must end your movement in a square that is adjacent to the
designated ally.


You are trained in the K`tara style of unarmed fighting, which enables you to neutralize enemies before they even know that you are present.
Prerequisites: Martial Arts I, trained in Stealth.
Benefit: You roll an extra die of damage against a flat-footed enemy on one unarmed attack during your turn.
Once per encounter, when you deal damage with an unarmed attack to a target that has been denied its Dexterity bonus to Reflex Defense, make a second unarmed attack against the
target`s Fortitude Defense as a free action. If successful, you render the target incapable of speech until the end of your next turn. This is a stunning effect.
Special: If you have the K`tara Expertise talent (see the Martial Arts Forms talent tree on page 33), you can spend two swift actions to cause a single adjacent enemy to be flat-footed
against your first attack during the same round.


You are trained in the K`thri style of unarmed fighting, striking with flashy moves and incredible speed.
Prerequisites: Dual Weapon Mastery I, Martial Arts I.
Benefit: Once per round, you can spend a swift action to make a single unarmed attack against one enemy within reach, dealing your base unarmed damage with no bonus to the
damage roll from your Strength or heroic level.
Once per encounter, when you make an unarmed attack that misses the target, you deal half damage to the target.
You must be wearing light or no armor to gain the benefit of this feat.
Special: If you have the K`thri Expertise talent (see the Martial Arts Forms talent tree on page 33), once per encounter when making a full attack, you can reroll one of your unarmed
attack rolls; however, you must accept the result of the reroll, even if it is worse. You must be wearing light or no armor to gain this special benefit.


You are trained in the Stava unarmed fighting style of the Noghri and can subdue an enemy with ease.
Prerequisites: Martial Arts I, Running Attack.
Benefit: When making a grab attack (see page 152 of the Saga Edition core rulebook), you are considered to be one size category larger for the purpose of determining the size of the
opponent that you can grab. If you are capable of making a grapple attack, you are considered to be one size category larger for the purpose of determining your size modifier to grapple
When making an unarmed attack against a target while charging an opponent (see page 152 of the Saga Edition core rulebook), if your attack roll is successful, you can make an
immediate grab attack against that target as a free action.
You must be wearing light or no armor to gain the benefit of this feat.
Special: If you have the Stava Expertise talent (see the Martial Arts Forms talent tree on page 33), you can add your Strength bonus and your Dexterity bonus to grapple checks. You
must be wearing light or no armor to gain this special benefit.
You are trained in the Tae-Jitsu style of unarmed fighting and can use a variety of techniques to defeat you enemy.
Prerequisites: Dodge, Martial Arts I, trained in Initiative.
Benefit: When you score a critical hit with an unarmed attack, the damage dealt by your attack increases by one die step, to a maximum of d12.
Once per encounter, when you make a successful unarmed attack against an enemy, you can spend a swift action to designate that enemy as your primary adversary. Until the end of
the encounter, you gain the benefit of the Dodge of feat against that enemy and against one other enemy of your choice.
Special: If you have the Tae-Jitsu Expertise talent (see the Martial Arts Form talent tree on page 33), when you score a critical hit against an enemy who has been designated as your
primary adversary, that enemy takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls until the end of your next turn.

MARTIAL ARTS FEATS - TERÄS KÄSI Training (Galaxy at War, pg. 28):
You are trained in the Teräs Käsi unarmed fighting style and can send an enemy reeling with a single punch.
Prerequisites: Strength 12, Martial Arts I.
Benefit: Once per round when you make a successful unarmed attack, you reduce the target`s damage threshold by 5 when determining the effect of the attack.
Special: If you have the Teräs Käsi basics talent (see the Master of Teräs Käsi talent tree on the page 53 of Threats of the Galaxy), you are considered to be one size category larger when
determining the damage of your unarmed attacks.


You are trained in the Teräs Käsi unarmed fighting style and can send an enemy reeling with a single punch.
Prerequisites: Constitution 13, Martial Arts I.
Benefit: Once per round when you make a successful unarmed attack, you gain a number of bonus hit points first, and any bonus hit points equal to your Constitution modifier. Damage
is subtracted from the bonus hit points first, and any bonus hit points remaining at the end of the encounter are lost. Bonus hit points do not stack.
Once per encounter, you can make an unarmed attack against an enemy`s Fortitude Defense instead of the enemy`s Reflex Defense. If the attack is successful, the enemy not only takes
damage but also loses any equipment bonuses to Fortitude Defense until the end of the encounter.
You must be wearing light or no armor to gain the benefit of this feat.
Special: If you have the Wrruushi Expertise talent (see the Martial Arts Forms talent tree on page 33), once per encounter when you score a critical hit with an unarmed attack against an
enemy, you deal normal damage and move the target an additional -2 steps on the condition track, regardless of the damage result. You must be wearing light or no armor to gain this
special benefit.

MASTER OF DISGUISE (Galaxy of Intrigue, pg. 28):

You are adept at creating convincing disguises in remarkably short periods of time.
Prerequisites: Trained in the Deception skill, Charisma 13.
Benefit: You gain a +5 insight bonus to your Deception check when creating a deceptive appearance or a forged document. In addition, you can rush the process by taking a penalty of -2
to the Deception check.
Normal: When you rush the creation of a deceptive appearance or forged document, you take a -10 penalty to your Deception check.

MEAT SHIELD (Galaxy of Intrigue, pg. 28):

You are adept at using an opponent's defense to your own advantage.
Prerequisites: Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, base attack bonus +4.
Benefit: Whenever an opponent attacks you while in cover provided by another character, creature, or droid, you are treated as being in cover from attacks by that opponent.

MELEE DEFENSE (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 86):

You are trained at using your combat ability for defense as well as offense.
Prerequisite: Intelligence 13.
Benefit: When you use a standard action to make a melee attack, you can take a penalty of up to -5 on your attack roll and add the same number (up to +5) as a dodge bonus to your
Reflex Defense. This number may not exceed your base attack bonus. The changes to attack rolls and Reflex Defense last until the start of your next turn.
Normal: A character without the Melee Defense feat can fight defensively while using the attack action to take a -5 penalty on his attack roll and gain a +2 dodge bonus to his Reflex

METAMORPH (Scum and Villainy, pg. 23):

You are a talented shapeshifter, capable of changing your appearance and your body mass.
Prerequisites: Constitution 13, shapeshift species trait, trained in the Deception skill.
Benefit: As a full - round action, you can change your mass when you use your shapeshift species trait, increasing or decreasing your size by one step.
If you reduce your size to Small, you gain a +1 size bonus to your Reflex Defense and a +5 size bonus on Stealth checks, but your carrying capacity is three-quarters of what it was prior to
your use of Metamorph.
If you increase your size to Large, you take a -1 size penalty to your Reflex Defense and a -5 size penalty on your Stealth checks. However, your carrying capacity doubles, you gain a +5
size bonus to your Damage Threshold, and your reach increases by 1. You can maintain this form for a number of rounds per day equal to your Constitution score.

MIGHTY SWING (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 86):

You are capable of delivering jarring melee attacks.
Prerequisite: Strength 13.
Benefit: You can spend two swift actions in the same round to deal + 1 die of damage on your next melee attack in the same round.
The effects of this feat do not stack with the extra damage provided by the Rapid Strike feat.

MIGHTY THROW (The Force Unleashed, pg. 33):

You are highly accurate with grenade-like weapons.
Prerequisite: Strength 13.
Benefit: You can add your Strength bonus (in addition to your Dexterity bonus) to your ranged attack bonus when using thrown weapons (including grenades and grenade-like weapons).
Also, you can increase the length of each range category by a number of squares equal to your Strength modifier.

MISSION SPECIALIST (Galaxy at War, pg. 24):

You are so good with certain skills that others around you benefit from your guidance and example.
Benefit: Choose one skill in which you are trained. Allies who are not trained in that skill gain a +2 competence bonus to the skill while they are within 12 squares of you.
You can select this feat multiple times. Each time you select this feat, it applies to a different skill.
Special: Only allies who have the Force Sensitivity feat gain this bonus to Use the Force checks.

MOBILITY (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 86):

You are skilled at moving past opponents and avoiding opportunistic attacks.
Prerequisites: Dexterity 13, Dodge.
Benefit: You get a +5 dodge bonus to Reflex Defense against attacks of opportunity caused when you move out of or into a threatened area (see Attacks of Opportunity, page 155).
A situation that makes you lose your Dexterity bonus to Reflex Defense (if any) also makes you lose dodge bonuses. Dodge bonuses stack with each other, unlike most types of bonuses.

MOMENTUM STRIKE (Threats of the Galaxy, pg. 127):

You know how to put the full weight of your momentum into attacks while riding a mount or a speeder bike.
Prerequisite: Trained in the Pilot or Ride skill.
Benefit: When riding a beast as a mount or on a speeder bike (as a passenger or a pilot) you add +1 die of damage to any melee attacks if your mount or vehicle has already moved at
least its speed this turn.
MOUNTED COMBAT (Unknown Regions, pg. 26):
You know how to get the most from a mount in combat and in other dangerous situations.
Prerequisite: Trained in the Ride skill.
Benefit: You can make a DC 20 Ride check as a swift action to spur your living mount to move faster than its normal speed. If the check fails, your mount's speed does not increase and it
moves -1 step on the condition track.
If the check succeeds, your mount's speed increases by 2 squares until the start of your next turn. You cannot take 10 on this check. Your mount must succeed on a DC 20 Endurance
check prior to each subsequent attempt to use this feat in the same encounter.
Additionally, once per round, as a reaction, when you are riding a mount, you can negate a weapon hit against either you or the mount by making a successful Ride check. The DC of the
skill check is equal to the result of the attack roll you want to negate.

MOUNTED DEFENSE (Threats of the Galaxy, pg. 127):

You are able to react to incoming attacks, using your mount or speeder bike to absorb attacks against you.
Prerequisite: Trained in the pilot or Ride skill.
Benefit: When riding a beast as a mount or on a speeder bike (as a passenger or a pilot), once per encounter you can redirect any attack made against you at your mount or vehicle
instead. The decision to redirect the attack is make after the result of the attack roll is determined but before damage or other effects are resolved.

MOVING TARGET (Rebellion Era, pg.29):

You know how to stay mobile, making it harder for your enemies to hit you with their attacks.
Prerequisite: Dodge.
Benefit: If you end your turn at least 3 squares away from where you started, you gain a +1 dodge bonus to your Reflex Defense until the start of your next turn.

MULTI-GRAB (Legacy Era, pg. 36):

You may grab two opponents at once.
Prerequisites: Dexterity 13.
Benefit: As a standard action, you can make a grab attack against two targets adjacent to you (roll a separate attack against each target). You must have two empty hands to use this

NATURAL LEADER (The Force Unleashed, pg. 34):

You are a natural leader, and you found your own organization.
Prerequisite: Charisma 13.
Benefit: You become the leader of an organization of your design (see Chapter 4: Organizations for more information on designing new organizations). The organization has a scale equal
to one-half your heroic level plus your Charisma bonus and continues to grow in scale as you gain levels. You automatically begin with a +10 bonus to your organization score for your
new organization.

NEVER SURRENDER (Galaxy at War, pg. 24):

You can fight your way from the blackness of death and unconsciousness, staying active in combat.
Prerequisites: Trained in Endurance.
Benefit: The first time you would be reduced to 0 hit points in an encounter, you can make an Endurance check as a reaction, with a DC equal to the number of points of damage being
deal to you. If you check succeeds, you are instead reduced to 1 hit point.

NIKTO SURVIVAL (Unknown Regions, pg. 28):

You gain an additional boost to your Survival checks, based on your Nikto subspecies.
Prerequisite: Must be a member of the Nikto species (see Nikto, page 13).
Benefit: Select a Nikto subspecies: Kajain'sa'Nikto (desert), Kadas'sa'Nikto (forest), Esral'sa'Nikto (mountains), Gluss'sa'Nikto (ocean), or M'shento'su'Nikto (arctic). In addition to the
usual Nikto species traits, when you are operating in an environment advantageous to your native subspecies, you can reroll any Survival check, taking the better result.


You have received special training in commanding others in combat.
Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus to your Rank and Privilege organization score (see page 73 for more information).

OPPORTUNISTIC RETREAT (Scum and Villainy, pg. 23):

When your opponent lets down his guard, you can better position yourself to press your advantage.
Prerequisite: Combat Reflexes.
Benefit: Whenever an opponent provokes an attack of opportunity from you, once per turn you can sacrifice the attack to move a number of squares equal to one-half your speed.
Moving in this way does not provoke attacks of opportunity.

OPPORTUNISTIC SHOOTER (Galaxy at War, pg. 25):

You are quick to react when nearby enemies expose themselves to your attacks.
Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus to attacks of opportunity with ranged weapons.

OPPORTUNISTIC TRICKERY (Galaxy of Intrigue, pg. 28):

When your opponent lets down its guard, you know how to set it off balance for several moments.
Prerequisites: Combat Reflexes, Sneak Attack.
Benefit: Whenever an opponent provokes an attack of opportunity from you, once per turn you can sacrifice that attack to reduce the target's Reflex Defense by 2 for the following

OVERWHELMING ATTACK (Clone Wars, pg. 31):

You know how to get your attacks past enemy defenses, making sure they strike true.
Benefit: You must spend two swift actions in the same round to activate this feat. If your target attempts to use a talent, feat, or other ability to negate your attack (such as Block,
Deflect, or Vehicular Combat). The target takes a -5 penalty to any attack rolls or skill checks it makes to negate the attack. This effect applies to the next attack you make before the end
of the same round.

PALL OF THE DARK SIDE (Clone Wars, pg. 31):

You are adept at hiding yourself from Force-users, thanks to the haze of the dark side.
Prerequisite: Dark Side Score 1+.
Benefit: You can add one-half your Dark Side Score (minimum 1) to any Use the Force checks made to resist attempts to detect you with the Sense Force application of the Use the Force

PIN (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 87):

You are skilled at immobilizing grappled foes.
Prerequisite: Base attack bonus + 1.
Benefit: If you succeed on a grappling attack and your opponent fails the opposed grapple check, your opponent is automatically pinned until the start of your next turn. A pinned
creature can't move or take any actions while pinned, and it loses its Dexterity bonus (if any) to Reflex Defense.
Special: You cannot use the Pin and Trip feats during the same round. You can use the Pin and Crush feat in the same round, however.

PISTOLEER (Galaxy at War, pg. 25):

You are skilled in the use of pistols and gain certain benefits depending on which weapon you use.
Prerequisites: Proficient with weapon used.
Benefit: When you make a ranged attack with a pistol, you gain one of the following benefits, depending on the kind of pistol you use.
Blaster Pistol: You treat the blaster pistol as an accurate weapon.
Heavy Blaster Pistol: You do not treat the heavy blaster pistol as an inaccurate weapon.
Hold-Out Blaster Pistol: If you fire a hold-out blaster pistol at a target that has not yet acted in combat, you gain a +2 bonus to your attack rolls with that weapon against that
target. The bonus applies to all such attacks until the target acts.

POINT BLANK SHOT (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 87):

You are skilled at making well-placed shots with ranged weapons at point blank range.
Benefit: You get a + 1 bonus on attack and damage rolls with ranged weapons against opponents within point blank range (see Table 8-5: Weapon Ranges, page 129).

POISON RESISTANCE (Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 34):

You are naturally more resistant to the effect of poison.
Prerequisite: Constitution 13.
Benefit: You gain a +5 bonus to your Fortitude Defense when attacked by poison. If the attack succeeds, you take only half damage.

POWER ATTACK (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 87):

You can make exceptionally powerful melee attacks.
Prerequisite: Strength 13.
Benefit: On your action, before making an attack roll, you may choose to subtract a number from all melee attack rolls and add the same number to all melee damage rolls. This number
may not exceed your base attack bonus. The penalty on attacks and bonus on damage applies until the start of your next turn.
Special: If you attack with a two-handed weapon, or with a one-handed weapon wielded in two hands, instead add twice the number subtracted from your attack rolls. You can't add the
bonus from Power Attack to the damage dealt against an object or vehicle.

POWER BLAST (Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 34):

You can make exceptionally powerful ranged attacks.
Benefit: As a swift action, before making an attack roll, you can choose to subtract a number from all ranged attack rolls and add the same number to all ranged damage rolls. This
number cannot exceed your base attack bonus. The penalty on attacks and bonus on damage applies until the start of your next turn but you gain no bonus to damage with area attacks
or when attacking objects or vehicles from this feat.
Special: If you do not have a Strength of 13 or higher, you take a -5 penalty to attacks when using this feat with non-vehicle weapons.

POWERFUL CHARGE (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 87):

You can charge with extra force.
Prerequisites: Medium or larger size, base attack bonus +1.
Benefit: When you charge, you gain an additional +2 bonus to your melee attack roll. If your melee attack hits, you deal additional damage equal to one-half your level.

POWERFUL RAGE (The Force Unleashed, pg. 34):

You rage produces feats of extreme strength.
Prerequisite: Rage species trait.
Benefit: You gain a +4 bonus on Strength checks and Strength-based skill checks when raging.

PRECISE SHOT (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 87):

You are skilled at timing your ranged attacks so that you don't hit your allies by mistake.
Prerequisite: Point Blank Shot.
Benefit: You can shoot or throw a ranged weapon at an opponent engaged in melee combat with one or more of your allies without taking the standard -5 penalty (see Shooting or
Throwing into a Melee, page 161).

PREDICTIVE DEFENSE (Galaxy at War, pg. 25):

The sharpness of your mind, not the speed of your reactions, allows you to avoid incoming attacks.
Prerequisites: Intelligence 13.
Benefit: You can use either your Dexterity modifier or your Intelligence modifier to determine your Reflex Defense.

PRIME SHOT (Rebellion Era, pg. 29):

You know how to handle an enemy when none of your allies is closer.
Prerequisite: Point Blank Shot.
Benefit: If none of your allies is closer to your target than you are when you make a ranged attack, you gain a +1 circumstance bonus to the attack roll. Your target must be at short
range or closer to gain this bonus.

QUICK DRAW (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 87):

You can draw and holster weapons with startling quickness.
Prerequisite: Base attack bonus + 1.
Benefit: You can draw or holster a weapon as a swift action instead of as a move action.

QUICK SKILL (Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 34):

Your cautious nature provides a bonus to accomplishing extremely dangerous tasks. You are steady and confident.
Benefit: Once per encounter, you can take 10 when rushed on a single skill check you are trained in, unless the skill description explicitly forbids it. Alternatively, you can take 20 when
using a skill you are trained in at half the normal the normal time required.
Normal: Taking 20 normally requires 20 times the amount of time needed by a regular skill check.

RANCOR CRUSH (Legacy Era, pg. 36):

Your crushing hold on an enemy can knock it unconscious.
Prerequisites: Strength 15, Crush, Pin, base attack bonus +1.
Benefit: When you successfully pin an enemy with the Pin feat (see page 87 of the Saga Edition core rulebook) and use the Crush feat at the same time, the enemy moves -1 step down
the condition track in addition to taking damage.
Normal: The Crush feat deals damage to a grappled enemy but does not move the enemy along the condition track.

RAPID REACTION (Rebellion Era, pg. 29):

Your lightning reflexes allow you to complete complex actions in response to the actions of others.
Benefit: Once per encounter, you can use two different reactions in response to the same trigger. For example, if you use the Deflect talent and fail to negate the attack, you can also
use negate energy as a response to the same attack.
Normal: Without this feat, you can use only one reaction in response to a particular trigger.

RAPID SHOT (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 88):

You can make two quick shots with a ranged weapon as a single attack.
Prerequisites: base attack bonus +1, proficient with weapon.
Benefit: When using a ranged weapon, you may fire two shots as a single attack against a single target. You take a -2 penalty on your attack roll, but you deal + 1 die of damage with a
successful attack.
Special: Using this feat fires two shots and can only be done if the weapon has sufficient ammunition remaining. The effects of this feat do not stack with the extra damage provided by
the Burst Fire feat (page 82) or Deadeye feat (page 84). If you do not have a Strength of 13 or higher, increase the penalty to attacks to -5 when using this feat with non-vehicle weapons.

RAPID STRIKE (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 88):

You can make two quick strikes with a melee weapon as a single attack.
Prerequisites: base attack bonus +1, proficient with weapon.
Benefit: When using a melee weapon, you may make two strikes as a single attack against a single target. You take a -2 penalty on your attack roll, but you deal + 1 die of damage with a
successful attack.
The effects of this feat do not stack with the extra damage provided by the Mighty Swing feat.
Special: If you do not have a Dexterity of 13 or higher, increase the penalty to attacks to -5 when using this feat with non-light weapons.

RAPPORT (The Force Unleashed, pg. 34):

You are adept at working with certain individuals, able to anticipate their next move.
Benefit: When using the aid another action, you grant an additional +2 insight bonus on skill checks and attack rolls to the character you are assisting. The bonus does not stack with any
bonus provided by the noble’s Coordinate talent.

REBEL MILITARY TRAINING (Rebellion Era, pg. 30):

You are well versed in the hit-and-run tactics used by the Rebellion and know how to use your mobility to avoid retribution.
Prerequisite: Running Attack.
Benefit: Whenever you use the Running Attack feat to move both before and after making an attack, you gain a +2 dodge bonus to your Reflex Defense until the start of your next turn.

RECALL (The Force Unleashed, pg. 35):

You know a lot of details in your area of knowledge, but don’t always remember them immediately.
Prerequisite: Trained in at least on Knowledge skill.
Benefit: Once per day, you can reroll any check for a Knowledge skill that you are trained in, using the better result.

RECOVERING SURGE (Rebellion Era, pg. 30):

When you get back into the fight, you do not let your wounds hamper you.
Benefit: When you catch a second wind, you move a+1 step on the condition track.

RECURRING SUCCESS (Galaxy of Intrigue, pg. 28):

You know how to make your enemies fall for the same trick twice.
Benefit: When you select this feat, choose one talent or feat that can normally be used only once per encounter. You can use that talent or feat one additional time per encounter.
You can select this feat multiple times. Each time you do so, you must choose a different skill to gain the benefits of this talent.

RELENTLESS ATTACK (Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 23):

You ensure the demise of your foe by turning misses into opportunities.
Prerequisites: Proficient with weapon used, Double Attack with weapon used
Benefit: Choose one weapon group or exotic weapon for which you have the Double Attack feat. Whenever you miss a target with that weapon, you gain a +2 competence bonus on
your next attack roll made before the end of your next turn against the missed target.
Special: You can select this feat multiple times. Each time you select this feat, it applies to a different weapon group or exotic weapon.

REPUBLIC MILITARY TRAINING (Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 35):

You are trained in Republic military fighting techniques, giving you an advantage in ranged combat. This training is generally given to members of the Republic military forces.
Benefit: Once per encounter, as a reaction, you gain DR 10 against an incoming attack if you have cover from the attacker. You can gain the DR as long as you have cover, even if your
opponent uses aim to ignore your cover bonus to Reflex Defense.

RESILIENT STRENGTH (Galaxy at War, pg. 25):

Your brute strength and physical conditioning allow you to shrug off effects that would debilitate others.
Prerequisites: Strength 13.
Benefit: You can use either your strength modifier or your Constitution modifier to determine your Fortitude Defense.

RESOLUTE STANCE (Galaxy of Intrigue, pg. 28):

By standing your ground, you focus your mind to repel any assault.
Prerequisite: Base attack bonus + 1.
Benefit: When you fight defensively, you gain a +2 morale bonus to your Will Defense. If you make no attacks until your next turn, you gain a +5 morale bonus to your Will Defense until
the start of your next turn.
Normal: When you fight defensively, you gain a +2 dodge bonus to your Reflex Defense. If you make no attacks until your next turn, you gain a +5 dodge bonus to your Reflex Defense
until the start of your next turn.

RESURGENCE (Scum and Villainy, pg. 24):

Catching your second wind allows you to seize the advantage in combat.
Prerequisite: Trained in the Endurance skill.
Benefit: When you catch your second wind, you immediately gain a move action to be used immediately.

RETURN FIRE (Legacy Era, pg. 37):

When someone takes a shot at you and misses, you retaliate with a shot of your own.
Prerequisites: Dexterity 15, Quick Draw, Weapon Focus (chosen exotic ranged weapon or weapon group).
Benefit: Select one exotic weapon or weapon group. Once per encounter as a reaction, you can make a single ranged attack with the chosen weapon or group against an enemy that
misses you with a ranged attack, provided you have line of sight to that enemy.
Special: If you have the Combat Reflexes feat, you may use this feat a number of times during an encounter equal to your Dexterity bonus, but no more than once during a given
enemy’s turn. This feat does not apply to vehicle weapons or heavy weapons. You must have your weapon in hand to use this feat.
You can gain this feat multiple times. Each time you take the feat, it applies to a different weapon group or exotic weapon.

RETURNING BUG (Legacy Era, pg. 37):

You have mastered the art of using Yuuzhan Vong thrown weapons and can cause them to return to your hand.
Prerequisites: Proficient with weapon used.
Benefit: When you miss with a razor bug or a thud bug (see page 64), the weapon returns to your hand immediately.

RIFLEMASTER (Galaxy at War, pg. 25):

You are skilled in the use of rifles and gain certain benefits depending on which weapon you use.
Prerequisites: Proficient with weapon used.
Benefit: When you make a ranged attack with a rifle, you gain one of the following benefits, depending on the kind of rifle you use.
Blaster Carbine: You can brace a blaster carbine set to autofire, even though it is not an autofire-only weapon.
Blaster Rifle: You treat the blaster rifle as an accurate weapon.
Heavy Blaster Rifle: When you use a heavy blaster rifle, the damage dice increase from d10 to d12.
Light Repeating Blaster: You treat the light repeating blaster as if it were Medium instead of Large.
RISK TAKER (Galaxy at War, pg. 25):
You`re not afraid to make great leaps or climb treacherous slopes, and you know how to put forth the extra effort to make the impossible seem routine.
Prerequisites: Trained in Climb or Jump.
Benefit: You fall only if you fail a Climb check by 10 or more. Additionally, if you make a Jump check and fail to land on a safe or solid surface (such as if you fall into a pit or fail to clear a
stream of lava), you can spend a Force Point as a free action and add the result of the Force Point roll to your distance jumped. However, you must land in the first available safe square.
Normal: You fall if you fail a Climb check by 5 or more.

RUNNING ATTACK (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 88):

You can move as you attack.
Prerequisite: Dexterity 13.
Benefit: When making an attack with a melee or ranged weapon, you can move both before and after the attack, provided that your total distance moved is not greater than your speed.

SADISTIC STRIKE (Galaxy of Intrigue, pg. 28):

By dispatching a helpless creature, you terrify opponents around you.
Benefit: When you deliver a coup de grace to a helpless creature, all opponents within line of sight move -1 step on the condition track until the end of the encounter.

SAVAGE ATTACK (The Force Unleashed, pg. 35):

You are well trained in attacking multiple times in a round.
Prerequisite: Double Attack (chosen weapon), proficient with chosen weapon.
Benefit: Choose one of the weapon groups or exotic weapons you selected for the Double Attack feat. When you use a full attack action and successfully hit the target with your first
attack, you deal +1 die of damage on each successful attack remaining in the full attack action made against that target.

SCAVENGER (The Force Unleashed, pg. 35):

You are adept at digging through broken objects and junk piles to come up with the raw materials needed for certain tasks.
Benefit: You can spend 1 hour scavenging materials from other vehicles or objects. When you do so, you make a Perception check to determine the value of the parts scavenged. You
produce raw materials equal in value to the result of your Perception check X 30 credits. You must apply these raw materials toward the cost of construction of a single object (see the
build object application of the Mechanics skill, described on page 30), and you can scavenge parts for only a single object at any given time. Additionally, you can scavenge raw materials
only once for any given object you are attempting to build.


You have received extensive training from the military of the Confederacy of Independent Systems and are familiar with its practices.
Benefit: While you are adjacent to at least one of your al lies, gain a + 1 circumstance bonus on anyone attack roll you make on your turn.

SHAKE IT OFF (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 88):

You have learned to shake off debilitating conditions.
Prerequisites: Constitution 13, trained in the Endurance skill.
Benefit: You can spend two swift actions instead of three swift actions to move + 1 step along the condition track (see Conditions, page 148).
Normal: It takes three swift actions to move +1 step along the condition track.

SIGNATURE DEVICE (Scum and Villainy, pg. 24):

You specialize in designing and modifying specific types of technology.
Prerequisite: Tech Specialist (see page 21 of Starships of the Galaxy).
Benefit: You designate a single weapon, suit of armor, vehicle, or other item as your signature item. When making Mechanics checks to modify that piece of equipment, you can take 10
on the check. In addition, you can allow the device to gain two traits from the Tech Specialist feat. To install the second trait, you must succeed on a DC 30 Mechanics check. Once
installed, the device can use only one trait at a time, and switching from one trait to the other requires a swift action to adjust the item's settings. You can have only one signature device
at a time, but you can designate another device as your signature item (the former signature item loses all benefit gained from this feat).

SILVER TONGUE (Galaxy of Intrigue, pg. 29):

You are adept at quickly changing a creature's attitude toward you.
Prerequisite: Trained in the Persuasion skill.
Benefit: You can intimidate a creature or change its attitude as a standard action.
Normal: Intimidating a creature or changing its attitude requires a full -round action.

SITH MILITARY TRAINING (Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 35):

You are trained in Sith military fighting techniques, giving you an advantage in melee combat. This training is generally given to rank and file military members of the Sith Empire
regardless of their Force training.
Benefit: Once per encounter, as a reaction when you reduce a target to 0 hit points or deal damage that exceeds the target’s damage threshold, you can activate this feat to cause all
enemies within 6 squares of that target to take a -2 to defenses until the end of your next turn.
This is a mind-affecting effect.


Your luck is such that catastrophe occurs less frequently for you when you are engaged in stressful situations.
Benefit: Once per skill challenge that has a chance of catastrophic failure, this failure occurs only if you fail a skill check by 15 or more. In addition, when a catastrophic failure occurs,
you accrue one failure in the skill challenge, not two.
Special: This feat is allowed only in campaigns that use the skill challenge rules described in Chapter 2.

SKILL CHALLENGE - LAST RESORT (Galaxy of Intrigue, pg. 29):

When failure threatens, you throw everything you have at the skill challenge to prevent disaster.
Benefit: Once per skill challenge, when you or an ally accrues a third failure (which would normally end the skill challenge), you or the ally can reroll the attempt, keeping the better
Special: This feat is allowed only in campaigns that use the skill challenge rules described in Chapter 2.

SKILL CHALLENGE - RECOVERY (Galaxy of Intrigue, pg. 29):

You can snatch victory from the jaws of defeat when involved in a skill challenge.
Benefit: Once per skill challenge, you treat the challenge as if it had the recovery effect, even if it does not have that effect.
Special: This feat is allowed only in campaigns that use the skill challenge rules described in Chapter 2.

SKILL FOCUS (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 88):

One of your skills is particularly well honed.
Benefit: You gain a +5 competence bonus on skill checks made with one trained skill of your choice.
Special: This feat may be selected multiple times. Its effects do not stack. Each time you take this feat, it applies to a different trained skill.

SKILL TRAINING (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 88):

You are considered trained in a new skill.
Benefit: Choose one untrained skill from your list of class skills. You become trained in that skill.
Special: This feat may be selected multiple times. Each time you take this feat, it applies to a different class skill.

SLIPPERY MANEUVER (Scum and Villainy, pg. 24):

You are adept at finding ways out of tough situations.
Prerequisite: Dodge.
Benefit: You can apply the effects of the Dodge feat against attacks made from two opponents. In addition, when you use the withdraw action to move away from a target against whom
you use the Dodge feat, you can move at your full speed. You still provoke an attack of opportunity if you must move more than 1 square to escape a threatened area.
Normal: The benefit of Dodge applies to one target. Once you clear a threatened area, you can continue to move up to a total of half your speed.

SNIPER (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 88):

You are particularly adept at hitting the right target in a crowd.
Prerequisites: Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, base attack bonus +4.
Benefit: You always ignore soft cover (that is, cover provided by a character, creature, or droid) when you make a ranged attack.
Normal: You can only ignore cover if you aim (see page 154) before making a ranged attack.

SNIPER SHOT (Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 35):

You make a precision attack at the expense of your own defense.
Prerequisite: Proficient with ranged weapon used (other than heavy weapons).
Benefit: When wielding only weapons with which you are proficient, you can gain a +2 bonus on your ranged attack, but you take a -5 penalty to Reflex Defense until the beginning of
your next turn.
Special: This feat cannot be used with vehicle weapons or heavy weapons.

SPORT HUNTER (Galaxy at War, pg. 25):

You are skilled in the use of slugthrowers and sporting weapons and gain certain benefits depending on which weapon you use.
Prerequisites: Proficient with weapon used.
Benefit: When you make a ranged attack with a slugthrower or sporting weapon, you gain one of the following benefits, depending on the kind of weapon you use.
Slugthrower Pistol: When you use a slugthrower pistol at point-blank range, you deal an extra +1 die of damage with the weapon.
Slugthrower Rifle: When you use a slugthrower rifle, the damage dice increase from d8 to d12.
Sporting Blaster Pistol: When you use a sporting blaster pistol, reroll any result of 1 on the damage dice until you get a result other than 1.
Sporting Blaster Rifle: When you use a sporting blaster rifle, you gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls when you aim before firing.

SPRAY SHOT (Clone Wars, pg. 31):

You can fire a short burst at an enemy while protecting nearby allies from errant shots.
Benefit: When you have a weapon set on autofire, you can reduce the area targeted by your autofire attack to 1 square.

STAGGERING ATTACK (Galaxy at War, pg. 26):

You can deliver punishing blows to your enemies, distracting them and keeping them from focusing their efforts.
Prerequisites: Proficient with weapon used, base attack bonus +1.
Benefit: When using a melee weapon, you can make an attack that disrupts an enemy`s concentration. You take a -2 penalty to your attack roll, and if your attack deals damage, the
target takes a -2 penalty to skill checks until the end of your next turn.
Alternatively, you can take a -5 penalty to your attack roll, and if your attack deals damage, the target takes a -5 penalty to skill checks until the end of your next turn.

STAGGERING ATTACK (Scum and Villainy, pg. 24):

You can deliver nasty attacks that leave your opponents gasping.
Prerequisite: Sneak Attack talent or Rapid Shot or Rapid Strike.
Benefit: Any time you would deal additional damage from a feat that grants one or more extra dice of damage, you can forgo the extra damage to move the target 2 squares per extra
die sacrificed. This movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity.
STAND TALL (Galaxy of Intrigue, pg. 29):
Your courage under fire inspires those around you to acts of bravery.
Benefit: Once per encounter when you take damage, all allies who are within 6 squares of you and within your line of sight can, as a reaction, make a single attack on the target that
damaged you.

STARSHIP DESIGNER (Starships of the Galaxy, pg. 20):

You are trained to design (and redesign) starships.
Prerequisites: Tech Specialist, trained in the mechanics skill.
Benefits: You can design a starship from scratch. Doing so takes a minimum of 30 days and a DC 25 Mechanics check, adding 1 to the DC and 1 day to the time for every additional
100,000 credits of the design’s final cost beyond the first 100,000 credits (even a genius starship designer can spend years working out the blueprints for a Star Destroyer). Other
characters trained in the Mechanics skill may use the aid another action to assist your Mechanics check; if any assisting character also has the Starship Designer feat, divide the starship’s
cost by the number of characters who have this feat (including the primary designer) when determining the time required.
When making modifications to starships, you never treat the work as if though it were a nonstandard modification, even if it normally would be (see Nonstandard Modifications, pg 39).
Additionally, you can make custom modifications to starships. Each of these modifications has a base cost of 5,000 credits (multiplied by the starship size cost modifier given on page 38)
and requires a DC 25 Mechanics check. On a failed check, the medication fails; you must spend half again as much time and money to make a second attempt, and you gain a +2 bonus
on your mechanics check for each attempt after the first. Installation of a custom modification normally takes one day per 5,000 credits of final cost.
The same system can be customized multiple times, but doing so becomes increasingly difficult and expensive. For every previous custom modification on a given system, increase the
DC by 5 and the base cost by 10,000 credits. No system can be customized more than three times. Multiple benefits from successive customizations stack.
Typical customizations are described below. The Gamemaster may allow other modifications.
Add Emplacement: You add 1 unused emplacement point to a starship.
Improve Hull: You add a number of hit points to a starship equal to 1/2 strength score (rounded down to the nearest multiple of 10).
Improve Hyperdrive: You can reengineer a hyperdrive to improve its class by 1 step (x2 to x1, x1 to x.75, and so on). The hyperdrive obeys all the restrictions of its new class.
(this is the primary way that class .75 and class .5 hyperdrives come into existence.)
Improve Shields: The SR of the shields is increased by 5.
Improve Weapons: You can grant one weapon a +1 equipment bonus on attack rolls.
See Chapter 3 of Starships of the Galaxy for more information on designing and modifying starships.

STARSHIP TACTICS (Starships of the Galaxy, pg. 20):

You are trained to make use of starship maneuvers and are skilled at space combat.
Prerequisites: Vehicular Combat, trained in the Pilot skill.
Benefit: You add to your starship maneuver suite a number of starship maneuvers equal to 1 + your Wisdom modifier (minimum of one).
Special: You take this feat more than once. Each time you take this feat, you add to your starship maneuver suite a number of new maneuvers equal to 1 + your Wisdom modifier
(minimum of one).
If your Wisdom modifier permanently increases, you immediately gain a number of starship maneuvers equal to the number of Starship Tactics feats you have taken.
See Chapter 2 for more information on starship maneuvers.

STARSHIP MANEUVERS (Starships of the Galaxy, pg. 24):

ACKBAR SLASH (Starships of the Galaxy, pg. 24)
A starship tactic made famous by the Moon Calamari Admiral Ackbar, the Ackbar slash involves a ship moving into the midst of enemy forces in order to cause an opponent to
strike its own allies.
Time: Reaction Target: One adjacent opponent.
Make a Pilot Check. When you are the target of an attack made by an adjacent opponent that misses, you may activate this maneuver. The results of the Pilot check are as
DC 20: The misses attack is instead redirected to a different adjacent opponent of your choice. Compare the original attack roll to the Reflex Defense of the new
target; if the attack roll exceeds the target`s Reflex Defense, resolve damage as normal.
DC 25: As DC 20, but add a +1 circumstance bonus to the redirected attack roll.
DC 30: As DC 20, but add a +2 circumstance bonus to the redirected attack roll.
DC 35: As DC 20, but add a +5 circumstance bonus to the redirected attack roll.
Special: The new target of the redirected attack may not in turn use the Ackbar slash maneuver to redirect that attack.

AFTERBURN (Starships of the Galaxy, pg. 25)

This maneuver allows a pilot to throttle up and blast past enemies, to avoid becoming entangled in dogfights.
Time: Full-round action. Target: You.
Make a Pilot Check. The result of the Pilot check determines the effect, if any:
DC 15: You immediately take the all-out movement action as a free action. Additionally, during this action you gain a +1 maneuver bonus on all Pilot checks made to resist
another pilot initiating a dogfight.
DC 20: As DC 15, except the maneuver bonus on Pilot checks increases to +2.
DC 25: As DC 15, except the maneuver bonus on Pilot checks increases to +5.
DC 30: As DC 15, except the maneuver bonus on Pilot checks increases to +10.

ANGLE DEFLECTOR SHIELDS [attack pattern] (Starships of the Galaxy, pg. 25)
This attack pattern focuses deflector shields in a particular direction, making it easier to absorb incoming attack coming from a certain angle.
Time: Swift action. Target: You (and special; see text).
Make a Pilot Check. If you succeed on a DC 15 Pilot check, you successfully activate this maneuver. While you are engaged in combat, choose a single other vehicle or space
station as the target of angle deflector shields. Your SR is considered doubled for the purpose of absorbing attacks originating from that particular target. However, your SR is
considered halved (round down) for the purpose of absorbing attacks from all other opponents.
You may change the target of this attack pattern as a swift action.
Special: You must be piloting a vehicle that has SR 5 or more to use angle deflector shields.
You may choose to deactivate this attack pattern with a swift action. The maneuver remains spent if you do so.

ATTACK FORMATION ZETA NINE [attack pattern] (Starships of the Galaxy, pg. 25)
This attack pattern is typically used to approach capital ships or other vessels that have heavy firepower. It emphasizes the role of shields over firepower.
Time: Swift action. Target: You.
Make a Pilot Check. If you succeed on a DC 20 Pilot check, you successfully activate this maneuver. While you are using attack formation zeta nine as your chosen attack
pattern, you subtract 1 die of damage from all vehicle weapon damage rolls to add +20 to your vehicle’s SR.
Special: You must be piloting a vehicle that has SR 5 or more to use attack formation zeta nine.
You may choose to deactivate this attack pattern with a swift action. The maneuver remains spent if you do so.

ATTACK PATTERN DELTA [attack pattern] (Starships of the Galaxy, pg. 25)
This attack pattern utilizes close-range maneuvering by allied ships to make it more difficult to target and hit an individual vessel. The attack pattern typically requires the
vessels to fly in a straight line toward their target, shielding the ships to the rear.
Time: Swift action. Target: You.
Make a Pilot Check. If you succeed on a DC 20 Pilot check, you successfully activate this maneuver. While you are using attack pattern delta as your chosen attack pattern, you
gain a +1 maneuver bonus to your vehicle’s Reflex Defense any time you are adjacent to an allied starfighter or airspeeder.
Special: If any adjacent allies are using attack pattern delta as well, your maneuver bonus to Reflex Defense increases to +2.

CORELLIAN SLIP (Starships of the Galaxy, pg. 25)

A teamwork-focused starfighter tactic, the Corellian slip maneuver allows a pilot to destroy an opposing starship that threatens one of his or her allies by flying at the enemy
vessel head-on.
Time: Full-round action. Target: One enemy airspeeder or starfighter within (2 X your vehicle’s speed) squares.
Make a Pilot Check. When you activate this maneuver, you move up to twice your vehicle’s speed in a straight line through your opponent’s square. If something halts your
movement before you enter your opponent’s square (such as being drawn into a dogfight), the maneuver fails to activate. When you enter your opponent’s square, you make
an attack as a swift action against the target. The result of the Pilot check determines the effectiveness of the maneuver:
DC 15: If you destroy your target with your attack, a collision does not occur.
DC 20: As DC 15, but add a +1 circumstance bonus to your attack roll.
DC 25: As DC 15, but add a +1 circumstance bonus to your attack roll and +1 die of damage.
DC 30: As DC 15, but add a +2 circumstance bonus to your attack roll and +1 die of damage.
DC 35: As DC 15, but add a +2 circumstance bonus to your attack roll and +2 dice of damage.
Special: If you fail to successfully activate this maneuver, you still move through your opponent’s square and a collision occurs. You do not get to make an attack as a swift
action, and you cannot make a Pilot check to avoid the collision. (Your opponent may do so, however.)

COUNTER [dogfight] (Starships of the Galaxy, pg. 26)

This maneuver allows a pilot to take a quick action while engaged in a dogfight after being the target of an attack.
Time: Reaction. Target: You.
Make a Pilot Check. The result of the Pilot check determines the effect, if any:
DC 20: You may immediately take one swift action.
DC 25: You may immediately take one move action.
DC 30: You may immediately take one standard action.
Special: You may activate this maneuver only as a reaction to being attacked by another vehicle with which you are engaged in a dogfight. The result of the attack is resolved
before you take your action, and your Initiative is not modified by this maneuver.

DARKLIGHTER SPIN (Starships of the Galaxy, pg. 26)

Originally an improvised combat maneuver, the Darklighter spin maneuver allows you to attack multiple targets with your starship’s weapons.
Time: Standard action. Target: One 2x2-square area within weapons range.
Make a Pilot Check. You may make a starship-scale area attack within a vehicle weapon even if it is not normally capable of making area attacks at starship scale. The vehicle
weapon must be capable of autofire. The result of the Pilot check determines the success of your attack:
DC 20: You may make an autofire attack at the normal -5 penalty.
DC 25: As DC 25, except you take only a -2 penalty on your attack roll.
DC 30: As DC 25, except you take no penalty on your attack roll.

DEVASTATING HIT [gunner] (Starships of the Galaxy, pg. 26)

This maneuver lets you score an incredibly precise hit on a target, punching holes in vital systems and potentially disabling your target.
Time: Standard action. Target: A single vehicle within weapons range.
Make an attack roll. The result of the attack roll determines the effect, if any:
Exceeds Target’s Reflex Defense by 0-4: You deal normal weapon damage to the target, +1 extra die of damage.
Exceeds Target’s Reflex Defense by 5-9: You deal normal weapon damage to the target, +2 extra dice of damage.
Exceeds Target’s Reflex Defense by 10 or more: You deal normal weapon damage to the target, +3 extra dice of damage.

ENGINE HIT [gunner] (Starships of the Galaxy, pg. 26)

This maneuver allows you to target an opponent’s engines, slowing them down with a successful hit.
Time: Reaction. Target: One vehicle that you just attacked.
Make an attack roll. If you deal damage to a vehicle with a critical hot or deal damage to a vehicle that is equal to or greater than its damage threshold, you may activate this
maneuver as a reaction. Compare the result of your attack roll to the target’s Reflex Defense to determine the effect, if any:
Exceeds Target’s Reflex Defense by 0-4: Target’s speed is reduced by 1 square for the remainder of the encounter. An engineer aboard the target ship may spend a
full-round action to repair the damage to the engines (DC 20 Mechanics check).
Exceeds Target’s Reflex Defense by 5-9: As above result, except the target’s speed is reduced by 2 squares (DC 25 Mechanics check to repair).
Exceeds Target’s Reflex Defense by 10 or more: As above, except the target’s speed is reduced by 3 squares (DC 30 Mechanics check to repair).

EVASIVE ACTION [dogfight] (Starships of the Galaxy, pg. 26)

This maneuver allows a starship to slip free of close pursuit, escaping from a dogfight more easily.
Time: Move action. Target: You.
Make a Pilot Check. The result of the Pilot check determines the effect, if any:
DC 15: You immediately attempt to disengage from the dogfight (no action required). You gain a +2 bonus on your opposed Pilot check to disengage.
DC 20: As DC 15, except the bonus on your Pilot check is +5.
DC 25: As DC 15, except the bonus on your Pilot check is +10.
DC 30: As DC 15, except the bonus on your Pilot check is +20.

EXPLOSIVE SHOT [gunner] (Starships of the Galaxy, pg. 26)

You target critical ship systems and fuel cells, causing your target to explode with incredible force.
Time: Reaction. Target: All targets adjacent to a ship you just destroyed.
Make an attack roll. Compare the result of the attack roll to the Reflex Defense of all targets adjacent to a vehicle you just destroyed. The result of the attack roll determines
the effect, if any:
Exceeds Target’s Reflex Defense by 0-4: Target caught in the explosion of the destroyed ship, dealing 3d10x2 points of damage to the target.
Exceeds Target’s Reflex Defense by 5-9: As above result, except target takes 4d10x2 points of damage from the exploding ship.
Exceeds Target’s Reflex Defense by 10 or more: As above, except target takes 5d10x2 points of damage from the exploding ship.
Special: You activate this maneuver as a reaction to making an attack that destroys a vehicle (that is, reduces the target vehicle to 0 hit points with an attack that deals damage
equal to or exceeding the target’s damage threshold.

HOWLRUNNER FORMATION [attack pattern] (Starships of the Galaxy, pg. 27)

This attack pattern divides an attacking force into two or more groups, making it easier to attack an enemy’s flanks.
Time: Swift action. Target: You.
Make a Pilot Check. If you succeed on a DC 20 Pilot check, you successfully activate this maneuver. While you are using howlrunner formation as your chosen attack pattern,
you gain a +1 maneuver bonus on attack rolls made with vehicle weapons while adjacent to any other allied airspeeder or starfighter.
Special: If any adjacent vehicles are using howlrunner formation as well, your maneuver bonus on attack rolls increases to +2.
I HAVE YOU NOW (Starships of the Galaxy, pg. 27)
This maneuver allows a ship to close in on its target, striking from short range with devastating effect.
Time: Swift action. Target: One adjacent vehicle.
Make a Pilot Check. The result of the Pilot check determines the effect, if any:
DC 15: If you successfully damage the target of this maneuver this turn, compare your attack roll to the target’s Fortitude Defense. If your attack roll exceeds the target’s
Fortitude Defense, the target moves -1 step down the condition track.
DC 20: As DC 15, except you gain a +1 maneuver bonus on your attack roll.
DC 25: As DC 15, except you gain a +2 maneuver bonus on your attack roll.
DC 30: As DC 15, except you gain a +5 maneuver bonus on your attack roll.

INTERCEPT (Starships of the Galaxy, pg. 27)

This maneuver allows a ship to fire thrusters and intercept a passing target, engaging it in a dogfight.
Time: Reaction. Target: You.
Make a Pilot Check. If an enemy starfighter or airspeeder moves into a square up to 2 squares away from you, you may activate this maneuver to attempt to initiate a
dogfight. The result of the Pilot check determines the effect, if any:
DC 20: You may initiate a dogfight as an attack of opportunity against a target up to 2 squares away. If successful, you immediately move 1 square toward your target as a
DC 20: As DC 15, except you gain a +1 maneuver bonus on your Pilot check to initiate the dogfight.
DC 25: As DC 15, except you gain a +2 maneuver bonus on your Pilot check to initiate the dogfight.
DC 30: As DC 15, except you gain a +5 maneuver bonus on your Pilot check to initiate the dogfight.
Special: You activate this maneuver as a reaction to a starfighter or airspeeder moving into a square up to 2 squares away from you.

OVERWHELMING ASSAULT [attack pattern] (Starships of the Galaxy, pg. 27)

Vehicles that use an overwhelming assault attack pattern concentrate their fire on a single target to the exclusion of all others.
Time: Swift action. Target: You (and special; see text).
Make a Pilot Check. If you succeed on a DC 20 Pilot check, you activate this maneuver. While you are engaged in combat, choose one other vehicle as the target of
overwhelming assault. On your action, before making an attack roll, you may choose to subtract a number from all vehicle weapon attack rolls you make against that target
and add twice that number to all vehicle weapon damage rolls (before multipliers are applied). The penalty on attack rolls applies to all attacks you make until the start of your
next turn, but the bonus on damage rolls applies only on attacks against the target you designate.
You may change the target of this attack pattern as a swift action.
Special: You may choose to deactivate this attack pattern with a swift action. The maneuver remains spend if you do so.

SEGNOR’S LOOP (Starships of the Galaxy, pg. 28)

This maneuver allows a pilot to accelerate quickly from an opponent before returning to make an attack.
Time: Reaction. Target: One target within weapons range.
Make a Pilot Check. If you end your turn farther away from your target than when your turn began, you may activate this maneuver as a reaction to make an immediate attack
run against that target. The result of your Pilot check determines the penalty to your Reflex Defense imposed by the attack run:
DC 20: The attack run imposes a -10 penalty to Reflex Defense instead of the normal -2.
DC 25: The attack run imposes a -5 penalty to Reflex Defense instead of the normal -2.
DC 30: The attack run imposes a -2 penalty to Reflex Defense instead of the normal -2.
DC 35: The attack run imposes a -1 penalty to Reflex Defense instead of the normal -2.
SHEILD HIT [gunner] (Starships of the Galaxy, pg. 28)
This maneuver allows you to target an opponent’s shield generators, reducing their effectiveness with a successful hit.
Time: Standard action. Target: A single vehicle within weapons range.
Make a Pilot Check. If your attack roll exceeds the target’s Reflex Defense, you deal normal weapon damage to the target (reduced by DR and SR as normal). Additionally, the
target has its shields reduced in power by the attack. The amount by which the target’s SR is reduced depends on the result of your attack roll:
Exceeds Target’s Reflex Defense by 0-4: Target’s SR is reduced by 5. An engineer aboard the target ship may use the recharge shields action to restore the loss to shield rating
as normal.
Exceeds Target’s Reflex Defense by 5-9: As above result, except the ship’s SR is reduced by 10.
Exceeds Target’s Reflex Defense by 10 or more: As above result, except the ship’s SR is reduced by 15.
Special: The damage from you attack is reduced normally by the target’s DR and SR; apply the effect of shield hit after resolving damage. If your damage exceeds the SR of the
target’s shields, its SR is reduced by 5 in addition to any effect from this maneuver.

SKIM THE SURFACE (Starships of the Galaxy, pg. 28)

This maneuver allows a starship to get down beneath a larger ship’s shields, dealing damage that bypasses shields and directly impacts on the hull.
Time: Full-round action. Target: One starship or space station of Colossal (frigate) or larger in size whose fighting space you fly through.
Make a Pilot Check. You may move up to twice your speed, passing through the target’s fighting space before ending your turn in an unoccupied square. When you enter the
target’s fighting space, you attempt to dip below the target’s shields, allowing you to make a single vehicle weapon attack against the target that ignores the target’s SR. You
take a penalty on your attack roll while making this attack, determined by the result of your Pilot check:
DC 20: You take a -10 penalty on your attack roll.
DC 25: You take a -5 penalty on your attack roll.
DC 30: You take a -2 penalty on your attack roll.
DC 35: You take a -1 penalty on your attack roll.
Special: If your Pilot check result to activate skim the surface is 19 or lower, you collide with the target vehicle. You may not attempt to avoid the collision, but the target may
do so if it wishes.
Any gunners aboard a ship using skim the surface that has readied an action to attack during the maneuver may take their attacks when the pilot does. Such attacks ignore SR
and take the same penalties on the attack roll as the pilot does. A gunner who readies an action to attack in this way moves his or her place in the initiative order to
immediately before the pilot’s, as normal.

SKYWALKER LOOP [dogfight] (Starships of the Galaxy, pg. 28)

This maneuver allows a pilot to loop a vehicle through the same location it just left, launching a surprise attack on an unsuspecting opponent.
Time: Reaction. Target: One target engaged in a dogfight with you.
Make a Pilot Check. If you are engaged in a dogfight and an opponent fails his opposed Pilot check to make an attack against you, you may activate this maneuver with a DC 20
Pilot check as a reaction. If successful, you may make an attack of opportunity against that opponent.

SNAP ROLL (Starships of the Galaxy, pg. 29)

This maneuver lets a pilot peel his or her vehicle away from its current location with incredible speed, causing attackers to fire at where it was just moments ago.
Time: Reaction. Target: You.
Make a Pilot Check. Your Pilot check result replaces your Reflex Defense until the start of your next turn. If your Pilot check result is lower than your normal Reflex Defense,
you may choose to retain your normal Reflex Defense.
Special: You use this maneuver as a reaction to an incoming attack; when you do so, you make your Pilot check and replace your reflex Defense before the result of that attack
is resolved. You must declare that you are using this maneuver before the attack is resolved and damage is rolled.
STRIKE FORMATION [attack pattern] (Starships of the Galaxy, pg. 29)
Pilots who use a strike formation attack pattern devote themselves to overwhelming an enemy with damage rather than concerning themselves with their own defense.
Time: Swift action. Target: You.
Make a Pilot Check. If you succeed on a DC 20 Pilot check, you activate this maneuver. While you are using strike formation as your chosen attack pattern, you add +1 die of
damage as a maneuver bonus on all damage rolls made with weapons aboard your ship, but take a -2 penalty to reflex Defense as well.
Special: You may choose to deactivate this attack pattern at any time with a swift action. The maneuver remains spent if you do so.

STRIKE FORMATION [attack pattern] (Starships of the Galaxy, pg. 29)

Pilots who use a strike formation attack pattern devote themselves to overwhelming an enemy with damage rather than concerning themselves with their own defense.
Time: Swift action. Target: You.
Make a Pilot Check. If you succeed on a DC 20 Pilot check, you activate this maneuver. While you are using strike formation as your chosen attack pattern, you add +1 die of
damage as a maneuver bonus on all damage rolls made with weapons aboard your ship, but take a -2 penalty to Reflex Defense as well.
Special: You may choose to deactivate this attack pattern at any time with a swift action. The maneuver remains spent if you do so.

TALLON ROLL [dogfight] (Starships of the Galaxy, pg. 29)

This maneuver allows a pursuing starfighter to stay with a maneuvering opponent even when its target is attempting to escape.
Time: Reaction. Target: One target engaged in a dogfight with you.
Make a Pilot Check. Whenever you are engaged in a dogfight and one of your opponent’s attempts to disengage from that dogfight, you may activate this maneuver as a
reaction. The result of the Pilot check determines the effect of this maneuver:
DC 20: If the target fails to disengage, you may make an attack of opportunity against the target.
DC 25: As DC 20, except the target takes a -1 penalty on its opposed Pilot check to disengage.
DC 30: As DC 25, except the penalty is -2.
DC 35: As DC 25, except the penalty is -5.
Special: You use this maneuver as a reaction to an opponent attempting to disengage from a dogfight; you must declare that you are using this maneuver after the opponent
declares the attempt but before the opposed Pilot check takes place.

TARGET LOCK [dogfight] (Starships of the Galaxy, pg. 30)

This maneuver allows a pilot to focus on a single target, lining up a shot with careful precision.
Time: Standard action. Target: One target with which you are engaged in a dogfight.
Make a Pilot Check. The result of the Pilot check determines the effect, if any:
DC 15: When attempting to attack the target in a dogfight, you gain a +1 maneuver bonus on opposed Pilot checks and attack rolls.
DC 20: As DC 15, except the maneuver bonus on opposed Pilot checks increases to +2.
DC 25: As DC 15, except the maneuver bonus on opposed Pilot checks and attack rolls increase to +2.
DC 30: As DC 15, except the maneuver bonus on opposed Pilot checks increases to +5 and the maneuver bonus on attack rolls increases to +2.
DC 35: As DC 15, except the maneuver bonus on opposed Pilot checks and attack rolls increase to +5.
Special: If the target of this maneuver successfully disengages from the dogfight, the benefit of this maneuver is lost, even if you initiate a dogfight with that target again.

TARGET SENSE [FORCE] (Starships of the Galaxy, pg. 30)

This maneuver allows a Force-sensitive pilot to target opponents without the use of a vehicle’s targeting computer.
Time: Swift action. Target: You.
Make a Pilot Check. When you activate this maneuver, it allows you to use your Charisma bonus on your attack rolls made in this round. This replaces the vehicle’s Intelligence
bonus on attack rolls made with the vehicle’s weapons. Your Use the Force check determines the bonus this maneuver grants:
DC 20: You may add your Charisma bonus on all attack rolls made until the start of your next turn.
DC 25: As DC 20, except you gain an additional +2 maneuver bonus on your attack rolls.
DC 30: As DC 20, except you gain an additional +5 maneuver bonus on your attack rolls.
Special: The bonus on attack rolls provided by this maneuver stacks with the bonus provided by the battle strike Force power.

THRUSTER HIT [gunner] (Starships of the Galaxy, pg. 30)

This maneuver allows you to target an opponent’s maneuvering thrusters, reducing the maneuverability they provide to a ship.
Time: Reaction. Target: One vehicle that you just attacked.
Make a Pilot Check. If you deal damage to a vehicle with a critical hit or deal damage to a vehicle that is equal to or greater than its damage threshold, you may activate this
maneuver as a reaction. Compare the result of your attack roll to the target’s Reflex Defense to determine the effect, if any:
Exceeds Target’s Reflex Defense by 0-4: Target takes a -1 penalty to Reflex Defense, Initiative checks, and Pilot checks for the remainder of the encounter.
Exceeds Target’s Reflex Defense by 5-9: As above result, except the penalty is -2.
Exceeds Target’s Reflex Defense by 10 or more: As above result, except the penalty is -5 and the target can move only in a straight line.

WOTAN WEAVE (Starships of the Galaxy, pg. 29)

This maneuver allows the ship to fly in a corkscrew, moving forward as normal but making the ship difficult to hit.
Time: Swift action. Target: You.
Make a Pilot Check. When you fight defensively or use the total defense action, you may make a Pilot check as a swift action in the same turn to improve your Reflex Defense
at the expense of the speed. The result of the Pilot check determines the effect, if any:
DC 15: Your vehicle’s speed is reduced by one-half (round down), but you gain an additional +1 maneuver bonus to your vehicle’s Reflex Defense until the start of your next
DC 20: As DC 15, except the maneuver bonus is +2.
DC 30: As DC 15, except the maneuver bonus is +5.
Special: If the Wotan weave would reduce your vehicle’s speed to 0 squares, you automatically fail to activate this maneuver.

STAY UP (Scum and Villainy, pg. 24):

You can soldier on in spite of damage dealt to you.
Prerequisite: Trained in the Endurance skill.
Benefit: Once per encounter, when you would normally take damage from an attack, you can instead choose to take half damage and move -1 step along the condition track.

STEADYING POSITION (Galaxy at War, pg. 26):

You know how to fire from the optimal position, using the ground to steady your aim.
Prerequisites: Careful Shot.
Benefit: When you are prone and aim before making a ranged attack, your target does not benefit from its Dexterity bonus to Reflex Defense.

STRAFE (The Force Unleashed, pg. 35):

You can make a strafing attack without a vehicle.
Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +1.
Benefit: When you make an autofire attack, instead of attacking a 2-square-by-2-square area, you attack a line 1 square wide and 4 squares long.
Special: If you are using a jetpack, you can use the Strafe feat to make an autofire attack against all squares you fly over.
STRONG IN THE FORCE (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 88):
You have a particularly strong connection to the Force.
Benefit: When you spend a Force Point to adjust the result of an attack roll, skill check, or ability check, you roll d8s rather than d6s.


Mobile Armor Increases speed by 1 square (medium and heavy Ion Dispersal Coating Droid gains DR 5 against ion damage.
armors only).
Reinforced Armor Grants damage reduction 2 Superior Ability Increase droid's Dexterity, Intelligence, or Strength score
by 4.
Superior Agile Armor Increases the armor's maximum VEHICLE TRAIT BENEFIT
Dexterity bonus by 2
Superior Fortifying Armor Increases the armor's equipment bonus to Superior Ability Increase vehicle's Dexterity by 4 or its Strength by 2.
Fortitude Defense by 2.
Superior Helmet Package Grants wearer a +5 equipment bonus on Superior Sensors Increase the vehicle's Perception modifier by 2.
Perception checks.
Superior Protective Armor Increases the armor's armor bonus to Reflex Superior Shields Increase the vehicle's shield rating by 10.
Defense by 2.
DEVICE TRAIT BENEFIT Superior Speed Increase the vehicle's speed by one-third of its base
speed (minimum 1 square).
Superior Strength Increase the device's Strength score by 4. WEAPON TRAIT BENEFIT

Superior Durability Increase the device's damage reduction by 2 and Superior Accuracy The weapon gains a +2 equipment bonus on attack rolls.
increase its hit points by 150%.

Reinforced Device The device's break DC increases by 5. Superior Capacity The weapon's power pack provides double the number
of shots.
Superior Mastercraft Skill checks made using the device gain a +2 Superior Damage The weapon deals +5 damage on a successful hit. If the
equipment bonus, or its existing equipment bonus weapon has a damage multiplier apply the extra damage
increases by 2. before applying the multiplier.

Superior Range The weapon's ranges all increase by 50%.

SUPERIOR TECH (Scum and Villainy, pg. 24):

You expand your knowledge of technology and can apply a variety of other traits to equipment you modify.
Prerequisites: Intelligence 17, Tech Specialist (see page 21 of Starships of the Galaxy), 9th level.
Benefit: Select one of the following: armor, weapons, droids, vehicles, or devices. You can install advanced traits when modifying the selected type of equipment. These traits replace
the traits granted by the Tech Specialist feat. You may still use the Tech Specialist options if you so choose.
You must pay one-fifth the cost of the device, armor, weapon, droid, or vehicle you wish to modify or 2,000 credits, whichever is more, before beginning the modification. This fee
replaces the normal cost of modification from the Tech Specialist feat. Completing the modification requires 1 day per 1,000 credits of the modification's cost. At the end of this time,
make a DC 30 Mechanics check; you cannot take 10 or take 20 on this check. If the check succeeds, the modification is completed successfully, and the object gains the desired trait. If
the check fails, you lose all credits spent making the modification, and the object does not gain the desired trait. However, you can start over from scratch if you wish.
Only characters with the Tech Specialist feat can assist you, reducing proportionately the time needed to complete the modification. At the end of modification process, they can make a
Mechanics check to aid your check.
The market value of a modified item is equal to the base cost of the item plus double the cost of the modifications made to it (not including credits wasted on failed modification
Special: You may select this feat multiple times. Each time you do so, you must choose a different set of traits (armor, devices, droids, vehicles, or weapons).
SUPPRESSION FIRE (Threats of the Galaxy, pg. 91):
You can lay down a hail of blaster fire to pin your enemies.
Prerequisites: Strength 13, Burst Fire, Weapon Proficiency (heavy weapons).
Benefit: When you use the aid another action to impose a penalty to an enemy’s attack rolls and your attack roll exceeds the target’s Will Defense, that enemy must end its next turn in
a position where it has cover from you if possible. Targets whose level is equal to or higher than your character level are immune to the effect of Suppression Fire. This is a mind-
affecting fear effect.

SURGICAL EXPERTISE (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 88):

You can perform skillful surgical procedures quickly.
Prerequisite: Trained in the Treat Injury skill.
Benefit: You can perform surgery in 10 minutes.
Normal: Performing surgery typically takes 1 hour (see the Treat Injury skill, page 74).

SWARM (The Force Unleashed, pg. 35):

You are trained to fight with allies en masse.
Prerequisite: Coordinated Attack.
Benefit: You gain a +1 circumstance bonus on melee attack rolls for each allied character adjacent to your target.

TACTICAL ADVANTAGE (Scum and Villainy, pg. 24):

You can shift your position to take advantage of openings your opponent offers you.
Prerequisite: Combat Reflexes.
Benefit: When you successfully damage an opponent using an attack of opportunity, you can immediately move 1 square in any direction. This movement does not provoke attacks of

TACTICAL GENIUS (Starships of the Galaxy, pg. 21):

You are a master at using multiple starship tactics over the course of long space combats.
Prerequisites: Starship Tactics, Vehicular Combat, trained in the Pilot skill.
Benefit: You regain all spent starship maneuvers at the end of any round in which you roll a natural 20 on an attack roll.
Normal: Only a natural 20 rolled on a Pilot check to activate a starship maneuver restores all starship maneuvers.

TARGETED AREA (Unknown Regions, pg. 28):

Your area attacks deal more damage to one target within the area of effect.
Prerequisite: Weapon Proficiency in selected weapon, base attack bonus +5.
Benefit: When you make a successful area attack, select a single target hit by the attack. That target takes an additional 5 points of damage from the attack, before applying the effect of
the Evasion talent.

TEAM FEAT - AQUATIC SPECIALISTS (Galaxy at War, pg. 28):

You and your allies have trained extensively in underwater combat and specialize in missions in aquatic environments.
Prerequisites: Trained in Swim.
Benefit: You gain a +3 competence bonus to Swim checks. At the time you make a check, for each ally within 12 squares of you who has also has this feat, the competence bonus
increases by 1 (to a maximum of +7). Additionally, when you swim at half speed as a move action (or you swim at your speed as a full-round action).


You and your allies train on the sheer cliffs of Teth and the sinkholes of Utapau as a matter of course.
Prerequisites: Trained in Climb.
Benefit: You gain a +3 competence bonus to Climb checks. At the time you make a check, for each ally within 12 squares of you who also has this feat, when you climb, you climb at half
speed as a move action (or at your normal speed as a full-round action).

TEAM FEAT - COVERT OPERATIVES (Galaxy at War, pg. 28):

You and your allies specialize in undercover missions in which stealth and subtlety are paramount.
Prerequisites: Trained in Stealth.
Benefit: You gain a +3 competence bonus to Stealth checks. At the time you make a check, for each ally within 12 squares of you who also has this feat, the competence bonus increases
by 1 (to a maximum of +7). Additionally, when moving more than your speed or more than twice your speed, reduce the penalties to Stealth checks by 2.

TEAM FEAT - MEDICAL TEAM (Galaxy at War, pg. 29):

You and your allies know the value of keeping soldiers alive and perform as a cohesive healing unit.
Prerequisites: Trained in Treat Injury.
Benefit: You gain a +3 competence bonus to Treat Injury checks. At the time you make a check, for each ally within 12 squares of you who also has this feat, the competence bonus
increases by 1 (to a maximum of +7). Additionally, when you use the aid another action to assist an ally who has this feat with a Treat Injury check to restore hit points, your ally always
restores an extra 4 hit points to the target.

TEAM FEAT - MOUNTED REGIMENT (Galaxy at War, pg. 29):

You and your allies act as mounted cavalry, specializing in using beasts in war.
Prerequisites: Trained in Ride.
Benefit: You gain a +3 competence bonus to Ride checks. At the time you make a check, for each ally within 12 squares of you who also has this feat, the competence bonus increases by
1 (to a maximum of +7). Additionally, once per round as a reaction to your mount`s Reflex Defense, use your check result against the attack instead of using the mount`s Reflex Defense.

TEAM FEAT - NIMBLE TEAM (Galaxy at War, pg. 29):

You and your allies train extensively to avoid hazards and to slip through tight spaces, making it difficult to pin your team down.
Prerequisites: Trained in Acrobatics.
Benefit: You gain a +3 competence bonus to Acrobatics checks. At the time you make a check, for each ally within 12 squares of you who also has this feat, the competence bonus
increases by 1 (to a maximum of +7). Additionally, when you use the Acrobatics skill to tumble, you can tumble 1 extra square.

TEAM FEAT - SLICER TEAM (Galaxy at War, pg. 29):

You and your allies are computer specialists, capable of penetrating even the strongest electronic defenses.
Prerequisites: Trained in Use Computer.
Benefit: You gain a +3 competence bonus to Use Computer checks. At the time you make a check, for each ally within 12 squares of you who also has this feat, the competence bonus
increases by 1 (to a maximum of +7). Additionally, when you use the aid another action to assist an ally who has this feat with a Use Computer check, you provide a bonus of +4 instead
of +2.

TEAM FEAT - TECHNICAL EXPERTS (Galaxy at War, pg. 29):

You and your allies are computer specialists, capable of penetrating even the strongest electronic defenses.
Prerequisites: Trained in Use Computer.
Benefit: You gain a +3 competence bonus to Use Computer checks. At the time you make a check, for each ally within 12 squares of you who also has this feat, the competence bonus
increases by 1 (to a maximum of +7).
Additionally, when you use the aid another action to assist an ally who has this feat with a Mechanics check, you provide a bonus of +4 instead of +2.

TEAM FEAT - TIRELESS SQUAD (Galaxy at War, pg. 30):

You and your allies train for combat scenarios in which your ability to hang in for the long haul is the difference between victory and defeat.
Prerequisites: Trained in Endurance.
Benefit: You gain a +3 competence bonus to Endurance checks. At the time you make a check, for each ally within 12 squares of you who also has this feat, the competence bonus
increases by 1 (to a maximum of +7). Additionally, when you use the aid another action to assist an ally who has this feat with an Endurance check, you provide a bonus of +4 instead of

TEAM FEAT - UNHINDERED APPROACH (Galaxy at War, pg. 30):

You and your allies have trained on worlds where the terrain is unstable, and your team also specializes in vertical insertion into combat zones.
Prerequisites: Trained in Jump.
Benefit: You gain a +3 competence bonus to Jump checks. At the time you make a check, for each ally within 12 squares of you who also has this feat, the competence bonus increases
by 1 (to a maximum of +7). Additionally, when you use the Jump skill, add 1 square to your total jump distance.

TEAM FEAT - UNIFIED SQUADRON (Galaxy at War, pg. 30):

You and your allies are excellent pilots whose skills shine when you fly together, making you better as a unit than as individuals.
Prerequisites: Trained in Pilot.
Benefit: You gain a +3 competence bonus to Pilot checks. At the time you make a check, for each ally within 12 squares of you who also has this feat, the competence bonus increases by
1 (to a maximum of +7). Additionally, you always succeed when trying to avoid collisions with vehicles piloted by allies who also have this feat (no collisions occur, even at character

TEAM FEAT - WARY SENTRIES (Galaxy at War, pg. 30):

You and your allies specialize in keeping tabs on your surroundings, making you excellent guards and advance scouts.
Prerequisites: Trained in Perception.
Benefit: You gain a +3 competence bonus to Perception checks. At the time you make a check, for each ally within 12 squares of you who also has this feat, the competence bonus
increases by 1 (to a maximum of +7). Additionally, you can take 10 on Perception checks even when threatened or rushed.


You and your allies have been trained to survive in the wild and can live off the land.
Prerequisite: Trained in Survival.
Benefit: You gain a +3 competence bonus to Survival checks. At the time you make a check, for each ally within 12 squares of you who also has this feat, the competence bonus
increases by 1 (to a maximum of +7). Additionally, when you use the aid another to assist an ally who has this feat with a Survival check, you provide a bonus of +4 instead of +2.

TECH SPECIALIST (Starships of the Galaxy, pg. 21):

You can make custom modifications to armor, weapons, vehicles, droids, and devices.
Prerequisite: Trained in the mechanics skill.
Benefit: You can modify a device, suit of armor, weapon, droid, or vehicle so that it gains a special trait. Specific traits are given on the table below. You may perform only one
modification at a time. Unless noted otherwise, you cannot grant more than one benefit to a single device, suit of armor, weapon, droid, or vehicle, and you cannot apply the same
benefit more than once.
Before beginning the modification, you must pay one-tenth the cost of the device, suit of armor, weapon, droid, or vehicle you wish to modify or 1,000 credits, whichever is more.
Completing the modification requires 1 day per 1,000 credits of the modification`s cost. At the end of this time, make a DC 20 Mechanics check; you can`t take 10 or take 20 on this
check. If the check succeeds, the modification is completed successfully, and the object gains the desired trait. If the check fails, you lose all credits spent making the modification, and
the object doesn`t gain the desired trait. However you may start over if you wish.
Other characters trained in the Mechanics skill can assist you, reducing proportionately the time needed to complete the modification. At the end of the modification process, they can
make a Mechanics check to aid your check.
The market value of a modified item is equal to the base cost of the item + double the cost of the modifications made to it (not including credits wasted on failed modification attempts).
Special: Nobles and scoundrels may take this feat as a bonus feat.


Agile Armor The armor`s maximum Dexterity bonus increases by 1. Enhanced Dexterity Increase the vehicle`s Dexterity score by 2.

Fortifying Armor The armor`s equipment bonus to Fortitude Defense Improved Speed Increases the vehicle`s speed by one-quarter of its base speed
increases by 1. (minimum 1 square).
Protective Armor The armor`s armor bonus to Reflex Defense increases by Improved Shields Increases the vehicles shield rating by 5.


Enhanced Strength Increase the droid`s Dexterity score by 2. Improved Accuracy The weapon gains a +1 equipment bonus on attack rolls.

Improved Durability Increase the droid`s Intelligence score by 2. Improved Damage The weapon deals +2 points of damage with a successful hit. If
the weapon has a damage multiplier (for example, 6d10x2),
apply the extra damage before applying the multiplier.
Mastercraft Device Increase the droid`s Strength score by 2. Selective Fire An autofire-only ranged weapon can be set to fire single shots,
or a single-shot ranged weapon can be made to have an autofire
mode. (Not allowed for weapons that have a burst radius or
splash radius.)


Enhanced Dexterity Increase the droid`s Dexterity score by 2.
Enhanced Intelligence Increase the droid`s Intelligence score by 2.

Enhanced Strength Increase the droid`s Strength score by 2.

THROW (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 88):

You can throw a creature that you've grappled.
Prerequisites: Trip, base attack bonus +1.
Benefit: If you successfully trip an opponent with a grapple attack, the opponent falls prone in any unoccupied space you desire up to 1 square beyond your reach and takes bludgeoning
damage equal to your unarmed attack damage. A thrown opponent is no longer considered grappled.

TOUGHNESS (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 88):

You are tougher than normal.
Benefit: You gain + 1 hit point per character level.
TRAMPLE (Unknown Regions, pg. 28):
When charging, your living mount can flatten smaller targets between you and your target.
Prerequisite: Trained in the Ride skill.
Benefit: When you use the mounted charge action, your mount can make a single melee attack as a free action. While charging, compare the result to the Reflex Defense of each enemy
whose square you charge through. Each enemy hit by the attack takes claw, gore, or slam damage from the mount's natural weapons plus the mount's Strength modifier. You or your
mount still can make a regular attack at the end of the charge.
Special: You can use this feat if either you or your mount has taken it.
Mounts with this feat do not require the prerequisite.

TRENCH WARRIOR (Clone Wars, pg. 31):

You have experience fighting in the trenches, and you know how to use cover to your attack advantage.
Benefit: When you are adjacent to a wall or object that provides you with cover from your target's ranged attacks, you gain a +1 circumstance bonus on your attack rolls against that

TRIP (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 88):

You are skilled at tripping grappled foes.
Prerequisite: Base attack bonus + 1.
Benefit: If you succeed on a grappling attack (see page 153) and your opponent fails the opposed grapple check, it falls prone in its space and is no longer considered grappled.
A prone opponent takes a -5 penalty on melee attack rolls. Melee attacks made against a prone target gain a +5 bonus, while ranged attacks made against a prone target take a -5
Special: You cannot use the Pin and Trip feats during the same round.

TRIPLE ATTACK (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 89):

You can make an additional attack during a round of combat.
Prerequisites: Base attack bonus + 11, Double Attack (chosen weapon), proficient with chosen weapon.
Benefit: Choose a single exotic weapon or one of the following weapon groups: advanced melee weapons, heavy weapons, lightsabers, pistols, rifles, simple weapons. When you use the
full attack action, you may make one additional attack when wielding such a weapon. However, you take a -5 penalty on all attack rolls until your next turn because you're trading
precision for speed. The extra attack and penalty stack with those of Double Attack.
Normal: Making a single attack is a standard action.
Special: You may select this feat multiple times. Each time you select this feat, it applies to a different exotic weapon or weapon group.

TRIPLE CRIT (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 89):

Choose one type of weapon, such as a blaster pistol, vibrodagger, or lightsaber. You deal more damage on a critical hit with that weapon.
Prerequisites: Proficient with weapon, base attack bonus +8.
Benefit: When you score a critical hit with the selected weapon, you deal triple damage. You may select "unarmed attack" as a weapon for purposes of this feat.
Normal: A critical hit normally deals double damage to the target.
Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. The effects do not stack. Each time you take this feat, it applies to a different weapon.

TUMBLE DEFENSE (Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 35):

You can use your melee weapon to hinder acrobatic enemies.
Prerequisite: Proficient with melee weapon used.
Benefit: When an opponent attempts to tumble through a square you threaten with a melee weapon, add your base attack bonus to the DC of the Acrobatics check made to tumble. If
the target fails the Acrobatics check to tumble, you can make an attack of opportunity against that opponent as normal.
Special: You cannot use this feat when you are flat-footed.
UNLEASHED (The Force Unleashed, pg. 35):
You gain access to Unleashed abilities (see page 37). If you have the Force Sensitivity feat, you also gain access to Force Unleashed abilities (see page 89).
Prerequisite: Must have chosen a destiny (or secret destiny).
Benefit: You can activate Unleashed abilities by spending a Destiny Point. You must also have the Force Sensitivity feat in order to activate Unleashed abilities for Force powers and
Normal: You may not use Unleashed abilities and powers.

UNLEASHED BANTHA RUSH (The Force Unleashed, pg. 38)
You charge forth, shoving back anyone who stands in your way.
Prerequisite: Bantha Rush feat, Unleashed feat.
Benefit: When you use the Bantha Rush feat, you can spend a Destiny Point to automatically increase the distance you move your target by 5 squares and knock your target

UNLEASHED CHARGE (The Force Unleashed, pg. 38)

Few things can stand in your way when you make a ferocious and nearly unstoppable charge to attack an enemy.
Prerequisite: Unleashed feat.
Benefit: By spending a Destiny Point, you make an amazing charge attack. As a standard action, you gain a +5 bonus on each attack roll and take a -2 penalty to your Reflex
Defense until the start of your next turn. You can move up to twice your speed (minimum 2 squares) in a straight line through obstructed or unobstructed terrain, and then
take a full attack action as a part of this standard action instead of a full-round action. Allies do not hinder your ability to charge.
Special: If you have the Improved Charge feat, you can alter your course around obstructions and enemies. If you have the Powerful Charge feat, you can apply the benefit of
that feat as well.

UNLEASHED CLEAVE (The Force Unleashed, pg. 38)

When you fell a foe, your attacks continue on to all of your nearby enemies.
Prerequisite: Cleave feat, Unleashed feat.
Benefit: When you deal enough damage to an opponent to reduce its hit points to 0, you can spend a Destiny Point to get an immediate extra melee attack against all
opponents within your reach. This feat works in all other ways as the Cleave feat.

UNLEASHED DEVASTATING ATTACK (The Force Unleashed, pg. 38)

You do incredible amounts of harm to your targets.
Prerequisite: Devastating Attack, Unleashed feat.
Benefit: When you make an attack (either as a single attack or part of a full attack action), you can spend a Destiny Point to treat every attack as though it exceeded the
target’s damage threshold, regardless of whether or not the attack normally would, until the beginning of your next turn.

UNLEASHED EXTREME EFFORT (The Force Unleashed, pg. 38)

You have the ability to perform incredible feats of strength.
Prerequisite: Extreme Effort, Unleashed feat.
Benefit: When you use the Extreme Effort talent, you can spend a Destiny Point to increase the bonus provided by the talent to +20.

UNLEASHED FIREPOWER (The Force Unleashed, pg. 39)

You can fire an astounding number of accurate shots in a short time.
Prerequisite: Unleashed feat.
Benefit: By spending a Destiny Point, as a standard action you can fire at up to five spate targets within range of your ranged weapon. Make a single attack roll and compare
the result to the Reflex Defense of each target. Roll a single damage roll and apply it to every target successfully hit.
Special: Bonuses and penalties from other feats and talents stack with this ability. You can attack each target only once. You must have enough ammunition for each target;
otherwise you stop dealing damage when you run out. Aiming provides no benefit on this attack.

UNLEASHED IGNITE FERVOR (The Force Unleashed, pg. 39)

You inspire all your allies to devastate an opponent.
Prerequisite: Ignite Fervor, Unleashed feat.
Benefit: When you use the Ignite Fervor talent, you can spend a Destiny Point to provide the damage bonus to all allies within line of sight.

UNLEASHED PENETRATING ATTACK (The Force Unleashed, pg. 39)

Your attacks punch right through the defenses of your opponents.
Prerequisite: Penetrating Attack, Unleashed feat.
Benefit: When you make an attack (either as a single attack or part of a full attack action), you can spend a Destiny Point to ignore all damage reduction of your targets until
the beginning of your next turn.

UNLEASHED RAGE (The Force Unleashed, pg. 39)

Your unbridled rage is awesome to behold and devastating to your enemies.
Prerequisite: Rage species trait, Unleashed feat.
Benefit: By spending a Destiny Point of your rage, you gain an additional +10 to your melee attack rolls and melee damage rolls and +5 to your Fortitude Defense. At the end of
your rage, you move -2 persistent steps along the condition track. The penalties imposed by this condition persist until you take at least 20 minutes to recuperate, during
which time you can’t engage in any strenuous activity.
Special: Bonuses and penalties from other feats and talents stack with this ability.

UNLEASHED SKIRMISHER (The Force Unleashed, pg. 39)

You move with uncanny speed, unleashing a devastating attack against your foes.
Prerequisite: Skirmisher, Unleashed feat.
Benefit: When you gain the benefit of the Skirmisher talent on a melee or ranged attack, you can spend a Destiny Point to get an automatically critical hit on your attack and
gain a bonus to your base damage equal to the number of squares you moved.

UNLEASHED SNEAK ATTACK (The Force Unleashed, pg. 39)

You strike with the ultimate sneak attack at the most opportune moment.
Prerequisite: Sneak Attack, Unleashed feat.
Benefit: When you make an attack that deals extra damage thanks to the Sneak Attack talent, you can spend a Destiny Point to gain a +5 bonus on your melee or ranged attack
roll and deal an extra 5d6 points of damage with a successful hit. You must be within 6 squares of the target to make a sneak attack with a ranged weapon. This extra damage
stacks with any damage bonus provided by the Sneak Attack talent.

UNLEASHED STRAFE (The Force Unleashed, pg. 39)

Your expanded strafing attack is devastating within its fire zone.
Prerequisite: Strafe feat, Unleashed feat, weapon with autofire.
Benefit: When you use the Strafe feat, you can spend a Destiny Point to target an area 4 squares long by 3 squares wide.

UNLEASHED WHIRLWIND ATTACK (The Force Unleashed, pg. 39)

Your whirlwind attack is particularly effective and powerful.
Prerequisite: Whirlwind Attack feat, Unleashed feat.
Benefit: When you use the Whirlwind Attack feat, you can spend a Destiny Point to gain a +5 bonus on your attack roll and knock prone any targets you damage.


UNLEASHED BATTLE MEDITATION (The Force Unleashed, pg. 89)
Your skill in Battle Meditation allows you to coordinate battles taking place across an entire star system.
Prerequisites: Battle Meditation, Unleash feat.
Benefit: When you use the Battle Meditation talent, you can spend a Destiny Point to have its bonuses apply to all allies within the same star system.

UNLEASHED BATTLE STRIKE (The Force Unleashed, pg. 90)

Your combat prowess is unparalleled.
Prerequisites: Battle strike, Unleashed feat.
Benefit: When you use the battle strike power and you spend a Destiny Point, your next melee attack, if successful, also moves the target an additional -2 steps along the
condition track, regardless of whether the damage exceeds the target’s damage threshold.

UNLEASHED CORRUPTION (The Force Unleashed, pg. 90)

You can draw upon the power of the dark side to cover your foes in an unavoidable miasma of evil.
Prerequisites: Corruption, Unleashed feat.
Benefit: When you successfully damage a target by using the corruption power and you spend a Destiny Point, the target takes the additional half damage each round for 5
rounds instead of just 1 round.

UNLEASHED DARK RAGE (The Force Unleashed, pg. 90)

You let the power of the dark side flow through you, bringing you closer to ultimate success.
Prerequisites: Dark rage, Unleashed feat.
Benefit: When you use the dark rage power, you can spend a Destiny Point to gain a +10 rage bonus on melee attack rolls and damage rolls for the remainder of the

UNLEASHED FORCE BLAST (The Force Unleashed, pg. 91)

You can fire a blast of Force energy at your opponents with enough power to damage even vehicles and starships.
Prerequisites: Force blast, Unleashed feat.
Benefit: When you use the Force blast power, you can spend a Destiny Point to multiply the damage by 2.

UNLEASHED FORCE GRIP (The Force Unleashed, pg. 91)

Holding an enemy in your vice grip of the Force is a trivial matter.
Prerequisites: Force grip, Unleashed feat.
Benefit: When you successfully use the Force grip power on a target, you can spend a Destiny Point to maintain the power with no concentration (requiring no action) for a
number of rounds equal to half your Charisma modifier (minimum 1 round). Taking damage still requires you to make Use the Force checks to maintain the power.
UNLEASHED FORCE LIGHTNING (The Force Unleashed, pg. 91)
The power of your Force lightning drives back your foes as they bear the brunt of your strength in the Force.
Prerequisites: Force lightning Force power, Unleashed feat.
Benefit: When you use the Force lightning power, you can spend a Destiny Point to target all creatures in a 6-square cone that originates from your square.

UNLEASHED FORCE STORM (The Force Unleashed, pg. 91)

You become a maelstrom of dark energy, devastating nearby foes.
Prerequisites: Force storm Force power, Unleashed feat.
Benefit: When you use the Force storm power and you spend a Destiny Point, it deals 8d6 points of damage to adjacent targets for the duration of the power.

UNLEASHED FORCE THRUST (The Force Unleashed, pg. 91)

You can hurl your foes away with incredible strength and speed.
Prerequisites: Force thrust Force power, Unleashed feat.
Benefit: When you use the Force thrust power and you spend a Destiny Point, opponents affected by the power do not add their size modifier to their Strength checks to resist
the power’s effect. A creature that would normally have a penalty on its Strength check due to size still retains that penalty.
Additionally, the distance you move the target is multiplied by 2. If you push the target into a larger object, the target is multiplied by 2. If you push the target into a larger
object, the target takes 1d6 points of damage per square moved by this power.

UNLEASHED MOVE OBJECT (The Force Unleashed, pg. 91)

You can hurl an object through the air with such incredible force that it devastates even vehicles and starships.
Prerequisites: Move object Force Power, Unleashed feat.
Benefit: When you hurl one object or character into another object or character and you spend a
Destiny Point, multiply the damage dealt by 2.

UNLEASHED REPULSE (The Force Unleashed, pg. 91)

You hurl back any encroaching enemies, ensuring that they are no immediate threat to you.
Prerequisites: Repulse Force Power, Unleashed feat.
Benefit: When you use the repulse power and you spend a Destiny Point, opponents affected by the power do not add their size modifier to their Strength checks to resist the
power’s effect. A creature that would normally have a penalty on its Strength check due to size still retains that penalty.
Additionally, the distance you move the target is multiplied by 2. If you push the target into a larger object, the target is multiplied by 2. If you push the target into a larger
object, the target takes 1d6 points of damage per square moved by this power.

UNSTOPPABLE COMBATANT (Rebellion Era, pg. 30):

You can keep coming back for more punishment, no matter what your enemies throw at you.
Prerequisite: Extra Second Wind.
Benefit: You can catch more than one second wind per encounter.
Normal: Even if you can catch multiple second winds per day, without this feat you are limited to one second wind per encounter.

UNSTOPPABLE FORCE (Clone Wars, pg. 31):

Your constant exposure to Force-users has taught you methods of physically resisting their effect on you in battle.
Benefit: You gain a +5 insight bonus to Fortitude Defense and Will Defense against any attack or effect requiring a Use the Force check.
UNSWERVING RESOLVE (Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 23):
You stand your ground in the face of tarrying or domineering opposition.
Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +2.
Benefit: Whenever you are targeted by a fear effect or mind-affecting effect that fails to affect you (such as when the skill check required to use the effect fails to beat your Will
Defense), you gain a temporary Force Point. If this Force Point is not used before the end of your next turn, it goes away.
If you negate the contingent effect in any way (such as by using rebuke to negate a mind-affecting Force power), you do not gain the benefit of this feat.

UNWAVERING RESOLVE (Clone Wars, pg. 32):

You are not easily swayed by the words of others, and can see through deceptions thanks to your keen mind.
Prerequisite: Trained in Perception.
Benefit: You gain a +5 insight bonus to Will Defense against Deception and Persuasion checks.


You may use your technical expertise to manipulate a vehicle’s systems more quickly than usual.
Prerequisites: Tech Specialist, trained in the Mechanics skill.
Benefit: You may use the Recharge Shields or Reroute Power vehicle combat actions by spending two swift actions. Also, once per encounter, you may attempt to use either of these
actions as a swift action by making a DC 30 Mechanics check.
Normal: Recharging shields or rerouting power normally requires you to spend three swift actions.

VEHICULAR COMBAT (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 89):

You can avoid attacks made against your vehicle.
Prerequisite: Trained in the Pilot skill.
Benefit: Once per round (as a reaction), when you are piloting a vehicle or starship, you may negate a weapon hit by making a successful Pilot check. The DC of the skill check is equal to
the result of the attack roll you wish to negate.
In addition, while you are piloting a vehicle, you are considered proficient with pilot-operated vehicle weapons. (The vehicle descriptions in Chapter 10 indicate which weapons are
operated by the pilot.)

VEHICULAR SURGE (Rebellion Era, pg. 30):

You can coax more out of vehicles than other pilots can, staying in the fight when others might be destroyed.
Prerequisite: Trained in the Pilot skill.
Benefit: If the vehicle you pilot is Colossal or smaller and is reduced to fewer than one-half its maximum hit points, once per day as a swift action your vehicle gains a number of bonus
hit points equal to one-quarter its maximum hit point total. Damage is subtracted from bonus hit points first, and any bonus hit points remaining at the end of the encounter are lost.
Bonus hit points do not stack.

VITALITY SURGE (Rebellion Era, pg. 30):

You can keep yourself in top fighting form at any point in the fight.
Prerequisite: Extra Second Wind.
Benefit: You can catch a second wind even if you are not at or below half your maximum hit points.
Normal: Without this feat, you can catch a second wind only if you are at or below half your maximum hit points.

WARY DEFENDER (Clone Wars, pg. 32):

Even in the heat of battle you can bolster yourself against nearly anything that comes your way.
Benefit: When you use the fight defensively action (see page 152 of the Saga Edition core rulebook), you gain a +2 competence bonus to your Fortitude Defense and Will Defense until
the beginning of your next turn.
WARY SENTRIES (Galaxy at War, pg. 30):
You and your allies specialize in keeping tabs on your surroundings, making you excellent guards and advance scouts.
Prerequisites: Trained in Perception.
Benefit: You gain a +3 competence bonus to Perception checks. At the time you make a check, for each ally within 12 squares of you who also has this feat, the competence bonus
increases by 1 (to a maximum of +7). Additionally, you can take 10 of Perception checks, even when threatened or rushed.

WEAPON FINESSE (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 89):

You are especially skilled at using weapons one that can benefit as much from Dexterity as from Strength.
Prerequisite: Base attack bonus + 1.
Benefit: When using a light melee weapon or a lightsaber, you may use your Dexterity modifier instead of your Strength modifier on attack rolls.

WEAPON FOCUS (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 89):

Choose a single exotic weapon or weapon group. You are especially good at using these weapons.
Prerequisite: Proficient with chosen weapon.
Benefit: You gain a +1 bonus on all attack rolls you make using the selected exotic weapon or weapon group.
Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects do not stack.
Each time you take the feat, it applies to a new exotic weapon or weapon group.

WEAPON PROFICIENCY (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 89):

You are proficient with a particular kind of weaponry.
Benefit: Choose one of the following weapon groups: advanced melee weapons, heavy weapons (which includes vehicular weapons and starship weapons), Iightsabers, pistols, rifles,
and simple weapons. You are proficient
with all weapons of the selected group. For more information on weapon groups, see page 119.
Normal: If you wield a weapon with which you are not proficient. You take a -5 penalty to your attack rolls.
Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Each time you take the feat, it applies to a different weapon group. You cannot take exotic weapons as a weapon group; instead, you must
select the Exotic Weapon Proficiency feat (see page 84) to gain proficiency with a specific exotic weapon (such as the bowcaster or flamethrower).

WHIRLWIND ATTACK (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 89):

You can strike nearby opponents in an amazing, spinning melee attack.
Prerequisites: Dexterity 13, Intelligence 13, Melee Defense, base attack bonus +4.
Benefit: As a full-round action, you can make an area attack with your melee weapon, striking every target within your reach. This whirlwind attack uses the area attack rules (see Area
Attacks, page 155); you make one attack roll and apply the result to every target in range.

WICKED STRIKE (Scum and Villainy, pg. 24):

Your melee attacks can catch bystanders.
Prerequisite: Rapid Strike.
Benefit: When you damage a target with a single, non-area attack using the Rapid Strike feat, once per turn on your turn you can immediately make a second attack at a -2 penalty
against a second target within your reach. If this attack hits, you deal half of the original attack's damage to that target.

WILDERNESS FIRST AID (Unknown Regions, pg. 28):

You know how to treat wounds in the wilderness, using only the natural materials around you.
Prerequisite: Trained in the Survival skill.
Benefit: Once per day, you can make a DC 20 Survival check. If the check is successful, when you use the Basic Survival application of the Survival skill, you are considered to have a
medpac for any Treat Injury checks made
until the end of the day.
Special: The Gamemaster can adjust the DC for the current environment, raising it for harsh or desert climates or lowering it for more diverse locales.
WILDERNESS SPECIALISTS (Galaxy at War, pg. 30):
You and your allies have been trained to survive in the wild and can live off the land.
Prerequisites: Trained in Survival.
Benefit: You gain a +3 competence bonus to Survival checks. At the time you make a check, for each ally within 12 squares of you who also has this feat, the competence bonus
increases by 1 (to a maximum of +7). Additionally, when you use the aid another action to assist an ally who has this feat with a Survival check, you provide a bonus of +4 instead of +2.

WITHDRAWAL STRIKE (Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 35):

Our enemies do not escape easily.
Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +5, proficient with melee weapon used
Benefit: When taking this feat, select a single exotic weapon or weapon group. When wielding a melee weapon from the chosen weapon group, adjacent opponents may not withdraw
from squares you threaten. They may still make Acrobatics checks to tumble as normal.

WOOKIEE GRIP (Galaxy of Intrigue, pg. 29):

Your strength is such that you need only one hand to use weapons that normally require two hands.
Prerequisite: Strength 13.
Benefit: When using a weapon in which you are proficient and that normally requires two hands, you can wield that weapon with a single hand.
You take a -2 penalty to attack rolls with the weapon when it is used in this manner.

ZERO RANGE (Legacy Era, pg. 37):

You are lethal when using ranged weapons against adjacent targets.
Prerequisites: Point Blank Shot.
Benefit: When firing a ranged weapon at a target within or adjacent to your fighting space, you gain a +1 bonus on the attack roll and deal +1 die of damage on a hit.
The effects of this feat do not stack with the extra damage provided by the Burst Fire or Rapid Shot feats. This feat does not apply to heavy weapons or vehicle weapons, or in starship

(Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 31)
Characters can use their existing feats in new ways, as noted below. Essentially, certain feats allow characters to benefit from combining their use. A character wishing to use one of the
combinations described below must have all the required feats to do so.


You can reduce your penalty to your Reflex Defense against all opponents When you use the Force disarm Force Power, you gain the +5 bonus from Improved
to -1 when making a ranged attack at the end of a charge. Disarm on your Use the Force check as though you were making an attack roll.


You can add your Dodge bonus to your Reflex Defense against anyone who You can draw and ignite your lightsaber as a single swift action.
makes an attack of opportunity against you while using the Running Attack feat.
DUAL WEAPON MASTERY I + QUICK DRAW When you are wielding a single one-handed weapon for which you have Weapon Focus,
You can draw or holster two weapons with a single swift action; you must have you can treat that weapon as a light weapon.
both hands free to draw both weapons, and each weapon must be able to be
held in one hand.


ASSURED STRIKE – Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 29 [Lightsaber Form]
You trade power for accuracy.
Time: Standard action. Target: One enemy within your reach.
Make a Use the Force Check. The result of the check determines the result, if any.
DC 15: You make a single melee attack with a lightsaber against the target, rolling twice and keeping the higher result. However, you take a -5 penalty on your damage roll.
DC 20: As DC 15, except you take a -2 penalty on your damage roll.
DC 25: As DC 15, except you take a -1 penalty on your damage roll.
DC 30: As DC 15, except you take no penalty on your damage roll.
Lightsaber Form (Juyo): If you have the Juyo talent and miss with both attack rolls, this power remains in your Force suite instead of being spent as normal.
Special: You can spend a Force point to roll your attack roll three times, keeping the highest result.

BALLISTAKINESIS – Legacy Era, pg. 53 [Telekinetic]

You use the Force to spray an area with dangerous debris.
Time: Standard action.
Target: All targets within a 2x2 area (the entire area must be within 12 squares of you and in your line of sight).
Make a Use the Force check. Compare the result with the Reflex Defense of each target in the affected area. If the check result equals or exceeds the target’s Reflex Defense, the target
takes 3d8 points of bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage (your choice) and takes a -2 penalty on all attack rolls until the start of your next turn. This is an area attack.
Special: You may spend a Force Point when you activate this power, in which case targets whose Reflex Defense you fail to exceed with your skill check take half damage.

BARRIER OF BLADES – Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 29 [Lightsaber Form]

You whip your lightsaber around you, creating a barrier through which blaster fire rarely penetrates.
Time: Swift action. Target: You.
Make a Use the Force Check. Until the start of your next turn, you can use the result of your Use the Force check in the place of your Reflex Defense against incoming non-area ranged
Lightsaber Form (Shien): If you have the Shien talent, you can redirect (as per the Redirect Shot talent) one blaster bolt that misses you while this power is in effect.
Special: You can spend a Force point to have the benefits of this power also apply to attacks from ranged weapons set on autofire. If such an attack hits you while this power is in effect,
you take half damage; if it misses you, you take no damage.

BATTLE STRIKE – Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 96

You use the Force to enhance your battle prowess.
Time: Swift action. Target: You.
Make a Use the Force check. The result of the check determines the effect, if any;
DC 15: Gain a +1 Force bonus on your next attack roll made before the end of your next turn and deal an additional 1d6 points of damage if the attack hits.
DC 20: As DC 15, except you deal an additional 2d6 points of damage.
DC 25: As DC 15, except you deal an additional 3d6 points of damage.
Special: You can spend a Force Point to deal an additional 2d6 points of damage on your next attack.
CIRCLE OF SHELTER – Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 29 [Lightsaber Form]
You create a protected area around yourself, though which enemies have difficulty reaching you or your allies.
Time: Standard action. Target: You plus all allies adjacent to you.
Make a Use the Force Check. The result of the check determines the result, if any.
DC 20: Until the end of your next turn, you and all adjacent allies gain a +1 deflection bonus to reflex Defense.
DC 25: As DC 20, except the bonus increases to +2.
DC 30: As DC 20, except the bonus increases to +5.
Lightsaber Form (Soresu): If you have the Soresu talent, you can add the deflection bonus on Use the Force checks made to use the Black and Deflect talents until the end of your next
Special: You can spend a Force Point to also apply the deflection bonus from this talent to the Fortitude Defense of all Defense of all adjacent allies.

CLOAK – Clone Wars, pg. 50

You can bend light around your body, rendering yourself invisible to anyone looking in your direction.
Time: Standard Target: You
Make a Use the Force check. The result of the check determines the effect, if any;
DC 15: You are considered to have total concealment against all targets until the beginning of your next turn.
DC 20: As DC15, and you gain a +2 Force bonus to Stealth checks until the beginning of your next turn.
DC 25: As DC 15, except you gain a +3 Force bonus to Stealth checks until the beginning of your next turn.
DC 30: As DC 15, except you gain a +5 Force bonus to Stealth checks until the beginning of your next turn.
Special: You can maintain the cloak power from round to round, extending the normal duration. Maintaining the cloak power is a standard action, and you must make a new Use the
Force check each round. If you take damage while maintaining this power, you must succeed on a Use the Force check (DC = 15 + damage taken) to maintain the power.
You can spend a Force Point to increase the bonus to your Stealth checks by 5.

COMBUSTION – Legacy Era, pg. 53 [Telekinetic]

You use the Force to agitate particles in the air to create a pyrokinetic spray of sparks.
Time: Standard action. Target: All targets within a 2x2 area (the entire area must be within 12 squares of you and in your line of sight).
Make a Use the Force check. Compare the result to the Fortitude Defense of each target in the affected area. If the check result equals or exceeds the target’s Fortitude Defense, the
target takes 4d6 points of fire damage and catches on fire. If the attack misses, the target takes half damage and does not catch on fire. This is an area attack.
The result of your Use the Force check determines the attack bonus of the fire each round it burns. This replaces the fire’s normal attack bonus (see page 225 of the Core rulebook).
Special: You may spend a Force Point to move one target hit by this power -1 step along the condition track.

CONTENTIOUS OPPORTUNITY – Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 29 [Lightsaber Form]

You seize the moment when your opponent gives you an opening, darting in to strike.
Time: Free action. Target: One enemy within your reach.
Make a Use the Force Check. The result of the check determines the result, if any.
DC 20: If you hit with your attack of opportunity, you deal an additional +1 die of damage.
DC 25: As DC 20, except you deal an additional +2 dice of damage.
DC 30: As DC 20, except you deal an additional +3 dice of damage.
DC 35: As DC 20, except you deal an additional +4 dice of damage.
Lightsaber Form (Makashi): If you have the Makashi talent, you gain a +2 Force bonus on attacks of opportunity (including this one) until the end of your next turn.
Special: If you hit with the attack of opportunity, you can immediately spend a Force Point to reduce the target’s speed by 2 squares until the end of its next turn.
CORRUPTION – Force Unleashed, pg. 85 [Dark Side]
You use the Force to send a bolt of pure dark side vileness into an enemy.
Time: Standard action. Target: One target within 12 squares and within line of sight.
Make a Use the Force check. The result of the check determines the effect, if any. Compare the result to the target’s Fortitude Defense. If the check result equals or exceeds the target’s
Fortitude Defense, the target is affected.
DC 15: The target takes 2d6 Force damage, and half that amount again at the start of its turn. If your Use the Force check exceeds the target’s Fortitude Defense by 5 or more,
the target takes half that damage again in the following round.
DC 20: As DC 15, except the target takes 3d6 points of damage.
DC 25: As DC 15, except the target takes 4d6 points of damage.
DC 30: As DC 15, except the target takes 5d6 points of damage.
The target adds a size modifier to its Fortitude Defense: Colossal, +50; Gargantuan, +20; Huge, +10; Large, +5; Medium and smaller, +0.
Special: You can spend a Force Point when you successfully damage a target by using this power to have all creatures adjacent to the target take half this damage if the Use the force
check also exceeds their Fortitude Defense. These secondary targets do not take additional damage in the following round.

CRYOKINESIS – Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 25

You can use the Force to draw heat away from an object, causing its temperature to drop rapidly.
Time: Standard action. Target: One unattended object within 12 squares of you and in your line of sight.
Make a Use the Force check. The result of the check determines the effect, if any;
DC 20: The object becomes cold to the touch and more fragile. Reduce the object’s DR by 5 until the end of your next turn. Additionally, if the object is mechanical or electronic
device, it automatically moves -1 step down the condition track.
DC 25: As DC 20, except the object’s DR is reduced by 10.
DC 30: As DC 20, except the object’s DR is reduced by 15.
DC 35: As DC 20, except the object’s DR is reduced by 20.
Special: You can spend a Force Point to increase the penalty to the object’s DR by 5. An object moved to the bottom of the condition track by this power ceases to function until it is
repaired, but is otherwise unharmed.
You can maintain cryokinesis from round to round, extending the normal duration of the DR reduction (though the object does not move farther down the condition track).
Maintaining the cryokinesis power is a swift action and you do not make a new Use the Force check each round. If you take damage while maintaining cryokinesis, you must succeed on a
Use the Force check (DC = 15 + damage taken) to continue maintaining the power.

DARK RAGE – Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 96 [Dark Side]

You become enraged as the dark side flows through you.
Time: Swift action. Target: You.
Make a Use the Force check. The result of the check determines the effect, if any;
DC 15: You gain a +2 Rage bonus on melee attack rolls and melee damage rolls until the end of your turn.
DC 20: As DC 15, the rage bonuses increase to +4.
DC 25: As DC 15, the rage bonuses increase to +6.
Special: While consumed by rage, you cannot use skills or perform tasks that require patience or concentration.
You can spend a Force Point to extend the duration of your dark rage until the end of the encounter.
DARK TRANSFER – Legacy Era, pg. 53 [Dark Side]
You use the dark side of the Force to restore vitality to a living ally.
Time: Standard action. Target: One other living creature touched.
Make a Use the Force check. The result of the check determines the result, if any.
DC 15: The target heals a number of hit points equal to your character level.
DC 20: The target heals a number of hit points equal to 2 x your character level.
DC 25: The target heals a number of hit points equal to 3 x your character level.
DC 30: The target heals a number of hit points equal to 4 x your character level.
Special: Each time you use dark transfer, you move -1 persistent step down the condition track, and you gain 1 Dark Side Point. You must rest for 8 hours to remove this condition. You
may spend a Force Point to avoid moving down the condition track when you use this Force power.

DEFLECTING SLASH – Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 30 [Lightsaber Form]

You use the momentum from your effort to deflect a projectile to strike at an adjacent opponent.
Time: Reaction (when targeted by a non-area ranged attack). Target: You plus one enemy within your reach.
Make a Use the Force Check. The result of the check determines the result, if any.
DC 15: Compare the result of your Use the Force check against the attack roll of the incoming attack. If your Use the Force check equals or exceeds the incoming attack roll, the
attack deals half damage on a hit. Additionally, you can make a single melee attack with a lightsaber against any one target within your reach after the damage is resolved.
DC 20: As DC 15, and you deal +1 point of damage to the target of your lightsaber attack on a hit.
DC 30: As DC 15, and you deal +3 point of damage to the target of your lightsaber attack on a hit.
DC 35: As DC 15, and you deal +5 point of damage to the target of your lightsaber attack on a hit.
Lightsaber Form (Soresu): If you have the Soresu talent, you can spend a Force Point to redirect the incoming attack (as per the Redirect Shot talent) at any other target within 6 squares
of you.
Special: You can spend a Force Point to take no damage from the incoming attack if your skill check equals its attack roll.

DETONATE – Legacy Era, pg. 53 [Telekinetic]

You can perceive points of weakness within an object and use the Force to telekinetically press on those points, shattering the object.
Time: Standard action. Target: One unattended object within 12 squares of you and in your line of sight.
Make a Use the Force check. The result of the check determines the result, if any.
DC 20: The object takes 4d6 points of damage.
DC 25: The object takes 6d6 points of damage.
DC 30: The object takes 8d6 points of damage.
DC 35: The object takes 10d6 points of damage.
Special: You may spend a Force Point when you activate this power to increase the damage dealt by +2d6.

DISARMING SLASH – Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 30 [Lightsaber Form]

You strike at your opponent’s weapon, attempting to rip it from his grasp.
Time: Standard action. Target: One enemy within your reach.
Make a Use the Force Check. The result of the check determines the result, if any.
DC 15: Make a single melee attack with a lightsaber against an adjacent opponent. If the attack deals damage, you can use your Use the Force check result in place of an attack
roll to make an immediate disarm attempt against the target. If you succeed at your disarm attempt, you can have the weapon drop to the ground or call it to your own hand
(assuming you have a free hand with which to hold the weapon).
DC 20: As DC 15, except your target gains only a +5 bonus to Reflex Defense to resist being disarmed (instead of a +10 bonus).
DC 25: As DC 15, except your target gains only a +2 bonus to Reflex Defense to resist being disarmed (instead of a +10 bonus).
DC 30: As DC 15, except your target gains no bonus to Reflex Defense to resist being disarmed (instead of a +10 bonus).
Lightsaber Form (Shii-Cho): If you have the Shii-Cho talent, you can use this power as a reaction to being attacked by an adjacent opponent.
Special: You can spend a Force Point to deal damage to the target’s weapon equal to the damage you dealt to the target, provided you successfully disarm that opponent.

DRAIN ENERGY – Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 25

You can draw the energy out of a powered object, such as a blaster’s power pack or a power generator.
Time: Standard Action. Target: One powered weapon or object within 6 squares of you and in your line of sight.
Make a Use the Force check. The result of the check determines the effect, if any;
DC 20: You drain the energy from the energy cell or cells powering a Small or smaller weapon or powered object. You completely drain the object of its energy, and it cannot
be used until its energy cells are replaced.
DC 25: As DC 20, except you drain a Medium or smaller weapon or object.
DC 30: As DC 20, except you drain a Large or smaller weapon or object.
DC 35: As DC 20, except you drain a Huge or smaller weapon or object. If the object is being powered by a generator, you drain all of the power from that instead.
Special: You can spend a Force Point to increase the size of the object that can be drained by one size category (up to Gargantuan).

DRAW CLOSER – Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 30 [Lightsaber Form, Telekinetic]
You grab an opponent with the Force, draw him into the path of your weapon.
Time: Standard action. Target: One enemy within 6 squares of you and in your line of sight.
Make a Use the Force Check. The result of the check determines the result, if any.
DC 15: If your target is Medium or smaller in size and is neither grabbed nor grappled, you immediately pull it into the nearest unoccupied space adjacent to you (if no space
adjacent to you is legal space for the target due to its size, the power fails). You can then make a single melee attack with a lightsaber against the target.
DC 20: As DC 15, except your target may be Large or smaller.
DC 25: As DC 15, except your target may be Huge or smaller.
DC 30: As DC 15, except your target may be Gargantuan or smaller.
Lightsaber Form (Niman): If you have the Niman talent, you can target a creature within 12 squares (instead of 6 squares).
Special: You can spend a Force Point to pull the target into any adjacent space.

ENERGY RESISTANCE – Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 50

You use the Force to protect you from damage caused by energy, sonic, fire, cold and electrical sources.
Time: Standard action. Target: You.
Make a Use the Force check. The result of the check determines the effect, if any:
DC 20: You gain DR 5 against energy damage until the beginning of your next turn.
DC 25: As DC 20, except DR increases to 10.
DC 30: As DC 20, except DR increases to 15.
DC 35: As DC 20, except DR increases to 20.
Special: You can spend a Force Point to use this power as a swift action.
You can maintain energy resistance from round to round, extending the normal duration. Maintaining the energy resistance power is a swift action. If you take damage while
maintaining energy resistance, you must succeed on a Use the Force check (DC = 15 + damage taken) to continue maintaining the power.

ENLIGHTEN – Legacy Era, pg. 54 [Light Side, Mind-Affecting]

You reach out to an ally telepathically, sharing visions of the near future to give the ally an edge or to protect the ally from harm.
Time: Swift action or reaction. Target: One ally within 12 squares of you and in your line of sight.
Make a Use the Force check. The target may use the check result instead of one attack roll, skill check, or opposed check it makes before the start of your next turn, or the target can
use the check result in place of one of its defenses until the start of your next turn.
Special: You may spend a Force Point when you activate this power to prolong the effect until the end of your next turn.

FALLING AVALANCHE – Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 31 [Lightsaber Form]

You raise your lightsaber about your head and then bring it crashing down on your opponent with incredible force.
Time: Standard action. Target: You plus one enemy within your reach.
Make a Use the Force Check. The result of the check determines the result, if any.
DC 15: You can make a single melee attack with a lightsaber against the target, provided that is no more than one size category larger than you. If your attack deals damage,
you can push the target 1 square away from you, and then move into the space that enemy just vacated. Neither your movement nor the target’s movement provokes attacks
of opportunity. You cannot move a target that is grabbed or grappled.
DC 20: As DC 15, except you can push the target 2 squares and can move through spaces your target passed through to end adjacent to your target.
DC 25: As DC 15, except you can push the target 3 squares and can move through spaces your target passed through to end adjacent to your target.
DC 30: As DC 15, except you can push the target 4 squares and can move through spaces your target passed through to end adjacent to your target.
Lightsaber Form (Djem So): If you have the Djem So talent, after successfully activated this power you gain one temporary Force Point which can only be used to activate the Djem So
talent. If this temporary Force Point is not used before the end of the encounter, it is lost.
Special: You can spend a Force Point to your opponent prone at the end of its forced movement.

FARSEEING – Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 96

You gain a vague, momentary impression of events happening around a particular being in some distant place.
Time: Full-round action. Target: One creature you know or have met before.
Make a Use the Force check. If your check result is less than the target’s Will Defense, you gain no information (including whether the target is alive or dead) and cannot use this Force
power against the same target for 24 hours. If your check result equals or exceeds the target’s Will Defense, you can sense whether the target is alive or dead and gain a vague sense of
its immediate surroundings, what it’s currently doing, and any strong emotions it is presently feeling. A dead target has a Will Defense of 30 for purposes of this Force power.
Special: If you successfully use this Force Power, you can spend a Force Point to gain a clear mental image of the target’s surroundings, as well as other creatures and objects within 6
squares of it.

FEAR – Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 50 [Dark Side, Mind-Affecting]

You summon the power of the dark side to instill fear in your enemies.
Time: Swift action. Target: One creature within 12 squares and within line of sight.
Make a Use the Force check. The result of the check determines the effect, if any:
Compare the result to the target’s Will Defense. If the check result equals or exceeds the target’s Will Defense, the target is affected as determined by the results of your Use the Force
check. This is a fear effect.
DC 15: The target can take only one standard action on the next turn.
DC 20: The target can take only one move action on the next turn.
DC 25: The target can take only one swift action on its next turn.
DC 30: The target can take only one no action on its next turn.
Special: When you successfully use this power on an opponent, you can spend a Force Point to impose a -2 penalty to all of the opponent’s Defenses until the beginning of your next

FLUID RIPOSTE – Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 31 [Lightsaber Form]

You smoothly turn aside an opponent’s melee attack, stepping in to deliver your own attack.
Time: Reaction (when an adjacent opponent makes a melee attack against you). Target: You plus one enemy within your reach.
Make a Use the Force Check. Compare the result of your Use the Force check against the attack roll of the incoming attack. If your Use the Force check equals or exceeds the incoming
attack roll, the attack deals half damage on a hit. You can then immediately move to any other square adjacent to your attacker and make a single melee attack with a lightsaber against
it. This movement does not provoke attacks.
Lightsaber Form (Djem So): If you have the Djem So talent, after successfully activating this power you gain one temporary Force Point which can only be used to activate the Djem So
talent. If this temporary Force Point is not used before the end of the encounter, it is lost.
Special: You can spend a Force Point to treat the attacker as flat-footed for purposes of your lightsaber attack.

FOLD SPACE – Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 25

You can use the Force to bend space, transporting an object almost instantaneously from one place to another.
Time: Full-round action. Target: One held or unattended object within 6 squares and line of sight or one vehicle you occupy.
Make a Use the Force Check. The result of the check determines the maximum size of the object you can transport and the distance you can transport it.
DC 20: You can move a Medium or smaller object up to 6 squares.
DC 25: You can move a Large or smaller object up to 12 squares.
DC 30: You can move a Huge or smaller object up to 18 squares.
DC 35: You can move a Gargantuan or smaller object up to 24 squares.
DC 40: You can move a Colossal or smaller object up to 30 squares.
Special: If the object you are transporting contains other objects or creatures (such as a starship), everything contained within the object is transported as well.
You can spend a Force Point to increase the maximum size of the object you can move by two categories, up to Colossal (cruiser) in size, or double the distance the object is transported.

FORCE BLAST – Force Unleashed, pg. 86

You use the Force to create a ball of compressed air and debris that you can hurl at enemy targets.
Time: Standard action. Target: One target within 12 squares and within line of sight.
Make a Use the Force check. Compare the result of you Use the Force check to the Reflex Defense of the target; if you exceed the target’s Reflex Defense, you deal damage with the
Force blast. The result of the Use the Force check determines the effect, if any.
DC 15: The Force blast deals 2d6 points of damage to the target.
DC 20: As DC 15, except you deal 3d6 points of damage.
DC 25: As DC 15, except you deal 4d6 points of damage.
DC 30: As DC 15, except you deal 5d6 points of damage.
Special: You can spend a Force Point to add one-half your heroic level as a damage bonus on a Force blast just as you would with a normal weapon.

FORCE DISARM – Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 97 [Telekinetic]

You disarm an opponent by using the Force to pull the weapon from his grasp.
Time: Standard action. Target: One creature within 6 squares and within lines of sight.
Make a Use the Force check. Use this check in place of your attack roll when attempting to disarm the target (see Disarm, page 152). If your disarm attempt succeeds, you may choose
to let the item drop to the ground in the target’s fighting space or have the item fly into your hand (in which case you must have a free hand to catch it).
Special: You can spend a Force Point to damage or destroy the target weapon instead. If your disarm attempt succeeds, the weapon takes damage equal to your Use the Force check
result. You must declare that you are using this option before making your disarm attempt.

FORCE GRIP – Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 97

You use the Force to choke or crush your enemy.
Time: Standard action. Target: One target within 12 squares and within line of sight.
Make a Use the Force check. The result of the check determines the result, if any.
DC 15: If your Use the Force check equals or exceeds the target’s Fortitude Defense, the target takes 2d6 points of damage and can only take a single swift action on his next
turn. Otherwise, the target takes half damage and may act normally, and you may not maintain the power. Targets larger than Medium add a size modifier to Fortitude
Defense against this power: Colossal +50, Gargantuan +20, Huge +10, Large +5.
Replace the second sentence under Special with the following: ―Maintaining the Force grip power is a standard action, and you must make a new Use the Force check each
round. If you suffer damage while maintaining a Force grip, you must succeed on a Use the Force check (DC = 15 + damage taken) to continue concentrating.
DC 20: As DC 15, except the target takes 4d6 points of damage.
DC 25: As DC 15, except target takes 6d6 points of damage.
Special: You can maintain your concentration on the targeted creature to continue damaging it from round to round. Maintaining the Force grip is a standard action, and you must make
a new Use the Force check each round.
You can spend a Force Point to deal an additional 2d6 points of damage with your Force grip.

FORCE LIGHT – Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 25 [Light Side]

You can draw the Force into yourself, turning you into a beacon of light that purges the taint of the dark side.
Time: Standard Target: See text.
Make a Use the Force check. The result of the check determines the effect, if any;
DC 20: Until the end of your next turn, any creature with a Dark Side Score of 1+ that begins its turn within 6 squares of you automatically takes 1d6 points of force damage
and takes a -1 penalty on attack rolls. This is an area effect.
DC 25: As DC 20, except the damage increases to 2d6 points.
DC 30: As DC 20, except the damage increases to 3d6 points.
DC 35: As DC 20, except the damage increases to 4d6 points.
Special: You can spend a Force Point to increase the damage dealt by +1d6 points.
You can maintain Force light from round to round, extending the normal duration. Maintaining the Force light power is a standard action, and you must make a new Use the
Force check each round. If you take damage while maintaining Force light, you must succeed on a Use the Force check (DC = 15 + damage taken) to continue maintaining the power.

FORCE LIGHTNING – Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 97 [Dark Side]

You blast an enemy with deadly arcs of Force energy.
Time: Standard action. Target: One target in line of sight and within 6 squares of you.
Make a Use the Force check. Make one roll and compare the result to the target’s Reflex Defense. If the skill check equals or exceeds the target’s Reflex Defense, the target takes 8d6
points of Force damage and moves -1 step along the condition track (see Conditions, page 148). Otherwise, the target takes half damage and does not move along the condition track.
Special: You can spend a Force Point to move a target an additional -1 step along the condition track when you successfully hit it with Force lightning.

FORCE SCREAM – Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 50 [Dark Side]

You create an intense sonic scream, amplified by the Force.
Time: Standard action. Target: All creatures that are within 12 squares and can hear you.
Make a Use the Force check. Compare the result to the target’s Fortitude Defense. If the check result equals or exceeds the target’s Fortitude Defense, the target sustains damage as
determined by the results of your Use the Force check.
DC 15: The target takes 1d6 points of Force damage this round and the target’s damage threshold is reduced by -5 until the end of your next turn.
DC 20: As DC 15, except the target takes 2d6 points of Force damage.
DC 25: As DC 15, except the target takes 3d6 points of Force damage.
DC 30: As DC 15, except the target takes 4d6 points of Force damage.
The target adds a size modifier to its Fortitude Defense: Colossal, +50; Gargantuan, +20; Huge, +10; Large, +5; Medium and smaller, +0.
Special: You can spend a Force Point to reduce the target’s damage threshold by -10 instead of -5.

FORCE SHIELD – Legacy Era, pg. 54 & Force Unleashed, pg.86 [Telekinetic]
You use the Force to create a mobile bubble of telekinetic energy around yourself, protecting you from harm.
Time: Reaction. Target: You.
Make a Use the Force check. The result of the check determines the result, if any.
DC 15: You gain a shield rating (SR) of 5 until the beginning of your next turn. Unlike other shields, this shield is made of pure telekinetic energy and cannot be recharged by
any means.
DC 20: As DC 15, except you gain SR 10.
DC 25: As DC 15, except you gain SR 15.
DC 30: As DC 15, except you gain SR 20.
Special: You can spend a Force Point when you activate this power to increase the power’s SR by 5. You can maintain your concentration on a Force shield to continue to gain the benefit
of the power’s SR from round to round, extending the normal duration. Maintaining the Force shield power is a standard action. If the power’s SR is ever reduced to 0, the power’s effect

FORCE SLAM – Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 97

You pound one or more creatures with the Force.
Time: Standard action. Target: All targets within a 6-square cone and within line of sight.
Make a Use the Force check. Make one roll and compare the result to each target’s Fortitude Defense. If the result equals or exceeds a target’s Fortitude Defense, it takes 4d6 points of
Force damage and is knocked prone. If the result is less than a target’s Fortitude Defense, it takes half damage and is not knocked prone. Targets larger than Medium add a size modifier
to Fortitude Defense against this power. Colossal +50, Gargantuan +20, Huge +10, Large +5. This is an area effect.
Special: When you use this power, you can spend a Force Point to deal an additional 2d6 points of damage to targets in the area.

FORCE STORM – Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 26 [Dark Side]

You create a storm that draws upon the dark side of the Force, focusing its malicious intent on a certain area.
Time: Standard action. Target: One designated area within 12 squares of you and in your line of sight.
Make a Use the Force check. The result of the check determines the effect, if any;
DC 20: You create a Force storm that covers a 3x3 square area. At least one square within that area must be within the given range of this power. All squares within the Force
storm are filled with driving acid rain that provides concealment and deals 2d6 points of acid damage to any creature that enters the Force storm or begins its turn within the
area. The storm also imposes a -5 penalty on Perception checks to listen, as the storm howls loudly. The Force storm lasts until the end of your next turn. This is an area effect.
DC 25: As DC 20, except the Force storm covers a 4x4 square effect.
DC 30: As DC 20, except the Force storm covers a 5x5 square effect.
DC 35: As DC 20, except the Force storm covers a 6x6 square effect.
Special: You can spend a Force Point to increase the damage dealt by acid rain by +2d6 points.
You can maintain Force storm from round to round, extending the normal duration. Maintaining the Force storm power is a standard action, and you must make a new Use the Force
check each round. If you take damage while maintaining Force storm, you must succeed on a Use the Force check (DC = 15 + damage taken) to continue maintaining the power.

FORCE STORM – Force Unleashed, pg.86 [Dark Side, Telekinetic]

You use the Force to create a swirling whirlwind of dark side energy around yourself.
Time: Standard action. Target: You.
Make a Use the Force check. You create a vortex of debris and dark energy around yourself that deals 2d6 points of damage to all adjacent targets at the end of your turn. The result of
your Use the Force check determines the duration of the effect, if any.
DC 20: 2 rounds.
DC 25: 4 rounds.
DC 30: 6 rounds.
DC 35: 8 rounds.
Special: You can spend a Force Point to deal an extra 2d6 points of damage with a Force Storm.

FORCE STUN – Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 98

You call upon the Force to overload an enemy’s senses, potentially stunning it.
Time: Standard action. Target: One creature within 6 squares or within line of your sight.
Make a Use the Force check. Compare the result to the target’s Fortitude Defense. If the check result equals or exceeds a target’s Will Defense, the target moves -1 step along the
condition track (see Conditions, page 148). For every 5 points by which you exceed the target’s Will Defense, the target moves an additional -1 step along the condition track. Targets
larger than Medium add a size modifier to Fortitude Defense against this power: Colossal +50, Gargantuan +20, Huge +10, Large +5.
Special: When you use this power, you can spend a Force Point to move the target an additional -1 step along the condition track.

FORCE TRACK – Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 26

You peer into the Force for guidance, picking up the trail of your quarry.
Time: Swift action. Target: You.
Make a Use the Force check. The result of the check determines the effect, if any;
DC 15: You determine the path taken by a specific creature you designate, provided you are within line of sight of the creature’s trail. You can track the creature (as per the
track application of the Survival skill) without needing to make Survival checks for up to 1 hour, provided the creature you are tracking passed through the area within the last
DC 20: As DC 15, except the creature you are tracking need only have passed through in the last 10 minutes.
DC 25: As DC 15, except the creature you are tracking need only have passed through in the last hour.
DC 30: As DC 15, except the creature you are tracking need only have passed through in the last day.
Special: You can spend a Force Point to track up to two targets simultaneously.

FORCE THRUST – Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 98

You use the Force to push a target away from you.
Time: Standard action. Target: One object or character within 12 squares and within line of sight.
Make a Use the Force check. The target makes a Strength check. If you beat the target’s Strength check, you push it back 1 square plus an additional square for every 5 points by which
you exceed the target’s check result. If you push the target into a larger object, the target takes 1d6 points of damage.
The target adds its base attack bonus and its size modifier to its Strength check: Colossal, +20; Gargantuan, +15; Huge, +10; Large, +5; Medium, +0; Small, -5; Tiny, -10;
Diminutive, -15; Fine, -20. In addition, it gets a +5 stability bonus if it has more than two legs or is otherwise exceptionally stable.
Special: You can spend a Force Point to apply a -5 penalty to the target’s Strength check to resist your Force thrust. Additionally, if you successfully push the target into a larger object,
you deal an additional 2d6 points of damage from the extreme force of the thrust.

FORCE WHIRLWIND – Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 51 [Telekinetic]

You call upon the Force to surround an enemy in a swirling vortex of Force energy. The whirlwind lifts them about a half a meter off of the ground, spinning them in the air and buffering
them with Force energy.
Time: Standard action. Target: One creature or droid within 12 squares and within line of sight.
Make a Use the Force check. The result of the check determines the effect, if any.
Compare the result to the target’s Fortitude Defense. If the check result equals or exceeds the target’s Fortitude Defense, the target is captured within the whirlwind and immobilized
until the beginning of your next turn. Any attack rolls or skill checks that target attempts while within the whirlwind are at a -5 penalty. The target falls prone when the effect ends. The
target also sustains damage at the end of your turn as determined by the results of your Use the Force check.
DC 15: The target takes 1d6 points of Force damage.
DC 20: The target takes 2d6 points of Force damage.
DC 25: The target takes 3d6 points of Force damage.
DC 30: The target takes 4d6 points of Force damage.
The target adds a size modifier to its Fortitude Defense: Colossal, +50; Gargantuan, +20; Huge, +10; Large, +5; Medium and smaller, +0.
Special: You can spend a Force Point to increase the penalty to the target’s attack rolls and skill checks from - 5 to -10.
You can maintain Force whirlwind from round to round, extending the normal duration. Maintaining the Force whirlwind power is a move action, and you must make a new
Use the Force check each round. If you take damage while maintaining Force whirlwind, you must succeed on a Use the Force check (DC = 15 + damage taken) to continue maintaining
the power. If a target within a Force whirlwind is attacked or otherwise damaged or moved down the condition track by you or one of your allies, the effects of the Force whirlwind end

HATRED – Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 26 [Dark Side]

You give yourself over to the dark side, letting your hate radiate out from your body in palpable waves.
Time: Standard action. Target: See text.
Make a Use the Force check. The result of the check determines the effect, if any;
DC 15: Until the end of your next turn, any creature that starts its turn within 6 squares of you takes 1d6 points of Force damage and takes a -1 penalty to all defenses.
DC 20: As DC 15, except the damage increases to 2d6 points.
DC 25: As DC 15, except the damage increases to 3d6 points.
DC 30: As DC 15, except the damage increases to 4d6 points.
Special: You can spend a Force Point to increase the damage dealt by +1d6.
You can maintain hatred from round to round, extending the normal duration. Maintaining the hatred power is a swift action, and you must make a new Use the Force check
each round. If you take damage while maintaining hatred, you must succeed on a Use the Force check (DC = 15 + damage taken) to continue maintaining the power.

HAWK-BAT SWOOP – Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 31 [Lightsaber Form]

You leap into action against your foe, striking with your lightsaber before other enemies have a chance to react.
Time: Action. Target: You plus one enemy within your reach.
Make a Use the Force Check. The result of the check determines the result, if any.
DC 15: You move up to 2 squares; this does not provoke attacks of opportunity. If you end your movement adjacent to a target, you can make a single melee attack with a
lightsaber against that target.
DC 20: As DC 15, except you can move up to 4 squares.
DC 25: As DC 15, except you can move up to 6 squares.
DC 30: As DC 15, except you can move up to 8 squares.
Lightsaber Form (Ataru): If you have the Ataru talent, you can also move up to 2 squares after you resolve your lightsaber attack. This movement does not provoke attacks of
Special: You can spend a Force Point to deal +2 dice of damage with your lightsaber attack.

HIGH GROUND DEFENSE – Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 32 [Lightsaber Form]
You know how to take advantage of the terrain and gain a defensive advantage from it.
Time: Swift action. Target: You.
Make a Use the Force Check. The result of the check determines the result, if any.
DC 15: Until the start of your next turn, if you are standing on a low object or in difficult terrain, any creature that moves adjacent to you provokes an attack of opportunity
from you.
DC 20: As DC 15, except you gain a +1 Force bonus on attacks of opportunity until the start of your next turn.
DC 25: As DC 15, except you gain a +2 Force bonus on attacks of opportunity until the start of your next turn.
DC 30: As DC 15, except you gain a +5 Force bonus on attacks of opportunity until the start of your next turn.
Lightsaber Form (Sokan): If you have the Sokan talent, you deal +1 die of damage with attacks of opportunity until the start of your next turn.
Special: You can spend a Force Point to move 1 square each time you make an attack of opportunity until the start of your next turn. This movement does not provoke attacks of

INERTIA – Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 27

You can use the Force to shift your body’s inertia, allowing you to perform impossible stunts.
Time: Move action. Target: You.
Make a Use the Force check. The result of the check determines the effect, if any;
DC 15: You move up to half your speed along a wall as though it were the ground, ignoring the normal effects of gravity for the duration of this movement. If you are not on
the ground when you end this movement, you fall to the ground.
DC 20: As DC 15, except you can move at your normal speed along the wall.
DC 25: As DC 15, except you can move at your speed + 2 squares along the wall.
DC 30: As DC 15, except you can move at your speed + 4 squares along the wall.
Special: You can spend a Force Point to increase the speed you move along the wall by +2 squares.

INSPIRE – Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 27 [Light Side]

You fill your allies with hope and courage, allowing them to face even the most daunting of odds.
Time: Swift action. Target: All allies within 6 squares of you and in your line of sight.
Make a Use the Force check. The result of the check determines the effect, if any;
DC 20: The targets gain a +2 Force bonus to Will Defense against mind-affecting and fear effects until the end of your next turn.
DC 25: As DC 20, except bonus increases to +5.
DC 30: As DC 20, except the bonus increases to +10.
DC 35: As DC 20, except the targets are immune to mind-affecting and fear effects.
Special: You can spend a Force Point to grant each target 2d6 bonus hit points when the power is first activated. Damage is subtracted from the bonus hit points first, and any bonus hit
points remaining at the end of the encounter go away.
You can maintain inspire from round to round, extending the normal duration. Maintaining the inspire power is a swift action, and you must make a new Use the Force check each
round. If you take damage while maintaining inspire, you must succeed on a Use the Force check (DC = 15 + damage taken) to continue maintaining the power.

INTERCEPT – Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 27 [Telekinetic]

You can use the Force to telekinetically hurl a small object in the path of an incoming projectile, preventing it from striking you.
Time: Reaction Target: One incoming ranged attack targeting you.
Make a Use the Force check. If you Use the Force check equals or exceeds the attack roll result of the incoming ranged attack (including all modifiers), you negate the attack against you.
Special: You can use this power to negate an object being used as a projectile weapon with the Move Light Object application of the Use the Force skill, or the move object Force power.
In both cases, the DC for your Use the Force check is equal to the Use the Force check made by the enemy targeting you with the projectile. If you are successful, the object being used
as a projectile weapon does not hit you and deals no damage to you. Additionally, if the object was moved with the move object power, the activator of that power can no longer
maintain the move the object power on that object.
You can spend a Force point to use this power to intercept some of the barrage of shots from a ranged weapon set on autofire. If you succeed on the Use the Force check, you
take half damage if the autofire attack hits and no damage if the attack misses.

IONIZE – Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 51

You call upon the Force to overload electronic systems and droids, damaging or even destroying the unit.
Time: Standard action. Target: One target within 6 squares and within line of sight.
Make a Use the Force check. Compare the result to the target’s Reflex Defense. If the check result equals or exceeds the target’s Reflex Defense, the target takes damage as determined
by the results of your Use the Force check:
DC 20: The target takes 4d6 points of ion damage.
DC 25: The target takes 5d6 points of ion damage.
DC 30: The target takes 6d6 points of ion damage.
Special: You can spend a Force Point to increase the ion damage dealt by this Force Power by 2d6.

KINETIC COMBAT – Force Unleashed, pg.86 & Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 51
You use the Force to manipulate your chosen weapon, allowing it to operate independent of your grasp.
Time: Standard action Target: You.
Make a Use the Force check. If you succeed on a DC 20 check, you can telekinetically move a one-handed melee weapon you hold up to 12 squares and make an attack with it. The
weapon is considered held by you, even if it is hovering nearby and not in your hands. The attack uses your base attack bonus for the attack. A successful attack deals normal melee
weapon damage, adding one-half your heroic level to damage as normal and substituting your Charisma modifier for your Strength modifier for damage. Talents and feats that would
normally enhance a weapon’s use do not do so while you are using kinetic combat to wield the weapon (for example, you cannot use Mighty Swing or Power Attack while wielding the
weapon). The weapon threatens all squares adjacent to it, and it can be used to make an attack of opportunity if a target provokes one from the weapon. Any attacks of opportunity
made by the weapon count as though they were made by you.
Special: You can maintain kinetic combat from round to round, extending the normal duration. Maintaining the kinetic combat power is a swift action, and as a standard action each
round you maintain it you can direct the weapon to move up to 6 squares and make a single attack against a target adjacent to the weapon, though the weapon must remain within 12
squares of you or the power’s effect ends. If you suffer damage while maintaining kinetic combat, you must succeed on a Use the Force check (DC = 15 + damage taken) to continue
maintaining the power.
You can spend a Force Point to gain a +1 bonus on attack rolls with a weapon wielded using kinetic combat.

LEVITATE – Clone Wars, pg. 50

You can float up or down without anything or anyone to assist you.
Time: Move action Target: You
Make a Use the Force check. The result of the check determines the effect, if any;
DC 15: You gain a fly speed of 2 squares but can only move vertically. You may move up to your fly speed as part of this action, and if you end this movement adjacent to a
horizontal surface, you can move 1 square onto that surface as a free action. At the start of your next turn, if you are not standing or holding onto a solid surface, you fall to
the ground.
DC 20: As DC 15, except the fly speed increases to 4 squares.
DC 25: As DC 15, except the fly speed increases to 6 squares.
Special: You can spend a Force Point as a reaction to activate this power when falling. You can reduce your fall distance by a number of squares equal to the fly speed provided by this
power. If you reduce the fall distance to 0 squares, you land safely on your feet.
You can maintain the levitate power from round to round, extending the normal duration. Maintaining levitate is a move action, and whenever you maintain this power you
can move vertically up to your fly speed. If you take damage while maintaining levitate, you must succeed on a Use the Force check (DC = 15 + damage taken) to continue maintaining
the power. If you fail this Use the Force check, you immediately fall.

LIGHTNING BURST – Legacy Era, pg. 54 [Dark Side]

You call upon the dark side to cause lightning to arc out from your body, striking adjacent enemies.
Time: Standard action. Target: All targets adjacent to you.
Make a Use the Force check. Compare the result to each target’s Reflex Defense. If the attack hits, the target takes 3d6 points of Force damage and moves -1 step along the condition
track. If the attack misses, the target takes half damage and does not move along the condition track.
Special: You may spend a Force Point when you activate this power to increase the damage dealt by +2d6.
You can maintain the lightning burst power as a standard action, provided you haven’t moved since activating the power. When you maintain the power, make a new Use the
Force check and compare the result to the Reflex Defense of each target in range (as described above).

MAKASHI RIPOSTE – Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 32 [Lightsaber Form]

You are trained in a Makashi technique that allows you to slightly change the angle of an opponent’s attack before striking with a decisive riposte of your own.
Time: Reaction (when an adjacent opponent makes a melee attack against you). Target: You plus one enemy within your reach.
Make a Use the Force Check. Compare the result of your Use the Force check against the attack roll of the incoming attack. If your Use the Force check equals or exceeds the incoming
attack roll, the attack deals half damage on a hit. Additionally, you can make a single melee attack with a lightsaber against your target after the damage is resolved. You deal half
damage to the target on a miss.
Lightsaber Form (Makashi): If you have the Makashi talent, until the end of your next turn the target provokes an attack of opportunity from you if it makes an attack and is within your
Special: You can spend a Force Point to take no damage from the incoming attack if your skill check equals or exceeds the attack roll of the incoming attack.

MALACIA – Clone Wars, pg. 51 [Light Side]

You create dizziness and nausea by disrupting your enemy’s equilibrium.
Time: Standard action Target: One living creature within 6 squares of you and your line of sight.
Make a Use the Force check. Compare the result to your target’s Fortitude Defense. If your check equals or exceeds the target’s Fortitude Defense, the target moves -1 step down the
condition track. Additionally, until the end of the turn, the target takes a -5 penalty to its damage threshold.
Special: You can spend a Force Point to increase the penalty to damage threshold to -10.
You can maintain the malacia power from round to round, extending the normal duration. Maintaining malacia power is a standard action, and you must make a new Use the Force
check each round. If you take damage while maintaining malacia, you must succeed on a Use the Force check (DC = 15 + damage taken) to continue concentrating.
MEMORY WALK – Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 27 [Dark Side, Mind-Affecting]
You torment an enemy by causing him to relive his most horrible memories.
Time: Standard action. Target: One creature with an Intelligence of 3 or higher within 6 squares of you and in your line of sight.
Make a Use the Force check. The result of the check determines the effect, if any;
DC 20: Compare the result to the target’s Will Defense. If the skill check equals or exceeds the target’s Will Defense, the target takes 2d6 points of Force damage and loses its
swift action on its next turn.
DC 25: As DC 20, except the target loses its move action on its next turn.
DC 30: As DC 20, except the target loses its standard action on its next turn.
DC 35: As DC 20, except the target loses its standard action and its swift action on its next turn.
Special: You can spend a Force Point to increase the damage by +2d6.
You can maintain the memory walk from round to round, extending the normal duration. Maintaining memory walk power is a standard action, and you must make a new Use
the Force check each round. If you take damage while maintaining memory walk, you must succeed on a Use the Force check (DC = 15 + damage taken) to continue concentrating.

MIND SHARD – Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 28 [Mind-Affecting]

You use the Force to splinter the mind of an opponent, wracking it with pain.
Time: Standard action. Target: One creature within 12 squares of you and in your line of sight.
Make a Use the Force check. The result of the check determines the effect, if any;
DC 15: Compare the result to the target’s Will Defense. If the skill check equals or exceeds the target’s Will defense, the target takes 2d8 points of force damage and moves -1
step down the condition track. Furthermore, the target cannot improve its condition until the end of your next turn (although other creatures may use abilities to improve its
DC 20: As DC 15, except the damage increases to 3d8.
DC 25: As DC 15, except the damage increases to 4d8.
DC 30: As DC 15, except the damage increases to 5d8.
Special: You can spend a Force Point to increase the damage by +2d8

MIND TRICK – Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 98 [Mind-Affecting]

You use the Force to alter a target’s perceptions or plant a suggestion in its mind.
Time: Standard action. Target: One Intelligence 3 or higher creature in line of sight & within 12 squares of you.
Make a Use the Force check. If you equal or exceed the target’s Will Defense, you may choose one of the following effects:
–You create a fleeting hallucination that distracts the target and enables you to use the Stealth skill even if the target is aware of you.
–You perform a feint so that the next attack you make against the target ignores its Dexterity bonus to Reflex Defense (if any).
–You make an otherwise unpalatable suggestion seem completely reasonable to the target. You must be able to communicate with the target, and the suggestion can’t
obviously threaten the target’s life. The target won’t realize later that what he did is unacceptable.
–You fill the target with terror, causing it to flee from you at top speed for 1 minute. The affected creature stops fleeing if it is wounded. The effect is negated if the target’s
level is equal to or higher than your character level. This is a fear effect.
Special: If you are making a suggestion, you may spend a Force Point to improve the target’s attitude by one step, plus one additional step from every 5 points by which your Use the
Force check exceeds the target’s Will Defense.

MORICHRO – Clone Wars, pg. 51

You slow the vital functions of a target, causing her to slip into a deep sleep or even die.
Time: Standard action Target: One living creature you have grabbed or grappled.
Make a Use the Force check. Compare the result to target’s Fortitude Defense. If you succeed, the target moves -1 step down the condition track. Each round you maintain this power, if
your Use the Force check exceeds the target’s Fortitude Defense, the target moves another step down the condition track. If you move a target to the bottom of the condition this
power, you can choose to kill the target or place it into a Force trance even if it is unwilling (see page 28, Clone Wars Campaign Guide). Additionally, if you use this power on an already
unconscious target, you can consider the target willing for the purposes of placing them in a Force trance.
Special: You can maintain the marichro power from round to round, extending the normal duration. Maintaining this power is a standard action, and you must make a new Use the
Force check each round. If you take damage while maintaining morichro, you must succeed on a Use the Force check (DC = 15 + damage taken) to maintain the power. If the target
escapes your grab or the grab ends for any reason, you cannot maintain this power on your next turn.

MOVE OBJECT – Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 98

You telekinetically move a target up to 6 squares in any direction using the Force.
Time: Standard action. Target: One character or object within 12 squares and within line of sight.
Make a Use the Force Check. The result of the check determines the maximum size of the target you can lift (see below). If the target is a creature that resists your attempt, your Use
the Force check must also exceed the target’s Will Defense. You can hurl the target at (or drop it on) another target in range if your Use the Force check exceeds the second target’s
Reflex Defense. Both targets take damage determined by your Use the Force check result.
DC 15: Move object up to Medium size (deals 2d6 points of damage).
DC 20: Move object up to Large size (deals 4d6 points of damage).
DC 25: Move object up to Huge size (deals 6d6 points of damage).
DC 30: Move object up to Gargantuan size (deals 8d6 points of damage).
DC 35: Move object up to Colossal size (deals 10d6 points of damage).
Special: You may maintain your concentration on the targeted object to continue to move it from round to round. Maintaining the move object power is a standard action, and you
must make a new Use the Force check each round. If you suffer damage while maintaining move object, you must succeed on a Use the Force check (DC = 15 + damage taken) to
continue concentrating. If you deal damage with the move object power, you cease to be able to maintain it.
If you use move object against a hovering or flying target (such as a speeder or starship), the target can oppose your use the Force check with a grapple check as a reaction. If
the target wins the opposed check, you are unable to move the target.
You can spend a Force Point to increase the maximum size of the object by one category and deal an additional 2d6 points of damage (maximum size Colossal (frigate), 12d6 damage).
Alternatively, you may spend a Destiny Point (see page 112) to increase the maximum size of the object by three categories and deal an additional 6d6 points of damage (maximum size
Colossal (station), 16d6 damage).

NEGATE ENERGY – Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 99

You spontaneously negate a single attack that deals energy weapon damage, such as a lightsaber or blaster.
Time: Reaction. Target: One attack made against you that deals energy weapon damage.
Make a Use the Force check. If the result of the check equals or exceeds the damage dealt by the energy weapon, the attack is negated and you take no damage. If your check result is
less than the amount of damage dealt, you fail to negate the attack and take damage as normal.
Special: You must be aware of the attack (and not flat-footed) to negate it. If you are successful, you can spend a Force point to regain hit points equal to the damage of the negated
attack, up to a maximum of your full normal hit points.

OBSCURE – Legacy Era, pg. 54 [Mind-Affecting]

You use the Force to cloud an enemy’s mind, making it harder for the enemy to see its target.
Time: Reaction. Target: One enemy within 12 squares of you and in your line of sight that just made an attack roll.
Make a Use the Force check. Compare the result to target’s Will Defense. If the check result equals or exceeds the target’s Will Defense, the target takes a -5 penalty on the attack roll. If
the target misses with the attack, you can choose to make the target reroll the attack against another creature adjacent to it; this attack is also at a -5 penalty.
Special: You may spend a Force Point when you activate this power to apply the penalty to all of the target’s attack rolls made until the start of its next turn.

PASS THE BLADE – Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 32 [Lightsaber Form]
You deactivate your lightsaber as your opponent attempts to block it, reactivating it just after it passes by his blade.
Time: Standard action. Target: You plus one enemy within your reach.
Make a Use the Force Check. The result of the check determines the result, if any.
DC 15: You can make a single melee attack with a lightsaber against the target. Your opponent takes a -2 penalty on Use the Force checks made to block the attack, as per the
Block talent. (This penalty also applies to the Primitive Block talent from The Force Unleashed Campaign Guide).
DC 20: As DC 15, except the target takes a -5 penalty on its Use the Force check.
DC 25: As DC 15, except the target takes a -10 penalty on its Use the Force check.
DC 30: As DC 15, except the target cannot use the Block talent to negate the attack.
Lightsaber Form (Tràkata): If you have the Tràkata talent, you also ignore any deflection bonus the target has from the Lightsaber Defense talent.
Special: You can spend a Force Point to deal +2d6 points of damage with your lightsaber attack if it hits.

PHASE – Clone Wars, pg.51

You can pass through solid objects, such as walls and doors.
Time: Move action. Target: You.
Make a Use the Force check. The result of the check determines the effect, if any;
DC 25: You can a phasing speed of 2 squares; your phasing speed can never exceed your own base speed. When moving using your phasing speed, you can move through the
spaces of your enemies, as well as through walls, vehicles, large objects, and other obstructions but must end your movement in a legal, unoccupied space. You retain this phasing speed
until the beginning of your next turn. You may move up to your phasing speed as a part of the activation of this power.
DC 30: As DC 25, except your phasing speed is 4 squares.
DC 35: As DC 25, except your phasing speed is 6 squares.
DC 40: As DC 25, except your phasing speed is 8 squares.
Special: You can spend a Force Point to increase your phasing speed by 2 squares. You can maintain the phasing power from round to round, extending the normal duration.
Maintaining this power is a move action, and whenever you maintain the phasing power you can move up to your phasing speed. If you take damage while maintaining this power, you
must succeed on a Use the Force check (DC = 15 + damage taken) to maintain the power.

PLANT SURGE – Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 28

You reach out with the Force to entreat the aid of plants, causing them to lash out at your enemy.
Time: Standard action. Target: One creature within 12 squares of you and in your line of sight.
Make a Use the Force check. Compare the result of the Use the Force check to the Fortitude Defense of the target. If the skill check equals or exceeds the target’s Fortitude Defense, the
target’s speed is 0 until the end of your next turn. A creature can escape (restoring its normal speed) by making a grapple check as a standard action, opposed by your Use the Force
Special: There must be one or more plants adjacent to the target, or else this power fails automatically.
You can spend a Force Point to impose a -10 penalty to the target’s grapple checks made to escape the plant surge.
You can maintain plant surge from round to round, extending the normal duration. Maintaining this power is a standard action, and you must make a new Use the Force check each
round. If you take damage while maintaining plant surge, you must succeed on a Use the Force check (DC = 15 + damage taken) to maintain the power. If the target escapes your grab or
the grab ends for any reason, you cannot maintain this power on your next turn.
PRESCIENCE – Legacy Era, pg. 54
The Force grants you a flash of insight in dealing with your enemies.
Time: Swift action. Target: One enemy within your line of sight.
Make a Use the Force check. The result of the check determines the result, if any.
DC 15: Until the end of your next turn, you gain a +1 insight bonus to all defenses against attacks or effects originating from the target, as well as a +1 insight bonus on attack
rolls made against the target.
DC 20: As DC 15, except the insight bonuses increase to +2.
DC 25: As DC 15, except the insight bonuses increase to +3.
Special: You may spend a Force Point when you activate this power to affect one additional enemy in your line sight.

PUSHING SLASH – Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 33 [Lightsaber Form, Telekinetic]
You strike at your target with your lightsaber, then hurl him away from you with the Force.
Time: Standard action. Target: One enemy within your reach.
Make a Use the Force Check. The result of the check determines the result, if any.
DC 15: You can make a single melee attack with a lightsaber against the target. If the attack hits, in addition to dealing damage, compare the result of your Use the Force check
to the target`s Fortitude Defense, you push the target 2 squares away from you. This movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity. You cannot move the target if it is
grabbed or grappled.
DC 20: As DC 15, except you push the target 3 squares away from you.
DC 25: As DC 15, except you push the target 4 squares away from you.
DC 30: As DC 15, except you push the target 5 squares away from you.
Lightsaber Form (Niman): If you have the Niman talent, you also compare the result of your Use the Force check to all other adjacent enemies; if your Use the Force check equals or
exceeds an enemy`s Fortitude Defense, it is pushed 1 square away from you. This is an area effect.
Special: You can spend a Force Point to knock the target prone at the end of its forced movement. (This applies only to the target of your lightsaber attack.)

REBUKE – Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 100

You harmlessly absorb or deflect one Force power or used against you, perhaps even turning it against its creator.
Time: Reaction. Target: One Force power directed at you.
Make a Use the Force check. If the result equals or exceeds the check result of the power directed at you, you harmlessly redirect it and suffer no ill effects. If your result exceeds the
check result of the power directed at you by 5 or more, you may choose to turn the Force against its creator, who suffers the effect based on the creator’s original Use the Force check.
Special: If you successfully reflect a Force power back at its originator, the originator may attempt to rebuke the power as well, expending a use of the rebuke power and using your
rebuke Use the Force check result as its target DC. If he reflects it back again, both you and the originator are affected by the Force Power. You can spend a Force Point as a reaction to
suffer no ill effects from a Force power that has been rebuked twice – once by you and once by the power’s originator.

REND – Clone Wars, pg. 52 [Dark Side]

You can move a single target, whether it is a creature or object, in two different directions simultaneously.
Time: Standard action. Target: One target in your line of sight and within 6 squares of you.
Make a Use the Force check. Compare the result with the target’s Reflex Defense. If the check equals or exceeds the target’s reflex Defense, the target takes 3d6 damage. If your Use
the Force check is a natural 20, you score the equivalent of a critical hit, and the target takes double damage. If you deal enough damage to reduce the target to 0 hit points, you rip the
target into two separate parts (living creatures are automatically killed).
Special: If you Use the Force check succeeds, you can spend a Force point to deal an additional 2d6 damage to the target.
REPULSE – Force Unleashed, pg. 87 [Telekinetic]
You use the Force to clear an area around yourself.
Time: Standard action. Target: All adjacent targets.
Make a Use the Force check. The targets make Strength checks, adding their base attack bonus. If you beat a target’s Strength check, you push it back 1 square plus 1 additional square
for every 5 points by which you exceeded the target’s check result. If you push the target into a larger object, the target takes 1d6 points of damage.
The target adds its size modifier to its Strength check: Colossal, +20; Gargantuan, +15; Huge, +10; Large, +5; Medium, +0; Small, -5; Tiny, -10; Diminutive, -15; Fine, -20. In
addition, it gets a +5 stability bonus if it has more than two legs or is otherwise exceptionally stable.
Special: You can spend a Force Point to apply a -5 penalty to the target’s Strength check to resist your Repulse. Additionally, after spending a Force Point, if you successfully push the
target into a larger object, you deal an additional 2d6 points of damage from the extreme force of the thrust.

RESIST FORCE – Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 51

You can use the Force to protect yourself from an enemy’s Force powers.
Time: Standard action. Target: You.
Make a Use the Force check. The result of the check determines the effect, if any;
DC 15: You gain +1 to the Defense score of your choice against force powers used against you until the beginning of your next turn.
DC 20: As DC 15, except the Defense bonus increases to +2.
DC 25: As DC 15, except the Defense bonus increases to +5.
Special: You can spend a Force Point to apply the bonus provided by this power to any two Defense scores of your choice.
You can maintain resist Force from round to round, extending the normal duration. Maintaining the resist Force power is a swift action. If you take damage while maintaining
resist Force, you must succeed on a Use the Force check (DC = 15 + damage taken) to continue maintaining the power. You may have multiple instances of resist Force active at once, but
maintaining each one requires a swift action each round, and each one must be activated by a separate use of resist Force.

RISING WHIRLWIND – Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 33 [Lightsaber Form]

You swing your lightsabers around your body, creating a brilliant whirlwind of deadly light.
Time: Standard action. Target: Two enemies within your reach.
Make a Use the Force Check. The result of the check determines the result, if any.
DC 15: You can make two lightsaber melee attacks, each one against a different target. If both attacks hit, you gain 10 bonus hit points. Damage is subtracted from bonus hit
points first, and any remaining bonus hit points disappear at the end of the encounter.
DC 20: As DC 15, except you gain 15 bonus hit points.
DC 25: As DC 15, except you gain 20 bonus hit points.
DC 30: As DC 15, except you gain 25 bonus hit points.
Lightsaber Form (Jar`Kai): If you have the Jar`Kai talent, you can move up to 2 squares between the two attacks. This movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity.
Special: You must be wielding two lightsabers to use this power. You can spend a Force Point to deal an +1d6 damage to each target you hit.

SABER SWARM – Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 34 [Lightsaber Form]

You slash at your opponent rapidly, aiming many short strikes at the target`s body.
Time: Standard action. Target: One enemy within your reach.
Make a Use the Force Check. The result of the check determines the result, if any.
DC 20: You can make two lightsaber melee attacks against a single target. Each of these attacks is made at a -5 penalty.
DC 25: As DC 20, except the attacks are made at a -2 penalty.
DC 30: As DC 20, except the attacks are made at a -1 penalty.
DC 35: As DC 20, except the attacks suffer no penalty.
Lightsaber Form (Ataru): If you have the Ataru talent, your opponent takes a -5 penalty on all Use the Force checks made to block your attacks using the Block talent or the Makashi
riposte power (see page 32).
Special: You can spend a Force Point to move up to 2 squares before or after you use this power. This movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity.

SARLACC SWEEP – Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 34 [Lightsaber Form]

You lash out at multiple enemies, striking them with a sweeping motion.
Time: Standard action. Target: One enemy within your reach (the primary target) plus one other enemy within your reach (the secondary target).
Make a Use the Force Check. The result of the check determines the result, if any.
DC 15: You can make a single melee attack with a lightsaber against the primary target. The attack deals normal damage to the primary target and 5 points of damage to the
secondary target if the attacks hits.
DC 20: As DC 15, except increase the damage to the secondary target by +1d6 points.
DC 25: As DC 15, except increase the damage to the secondary target by +2d6 points.
DC 30: As DC 15, except increase the damage to the secondary target by +3d6 points.
Lightsaber Form (Shii-Cho): If you have the Shii-Cho talent, you can use this power in the place of a melee attack roll at the end of a charge. You gain the benefits of the Powerful Charge
feat on the initial lightsaber attack only if you use this power in this way.
Special: You can spend a Force Point to affect two secondary targets, provided both enemies are within your reach and adjacent to the primary target of your lightsaber attack.

SEVER FORCE – Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 100 [Light Side]
You can block another Force-user’s access to the Force, preventing him from spending Force Points and making it difficult for him to use Force powers.
Time: Standard action. Target: One Force-using creature with a Dark Side Score of 1 or higher that is within 12 Squares and within line of sight.
Make a Use the Force Check. If your Use the Force check equals or exceeds the target’s Will Defense, the effect (if any) is determined by your check result:
DC 25: The target cannot spend Force points for a number of hours equal to its Dark Side Score.
DC 30: As DC 25, plus the target moves -1 step along the condition track (see page 149) each time it uses a Force Power in the same timeframe.
DC 35: As DC 25, except the target moves -2 steps along the condition track each time it uses a Force Power in the same timeframe.
Special: This Force power has no effect on targets with a Dark Side Score of O.
You can spend a Force Point to double the duration of the effect. Alternatively, you can spend a Destiny Point (see page 112) to increase the duration to a number of days equal to the
target’s Dark Side Score.

SHATTERPOINT – Clone Wars, pg.52

You can see the critical point of something, whether it is a person or object, that would shatter if struck at the right time.
Time: Swift action. Target: You.
Make a Use the Force check. The result of the check determines the effect, if any;
DC 25: If your next attack made before the end of the encounter hits, treat the target’s damage threshold against the attack as though it is 5 points lower than normal.
DC 30: As DC 25, except treat the target’s damage threshold as though it is 10 points lower than normal.
DC 35: As DC 25, except treat the target’s damage threshold as though it is 15 points lower than normal.
DC 40: As DC 25, except treat the target’s damage threshold as though it is 20 points lower than normal.
Special: You can spend a Force Point to ignore the target’s DR in addition to gaining the normal effect of this power.

SHIEN DEFLECTION – Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 34 [Lightsaber Form]

You deflect an incoming attack and leap toward your attacker with fierce abandon.
Time: Reaction (when an enemy makes a non-area ranged attack against you). Target: You plus one enemy within your reach.
Make a Use the Force Check. The result of the check determines the result, if any.
DC 15: Compare the result of your Use the Force check against the attack roll of the incoming attack. If your Use the Force check equals or exceeds the incoming attack roll, the
attack deals half damage on a hit. You can then move up to your speed toward your attacker, and if you end your movement within reach of your attacker, you can make a
single melee attack with a lightsaber against that target.
DC 20: As DC 15, except you can move up to your speed +2 squares.
DC 25: As DC 15, except you can move up to your speed +4 squares.
DC 30: As DC 15, except you can move up to your speed +6 squares.
Lightsaber Form (Shien): If you have the Shien talent, until the start of your next turn you take no cumulative penalties on your Use the force checks for multiple Deflect attempts.
Special: You can spend a Force Point to take no damage from the incoming attack if your skill check equals or exceeds the attack roll of the incoming attack.

SLOW – Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 52 [Telekinetic]

The Force enables you to slow your targets as if they are encumbered by an extremely heavy load, making it difficult for them to move.
Time: Standard action. Target: One creature or droid within 12 squares and within line of sight.
Make a Use the Force check. If the check result equals or exceeds the target’s Fortitude Defense, they take the following effects as determined by your check result:
DC 15: Target’s speed is reduced by 1 square until the beginning of your next turn. The target is also encumbered, as though carrying a heavy load, taking a -10 penalty on
Acrobatics, Climb, Endurance, Initiative, Jump, Stealth, and Swim checks.
DC 20: As DC 15, except speed is reduced by 2 squares.
DC 25: As DC 15, except speed is reduced by 3 squares.
DC 30: As DC 15, except speed is reduced by 4 squares.
The target adds a size modifier to its Fortitude Defense: Colossal, +50; Gargantuan, +20; Huge, +10; Large, +5; Medium and smaller, +0.
Special: You can spend a Force Point impose a -5 penalty to your target’s Fortitude Defense against the use of this power.

STAGGER – Legacy Era, pg. 54 [Telekinetic]

You use the Force to lash out at a nearby enemy, causing it to stumble.
Time: Swift action. Target: One enemy adjacent to you.
Make a Use the Force check. Compare the result to the target’s Fortitude Defense. If the check result equals or exceeds the target’s Fortitude Defense, the target takes 2d6 points of
Force Damage and is pushed 1 square away from you. This movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity.
Special: You can spend a Force Point when you activate this power to affect all enemies adjacent to you in which case compare your use the Force check result to each target’s Fortitude

SURGE – Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 100

The Force enables you to jump great heights and distances as well as move quickly.
Time: Free action. Target: You.
Make a Use the Force Check. The result of the check determines the effect, if any:
DC 10: You gain a +10 Force bonus on Jump checks and your speed increases by 2 squares until the start of your next turn. The Force bonus on Jump checks includes the
adjustment for increased speed.
DC 15: As DC 10 except: +20 Force bonus on Jump checks, speed increases by 4 squares.
DC 20: As DC 10 except: +30 Force bonus on Jump checks, speed increases by 6 squares.
Special: You can spend a Force Point to increase the power’s Force bonus on Jump checks by 10 and increase your speed by an additional 2 squares. Using the surge power counts as a
running start for determining a Jump DC. You may spend a Destiny Point to gain an additional 4 squares of movement; when you do so, you may also use any and all movement for the
round as a part of a jump (no Jump check required).

SWIFT FLANK – Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 34 [Lightsaber Form]

You leap over or dash around your opponent, striking before he has time to react.
Time: Standard action Target: You plus one adjacent enemy.
Make a Use the Force Check. The result of the check determines the result, if any.
DC 20: You can move up to half your speed; this movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity. You can then make a single melee attack with a lightsaber against an
adjacent target. If the space you occupy and the space you started in are spaces that flank the opponent, the opponent is considered to be flanked for your attack.
DC 25: As DC 20, except you can move up to your speed.
DC 30: As DC 20, except you can move up to your speed +2 squares.
DC 35: As DC 20, except you can move up to your speed +4 squares.
Lightsaber Form (Vaapad): If you have the Vaapad talent, your target is considered flat-footed against you until the end of your turn.
Special: You can spend a Force Point to increase your movement by 2 squares.

TECHNOMETRY – Clone Wars, pg. 52

You can tap into and read technological devices and, in some cases, control them.
Time: Standard Action. Target: One droid or electronic device touched.
Make a Use the Force check. Compare the result to the target’s Will Defense. If the check equals or exceeds the target’s Will Defense, you discover one piece of information contained
within the target’s memory as determined by the Access Information table under the Use Computer skill description (see page 75 of the Saga Edition core rulebook). For every 5 points
that you exceed the target’s Will Defense, you can learn one additional piece of information.
Alternatively, if you target a droid and succeed at you Use the Force check, you may choose one of the following effects and apply it to the targeted droid:
 The droid’s senses are jammed, allowing you to make Stealth checks against the droid until the end of your next turn, even though it is aware of you.
 The droid is denied its Dexterity bonus to Reflex Defense against your next attack made before the end of your next turn.
 On its next two turns, the droid does nothing except flee from you at top speed.
Special: You can spend a Force point to learn two more pieces of information or extend one of the droid-specific effects of this power by an additional round.

TEMPERED AGGRESSION – Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 35 [Lightsaber Form, Dark Side]
You throw yourself against an opponent, controlling your aggression to prevent it from getting the better of you.
Time: Standard action. Target: One enemy within your reach.
Make a Use the Force Check. The result of the check determines the result, if any.
DC 30: You can make a single melee attack with a lightsaber against the target. If you beat the target`s Reflex Defense by 10 or more, the attack is treated as a critical hit.
DC 35: As DC 30, except you must beat your target`s reflex Defense by 5 or more.
DC 30: As DC 30, except you must beat your target`s reflex Defense by 2 or more.
Lightsaber Form (Vaapad): If you have the Vaapad talent, this Force power does not have the [Dark side] descriptor for you.
Special: You can spend a Force Point to deal +2 dice of damage with the attack if it hits. These additional dice of damage are added after damage is doubled, if it is a critical hit.

THOUGHT BOMB – Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 28 [Mind-Affecting]

You use the Force to radiate out harmful waves of telepathy, damaging the minds of nearby foes.
Time: Standard action. Targets: All enemies within 2 squares of you.
Make a Use the Force check. Compare the result of the skill check to each target’s Will Defense. If the results equal or exceeds the target’s Will defense, the target takes 2d6 points of
Force damage and loses its swift action on its next turn. This is an area effect.
Special: You can spend a Force Point to increase the damage dealt by this power by +2d6 points.

TWIN STRIKE – Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 35 [Lightsaber Form]

You swing both of your lightsabers in an arc toward the target, slamming them home with great force.
Time: Standard action. Target: One enemy within your reach.
Make a Use the Force Check. The result of the check determines the result, if any.
DC 15: You can make a single melee attack with a lightsaber against the target. If this attack hits, add the base damage dice of your other lightsaber to the damage roll.
DC 25: As DC 15, and you gain a +1 Force bonus on the attack roll.
DC 30: As DC 15, and you gain a +2 Force bonus on the attack roll.
Lightsaber Form (Jar’Kai): If you have the Jar’Kai talent, you triple your deflection bonus to reflex Defense from the Lightsaber Defense talent instead of doubling it until the end of your
next turn.
Special: You must be wielding two lightsabers to use this power. You can spend a force point to add +1 die of damage to the damage from your lightsaber attack.

UNBALANCING BLOCK – Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 35 [Lightsaber Form]

You catch an opponent’s weapon on your blade before deactivating your blade momentarily, causing him to stumble.
Time: Reaction (when an adjacent enemy makes a melee attack against you). Target: You.
Make a Use the Force Check. Compare the result of your Use the Force check against the attack roll of the incoming attack. If your Use the Force check equals or exceeds the incoming
attack, the attack deals half damage on a hit. Additionally, if your use the force check equals or exceeds the target’s Will Defense, the target is considered flat-footed until the end of
your next turn.
Lightsaber Form (Tràkata): If you have the Tràkata talent, you deal +2 dice of damage with the first attack you make on your next turn against your attacker.
Special: You can spend a Force Point to take no damage from the incoming attack if your skill check equals or exceeds the attack roll of the incoming attack.

UNHINDERED CHARGE – Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 36 [Lightsaber Form]

You move quickly to your opponent, ignoring difficult terrain and obstacles.
Time: Standard action. Target: You plus one enemy within your reach.
Make a Use the Force Check. The result of the check determines the result, if any.
DC 15: You can move up to your speed toward an enemy, ignoring difficult terrain and low obstacles. If you end your movement within reach of your enemy, you can make a
single melee attack with a lightsaber against that target.
DC 20: As DC 15, except you can move up to your speed +2 squares.
DC 25: As DC 15, except you can move up to your speed +4 squares.
DC 30: As DC 15, except you can move up to your speed +6 squares.
Lightsaber Form (Sokan): If you have the Sokan talent, you gain a +5 Force bonus to your reflex Defense against attacks of opportunity made against you during this movement.
Special: You can spend a Force Point to move an additional 2 squares.

VALOR – Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 52 [Light Side]

You call upon the strength of the Force, reaching out to your ally and sharing your strength with them.
Time: Standard action. Target: One ally within 12 squares and within line of sight.
Make a Use the Force check. The result of the check determines the effect, if any:
DC 15: The target gains a +1 bonus to Will Defense against mind-affecting and fear effects until the start of your next turn.
DC 20: As DC 15, except the bonus increases to +2.
DC 25: As DC 15, except the bonus increases to +5.
DC 30: As DC 15, except the bonus increases to +10.
Special: You can spend a Force Point when you activate this power to have the bonus apply against all effects that target Will Defense (not just mind-affecting and fear effects).
You can maintain valor from round to round, extending the normal duration. Maintaining the valor power is a swift action. If you suffer damage while maintaining valor, you
must succeed on a Use the Force check (DC = 15 + damage taken) to continue maintaining the power. You may have multiple instances of valor active at once (affecting different allies),
but maintaining each one requires a swift action each round, and each one must be activated by a separate use of valor.

VITAL TRANSFER – Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 100 [Light Side]
You use your own life force to heal another living creature, using the Force as a conduit.
Time: Standard action. Target: One creature touched.
Make a Use the Force Check. The result of the check determines the effect, if any:
DC 15: The target heals hit points equal to 2 x its character level.
DC 20: The target heals hit points equal to 3 x its character level.
DC 25: The target heals hit points equal to 4 x its character level.
Each time you use vital transfer, you take half as much damage as you heal (rounded down). You may choose to heal less than the result of your Use the Force check allows. You may not
heal yourself with this power.
Special: You can spend a Force Point to avoid taking any damage when you use this Force power. You may spend a Destiny Point (see page 112) to move the target +5 steps on the
condition track in addition to healing it normally.

VORNSKR’S FEROCITY – Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 36 [Lightsaber Form, Dark Side]
You walk the thin line between darkness and light as you ferociously attack your foe.
Time: Standard action. Target: One enemy within your reach.
Make a Use the Force Check. The result of the check determines the result, if any.
DC 20: You make a single melee attack with a lightsaber against the target, dealing +1 die of damage if you hit.
DC 25: As DC 20, except you deal +2 dice of damage.
DC 30: As DC 20, except you deal +3 dice of damage.
DC 35: As DC 20, except you deal +4 dice of damage.
Lightsaber Form (Juyo): If you have the Juyo talent, this power does not have the [Dark side] descriptor for you.
Special: You can spend a Force Point to use this power at the end of a charge.

WOUND – Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 52 [Dark Side]

You cause spasms in the lungs of your target, painfully injuring them.
Time: Standard action. Target: One creature within 6 squares and within line of sight.
Make a Use the Force check. Make one roll and compare the result to the target’s Fortitude Defense. If the result equals or exceeds the target’s Fortitude Defense, it takes 4d6 points of
Force damage. The target adds a size modifier to its Fortitude Defense: Colossal, +50; Gargantuan, +20; Huge, +10; Large, +5; Medium and smaller, +0.
Special: If the target moves 1 or more steps down the condition track as a result of being damaged by this power, the condition becomes persistent until the target is treated with a DC
20 Treat Injury check to perform surgery.
You can spend a Force point to increase the damage by 2d6.
When you use the vital transfer power, you can spend a Destiny Point to fully heal the target of all damage and remove all of the target's debilitating conditions.

CURE DISEASE (Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 36):

When you use the vital transfer power, if your Use the Force check equals or exceeds the Treat Injury DC of a disease currently ailing the target, you can spend a Force Point to cure that

DETOXIFY POISON (Legacy Era, pg. 55):

You can use the vital transfer power to treat a poison affecting the target. Instead of the normal effect of the vital transfer power, you can compare the result of your Use the Force
check to the poison’s DC (see page 255 of the Saga Edition core rulebook). If you equal or exceed the poison’s DC, you detoxify the poison as per the use the Treat Injury skill.

DOMINATE MIND (Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 53):

When using mind trick, if you exceed your target’s Will Defense by 10 or more points, you can choose what your target does with its standard action on its next turn.

EXTENDED BLIND (Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 36):

The base range for your blind power increases to 18 squares (instead of 12 squares).

EXTENDED FORCE DISARM (Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 36):

The base range for your Force disarm power increases to 18 squares (instead of 12 squares).

EXTENDED FORCE GRIP (Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 36):

The base range for your Force grip power increases to 18 squares (instead of 12 squares).

EXTENDED FORCE THRUST (Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 36):

The base range for your Force thrust power increases to 18 squares (instead of 12 squares).

FORCE POINT RECOVERY (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 102):

At the end of an encounter, you automatically recover a Force Point spent during the encounter.
You may select this Force technique multiple times; each time you take it, you recover an additional Force Point spent during an encounter.

FORCE POWER MASTERY (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 102):

Choose a single Force power. You may take 10 on Use the Force checks to activate this Force power even when distracted or threatened.
You may select this Force technique multiple times; each time you select this Force technique, it applies to a different Force power.


When you use Ballistakinesis, you may spend a Force Point to target a 3x3 area instead of a 2x2 area.

IMPROVED BATTLE STRIKE (The Force Unleashed, pg. 88):

When you use the battle strike power, you can apply the bonus to attack rolls and damage rolls for all attacks made during a full attack action.
IMPROVED CLOAK (Clone Wars, pg. 54):
You can maintain your cloak power as a move action instead of a standard action.

IMPROVED CONVECTION (Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 36):

When your target takes fire damage from convection, the fire attacks the target’s Fortitude Defense using your base attack bonus instead of the normal +5 bonus (see page 255 of the
Saga Edition core rulebook for more information on fire damage).

IMPROVED CRUCITORN (Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 37):

If you use crucitorn and the attack or Force power still deals more damage than your damage threshold, you do not expend this use of the power, and it remains in your Force suite.

IMPROVED CRYOKINESIS (Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 37):

You can use cryokinesis on occupied vehicles within range; however, the vehicle only moves down the condition track if your Use the Force check also exceeds the vehicle’s Fortitude

IMPROVED DARK RAGE (The Force Unleashed, pg. 88):

When you use the dark rage power, you ignore the restriction that prevents you from using skills or performing tasks that require patience and concentration. Additionally, you can
always activate this power in the surprise round, even if you are considered surprised.

IMPROVED DARK TRANSFER (Legacy Era, pg. 55):

When you use dark transfer, you may spend a Force Point to revive a creature that died since the end of your last turn. You must succeed on a DC 25 Use the Force check. If the check
succeeds, the target creature is unconscious instead of dead and does not heal any hit points from the use of dark transfer.

IMPROVED DETONATE (Legacy Era, pg. 56):

When you use the detonate power, you also damage enemies near the targeted object. Compare the result of your use the Force check to the Reflex Defense of all enemies within 2
squares of the object. If your check equals or exceeds the enemy’s Reflex Defense, the enemy takes slashing damage equal to one-half the damage sustained by the object. This is an
area attack.

IMPROVED ENERGY RESTISTANCE (Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 53):

When you activate energy resistance, you can choose to have it affect one of your allies within 6 squares instead of you.

IMPROVED ENLIGHTEN (Legacy Era, pg. 56):

When you the Enlighten power, you may spend a Force Point to affect one additional ally.

IMPROVED FOLD SPACE (Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 37):

Whenever you use fold space, you can spend a Force Point to move the object anywhere within line of sight. Alternatively, you can spend a Destiny Point to move the object anywhere
within the same star system.

IMPROVED FORCE DISARM (The Force Unleashed, pg. 88):

When you use the Force thrust power, you can change the time it takes to activate it to a full-round action and spend a Force Point in order to target all creatures in a 6-square cone that
originates from your square.
IMPROVED FORCE GRIP (The Force Unleashed, pg. 88):
When you use the Force grip power, you can spend a Force Point as a free action to maintain the Force grip for 1 additional round without the need to concentrate. However, after this
additional round you may not resume concentrating on the power.

IMPROVED FORCE LIGHT (Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 37):

You can spend a Force Point to cause your Force light to blind those it harms; any creature that takes damage from Force light grants concealment to all other targets until the end of its
next turn. You can spend a Destiny Point to change this to total concealment instead.

IMPROVED FORCE LIGHTNING (The Force Unleashed, pg. 88):

When you use the Force lightning power and change the time it takes to activate to a full-round action, your target must make a Strength check. If you Use the Force check result beats
the target’s Strength check, you push it back 1 square plus 1 additional square for every 5 points by which you exceed the target’s check result. If you push the target into a larger object,
the target takes 1d6 points of damage.
The target adds its base attack bonus and size modifier to its Strength check: Colossal, +20; Gargantuan, +15; Huge, +10; large, +5; Medium, +0; Small, -5; Tiny, -10; Diminutive, -15; Fine,
-20. In addition, it gets a +5 stability bonus if it has more than two legs or is otherwise exceptionally stable.

IMPROVED FORCE SHIELD (Legacy Era, pg. 56):

When you use the Force shield power, you can spend a Force Point to expand the radius of the Force shield so that it protects you and all allies adjacent to you. Alternatively, you can
spend a Destiny Point to have the Force shield protect a vehicle you occupy, regardless of the vehicle’s size. If the vehicle already has a Shield rating, the SR of the vehicle and the SR
granted by this power do not stack.

IMPROVED FORCE SLAM (Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 54):

When you use the Force slam power, you can change the time it takes to activate to a full-round action in order to target all targets within a 2-square radius originating in your square.
You can spend a Force Point to increase the area to a 4-square-radius burst that originates from your square.

IMPROVED FORCE STORM (Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 37):

You can spend a Force Point when you activate Force storm to fill the storm with Force lightning. When you activate the power, and again whenever you spend a standard action to
maintain the power, compare the results of your Use the Force check to the Reflex Defense of one target within the storm’s area. If the skill check result equals or exceeds the target’s
Reflex Defense, the target takes 3d6 points of Force damage. You can spend a Destiny Point to increase the damage to 6d6 points.

ALTERNATE - IMPROVED FORCE STORM (The Force Unleashed, pg. 88):

As a swift action, you can end the duration of the Force storm power to deal 4d6 points of damage to all targets within 2 squares of you.

IMPROVED FORCE STUN (Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 54):

Your successful Force stun also temporarily immobilizes the target for one round.

IMPROVED FORCE TRANCE (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 102):

Each hour you remain in a Force trance (see the Use the Force skill, page 77), you regain a number of hit points equal to 2 x your character level.

IMPROVED IONIZE (Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 54):

When you use the Ionize power, you can spend a Force point to have the target take full ion damage (instead of halving the ion damage after comparing it to the target’s damage
threshold, as normal).
IMPROVED KINETIC COMBAT (Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 54):
You can wield up to three weapons simultaneously using the Kinetic combat power, though moving and attacking with one of the weapons is still a standard action.

IMPROVED LEVITATE (Clone Wars, pg. 54):

If you are moved into a pit or off another elevated surface involuntarily, such as by being the target of a Force thrust or Bantha Rush, you can spend a Force Point to activate this power
as a reaction. If you do so, you end your forced movement in the last square before the edge of the precipice.


When you use the lightning burst power, also compare the result of your Use the Force check to each target’s Fortitude Defense. If your check result equals or exceeds both a target’s
Reflex Defense and its Fortitude Defense, you push the target 1 square away from you and knock the target prone.
This movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity.

IMPROVED MALACIA (Clone Wars, pg. 54):

You can maintain the damage threshold penalty of the malacia power as a swift action.

IMPROVED MIND TRICK (The Force Unleashed, pg. 89):

When you use the mind trick power, you can change the time it takes to activate it to a full-round action in order to target all creatures in a 6-square cone that originates from your
square. You can spend a Force Point to increase the area to a 12-square cone that originates from your square.

IMPROVED MOVE LIGHT OBJECT (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 102):
You may make a Use the Force check to move a light object as a swift action instead of a move action. Using the light object as a projectile weapon requires a move action (instead of a
standard action).

IMPROVED OBSCURE (Legacy Era, pg. 56):

When you use the obscure power, you may spend a Force Point to gain a +5 Force bonus on your Use the Force check.

IMPROVED PHASE (Clone Wars, pg. 54):

When you use the phase power, you can end a single move action inside an occupied space, but you must still end your turn in a legal, unoccupied square.

IMPROVED PLANT SURGE (Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 37):

You can spend a Force Point to have plant surge target all enemies in a 5x5 square area; at least one square must be within the power’s range. Alternatively, you can spend a Destiny
Point to target all enemies in a 10x10 square.

IMPROVED REBUKE (The Force Unleashed, pg. 89):

When an ally within 12 squares and within line of sight of you is the target of a Force power, you can use the rebuke power as though you were the target of that Force power instead.

IMPROVED REND (Clone Wars, pg. 54):

The range of your rend power increases to 12 squares. When using this power on an object or character or creature, you can ignore the object's or creature's damage reduction.

IMPROVED REPULSE (The Force Unleashed, pg. 89):

When you use the repulse power, you can change the time it takes to activate it to a full-round action in order to target all creatures in a 2-square-radius burst that originates from your
square. You can spend a Force Point to increase the area to a 4-square-radius burst that originates from your square.
IMPROVED RESIST FORCE (Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 54):
When you activate Resist Force, you can choose to have it affect one of your allies within 6 squares instead of you.

IMPROVED SENSE FORCE (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 102):

You may use the sense Force ability of the Use the Force skill (see page 77) as a move action rather than a full-round action.

IMPROVED SENSE SURROUNDINGS (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 102):

You may use the sense surroundings ability of the Use the Force skill (see page 77) as a free action rather than a swift action.

IMPROVED SHATTER POINT (Clone Wars, pg. 54):

When you move a target down the condition track with an attack benefitting from the shatter point power, you can spend a Force Point to make the target's condition persistent. This
persistent condition can only be removed if the target receives surgery (for living beings) or repairs (for droids, objects, and vehicles).

IMPROVED STAGGER (Legacy Era, pg. 56):

When you use the stagger power, you may spend a Force Point to push your target 2 squares away from you, instead of just 1 square.

IMPROVED TECHNOMETRY (Clone Wars, pg. 54):

When you use the technometry power, you can change the time it takes to activate to a full-round action and target all droids in a 6-square cone that originates from your square.

IMPROVED TELEPATHY (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 102):

Whenever you use the telepathy ability of the Use the Force skill (see page 77). you can reroll your Use the Force check and keep the better result.

IMPROVED THOUGHT BOMB (Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 37):

You can spend a Force Point to have thought bomb target all enemies within 5 squares of you. Alternatively, you can spend a Destiny Point to target all enemies within your line of sight.

IMPROVED VALOR (Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 54):

When you activate valor, you gain the benefits of this power as well.

IMPROVED VITAL TRANSFER (Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 54):

You can use the vital transfer power against a target within 6 squares and line of sight.

LANGUAGE ABSORPTION (Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 54):

You can use telepathy to forcibly learn a language from another creature. If the target is unwilling, you must succeed on a Use the Force check against the target’s Will Defense, as with
the telepathy aspect of the Use the Force skill. You retain the ability to speak and understand this language for 24 hours.
CORRUPTED POWER (The Force Unleashed, pg. 89)
When you activate a Force power, you can spend a Force Point to corrupt the power. The power gains the [dark side] descriptor, and opponents who have a Dark Side Score lower than
yours take a -2 penalty to all defense scores against this activation of the power. Alternatively, you can spend a Destiny Point to increase the penalty to opponents’ defense scores to -5.
You cannot use this Force secret unless your Dark Side Score equals your Wisdom score.
Powers that have the [light side] descriptor cannot be corrupted by the use of this Force secret.

DEBILITATING POWER (The Force Unleashed, pg. 89)

When you use a Force power that successfully deals damage to the target, you can spend a Force Point to move the target -1 step along the condition track (in addition to any
movement along the condition track imposed by the power normally) provided your Use the Force check equals or exceeds the target’s damage threshold. Alternatively, you can spend a
Destiny Point to move the target -3 steps along the condition track.

DEVASTATING POWER (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 103)

When using a Force power that deals damage, you can spend a Force Point to increase the power's damage dice by 50%. Alternatively, you can spend a Destiny Point to double the
number of damage dice.

DISTANT POWER (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 103)

When using a Force power that has a range expressed numerically, you can spend a Force Point to multiply the range by 10. Alternatively, you can spend a Destiny Point to increase the
range to anywhere in the same star system. This Force secret does not remove line of sight requirements.

ENLARGE POWER (The Force Unleashed, pg. 89)

When you use a Force power that affects targets within an area (such as a radius or a cone), you can spend a Force Point to double the distance that the effect extends from your square
(for example, a 6-square cone can be made into a 12-square cone). Alternatively, you can spend a Destiny Point to multiply the distance the effect extends by 5 (making a 6-square cone
into a 30-square cone).

EXTEND POWER (Clone Wars, pg. 54)

When using a Force power that allows you to maintain your concentration (such as Force grip), you can spend a Force Point to sustain the power as a swift action instead of a standard
action for a number of rounds equal to your Charisma modifier.

HOLOCRON LOREMASTER (Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 37)

Whenever you activate a Force power, you can spend a Force Point to add one use of any Force power known by any ally within 12 squares of you (whether you know that power or not)
to your Force suite. Once used, the power cannot be regained by any means, and if the power is not used by the end of your next turn, it is lost. You can spend a Destiny Point to have
the power lost at the end of the encounter instead of the end of your next turn.
Additionally, you can enhance any holocron you possess, adding your knowledge to its memory. You can create a holocron gatekeeper in own image in that holocron. See page 67 for
more information on holocron gatekeeper creation.

LINKED POWER (Clone Wars, pg. 54)

You can spend a Force Point to link a Force power to the power you use in the current round so that it goes off in the following round. You must choose two powers-one for the current
round and one for the next round. Both selected powers cannot be altered in any way, such as through Force techniques, Force secrets, or the use of Force Points. However, the second
power goes off in the following round as a free action at the start of your turn.
MENTOR (Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 37)
Whenever you activate a Force power, you can spend a Force Point to add one use of that power to the Force suite of one ally within 12 squares of you and in your line of sight. Once
used, the power cannot be regained by any means, and if the power is not used by the end of the ally’s next turn, it is lost. You or the ally can spend a Destiny Point to have the power
lost at the end of the encounter, instead of the end of the ally’s next turn.
You can take this Force secret only if you have successfully trained an apprentice to knighthood (or the equivalent rank for other Force traditions).

MULTITARGET POWER (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 103)

When using a Force power that affects a single target, you can spend a Force Point to affect one additional target. Alternatively, you can spend a Destiny Point to affect one target per
four character levels.

PURE POWER (The Force Unleashed, pg. 89)

When you use a Force power, you can spend a Force Point to purify the power. The power gains the {light side] descriptor, and opponents who have a Dark Side Score of 1 or higher take
a -2 penalty to all defense scores against this activation of the power. Alternatively, you can spend a Destiny Point to increase the penalty to opponents’ defense scores to -5. You cannot
use this Force secret if you have a Dark Side Score of 1 or higher. Powers that have the [dark side] descriptor cannot be purified with this Force secret.

QUICKEN POWER (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 103)

When using a Force power that requires a standard action or move action to activate, you can spend a Force Point to activate the power as a swift action instead. Alternatively, you can
spend a Destiny Point to activate the power as a reaction instead.

REMOTE POWER (The Force Unleashed, pg. 89)

When you use a Force power that has a cone, line, or radius effect that originates from your square, you can spend a Force Point to have the power originate from a square within 6
squares of you. Alternatively, you can spend a Destiny Point to have the power originate from any square within line of sight. You still choose the direction of the Force power as though
you were standing in the chosen square.

SHAPED POWER (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 103)

When using a Force power with a cone area effect (such as Force slam), you can spend a Force Point to instead affect a line 1 square wide and (5 x cone's length) squares long.
Alternatively, when using a Force power with a cone area effect, you can spend a Destiny Point to instead affect one or more targets of your choice within a number of squares of you
equal to the cone's length.

UNCONDITIONAL POWER (Clone Wars, pg. 54)

When you activate a power that targets only you, you ignore all condition track penalties to your Use the Force check to activate that power.
Acrobatics (DEX) Yes 1 Yes C - C - -
Climb (STR) Yes Yes - - - C C
Deception (CHA) Yes No - C C - -
Endurance (CON) Yes Yes C - - C C
Gather Information (CHA) Yes No - C C - -
Initiative (DEX) Yes Yes C C C C C
Jump (STR) Yes Yes C - - C C
Knowledge (INT) Yes 1 No C C C C C
Mechanics (INT) No No C - C C C
Perception (WIS) Yes 1 No C C C C C
Persuasion (CHA) Yes No - C C - -
Pilot (DEX) Yes 1 No C C C C C
Ride (DEX) Yes Yes - C - C -
Stealth (DEX) Yes Yes - - C C -
Survival (WIS) Yes 1 No - - - C -
Swim (STR) Yes Yes - - - C C
Treat Injury (WIS) Yes 1 No - C - - C
Use Computer (INT) Yes 1 No - C C - C
Use the Force (CHA) Yes 1 No C - - - -
C Class skill
1 Some uses of the skill require that you be trained in the skill.
2 Knowledge (tactics) only.
3 Any character with the Force Sensitivity feat treats Use the Force as a class skill.

Armor Check Penalty
You can move at normal speed across difficult terrain, keep your balance while walking on a narrow surface, take less damage from a fall, slip free of restraints or a grappling foe, and get
up from prone safely. In addition to the specific options listed below, you can use Acrobatics to perform typical tumbling, flipping, or gymnastic maneuvers.

BALANCE (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 62)

A successful Acrobatics check allows you to move at half speed along a narrow surface such as a ledge or wire. The DC of the Acrobatics check varies with the width of the surface (see
below). If the surface is slippery or unstable, increase the DC by 5. A failed check means you fall prone and must make an Acrobatics check at DC 15 to catch the ledge or wire.
8-15 cm wide 10
4-7 cm wide 15
Less than 4 cm wide 20
You are considered flat-footed while balancing, and thus you lose your Dexterity bonus to your Reflex Defense (if any). If you are trained in Acrobatics, you aren't considered flat-footed
while balancing.
If you take damage while balancing, you must immediately make another Acrobatics check against the same DC to keep from falling.
CATCH ITEM (Trained Only): (Scum and Villainy, pg. 19)
Whenever you successfully disarm your opponent, you can make a DC 20 Acrobatics check as a free action. If the Acrobatics check succeeds, you snatch the object from the air. You must
have at least one hand free to grab the item.

CROSS DIFFICULT TERRAIN (Trained Only): (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 63)
With a successful DC 15Acrobatics check, you can move through difficult terrain at your normal speed. Escape Bonds: With a successful Acrobatics check, you can slip free of restraints
(DC varies; see tab le below), wriggle through a tight space (DC 20), or escape from a grapple (DC = the grappler's grapple check). The DC to slip free of a restraint depends on the type of
restraint (see table).
It takes an attack action to escape a grapple. It takes a full-round action to escape a net or to move 1 square through a tight space. It takes 1 minute to escape from ropes, binder cuffs,
or manacles.

Ropes Opponent's Dex check + 10
Net 15
Binder cuffs 25

ESCAPE ARTISIT (Trained Only) (Scum and Villainy, pg. 19)

By increasing the DC by 10, you can reduce the time required to Escape Bonds (see page 63 of the Saga Edition core rulebook). Escaping a grapple takes a move action; escaping a net or
moving 1 square through a tight space requires a standard action; and only 5 rounds are required to escape from ropes, binder cuffs, or manacles.

FALL PRONE (Trained Only): (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 63)
If you are trained in Acrobatics and succeed at a DC 15 check, you can drop to a prone position as a free action (instead of a swift action).

LONG FALLS (Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 30)

When falling great distances, you can attempt to use your Acrobatics skill to guide your descent. Make a DC 20 Acrobatics check to land on a target near a square you would normally
land in. You can adjust your target by 1 square for every 60 meters fallen. Gamemasters can give favourable or unfavourable circumstances adjustments to the check based on mitigating
circumstances – for example, the amount of wind or the favourable use of equipment, such as baggy clothing.

LOW AND HIGH GRAVITY ENVIRONMENTS (Trained Only): (The Force Unleashed, pg. 29)
You can make a DC 20 Acrobatics check to negate the penalties to attack rolls in low and high gravity environments (see page 256 of the Saga Edition core rulebook).

NIMBLE CHARGE (Trained Only): (Scum and Villainy, pg. 19)

If you succeed on a DC 25 Acrobatics check, you can charge through low objects and difficult terrain. If you fail this check, you cannot attack at the end of your movement. You can
combine this use with the Cross Difficult Terrain use (see page 63 of the Saga Edition core rulebook); however, the DC increases to 35.

REDUCE FALLING DAMAGE (Trained Only): (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 63)
With a successful DC 15 Acrobatics check, you can treat a fall as if it was 3 meters (2 squares) shorter when determining damage. For every 10 points by which you beat this DC, you can
subtract an additional 3 meters from the fall for determining damage. If you make this check and take no damage from the fall, you land on your feet.
If you are struck by a falling object, you can reduce the damage you take by half with a successful DC 15 Acrobatics check (see Falling Objects, page 254).

STAND UP FROM PRONE (Trained Only): (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 63)
If you are trained in Acrobatics and succeed at a DC 15 check, you can stand up from a prone position as a swift action (instead of a move action).

TUMBLE (Trained Only): (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 63)

If you succeed at a DC 15 Acrobatics check, you can tumble through the threatened area or fighting space of an enemy as part of your move action without provoking an attack of
opportunity. Each threatened square or occupied square that you tumble through counts as 2 squares of movement.
ZERO-GRAVITY ENVIRONMENTS (Trained Only): (The Force Unleashed, pg. 29)
You can use the acrobatics skill to help maneuver in zero-gravity environments (see page 257 of the Saga Edition core rulebook). When crossing wide spaces or traversing congested
areas, you can make an Acrobatics check (at no penalty) to arrive on target. As a swift action, you can make a DC 20 Acrobatics check to lessen your attack roll and skill check penalty to
-2, instead of the normal -5.

Special: (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 63)

You can't take 10 or take 20 on an Acrobatics check. If you are trained in Acrobatics, you gain a +5 bonus to your Reflex Defense when fighting defensively (see Fighting Defensively, page

Armor Check Penalty
Use this skill to scale a cliff, to get to a window on the second story of a building, or to climb up an antenna array after falling out of an airway at the bottom of a floating city.

CLIMB SURFACE (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 64)

With each successful Climb check, you can advance up, down, or across a slope or a wall or other steep incline (or even a ceiling with handholds). A slope is considered to be any incline
of less than 60 degrees; a wall is any incline of 60 degrees or steeper. You can climb at one-half of your speed as a full-round action. You can move half that far-one-fourth of your speed-
as a move action.
A failed Climb check indicates that you make no progress, and a check that fails by 5 or more means that you fall from whatever height you have already attained.
The DC of the check depends on the circumstances of the climb:
0 Slope too steep to walk up; knotted rope with a wall to brace against.
5 Rope with a wall to brace against or a knotted rope, but not both.
10 Surface with ledges to hold on to and stand on, such as a very rough wall.
15 Surface with adequate handholds and footholds (natural or artificial), such as a very rough natural rock surface or a tree; an unknotted rope.
20 Uneven surface with some narrow handholds and footholds.
25 Rough surface, such as a natural rock wall or a brick wall.
25 Overhang or ceiling with handholds but no footholds.
- Perfectly smooth, flat, vertical surface cannot be climbed.
-10* Climbing inside an air duct or other location where one can brace against two opposite walls (reduces normal DC by 10).
-5* Climbing a corner where you can brace against perpendicular walls (reduces normal DC by 5).
+5* Surface is slippery (increases normal DC by 5).
* These modifiers are cumulative; use any that apply.

Since you can't move to avoid an attack while climbing, opponents get a +2 bonus on attack rolls against you, and you lose any Dexterity bonus to your Reflex Defense.
Any time you take damage while climbing, make a Climb check against the DC of the slope or wall. Failure means you fall from your current height and sustain the appropriate falling
damage (see Falling Damage, page 255).

CLIMBING IN LOW OR HIGH GRAVITY (Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 30)
When climbing in low-gravity environments, Climb DCs are halved and movement is double. When climbing in high-gravity environments, DCs are doubled and climb speed is halved
(minimum 1 square).

ACCELERATED CLIMBING (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 64)

You try to climb more quickly than normal, but you take a -5 penalty on Climb checks. Accelerated climbing allows you to climb at your full speed as a full-round action. You can move
half that far-one-half of your speed-as a move action.
CATCHING YOURSELF WHEN FALLING (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 64)
It's practically impossible to catch yourself on a wall while falling. Make a Climb check (DC = the wall's DC + 20) to do so. A slope is relatively easier to catch yourself on (DC = the slope's
DC + 10).

EXTREME CONDITIONS (The Force Unleashed, pg. 29)

Climbing in extreme conditions (high altitude, weather, temperature, or unusual climbing surfaces) brings additional challenges. Proper climbing and survival gear is required. Extreme
conditions can increase the DC by 5 for each circumstance in addition to the regular DC modifiers. Specialized climbing gear can negate these penalties to Climb checks under those
conditions; typically, such gear costs the same as a field kit.

MAKING HANDHOLDS AND FOOTHOLDS (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 64)
You can make your own hand holds and footholds by pounding pitons into a wall. Doing so takes 1 minute per piton, and one piton is needed per meter. As with any surface with
handholds and footholds, a wall with pitons in it has a DC of 15. In the same way, a climber with an ice axe or similar implement can cut hand holds or footholds in an ice wall.

Special: (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 64)

Someone using a rope can haul a character upward (or lower the character) by means of sheer strength. Use the encumbrance rules (see page 140) to determine how much weight a
character can lift.
You can take 10 while climbing, but you can't take 20.

You can make the untrue seem true, the outrageous seem plausible, and the nefarious seem ordinary. The skill encompasses conning, fast-talking, misdirection, forgery, disguise, and
outright lying. Use a Deception check to sow temporary confusion, pass as someone you're not, get someone to turn his head in the direction you point, or pass faked documents off as

Simple +5 A simple deception works in the target’s favour or matches the target’s expectations, and it requires nothing you don’t have on
hand. Simple deceptions include convincing a junk dealer to buy some stolen droids; disguising yourself as someone nonspecific of
similar size, species, and gender; and creating a false ID that will pass casual inspection but not careful scrutiny.

Moderate +0 A moderate deception is believable and doesn't affect the target much one way or the other, and you have most of the props you
need. Moderate deceptions include convincing a suspicious guard that you're not a thief; disguising yourself as a member of
another species or gender; and creating a false ID good enough to pass visual scrutiny but not electronic screening.

Difficult -5 A difficult deception is a little hard to believe, puts the target at some kind of risk, or undergoes scrutiny. Examples include
convincing a group of thugs that you're willing and able to beat them in a cantina fight, forging starship transponder codes,
impersonating an officer well enough to give troops orders, and creating false official documents good enough to pass electronic
Incredible -10 An incredible deception is hard to believe, presents a sizable risk to the target, or requires passing intense scrutiny. Incredible
deceptions include convincing a reputable starship dealer to buy a stolen Imperial shuttle, impersonating someone well enough to
convince an old friend, and forging false credits.

Outrageous -20 An unlikely deception is almost too unlikely to consider or requires material you just don't have. Outrageous deceptions include
impersonating a Jedi (without any Force sensitivity) well enough to fool another Jedi, claiming to be the Emperor in disguise and
giving orders to stormtroopers, and forging important documents with no proper tools or examples to work with.
ALTERNATE STORY (Trained Only) (Scum and Villainy, pg. 19)
Whenever you fail a Deception check to convey deceptive information or a deceptive appearance, you can immediately attempt a second Deception check to avert suspicion. This
second check is at a -10 penalty.

CHEAT (Trained Only) (Scum and Villainy, pg. 19)

When you gamble (see page 47 of the Saga Edition core rulebook)' you can use Deception to improve your chances to win. However, you risk getting caught. When gambling against
other characters, you can substitute your Deception check for your Wisdom check, but your opponents are entitled to a Perception check to catch you in the act. If the Perception check
result equals or exceeds your Deception check, they detect your cheating.
Gambling against the house is far riskier. If your Deception check fails to beat the location's security (DC 15 for common locations, DC 25 for good locations, and DC 35 or higher for the
best), you are caught and the house responds as appropriate.

CREATING A DIVERSION TO HIDE AN ITEM (The Force Unleashed, pg. 29)

You can use Deception to help you quickly hide an item while you are being observed. A successful Deception check that equals or exceeds the target`s Will Defense gives you the
momentary diversion you need to attempt a Stealth check to hide the item on or near your person while the target is aware of you (see page 73 of the Saga Edition core rulebook).

DECEIVE (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 64)

When you want to make another character believe something that is untrue, you can attempt to deceive them. You can deceive a target in one of two ways: by producing a deceptive
appearance or by communicating deceptive information.
Deceptive Appearance: When you produce a deceptive appearance, such as disguising your appearance or producing forged documents, make a Deception check opposed by
the Perception check of any target that sees the deception. If you succeed, that character believes that the appearance is authentic. If you fail, the target detects the deception. Creating
a deceptive appearance requires at least 1 minute (10 rounds) for simple deceptions, 10 minutes for moderate deceptions, 1 hour for difficult deceptions, 1 day for incredible
deceptions, or 2 weeks (10 days) for outrageous deceptions. You can rush and create the deception in less time (treating it as if it were one step easier, to a minimum of simple), but you
take a -10 penalty on your Deception check. In all cases, make a single Deception check at the time you create the deceptive appearance and compare your check result to the
Perception check of any character who encounters it.
Deceptive Information: When you communicate deceptive information, such as telling a lie or distorting facts to lead the target to a false conclusion, make a Deception check
against the Will Defense of any target that can understand you. If you succeed, the target believes that what you're telling them is true. While most cases of deceptive information are
either verbal or written (requiring the target to be able to understand you), you can deceive with gestures, body language, facial expressions, and so forth.
Communicating deceptive information requires at least a standard action for simple deceptions, a full-round action for moderate deceptions, and 1 minute (10 rounds) or even more for
difficult, incredible, or outrageous deceptions. You can rush and communicate your deception in less time (treating as if it were one step easier, to a minimum of simple), but you take a
-10 penalty on your Deception check. If your deceptive information is written, recorded, or otherwise preserved for later viewing, your original Deception check result is compared to the
Will Defense of all targets who later read or observe your deception.
In some cases, you convey both a deceptive appearance and deceptive information. For example, if you create a falsified document (such as an official report, a letter from a senator, or
orders from a military commander), you have to produce something that looks authentic (deceptive appearance) while also creating believable content (deceptive information). In this
case, make a single Deception check and compare it to both the target's Perception check and Will Defense. Similarly, you might disguise yourself as an Imperial general (deceptive
appearance) and then give fake orders to a stormtrooper (deceptive information). In this example, you make one Deception check ahead of time to create the disguise and another
Deception check at the time you give the stormtrooper his new orders.
Favorable and unfavorable circumstances weigh heavily on the outcome of a deception. Two circumstances can weigh against you: The deception is hard to believe, or the action that
the deception requires the target to take goes against the target's self-interest, nature, personality, or orders.
If it's important, the GM can distinguish between a deception that fails because the target doesn't believe it and one that fails because it just asks too much of the target. For instance, if
the deception demands something risky of the target, and your Deception check fails by 10 or less, then the target didn't so much see through the deception as prove reluctant to go
along with it even if he believes it's true. If your Deception check fails by 11 or more, he has seen through the deception (and would have done so even if it had not placed any demand
on him).
A successful Deception check indicates that the target reacts as you wish, at least for a short time, or the target believes something that you want him to believe. For example, you could
use a deception to put someone off guard by telling him someone was behind him. At best, such a deception would make the target glance over his shoulder. It would not cause the
target to ignore you and completely turn around. Alternatively, you could use a deception to make a starship captain believe that he has orders to take his vessel to Tatooine. If
successful, the captain would carry out his new "orders" even though that would take quite some time, but as soon as he encounters contradictory information (such receiving
contradictory orders from his real commander, or arriving at Tatooine and discovering that no one sent for him) he will realize that he has been fooled.
CREATING A DIVERSION TO HIDE (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 66)
You can use Deception to help you hide. A successful Deception check that equals or exceeds the target's Will Defense gives you the momentary diversion you need to attempt a Stealth
check while the target is aware of you (see the Stealth skill, page 72).

FEIGN HAYWIRE (Droids Only): (The Force Unleashed, pg. 29)

You can simulate a droid going haywire by popping open some of your access panels, moving erratically, and making an assortment of electronic and mechanical noises. As a full-round
action, you can make a Deception check, comparing the result to the Will Defense of all targets within line of sight. If the result of the Deception check is equal to or greater than a
target`s Will Defense, that target is considered flat-footed against you. If you take any action, the deception ends at the end of your turn, and targets are not considered flat-footed
against you after the deception ends.

FEINT (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 66)

Make a Deception check as a standard action to set the DC of your opponent's Initiative check. If you beat your opponent's roll, that target is treated as flat-footed against the first attack
you make against him in the next round. You take a -5 penalty against non-humanoid creatures or against creatures with an Intelligence lower than 3.

GROUP FEINT (Trained Only) (Scum and Villainy, pg. 19)

You can feint multiple targets at once as a full-round action. You can target any number of opponents who are clearly visible and who are within 6 squares of you. Each target beyond
the first imposes a -5 penalty on your Deception check. You roll just once to set the DC for your opponents' Initiative checks. Any opponent whose roll you beat is treated as flat-footed
against the first attack you make against him in the next round.

INNUENDO (Trained Only) (Scum and Villainy, pg. 19)

You can use Deception to transmit a secret message to another character trained in Deception. You do so by using subtle hand gestures, slipping in code words, and using body
language. The DC depends on the complexity of the communication. A simple message in which you convey general concepts is a DC 10. Complex message that involve multiple steps or
complicated information start at DC 15 and can rise as high as DC 25.
Any character who can both see and hear the transmitted message is entitled to a Perception check to decipher the message. The DC is equal to the Deception check DC. The
Gamemaster can modify the DC for environmental factors such as loud noise, dim lighting, and distance.

Retry: (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 66)

Generally, a failed Deception check makes the target too suspicious for you to try another deception in the same circumstances. For feinting in combat, you may retry freely.
Special: (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 66)
You can take 10 when making a deception (except for feinting in combat), but you can't take 20.
Time: (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 66)
A deception takes at least a standard action, but can take much longer if you try something elaborate. Disguises that require major changes to your physical outline, or forged
documents with many safeguards, can take hours or even days.

Armor Check Penalty
You can push yourself beyond your normal physical limits.

FORCE MARCH (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 66)

Each hour of walking after 8 hours requires you to attempt a DC 10 Endurance check (+2 per hour after the first). If you fail, you move -1 persistent step along the condition track (see
Conditions, page 148). You can only remove this persistent condition by resting for 8 hours.

HOLD BREATH (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 66)

You can hold your breath for a number of rounds equal to your Constitution score. After this period of time, you must succeed on a DC 10 Endurance check in order to continue holding
your breath. The DC increases by +2 per additional round. If you fail, you must breathe or you move -1 step on the condition track (see page 149). If you reach the bottom of the
condition track, you fall unconscious. If you are still unable to breathe on your next turn after falling unconscious, you die.
IGNORE HUNGER (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 66)
You can go without food for a number of days equal to your Constitution modifier (minimum 1 day). After this time, you must succeed on an Endurance check each day or move -1
persistent step along the condition track (see page 149). You can only remove this persistent condition by eating a nutritious meal. The DC is 10 on the first day and increases by +2 each
day thereafter.

IGNORE THIRST (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 66)

You can go without water for a number of hours equal to three times your Constitution score. After this time, you must succeed on an Endurance check each hour or move -1 persistent
step along the condition track (see page 149). You may only remove this persistent condition by drinking at least 1 liter of water; for creatures that are not Medium size, multiply the
water required by 10 for every size category above Medium or divide it by 10 for every size category below Medium. The DC is 10 on the first day and increases by +2 each day

RUN (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 66)

You can run as a full-round action. When you run, you can move up to four times your speed in a straight line (or three times your speed in a straight line if you are wearing heavy armor
or carrying a heavy load). You lose any Dexterity bonus to your Reflex Defense while you're running, since you can't actively avoid attacks.
You can run for a number of rounds equal to your Constitution score without any trouble. If you want to continue running after that, you must succeed on a DC 10 Endurance check. You
must check again each round in which you continue to run, and the DC of the Endurance check increases by 1 for each previous check you made. When you fail a check, you move -1
persistent step on the condition track (see Conditions, page 148). You can only remove this persistent condition by resting for the same length of time that you were running. During this
rest period, you can only move your speed.

SLEEP IN ARMOR (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 66)

You can sleep while wearing armor by succeeding at an Endurance check (DC 10 for light armor, DC 15 for medium armor, and DC 20 for heavy armor). If you fail, you don't sleep and
move -1 persistent step along the condition track (see page 149). You can only remove this persistent condition by sleeping for 8 hours.

SWIM/TREAD WATER (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 66)

Each hour that you swim, you must succeed on a DC 15 Endurance check or move -1 persistent step along the condition track (see page 149). You can only remove this persistent
condition by resting (not swimming or treading water) for the same length of time that you were swimming. Each consecutive hour of swimming increases the DC by +2. If you are only
treading water, reduce the DC by 5.


Use this skill to make contacts, learn local new stories and gossip, and acquire secrets.

ANALYSIS (Trained Only): (The Force Unleashed, pg. 30)

You can better assess the information obtained by yourself or others. Once per day, after accumulating data from previous Gather Information checks by yourself or others, you can
make an additional Gather Information check to analyse the data. The base DC is 15, modified by the reliability of the data`s source. Particularly complete data from a reliable source
could grant a +10 competence bonus, while incomplete data from a questionable source might impart a -5 to -10 penalty to the skill check. A successful analysis check adds +10 to the
final result of each of the original Gather Information checks, revealing any additional information that was available at the higher DC.

FIND A GOOD SCORE (Trained Only) (Scum and Villainy, pg. 19)
Scoundrels of all types frequently have to hunt high and low for good, profitable work. Finding a score, as many illicit jobs on the fringe are called, can be one of the most difficult parts
of a scoundrel's career. Characters trained in Gather Information can make a skill check to try and find profitable work. The base DC for this skill check is equal to 10 + the character's
level. Success indicates the character finds profitable work and the Gamemaster should use the job generator (see page 78) to create a job for the heroes to undertake. Additionally,
success means that the heroes gain an additional 10% of the normal credit payout for the job.
However, failing this check does not mean that the heroes fail to find work, only that they fail to find profitable work. Failing the check by less than 5 means that the heroes find a job at
the normal pay rate. Failing the check by 6-10 points means that the heroes find a job but only gain 90% of the normal payout. Failing the check by 10 or more means that the heroes fail
to find a job. Finding a job takes one hour.
IDENTIFY (Scum and Villainy, pg. 20)
You can identify the salient features of an item by consulting experts. Examples include mysterious weaponry, artifacts, and other relics. Even though the Knowledge skill can handle
these functions, finding a person with the right kind of expertise can be tricky, hence knowing whom to ask can be a boon when saddled with an object of an unknown origin.
Commonly known facts such as identifying the item's function require a DC 20 Gather Information check. For every 5 points that you beat the DC by, you learn one additional fact or
useful bit of information about the item.
Identify is subject to the normal limitations on Gather Information. Some items are unidentifiable by making a skill check.

LEARN NEWS AND RUMORS (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 67)
Major news stories and popular local rumors can be unearthed with a DC 10 Gather Information check. Learning the detailed, unclassified facts of a news story or determining the
veracity of a rumor requires a DC 20 check and 50 credits in bribes.

LEARN SECRET INFORMATION (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 67)

"Secret information" includes anything unavailable to the general public. Examples include a classified police report, a hidden location, military blueprints, installation security
procedures, and computer access codes. Learning a piece of secret information typically requires a DC 25 check and 5,000 credits in bribes; however, information that's especially
difficult to obtain (such as the technical blueprints of the Death Star) might require a DC 30 or higher skill check and cost 50,000 credits or more, at the GM's discretion. If the check fails
by 5 or more, someone notices that you're asking questions and comes to investigate, arrest, or silence you.

LOCATE INDIVIDUAL (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 67)

Make a Gather Information check to locate a specific individual-either someone you know by name or someone with the skill, item, or information you need. The DC of the check is 15 if
the target is relatively easy to locate; if the target isn't well known or has taken strides to conceal his or her presence and/or activities, the DC is 25 and the information costs 500 credits
in bribes.

QUICK INTEL (Trained Only) (Scum and Villainy, pg. 20)

You can halve the time required for a Gather Information check by increasing the DC by 10. You must declare your use of Quick Intel before rolling.

Special: (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 68)

You can take 10 on a Gather Information check, but you can't take 20. A successful Persuasion check can reduce the monetary cost of a Gather Information check (see the Persuasion
skill, page 71).
Some information is beyond the reach of a Gather Information skill check. For example, characters searching for Darth Vader won't find him by speaking with tribes of Ewoks on the
Forest Moon of Endor, no matter how many Ewoks they question.
Time: (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 68)
Each Gather Information check represents 1 d6 hours of time spent talking to informants, scanning HoloNet news broadcasts, or perusing information kiosks.

Armor Check Penalty
Use this skill to gain the advantage in combat.

START BATTLE (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 68)

An Initiative check sets the order of combat when a fight starts. Each character aware of the fight makes an Initiative check and goes in order from highest to lowest.
When piloting a vehicle in combat, you must apply the vehicle's size modifier to your Initiative check (see Table 10-1: Vehicle Sizes, page 166).

AVOID FEINT (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 68)

When an opponent attempts to feint in combat, you oppose his Deception check with an Initiative check. If you meet or beat his check result, his feint attempt fails.

Special: (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 68)

You can take 10 on an Initiative check, but you can't take 20.
Armor Check Penalty
Use this skill to leap over pits, vault low fences, or jump down from a tree's lowest branches.

LONG JUMP (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 68)

The DC of a running long jump is equal to the distance cleared (in meters) multiplied by 3. For example, clearing a 3-meter-wide (2-square-wide) pit requires a successful DC 9 Jump
check. If you do not get at least a 4-square running start, the DC is doubled.

HIGH JUMP (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 68)

The DC of a running high jump is equal to the distance cleared (in meters) multiplied by 12. For example, landing atop a 1.5-meter-high (1-square-high) ledge requires a successful DC 18
Jump check. If you use a pole of sufficient height to help you vault the distance, the DC is halved. If you do not get at least a 4-square running start, the DC is doubled.

JUMP DOWN (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 68)

If you intentionally jump down from a height, you can attempt a DC 15 Jump check to take falling damage as if you had dropped 3 meters (2 squares) fewer than you actually did. For
every 10 points by which you beat the DC, you can subtract an additional 3 meters from the fall when determining damage. If you succeed on this check and take no damage, you land
on your feet.

Special: (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 68)

You can take 10 when making a Jump check. If there is no danger associated with failing, you can take 20. Distance covered by a long jump or high jump counts against your maximum
movement in a round; distance covered by jumping down does not.

Knowledge encompasses a number of unrelated skills. Knowledge represents a study of some body of lore, possibly an academic or even scientific discipline.
Each time you select Knowledge as a trained skill, you must choose a field of study from the list below:
 Bureaucracy: Business procedures, legal systems and regulations, and organizational structures
 Galactic lore: Planets, homeworlds, sectors of space, galactic history, and the Force
 Life sciences: Biology, botany, genetics, archaeology, xenobiology, medicine, and forensics
 Physical sciences: Astronomy, astrogation, chemistry, mathematics, physics, and engineering
 Social sciences: Sociology, psychology, philosophy, theology, and criminology
 Tactics: Techniques and strategies for disposing and maneuvering forces in combat
 Technology: Function and principle of technological devices, as well as knowledge of cutting edge theories and advancements.

COMMON KNOWLEDGE (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 68)

You can answer a basic question about a subject related to your field of study with a DC 10 check. For example, a DC 10 Knowledge (life sciences) check is enough to know that Rodians
are skilled hunters.

ANTICIPATE ENEMY STRATEGY (Trained Only – Knowledge: Tactics) (Clone Wars, pg. 27)
A good tactician can anticipate her enemy's movements and strategies, and then plan accordingly. As a move action, a character trained in Knowledge (tactics) can designate a target in
her line of sight and make a Knowledge (tactics) check to anticipate the enemy's next move. The DC for the check is equal to the target's Will Defense, or 10 + the target's CL if t he target
does not have a Will Defense (as is the case for vehicles without unique pilots).
If successful, you gain special insight into the target's strategy and can anticipate its next move. You learn what actions the target is likely to take on its next turn based on the current
circumstances; if circumstances change, the target's actions might change as well, though typically unless the situation changes drastically you should have a good idea of the target's
likely next action. The Gamemaster is the final arbiter of just how much information you gain through the use of this skill. Typically this does not include information on the use of talents
or feats, but it should provide information on whether the target is going to attack, who the target intends to attack, where the target might move to, or any other special strategies the
target might employ.
BATTLEFIELD TACTICS (Trained Only – Knowledge: Tactics) (Clone Wars, pg. 27)
If you are the commander in a unit during mass combat, you can use your tactical knowledge to grant extra standard actions to other characters in your unit (see "Mass Combat" on
page 95). The base check DC for this application of the skill is 20, and it requires three swift actions made on consecutive rounds to activate.

EXPERT KNOWLEDGE (Trained Only): (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 68)
You can make a Knowledge check as a swift action to answer a question within your field of study that requires some level of expertise. The DC of the check ranges from 15 (for simple
questions) to 25 (for tough questions). The GM may adjust the DC depending on the character's personal experience. For example, a DC 20 Knowledge (galactic lore) check might reveal
specific information about the inhabitants of the planet Dathomir, but the DC may be lower if the character making the check has actually been there.

Retry: No, you can't reroll a failed Knowledge check. The roll represents what you know, and thinking about a topic a second time doesn't let you know something you never learned in
the first place.
Special: You can take 10 when making a Knowledge check, but you can't take 20.

Trained Only
You can bypass locks and traps, set and disarm explosives, fix malfunctioning devices, and modify and repair damaged droids.

BOOBY TRAP (Trained Only; requires tool kit) (Scum and Villainy, pg. 20)
Whenever you would make a Mechanics check to sabotage a piece of equipment, you can install a booby trap to damage the next character who uses the item. For every 1d4 damage
you would have the trap deal, you must increase the Mechanics DC by 5. So booby trapping a blaster to deal 3d4 damage to its next user requires a DC
30 Mechanics check (base DC 15 to jam the blaster, + 15 for 3d4 damage).
Once the trap is installed, it attacks the next character to use the item, using your base attack bonus against the target's Reflex Defense. If the attack hits, it deals the indicated damage.

BIOTECH ADAPTATION (trained only, requires tool kit): (Legacy Era, pg. 31)
You can use the Mechanics skill to create mechanical connections to a particular biotech device. When you use this application of the Mechanics skill, you can perform one of the
following actions:
Graft Technology: You can take sensors, communications equipment, and tiny computers onto a biotech device. You must spend 1 hour and make a DC 25 Mechanics to do so.
Once you have, you may treat the biotech device as a normal (non-biotech) device of the same type for the purposes of the Mechanics and the Use Computer skill. For example, if you
have a villip (effectively a comlink with the biotech template), you may use this skill to graft technology onto the villip. From that point on, you can apply any use of the Mechanics skill or
the Use Computer skill on that device as if it was a normal comlink. You may not use the Tech Specialist feat on a biotech device, even if it has been grafted with technology (you must
use the Biotech Specialist feat instead).
Mechanical Enhancements: You can mechanically enhance a biotech device or vehicle, effectively connecting another device to that piece of biotech. You must spend 1 hour
and make a DC 30 Mechanics check to do so. Once you have, you effectively treat the biotech device as though it also has the traits of the device you have enhanced it with. You can only
use this application of the skill on biotech devices upon which you have also the graft technology application of this skill (see above). You can only enhance a biotech device with another
device of its size or smaller. A biotech device can only have one such mechanical enhancement, and only device (not weapons or armor) can be attached to a biotech device in this
For example, if you possess a razor bug (a Tiny object), you could attach an audio recorder to the razor bug using this application of the skill; at a later point, you could activate the
recording unit and hurl the razor bug into a wall to clandestinely record conversations in the area.

BUILD OBJECT (Trained Only; requires tool kit): (The Force unleashed, pg. 30)
You can make a Mechanics check to construct an object (other than a droid) from scratch and/or with manufactured parts. Building an object requires a proper tool kit, raw materials,
and possibly access to an electronics or machine shop. Some objects are beyond the ability of most characters. The raw materials for an object cost the same as the completed object,
though heroes who have the Scavenger feat (see page 35) can often come up with raw materials scrounged from other equipment. Use the costs given in chapter 6 of the Saga Edition
core rulebook as a guide. Remote locations, rare parts, or expensive materials might raise the costs to double, triple, or even higher.
When building an object, determine the object’s final hit points based on the statistics on table 9-1, page 151 of the Saga Edition core rulebook. For vehicles, use the actual hit points of
the completed object. All objects being built in this manner start at 0 hit points. Each hour that you work on building an object, make a Mechanics check and refer to the table below.
Success indicates you build 1d8 hit points’ worth of the object’s total hit points. When the item reaches full hit points, it is completed and can be used as normal.
Larger items require more time to build than smaller ones. Multiply the object’s hit points based on the table below for the purpose of determining how long it takes to build the object
(when completed, the object’s hit points are unchanged). For example, a Large manufactured object has 10 hit points. However, since it is a Large item, it effectively has 50 hit points for
the purpose of determining how long it takes to build the object (how many hit points you must build before it is completed). When completed, the object has 10 hit points as normal.


Simple 10 Item easily created from a few raw materials, using common tools and parts.
Moderate 25 Item requiring basic electronics, special materials, and/or specialized knowledge.
Complex 40 Item requiring significant design and manufacturing skills, sophisticated parts, and special facilities.

Based on well-known item -5
Detailed knowledge of specific item -10
Have detailed schematics for the object available -10
Poor quality materials +10

Medium X2
Large X5
Huge X10
Gargantuan X20
Colossal X50
Colossal (frigate) X100
Colossal (cruiser) X200
Colossal (station) X500

DISABLE DEVICE (requires security kit): (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 69)
You can use this skill to disarm a security device, defeat a lock or trap, or rig a device to fail when it is used.
The effort takes a full-round action, and the DC depends on the intricacy or complexity of the item being disabled or sabotaged, as shown below:
Simple 15 Sabotage a mechanical device, jam a blaster, bypass a basic mechanical lock
Tricky 20 Sabotage an electronic device, bypass a basic electronic lock
Complex 25 Disarm an electronic security system, bypass a complex mechanical or electronic lock
* If you attempt to leave behind no trace of the tampering, increase the DC by 5.
If the Mechanics check fails by 5 or more, something goes wrong. If it's a trap, you spring it. If it's some sort of sabotage, you think the device is disabled, but it still works normally.

ENVIRONMENTAL ADAPTATION (requires tool kit): (Rebellion Era, pg. 28)

Many vehicles and objects do not work well in extremely harsh environments. The intense cold of Hoth or the severe heat of the day side of Ryloth can cause vehicles and objects to
function poorly or not at all. You can spend 10 minutes adapting one object (or one hour adapting one vehicle) to the extreme environmental hazards, after which time you make a
Mechanics check. If your Mechanics check result exceeds the vehicle or object’s current Fortitude Defense, you can use the result of your Mechanics check in place of the vehicle or
object’s Fortitude Defense when it is attacked by extreme temperatures or atmospheric hazards. However, when you do so, you effectively adapt the vehicle or object’s defenses for
that particular environment. If you use that vehicle or object on another planet that has a different environment, you must repeat this process for the new conditions.
You can take 20 on this check, but the adaptation takes 20 times as long.
HANDLE EXPLOSIVES (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 69)
Setting a simple explosive to blow up at a certain spot doesn't require a check, but connecting and setting a detonator does. Also, placing an explosive for maximum effect against a
structure calls for a check, as does disarming an explosive device. Setting a detonator, placing an explosive device, or disarming an explosive device is a full-round action.
Set Detonator: Most explosives require a detonator to go off. Connecting a detonator to an explosive requires a DC 10 check. Failure means that the explosive fails to go off as
planned. Failure by 10 or more means the explosive goes off as the detonator is being installed. You can make an explosive difficult to disarm. To do so, you choose the disarm DC before
making your check to set the detonator (it must be higher than 10). Your DC to set the detonator is equal to the disarm DC - 5. For example, you might decide to make the disarm DC 20.
The DC to set the detonator and disarm the explosive becomes 15 (instead of the normal 10).
Place Explosive Device: Carefully placing an explosive against a fixed structure or vehicle (a stationary, unattended inanimate object) increases the damage dealt by exploiting
weaknesses in its construction. The GM makes the check (so that you don't know exactly how well you've done). One a result of 15 or higher, you ignore the damage reduction of any
object to which the explosives are attached. On a result of 25 or higher, the explosive deals double damage to the structure or vehicle against which it's placed. On a result of 35 or
higher, it deals triple damage. In all cases, it deals normal damage to all other targets within its burst radius.
Disarm Explosive Device (requires a security kit]: Disarming an explosive that has been set to go off requires a check. The DC is usually 15, unless the one who set the detonator
chose a higher disarm DC (see Set Detonator above). If you fail the check, you do not disarm the explosive. If you fail it by 5 or more, the explosive detonates while you are adjacent to it.

HOT SHOT (Trained Only; requires tool kit) (Scum and Villainy, pg. 20)
You can overload an energy weapon to deliver a deadlier attack, but at the risk of a mishap or explosion. You must spend 1 hour and succeed on a Mechanics check. The DC is 20 plus 5
for every weapon size category above Tiny. If the check succeeds, the weapon deals an additional +3 points of damage. Any natural attack roll of 5 or lower, however, causes the weapon
to become disabled. A natural attack roll of 1 causes the weapon to explode in the wielder's hands, dealing the modified weapon's damage to the wielder and half damage to all
adjacent creatures.

IMPROVISED CONNECTION (requires tool kit) (Legacy Era, pg. 32)

You may attempt to connect electronic devices or computers without proper cables, using improvised materials. The endeavour takes 1 hour and requires a DC 20 Mechanics check to

JURY-RIG (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 70)

You can make temporary repairs to any disabled mechanical or electronic device, from a simple tool to a complex starship component. Jury-rigging is a full-round action and requires a
successful DC 25 check. If you use a tool kit, you gain a +5 equipment bonus on the check. A jury-rigged device or vehicle gains +2 steps on the condition track and 1d8 hit points. At the
end of the scene or encounter, the jury-rigged device moves -5 steps along the track and becomes disabled again. (See Conditions, page 14B.)

MODIFY DROID (requires tool kit): (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 70)
You can make a Mechanics check to modify a droid (see Modifying Droids, page 197).

RECHARGE SHIELDS (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 70)

When acting as the shield operator on a vehicle or operating a device with a shield rating, you can spend three swift actions on the same turn or on consecutive turns to make a DC 20
Mechanics check to recharge the vehicle's shields. If successful, you restore 5 points to its shield rating, up to its normal maximum.

REFIT ANTIQUATED VEHICLE OR WEAPON (trained only, requires tool kit): (Legacy Era, pg. 31)
You can use the Mechanics skill to refit an antiquated vehicle or weapon, using modern technology to replace outdated components. You must spend 20% of the base value of the
vehicle or weapon (before the application of the antiquated template) on raw materials for the upgrade. The refitting process takes a number of days (each day requiring 8 hours of
continuous work) determined by the object’s size: Medium or smaller, 1 day; Large, 2 days; Huge, 5 days; Gargantuan, 10 days; Colossal, 20 days; Colossal (frigate), 60 days; Colossal
(cruiser) 180 days; Colossal (station), 360 days. If multiple characters trained in the mechanics skill work on the refit simultaneously, divide the amount of time taken by the number of
characters working on the refit (a maximum of 20 characters can reduce the refit time, minimum of 1 day). Once the work is complete, apply the refitted template to the base vehicle or
weapon instead of the antiquated template.

REGULATE POWER (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 70)

When acting as the engineer on a vehicle or operating a device, you can spend three swift actions to make a DC 20 Mechanics check to regulate its power. If you are successful, the
vehicle moves + 1 step on the condition track (see Conditions, page 14B).
REPAIR (requires tool kit): (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 70)
You can repair a damaged or disabled droid or object (including devices and vehicles). This requires at least 1 hour of work, at the end of which time you must make a Mechanics check.
Only one character may repair a given droid or object at a time, but other characters may use the aid another action to assist (see page 151).

REPAIR DROID (requires a tool kit): (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 70)
You can spend 1 hour and make a DC 20 Mechanics check to repair a damaged or disabled droid, restoring hit points equal to the droid's character level and removing any persistent
conditions currently affecting the droid. A droid can attempt to repair itself, but it takes a -5 penalty on its skill check.

REPAIR OBJECT (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 70)

You can spend 1 hour and make a DC 20 Mechanics check to repair a damaged or disabled object, restoring 1dB hit points and removing any persistent conditions currently affecting the
device or vehicle. If you are on board a damaged vehicle while you attempt to repair it, apply any penalties from the vehicle's position on the condition track on your Mechanics check.
(Major vehicle repairs are best attempted in a garage, hangar, dry dock, or other specialized facility.)

Retry: You can usually retry a Mechanics check. In some specific cases, however, a failed Mechanics check has negative ramifications that prevent repeated checks (see Disable Device,
above, for example).
Special: You can take 10 or take 20 on a Mechanics check. When making a Mechanics check to accomplish a jury-rig repair, you can't take 20. Characters who are untrained in the
Mechanics skill can still use the aid another action to assist on Mechanics checks.

Use this skill to perceive threats as well as your surroundings. The distance between you and whatever you're trying to perceive affects your Perception check, as do solid barriers and

AVOID SURPRISE (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 70)

A Perception check made at the start of a battle determines whether or not you are surprised (see Surprise, page 149). A Perception check made to avoid surprise is a reaction.

EAVESDROP (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 70)

A DC 10 Perception check allows you to eavesdrop on a conversation. You must be able to understand the language being spoken. The DC increases to 15 in relatively noisy areas (such
as a cantina) or 25 in particularly loud areas (such as a droid factory). Eavesdropping on a conversation is a standard action.

HEAR DISTANT OR AMBIENT NOISES (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 70)
A DC 10 Perception check allows you to detect and identify distant or ambient noises. Actively listening for distant or ambient noises is a standard action.

NOTICE TARGETS (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 70)

A Perception check lets you hear or spot other targets or detect someone or something sneaking up on you from behind. If the target is actively attempting to remain undetected, your
Perception check is opposed by the target's Stealth check. If the target is not making any special effort to avoid detection, the Perception check DC is determined by the target's size:
Colossal, DC -15; Gargantuan, DC -10; Huge, DC -5; Large, DC 0; Medium, DC 5; Small, DC 10; Tiny, DC 15; Diminutive, DC 20; Fine, DC 25.
For every 10 squares of distance between you and the target you take a -5 penalty on your Perception check. You also take a -5 penalty if the target has concealment or cover, or a -10
penalty if it has total concealment or total cover. Detecting a target that enters your line of sight is a reaction. Actively looking or listening for hidden enemies (including those to whom
you do not have a line of sight) is a standard action.
You can also notice if a character has a concealed weapons or objects. Make a Perception check opposed by the target's Stealth check result. If you win the opposed check, you notice
the concealed object. If you win the opposed check by 5 or more, you can tell what kind of object is concealed (for example, distinguishing a blaster from a datapad).

QUICK SEARCH (Trained Only) (Scum and Villainy, pg. 20)

You can perform a quick survey of an area to notice the most important elements with a glance. You can make a Perception check to search a 5-square area or 5-cubic-meter volume of
goods as a full-round action by taking a -10 penalty on the check.
SEARCH (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 70)
You can carefully examine a 1-square area or a 1-cubic-meter volume of goods as a full-round action. A DC 15 Perception check allows you to find clues, hidden compartments, secret
doors, traps, irregularities, and other details not readily apparent within that area. The GM may increase the DC for especially obscure well-hidden features.
You can also search a character for concealed weapons or objects. Make a Perception check opposed by the target's Stealth check result. If you win the opposed check, you find the
concealed object. You receive a + 10 circumstance bonus on your Perception check if you physically touch the target to search for concealed items; this requires a full-round action and
can only be used on a willing, pinned, or helpless target.

SENSE DECEPTION (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 70)

You can use Perception to see through deceptive appearances made using the Deception skill. If your Perception check meets or exceeds the result of the Deception check, you realize
that you're being deceived. Your Perception check to sense the deception is a reaction.

SENSE INFLUENCE (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 71)

Make a Perception check to determine whether someone is under the influence of a mind-affecting Force power or other method of coercion (assuming the effect isn't obvious). This
requires a full-round action and a successful DC 20 check.

LONG-RANGE SPOTTER (Trained Only; requires electrobinoculars): (Clone Wars, pg. 27)
Though anyone can use electro binoculars to see objects at a distance, those trained in the Perception skill can glean particularly useful insights from their long-range observation. You
can aid another on an attack roll (see page 151 of the Saga Edit ion core rulebook) made by an ally or allied vehicle by making a DC 10 Perception check instead of an attack roll. You
must be able to see the target of the attack through the electrobinoculars, and your target must be at least 50 squares (character scale) from both you and the ally you aid. Your ally
must be able to hear and understand you to use this application of the Perception skill.

Retry: You can make a Perception check every time you have the opportunity to notice something as a reaction. As a swift action, you may attempt to see or hear something that you
failed (or believe you failed) to notice previously.
Special: You can take 10 or take 20 when making a Perception check. Taking 20 means you spend 2 minutes attempting to notice something that may or may not be there.

You can influence others with your tact, subtlety, and social grace, or you can threaten them into being more cooperative .


Hostile Takes risks to harm you, usually attacking on sight
Unfriendly Wishes you ill but won't go out of its way to harm you
Indifferent Regard you as neither a threat nor an ally and probably doesn't attack you
Friendly Wishes you well but won't take life-threatening risks on your behalf
Helpful Take risks to help you

BRIBERY (The Force unleashed, pg. 31)

You can use the Persuasion skill to attempt to bribe government officials or other individuals of influence. The persuasion check DC depends on the perceived risk to the official’s
position (if the bribe is discovered) modified by the nature of your request (hot dangerous the request is and how much of a bribe you’re offering).
Request is within official’s regular duties 10
Request is outside official’s duties, but within his ability 20
Request is outside official’s duties, and not easily concealed 30
Request is personally dangerous to official +15
Bribery amount is double the going rate -10
Bribery amount is quadruple the going rate -15
Bribery amount is ten times the going rate or higher -20

CHANGE ATTITUDE (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 71)

As a full-round action, you can make a Persuasion check to adjust the attitude of a creature with an Intelligence of 2 or higher using words, body language, or a combination of the two.
The target must be able to see you. Apply a modifier to the check based on the target's current attitude toward you: hostile -10, unfriendly -5, indifferent -2, friendly +0 (see Table 4-4:
Attitude Steps). If the check equals or exceeds the target's Will Defense, the target's attitude shifts one step in your favor. If the target creature cannot understand your speech, apply a
-5 penalty on your Persuasion check. You may attempt to change the attitude of a given creature only once per encounter.

HAGGLE (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 71)

Whenever you use the Gather Information skill, you can make a Persuasion check as a swift action to reduce by half the amount you must pay to acquire the information you desire.
Conversely, you can use this skill as a full-round action to increase or reduce the sell price of a desired item by 50%. The DC depends on the attitude of the individual (or individuals) with
whom you're dealing: unfriendly DC 30, indifferent DC 25, friendly DC 20, helpful DC 15, You can't haggle with creatures that are hostile toward you or creatures that have an Intelligence
of 2 or lower. No matter how adept you are at haggling, a creature won't pay more for an item that can easily be obtained elsewhere for the standard listed price.

IMPROVISED COMMUNICATION (The Force unleashed, pg. 31)

You can use the Persuasion skill to attempt to communicate with someone who does not understand your language or to nonverbally convey an idea (such as communicating silently
with another hero while both of you are infiltrating an Imperial facility). As a move action, you can attempt a Persuasion check to improvise communication with another being. The
target must be able to see you, and you can communicate only simple concepts. The check DC is equal to 20 minus the target’s Intelligence modifier. If the target of your improvised
communication has agreed upon signals for certain concepts in advance, reduce the Persuasion check DC by 5.
Concepts that can be communicated include (but are not limited to) “Be quiet,” “Go.” “Hello,” “Help,” “I am hungry/thirsty,” “Pick this up,” “Put that down,” “Stay here,” “Stop,” and
“Thank you.” The Gamemaster can allow other simple concepts to be communicated, as long as they can be easily communicated nonverbally.

INTIMIDATE (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 71)

As a full-round action, you can make a Persuasion check to force a single creature with an Intelligence of 1 or higher to back down from a confrontation, surrender one of its possessions,
reveal a piece of secret information, or flee from you for a short time. The creature must be able to see you. Your check result must equal or exceed the target's Will Defense for the
intimidation attempt to succeed. Apply a modifier to the check based on the threat the target perceives from you:
Target is helpless or completely at your mercy +5
Target is clearly outnumbered or disadvantaged +0
Target is evenly matched with you -5
You are clearly outnumbered or disadvantaged -10
You are helpless or completely at the target's mercy -15

You can't force the target to obey your every command or do something that endangers its life or the lives of its allies. A creature you successfully intimidate becomes one step more
hostile toward you as soon as you are no longer an imminent threat (see Table 4-4: Attitude Steps).
Retry: If you fail a Persuasion check, you cannot make any further Persuasion checks against the targeted creature for 24 hours.
Special: You can take 10 on a Persuasion check, but you can't take 20.
Use this skill to operate a vehicle. Basic operation of a vehicle does not require a skill check or special training, but performing evasive maneuvers and difficult stunts does. Whenever
you make a Pilot check, you must apply the vehicle's size modifier to your check (see Table 10-1: Vehicle Sizes, page 166).

AVOID COLLISION (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 71)

You can make a DC 15 Pilot check as a reaction to reduce or negate the damage from a collision (see Avoid Collision, page 173).

DOGFIGHT (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 71)

When operating a flying vehicle, you can make a Pilot check as a standard action to engage in a dogfight (see Dogfight, page 171).

ENGAGE THE ENEMY (Trained Only): (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 72)
When piloting a vehicle in combat, you can choose to make a Pilot check instead of an Initiative check to determine your place in the initiative order.

FLY CASUAL (Trained Only) (Scum and Villainy, pg. 20)

Whenever you are piloting a ship or other vehicle, you can substitute a Pilot check for a Deception check to give off
a deceptive appearance (see page 64 of the Saga Edition core rulebook). You still might be required to produce documentation and know specific procedures as is customary for the
situation, but this use helps you avert suspicion in the first place, especially when your authorization codes are old and out of date.

INCREASE VEHICLE SPEED (Trained Only): (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 72)
You may make a DC 20 Pilot check as a swift action to make your vehicle perform beyond its normal limits. (You can't take 10 on this check.) If the check fails, your vehicle's speed does
not increase, and your vehicle moves - 1 step on the condition track (see Conditions, page 148). If you succeed, your vehicle's speed increases by 1 square until the start of your next
turn. For every 5 points by which you exceed the DC, your vehicle's speed increases by an additional 1 square.

RAM (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 72)

You can make a Pilot check as part of a full-round action to collide intentionally with a target (see Ram, page 172).

Special: You can take 10 when making a Pilot check except when attempting to increase a vehicle's speed. You can't take 20 on a Pilot check.

Armor Check Penalty (see text)
Use this skill to ride any kind of mount, such as a tauntaun, dew back, or bantha.

RIDE MOUNT (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 72)

Typical riding actions don't require checks. You can saddle, mount, ride, and dismount without a problem. Mounting or dismounting an animal is a move action. Some tasks, such as
those undertaken in combat or other extreme circumstances, require checks. In addition, attempting trick riding or convincing the animal to do something unusual also requires a check.
Guide with knees 10
Stay in saddle 10
Cover 15
Soft fall 15
Leap 15
Control mount in battle 20
Fast mount or dismount 20'
• Armor check penalty applies.
CONTROL MOUNT IN BATTLE (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 72)
As a move action, you can attempt to control a mount while in combat. If you fail, you can do nothing else that round. You do not need to roll for riding animals specifically trained for

FAST MOUNT OR DISMOUNT (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 72)

You can mount or dismount as a swift action. If you fail the check, mounting or dismounting is a move action. (You can't attempt a fast mount or dismount unless you can perform the
mount or dismount as a move action this round, should the check fail.)

GUIDE WITH KNEES (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 72)

You can react instantly to guide your mount with your knees so that you can use both hands in combat or to perform some other action. Make the check at the start of your round. If
you fail, you can only use one hand this round because you need to use the other to control your mount.

LEAP (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 72)

You can get your mount to leap obstacles as part of its movement. Use your Ride skill modifier or the mount's Jump skill modifier, whichever is lower, to see how far the mount can jump
(see the Jump skill, page 68). A
DC 15 Ride check is required to stay on the mount when it leaps.

SOFT FALL (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 72)

You react instantly when you falloff a mount, such as when it is killed or when it falls, to try to avoid taking damage. If you fail, you take 1d6 points of falling damage (see Falling Damage,
page 255).

STAY IN SADDLE (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 72)

You can react instantly to try to avoid falling when your mount rears or bolts unexpectedly or when you take damage.

USE MOUNT AS COVER (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 72)

As a reaction to an attack against you, you can drop down and hang alongside your mount, using it as one-half cover. You can't attack while using your mount as cover. If you fail, you
don't get the cover benefit.

Special: You can take 10 when making a Ride check, but you can't take 20. The armor check penalty applies only when attempting to fast mount or fast dismount.
Time: Ride is a move action, except when otherwise noted for the special tasks listed above.

Armor Check Penalty
Use this skill to slink past a sentry without being heard, catch your enemy off-guard, snipe from a concealed location, or perform sleight of hand.

CONCEAL LARGE ITEMS (The Force unleashed, pg. 31)

As a full-action, you can attempt to conceal or hide a large item inside a room, behind a piece of furniture, inside a hidden compartment, or within a shipboard locker or other location. A
large item is one that is the same size category as you or larger. Other characters can notice a concealed object or, if the item has total concealment, discover a telltale sign that
something is amiss (such as unusual scratches, fibers, or smells) by making a successful Perception check (opposed by your Stealth check result). A character gains a +10 circumstance
bonus on his Perception check if her is in the same square as the item or an adjacent square. Rooms or containers specifically constructed to conceal items can grant an equipment
bonus of +5 to +20 (for features such as top-of-the-line smuggler’s compartments) on your Stealth check. You may not take 20 on this check, by you may take 10.

DROP (Scum and Villainy, pg. 20)

You can use Stealth to deposit a small concealed item without attracting notice, such as slipping a drug into a drink or planting a bug on a person's clothes. Any observer that beats your
Stealth check with a Perception check notices the drop.
SNEAK (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 72)
Your Stealth check sets the DC for Perception checks made to notice you. If an opponent's Perception check equals or exceeds your Stealth check, your opponent notices you.
Any circumstance that hampers your ability to sneak imposes a -2 penalty on your check, while favorable circumstances grant a +2 bonus.
For example, sneaking across a surface littered with debris imposes a -2 penalty on your Stealth check, while a room filled with abundant hiding places grants a +2 bonus on your check.
If you move more than your speed in any given round, you take a -5 penalty on your Stealth check. If you move more than twice your speed in any given round, you take a -10 penalty on
your Stealth check. Your size provides a modifier to your Stealth checks: Fine, +20; Diminutive, +15; Tiny, +10; Small, +5; Medium, +0; Large, -5; Huge, -10; Gargantuan, -15; Colossal, -20.

CONCEAL ITEM (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 72)

As a standard action, you can attempt to conceal an item (such as a weapon) on your person. The concealed object must be at least one size smaller than you, and you get a modifier on
your skill check based on the object's relative size: One size smaller, -5; two sizes smaller, +0; three sizes smaller, +5; four or more sizes smaller, + 10.
Other characters may notice a concealed object with a successful Perception check (opposed by your Stealth check result), but only if you do not have total concealment. A character
gains a +10 circumstance bonus on his Perception check if he physically touches you to search for concealed items; this requires a full-round action that can only be performed if you're a
willing, pinned, or helpless target.
Drawing a concealed item is a standard action.

CREATE A DIVERSION TO HIDE (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 73)

You can use the Deception skill (page 64) to help you be stealthy. A successful Deception gives you the momentary diversion you need to attempt a Stealth check even though people
are aware of you. While the others turn their attention from you, you can make a Stealth check (as normal, and at no penalty) if you can reach a hiding place of some kind as a move

PICK POCKET (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 73)

With a successful Stealth check as a standard action, you can pilfer a small, hand-sized object from a target within reach. Your Stealth check is opposed by the target's Perception check,
and the target gains a +5 bonus. If you fail by 4 or less, you are unable to take the item, but the target does not notice the effort. If you fail by 5 or more, you are unable to take the item
and the target catches you in the act.

SLEIGHT OF HAND (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 73)

As a successful action, you can palm hand-sized objects, perform minor feats of legerdemain, or attempt to perform a minor action without being noticed (such as flipping a switch,
pulling out a thermal detonator, or drawing a pistol under the cover of a table). All such efforts are opposed by observer's Perception check. Any observer that beats your Stealth check
notices the action you attempted, and knows how you did it.

SNIPE (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 73)

After making a ranged attack from hiding, you can try to hide again. You must be at least 2 squares from the target, and you must already have successfully used Stealth to hide from the
target. Make a new Stealth check (as normal, but with a -10 penalty) as a move action. If you succeed, you remain hidden; otherwise, your location is revealed.

Special: You can take 10 when making a Stealth check, but you can't take 20.

Use this skill to hunt and forage, guide a party safely through arid wastelands, identify signs that gundarks live nearby, or avoid quicksand and other natural hazards.

BASIC SURVIVAL (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 73)

Once per day, you can make a DC 15 Survival check to avoid natural hazards and keep yourself safe and fed in the wild for the next 24 hours. You can provide food and water for one
additional person for every 2 points by which your check result exceeds 10.

ENDURE EXTREME TEMPERATURES (requires field kit): (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 73)
Once per day, you can make a DC 20 Survival check to ignore the effects of extreme cold or extreme heat for the next 24 hours (see Extreme Temperatures, page 254).
EXTENDED SURVIVAL (Trained Only): (The Force unleashed, pg. 31)
You are rained in methods of long-term survival in the wild. If you are required to survive in an uncivilized area for more than 48 hours, you can make a DC 20 check to find a suitable
location for a basic shelter and campsite. Success reduces the DC for you basic Survival checks by 5 during those days spent using the campsite.

KNOW DIRECTION (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 73)

As a full-round action, you can ascertain which direction is north by succeeding on a DC 10 Survival check (assuming you're somewhere where cardinal directions matter).

CREATE DEFENSIVE POSITION (Trained Only): (Clone Wars, pg. 27)

A character trained in the Survival skill can make camp in a defensible position, digging trenches or otherwise preparing the encampment to defend against an attack. When you stop to
rest (even in urban or otherwise civilized environments), you can take 10 minutes to prepare the place where you and your allies are resting as a defensive position. At the end of the 10
minutes, if you succeed on a DC 20 Survival check, you prepare an area no bigger than 20x20 squares as a defensive position. While you and your allies sleep within that area, you take
no penalty to Perception checks to notice targets. Furthermore, all creatures take a - 5 penalty on Stealth checks made within the prepared area.
Lastly, you and all allies gain a +2 circumstance bonus to Reflex Defense while within the area. If you and your allies abandon the defensive position, the effect ends.
Special: Sleeping or unconscious characters take a -10 penalty on Perception checks.

TRACK (Trained Only): (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 73)

To find tracks or to follow them requires a full round action and a successful Survival check. The DC of the check depends on the surface and the prevailing circumstances, as given
below. You must make another Survival check every time the tracks become difficult to follow, such as when other tracks cross them or when the terrain or prevailing circumstances
You move at half normal speed while tracking. You can choose to move your normal speed instead, but you take a -5 penalty on Survival checks made to follow tracks.
Soft ground 10
Firm ground 20
Hard ground 30

 SOFT GROUND (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 74)

Any surface (fresh snow, thick ash, wet mud) that holds clear impressions of footprints.
 FIRM GROUND (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 74)
Any outdoor surface (lawns, fields, woods) or exceptionally soft, or dirty indoor surface (dusty floors, thick carpets) that can capture footprints of a creature's passage.
 HARD GROUND (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 74)
Any surface that doesn't hold footprints at all (bare rock, concrete, metal deck plates).

Every 3 creatures in the group being tracked -1
Every day since the trail was made +1
Every hour of rain since the trail was made +1
Fresh snow cover since the trail was made +5
Poor visibility +5
Tracked target hides trail (and moves at half speed) +5
Largest creature being tracked
Huge or bigger -10
Large -5
Medium +0
Small +5
Tiny or smaller +10
Special: You can take 10 when making a Survival check. You can take 20 if there is no danger or penalty for failure, but it takes twenty times as long as normal to do so.
Armor Check Penalty
Using this skill, a land-based creature can swim, dive, navigate underwater obstacles, and so on.

SWIM (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 74)

A successful Swim check allows you to swim one-quarter your speed as a move action or one-half your speed as a full-round action. Roll once per round. If you fail, you make no progress
through the water. If you fail by 5 or more, you go underwater and must hold your breath (see the Endurance skill, page 66) until you reach the surface by succeeding on a Swim check.
The DC for the Swim check depends on the situation:

Calm water 10
Rough water 15
Stormy water 20

Retry: A new check is allowed the round after a check is failed.

Special: You can take 10 when making a Swim check, but you can't take 20.


Use this skill to keep a badly wounded friend from dying, to heal the injured, or to treat a diseased or poisoned character.

FIRST AID (requires a medpac): (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 74)
As a full-round action, you can administer first aid to an unconscious or wounded creature. If you succeed on a DC 15 Treat Injury check, the creature regains a number of hit points
equal to its character level, + 1 for every point by which your check result exceeds the DC. Using a medical kit grants a +2 equipment bonus on your skill check. If the skill check succeeds,
the tended creature cannot benefit from additional first aid for 24 hours.
You can administer first aid on yourself, but you take a -5 penalty on your Treat Injury check.

LONG-TERM CARE (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 74)

If you tend to a creature for 8 consecutive hours, that creature regains hit points equal to its character level in addition to those recovered from natural healing (see Natural Healing,
page 148). A creature can only benefit from long-term care once in a 24-hour period. You can tend one creature at a time if untrained, or up to six simultaneously if trained.
You can't give long-term care to yourself.

PERFORM SURGERY (Trained Only; requires a surgery kit): (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 74)
You can perform surgery to heal damage to a wounded creature, remove a persistent condition, or install a cybernetic prosthesis (see page 137). Any of these operations requires 1 hour
of uninterrupted work, at the end of which time you must make a Treat Injury check. If you fail your check, the surgery does not yield any benefit (but any resources used are still lost). In
addition, if you fail your check by 5 or more, the creature takes damage equal to its damage threshold. If this damage reduces the creature to 0 hit points, it dies (see 0 Hit Points, page

HEAL DAMAGE (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 74)

You can make a DC 20 Treat Injury check to perform surgery on a wounded creature, healing an amount of damage equal to the creature's Constitution bonus (minimum 1) x the
creature's level. If you fail the check, the creature instead takes damage equal to its damage threshold.
If the creature was already at 0 hit points, it dies unless it can spend a Force Point to save itself (see page 93). You can perform surgery on yourself to heal damage, but you take a -5
penalty on your skill check. Performing surgery to heal damage also removes any persistent conditions afflicting the target.
INSTALL A CYBERNETIC PROSTHESIS (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 75)
You must have the Cybernetic Surgery feat (see page 83) to install a cybernetic prosthesis on a living being. At the end of the procedure, make a DC 20 Treat Injury check. If the check
succeeds, the prosthesis is installed properly. If the check fails, the prosthesis is not properly installed; however, you can try again after another uninterrupted hour of surgery. You can
install a cybernetic prosthesis on yourself, but you take a -5 penalty on your skill check.

REVIVIFY (Trained Only; requires a medical kit): (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 75)
As a full-round action, you can revive a creature that has just died. You must reach the dead creature within 1 round of its death to revive it, and you must succeed on a DC 25
Treat Injury check. Using a medpac grants a +2 equipment bonus on the skill check. If the check succeeds, the creature is unconscious instead of dead. If the check fails, you are unable
to revive the creature.

TREAT DISEASE (Trained Only; requires a medical kit): (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 75)
Treating a diseased character requires 8 hours. At the end of that time, make a Treat Injury check against the disease's DC (see Disease, page 254). If the check succeeds, the patient is
cured and no longer suffers any ill effects (including persistent conditions caused by the disease). You can treat one creature at a time if untrained, or up to six simultaneously if trained.

TREAT POISON (Trained Only; requires a medical kit): (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 75)
As a full-round action, you can treat a poisoned character. Make a Treat Injury check; if the result equals or exceeds the poison's DC (see Poison, page 255), you successfully detoxify the
poison in the character's system and the patient no longer suffers any ill effects (including persistent conditions caused by the poison).

TREAT RADIATION (Trained Only; requires a medical kit): (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 75)
Treating an irradiated character requires 8 hours. At the end of that time, make a Treat Injury check against the radiation's DC (see Radiation, page 255). If the check succeeds, the
patient is cured and no longer suffers any ill effects (including persistent conditions caused by the radiation). You can treat one creature at a time if untrained, or up to six simultaneously
if trained.

BIOTECH REPAIR (Trained Only; requires biotech tool kit): (Legacy Era, pg. 31)
You can perform any of the following functions of the Treat Injury skill on a bioengineered creature or “living” biotech object: first aid, heal damage, revivify, treat disease, treat poison,
and treat radiation. You take a -5 penalty on treat Injury checks made to repair biotech unless you have the Biotech Specialist feat (see page 34).

TEMPORARY MENDING (Trained Only): (Legacy Era, pg. 31)

You can make temporary repairs to any damaged or disabled biotech object or vehicle. Temporary mending requires a full-round action followed by a successful DC 20 Treat Injury
check. You take a -5 penalty on the check unless you have the Biotech Specialist feat (see page 34). If you use a biotech tool kit, you gain a +5 equipment bonus on the check. A
temporarily mended device gains +2 steps on the condition track and heals 1d8 hit points. At the end of the scene or encounter, the temporarily mended device moves -5 steps along
the track and is disabled.

Special: You can take 10 when making a Treat Injury check, but you can't take 20.


Use this skill to access secured files and defeat security systems.

ACCESS INFORMATION (requires computer attitude of indifferent or better): (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 75)
Getting information through a computer requires you to connect to the appropriate network (such as the HoloNet, or its equivalent in other eras) and locate the files you seek.
Connecting to a network (a full-round action) doesn't require a skill check if you use a computer that's already linked to it. However, establishing a connection to a network using a
remote computer requires a DC 10 Use Computer check. You can also get information without connecting to a network if you use a computer whose memory contains that information;
the GM decides what information a computer's memory actually holds.
Finding information on a single topic requires a set amount of time (see below); at the end of this time, you must make a Use Computer check. The time required and the check DC are
determined by the type of information sought. For example, locating general information about a senator is easier than locating specific information (such as the senator's date of birth),
which is easier than finding private information (such as the senator's private comm. channel code), which is easier than uncovering secret information (such as the senator's cred stick


General 15 1 minute (10 rounds)
Specific 20 10 minutes
Private 25 1 hour
Secret" 30 1 day (8 hours)
• Secret information can only be accessed on a computer that is helpful toward you.


Hostile Treats you as a hostile intruder and attempts to trace your location and isolate your connection.
Unfriendly Treats you as an unauthorized user and blocks your access to its programs and information.
Indifferent Treats you as a guest or visitor and grants you access to non-secret programs and information (as long as this does not conflict with
previous commands).
Friendly Treats you as an authorized user and grants you access to any programs and non-secret information (as long as this does not conflict with
previous commands). You may add any equipment bonus provided by the computer to your Use Computer checks.

Helpful Treats you as if you are its owner or administrator, granting access to all of its programs and information (even if doing so overrides
previous commands). You may add any equipment bonus provided by the computer to your Use Computer checks.

ASTROGATE (Trained Only): (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 76)

You can plot a safe course through hyperspace. Doing so usually requires 1 minute, at the end of which time you must succeed on a Use Computer check. Various factors influence the
DC of the check (see Astrogation, page 237).
 ASTROGATE (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 237)
Moving from a given location to a desired destination through hyperspace requires a successful Use Computer check. Because every object in the galaxy is constantly in
motion, the precise path between two locations changes from day to day. If the astrogator uses current data (one day old at most), he can plot a safe course. Doing so takes 1
minute and requires a successful DC 10 Use Computer check.
If an astrogator has no data with which to plot a jump through hyperspace, the base DC for the Use Computer check is 30, and the astrogator must spend 1 hour calculating
coordinates and vectors before attempting the check.
As a general rule, data for a particular route through hyperspace is available to anyone with access to the HoloNet-although that data might be outdated if the route in
question is not frequently traveled by other ships.
Certain situations or circumstances can also modify the check, as shown in Table 13-1: Astrogation DC Modifiers. The lack of a nav computer (or, failing that, an astromech
droid with stored coordinates) makes the task much more difficult. If time is of the essence, the astrogator can perform the check as a full-round action round by taking a -10
penalty on his Use Computer check.
If the Use Computer check is successful, the starship enters hyperspace without incident and arrives at its destination in a number of days equal to 1d6 x the ship's hyperdrive
A failed Use Computer check indicates that the astrogator has made a potentially dangerous error in his calculations. Make another Use Computer check using the same
modifiers and against the same DC. If this second Use Computer check is successful, the error is caught before entering hyperspace, and the process of plotting a course must
begin anew. If this second Use Computer check fails, the starship moves - 1 persistent step on the condition track (see Conditions, page 148) and takes damage equal to 5% of
its total hit points for every point by which the check fails. (The persistent condition and damage remain until the ship undergoes maintenance.)
If the ship is not disabled or destroyed, it arrives at the intended destination in double the expected travel time. If the ship is disabled, it drops out of hyperspace in a random
location somewhere between the point of origin and the destination (the exact location is determined by the GM).
TABLE 13-1:
Using Nav computer +5
No Nav computer used -10
No HoloNet access -5
Attempt to make check in 1 round -10
1 Do not apply the penalty if the ship has current astrogation data stored in an astromech droid or receives accurate transmitted data from another ship.

ASTROGATE (Trained Only) (Starships of the Galaxy, pg. 19)

As mentioned on page 42, a navicomputer allows a character aboard a starship to make a Use Computer check to astrogate untrained.
Additionally, you may choose to plot a hyperspace course more aggressively than normal, reducing your travel time by increasing the chance of something going wrong. For every 5
points by which you increase the Use Computer check DC, you may reduce your travel time by 1 day; if this would reduce the travel time to less than 1 day, you instead reduce the
remaining travel time by one-half, to a minimum of 1 hour. You must make the decision to increase the Use Computer check DC before making the check. Alternatively, you may gain a
+5 circumstance bonus on your use Computer check if you voluntarily double the travel time.

BACKTRAIL (Trained Only) (Scum and Villainy, pg. 20)

A successful DC 25 Use Computer check reveals the identity of the last person to use the computer and the information they sought. The computer's attitude modifies the DC as normal.

COVER TRACKS (Trained Only) (Scum and Villainy, pg. 20)

When you access a computer, you can conceal your presence and how you used the computer by increasing all
Use Computer check DCs by 5. Any character who attempts to analyze the computer to determine your identity and what you did takes a -5 penalty on their Use Computer check.

DISABLE OR ERASE PROGRAM (Trained Only; requires computer attitude of helpful): (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 76)
You can disable or erase a program on a computer that is helpful toward you (See Table 4-5: Computer Attitude Steps). Disabling or erasing a program takes 10 minutes and requires a
DC 15 Use Computer check.

IMPROVE ACCESS (Trained Only): (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 76)
As a full-round action, you can make a Use Computer check to adjust the attitude of a computer in order to gain access to its programs and information. You must be able to
communicate with the computer either through a direct interface (such as a keypad) or by connecting to it through an appropriate network (such as the HoloNet).
Apply a modifier on the check based on the computer's current attitude toward you: hostile -10, unfriendly -5, indifferent -2, friendly +0 (see Table 4-5: Computer Attitude Steps}. If the
check equals or exceeds the computer's Will Defense, the computer's attitude shifts one step in your favor. If you fail, the computer's attitude does not change. If you fail by 5 or more,
the computer's becomes one step worse (for example, indifferent to unfriendly) and the computer notifies the computer's administrator of the access attempt.
A hostile computer can be dangerous. If a computer becomes hostile or if you fail any Use Computer check made to improve access to a hostile computer, it traces your exact location
and notifies the nearest security personnel. In addition, if you fail by 5 or more when attempting to improve access to a hostile computer, it isolates your connection and rejects any
further attempts you make to access it for 24 hours.

ISSUE ROUTINE COMMAND (requires computer attitude of friendly or better): (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 76)
As a standard action, you can issue a routine command to a computer. Examples include turning a computer on or off, viewing and editing documents or recordings in its memory,
printing a hard copy of a document or image on a flimsiplast sheet, opening or closing doors that the computer controls, and the like.
Issuing routine commands doesn't normally require a Use Computer check. However, if another character issues a contradictory command, the computer follows the command of the
character toward whom it has a better attitude (for example, it follows a command from someone toward whom it is helpful over someone toward whom it is friendly). If the computer
has the same attitude toward both characters, make an opposed Use Computer check against the competing character. If you succeed, your command takes effect. If you fail, the
opposing character's command takes effect.
REPROGRAM DROID (Trained Only; requires tool kit): (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 76)
You can make a check to reprogram a droid to obey a new master, copy data stored in its memory banks, change its trained skills, erase memories selectively, or erase its memory
entirely (resetting the droid to its factory preset status). The DC for any of these actions is equal to the droid's Will Defense. Reprogramming a droid takes 10 minutes.


To access information contained with an electronic device, you must first connect it to an indifferent, friendly, or helpful computer (a full-round action) via a wireless or wired system.
Connecting wirelessly requires you to establish a connection as you would with a network (see page 75 of the Saga edition core rulebook). A wired connection may be as simple as
obtaining the correct cable or making an improvised connection (see the Mechanics skill, above). The same attitudes and DCs used to Access Information from a computer are also used
for devices, although most self-contained devices will not set off alarms or attempt to isolate your location.

You can make a Use computer check to reprogram a code cylinder or access card to accept new codes, or copy the existing codes to another cylinder or card. The DC for these actions
depends of the level of security (see below). The device must be physically connected to an indifferent, friendly or helpful computer before it can be copied or reprogrammed. Copying
or reprogramming a code cylinder or access card takes 10 minutes.


Administrative (civilian) 20
Encrypted military 30
Encrypted Imperial military 35

USE COMMUNICATIONS (Starships of the Galaxy, pg. 19)

As a swift action, you can make a DC 5 Use Computer check to hail a vehicle (DC 0 if the other vehicle is using an IFF transponder with the same encryption code as yours); if willing, that
vehicle’s system operator can then open communications as a reaction. You can also attempt to establish secure communications as a reaction. You can also attempt to establish secure
communications, but doing this requires both systems operators to make a Use Computer check as a move action. The greater of the two checks results set the DC for any attempt to
intercept their communications.
As a standard action, you can attempt to intercept communications between two other vehicles. If the other vehicles take no special precautions, this is a DC 20 Use Computer check;
otherwise, the DC is set by the higher of their Use Computer check results from securing communications. Furthermore, if the other vehicles are using encrypted communications
systems (such as an encrypted comlink or IFF transponders with matching encryption codes), add 10 to the DC. If your check result fails by 10 or less when attempting to intercept
encrypted communications, you can identify wheat encryption protocols they are using. (“It might be an Imperial code.”)

USE SENSORS (Starships of the Galaxy, pg. 19)

Using a ship’s sensors involves making Use Computer checks for much the same functions as the Perception skill normally used. You make a Use Computer check to use a ship’s sensors
to avoid surprise, notice targets , or search a ship’s exterior for hidden weapons or compartments. On starship-scale maps, your Use Computer check has a -5 penalty for every 10
squares between you and the target, and you take a -5 penalty on your check if attempting to detect a target that is powered down or otherwise not emitting an energy signature.
Obstacles, cloaking devices, jammers, and sensor masks can also impose penalties.
In addition, you may attempt to learn more about a target by making a Use Computer check (modified by range, as above). A DC 10 check result identifies the size of a vehicle and
determines whether it has shields active. A DC 15 check result reveals the exact make of the starship (if the observer would recognize it – alien ships are simply identified as being of
unknown manufacture) and the number of weapons it has (but not the exact type of weapons). The first time a vehicle moves within 30 squares of yours, you may make a Use Computer
check as a reaction to identify it. Further efforts require a move action.

Special: You can take 10 on Use Computer checks. You can take 20 on a Use Computer check except when attempting to improve access. When a computer is friendly or helpful toward
you, you gain an equipment bonus on all Use Computer checks made with that computer equal to its Intelligence bonus.
Requires the Force Sensitivity feat
You draw upon the Force to help you recover from injuries, gain special insights, or perform other remarkable acts. You must have the Force Sensitivity feat (page 85) to be trained in
this skill.

ACTIVATE FORCE POWER (Trained Only): (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 77)
You make a Use the Force check to use a Force power (see Force Powers, page 95). This use of the skill requires no action.

BREATH CONTROL (Trained Only): (Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 10 & Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 30)
You can use the Force to hold your breath for an extended period time. A successful DC 15 Use the Force check allows you to hold your breath for a number of rounds equal to twice
your Constitution score before you need Endurance checks to continue holding your breath.

FORCE TRANCE (Trained Only): (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 77)
As a full-round action, you can enter a Force trance with a DC 10 Use the Force check. In this state, you remain fully aware of your surroundings. Each hour you remain in the trance, you
regain a number of hit points equal to your character level. You can emerge from the trance as a swift action. If you remain in a Force trance for 4 consecutive hours, you emerge from
the trance fully rested (as though you'd rested for 8 hours). While you're in a Force trance, you can go ten times as long as normal without food or water (see the Endurance skill, pg 66).

MOVE LIGHT OBJECT (Trained Only): (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 77)
As a move action, you can use the Force to telekinetically lift and move a relatively light object within your line of sight. A successful DC 10 Use the Force check allows you to move an
object weighing up to 5 kg a distance of 6 squares in any direction. As a standard action, you can use the object as a projectile weapon, but the DC increases to 15. If your Use the Force
check beats the target's Reflex Defense, the object hits and deals ld6 points of bludgeoning damage. Using an object as a projectile weapon is otherwise treated as a ranged attack for
the purposes of talents and feats that interact with ranged attacks.
 MOVE LIGHT OBJECT (Trained Only): (Clone Wars, pg. 27 & Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 10)
You can use this application of the skill to catch and move a thrown weapon, such as grenades, that lands within your reach. The object can weigh no more than 5 kg. You must
ready an action to catch the object on your turn, before the object is thrown. Moving the object requires a Use the Force check, with a DC equal to the attack roll of the thrown
weapon. If you succeed on this check, you catch the object with the Force and can immediately move the object up to 6 squares away from you; otherwise, resolve the attack
as normal. If the object you caught is an explosive, such as a grenade, it explodes at the end of its movement. You can use the object caught as a projectile weapon, as normal.
 MOVE LIGHT OBJECT (Trained Only) (Legacy Era, pg. 33)
You may not use the Move Light Object application of this skill against Yuuzhan Vong biotechnology or biological devices, as they are living objects detached from the Force.
However, you can use Move Light Object against biotechnology that has been modified with standard technology.

SEARCH YOUR FEELINGS (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 77)

As a full-round action, you can make a DC 15 Use the Force check to determine whether a particular action will yield favorable or unfavorable results to you in the immediate future (10
minutes or less). For example, you can make the check to determine whether destroying a dark side artifact will have immediate unforeseen repercussions. The answer does not take
into account the long-term consequences of a contemplated action. Using the above example, a successful check would not portend a future encounter with vengeful darksiders
angered by the destruction of the dark side artifact. (The GM must assess the immediate consequences of the action, based on what he knows about the circumstances.)

SENSE FORCE (Trained Only): (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 77)
You automatically sense disturbances in the Force. A location that is strong in the dark side of the Force can be sensed out to a range of 1 kilometer. A relative, companion, or close
friend in mortal danger or great pain can be sensed out to a range of 10,000 light years. A great disturbance, such as the destruction of an entire populated planet or the distress of a
whole order of allies, can be sensed anywhere in the same galaxy. As a full-round action, you can make a DC 15 Use the Force check to determine the distance and general direction to
the location of the disturbance.
As a full-round action, you can use this ability to actively sense other Force-users out to a range of 100 kilometers. If you succeed on a DC 15 Use the Force check, you know how many
Force-users are within range, their approximate distance and direction from you, and whether you've met them before or not. Another Force-user within range can try to conceal her
presence from you by making an opposed Use the Force check. If she equals or exceeds your Use the Force check, you don't sense her presence at all. You can also specify that you are
attempting to sense only Force-users with a Dark Side Score of 1 or higher; success reveals only those Force-users with dark side scores, and not any other Force-users.
 SENSE FORCE (Trained Only): (Legacy Era, pg. 33)
As a standard action, you can attempt to use the Sense Force application of this skill to detect the hole in the Force created by one or more Yuuzhan Vong. You must make a DC
20 Use the Force check; if the check succeeds, you can sense how many Yuuzhan Vong are within 1 kilometer of your location.

SENSE SURROUNDINGS (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 77)

As a swift action, you can make a DC 15 Use the Force check to ignore the effects of cover and concealment when making Perception checks to detect or observe targets until the start of
your next turn. Increase the DC by 5 if this ability is used against targets with total cover.
 SENSE SURROUNDINGS (Trained Only): (Legacy Era, pg. 33)
You can attempt to use the Sense Surroundings application of this skill to detect Yuuzhan Vong targets, but you must be trained in the skill, and you must succeed in a DC 30
Use the Force check. The effects are otherwise the same as described on page 77 of the Saga Edition core rulebook.

PLACE OTHER IN FORCE TRANCE (Trained Only): (Clone Wars, pg. 27 & Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 10)
As a full-round action, you can place an adjacent willing ally that you touch into a Force trance with a DC 15 Use the Force check. In this state, the target ally rests as though in a deep
coma and is considered helpless. Each hour the target remains in the trance, the target regains a number of hit points equal to its character level. You can bring an adjacent ally you
touch out of a Force trance as a swift action, but the target cannot otherwise come out of the Force trance on his or her own. If the target remains in the Force trance for 4 consecutive
hours, the target emerges from the trance fully rested (as though the target had rested for 8 hours).
While the target ally is in a Force trance, it can go ten times as long as normal without air, food, or water (see the Endurance skill on page 66 of the Saga Edition core rulebook). Unwilling
targets cannot be placed in a Force trance.

TELEPATHY (Star Wars Core Rulebook, pg. 77)

As a standard action, you can establish a telepathic link with a distant creature. Through the link, you can exchange emotions or a single thought, such as "Go!", "Help!", or "Danger!"
The target must have an Intelligence of 2 or higher, and the distance between you and the target determines the DC (see below). Against an unwilling target, you must make a Use the
Force check against the target’s Will Defense or the base skill DC, whichever is higher; you must make a Use the Force check against the target's Will Defense; if the check fails, you
cannot establish a telepathic link or attempt to telepathically contact the target for 24 hours unless the target becomes a willing one.

Same planet 15
Same system 20
Same region/quadrant of the galaxy 25
Different region/quadrant of the galaxy 30

 TELEPATHY (Legacy Era, pg. 31)

This aspect of the skill does not work on the Yuuzhan Vong, even if they are willing recipients.

Special: You can't make Use the Force checks unless you have the Force Sensitivity feat (see page 85). Use the Force is a class skill for any character with the Force Sensitivity feat.
You can take 10 on a Use the Force check, but you can't take 20.
Jedi that follow the path of the consular are skilled negotiators and talented ambassadors. You prefer to use the strength of your words and the wisdom that the Force provides to solve
ADEPT NEGOTIATOR (Star Wars, pg. 39): As a standard action, you can weaken the resolve of one enemy with your words.
The target must have an Intelligence of 3 or higher, and it must be able to see, hear, and understand you. Make a Persuasion check; if the result equals or exceeds the target's Will
Defense, it moves - 1 step along the condition track (see Conditions, page 148). The target gets a +5 bonus to its Will Defense if it is higher level than you. If the target reaches the end of
the track, it does not fall unconscious; instead, it cannot attack you or your allies for the remainder of the encounter unless you or one of your allies attacks it or one of its allies first. This
is a mind-affecting effect.
ADVERSARY LORE (Jedi Academy, pg. 14): As a standard action, you can peer into the Force and search for weaknesses in the defenses of your enemies. Make a Use the Force check
against the Will Defense of a target creature within 12 squares of you and in your line of sight. If the skill check equals or exceeds the target’s Will Defense, that target takes a -2 penalty
to Reflex Defense against you and all allies who can hear and understand you until the end of your next turn.
AGGRESSIVE NEGOTIATOR (Legacy Era, pg. 26): Whenever you damage an opponent with a lightsaber attack, you can take 10 on any Persuasion checks you make before the end of
your next turn, even if you would not normally be able to.
Prerequisite: Adept Negotiator.
CLEANSE MIND (The Force Unleashed, pg. 24): Once per turn as a swift action, you can remove one ongoing mind-affecting effect (such as the effects of Demand Surrender or Weaken
Resolve talents, or the effect of being moved to the end of the condition track by the Adept Negotiator talent, or the ongoing effects of the mind trick Force power) from a single allied
target within line of sight.
COLLECTIVE VISIONS (Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 24): Developed by Krynda Draay, this talent is used by Jedi Covenant WatchCircles to sharpen their visions through the Force.
When you use farseeing or a Force power or talent that has farseeing as a prerequisite, other Force-users with farseeing in their Force-power suite can aid another (page 151 of the
Saga Edition core rulebook) on your Use the Force check as a reaction if they are within 6 squares of you.
Prerequisite: farseeing.
CONSULAR'S VITALITY (Clone Wars, pg. 22): Jedi during the Clone Wars learn to call upon the Force not only for their own strength but also to aid the clone troopers and other allies
under their command. Once per round as a swift action, you grant one ally within 12 squares of you (and in your line of sight) bonus hit points equal to 5 + your Charisma modifier. These
bonus hit points last until the beginning of your next turn (at which point any remaining bonus hit points are lost, and any damage dealt to that ally comes out of bonus hit points first.
You take a -5 penalty on all Use the Force checks until the beg inning of your next turn.
CONSULAR`S WISDOM (Legacy Era, pg. 26): Once per encounter as a swift action, you can choose one ally within your line of sight that can hear and understand you. Until the end of
the encounter, that ally adds your Wisdom bonus to its Will Defense against mind-affecting effects.
Prerequisite: Adept Negotiator.
ENTREAT AID (Legacy Era, pg. 26): Once per turn as a swift action, you can spend a Force Point to let one adjacent all use the aid another action (as a reaction) to assist you with a skill
check. You must make the skill check before the end of your turn, or the benefit of the aid another action is lost. An ally that has already used the aid another action to assist you since
the end of your last turn may not be targeted by this talent.
FORCE OF WILL (The Force Unleashed, pg. 24): You gain a +2 insight bonus to Will Defense.
Also, as a swift action, you can spend a Force Point to give all allies within 6 squares of you a +2 insight bonus to Will Defense that lasts for the remainder of the encounter. This bonus
does not extend to allies outside the range of the effect, even if they move within 6 squares of you later on. Allies who benefits from this talent must remain within 6 squares of you to
retain the insight bonus, and they lost it if you are knocked unconscious or killed. This is a mind-affecting effect.
FORCE PERSUASION (Star Wars, pg. 39): You can use your Use the Force check modifier instead of your Persuasion check modifier when making Persuasion checks. You are considered
trained in the Persuasion skill.
If you are entitled t o a Persuasion check reroll, you may reroll your Use the Force check instead (subject to the same circumstances and limitations).
Prerequisite: Adept Negotiator.
GUIDING STRIKES (Rebellion Era, pg. 23): When you deal damage to a target by making a lightsaber attack on your turn, you can use a swift action before the end of your turn to
activate this talent. If you do so, allies adjacent to the target at the time you made the attack gain a +2 circumstance bonus to melee attack rolls against that target until the start of your
next turn.
IMPROVED CONSULAR'S VITALITY (Clone Wars, pg. 22): Whenever you damage a target with a successful lightsaber attack, you may use the Consular's Vitality talent as a free action
instead of a swift action until the start of your next turn.
Prerequisite: Consular’s Vitality.
KNOW WEAKNESS (Jedi Academy, pg. 14): Whenever you use Adversary Lore on a target successfully, that target also takes an additional 1d6 points of damage from any successful
attack made against it by you or an ally who can hear and understand you until the end of your next turn.
Prerequisite: Adversary Lore.
MASTER NEGOTIATOR (Star Wars, pg. 39): If you successfully use the Adept Negotiator talent (see above). your target moves an additional -1 step along the condition track (-2 steps
total) . This is a mind-affecting effect.
Prerequisite: Adept Negotiator.
PERSISTENT HAZE (Scum and Villainy, pg. 13): Whenever anyone concealed by your use of the Force Haze talent attacks, you maintain total concealment without having to make
another Use the Force check. Only those who do not attack remain concealed; the attacker no longer has total concealment, even when using this talent.
Prerequisites: Clear Mind, Force Haze.
RECALL (Rebellion Era, pg. 23): Whenever you spend a Force Point to return a Force power to your suite, you regain two Force powers instead of one.
RENEW VISION (Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 25): Once per encounter, you can regain all expended uses of the farseeing power as a swift action.
SKILLED ADVISOR (Star Wars, pg. 39): You can spend a full-round action advising an ally, thereby granting her a +5 bonus on her next skill check. If you spend a Force Point, the bonus
increases to + 10. The target must be able (and willing) to hear and understand your advice. You cannot advise yourself. This is a mind-affecting effect.
VISIONARY ATTACK (Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 24): As a reaction, you can make a Use the Force check after you or an ally within 12 squares misses with a melee or ranged attack,
removing one use of the farseeing Force power from your active suite (as though you had activated the power). If your check result equals or exceeds the Will Defense of the target of
that missed attack, the attacker can reroll the missed attack roll. This counts as using the farseeing Force power against that target, but this talent replaces the normal rules and effect of
that power. Any attack can only be affected by this talent once (thus, multiple characters cannot use this talent on the same attack to allow multiple rerolls). You take a cumulative -5
penalty on use the force checks until the beginning of your next turn when you use this talent.
Prerequisite: farseeing, WatchCircle Initiate.
VISIONARY DEFENSE (Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 25): As a reaction, you can make a Use the Force check after you or an ally within 12 squares is the target of a melee or ranged
attack (but before the results of the attack roll are known), removing one use of the farseeing Force power from your active suite (as though you had just activated the power). If your
check result exceeds the Will Defense of the attacker, you grant the target of the attack a +5 Force bonus to Reflex Defense against the attacker, but this talent replaces the normal rules
and effect of that power. Any attack can only be affected by this talent once (thus, multiple characters cannot use this talent on the same attack to allow multiple rerolls). You take a
cumulative -5 penalty on use the Force checks until the beginning of your next turn when you use this talent.
Prerequisite: farseeing, WatchCircle Initiate.
WATCHCIRCLE INITIATE (Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 25): As a reaction, you can make a Use the force check
(DC 15) and remove one use of the farseeing Force power from your active suite (as though you had activated the power). You subtract 1 from your Force Point total (this cannot be
subtracted from temporary Force Points, and does not count as spending a Force Point) and add 1 to the Force point total of an ally within line of sight. This counts as using the
farseeing Force power against that target, but this talent replaces the normal rules and effect of that power.
Prerequisites: farseeing.


Jedi that follow the path of the guardian are more combat-oriented than other Jedi, honing their skills to become deadly combatants.
ACROBATIC RECOVERY (Star Wars, pg. 40): If an effect causes you to fall prone, you can make a DC 20 Acrobatics check to remain on your feet.
BATTLE MEDITATION (Star Wars, pg. 40): The Jedi technique known as Battle Meditation allows you and your allies to work together seamlessly and with a level of precision that can
only come from the Force. As a full-round action, you can spend a Force Point to give you and all allies within 6 squares of you a + 1 insight bonus on attack rolls that lasts until the end of
the encounter.
This bonus does not extend to allies outside the range of the effect, even if they move within 6 squares of you later on. Allies who benefit from the Battle Meditation must remain within
6 squares of you to retain the insight bonus, and they lose it if you are knocked unconscious or killed. This is a mind-affecting effect.
CLOSE MANEUVERING (Rebellion Era, pg. 23): Once per turn, you can use a swift action to designate a target. Until the start of your next turn, your movement does not provoke attacks
of opportunity from that target, provided that you end your movement adjacent to that target.
COVER ESCAPE (Galaxy at War, pg. 18): When you successfully spend a Force Point to negate a melee attack against an adjacent ally with the Block or Deflect talents, that ally can move
up to 2 squares as a free action. This movement does not provoke an attack of opportunity.
DEFENSIVE ACUITY (Legacy Era, pg. 27): When you take the fight defensively action, you deal +1 die of damage with lightsaber attacks and gain a +2 circumstance bonus on Use the
Force checks made to negate an attack with the Block or Deflect talents. These benefits last until the end of your next turn.
ELUSIVE TARGET (Star Wars, pg. 40): When fighting an opponent or multiple opponents in melee, other opponents attempting to target you with ranged attacks take a -5 penalty. This
penalty is in addition to the normal -5 penalty for firing into melee (see Shooting or Throwing into a Melee, page 161), making the penalty to target you -10.
EXPOSING STRIKE (Clone Wars, pg. 22): When you use a lightsaber to deal damage to a target, you can spend a Force Point to make that target flat-footed until the end of your next
FORCE INTUITION (Star Wars, pg. 40): You can use your Use the Force check modifier instead of your Initiative modifier when making Initiative checks. You are considered trained in the
Initiative skill. If you are entitled to an Initiative check reroll, you may reroll your Use the Force check instead (subject to the same circumstances and limitations).
FORCEFUL WARRIOR (The Force Unleashed, pg. 24): When you score a critical hit with a lightsaber, you gain 1 temporary Force Point. If the Force Point is not used before the end of the
encounter, it is lost.
GRENADE DEFENSE (Jedi Academy, pg. 14): You can use the Move Light Object application of the Use the Force skill to cast aside grenades that are thrown at you. As a reaction when
you are attacked by a grenade of any kind, you can make a Use the Force check with a DC equal to the attack roll of the incoming grenade attack. If your check equals or beats the DC,
you hurl the grenade to a location where it explodes harmlessly, negating the attack. Whether or not you are successful, you take a -5 penalty on Use the Force checks until the start of
your next turn.
GUARDIAN STRIKE (Clone Wars, pg. 22): Whenever you use a lightsaber to deal damage to a target, that target takes a -2 penalty on attack rolls against any target other than you until
the beginning of your next turn.
HOLD THE LINE (Jedi Academy, pg. 14): When you make a successful attack of opportunity against a target leaving your threatened area, you stop the target’s movement, ending its
IMMOVABLE (Rebellion Era, pg. 23): You can activate this talent as a swift action. Until the start of your next turn, anyone attempting to move you involuntarily (such as with a bantha
rush or the move object Force power) takes a -5 penalty to attack rolls or skill checks made to use the effect that would move you. An enemy can only take the penalty from this talent
once per attempt, regardless of how many targets have used this talent.
IMPROVED BATTLE MEDITATION (Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 25): You may activate your Battle Meditation talent as a swift action instead of as a full-round action. The range of the
Battle Meditation extends out to 12 squares. Enemies within the radius of your Battle Meditation suffer a -1 penalty to all attack rolls.
Prerequisite: Battle Meditation.
MOBILE COMBATANT (The Force Unleashed, pg. 24): When you end your movement adjacent to an opponent, you can spend a swift action to activate this talent. If the designated
opponent moves or withdraws before the beginning of your next turn, you can choose to move with that opponent, up to a total distance equal to your current speed. Unless your
opponent uses the withdraw action or makes an Acrobatics check to avoid attacks of opportunity, its movement provokes an attack of opportunity from you for the first square moved
as normal (but not subsequent squares in the same movement). If your target moves farther than your speed, you must still end this movement closer to the target than you began.
RESILIENCE (Star Wars, pg. 40): You can spend a full-round action to move +2 steps up the condition track (see Conditions, page 148).


The Jedi that follow the path of the sentinel are the true enemies of the dark side, hunting down evil and stopping the spread of darkness wherever they go. You are a master of subtlety
and difficult to tempt with the dark side, even when constantly confronted with its power.
CLEAR MIND (Star Wars, pg. 40): You may reroll any opposed Use the Force check made to avoid being detected by other Force-users. You must take the result of the reroll, even if it is
DAMPEN PRESENCE (The Force Unleashed, pg. 24): When you interact with another sentient creature, you can use a swift action to reduce the impression you leave on it. When you
have finished interacting with the creature, you make a Use the Force check, and if the check result exceeds the target’s Will Defense, it does not remember interacting with you once
you are gone. A target that is higher in level than you gains a +5 bonus to its Will defense to resist this ability. This is a mind-affecting effect.
DARK RETALIATION (Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 25): Once per encounter, you can spend a Force Point to activate a Force power as a reaction to being targeted by a power with
the [dark side] descriptor.
Prerequisite: Sentinel Strike.
DARK SIDE BANE (Legacy Era, pg. 27): When you use a damage-dealing Force power against a creature with a Dark Side Score of 1 or higher, you deal extra damage on a hit equal to
your Charisma bonus (minimum +1).
Prerequisite: Dark Side Sense.
DARK SIDE SENSE (Star Wars, pg. 40): Jedi following the path of the sentinel become exceptionally talented at rooting out evil. You may reroll any Use the Force check made to sense
the presence and relative location of characters with a Dark Side Score of 1 or higher. You must take the result of the re roll, even if it is worse.
DARK SIDE SCOURGE (Star Wars, pg. 40): Against creatures with a Dark Side Score of 1 or higher, you deal extra damage on melee attacks equal to your Charisma bonus (minimum +1).
Prerequisite: Dark Side Sense.
FORCE HAZE (Star Wars, pg. 40): You can spend a Force Point as a standard action to create a "haze" that hides you and your allies from the perceptions of others. You can hide a
number of creatures in line of sight equal to your class level. Make a Use the Force check and compare the result to the Will Defense of any opponent that moves into line of sight of any
creature hidden by your Force haze. If your check result beats the opponent's Will Defense, all hidden creatures are treated as if they had total concealment against that opponent.
The Force haze lasts up to 1 minute but is dismissed instantly if anyone hidden by the Force haze makes an attack.
Prerequisite: Clear Mind.
GRADUAL RESISTANCE (Rebellion Era, pg. 23): If you take damage from the use of a Force power, until the end of the encounter you gain a +2 Force bonus to all defenses against that
Force power.
MASTER OF THE GREAT HUNT (Jedi Academy, pg. 14): You gain a +1 Force bonus on attack rolls and deal +1 die of damage on lightsaber attacks made against a beast with a Dark Side of
PERSISTENT HAZE (Scum and Villainy, pg. 13): Whenever anyone concealed by your use of the Force Haze talent attacks, you maintain total concealment without having to make
another Use the Force check. Only those who do not attack remain concealed; the attacker no longer has total concealment, even when using this talent.
Prerequisites: Clear Mind, Force Haze.
PRIME TARGETS (Galaxy at War, pg. 18): When you hit a target with a lightsaber attack, if the target has not been attacked since the end of your last turn, you deal +1 die of damage.
REAP RETRIBUTION (Rebellion Era, pg. 23): If you take damage from the use of a Force power, until the end of the encounter you deal an extra 2 points of damage against the creature
that used the Force power against you.
RESIST THE DARK SIDE (Star Wars, pg. 40): You gain a +5 Force bonus to all Defense scores against Force powers with the [dark side} descriptor and Force powers originating from any
dark Force-user (that is, any Force-user whose Dark Side Score equals his Wisdom score).
Prerequisite: Dark Side Sense.
SENSE PRIMAL FORCE (Unknown Regions, pg. 19): Jedi who spend time in a diverse wilderness learn the nuances of the living Force at work within a wild ecosystem. When within a
natural wilderness area, such as a jungle, a forest, a steppe, a swamp, or plains, you tap into the vibrant living Force of the area and can use Sense Surroundings to detect targets out to a
30-square radius, regardless of line of sight.
SENTINEL STRIKE (Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 25): Any time you attack a flat-footed opponent (or one who is denied its Dexterity bonus to Reflex Defense against you) with a
damage-dealing Force power or attack with a lightsaber, you deal an extra 1d6 damage with that attack. This talent does not affect Force powers with the [dark side] descriptor.
You can select this talent multiple times. Each time you select it, your Sentinel Strike damage increases by 1d6 (maximum +5d6).
SENTINEL’S GAMBIT (Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 25): Once per encounter, as a swift action, you can designate an adjacent enemy with a Dark Side Score of 1 or higher as the target
of this talent. The designated enemy loses its Dexterity bonus to Reflex Defense against your attacks until the end of your next turn.
SENTINEL'S OBSERVATION (Clone Wars, pg. 22): If you have concealment against a target, you gain a +2 circumstance bonus on attack rolls against that target.
STEEL RESOLVE (The Force Unleashed, pg. 24): When you use a standard action to make a melee attack, you can take a penalty of -1 to -5 on your attack roll and add twice that value
(+2 to +10) as an insight bonus to your Will Defense. This bonus may not exceed your base attack bonus. The changes to attack rolls and Will Defense last until the start of your nest turn.
UNSEEN EYES (Clone Wars, pg. 22): Whenever you use the Force Haze talent, allies hidden by the haze can reroll any Perception check, keeping the better result. Additionally, allies
hidden by the haze gain +2 on all damage rolls against foes that are unaware of them.
Prerequisites: Clear Mind, Force Haze.


The lightsaber is the chosen weapon of the Jedi. Not as clumsy or random as a blaster, the lightsaber is an elegant weapon for a more civilized combatant.
The following talents allow you to improve your prowess with a lightsaber.
BLOCK (Star Wars, pg. 41): As a reaction, you may negate a melee attack by making a successful Use the Force check. The DC of the skill check is equal to the result of the attack roll you
wish to negate, and you take a cumulative -5 penalty on your Use the Force check for every time you have used Block or Deflect since the beginning of your last turn. You may use the
Block talent to negate melee area attacks, such as those made by the Whirlwind Attack feat. If you succeed on the Use the Force check, you take half damage if the attack hits and no
damage if the attack misses. You may spend a Force point to use this talent to negate an attack against an adjacent character. You must have a lightsaber drawn and ignited to use this
talent, and you must be aware of the attack and not flat-footed.
CORTOSIS GAUNTLET BLOCK (Legacy Era, pg. 27): You have received additional training in the use of Cortosis gauntlets (see page 183). You can use the Block talent, even when not
armed with a lightsaber, provided you are wearing a cortosis gauntlet. If you successfully block an attack with a lightsaber while wearing a cortosis gauntlet, the attacking lightsaber is
DEFLECT (Star Wars, pg. 41): As a reaction, you may negate a ranged attack by making a successful Use the Force check. The DC of the skill check is equal to the result of the attack roll
you wish to negate, and you take a cumulative -5 penalty on your Use the Force check for every time you have used Block or Deflect since the beginning of your last turn. You may spend
a Force Point to use this talent to negate an attack against an adjacent character. You must have a lightsaber drawn and ignited to use this talent, and you must be aware of the attack
and not flat-footed.
You can use this talent to deflect some of the barrage of shots fired from a ranged weapon set on autofire, or the Force lightning Force power. If you succeed on the Use the Force check,
you take half damage if the attack hits and no damage if the attack misses.
LIGHTSABER DEFENSE (Star Wars, pg. 41): As a swift action, you can use your lightsaber to parry your opponents' attacks, gaining a + 1 deflection bonus to your Reflex Defense until the
start of your next turn. You must have a lightsaber drawn and ignited to use this talent, and you don't gain the deflection bonus if you are flat-footed or otherwise unaware of the
incoming attack. You can take this talent multiple times; each time you take this talent, the deflection bonus increases by + 1 (maximum +3).
LIGHTSABER THROW (Star Wars, pg. 41): You can throw a lightsaber as a standard action, treating it as a thrown weapon (without this talent, a thrown lightsaber is considered an
improvised thrown weapon). You are considered proficient with the thrown lightsaber, and you apply the normal range penalties to the attack roll (see Table 8-5: Range Penalties). The
thrown lightsaber deals normal weapon damage if it hits.
If your target is no more than 6 squares away, you can pull your lightsaber back to your hand as a swift action by making a DC 20 Use the Force check.
PRECISE REDIRECT (Rebellion Era, pg. 24): Whenever you successfully redirect a blaster bolt and hit your target, the redirected attack deals +1 die of damage.
Prerequisite: Redirect Shot.
PRECISION (Legacy Era, pg. 27): As a standard action, you can make a melee attack with a lightsaber against an adjacent opponent. If the attack hits, it deals normal damage and also
reduces the target’s speed to 2 squares until the end of your next turn.
REDIRECT SHOT (Star Wars, pg. 41): This talent allows you to redirect a deflected blaster bolt along a specific trajectory so that it damages another creature or object in its path. Once
per round when you successfully deflect a blaster bolt, you can make an immediate ranged attack against another target with which you have line of sight. Apply the normal range
penalties to the attack roll (see Table 8-5: Range Penalties), not counting the distance the bolt traveled to reach you. If the attack succeeds, it deals normal weapon damage to the
Only single blaster bolts can be redirected in this manner. Barrages from autofire weapons and other types of projectiles can't be redirected.
Prerequisites: Deflect, base attack bonus +5.
RIPOSTE (Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 25): As a reaction once per encounter, make a lightsaber attack against a being whose attack you negate using the Block lightsaber combat
talent (page 41 of the Saga Edition core rulebook). Only non-area melee attacks can be riposted in this manner; you cannot use this talent when negating the damage from melee area
attacks (such as those made with the Whirlwind Attack feat).
Prerequisites: Block, base attack bonus +5.
SHOTO FOCUS (Jedi Academy, pg. 14): Whenever you wield both a one-handed lightsaber and a shoto (or guard shoto), you gain a +2 competence bonus on attack rolls made with the
WEAPON SPECIALIZATION (LIGHTSABERS) (Star Wars, pg. 41): You gain a +2 bonus on melee damage rolls with lightsabers.
Prerequisite: Weapon Focus (Iightsabers) feat (see page 89).

The Force grants you considerable power over your environment as well as others around you.
AVERSION (Clone Wars, pg. 53): As a swift action, you can spend a Force Point to radiate an invisible aura that makes other beings want to avoid you. Until the end of the encounter, all
squares within 2 squares of you are considered difficult terrain for your enemies.
This is a mind-affecting effect.
DISCIPLINED STRIKE (Star Wars Core, pg. 100): Whenever you use a Force power that has an area effect (such as Force slam). you may exclude a certain number of targets from the
effects of that power. The number of targets that you may exclude in this manner is equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum of 1).
FORCE FLOW (Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 52): For reasons unknown to you, the Living Force flows through you in an irregular fashion. Whenever you roll a natural 1 on an attack
roll or Use the Force check, you gain one temporary Force Point. If you do not spend this Force Point before the end of the encounter, it is lost.
ILLUSION (Jedi Academy, pg. 14 & Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 52 & The Force Unleashed, pg. 87): As a standard action, you can spend a Force Point to create an illusion that seems
perfectly real to anyone who views it. You designate the form and complexity of the illusion, as well as its size and location.
Make a Use the Force check. When a creature views the illusion, compare the result of your Use the Force check to the creature’s Will Defense. If your check result equals or exceeds its
Will Defense, it believes the illusion to be real. Any physical interaction with the illusion (such as touching it, passing through it, or shooting it with a blaster) immediately reveals the true
nature of the illusion to all who can see it, and the creature is no longer deceived. The illusion lasts for a number of minutes equal to your heroic level.
The illusion’s size also affects your Use the Force check, applying a penalty for exceptionally large illusions. The penalties are -1 for Huge illusions, -2 for Gargantuan illusions, -5 for
Colossal, and -10 for Colossal (frigate) or larger illusions.
This is a mind-affecting effect.
Prerequisite: Mind Trick.
ILLUSION BOND (Jedi Academy, pg. 15): Whenever you create an illusion of a humanoid using the Illusion talent, you are able to see and hear as though you were standing in the space
occupied by your illusion.
Prerequisite: Illusion.
INFLUENCE SAVANT (Jedi Academy, pg. 15): Once per encounter as a swift action, you can return one Force power with the [mind-affecting] descriptor to your Force suite without
spending a Force Point.
You can select this talent multiple times. Each time you select it, you can use it one additional time per encounter.
LINK (Jedi Academy, pg. 15): You can lend your strength in the Force to another character, creating a bond between you through which the Force flows. As a standard action, you can
designate one willing ally within 12 squares of you and in your line of sight. This ally must be trained in the Use the Force skill. As long as you remain within 12 squares of each other, you
can aid each other on Use the Force checks as a reaction. However, the character using the aid another reaction takes a -5 penalty on all Use the Force checks until the end of his next
This link lasts until the end of the encounter, or until you or your ally ends the link (a free action). You can have only one active link at a time.
MASQUERADE (Jedi Academy, pg. 15): You can use the Illusion talent to create a disguise for yourself. You can use the result of your Use the Force check made to create the illusion for
the purposes of creating a deceptive appearance, as per the application of the Deception skill. All other rules and restrictions for using the Illusion talent still apply.
Prerequisite: Illusion.
MOVE MASSIVE OBJECT (Legacy Era, pg. 55): When you successfully use the move object power to move an object of Large size or bigger, you can make an area attack with the object
instead of throwing it at or dropping it on a single target, as normal for the power. You must spend a Force Point when you activate the power to do this, and the area you target is
based on the size of the object: Large, 2x2; Huge , 3x3; Gargantuan, 4x4; Colossal and larger, 6x6.
When you use move object to make an area attack with the object you are moving, you compare your Use the Force check to the Reflex Defense of each creature, droid, and vehicle in
the target area. If your check equals or exceeds the target’s reflex Defense, it takes damage from the object (as determined by the move object power). Otherwise, the target takes half
damage. This is an area effect.
Prerequisite: Telekinetic Power, move object.
SUPPRESS FORCE (Jedi Academy, pg. 15): You can convince other that they have been cut off from the Force, even if that is not the case, preventing them from making Use the Force
checks. Whenever a target with an Intelligence of 3 or higher within 12 squares of you and in your line of sight attempts to make a Use the Force check for any reason, you can spend
one use of the mind trick Force power as a reaction. You make a Use the Force check, and if your Use the Force check equals or exceeds the target’s Use the Force check result, that
target’s skill check is negated, and the action it was attempting fails.
Prerequisites: Influence Savant, mind trick.
TELEKINETIC POWER (Star Wars Core, pg. 100): Whenever you roll a natural 20 on your Use the Force check to activate a power with the [telekinetic] descriptor, you may choose to use
that power again immediately as a free action. You may direct the second use of the Force power against any eligible target.
TELEKINETIC PRODIGY (The Force Unleashed, pg. 88): When you take the Force training feat and select move object as one of your Force powers, you can also select one extra power to
add to your Force suite for free. This power must be one of the powers affected by the Telekinetic Savant talent. You can gain only one extra power each time you take the Force
Training feat, regardless of how many times you choose the move object power. If you increase your Wisdom score at a later time and select the move object power, you only gain an
additional power if you did not take the move object power when you first chose that feat. Otherwise, you gain an additional Force power as normal. If you increase your Wisdom score
at a later time and select the move object power, you only gain an additional power if you did not take the move object power when you first chose that feat. Otherwise, you gain an
additional Force power as normal.
Prerequisite: Telekinetic Savant.
TELEKINETIC SAVANT (Star Wars Core, pg. 100): Once per encounter as a swift action, you may return one Force power with the [telekinetic] descriptor to your suite without spending a
Force Point.
You may select this talent multiple times. Each time you select it, you may use this talent one additional time per encounter.
TELEPATHIC INFLUENCE (Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 53): You naturally and unconsciously influence those who are regularly around you. Whenever you roll a natural 20 on an
attack roll or Use the Force check, instead of regaining all your spent Force powers you may instead choose to grant one ally within 12 squares a temporary Force Point. If your ally does
not use this temporary Force Point before the end of the encounter, it is lost.
Prerequisites: Telepathic Link, trained in Use the Force.
TELEPATHIC LINK (Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 53): You form an enhanced telepathic link with a willing ally with the Force Sensitivity feat as a swift action. This link is maintained
until you choose to remove it (no action required). As long as you remain within one kilometre or your target, you and the target can communicate telepathically as though you were
speaking. Once per encounter, you may use a Force power from your target’s suite (if the target consents), or you may allow the target to use one of your Force powers. You may only
have one telepathic link active at a time.
Prerequisite: Trained in Use the Force.


You have learned how to regulate your own body systems, control your emotions, and channel the Force.
BEAST TRICK (Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 53): You can use the mind trick Force power on creatures of Intelligence 2 or lower. However, a beast with an Intelligence of 2 or less still
cannot perform any complex action or understand complex commands it wouldn’t otherwise be able to understand; an affected beast might understand “Attack those Sith troopers!”
but it would not comprehend, “Break into the command center and disable the communications array.”
CHANNEL ENERGY (Jedi Academy, pg. 16): Whenever you use the negate energy Force power to successfully negate the damage from an energy weapon attack, you can spend a Force
Point as a reaction to immediately activate any Force power currently in your Force suite.
Prerequisite: Negate energy.
DAMAGE REDUCTION 10 (Star Wars Core, pg. 101): You can spend a Force Point as a standard action to gain damage reduction 10 for 1 minute (see Damage Reduction, page 158).
EQUILIBRIUM (Star Wars Core, pg. 101): As a swift action, you can spend a Force Point to remove all debilitating conditions affecting you and return to a normal state (see Conditions,
page 148).
FORCE EXERTION (The Force Unleashed, pg. 88): When you select this talent, choose one Force power that you have in your Force power suite. As a reaction, you can remove any one
Force power from your active suite to add an extra use of the Force power designated by this talent. Doing so move you -1 persistent step along the condition track. This persistent
condition is removed by resting for 1 minute.
You can select this talent multiple times. Each time you do so, you choose a different Force power to be gained by using this talent.
Prerequisite: Force Training feat.
FORCE FOCUS (Star Wars Core, pg. 101): As a full-round action, you may make a DC 15 Use the Force check. If the check succeeds, you regain one spent Force power of your choice.
FORCE HARMONY (Jedi Academy, pg. 16): Once per encounter, you can activate one Force talent that requires a Force point to use without spending a Force point.
FORCE RECOVERY (Star Wars Core, pg. 101): Whenever you use your second wind (see Second Wind, page 146), you regain a number of additional hit points equal to 1d6 per Force
Point you possess (maximum lOd6).
Prerequisite: Equilibrium.
FORCE SUPPRESSION (Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 53): If you use the rebuke Force power to attempt to negate or redirect a Force power used against you but fail to overcome your
opponent’s Use the Force check result, you instead lessen the effect of the Force power by one step. For example, if an opponent attempted to use the Slow Force power on you and
rolled a 21, if you fail to rebuke the power you only suffer the DC 15 effect instead of the DC 20 effect. This talent only affects Force powers that have variable effects based on your
opponent’s Use the Force checks, and powers with static DCs without variable effects {such as Force lightning) are unaffected.
Prerequisite: rebuke Force power.
INDOMITABLE WILL (The Force Unleashed, pg. 88): You can spend a Force Point as a standard action to become immune to all mind-affecting effects for 1 minute.
TELEKINETIC STABILITY (Legacy Era, pg. 55): Whenever an attack or effect would normally move you against your will (such as being targeted by a Bantha Rush, or being moved by Force
thrust or stagger power), you can spend a Force Point to negate that movement.
THE WILL TO RESIST (Clone Wars, pg. 53): Once per turn, as a reaction to being targeted by a Force power or other ability that targets your Will Defense, you can make a Use the Force
check and replace your Will Defense with the result of the Use the Force check. After you make this check, until the end of your next turn, you take a -5 penalty on all Use the Force
Your attunement to the Force grants you uncanny powers of perception.
FEEL THE FORCE (The Force Unleashed, pg. 88): As a standard action, you can spend a Force Point to ignore all concealment for 1 minute.
FORCE PERCEPTION (Star Wars Core, pg. 101): You can make a Use the Force check instead of a Perception check to avoid surprise, notice enemies, sense deception, or sense influence
(see the Perception skill, page 70). You are considered trained in the Perception skill. If you are entitled to a Perception check reroll, you may reroll your Use the Force check instead
(subject to the same circumstances and limitations).
FORCE PILOT (Star Wars Core, pg. 101): You can use your Use the Force check modifier instead of your Pilot check modifier when making Pilot checks. You are considered trained in the
Pilot skill. If you are entitled to a Pilot check reroll, you may reroll your Use the Force check instead (subject to the same circumstances and limitations).
FORCE REFLEXES (Starships of the Galaxy, pg. 16): When activating a starship maneuver, you may spend a Force Point to reroll your Pilot check, keeping the better result. See Chapter 2
for more information on starship maneuvers.
Prerequisites: Force Sensitivity, Starship Tactics, Force Pilot.
FORESIGHT (Star Wars Core, pg. 101): You may spend a Force Point to reroll an Initiative check, keeping the better of the two rolls. Additionally, if you roll a natural 20 on the Initiative
check reroll, you immediately regain the Force Point spent to activate this talent.
Prerequisite: Force Perception.
GAUGE FORCE POTENTIAL (Star Wars Core, pg. 101): By focusing on a specific creature in your line of sight, you can gauge how strong in the Force it is. This takes a standard action and
requires a Use the Force check. If your check result meets or beats the target's Will Defense, you know whether or not it has the Force Sensitivity feat, you know how many Force
powers it knows (but not which ones, specifically), and you know how many Force Points it has currently.
Prerequisite: Force Perception.
HEIGHTENED AWARENESS (Clone Wars, pg. 53): You can spend a Force Point to add your Charisma bonus to your Perception check.
You can select this talent multiple times. Each time you select this talent, you add your Charisma bonus an additional time.
INSTINCTIVE NAVIGATION (Jedi Academy, pg. 17): You can substitute your Use the Force skill for any Use Computer check made to astrogate or operate sensors while you are the pilot
of a vehicle.
Prerequisite: Force Pilot.
MOTION OF THE FUTURE (Jedi Academy, pg. 17): As a swift action, you can peer into the future in search of signs of danger, removing one use of the farseeing Force power from your
active suite (as though you had just activated the power). Any time before the end of your next turn when you are the target of an attack or Force power, you can force your attacker to
reroll the attack roll (or Use the Force check) against you, keeping the second result. This counts as using the farseeing Force power against the attacker, but this talent replaces the
normal rules and effect of that power.
Prerequisite: Force Perception.
PSYCHOMETRY (Clone Wars, pg. 53): When you use the farseeing Force power, you can choose to target an object you hold instead of a character or creature. You can look into the
targeted object's past, up to a maximum of 5 years per your character level. Any information gained about the object's past is based on the thoughts and emotions of the person holding
or carrying the object at the time you perceive, which can skew the results of the vision.
Prerequisites: Force Perception, farseeing.
SHIFT SENSE (Clone Wars, pg. 53): You can spend a Force Point to gain low-light vision for 1 minute or until the end of the encounter, whichever is longer.
VISIONS (Star Wars Core, pg. 101): Whenever you use the farseeing Force power, you can spend a Force Point as a swift action to see into the target's past or future instead of the
glimpsing the target in the present. You declare how far into the target's past or future you wish to look, up to a maximum of 1 year per your character level. Any information gained
about a target's future is subject to change, depending on whether steps are taken to alter that future.
Prerequisites: Force Perception, farseeing.


The light side of the Force is not the easiest course to follow, but its promise of peace and harmony can help even the most weak-willed of Force-users on the right path.
You must have a Dark Side Score of 0 to select talents from this tree; if your Dark Side Score ever increases to at least 1, you lose access to all talents in this talent tree until your Dark
Side Score drops back to 0.
AT PEACE (Clone Wars, pg. 53): You can spend a Force Point to gain a +2 Force bonus to all defenses until the end of the encounter or until you attack, whichever comes first.
ATTUNED (Clone Wars, pg. 53): When you roll a natural 20 on an attack roll against a target with a Dark Side Score of 1 or higher, you can activate a single Force power with the [light
side) descriptor immediately as a free action.
Prerequisite: Focused Attack.
FOCUSED ATTACK (Clone Wars, pg. 53): You can spend a Force Point to reroll an attack against a creature with a Dark Side Score of 1 or higher, keeping the better of the two rolls.
SURGE OF LIGHT (Clone Wars, pg. 53): Once per encounter, as a swift action, you can return any Force power with the [light side} descriptor to your suite without spending a Force
You can select this talent multiple times. Each time you select it, you can use this talent one additional time per encounter.


The path to the dark side of the Force is the quick and easy path, granting amazing power but forever dominating the destinies of those in its grasp.
You must have a Dark Side Score of 1 or higher to select talents from this tree; if your Dark Side Score is ever reduced to 0, you lose access to all talents in this talent tree until your Dark
Side Score increases.
CONSUMED BY DARKNESS (Clone Wars, pg. 53): Sometimes your anger consumes you. As a swift action, you can take a -5 penalty to your Will Defense to gain a +2 Force bonus on
attack rolls. The penalty and bonus last until the beginning of your next turn.
DARK PRESENCE (Star Wars Core, pg. 101): As a standard action, you grant yourself and all allies within 6 squares of you a + 1 Force bonus to all defenses until the end of the encounter.
These bonuses are lost if you fall unconscious or die. Affected allies that move out of range lose the benefits for as long as they remain out of range.
Prerequisites: Charisma 13, Power of the Dark Side.
DARK PRESERVATION (Legacy Era, pg. 55): Whenever an effect would normally move you down the condition track, you may spend a Force Point and increase your Dark Side Score by 1
to negate that movement down the condition track.
Prerequisite: Power of the Dark Side.
DARK SIDE SAVANT (Jedi Academy, pg. 16): Once per encounter as a swift action, you can return one Force power with the [dark side] descriptor to your Force suite without spending a
Force Point.
You can select this talent multiple times. Each time you select it, you can use it one additional time per encounter.
DRAIN KNOWLEDGE (Threats of the Galaxy, pg. 30): As a standard action, you can spend a Force Point to drain the knowledge of an enemy you touch; you must succeed on a Use the
Force check (DC equal to the target’s Will Defense) to activate this talent, and if you fail to activate this talent, you may not try again on the same target for one day. If successful, you
immediately become trained in one skill that the target is trained in; if you are already trained in that skill, you instead gain Skill Focus in that skill. This training or focus lasts for one day.
Additionally, your target moves -1 persistent step along the condition track, and the persistent condition can be removed only by resting for 8 hours.
Additionally, you can choose to instead sift through the mind of the target, looking for specific piece of knowledge or information. Doing so requires you to make a Perception check
against the target’s Will Defense; success indicates that you pull the relevant information from the target’s mind. When you do so, you do not gain the training or focus normally granted
by this talent, but otherwise the talent functions as normal.
Using this talent increases your Dark Side Score by 1.
POWER OF THE DARK SIDE (Star Wars Core, pg. 101): You allow your hatred to fuel your attacks. Whenever you spend a Force Point to modify an attack roll, you may choose to roll an
additional bonus die and take the best result. However, doing so increases your Dark Side Score by 1.
For example, a 1st-level character with this talent could increase his Dark Side Score by 1 to roll 2d6 instead of 1d6, taking the best die result and applying it as a bonus on his attack roll.
REVENGE (Star Wars Core, pg. 101): Whenever an ally of equal or higher level than you is killed or reduced to 0 hit points within your line of sight, you gain a +2 Force bonus on attack
rolls and damage rolls until the end of the encounter. (Since Force bonuses do not stack, you don't get a higher bonus if more than one ally falls in the same encounter.)
Prerequisites: Dark Presence, Power of the Dark Side.
SWIFT POWER (Star Wars Core, pg. 101): Once per day, you can use a Force power that normally takes a standard action or move action as a swift action.
Prerequisite: Power of the Dark Side.
TRANSFER ESSENCE (Jedi Academy, pg. 16): When you die, you become a dark spirit [see page 118] until the end of the encounter. You continue to occupy a space in this form, but
other creatures can occupy the same space or move through your space without impediment. As a standard action, you can attempt to possess an adjacent target. You must succeed on
a Use the Force check against an adjacent target’s Will Defense. If your check result equals or exceeds the target’s Will Defense, you deal 8d6 points of stun damage to the target; if you
reduce the target to 0 hit points or move it to the bottom of the condition track with this attack, you possess the target as though it were a willing host [see the dark spirit template for
Alternately, as a standard action, you can transfer your essence into a single adjacent object, such as a holocron or a lightsaber. If you do so, you lie dormant within the object until
another creature attempts to use that object, at which time you can emerge and attempt to possess the creature, as described above.
If you do not possess a creature or object within 10 rounds of manifesting as a dark spirit, your spirit dissipates and ceases to exist.
Prerequisites: Dark Side Score equal to your Wisdom score.
WRATH OF THE DARK SIDE (The Force Unleashed, pg. 88): When you roll a natural 20 on a Use the Force check to activate a Force power that directly deals damage to a target, you can
choose not to regain all of your spent Force powers as normal and instead the targets damaged by the power take half that damage again at the start of their next turn. Only powers
that directly damage the target are subject to this talent, including corruption, Force blast, Force grip, Force Lightning, Force slam, Force storm, Force thrust (only spending a Force Point),
and repulse (only when spending a Force Point).
Prerequisite: Power of the Dark Side.


You have a spirit watching over you, providing advice and continuing your training in the Force. Although Force spirits cannot physically aid you, their guidance is critical to your success.
CRUCIAL ADVICE (Jedi Academy, pg. 17): Once per encounter, when you fail a skill check, you can reroll the skill check with a +2 circumstance bonus. (In the case of skill checks with
multiple possible results, such as when activating a Force power with multiple possible results, such as when activating a Force power with multiple effects, failing a skill check is defined
achieving less than the minimum DC for that check.)
DISTRACTING APPARITION (Jedi Academy, pg. 17): When you have a manifested guardian spirit, the spirit also discourages your enemies and distracts them from their goals. Any
enemy within 3 squares of your guardian spirit takes a -2 penalty to Will Defense and a -2 penalty on attack rolls against you.
Prerequisite: Manifest Guardian Spirit.
GUARDIAN SPIRIT (Jedi Academy, pg. 16): You have a guardian spirit watching over you from the realm of the Force, providing you with insight and advice. Your guardian spirit might be
an old mentor or an ancient member of your Force tradition who has chosen to guide you to your destiny. When you use the Search Your Feelings application of the Use the Force skill,
you can instead choose to consult your guardian spirit. When you do so, you learn more than just whether the results of your actions will be favourable or unfavourable; you also learn
the nature of any immediate consequences, including potential encounters, and whether or not certain actions will bring you closer to achieving your destiny.
Additionally, you gain one bonus Force Point each day (available after you rest for at least 6 hours). This bonus Force Point can only be used to improve a Force power or activate a Force
technique or a Force secret. If you do not spend your bonus Force Point in a given day, it is lost at the start of the next day.
MANIFEST GUARDIAN SPIRIT (Jedi Academy, pg. 17): You can spend a Force Point as a swift action to have your guardian spirit manifest for the duration of the encounter. Your
guardian spirit appears in any square within 6 squares of you. A guardian spirit occupies a space, but creatures can move though the guardian spirit without obstruction. As long as the
guardian spirit remains within 12 squares of you, you gain a +1 morale bonus on attack rolls, a +2 morale bonus on Use the Force checks, and a +2 morale bonus to Will Defense. You can
move the guardian spirit up to 6 squares as a swift action once per turn.
VITAL ENCOURAGEMENT (Jedi Academy, pg. 17): Once per encounter, your guardian spirit offers you vital encouragement, urging you to press on despise adversity. As a free action,
you gain bonus hit points equal to 10 + one-half your heroic level. Damage is subtracted from bonus hit points first, and any bonus hit points remaining at the end of the encounter are

You have studied the ways of your enemies and have learned how to read the actions and thoughts of others. You can predict what they will do, and you gain advantage over them by
anticipating their every move.
ABTICIPATE MOVEMENT (Galaxy at War, pg. 18): Once per round, as a reaction to an enemy in your line of sight moving, you can enable one ally within your line of sight to move up to
his or her speed as a free action.
FOREWARN ALLIES (Galaxy at War, pg. 18): All allies within 12 squares of you gain a +2 insight bonus on attack rolls and damage rolls for attacks of opportunity.
GET DOWN (Galaxy at War, pg. 18): As a reaction, when an ally is targeted by a ranged attack, you can enable that ally to drop prone immediately (imposing the normal -2 penalty for a
ranged attack against a prone target to the triggering attack roll) as a free action.
HEAVY FIRE ZONE (Galaxy at War, pg. 18): Once per turn, a swift action, designate a 3x3 square area within your line of sight. Until the end of your next turn, if a target moves into that
area you can enable one ally within your line of sight to make an attack of opportunity against that target. The ally you choose must be armed with a weapon capable of making attacks
of opportunity, and this counts towards the ally’s normal limitations for attacks of opportunity made in a round.
Prerequisite: Forewarn Allies.
SUMMON AID (Galaxy at War, pg. 19): Once per round, as a reaction, when an enemy moves adjacent to you, you can enable one ally within your line of sight to immediately make a
charge attack against the triggering enemy. The ally you choose must be able to charge the enemy from his or her current square under normal charge rules.
Prerequisite: Get Down.
Some nobles learn to work both sides of the conflict in war and can manipulate their enemies into believing they are allies.
DOUBLE AGENT (Clone Wars, pg. 22): When you roll Initiative at the beginning of combat, also roll a Deception check, comparing the result to the Will Defense of all enemies in line of
sight. If your Deception check is successful, that target cannot attack you and does not believe you to be an enemy (though they do not consider you an ally) while this effect is active. If
you attack or otherwise obviously harm or hinder a target under the effect of this talent, or one of that target's allies, this effect ends. This is a mind-affecting effect.
ENEMY TACTICS (Clone Wars, pg. 22): Whenever an enemy within 12 squares of you and in your line of sight receives an insight or morale bonus from any source, you can also gain that
bonus, subject to all the same limitations as the bonus provided to that enemy.
FEED INFORMATION (Clone Wars, pg. 22): As a swift action, you can grant one enemy a + 1 bonus on its next attack roll made before the beginning of your next turn.
Additionally, until the beginning of your next turn, you can designate one ally who receives a +2 bonus on its next attack roll.
FRIENDLY FIRE (Clone Wars, pg. 22): If you are engaged in melee combat with an adjacent enemy and are the target of a ranged attack that misses you, compare the attack roll to the
Reflex Defense of one adjacent enemy; if the attack equals or exceeds the target's Reflex Defense, that enemy becomes the new target of the attack, which is resolved as normal.
Prerequisite: Enemy Tactics.
PROTECTION (Clone Wars, pg. 22): As a standard action, you can designate one ally and make a Persuasion check, comparing the result against the Will Defense of all enemies in your
line of sight who can hear and understand you. If your check result equals or exceeds a target's Will Defense, that target cannot attack the ally you designated until the beginning of your
next turn. Characters that use this talent or the Draw Fire talent cannot be targeted by or benefit from this talent. You may not benefit from this talent at the same time as the
Misplaced Loyalty talent (Scum and Villainy, page 14).
Prerequisite: Double Agent.


Scandal fouls your family name, forcing you to live among the fringes of society and teaching you that honor is overrated when victory is on the line.
AMBUSH (Scum and Villainy, pg. 13): During a surprise round, before combat begins, if you are not surprised you can give up your standard action to allow all non-surprised allies within
your line of sight to take an extra move action during the surprise round. Allies can spend this move action to instead reroll their Initiative check and take the better result as a free
action before combat begins.
Prerequisite: Dirty Tactics.
CASTIGATE (Scum and Villainy, pg. 14): You deliver a scathing rebuke against a target to erode its will and fill it with doubt. Make a Persuasion check as a standard action against the
target's Will Defense. If successful, you impose a -2 penalty to all the target's Defenses until the end of your next turn. You can use this ability only against targets that can clearly hear
you and understand your language.
DIRTY TACTICS (Scum and Villainy, pg. 14): Once per encounter, as a standard action, you can grant a tactical advantage to all allies within your line of sight. When any ally flanks an
opponent, that ally gains a +4 flanking bonus on melee attack rolls instead of the normal +2 bonus. Allies lose this benefit immediately if line of sight is broken or if you are unconscious
or dead, or at the end of the encounter.
MISPLACED LOYALTY (Scum and Villainy, pg. 14): As a swift action once per turn, you can make a Persuasion check against the Will Defense of all opponents within your line of sight. If
successful, a target cannot attack you if one of your allies is within 6 squares of you. You may not use this talent in the same round as the soldier's Draw Fire talent. You may not gain the
benefit this talent if another character within 6 squares of you has used this talent since the end of your last turn. This effect lasts until the beginning of your next turn.
Prerequisite: Dirty Tactics.
TWO-FACED (Scum and Villainy, pg. 14): You have mastered the art of saying one thing and doing another, allowing you to deceive your enemies to keep you machinations hidden. You
can use each of the following actions once per encounter as a standard action:
• False Security: Make a single melee or ranged attack against a target within your range. At any time before the beginning of your next turn, you can make a single attack
against that target as a reaction if that target attacks you.
• Nonthreatening: Making a single melee or ranged attack against a target within your range. Until the beginning of your next turn, that opponent cannot make any attacks
against you except for attacks of opportunity. This is a mind-affecting effect.
• Tricky Target: Make a single melee or ranged attack against a target within your range that has not attacked you since the end of your last turn. You gain a +2 bonus on your
attack roll and damage roll for this attack.
Prerequisites: Dirty Tactics, Misplaced Loyalty.
UNREADABLE (Scum and Villainy, pg. 14): You gain a +5 bonus to your Will Defense against skill checks made to read your emotions and influence your attitude. In addition, whenever
you successfully feint a target in combat, that target is flat-footed against all your attacks until the end of your next turn.
You have broken with your family, world, or organization and cannot rely on its aid or support. Whether forced or self-imposed, your exile allows you to adapt in new ways to the galaxy
at large.
ARROGANT BLUSTER (Unknown Region, pg. 19): You take on an air of arrogance, allowing you to distract and sway others with your apparent knowledge and experience. When you
make a successful Persuasion check to change an enemy's attitude, the enemy takes a -5 penalty to its Will Defense until the end of your next turn. If you spend a Force Point, the
duration is extended to the end of the encounter. This is a mind-affecting effect. Prerequisite: Trained in the Persuasion skill.
BAND TOGETHER (Unknown Region, pg. 19): You can inspire disparate beings to temporarily ally for a common cause. You can use each of the following actions once per encounter:
• Directed Attack: As a swift action, designate one enemy character or vehicle as the target of this talent. Until the end of your next turn, whenever an ally within 12 squares of
you hits the target, add 1d6 points of damage to each hit.
• Strength in Numbers: Your allies gain confidence in numbers. As a swift action, you grant all allies within 12 squares of you and within your line of sight a +5 bonus to Will
Defense until the end of your next turn. You must have a minimum of two allies to use this action.
• Temporary Allies: With a successful Persuasion check, you can turn a Gamemaster character with an attitude toward you of unfriendly or indifferent into an ally willing to aid
you and follow your direction for the remainder of the encounter. As a swift action, you direct the Gamemaster character to attack a target, aid another character, or use a skill
to aid you or your allies. This is a mind-affecting effect.
Prerequisites: Galactic Guidance, Self-Reliant, trained in the Persuasion and Knowledge (galactic lore) skills.
GALACTIC GUIDANCE (Unknown Region, pg. 20): You share your considerable galactic knowledge to inform others' actions and decisions. Once per encounter, as a reaction, if you
succeed on a DC 25 Knowledge (galactic lore) check, you enable one ally within 6 squares of you and within your line of sight to reroll a failed Intelligence- or Wisdom-based skill check
(other than Perception).
Prerequisite: Trained in the Knowledge (galactic lore) skill.
RANT (Unknown Region, pg. 20): You are a master of voicing your opinion loudly, continuously, and distractingly. If you succeed in making a Persuasion check to intimidate an enemy
that is within 6 squares of you and that can hear, see, and understand you, you deny that enemy the use of a move action on its next turn, instead of gaining the normal intimidation
results. You grant one ally a move action to use immediately (the ally uses the move action as a reaction).
Prerequisite: Trained in the Persuasion skill.
SELF-RELIANT (Unknown Region, pg. 20): You need not rely on others when the going gets tough. Once per encounter, you can use one talent that you possess from the Inspiration
talent tree on yourself, although you are not normally allowed to do so.


In the days of the Old republic, the fine art of swordplay was stylish among nobles. A particular style arose mixing martial precision with forceful panache.
DEMORALIZING DEFENSE (Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 26): As a reaction, you can designate an enemy you have just hit with a melee attack. The enemy takes only half damage
from the attack, but takes a -5 penalty on attacks made against you until the end of your next turn. A single target may only be affected by this talent once per round.
This is a mind-affecting effect.
Prerequisites: Noble Fencing Style
LEADING FEINT (Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 26): Whenever you successfully damage an opponent with a melee attack, you can make a Deception check to feint against that target
as a swift action. If successful, you designate an ally within 12 squares; your target is treated as flat-footed against the first attack that ally makes against your target before the
beginning of your next turn.
Prerequisites: Noble Fencing Style
NOBLE FENCING STYLE (Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 27): This style of swordplay uses wit and force of personality to increase accuracy, taunting and distracting an opponent with
feints, misdirection, and deception. When using a light melee weapon or a lightsaber that you are proficient with, you can use your Charisma modifier instead of your strength modifier
on attack rolls.
Prerequisite: trained in Deception and persuasion.
PERSONAL AFFRONT (Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 27): Once per encounter, as a reaction, you can make a single melee attack against an adjacent who just damaged you.
Prerequisites: Noble Fencing Style, base attack bonus +5.
TRANSPOSING STRIKE (Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 27): When you hit a character with a melee attack, you can choose to have the attack deal only half damage and switch places
with that foe. Your foe must be no more than one size category larger than you, and you must end up occupied by your target (and vice versa) to use this talent. This movement does
not provoke attacks of opportunity.
Prerequisites: Noble Fencing Style, base attack bonus +5.
You aren’t afraid to take chances when leading your allies, and you risk defeat in exchange for a shot at even the most unlikely victories. You put yourself on the front lines to encourage
your allies to overcome long odds.
ASSAULT GAMBIT (Rebellion Era, pg. 24): Once per turn, as a standard action, you can designate one ally and one enemy that have line of effect to each other. The ally and the enemy
make opposed Initiative checks, and the winner can make a single immediate melee or ranged attack against the loser. No character can benefit from this talent more than once per
DIRECT FIRE (Rebellion Era, pg. 24): Once per turn, as a swift action, you can designate one ally and one target that does not have cover from you. Until the start of your next turn, the
ally you designate ignores that target’s cover bonuses to Reflex Defense.
Prerequisite: Assault Gambit.
FACE THE FOE (Rebellion Era, pg. 24): If you do not have cover from a target, you gain a +1 morale bonus to attack rolls against that target.
LEAD FROM THE FRONT (Rebellion Era, pg. 24): If you do not have cover from a target that you damage with a ranged attack, all your allies gain s +2 morale bonus to attack rolls against
that target and a +5 circumstance bonus to opposed Initiative checks against that target until the start on your next turn.
Prerequisite: Face the Foe.
LUCK FAVORS THE BOLD (Rebellion Era, pg. 24): If at least one enemy in your line of sight is aware of you and you do not have cover against that enemy, at the start of your turn if you
are conscious you gain a number of bonus hit points equal to 5 + one-half your level. Damage is subtracted from bonus hit points first, and any bonus hit points remaining at the end of
the encounter are lost. Bonus hit points do not stack.
Prerequisite: Face the Foe.


Your zeal and dedication to your cause is inspirational. It motivates your allies and demoralizes your enemies.
INSTRUCTION (The Force Unleashed, pg. 25): Once per encounter, as a standard action, you can boost the competence of one of your allies within 6 squares. That individual gains the
ability to make a single skill check using your skill modifier (except Use the Force); this skill check must be made before the end of the encounter, or the benefit is lost.
You can select this talent multiple times. Each time you do so, you gain one additional use of this talent per encounter.
IDEALIST (The Force Unleashed, pg. 25): Your confidence empowers you, giving you the ability to withstand the harmful influence of others. You can add your Charisma bonus in place
of your Wisdom bonus to your Will Defense.
Prerequisite: Charisma 13.
KNOW YOUR ENEMY (The Force Unleashed, pg. 25): You are well versed in the strengths and weaknesses of enemies of your cause. As a swift action, you can select a single enemy
within line of sight and make a Knowledge (galactic lore) check against a DC equal to 15 + the target’s CL. If the check is successful, you immediately learn any two (your choice) of the
following pieces of information: target’s base attack bonus or attack bonus with a particular weapon, any one defense score, any one skill modifier, or the presence of any one talent or
feat (you choose the talent or feat, and the Gamemaster reveals whether or not it is present).
KNOWN DISSIDENT (The Force Unleashed, pg. 25): You are a well-known opponent of a large and influential government or organization (such as the Empire or the Corporate Sector
Authority). Officials of any level are loath to take action against you, lest they inadvertently promote your cause. As a standard action, you can make a Persuasion check against the Will
Defense of a single opponent within line of sight that can hear and understand you. If your Persuasion check succeeds, that opponent may not attack you or any vehicle you occupy until
the start of your next turn. If the target is of higher level than you, it gains a +5 bonus to its Will Defense, and the target must be able to hear and understand you. If the target is
attacked, the effect of this talent ends. This is a mind-affecting effect.
Prerequisite: Know Your Enemy.
LEAD BY EXAMPLE (The Force Unleashed, pg. 25): Your bravery and skill inspires others to follow your lead. Once per encounter, when you successfully deal damage to an enemy, you
can choose to grant all allies a +1 circumstance bonus on attack rolls and +1 die of damage on non-area attacks against that target for the remainder of the encounter.


One of your greatest strengths is your ability to exert influence over your opponents.
DEMAND SURRENDER (Star Wars Core, pg. 43): Once per encounter, you can make a Persuasion check as a standard action to demand surrender from an opponent who has been
reduced to one-half or less of its hit points. If your check result equals or exceeds the target's Will Defense, it surrenders to you and your allies, drops any weapons it is holding, and
takes no hostile actions. If the target is higher level than you, it gains a +5 bonus to its Will Defense. If you or any of your allies attack it, it no longer submits to your will and can act
normally. You can only use this talent against a particular target once per encounter.
This is a mind-affecting effect.
Prerequisite: Presence.
FLUSTER (Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 26): You get under an enemy’s skin. Once per encounter, make a Persuasion check to intimidate one creature within line of sight as a standard
action. On a success, instead of the normal effect of an intimidate one creature within line of sight as a standard action. On a success, instead of the normal effect of an intimidate
application of the Persuasion skill, the affected creature can take only a single swift action on its next turn. If the target is higher level than you, it gains a +5 bonus to its Will Defense
against the skill check.
This is a mind-affecting effect.
Prerequisites: Presence, trained in Persuasion.
IMPROVED WEAKEN RESOLVE (Star Wars Core, pg. 43): As Weaken Resolve (see below)' except that the target doesn't stop fleeing from you if it is wounded.
Prerequisites: Presence, Weaken Resolve.
INTIMIDATING DEFENSE (Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 26): Once per encounter, as a reaction, you can make a Persuasion check to intimidate one creature that has made a melee or
ranged attack against you if that creature that has made a melee or ranged attack against you if that creature is within line of sight. If you succeed, you impose -5 penalty to that attack
roll. If the target is higher level than you, it gains a +5 bonus to its Will Defense against the Intimidating Defense.
This is a mind-affecting effect.
Prerequisites: Presence, trained in Persuasion.
PRESENCE (Star Wars Core, pg. 43): You can make a Persuasion check to intimidate a creature as a standard action (instead of a full-round action).
WEAKEN RESOLVE (Star Wars Core, pg. 43): Once per round, when you deal damage equal to or greater than the target's damage threshold, make a Persuasion check as a free action; if
the result equals or exceeds the target's Will Defense, you fill the target with terror, causing it to flee from you at top speed for 1 minute. The target can't take standard actions, swift
actions, or full-round actions while fleeing, and the target stops fleeing and can act normally if it is wounded.
As a free action or reaction, the target can spend a Force Point (if it has not already spent one earlier in the round) to negate the effect. The effect is automatically negated if the target's
level is equal to or higher than your character level. This is a mind-affecting fear effect.
Prerequisite: Presence.


Nobles are renowned for their ability to inspire their followers and urge them to greatness. You can often get results out of their friends, allies, and followers that other leaders cannot.
All of the talents in this tree are mind-affecting effects. Moreover, you can't use any of these talents on yourself.
BELOVED (Scum and Villainy, pg. 14): Your allies hold you in such esteem that when you are threatened or injured, you can impel them to action. You can use each of the following
actions once per encounter:
• Guardian: Choose one ally as a swift action. As long as you remain within 6 squares of the ally, you gain a +2 bonus to your Reflex Defense until the start of your next turn.
• Reprisal: Make a single melee or ranged attack against any target within your range as a standard action. If your attack roll succeeds and if that target attacks you before the
end of your next turn, one ally within 6 squares can make an attack against that target as a reaction.
• To Me! : Spend a swift action. Whenever you take any damage before the beginning of your next turn, each ally within line of sight can move 2 squares as a reaction. This
movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity.
Prerequisites: Bolster Ally, Inspire Confidence.
BOLSTER ALLY (Star Wars Core, pg. 43): As a standard action, you can bolster an ally within line of sight, moving him + 1 step along the condition track (see Conditions, page 148) and
giving him a number of bonus hit points equal to his character level if he's at one-half his maximum hit points or less. Damage is subtracted from the bonus hit points first, and any bonus
hit points remaining at the end of the encounter go away. You can't bolster the same ally more than once in a single encounter, and you can't bolster yourself.
IGNITE FERVOR (Star Wars Core, pg. 43): Whenever you hit an opponent with a melee or ranged attack, you can (as a free action) choose to give one ally within your line of sight a
bonus to damage on his next attack equal to his character level. Once his fervor has been ignited, the affected ally doesn't need to remain within line of sight of you; if his next attack
misses, he loses the bonus to damage granted by this talent. You can't ignite fervor in yourself.
Prerequisites: Bolster Ally, Inspire Confidence.
INSPIRE CONFIDENCE (Star Wars Core, pg. 43): As a standard action, you can inspire confidence in all allies in your line of sight, granting them a + 1 morale bonus on attack rolls and a +
1 morale bonus on skill checks for the rest of the encounter or until you're unconscious or dead. Once inspired, your allies don't need to remain within line of sight of you. You can't
inspire confidence in yourself.
INSPIRE HASTE (Star Wars Core, pg. 43): As a swift action, you can encourage one of your allies within line of sight to make haste with a skill check. On that ally's next turn, that ally can
make a skill check that requires a standard action as a move action instead.
INSPIRE ZEAL (Star Wars Core, pg. 43): Whenever an ally within line of sight of you makes an attack that moves an opponent down the condition track (such as by dealing damage that
equals or exceeds the target's damage threshold), that ally moves the target an additional -1 step down the condition track.
Prerequisites: Bolster Ally, Inspire Confidence, Ignite Fervor.
WILLPOWER (The Force Unleashed, pg. 25): You can share your strength of will with your allies. Once per encounter as a swift action, you can grant all allies within line of sight a +2
morale bonus to their Will Defense. This bonus lasts for the remainder of the encounter, and once it is granted your allies need not remain within line of sight with you to retain this
bonus. You may not use this talent on yourself.
Prerequisites: Inspire Confidence.


A born leader, you know how to take charge and lead your companions and followers to success.
All of the talents in this tree are mind-affecting effects. Moreover, you can't use any of these talents on yourself.
BORN LEADER (Star Wars Core, pg. 44): Once per encounter, as a swift action, you grant all allies within your line of sight a + 1 insight bonus on attack rolls. This effect lasts for as long as
they remain within line of sight of you. An ally loses this bonus immediately if line of sight is broken or if you are unconscious or dead.
COMMANDING PRESENCE (Galaxy at War, pg. 19): You excel at leading others into battle, issuing quick commands, demonstrating a gift for strategy, decimating your enemies, and
impressing your peers. You can use each of the following actions once per encounter as a standard action:
 Hold the Line! : Make a single melee or ranged attack against any target within your range. If your attack hits, all allies within 6 squares of you a gain a +2 morale bonus to their
Defense scores until the end of your next turn.
 Lead the Assault: Make a single melee or ranged attack against any target within your range. If your attack hits, all allies within 6 squares of you and within your line of sight
gain a +2 morale bonus to their attack rolls and damage rolls until the end of your next turn.
 Turn the Tide: Make a single melee or ranged attack against any target within your range. If you successfully damage the target, a number of allies equal to your Charisma
modifier (minimum 1) can immediately move up to half their speed as a free action.
Prerequisites: Born Leader, Tactical Savvy.
COORDINATE (Star Wars Core, pg. 44): A noble with this talent has a knack for getting people to work together. When you use this talent as a standard action, all allies within your line
of sight grant an additional + 1 bonus when they use the aid another action until the start of your next turn (see Aid Another, page 151).
You may select this talent multiple times; each time you do, the bonus granted by the coordinate ability increases by + 1 (to a maximum of +5).
COORDINATED LEADERSHIP (Unknown Regions, pg. 20): You coordinate your actions with other leaders.
Choose one talent you possess from the Leadership talent tree. The bonuses you provide with this talent are now considered to be un-typed bonuses, allowing them to stack with the
bonuses granted by your allies.
Prerequisites: Born Leader, Coordinate.
DISTANT COMMAND (Star Wars Core, pg. 44): Any ally who gains the benefit of your Born Leader talent (see above) does not lose the benefit if their line of sight to you is broken.
Prerequisite: Born Leader.
FEARLESS LEADER (Star Wars Core, pg. 44): As a swift action, you can provide a courageous example for your allies. For the remainder of the encounter, your allies receive a +5 morale
bonus to their Will Defense against any fear effect. Your allies lose this benefit if they lose line of sight to you, or if you are killed or knocked unconscious.
Prerequisite: Born Leader.
RALLY (Star Wars Core, pg. 44): Once per encounter, you can rally your allies and bring them back from the edge of defeat. As a swift action, any allies within your line of sight who have
less than half their total hit points remaining gain a +2 morale bonus to their Reflex Defense and Will Defense and a +2 bonus to all damage rolls for the remainder of the encounter.
Prerequisites: Born Leader, Distant Command.
REACTIONARY ATTACK (Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 26): Once per encounter, as a reaction to an attack made against you or an ally, you can direct an ally within 6 squares to make
an immediate attack as a reaction against the attacking enemy. The ally you choose must be capable of making an attack the target.
Prerequisites: Born Leader, trained in Persuasion.
TACTICAL SAVVY (Galaxy at War, pg. 19): When an ally whom you can see spends a Force point to enhance an attack roll, the ally gains a bonus to the Force point roll equal to your
Intelligence modifier.
Prerequisite: Born Leader.
TRUST (Star Wars Core, pg. 44): You can give up your standard action to give one ally within your line of sight an extra standard action or move action on his next turn, to do with as he
pleases. The ally does not lose the action if line of sight is later broken.
Prerequisites: Born Leader, Coordinate.
UNWAVERING ALLY (Rebellion Era, pg. 25): Once per turn, as a swift action, you can designate one ally within your line of sight who can hear and understand you. Until the start of your
next turn, that ally becomes immune to all effects that render that ally flat-footed or that deny the ally a Dexterity bonus to his or her Reflex Defense.
You lead a privileged life and reap the benefit of an upbringing beyond most citizens of the galaxy.
CONNECTIONS (Star Wars Core, pg. 43): You are able to obtain licensed, restricted, military, or illegal equipment without having to pay a licensing fee or endure a background check,
provided the total cost of the desired equipment is equal to or less than your character level x 1,000 credits. In addition, when obtaining equipment or services through the black
market, you reduce the black market cost multiplier by 1. See Restricted Items (page 118) for details.
EDUCATED (Star Wars Core, pg. 43): Thanks to your well-rounded education, you may make any Knowledge check untrained.
ENGINEER (Starships of the Galaxy, pg. 16): You are trained in the Mechanics skill. Additionally, when installing new systems into a vehicle, the efficiency of your designs reduces the
time it takes to install the system by 25%.
Prerequisites: Educated, trained in the Knowledge (technology) skill.
INFLUENTIAL FRIENDS (The Force Unleashed, pg. 25): You have influential contacts within a certain organization, planet, or region who can provide concrete information to you on
certain subjects. Once per day, you can have one of those contacts make a skill check on your behalf. The contact always takes 20 on the skill check (even if the skill would normally not
allow taking 20) and has a skill modifier equal to 5 + one-half your heroic level. Contracting your influential allies and receiving the benefits of the skill check takes a number of minutes
equal to 10 x the skill check result.
Prerequisite: Connections.
POWERFUL FRIENDS (The Force Unleashed, pg. 26): You have a powerful contact who has an extended sphere of influence. The contact could be an Imperial Senator, a high-level
military officer, a regional governor, an infamous crime lord, or another person of similar significance. Once per encounter, you can invoke the name or office of your powerful friend
and take 20 on one Persuasion check, with no increase in the time needed to make the check.
Prerequisites: Connections, Influential Friends.
SPONTANEOUS SKILL (Star Wars Core, pg. 43): Sometimes you surprise others with your skill. Once per day, you may make an untrained skill check as though you were trained in the
skill. Exception: You cannot use this talent to make an untrained Use the Force check as though you were trained in the skill unless you have the Force Sensitivity feat (page 85). You can
select this talent multiple times; each time you do, you can use it one additional time per day.
Prerequisite: Educated.
WEALTH (Star Wars Core, pg. 43): Each time you gain a level (including the level at which you select this talent). You receive an amount of credits equal to 5,000 x your class level. You
can spend these credits as you see fit. The credits appear in a civilized, accessible location of your choice or in your private bank account.


As a result of your station, occupation, or even just your natural Charisma, you can attract one or more faithful followers who protect you from harm.
INSPIRE LOYALTY (Clone Wars, pg. 22): You gain a single follower. Choose either the aggressive, defensive, or utility follower template for your follower, generating the follower's
statistics based on the rules on page 32. This follower gains one Armor Proficiency feat of your choice and becomes trained in the Perception skill . The follower must meet the
prerequisites for the Armor Proficiency feat you select.
You can select this talent multiple times. Each time you do, you gain one additional follower (maximum of 3 followers).
PROTECTOR ACTIONS (Clone Wars, pg. 22): You and your followers have learned to work together to great effect, ensuring that you remain safe while allowing them to do their duty.
You can use any of the following actions on your turn.
• Bodyguard: As a standard action, you can make a melee or ranged attack against a target within range. Until the end of your next turn, if that target damages you with an
attack or a Force power, as a reaction you can choose to redirect the attack or Force power to an adjacent follower; the attack or Force power is resolved against that ally as
• Diversion Attack: As a standard action, you can make a melee or ranged attack against a target with in rang e. If that target attacks you or one of your allies before the
beginning of your next turn, you can move one of your followers up to its speed directly toward that target.
• The Best Defense: As a standard action, you can make a melee or ranged attack against a target within range. For each of your followers armed with a ranged weapon and
having line of sight to the target, that target takes a -1 penalty on attack rolls until the beginning of your next turn.
Prerequisite: Inspire Loyalty.
PUNISHING PROTECTION (Clone Wars, pg. 22): As a reaction to you being damaged by an attack or a Force power, one of your followers can make an immediate melee or ranged attack
against the target that attacked you. Until the beginning of your next turn, any time you are damaged by an attack or Force power, another one of your followers can attack that
attacking target. This ability can be used once per encounter.
Prerequisites: Inspire Loyalty, base attack bonus +5.
UNDYING LOYALTY (Clone Wars, pg. 22): Each of your followers gains the Toughness feat.
Prerequisite: Inspire Loyalty.
You are a skilled manipulator and have mastered the art of working behind the scenes to accomplish your goals. Flash and spectacle are inferior tools, only suitable for those without
your unique talents.
ADVANCED PLANNING (Galaxy of Intrigue, pg. 20): When you roll Initiative for combat, choose one willing ally within your line of sight. You and that ally swap Initiative results.
BLEND IN (Galaxy of Intrigue, pg. 20): You know how to blend into a variety of cultures and groups with ease. As a swift action, you gain total concealment when adjacent to at least two
other creatures. This benefit does not apply to attacks from adjacent creatures.
DONE IT ALL (Galaxy of Intrigue, pg. 20): When you select this talent, choose two talents (from any non prestige class) that you do not possess but for which you meet the prerequisites.
Once per turn on your turn, you can spend a Force Point as a free action to gain the benefits of one of those talents until the end of your next turn.
GET INTO POSITION (Galaxy of Intrigue, pg. 20): Once per encounter, at the start of your first turn, choose two allies within 12 squares and in your line of sight. Each ally can
immediately move up to his or her speed as a reaction.
MASTER MANIPULATOR (Galaxy of Intrigue, pg. 20): You are a master of making things happen the way you want them to. You can use each of the following actions once per
encounter as a swift action on your turn:
 Demand Recovery: Select one ally within 5 squares and in your line of sight. That ally moves +5 steps on the condition track and gains a +2 morale bonus to attack rolls and skill
checks until the end of your next turn.
 Exceptional Control: Roll a d20 and note the result. Once before the end of the encounter, as a reaction you can replace the result of any enemy's or ally's d20 roll with the
result you rolled for this ability. The enemy or ally must be within your line of sight.
 Word of Warning: Select one ally within 5 squares and in your line of sight. Once before the end of the encounter, as a reaction to that ally having any defense score targeted
by a skill check or an attack, you can replace that ally's defense score with your same defense score until the attack or skill check is resolved.
Prerequisite: Advanced Planning, Get into Position.
RETALIATION (Galaxy of Intrigue, pg. 20): Whenever you move down the condition track as a result of taking damage that equals or exceeds your damage threshold, the next time you
hit and damage a creature or a droid with a melee or a ranged attack before the end of your next turn, you automatically move the target -1 step on the condition track.
Prerequisite: Advanced Planning.


As a provocateur, you specialize in turning your enemies against one another, giving your allies the advantage. This is accomplished through a combination of gaining an enemy’s
confidence, making careful use of deception, and coordinating your allies’ attacks. The talents in this tree may be taken by the Charlatan prestige class (Scum and Villainy, page 30).
CAST SUSPICION (Legacy Era, pg. 27): As a swift action, you can select one enemy within your line of sight. That enemy loses all morale and insight bonuses on attack rolls and cannot be
aided (using the aid another action) by its allies until the end of your next turn.
DISTRESS TO DISCORD (Legacy Era, pg. 27): You encourage your allies to sow discord among your enemies by fighting with renewed vigor. Whenever an ally within your line of sight
takes its second wind, all enemies within 2 squares of that ally lose their Dexterity bonuses to Reflex Defense until the end of your next turn.
FRIEND OR FOE (Legacy Era, pg. 27): Whenever an ally within your line of sight is missed by a ranged attack, you can (as a reaction, once per turn) designate one enemy adjacent to that
ally. Compare the attack roll of the missed attack to the Reflex Defense of that enemy; if the attack would hit, the attack targets that enemy and is resolved as normal.
Prerequisite: Cast Suspicion.
SEIZE THE MOMENT (Legacy Era, pg. 27): Once per turn as a reaction, when an enemy is reduced to 0 hit points or is moved down the condition track by any means, you allow one ally
within your line of sight to take its second wind immediately (as a free action). Furthermore, when your ally takes its second wind, it regains a number of additional hit points equal to
your class level.
Prerequisite: Distress to Discord.
STOLEN ADVANTAGE (Legacy Era, pg. 28): Whenever an enemy within your line of sight uses the aid another action to grant one of its allies a bonus, you can (as a reaction) designate
one ally within your line of sight. The enemy automatically fails to aid its ally, and the ally you designate gains a +2 bonus on its next attack roll made before the end of your next turn.
Prerequisite: Cast Suspicion.
TRUE BETRAYAL (Legacy Era, pg. 28): As a standard action, make a Persuasion check against the Will Defense of one enemy within your line of sight that can hear and understand you. If
your check result equals or exceeds the target’s Will Defense, that target immediately makes an attack (as a free action) against another target of your choice. This can be a melee attack
against an adjacent target or a ranged attack a target within the attacker’s point-blank range.
The target gets a +5 bonus to its Will Defense if it is higher level than you. This is a mind-affecting effect.
Prerequisite: Cast Suspicion, Friend or Foe.
You excel at complex tasks and are always called upon when your allies need something done quickly and done right.
GUARANTEED BOON (Galaxy of Intrigue, pg. 20): Whenever you spend a Force Point to add to a skill roll in a skill challenge and accrue a failure for that skill check, you regain that Force
LEADING SKILL (Galaxy of Intrigue, pg. 20): Whenever you earn a success in a skill challenge, you gain a +2 insight bonus to your next skill check made with a different skill in the same
skill challenge.
LEARN FROM MISTAKES (Galaxy of Intrigue, pg. 20): Whenever you accrue a failure in a skill challenge, you grant the next ally to take an action in the skill challenge a +2 insight bonus
to a skill check, provided that ally takes a different action (and uses a different skill) than you did.
TRY YOUR LUCK (Galaxy of Intrigue, pg. 20): Whenever you accrue a failure in a skill challenge, choose one ally. The next time that ally uses the same skill that you used to accrue a
failure before the end of the skill challenge, that ally rolls two dice on the skill check and keeps the better result.


You're not just good at what you do, you're the best. Failure is but a stumbling block, and great success always follows.
ASSURED SKILL (Galaxy of Intrigue, pg. 21): When you select this talent, choose one skill. Whenever you roll a skill check with that skill, you can choose to lose any competence bonuses
to that skill check and instead roll 2 dice, keeping either result. You can select this talent multiple times. Each time you do so, you must choose a different skill to gain the benefits of this
CRITICAL SKILL SUCCESS (Galaxy of Intrigue, pg. 21): Whenever you roll a natural 20 on a skill check, choose one other skill. Once before the end of your next turn, you can choose to
gain a +5 competence bonus to a check with that skill as a free action.
EXCEPTIONAL SKILL (Galaxy of Intrigue, pg. 21): When you select this talent, choose one skill. Whenever you roll a skill check with that skill, a result of 2-7 on the die is always treated as
though you had rolled an 8.
You can select this talent multiple times. Each time you do so, you must choose a different skill to gain the benefits of this talent.
Prerequisite: Trained in the chosen skill.
RELIABLE BOON (Galaxy of Intrigue, pg. 21): Whenever you spend a Force Point to add to a skill check, you always reroll a result of 1 on any of your Force Point dice, and continue to
reroll until you get a result of 2 or higher.
SKILL BOON (Galaxy of Intrigue, pg. 21): When you select this talent, choose one skill. Whenever you spend a Force Point to add to that skill, increase the die type of your Force Point by
one step (i.e. from d6 to d8, d8 to d1O, or d10 to d121, to a maximum of d12. You can select this talent multiple times. Each time you do so, you must choose a different skill to gain the
benefits of this talent.
Prerequisite: Trained in the chosen skill.
SKILL CONFIDENCE (Galaxy of Intrigue, pg. 21): When you select this talent, choose one skill. Whenever you roll a natural 19 or a natural 20 on a skill check with that skill, you gain the
benefits of the Critical Skill Success talent and also gain bonus hit points equal to your Charisma modifier. You can select this talent multiple times. Each time you do so, you must choose
a different skill to gain the benefits of this talent.
Prerequisite: Critical Skill Success, trained in the chosen skill.
SKILLFUL RECOVERY (Galaxy of Intrigue, pg. 21): When you select this talent, choose one skill. Whenever you fail a skill check with that skill, you gain one temporary Force Point. That
Force Point can only be spent to add to a skill check with the skill you chose for this talent. If the Force Point is not spent by the end of the encounter, it is lost. For the purposes of this
talent, failing a skill check means failing to get the minimum possible result from the skill check. You can select this talent multiple times. Each time you do so, you must choose a
different skill to gain the benefits of this talent.
Prerequisite: Trained in the chosen skill.

You use your experience operating on the wrong side of the law to give you an advantage in a fight, fair or otherwise.
CHEAP TRICK (Galaxy at War, pg. 19): When you make a Deception check to feint (see page 66 of the Saga Edition core rulebook) against an enemy within 6 squares of you, you roll
twice, keeping the better of the two results.
Prerequisite: Trained in Deception.
EASY PREY (Galaxy at War, pg. 19): When you make an attack as a standard action and successfully hit an enemy, you can choose to reduce the damage you deal by half. That target is
then denied its Dexterity bonus to Reflex Defense against your attacks until the end of your next turn. Prerequisite: Cheap Trick.
QUICK STRIKE (Galaxy at War, pg. 19): During the initial round of combat, if you successfully damage an enemy who has not yet acted in combat, you can make an immediate attack as a
free action against a different target within 6 squares of the first target. Prerequisite: Cheap Trick.
SLY COMBATANT (Galaxy at War, pg. 19): You quickly move about the battlefield, taking advantage of the chaos of battle to gain advantage. You can use each of the following actions
once per encounter as a standard action:
 Distracting Injury: Make a single melee or ranged attack against any enemy within your range. If the attack successfully hits, that enemy takes a -2 penalty to his or her attack
rolls and damage rolls until the end of the encounter.
 Make Them Bleed: Make a single melee or ranged attack against any living creature within your range. If you successfully deal damage as a result of the attack, that enemy
gains a persistent condition that can be removed only with a successful DC 25 Treat Injury check to perform surgery.
 Strength in Numbers: Make a single melee or ranged attack against an enemy who is adjacent to one of your allies. If you successfully hit that enemy, you gain a +2 bonus to
damage for each ally that is adjacent to that target.
Prerequisites: Cheap Trick, Easy Prey.


Many scoundrels like to gamble with destiny, putting everything on the line and trusting fate (or the Force) to bring them fortune, fame, and success.
AVERT DISASTER (Scum and Villainy, pg. 14): Once per encounter, you can turn a critical hit against you into a normal hit.
Prerequisite: Fool's Luck.
BETTER LUCKY THAN DEAD (Scum and Villainy, pg. 14): Once per encounter, as a reaction, you gain a +5 luck bonus to anyone defense until the start of your next turn.
Prerequisite: Fool's Luck.
DUMB LUCK (Scum and Villainy, pg. 14): You are possessed of incredible luck and an uncanny ability to succeed where others would fail. You can use each of the following actions once
per encounter as a standard action:
• Elude Enemy: Make a single melee or ranged attack against any target within your range. If you damage the target, you gain a +2 bonus to your Reflex Defense against this
target until the beginning of your next turn.
• Escape: Make a single melee or ranged attack against any target within your range. If that target successfully damages you before the start of your next turn, you can
immediately move 2 squares as a reaction. This movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity.
• Make your Own Luck: Make a single melee or ranged attack against a target within range. If you miss this target, you gain a +2 bonus on your next attack roll.
Prerequisites: Knack, Lucky Shot.
FOOL'S LUCK (Star Wars Core, pg. 46): As a standard action, you can spend a Force Point to gain one of the following benefit for the rest of the encounter: a + 1 competence bonus on
attack rolls, a +5 competence bonus on skill checks, or a + 1 competence bonus to all your defenses.
FORTUNE'S FAVOR (Star Wars Core, pg. 46): Whenever you score a critical hit with a melee or ranged attack, you gain a free standard action.
You must take the extra standard action before the end of your turn, or else it is lost.
GAMBLER (Star Wars Core, pg. 46): You gain a +2 competence bonus on Wisdom checks when you gamble (see the Gambling sidebar on the next page).
You can select this talent multiple times; each time you take this talent, the competence bonus increases by +2.
KNACK (Star Wars Core, pg. 46): Once per day, you can reroll a skill check and take the better result.
You can select this talent multiple times; each time you select this talent, you can use it one additional time per day.
LABYRINTHINE MIND (Scum and Villainy, pg. 15): Once per encounter, as a reaction, you become immune to all mind-affecting effects until the end of your next turn (you can choose to
ignore this for beneficial effects). Any mind-affecting effects currently affecting you are also removed, though you can choose to retain any beneficial effects you currently have.
LUCKY SHOT (Star Wars Core, pg. 46): Once per day, you can reroll an attack roll and take the better result.
You can select this talent multiple times; each time you select this talent, you can use it one additional time per day.
Prerequisite: Knack.
LUCKY STOP (Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 27): A successful hit against you is mitigated by an item you just happen to be wearing or carrying, or glances off your armor or clothing in
just the right way. Once per encounter, as a reaction, you can negate the damage from a single attack that would normally reduce you to 0 hit points.
Prerequisite: Knack.
RICOCHET SHOT (Scum and Villainy, pg. 15): When making a ranged attack against a target with cover, you can choose to reduce the benefit of that target's cover by one step, from
improved cover to cover, or cover to no cover. You deal only half damage with this attack.
Prerequisites: Knack, Lucky Shot.
UNCANNY LUCK (Scum and Villainy, pg. 15): Once per encounter, you can consider any single d20 roll of 16 or higher to be a natural 20.
Prerequisites: Knack, Lucky Shot.
UNLIKELY SHOT (Scum and Villainy, pg. 15): Once per encounter, you can reroll the damage of one attack and take the better result.
Prerequisites: Knack, Lucky Shot.


Your mother always said you were trouble. Now, your enemies know it, too.
BACKSTABBER (Galaxy at War, pg. 20): You can take advantage of your adversary’s distractions, no matter how momentary or fleeting. Once per turn, when you flank a target, you can
treat him or her as flat-footed for one of your attacks.
Prerequisite: Sneak Attack.
BEFUDDLE (Scum and Villainy, pg. 15): If you succeed on a Deception check against a target's Will Defense as a swift action, until the start of your next turn you can move through the
threatened area of that target as a part of your move action without provoking an attack of opportunity. Each threatened square that you move through counts as 2 squares of
CUNNING STRATEGIST (Scum and Villainy, pg. 15): You can create opportunities to chip away at your opponents' defenses. You can use each of the following actions once per
encounter as a standard action:
• Create Opening: Make a single melee or ranged attack against any target within your range. If you damage the target, the target takes a -5 penalty to its Reflex Defense until
the start of your next turn.
• Crippling Attack: Make a single melee or ranged attack against an opponent within your range. Until the start of your next turn, the target takes a -2 penalty to its base
• Vicious Attack: Make a melee or ranged attack within your range against two opponents that are within 2 squares of each other. Make a separate attack roll at a -5 penalty
against each target, but roll damage once only.
Prerequisites: Disruptive, Walk the Line.
DASTARDLY STRIKE (Star Wars Core, pg. 46): Whenever you make a successful attack against an opponent that is denied its Dexterity bonus to Reflex Defense, the target moves -1 step
along the condition track (see Conditions, page 148).
DISRUPTIVE (Star Wars Core, pg. 46): By spending two swift actions, you can use 'your knack for causing trouble and instigating chaos to disrupt your enemies. Until the start of your
next turn, you suppress all morale and insight bonuses applied to enemies in your line of sight.
HESITATE (Scum and Villainy, pg. 15): You can fill your opponent with doubt by making a Persuasion check as a standard action against a single target that can hear and understand you
within 12 squares of you. If your check result equals or exceeds the target's Will Defense, the target takes a -2 penalty to its base speed, and if the target takes a standard action, it must
also spend its swift action. This penalty lasts until the end of the target's next turn.
IMPROVED SKIRMISHER (Scum and Villainy, pg. 15): When you move at least 2 squares before your attack and end your move in a different square from where you started, you gain a +
1 bonus to all your defenses until the start of your next turn.
Prerequisite: Skirmisher.
IMPROVED SNEAK ATTACK (Galaxy at War, pg. 20): You can use the Sneak Attack talent against a target within 12 squares, instead of within 6 squares.
Prerequisites: Point Blank Shot feat, Sneak Attack.
SEDUCER (Legacy Era, pg. 29): You excel at seduction through deception. If you fail a Persuasion check to change a target’s attribute (see page 71 of the Saga Edition core rulebook), you
can immediately reroll the check using your Deception skill in lieu of your Persuasion skill. You must accept the result of the reroll, even if its lower.
SEIZE OBJECT (Legacy Era, pg. 29): Once per encounter as a move action, you can attempt to seize a held, carried, or worn object from an adjacent target by making a Disarm attack,
with a +10 bonus on your attack roll. If the attack succeeds, you are now holding the object. You must have a free hand with which to grab the object, and you cannot use this talent in
place of the disarm action. You cannot conceal the use of this talent from the target.
SKIRMISHER (Star Wars Core, pg. 46): If you move at least 2 squares before you attack and end your move in a different square from where you started, you gain a + 1 bonus on attack
rolls until the start of your next turn.
SNEAK ATTACK (Star Wars Core, pg. 46): Any time your opponent is flat-footed or otherwise denied its Dexterity bonus to Reflex Defense, you deal an extra 1d6 points of damage with a
successful melee or ranged attack. You must be within 6 squares of the target to make a sneak attack with a ranged weapon.
You may select this talent multiple times. Each time you select it, your sneak attack damage increases by + 1d6 (maximum + 10d6).
SOW CONFUSION (Scum and Villainy, pg. 15): Once per encounter, as a standard action, you can make a Deception check and compare the result to the Will Defense of all enemies in
your line of sight. If the check result equals or exceeds an enemy's Will Defense, that enemy must spend a swift action in addition to a standard action to make an attack until the start of
your next turn.
Prerequisite: Hesitate.
STYMIE (Clone Wars, pg. 24): Once per round, as a swift action, you can designate a target within 12 squares of you and in your line of sight as the target of this talent.
Until the beginning of your turn, you can cause that target to take a -5 penalty on all checks made with a single skill. You must have line of sight to your target to make use of this talent,
and declare which skill is to be penalized at the time this talent is activated.
This is a mind-affecting effect.
SUDDEN STRIKE (Scum and Villainy, pg. 15): Whenever you would gain the benefit of the Skirmisher talent and you successfully hit your opponent, you deal sneak attack damage in
addition to the normal damage dealt by the attack.
Prerequisites: Skirmisher, Sneak Attack.
WALK THE LINE (Star Wars Core, pg. 46): As a standard action, you can do or say something that catches your enemies off guard. All opponents within 6 squares of you and in your line
of sight take a - 2 penalty to their defenses until the start of your next turn. The penalty is negated if line of sight is broken.
Prerequisite: Disruptive.
WEAKENING STRIKE (Scum and Villainy, pg. 15): Whenever you deal damage to an opponent denied its Dexterity bonus to Reflex Defense, you can choose not to move the target down
the condition track and instead impose a -5 penalty on all your opponent's attacks and melee damage until the end of your next turn.
Prerequisite: Dastardly Strike.


Scoundrels find ways to slip through fights of any size, even when the odds are against them.
CHEAP SHOT (Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 27): Once per encounter, you can make an attack of opportunity against an opponent that takes the withdraw from a space threatened by
one of your allies within point-blank range.
Prerequisite: Opportunistic Strike.
NO ESCAPE (Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 27): Whenever an opponent uses the withdraw action to leave your threatened space, that opponent is considered flat-footed against you
until the end of your next turn. Prerequisite: Opportunistic Strike.
OPPORTUNISTIC STRIKE (Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 27): Once per encounter, you can make an attack of opportunity against an opponent within point-blank range (even using a
ranged weapon) if that opponent provokes an attack of opportunity from one of your allies.
SLIPPERY STRIKE (Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 27): Once per encounter, you can designate an opponent you have just damaged as a reaction; that opponent cannot make attacks of
opportunity against you until the end of your next turn. You may use this in conjunction with the Strike and Run talent, allowing you to benefit from both talents as a single reaction.
Prerequisite: Strike and Run.
STRIKE AND RUN (Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 28): Once per encounter, as a reaction after successfully damaging an opponent with a melee or ranged attack, you can move your


You move like a ghost through the HoloNet and can hack into enemy mainframes and computer systems with astonishing grace.
ELECTRONIC FORGERY (The Force Unleashed, pg. 27): You can use your Use Computer modifier in place of your Deception modifier to create a deceptive appearance with forged
electronic documents. Prerequisite: Trained in the Use Computer skill.
ELECTRONIC SABOTAGE (The Force Unleashed, pg. 27): You excel at causing havoc with computers and electronics. AS a standard action, you can lock down a computer terminal by
making a Use Computer check, making it potentially difficult for anyone else to access. That computer is considered unfriendly to anyone other than you who attempts to use it, and the
result of your Use Computer check replaces the computer’s Will Defense on an attempt to change its attitude. This effect ends if anyone else succeeds in adjusting the computer’s
attitude to indifferent. You cannot take 20 on this Use Computer check.
Prerequisite: Trained in the Mechanics skill.
GIMMICK (Star Wars Core, pg. 47): You can issue a routine command to a computer (see page 76) as a swift action.
MASTER SLICER (Star Wars Core, pg. 47): You may choose to reroll any Use Computer check made to improve access on a computer, keeping the better of the two results.
Prerequisite: Gimmick.
TRACE (Star Wars Core, pg. 47): You can substitute your Use Computer skill for any Gather Information check as long as you have access to a computer network.
VIRUS (Scum and Villainy, pg. 16): You can substitute a Use Computer check for a Mechanics check when disabling a computerized device. The effort takes 1 minute and the DC is equal
to the computer's Will Defense. In addition, whenever anyone access the affected computer using a droid or another computer, that computer or droid's attitude immediately becomes
Prerequisite: Electronic Sabotage, trained in Use Computer.
You prowl the space lanes seeking wealth, fame, adventure, or something more. You're also pretty good with vehicles in general.
CRAMPED QUARTERS FIGHTING (Scum and Villainy, pg. 16): When adjacent to an obstacle or barrier, you gain a +2 cover bonus to your Reflex Defense.
Prerequisites: Spacehound, Starship Raider.
DEEP SPACE RAIDER (Unknown Region, pg. 21): Whether you are taking on military targets on behalf of a resistance movement or you are out for personal gain, you are experienced at
raiding starships and similar targets. You can use each of the following actions once per encounter:
• Clear a Path: Your attack forces an enemy to alter course or move out of your way. You must be fighting aboard a starship to use this action. As a standard action, make a
ranged attack. If the attack hits, on its next turn your target must move its speed to a square that is not adjacent to you. If the target is an enemy starfighter engaged in a dogfight, the
target instead must attempt to disengage from the dogfight.
• Covering Fire: You squeeze off several shots as you escape pursuing enemies. As a full round action, if you are the pilot of a vehicle, you may move the vehicle up to twice its
speed and make a single ranged attack with one of the pilot-controlled weapons at any point during that movement.
If you hit and deal damage to a vehicle with this attack, the target vehicle takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls against your vehicle until the end of your next turn.
• Disabling Fire: Make a ranged attack with a vehicle weapon. If you make this attack against a vehicle and hit and deal damage, you can choose one of the following to take
effect until the end of your next turn: one of the target's weapons ceases to function, the target's SR is reduced to D, the target's hyperdrive is disabled, or the target's speed is reduced
to 2 squares.
Prerequisites: Spacehound, Starship Raider.
HYPERDRIVEN (Star Wars Core, pg. 47): Once per day while aboard a starship, you can add your class level as a bonus on a single attack roll, skill check, or ability check. The decision to
add this bonus can be made after the result of the roll or check is known.
MAKE A BREAK FOR IT (Scum and Villainy, pg. 16): Once per encounter, while on or in a vehicle, you can move up to one half your speed or move the vehicle up to one-half its speed if
you are the pilot, as a swift action. This movement does not provoke
attacks of opportunity.
Prerequisites: Spacehound, Stellar Warrior.
SPACEHOUND (Star Wars Core, pg. 47): You take no penalty on attack rolls in low-gravity or zero-gravity environments, and you ignore the debilitating effects of space sickness (see
Zero-Gravity Environments, page 257). In addition, you are considered proficient with any starship weapon.
STARSHIP RAIDER (Star Wars Core, pg. 47): You gain a + 1 bonus on attack rolls while aboard a starship. This bonus applies to attacks made with starship weapons as well as personal
weapons used aboard a starship.
Prerequisite: Spacehound.
STELLAR WARRIOR (Star Wars Core, pg. 47): Whenever you roll a natural 20 on an attack roll made aboard a starship, you gain one temporary Force Point. If the Force Point is not used
before the end of the encounter, it is lost.
Prerequisite: Spacehound.


Profiteers, gunrunners, and privateers can use the chaos of war to make a tidy profit, and you are no exception. Your talents allow you to make the best of a bad situation, keep your
pockets filled with credits, and keep you alive long enough to spend them.
ADVANTAGEOUS OPENING (Clone Wars, pg. 24): When an enemy or ally in your line of sight rolls a natural 1 on an attack roll, you can make a melee or ranged attack against a single
target within range.
RETRIBUTION (Clone Wars, pg. 24): When a target moves one of your allies in your line of sight down the condition track by any means, you gain a +2 insight bonus to your attack rolls
against that target until the end of your next turn.
SLIP BY (Clone Wars, pg. 24): When you damage a target, until the beginning of your next turn, you can move through that target's space. Moving through the target's space might still
provoke attacks of opportunity as normal, and you must end your movement in a legal space.
THRIVE ON CHAOS (Clone Wars, pg. 24): When an enemy or ally within 20 squares of you is reduced to 0 hit points, you gain bonus hit points equal to 5 + one-half your character level.
Damage is subtracted from bonus hit points first, and any bonus hit points remaining at the end of the encounter go away. Bonus hit points do not stack.
Prerequisite: Advantageous Opening.
VINDICATION (Clone Wars, pg. 24): When an enemy you have damaged is reduced to 0 hit points or moved to the bottom of the condition track, your next attack made before the end
of the encounter deals + 1 die of damage.
Prerequisite: Retribution.
Scoundrels learn a variety of tricks that allow them to squeeze more life out of ailing technology, enhancing their gear in ways the manufacturer never intended.
FAST REPAIRS (Starships of the Galaxy, pg. 16): Whenever you jury-rig an object or vehicle, the vehicle gains a number of temporary hit points equal to the result of your Mechanics
check. Damage is subtracted from these temporary hit points first, and temporary hit points go away at the conclusion of the encounter.
Prerequisites: Trained in the Mechanics skill.
HOT WIRE (Starships of the Galaxy, pg. 16): You can use your Mechanics check modifier instead of your Use Computer check modifier when making Use Computer checks to improve
access to a computer system. You are considered trained in the use Computer skill for purposes of using this talent. If you are entitled to a Use Computer check reroll, you may reroll
your Mechanics check instead (subject to the same circumstances and limitations).
Prerequisites: Trained in the Mechanics skill.
PERSONALIZED MODIFICATIONS (Starships of the Galaxy, pg. 17): As a standard action, you may tweak the settings, grips, and moving parts of a powered weapon you wield, tailoring it
to your needs. For the remainder of the encounter, you gain a +1 equipment bonus on attack rolls and a +2 equipment bonus on damage rolls with that weapon. You can use this talent
only on powered weapons (those that require a power cell to operate), including weapons connected to a larger power source (such as vehicle and starship weapons).
QUICK FIX (Starships of the Galaxy, pg. 17): Once per encounter, you may jury-rig an object or vehicle that is not disabled. All normal benefits and penalties for jury-rigging still apply.
Prerequisites: Trained in the Mechanics skill.


By their nature, scoundrels are outsiders. By blurring the line between lawful and lawless, scoundrels operate outside social and cultural norms. Eventually, they learn to make the most
of their positions.
OATFISH (Unknown Region, pg. 20): Whether you come by oafishness naturally or it is all an act, you use your lack of sophistication and finesse as an excuse to bluff your way into or
out of delicate situations. Once per encounter, when you fail either a Deception or a Persuasion check, you can add a bonus equal to 1d6 + your Wisdom modifier to your Deception or
Persuasion check result.
OUTSIDER'S EYE (Unknown Region, pg. 20): Your status as an outsider gives you an objective view of enemies and acquaintances. Once per encounter, you can make a DC 20 Perception
check as a standard action. If the check is successful, you gain your choice of one of the following pieces of information: one Defense score of one character or vehicle within your line of
sight, or the identity of the character or the vehicle within your line of sight that has either the lowest or highest current hit points or the lowest or highest position on the condition
Prerequisite: Trained in the Perception skill.
OUTSIDER'S QUERY (Unknown Region, pg. 21): You use your outsider status as an excuse for mistakes, missteps, and social offenses. If you fail a Persuasion check to change a target's
attitude, the target's attitude toward you does not change. You can also attempt to change the target's attitude one additional time per encounter (see page 71 of the Saga Edition core
Prerequisite: Trained in the Persuasion skill.
WARY (Unknown Region, pg. 21): Your outsider status makes you cautious, observant, and ready for action. If an enemy fails a Stealth or a Deception check opposed by your Perception
check, you can take one move action as a reaction. If multiple enemies fail on the same turn (such as when you detect several enemies sneaking up on you). the number of move actions
you take cannot exceed your Dexterity modifier.
Prerequisites: Outsider's Eye, trained in the Perception skill.


You take risks that put you and your allies in danger but that always seem to pay off. Others call you reckless, but you know that great rewards come only from taking chances, even if
they could be deadly.
FIND OPENINGS (Rebellion Era, pg. 25): Whenever you are missed by an attack, you gain a +2 morale bonus to your next attack roll before the end of your next turn.
HIT THE DECK (Rebellion Era, pg. 25): Whenever you make an area attack, each ally in the area takes no damage if your attack roll fails to overcome his or her Reflex Defense, and takes
half damage if the attack hits.
LURE CLOSER (Rebellion Era, pg. 25): Once per turn, as a move action, you can make a Deception check against the Will defense of one enemy within 12 squares and within your line of
sight. If your check result equals or exceeds the target’s Will Defense, the target must move a number of squares equal to half its speed, and each square of movement must bring the
target closer to you (though the target does avoid hazards and obstacles). If the target cannot avoid a hazard (such a pit), it stops moving in the nearest safe square. This movement is
considered involuntary and does not provoke attacks of opportunity. This is a mind-affecting effect.
Prerequisite: Trick Step.
RISK FOR REWARD (Rebellion Era, pg. 25): Once per turn, when an enemy damages you with an attack of opportunity, you can make a single melee or ranged attack against a target in
range as a reaction.
Prerequisite: Find Openings.
TRICK STEP (Rebellion Era, pg. 26): As a swift action, make an Initiative check, opposed by the Initiative check of an enemy within your line of sight. If your check result equals or exceeds
the target’s check, the target is considered flat-footed against the next attack you make before the end of your turn. If the target’s check result is higher, you are considered flat-footed
against the next attack made by the target before the start of your next turn.


You seek to overthrow the system and are adept at being a monkey wrench in the cogs of society, but often at the cost of others' rights, freedoms, and lives.
BOMB THROWER (Galaxy of Intrigue, pg. 21): You are skilled in making and handling impromptu explosives. You gain a +5 bonus to Mechanics checks for the purposes of handling
explosives. In addition, you can spend a full-round action to craft the equivalent of a frag grenade from spare parts you have on hand. You must have access to the appropriate supplies,
such as an old blaster, a toolkit, or materials found inside a hangar bay.
Prerequisite: Trained in the Mechanics skill.
FOR THE CAUSE (Galaxy of Intrigue, pg. 21): Whenever you or an ally within 6 squares of you takes damage that exceeds that character's damage threshold, you and all allies within 6
squares of you gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls and damage rolls until the end of your next turn.
Prerequisite: Make an Example.
MAKE AN EXAMPLE (Galaxy of Intrigue, pg. 21): Whenever you hit with an attack and deal enough damage to exceed a target's damage threshold, that target takes a -5 penalty to
attack rolls against you until the end of your next turn. This is a mind-affecting effect.
REVOLUTIONARY RHETORIC (Galaxy of Intrigue, pg. 21): As a standard action, you can do or say something that causes an enemy to doubt its motives. Choose one enemy within 12
squares and in your line of sight, and make a Persuasion check against the target's Will Defense. If you succeed, the target can take only move actions and swift actions until the end of
your next turn. This effect ends if you attack the target. This is a mind-affecting effect.


Smuggling is part skill, part talent and part luck. The most notorious smugglers in the galaxy get along by making use of their quick wits and savvy.
ART OF CONCEALMENT (The Force Unleashed, pg. 27): Some smugglers are adept at hiding contraband and weapons, even on their person. When making a Stealth check to conceal an
item, you can take 10 even under pressure. Additionally, you can conceal an item as a swift action.
FAST TALKER (The Force Unleashed, pg. 27): Smugglers must be quick to explain discrepancies in their cover stories. Once per day, you can take 20 on a Deception check as a standard
action when attempting to deceive.
Prerequisite: Art of Concealment.
HIDDEN WEAPONS (The Force Unleashed, pg. 27): If you draw a concealed weapon and attack a target that failed to notice the item in the same round, that target is considered flat-
footed against you. You can draw a concealed item or a stowed item as a move action. Additionally, if you have the Quick Draw feat, you can reduce this to a swift action.
Prerequisite: Art of Concealment.
ILLICIT DEALINGS (The Force Unleashed, pg. 27): Smugglers have a knack for locating and negotiating illicit deals. When using Persuasion to haggle for restricted, military, or illegal
goods you may roll twice, keeping the better result.
SURPRISE STRIKE (The Force Unleashed, pg. 27): Sometimes a smuggler has to fight his way out of a bad situation. If you fail any Deception check to convey deceptive information, you
can initiate combat and make a single unarmed attack as a free action in the surprise round (or with a melee or ranged weapon, if you have the Quick Draw feat); all other combatants
are considered surprised even if they are aware of you.


Yuuzhan Vong biotechnology remains available in some parts of the galaxy, although its legality is dubious. You have become specialized in its manipulation.
BIOTECH ADEPT (Legacy Era, pg. 29): You can reroll any Knowledge (life sciences) or Treat Injury check made to use or repair biotech devices and weapons, but you must keep the
second result, even if it is worse.
BUGBITE (Legacy Era, pg. 29): You deal +1 die of damage on attacks made with razor bugs and thud bugs.
CURVE THROW (Legacy Era, pg. 29): You can spend a swift action to ignore cover (but not total cover) with your next attack with a thud bug or a razor bug made before the end of your
Prerequisite: Bugbite.
SURPRISING WEAPONS (Legacy Era, pg. 29): Whenever you successfully hit an enemy with an amphistaff, thud bug, or razor bug, and your attack roll also exceeds the target’s Will
Defense, that target is considered flat-footed against you until the end of your next turn.
VEILED BIOTECH (Legacy Era, pg. 29): You gain a +10 competence bonus on Deception and Stealth checks made to conceal any biotechnology or any biotech implants you possess.
Additionally, you may draw a concealed biotech item or weapon as a swift action instead of a standard action; if you then make an attack with that biotech weapon before the end of
your turn, your opponent loses its Dexterity bonus to Reflex Defense against the first attack you make with that weapon.
Prerequisites: Trained in Stealth.

Your skills at observation and stealth are frequently called upon as you gather information about enemy forces.
FORWARD PATROL (Galaxy at War, pg. 20): At the start of a surprise round in which you are not caught by surprise, you can designate one ally within 6 squares of you as able to retain
his or her Dexterity bonus to Reflex Defense during the surprise round.
Prerequisite: Watchful Step.
MOBILE COMBATANT (Galaxy at War, pg. 20): You know that the key to winning a fight is keeping your enemies from pinning you down. You can use each of the following actions once
per encounter:
 Evasive Assault: As a standard action, make a single melee or ranged attack. If the attack successfully deals damage, you gain a +5 dodge bonus to your Reflex Defense until the
end of your next turn.
 Expeditious Attack: As a standard action, make a single melee or ranged attack, then moved up to half your speed as a free action. This movement does not provoke an attack
of opportunity.
 Yielding Assault: When you are damaged by an enemy’s melee or ranged attack, you can move up to one-half your speed as a reaction. This movement does not provoke an
attack of opportunity. On your next turn, you gain a favourable circumstance to your first attack roll against the same enemy that damaged you.
Prerequisites: Forward Patrol, Watchful Step.
TRAILBLAZER (Galaxy at War, pg. 21): During your turn, you can spend a swift action to allow all allies within 6 squares of you and within your line of sight to count the first square of
difficult terrain as normal terrain each time they move.
Prerequisite: Trained in Survival.
WATCHFUL STEP (Galaxy at War, pg. 21): You can use your Perception check modifier instead of your Initiative modifier when making Initiative checks. If you are entitled to an Initiative
check reroll, you can reroll your Perception check instead (subject to the same circumstances and limitations). You are considered to be trained in Initiative.


You are exceptionally good at noticing things and avoiding perilous situations.
ACUTE SENSES (Star Wars Core, pg. 49): You may choose to reroll any Perception check, but the result of the reroll must be accepted even if it is worse.
EXPERT TRACKER (Star Wars Core, pg. 49): You take no penalty on Survival checks made to follow tracks while moving your normal speed. (Without this talent, you take a -5 penalty on
Survival checks made to follow tracks while moving your normal speed.)
Prerequisite: Acute Senses.
IMPROVED INITIATIVE (Star Wars Core, pg. 49): You may choose to reroll any Initiative check, but the result of the reroll must be accepted even if it is worse.
Prerequisite: Acute Senses.
KEEN SHOT (Star Wars Core, pg. 49): You take no penalty on your attack roll when attacking a target with concealment (but not total concealment).
Prerequisite: Acute Senses.
RESET INITIATIVE (The Force Unleashed, pg. 28): Scouts are highly aware of their surroundings and able to take advantage of the slightest opportunities. Once per encounter, at any
time after the first full round (that is, the first full round after the surprise round, if one occurs), the scout can set his Initiative to his current Initiative +5.
Prerequisites: Acute Senses, Improved Initiative, trained in the Initiative skill.
UNCANNY DODGE I (Star Wars Core, pg. 49): You retain your Dexterity bonus to your Reflex Defense regardless of being caught flat-footed or struck by a hidden attacker. You still lose
your Dexterity bonus to your Reflex Defense if you are immobilized.
Prerequisites: Acute Senses, Improved Initiative.
UNCANNY DODGE II (Star Wars Core, pg. 49): You cannot be flanked. You can react to opponents on opposite sides of you as easily as you can react to a single attacker.
Prerequisites: Acute Senses, Improved Initiative, Uncanny Dodge I.
WEAK POINT (Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 28): Once per encounter, you can use a swift action to ignore the Damage Reduction of a single target within your line of sight for the rest
of your turn.
Prerequisites: Acute Senses, Keen Shot.


You learn quickly how to blend in with your environment.
DIG IN (Galaxy at War, pg. 20): When prone, you can spend a swift action to gain concealment until the start of your next turn. If you stand up or move, you lose this benefit.
EXTENDED AMBUSH (Unknown Regions, pg. 21): During a surprise round, if you make a ranged attack against a target that is surprised, you can aim at that target as a free action.
Prerequisite: Improved Stealth.
GHOST ASSAILANT (Galaxy at War, pg. 20): If you start your turn with total concealment or total cover from a target, during that turn you can make a Stealth check as a swift action,
opposed by the target’s Perception check. If you succeed, the target is considered flat-footed against you until the end of your turn.
HIDDEN MOVEMENT (Star Wars Core, pg. 49): You're very good at hiding when mobile. You take no penalty on your Stealth check when moving your normal speed.
Prerequisite: Improved Stealth.
HIDE IN PLAIN SIGHT (Scum and Villainy, pg. 16): Once per encounter, when you are within 2 squares of cover or concealment, you can move to that cover or concealment and make a
Stealth check to hide as a single move action.
Prerequisites: Hidden Movement, Improved Stealth.
HUNKER DOWN (Scum and Villainy, pg. 16): Whenever you benefit from cover, you can spend a standard action to hunker down and maximize the benefit of the cover. You increase
the benefit of cover to improved cover and improved cover to total cover.
IMPROVED STEALTH (Star Wars Core, pg. 49): You may choose to reroll any Stealth check, but the result of the reroll must be accepted even if it is worse.
SHADOW STRIKER (Scum and Villainy, pg. 16): You excel at fighting from the shadows, hitting your opponents when they least expect it. You can use each of the following actions once
per encounter as a standard action:
• Blinding Strike: Make a single melee or ranged attack against an opponent within range. If you damage the target, you gain total concealment against that target until the
beginning of your next turn.
• Confusing Strike: You can make a single melee or ranged attack against an opponent within range. If this opponent is denied its Dexterity bonus to Reflex Defense or if you
have concealment from this opponent, a successful attack also causes the opponent to be able to take only a swift action on its next turn.
• Unexpected Attack: Make a melee or ranged attack within your range against an opponent from whom you have concealment. You gain a +2 bonus on this attack roll if you
have concealment or a +5 bonus if you have total concealment.
Prerequisites: Hidden Movement, Improved Stealth.
SLIP BY (Galaxy at War, pg. 20): When you would normally provoke an attack of opportunity by moving out of a threatened space, you can roll a Stealth check, replacing your Reflex
Defense with the results of your Stealth check if it is higher.
TOTAL CONCEALMENT (Star Wars Core, pg. 49): Any situation that would give you concealment (see page 156) grants you total concealment instead.
Prerequisites: Hidden Movement, Improved Stealth.


You use your knowledge of stealth and survival to make yourself a master of espionage and a valuable resource for those who wish to keep their hands clean in dirty situations.
FADE OUT (Galaxy of Intrigue, pg. 22): You know how to make yourself scarce when dealing with suspicious or hostile beings. You can use your Stealth skill, not Deception, to create a
diversion to hide (see page 73 of the Saga Edition core rulebook. If you are trained in the Deception skill, you gain a +5 bonus to your skill check for the purposes of creating a diversion.
Prerequisite: Trained in Stealth.
KEEP TOGETHER (Galaxy of Intrigue, pg. 22): Whenever you are hit or missed by a melee or a ranged attack, you can move up to your speed as a reaction, provided that you end your
movement adjacent to an ally. This movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity.
PRUDENT ESCAPE (Galaxy of Intrigue, pg. 22): Whenever you reduce a target to 0 hit points or otherwise render a creature unconscious, you can choose two allies within 6 squares of
you and within your line of sight. You and the allies you chose can immediately move up to your speeds as a reaction. This movement does not provoke opportunity attacks.
REACTIVE STEALTH (Galaxy of Intrigue, pg. 22): When you are missed by a ranged attack and have concealment or cover from the attacker, you can move up to half your speed as a
reaction and make a Stealth check to become hidden from your attacker, provided you still have concealment or cover at the end of your movement.
Prerequisite: Trained in Stealth.
SIZING UP (Galaxy of Intrigue, pg. 23): Once per encounter, you can make a Perception check against the Will Defense of a single target that is within 6 squares of you and within your
line of sight. If you succeed, you gain a +2 insight bonus to all skill checks and attack rolls against the target until the end of the encounter.


You're especially skilled at "getting by" on backwater worlds.
BARTER (Star Wars Core, pg. 49): You may reroll any Persuasion check made to haggle (see the Persuasion skill, page 71). You must, however, accept the result of the reroll.
FLEE (Scum and Villainy, pg. 17): As a standard action, you can designate a single opponent and move up to your speed away from that opponent; this movement does not provoke
attacks of opportunity from that opponent, though it might provoke as normal for all other opponents. In addition, your speed increases by 2 until the end of your next turn.
Prerequisite: Long Stride.
FRINGE SAVANT (Star Wars Core, pg. 49): Whenever you roll a natural 20 on a skill check during an encounter, you gain one temporary Force Point. If the Force Point is not used before
the end of the encounter, it is lost.
JURY-RIGGER (Star Wars Core, pg. 49): You may reroll any Mechanics check made to accomplish a jury-rigged repair (see the Mechanics skill, page 68). You must, however, accept the
result of the reroll.
KEEP IT TOGETHER (Scum and Villainy, pg. 17): Whenever you successfully jury-rig a device or vehicle, the vehicle does not move -5 steps along the condition track at the end of the
encounter, though it does move -2 persistent steps down the condition track.
Prerequisite: Jury-Rigger.
LONG STRIDE (Star Wars Core, pg. 49): Your speed increases by 2 squares if you are wearing light armor or no armor. If you have a natural fly, climb, or swim speed, it increases by 2
squares as well. You cannot use this talent if you are wearing medium or heavy armor.
SIDESTEP (Scum and Villainy, pg. 17): You can use a swift action to reduce the cost of each move into a diagonal space to 1 until the end of your turn if you are wearing light armor or no
armor. You cannot use this talent if you are wearing medium or heavy armor.
Prerequisite: Long Stride.
SURGE (Scum and Villainy, pg. 17): Once per encounter, you can use a swift action to move up to your speed.
Prerequisite: Long Stride.
SWIFT STRIDER (Scum and Villainy, pg. 17): You are skilled at maneuvering on the battlefield thanks to your experience surviving in dangerous places. You can use each of the following
actions once per encounter as a standard action:
• Blurring Burst: As a move action move up to your speed, and gain a +2 bonus to your Reflex Defense until the end of the encounter.
• Sudden Assault: Make a charge attack against an enemy within range as a standard action. You take no penalty to your Reflex Defense for this attack.
• Weaving Stride: Move up to your speed as a move action. You gain a cumulative +2 dodge bonus to Reflex Defense for each attack of opportunity made against you during
this movement. This bonus lasts until the beginning of your next turn.
Prerequisites: Long Stride, Sidestep.


You are an experienced deep-space explorer who has learned a few tricks along the way that help you survive both in space and planet-side.
DEEO-SPACE GAMBIT (Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 28): Once per encounter, when you or a vehicle you occupy are the target on an attack roll, you can force your opponent to reroll
the attack. The opponent mist take the worse result.
GUIDANCE (Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 28): You know how to guide others through treacherous terrain. You may use a swift action to point out to an ally the path of least
resistance to an ally within line of sight who can see, hear, and understand you. The ally ignores the effect of difficult terrain on its next turn. You may not use this talent on yourself.
Prerequisite: Trained in Perception.
HIDDEN ATTACKER (Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 29): Your shots seem to come from nowhere. Whenever you use the snipe application of the Stealth skill, you do so as a swift action
instead of a move action.
Prerequisite: Trained in Stealth.
HYPERSPACE SAVANT (Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 29): You can substitute your Pilot skill for any Use Computer check made to astrogate or operate sensors while you are the pilot
of a vehicle.
Prerequisite: Trained in Pilot.
SILENT MOVEMENT (Unknown Region, pg. 21): You know how to move silently in almost any environment.
You never suffer from unfavourable circumstances from environmental effects associated with noise when you sneak using the Stealth skill. Once per round, when you make a Stealth
check, you can automatically use the aid another action on one ally's Stealth check.
Prerequisite: Trained in the Stealth skill.
VEHICLE SNEAK (Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 29): You know how to fly and operate your vehicle in order to hide its approach visually, decrease the noise it produces, and minimize
its sensor signature. Treat your ship as two size categories smaller when attempting Stealth checks.
Prerequisite: Trained in Pilot.


You are more experienced and talented than the average scout. You draw upon your diverse abilities to gain advantages others cannot match. Several of these talents draw upon talents
from multiple talent trees available to the scout class.
PIERCING HIT (Unknown Region, pg. 21): You are skilled at fighting armoured characters, taking advantage of their weaknesses. You can use each of the following actions once per
• Binding Hit: You dislodge an enemy's armor, causing it to hinder the wearer's defenses. Make a melee or ranged attack as a standard action. If you hit and damage your
target, the target loses its arm or bonus to Reflex Defense and is flat-footed. This effect remains until the target spends a standard action to adjust its armor.
• Blinding Fire: Make a melee or ranged attack as a standard action. If the attack hits and damages the target, the target takes a -2 penalty to all attacks until the end of your
next turn. Additionally, all other creatures, droids, and vehicles have concealment from the target until the end of your next turn.
• Slowing Shot: Your hit damages your target's armor so that the target's movement is hindered. Make a melee or ranged attack as a standard action. If you hit and damage
the target, the target's speed is reduced to 2 squares until the end of your next turn.
Prerequisites: Acute Senses, Keen Shot.
QUICKTRAP (Unknown Region, pg. 22): You can use Tripwire as a move action instead of a standard action.
Prerequisites: Jury-Rigger, Tripwire, trained in the Mechanics skill.
SPEEDCLIMBER (Unknown Region, pg. 22): You do not take the penalty when using the Accelerated Climbing application of the Climb skill.
Prerequisites: Long Stride, Surefooted, trained in the Climb skill.
SURPRISINGLY QUICK (Unknown Region, pg. 22): In a surprise round, if you are not surprised, you can take a swift action in addition to the one other action normally allowed. If you are
surprised, you can take a single swift action (instead of no actions).
Prerequisites: Skill Focus (Initiative), trained in the Initiative skill.
TRIPWIRE (Unknown Region, pg. 22): As a standard action, you can set up a simple snare or trap across an opening up to 3 squares wide. You must have the required item to set the
trap. Make a successful DC 20 Mechanics check to set the trap.
Make a Deception check to conceal the wire. Compare the result of the Deception check to t he Perception check of the next creature that passes through that square (-10 if it observes
you setting the trap). If the creature fails the Perception check, it takes the result indicated for the trap. If the creature succeeds, it can make a DC 10 Acrobatics check to avoid the wire.
Select one of the following options:
• Clothesline: Requires thin wire, set at neck height. Success results in the target falling prone in the trapped square, ending its actions for the turn and taking 1d6 points of
• Electronic tripwire: Success results in mine damage (treat as f rag grenade, 2-square blast radius centered on one end of the wire). Target is automatically hit; roll 1d20+ 10
against the Reflex Defense of adjacent targets.
• Tripwire: Requires thin wire, set at ankle height. Add 2 to the Deception check result. Success results in the target immediately falling prone in the trapped square and ending
its actions for the turn.
Prerequisites: Jury-Rigger, trained in the Mechanics skill.


Always mobile, scouts have developed ways to ride and drive over all types of terrain. The following talents enable a scout to become a more effective rider and pilot.
BATTLE MOUNT (Unknown Region, pg. 22): You know how to fight from a living mount. You can use each of the following actions once per encounter:
• Covered Attack: Once per encounter, when you use Use Mount as Cover (but not improved cover) with the Ride skill (see page 72 of the Saga Edition core rulebook)' you can
make an attack as a standard action, but you must have a free hand to do so.
• Reduce Profile: You gain additional cover from your mount. When you succeed in using the Use Mount as Cover application of the Ride skill (see page 72 of the Saga Edition
core rulebook), you gain improved cover. If you fail by less than 10, you still gain the benefit of normal cover. You gain no benefit if you fail by 10 or more.
• Swift Attack Mount: Once per encounter, the mount you are riding can make an attack as a swift action instead of as a standard action.
Prerequisites: Expert Rider, Terrain Guidance, trained in the Ride skill.
EXPERT RIDER (Unknown Region, pg. 23): You can reroll any Ride check, but the result of the reroll must be accepted even if it is worse.
Prerequisite: Trained in the Ride ski ll.
MECHANIZED RIDER (Unknown Region, pg. 23): You use your riding experience to improve your skills on a speeder bike or a swoop. When riding a speeder bike or a swoop (or similar
vehicle), you can use the following applications of the Ride skill (see page 72 of the Saga Edition core rulebook): Fast Mount or Dismount, Soft Fall, Stay in Saddle, and Use Mount as
Prerequisites: Trained in the Pilot and Ride skills.
TERRAIN GUIDANCE (Unknown Region, pg. 23): You effectively guide your mount through rough terrain. When in control of your mount, you can make a DC 20 Ride check as a swift
action to negate the effect of difficult terrain on your mount's speed.
Prerequisite: Trained in the Ride skill.


Scoundrels learn a variety of tricks that allow them to squeeze more life out of ailing technology, enhancing their gear in ways the manufacturer never intended.
FAST REPAIRS (Starships of the Galaxy, pg. 16): Whenever you jury-rig on object or vehicle, the vehicle gains a number of temporary hit points equal to the result of your Mechanics
check. Damage is subtracted from these temporary hit points first, and temporary hit points go away at the conclusion of the encounter.
Prerequisites: Trained in the Mechanics skill.
HOT WIRE (Starships of the Galaxy, pg. 16): You can use your Mechanics check modifier instead of your use Computer check modifier when making Use Computer checks to improve
access to a computer system. You are considered trained in the Use Computer skill for purposes of using this talent. If you are entitled to a Use Computer check reroll, you may reroll
your Mechanics check instead (subject to the same circumstances and limitations).
Prerequisites: Trained in the Mechanics skill.
PERSONALIZED MODIFICATIONS (Starships of the Galaxy, pg. 17): As a standard action, you may tweak the settings, grips, and moving parts of a powered weapon you wield, tailoring it
to your needs. For the remainder of the encounter, you gain a +1 equipment bonus on attack rolls and a +2 equipment bonus on damage rolls with that weapon. You can use this talent
only on powered weapons (those that require a power cell to operate), including weapons connected to a larger power source (such as vehicle and starship weapons).
QUICK FIX (Starships of the Galaxy, pg. 17): Once per encounter, you may jury-rig an object or vehicle that is not disabled. All normal benefits and penalties for jury-rigging still apply.
Prerequisites: Trained in the Mechanics skill.


You have learned to work in concert with a team to provide the best reconnaissance and cover as much ground as possible.
CLOSE-COMBAT ASSAULT (Clone Wars, pg. 25): Each of your followers gains the Point Blank Shot feat.
Prerequisite: Reconnaissance Team Leader.
GET INTO POSITION (Clone Wars, pg. 25): As a move action, you can cause one of your followers to move up to his or her speed +2 squares.
Prerequisites: Reconnaissance Team Leader, base attack bonus +5.
RECONNAISSANCE ACTIONS (Clone Wars, pg. 25): You and your reconnaissance team have learned to work together as a cohesive unit and have an established set of tactics, which you
have practiced to perfection. You can use any of the following actions on your turn.
• Forward Scouting: As a standard action, you can make a melee or ranged attack against a target in range. For each of your followers armed with a ranged weapon who has
line of sight to your target, you can grant one ally a +2 insight bonus on attack rolls against your target until the beginning of your next turn. Thus, if you have multiple armed
followers with line of sight to the target, you can grant the +2 bonus to multiple allies.
• Group Sniping: As a standard action, you can make a melee or ranged attack against a target in range. For each of your followers armed with a ranged weapon who has line
of sight to your target, you and each of your followers gains a + 1 circumstance bonus to Stealth checks until the end of your next turn.
• Sweep the Area: As a standard action, you can make a melee or ranged attack against a target in range. For each of your followers armed with a ranged weapon who has line
of sight to your target, you and each of your followers gains a +1 circumstance on Perception checks until the end of your next turn.
Prerequisite: Reconnaissance Team Leader.
RECONNAISSANCE TEAM LEADER (Clone Wars, pg. 25): You gain a single follower. Choose either the aggressive, defensive, or utility follower temp late for your follower, generating the
follower's statistics using the rules on page 32. This follower gains the Skill Training feat for the Perception and Stealth skills. Additionally, whenever you use the Stealth skill, all your
followers can also make Stealth checks as a part of the same action if they are able to.
You can select this talent multiple times. Each time you do, you gain one additional follower (maximum of three followers).
Scouts are often capable of getting into areas unseen, and they make excellent spies thanks to their survival instincts and aptitude for stealth.
BLEND IN (The Force Unleashed, pg. 28): You know the tricks of body language and movement that allow you to disguise your appearance without elaborate materials of efforts. You
can use your Stealth modifier in place of your Deception modifier for the purpose of creating a deceptive appearance. You are considered trained in the Deception skill for the purpose
of using this talent. If you are entitled to a Deception check reroll, you can reroll your Stealth check instead (subject to the same circumstances and conditions).
INCOGNITO (The Force Unleashed, pg. 28): Spies are adept at concealing their identities, even if not using a physical disguise. You can reroll your Deception check for the purpose of
creating a deceptive appearance, using the better result.
Prerequisite: Blend In.
IMPROVED SURVEILLANCE (The Force Unleashed, pg. 28): When you successfully use the Surveillance talent, you grant yourself and your allies a +1 insight bonus to all defenses against
that target.
Prerequisites: Surveillance, trained in the Perception skill.
INTIMATE KNOWLEDGE (The Force Unleashed, pg. 28): Experienced spies and scouts remember many details from previous assignments, providing insights on later missions. Once per
encounter as a standard action, you can take 20 on a check involving a Knowledge skill you are trained in, or take 10 on a check involving a Knowledge skill you are untrained in, even if
circumstances would not normally allow you to take 10 or 20.
Prerequisite: Surveillance.
SURVEILLANCE (The Force Unleashed, pg. 28): As a full-round action, you can make a Perception check against a single target within line of sight. The DC is equal to 15 or the target’s
Stealth check result (if the target is actively trying to remain hidden), whichever is greater. If the check is successful, you grant yourself and all allies within line of sight a +2 insight bonus
on attack rolls against that target until the end of your next turn. Your allies must be able to hear and understand you to benefit from this bonus, and they do not lose the benefit of this
talent if they move out of line of sight after it is used.
Prerequisite: Trained in the Perception skill.
TRACELESS TAMPERING (The Force Unleashed, pg. 28): Spies specialize in leaving no evidence of their presence when they tamper with advanced electronics or basic mechanical
systems. When using Mechanics to disable a device, you automatically leave no trace when tampering (with no DC increase), and you must fail by 10 or more (instead of 5 or more)
before something goes wrong.


You have mastered the art of surveillance, transforming the information you gather with scouting into a distinct advantage on the battlefield.
ADVANCED INTEL (Clone Wars, pg. 25): If you are not surprised at the beginning of combat, you can use the Spotter talent as a free action on your first turn, including during the
surprise round.
Prerequisite: Spotter.
HIDDEN EYES (Clone Wars, pg. 25): If you have concealment from a target, you gain a +5 circumstance bonus on all Perception checks made against that target.
HUNT THE HUNTER (Clone Wars, pg. 25): When you use a standard action to actively look for hidden enemies (as per the Notice Targets application of the Perception skill). you can
make a single melee or ranged attack against anyone enemy you notice with your Perception check.
SEEK AND DESTROY (Clone Wars, pg. 25): If you make a charge attack against a target that is unaware of you, that target cannot make a Perception check to notice you until after the
attack is resolved, even if you move away from cover or concealment.
Prerequisite: Hidden Eyes.
SPOTTER (Clone Wars, pg. 25): As a move action, you can make a Perception check with a DC equal to 10 + the CL of a single target enemy in your line of sight. If you succeed on the
check, you and all your allies that can hear and understand you gain a + 1 insight bonus on attack rolls against that target until the end of your next turn.


As an explorer of dangerous places, you are trained to react to danger swiftly and adroitly, as well as navigate difficult terrain and reduce damage.
EVASION (Star Wars Core, pg. 49): If you are hit by an area attack (see Area Attacks, page 155). you take half damage if the attack hit you. If the area attack misses you, you take no
EXTREME EFFORT (Star Wars Core, pg. 49): You can spend two swift actions to gain a +5 bonus on a single Strength check or Strength based skill check made during the same round.
SPRINT (Star Wars Core, pg. 49): When you use the run action, you can move up to five times your speed (instead of the normal four times your speed) .
SUREFOOTED (Star Wars Core, pg. 49): Your speed is not reduced by difficult terrain (see Difficult Terrain, page 159).
You make it difficult for enemies to harm you because you’re never in the place where they expect you to be. When they do manage to hurt you, you make them pay for it with sudden
retribution attacks.
AGGRESSIVE SURGE (Rebellion Era, pg. 26): Once per encounter when you catch a second wind, you can make a charge attack as a free action, provided that you can make a charge
attack against a legal target at the time you catch a second wind.
BLAST BACK (Rebellion Era, pg. 26): Once per round when you are a damaged by an enemy’s area attack, as a reaction you can make an immediate melee or ranged attack, provided
that you have line of sight to the attacker and the target is within your melee or ranged reach.
FADE AWAY (Rebellion Era, pg. 26): Once per turn when you are damaged by an enemy’s attack, as a reaction you can move up to half your speed. This movement does not provoke
attacks of opportunity.
SECOND STRIKE (Rebellion Era, pg. 26): Once per encounter when you miss a target with a single melee or ranged attack, as a free action you can move up to half your speed and make
a second attack of the same type against a different target. This movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity.
If you have the Combat Reflexes feat, you can use this talent a number of times per encounter equal to your Dexterity bonus (minimum 1). You may still only use this talent once per
Prerequisite: Blast Back.
SWERVE (Rebellion Era, pg. 26): Once per encounter when an enemy makes an attack of opportunity against you, as a reaction you can automatically negate the attack and immediately
move up to half your speed. This movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity.
If you have the Combat Reflexes feat, you can use this talent a number of times per encounter equal to your Dexterity bonus (minimum 1). You may still only use this talent once per
Prerequisite: Fade Away.


You are known for your ability to adapt to any situation, heedless of adversity.
ADAPT AND SURVIVE (Legacy Era, pg. 30): When an enemy within 24 squares of you and in your line of sight receives a morale or insight bonus of any kind, you also gain the benefits of
that bonus until the end of your next turn.
DEFENSIVE PROTECTION (Legacy Era, pg. 30): You can spend a Force Point as a reaction and add the results of the Force Point roll to any one of your defenses, or to one of the defenses
of an adjacent ally. This bonus lasts until the beginning of your next turn.
QUICK ON YOUR FEET (Legacy Era, pg. 30): Once per encounter, you may move up to your speed as reaction.
READY AND WILLING (Legacy Era, pg. 30): When you ready an action, you can choose at any time before the start of your next turn to take your readied action at the end of the current
turn, after the acting creature, droid, or vehicle completes its action.
UNBALANCING ADAPTATION (Legacy Era, pg. 30): When you use the Adapt and Survive talent, you also deny the bonus that triggered the talent to one enemy within your line of sight.
Prerequisite Adapt and Survive.

You specialize in springing ambushes on your enemies.
AMBUSH SPECIALIST (Rebellion Era, pg. 28): If you are not surprised on the first round of combat in an encounter, you can treat the first round of combat as if it were the surprise round
for the purposes of talents and feats that trigger only during the surprise round.
Additionally, during the surprise round as a free action you can designate that target as your prime target. You gain a +2 morale bonus to attack rolls against your prime target until the
end of the encounter.
DESTRUCTIVE AMBUSHER (Rebellion Era, pg. 28): After you designate a prime target, you deal +1 die of damage on tacks against the prime target until the end of the encounter.
Prerequisite: Ambush Specialist.
KEEP IT GOING (Rebellion Era, pg. 28): If you reduce your prime target to 0 hit points, as a free action you can designate another target within your line of sight as your new prime
target. This new target remains your prime target until the end of the encounter.
Prerequisite: Ambush Specialist.
KEEP THEM REELING (Rebellion Era, pg. 28): Once per turn as a swift action, you can make an Initiative check, opposed by the Initiative check of your prime target. If your check result
equals or exceeds your prime target’s check result, your target is flat-footed against all attacks you make before the end of your turn.
Prerequisite: Ambush Specialist.
PERCEPTIVE AMBUSHER (Rebellion Era, pg. 28): You gain a +5 circumstance bonus to Perception checks against your prime target until the end of the encounter.
Prerequisite: Ambush Specialist.
SPRING THE TRAP (Rebellion Era, pg. 28): If you and all your allies roll higher Initiative checks to start combat than do all your opponents, you automatically gain a surprise round, even
if the opponents are aware of you when combat begins.


You can maximize the benefits of wearing armor while reducing or eliminating some of its drawbacks.
ARMOR MASTERY (Star Wars Core, pg. 51): The maximum Dexterity bonus of your armor improves by + 1. You must be proficient with the armor you are wearing to gain this benefit.
Prerequisite: Armored Defense.
ARMORED DEFENSE (Star Wars Core, pg. 51): When calculating your Reflex Defense, you may add either your heroic level or your armor bonus, whichever is higher. You must be
proficient with the armor you are wearing to gain this benefit.
IMPROVED ARMORED DEFENSE (Star Wars Core, pg. 51): When calculating your Reflex Defense, you may add your heroic level plus one-half your armor bonus (rounded down) or your
armor bonus, whichever is higher. You must be proficient with the armor you are wearing to gain this benefit.
Prerequisite: Armored Defense.
JUGGERNAUT (Star Wars Core, pg. 51): Your armor does not reduce your speed or the distance you can move while running. You must be proficient with the armor you are wearing to
gain this benefit.
Prerequisite: Armored Defense.
SECOND SKIN (Star Wars Core, pg. 51): When wearing armor with which you are proficient, your armor bonus to your Reflex Defense and equipment bonus to your Fortitude Defense
increase by + 1.
Prerequisite: Armored Defense.
SHIELD EXPERT (Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 29): You are an expert in using personal shields for maximum effectiveness. Once per encounter, you can spend a swift action to regain
10 points of SR (up to the shield’s maximum) on an active personal shield.
Prerequisite: Armor Proficiency (light).


You like to get "up close and personal" with your enemies and engage them in melee combat.
BAYONET MASTER (Clone Wars, pg. 26): When you take a full attack action, you can treat a ranged weapon with a bayonet as a double melee weapon. You can attack with the bayonet
and club a target with your ranged weapon (as with the Gun Club talent), ignoring the normal penalties for attacking with both ends of a double weapon.
Prerequisite: Gun Club.
CANTINA BRAWLER (Scum and Villainy, pg. 17): While flanked, you gain a +2 bonus on unarmed attack rolls and damage rolls.
COUNTERPUNCH (Scum and Villainy, pg. 17): When you fight defensively, any adjacent creature that attacks you provokes an attack of opportunity from you.
CROWD CONTROL (Galaxy of Intrigue, pg. 23): You can grab two adjacent creatures at a time.
Prerequisite: Entangler.
DEVASTATING MELEE SMASH (Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 29): Once per encounter, you can attempt a devastating melee smash. You must declare this special melee attack before
making the attack roll. If the attack roll succeeds add half your level to the damage instead of the normal +1 for Melee Smash. The damage from this talent does not stack with any
damage bonus provided by the Powerful Charge feat.
Prerequisite: Melee Smash.
DISARM AND ENGAGE (Galaxy of Intrigue, pg. 23): When you successfully disarm an opponent, you can make an immediate free attack with the disarmed weapon at a -5 penalty. If you
are not proficient with the weapon, you take the penalty for non proficiency as well.
ENTANGLER (Galaxy of Intrigue, pg. 23): When grabbing a target, you take a -2 penalty to your attack roll (instead of the normal -5 penalty). Until the target breaks the grab, it takes a -5
penalty to attack rolls, including those made with natural and light weapons (instead of the normal -2 penalty).
EXPERIENCED BRAWLER (Scum and Villainy, pg. 17): You know how to fight when the odds are against you. You can use each of the following actions as a standard action once per
• Avoid Attack: Make a single melee attack against an opponent within your reach. Until the beginning of your next turn, you gain a +5 dodge bonus to Reflex Defense against a
single attack as a reaction.
• Fortified Mind: Make a single melee attack against an opponent within your reach . Until the beginning of your next turn, you gain a +5 bonus to Fortitude or Will Defense
against a single attack as a reaction.
• Focused Stance: Make a single melee attack against an opponent within your reach. At any time until the beginning of your next turn, as a reaction, you can move up to 2
squares. This movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity.
Prerequisite: Melee Smash, Stunning Strike.
EXPERT GRAPPLER (Star Wars Core, pg. 52): You gain a +2 competence bonus on grapple attacks (see page 153).
GRABBER (Legacy Era, pg. 31): You do not take a =5 penalty when using the grab action (see page 152 of the Saga Edition core rulebook).
GUN CLUB (Star Wars Core, pg. 52): You can use a ranged weapon as a melee weapon without taking a penalty on your attack roll. (Normally you take a -5 penalty on attack rolls made
with an improvised weapon.) The weapon is otherwise treated as a club in all respects.
If you are using a rifle with a mounted bayonet (see page 121) or vibrobayonet (see page 124), you may wield that weapon as a double weapon.
The bayonet or vibrobayonet end is treated normally, and the other end is treated as a club.
HAMMERBLOW (Legacy Era, pg. 31): If you are unarmed and holding no items, you double your Strength bonus on unarmed attack rolls.
MAKE DO (Scum and Villainy, pg. 17): When fighting with an improvised weapon, you take no penalty on your attack rolls.
MAN DOWN (Scum and Villainy, pg. 17): Whenever an ally within 6 squares is reduced to 0 hit points, you can immediately move up to your speed toward that ally as a reaction.
This movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity.
MELEE SMASH (Star Wars Core, pg. 52): You deal + 1 point of damage with melee attacks.
PICK A FIGHT (Scum and Villainy, pg. 17): During the surprise round, you and all allies within 6 squares of you gain a + 1 morale bonus on attack rolls. Additionally, until the end of the
encounter, you retain this bonus to attack rolls against any target you or your allies damage during the surprise round.
Prerequisite: Cantina Brawler.
REVERSE STRENGTH (Galaxy of Intrigue, pg. 23): You know how to use an opponent's strength against it. Whenever you successfully grapple an opponent, you deal damage equal to the
opponent's Strength modifier (minimum 1 point).
STRONG GRAB (Legacy Era, pg. 31): When you successfully grab an opponent, they must use a full-round action instead of a standard action to break the grab.
STUNNING STRIKE (Star Wars Core, pg. 52): When you damage an opponent with a melee attack, your opponent moves an additional-1 step along the condition track (see page 149), if
your damage roll result equals or exceeds the target's damage threshold.
Prerequisite: Melee Smash.
SUCKER PUNCH (Scum and Villainy, pg. 17): When your melee attack damages an opponent that is denied its Dexterity bonus to Reflex Defense, that opponent cannot take attacks of
opportunity until the end of its next turn.
UNBALANCE OPPONENT (Star Wars Core, pg. 52): You are skilled at keeping your opponents off balance in melee combat. During your action, you designate an opponent no more than
one size category larger or smaller than you. That opponent doesn't get to add his Strength bonus on attack rolls when targeting you. (If the opponent has a Strength penalty, he still
suffers that penalty.) The opponent's Strength modifier applies to damage, as usual. You can select a new opponent on your next turn.
Prerequisite: Expert Grappler.
UNRELENTING ASSAULT (Clone Wars, pg. 26): You launch yourself at your foe, attacking with weapons, limbs, and anything else available. Whenever you miss with a melee attack or the
attack is negated, you still deal your Strength bonus in damage to the target (minimum 1) or 2 x your Strength bonus if you attack with a weapon you are wielding two-handed.
Prerequisite: Melee Smash.


Your brutal fighting techniques give you an upper hand when operating in small groups.
GANG LEADER (Legacy Era, pg. 30): Once per encounter, when you make a Persuasion check to intimidate, you gain a +1 bonus on the check for every ally within 6 squares of you and in
the target’s line of sight (maximum +5 bonus).
MELEE ASSAULT (Legacy Era, pg. 31): When you make a melee attack against a target that has one or more of your allies adjacent to it, compare the result to the target’s Fortitude
Defense as well as its Reflex Defense. If the attack hits both defenses, the attack deals +1 die of damage and the target is knocked prone.
MELEE BRUTE (Legacy Era, pg. 31): When you make a melee attack against a target that has one or more of your allies adjacent to it, compare the result to the target’s Fortitude
Defense as well as its Reflex Defense. If the attack hits both defenses, the target’s speed is reduced by 2 squares and it takes a -2 penalty to its Reflex Defense until the end of your next
MELEE OPPORTUNIST (Legacy Era, pg. 31): Once per encounter, when an ally makes a successful melee attack against a target adjacent to you, you can make a melee attack against that
target as a reaction, with a +2 bonus on the attack roll.
SQUAD BRUTALITY (Legacy Era, pg. 31): When you succeed on a melee attack against a target that has one or more of your allies adjacent to it, you may reroll your damage roll, taking
the better result.
SQUAD SUPERIORITY (Legacy Era, pg. 31): Whenever you and at least two allies are adjacent to the same target, that target is considered flat-footed against you.


You use advanced combat tactics to take down enemies quickly, shield your comrades, and endure whatever challenges are thrown your way.
BATTLE ANALYSIS (Star Wars Core, pg. 52): As a swift action, you can make a DC 15 Knowledge (tactics) check. If the check succeeds, you know which allies and opponents in your line of
sight are reduced to at least half of their maximum total hit points.
COORDINATED EFFORT (Galaxy of Intrigue, pg. 23): When you use the aid another action to grant a bonus on attack rolls, if you are aiding the target of your Dedicated Protector talent
that ally also gains a +2 bonus to damage rolls on the attack you aided.
Prerequisite: Dedicated Protector.
COVER FIRE (Star Wars Core, pg. 52): When you make a ranged attack with a pistol or rifle, all allies within 6 squares of you when the attack is made gain a + 1 bonus to Reflex Defense
until the start of your next turn. Allies within range don't need to be within your line of sight to gain the bonus.
Prerequisite: Battle Analysis.
DEDICATED GUARDIAN (Galaxy of Intrigue, pg. 24): You can use each of the following action once per encounter:
 Blast Shield: Spend a swift action . Until the end of your next turn, the ally who is under the effects of your Dedicated Protector talent is treated as having the Evasion talent for
the purposes of determining damage from an area attack. If the ally already has Evasion, the damage from a successful area attack is reduced by 1 die.
 Take the Pain: Whenever your Dedicated Protector target would move down the condition track, you can, as a reaction, choose to move the same number of steps down the
condition track instead (preventing the ally from moving down the track).
 Team Effort: Spend a swift action. Until the end of your next turn, while you are adjacent to your Dedicated Protector target, any enemy that is adjacent to you and to that ally
is considered flanked.
Prerequisites: Dedicated Protector, Harm's Way.
DEDICATED PROTECTOR (Galaxy of Intrigue, pg. 24): Once per encounter, you can designate one ally within 6 squares of you. Until the end of the encounter, that ally gains a + 1 morale
bonus to Reflex Defense as long as it remains adjacent to you. Any individual can only be the target of this talent once per encounter.
Prerequisite: Harm's Way.
DEFENSIVE POSITION (Galaxy at War, pg. 21): Whenever you have the benefit of cover (see pages 157-158 of the Saga Edition core rulebook), you can spend two swift actions to treat it
as improved cover until the start of your next turn.
Prerequisite: Battle Analysis.
DEMOLITIONIST (Star Wars Core, pg. 52): When you use the Mechanics skill to place an explosive device, the explosion deals +2 dice of damage. You may take this talent multiple times;
its effects stack.
DRAW FIRE (Star Wars Core, pg. 52): You can distract opponents and convince them that you are the most tempting (or most dangerous) target in an area. As a swift action, make a
Persuasion check and compare the result to the Will Defense of all opponents within line of sight. If the check result exceeds an opponent's Will Defense, that opponent cannot attack
any character within 6 squares of you until the start of your next turn as long as you do not have cover against that opponent. (The affected opponent may still attack you, however.)
HARD TARGET (Threats of the Galaxy, pg. 95): You can catch a second wind as a reaction instead of as a swift action.
Prerequisite: Tough as Nails.
HARM’S WAY (Star Wars Core, pg. 52): Once per round, you may spend a swift action to shield a single adjacent ally from attacks, taking the damage and suffering the ill effects in your
ally's stead. Until the start of your next turn, any attack made against the protected ally targets you instead. You may elect not to shield your protected ally against a given attack,
provided the decision is made before the attack roll is made.
Prerequisite: Trained in the Initiative skill.
INDOMITABLE (Star Wars Core, pg. 52): Once per day as a swift action, you can move +5 steps on the condition track (see Conditions, page 148). This does not remove any persistent
conditions that may be affecting you (see page 149). You can select this talent multiple times. Each time you select this talent, you can use it one additional time per day.
KEEP THEM AT BAY (Clone Wars, pg. 26): When you use the aid another action to suppress an enemy, that enemy takes a -5 penalty on its next attack instead of the normal -2 penalty.
Only 1 character may gain the benefits of this talent against a given target at a time.
OUT OF HARM'S WAY (Unknown Region, pg. 23): As a react ion, when you use Harm's Way (which still requires a swift action to activate), you can move into the square of the ally you
are protecting, and move the ally to any legal square adjacent to you. This movement does not provoke an attack of opportunity.
Prerequisites: Harm's Way, trained in the Initiative skill.
TOUGH AS NAILS (Star Wars Core, pg. 52): You can catch a second wind one extra time per day (see Second Wind, page 146). If you have this talent and the Extra Second Wind feat (see
page 85), you can catch your second wind a total of three times per day.


Mercenaries are blasters-for-hire who sell their services to the highest bidder. Though money might motivate them, few types of soldiers are more capable of operating independently.
Talents from this tree can be used to qualify for the elite trooper prestige class, in addition to those listed in the Saga Edition core rulebook.
COMBINED FIRE (Threats of the Galaxy, pg. 57): You gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls on attacks against targets that have been damaged by an ally since the end of your last turn.
Prerequisite: Coordinated Attack feat.
COMMANDING PRESENCE (The Force Unleashed, pg. 28): Once per encounter, you can activate this talent as a swift action. Until the end of the encounter, all your enemies within 6
squares of you take a -2 penalty to their Will Defense. This is a mind-affecting fear effect.
Additionally, Persuasion is now considered a class skill for you.
DIRTY FIGHTING (The Force Unleashed, pg. 28): Once per encounter, if you successfully damage an opponent with a melee or ranged attack, you reduce the target’s damage threshold
by 2 for the remainder of the encounter.
FEARED WARRIOR (The Force Unleashed, pg. 29): Your abilities on the battlefield are well known and feared. When you reduce an enemy to 0 hit points with an attack, you can make a
Persuasion check as a free action against all targets within 6 squares. If your Persuasion check exceeds a target’s Will Defense, that target takes a -2 penalty on attack rolls for the
remainder of the encounter. This talent affects any given target only once per encounter. This is a mind-affecting fear effect.
Prerequisite: Commanding Presence.
FOCUSED WARRIOR (The Force Unleashed, pg. 29): Your training makes you confident and disciplined in combat. When you successfully deal damage to an opponent in combat, you
gain a +5 morale bonus to Will Defense until the start of your next turn. You lose this bonus to Will Defense if you are surprised or flat-footed for any reason.
MERCENARY’S DETERMINATION (Threats of the Galaxy, pg. 57): As a free action, on your turn, you can spend a Force point to double your speed for 1 round. You must wait 5 rounds
between each use of this ability.
Prerequisite: Mercenary’s Grit.
MERCENARY’S GRIT (Threats of the Galaxy, pg. 57): When you are affected by any debilitating condition, you can convert the condition’s modifier from a penalty to a bonus for 1 round
as a swift action. At the end of your next turn, move -1 step along the condition track.
MERCENARY’S TEAMWORK (Threats of the Galaxy, pg. 57): You gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls (to a maximum of +10) for each ally that has damaged your target since the end of your
last turn.
Prerequisites: Combined Fire, Coordinated Attack feat.
RUTHLESS (The Force Unleashed, pg. 29): When you deal damage to a target with a melee or ranged attack roll that exceeds the target’s damage threshold, you gain a +2 bonus on
damage rolls against that target for the remainder of the encounter.
Prerequisite: Dirty Fighting.


You are an expert in the use of jet packs. You can use this form of transport to perform specialized aerial assaults and maneuvers.
BURNING ASSAULT (Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 30): As a standard action you can expand one of your jet pack’s charges to make an attack with the jet pack, treating it as a flame
thrower (see page 128 of the Saga Edition core rulebook). You cannot use this talent when you are flying. You are considered proficient in the flame thrower for the purpose of making
this attack.
Prerequisite: Jet Pack Training.
IMPROVED TRAJECTORY (Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 30): You always use the proper trajectories to maximize efficiency of your rocket-pack burn rates. You increase your fly speed
by 2 squares when using a jet pack.
Prerequisite: Jet Pack Training.
JET PACK TRAINING (Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 30): You can activate a jet pack as a free action on your turn. You need not make Pilot checks to land safely with a jet pack.
JET PACK WITHDRAW (Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 30): Once per encounter, as a reaction when an opponent moves adjacent to you, you can expend one charge of your jet pack to
fly and move your speed or withdraw.
Prerequisite: Jet Pack training.
You are trained in the shockboxing fighting style and can use your fists to devastate your enemies. Although you trained for competitive shockboxing, much of your expertise can also be
applied outside the ring.
DEFENSIVE JAB (Galaxy at War, pg. 21): When you are unarmed and take the fight defensively action, you can make a single unarmed attack as a free action against an adjacent target.
Prerequisite: Retaliation Jab.
NIMBLE DODGE (Galaxy at War, pg. 21): If an enemy misses you with a melee attack, as a reaction you can move up to 2 squares, but you must end your movement adjacent to your
RETALIATION JAB (Galaxy at War, pg. 21): If an enemy misses you with a melee attack, as a reaction you can automatically deal damage equal to your Strength modifier (minimum 1
point of damage) to your attacker, if the attacker is within your reach.
STINGING JAB (Galaxy at War, pg. 21): When you hit a target with an unarmed attack, you can choose to deal half damage with your attack. If you do so, your enemy also deals half
damage on all melee attacks he or she makes until the end of your next turn.
STUNNING SHOCKBOXER (Galaxy at War, pg. 21): When you deal stun damage to a target with an unarmed attack, after the stun damage is halved, roll one extra die of damage and add
that to the damage subtracted from the target’s hit points.
Prerequisite: Stinging Jab.


You are a capable military leader who can issue orders to a squad of soldiers with poise and efficiency.
COMMANDING OFFICER (Clone Wars, pg. 26): You gain a single follower. Choose either the aggressive, defensive, or utility follower template for your follower, generating the follower's
statistics using the rules on page 32. This follower gains one Armor Proficiency feat of your choice and Weapon Proficiency (rifles), in addition to those provided by the follower
templates. The follower must meet the prerequisites for the Armor Proficiency feat you select. You can select this talent multiple times. Each time you do, you gain one additional
follower (maximum of three followers).
COORDINATED TACTICS (Clone Wars, pg. 26): Each of your followers gains the Coordinated Attack feat (see page 83 of the Saga Edition core rulebook)' provided he meets the
prerequisite. If your follower later meets the prerequisite for the feat, he gains the feat at that time.
Prerequisite: Commanding Officer.
FIRE AT WILL (Clone Wars, pg. 26): As a full-round action, you and one of your followers can make a ranged attack against one target (each) in line of sight. You each take a -5 penalty to
your attack rolls.
Prerequisites: Commanding Officer, base attack bonus +5.
SQUAD ACTIONS (Clone Wars, pg. 26): You and your squad have learned to work together as a team, and have an established set of tactics that you have practiced to perfection. You
can use any of the following actions on your turn.
• Autofire Barrage: As a standard action, you can make an autofire attack against legal target spaces. For each of your followers who is armed with a ranged weapon set on
autofire and has line of sight to the area targeted by your autofire, you can designate one additional square as targeted by your autofire (that square must be adjacent to
your original target area).
• Open Fire: As a standard action, make a ranged attack against a single target. For each of your followers who is armed with a ranged weapon and has line of sight to the
target, add +2 to your damage roll on a successful hit.
• Painted Target: As a standard action, make a ranged attack against a single target. You gain a competence bonus on your attack roll equal to the number of your followers
who are armed with a ranged weapon and have line of sight to the target. Thus, if you have three armed followers with line of sight to the target, you gain a +3
competence bonus on your attack roll.
Prerequisite: Commanding Officer.


In war, soldiers stand side by side against deadly foes, and you have learned how to keep yourself and your comrades alive in battle.
COMRADES IN ARMS (Clone Wars, pg. 26): Whenever you are within 3 squares of an ally, you gain a + 1 circumstance bonus on all melee and ranged attack rolls.
FOCUSED TARGETING (Clone Wars, pg. 26): When you damage a target with a melee or ranged attack, all allies within 3 squares gain a +2 bonus on damage rolls against that target until
the beginning of your next turn.
Prerequisite: Comrades in Arms.
PHALANX (Clone Wars, pg. 26): Whenever you provide soft cover to an ally within 3 squares, you are considered to be providing improved cover.
Prerequisite: Watch Your Back.
STICK TOGETHER (Clone Wars, pg. 26): You can spend a move action to activate this talent.
Until the beginning of your next turn, if an ally moves you can immediately move up to your speed, provided you end your movement within 3 squares of that ally.
Prerequisite: Comrades in Arms.
WATCH YOUR BACK (Clone Wars, pg. 26): If you are adjacent to at least one ally, enemies gain no benefit from flanking you or any adjacent allies.


You have been from one side of the galaxy to the other and have fought on more planets than most people visit in a lifetime. Talents from this tree can be used to qualify for the officer
prestige class, in addition to those listed in the Saga Edition core rulebook.
BATTLEFIELD REMEDY (Galaxy at War, pg. 21): You have learned a variety of different ways to treat combat injuries in the field. When you succeed on a Treat Injury check to administer
in the field. When you succeed on a Treat Injury check to administer First Aid, the tended creature also moves +1 step on the condition track.
Prerequisite: Trained in Treat Injury.
GRIZZLED WARRIOR (Galaxy at War, pg. 21): You can draw upon your extensive battlefield experience to encourage your comrades and drive your enemies before you. You can use
each of the following actions once per encounter as a standard action:
 Defy the Odds: Make a single melee or ranged attack. You immediately gain a number of bonus hit points equal to your Constitution score.
 Double the Pain: When you use the Aid Another action to provide an ally within 6 squares of you a bonus to his or her attack roll, add one-half your character level to the ally’s
damage roll if the attack is successful.
 Guarded Assault: Make a single melee or ranged attack. You gain a +2 dodge bonus to your Reflex Defense against all attacks until the start of your next turn.
Prerequisites: Seen it All, Tested in Battle.
RECKLESS (Galaxy at War, pg. 22): You know from first-hand experience that victory goes to those willing to take a chance. You can add your Wisdom bonus (minimum +1) to the
damage roll when you make a successful charge attack.
Prerequisite: Tested in Battle.
SEEN IT ALL (Galaxy at War, pg. 22): You have seen more action in more places than most people know exist, and little in the galaxy gets you rattled. Any character using a fear effect on
you must roll twice, keeping the lower result on any skill checks and attack rolls.
Prerequisites: Tested in Battle, trained in Initiative.
TESTED IN BATTLE (Galaxy at War, pg. 22): When you catch a second wind (see page 154 of the Saga Edition core rulebook), you move +2 steps on the condition track in addition to
regaining hit points.


Warriors draw upon their natural aggressiveness, powerful bodies, and fighting abilities to defeat their enemies. Whether they fight with primitive or advanced weaponry, they are
fearsome combatants.
CHAMPION (Unknown Region, pg. 23): You fight for protection, honor, or glory for yourself and others. You can use each of the following actions once per encounter:
• Champion's Pride: Your pride and dedication drives you on in the most difficult moments. When you use your second wind, you move + 1 step on the condition track and
remove one fear effect or mind-affecting effect in addition to the normal benefit of second wind.
• Disarming Hit: When you hit and damage a creature and that damage equals or exceeds the target's damage threshold, you can make a Disarm Attack (see page 152 of
the Saga Edition core rulebook) against that target as a free action. If using a ranged weapon, you must also have the Ranged Disarm feat.
• Masterful Strike: You land an impressive blow against your enemy. When making a successful unarmed or melee attack (except when using a lightsaber), increase your
damage by 2 for every 5 points by which your attack roll exceeds your target's Reflex Defense.
Prerequisites: Warrior's Awareness, Warrior's Determination.
QUICK STUDY (Unknown Region, pg. 23): You excel at turning an enemy's tricks against it. Once per encounter, if an enemy attacks you using a non-Force-related talent, you can use the
same talent against it on your next turn. You must use an appropriate weapon or item, if required by the talent, although you do not have to have the prerequisites. You can take this
action even if your enemy's attack misses you.
Prerequisite: Warrior's Awareness.
SIMPLE OPPORTUNITY (Unknown Region, pg. 23): You can make attacks of opportunity when using a ranged or thrown simple weapon against a single target. Area attack weapons
cannot be used with this talent.
Prerequisite: Weapon Proficiency (simple weapons).
WARRIOR'S AWARENESS (Unknown Region, pg. 23): You learn your enemy's preferred tactics quickly. When an enemy character makes an unarmed or a melee attack against you for at
least the second time in an encounter, make a Perception check as a reaction. If the check is successful, you gain a +1 bonus to your Reflex and Fortitude Defenses against that character
until the end of the encounter.
You can use this against only one character at a time, until that character is incapacitated or killed, or until you voluntarily switch targets by dropping the use of this talent for one full
round (you can take other actions normally).
WARRIOR'S DETERMINATION (Unknown Region, pg. 23): Your natural determination carries you through tough battles. Once per encounter, as a reaction, you can ignore one non-
Force-related effect, talent, skill, or ability that exceeds your Will Defense. If you spend a Force Point, you can ignore one mind-affecting effect, even if it is the result of a Force power,
technique, or secret.


You are highly trained at using specific weapons.
AUTOFIRE ASSAULT (Galaxy at War, pg. 22): When making an autofire attack, you can brace a weapon that is not restricted to autofire only. You must be proficient with the weapon
being used.
Prerequisite: Weapon Proficiency (heavy weapons).
CRUSHING ASSAULT (Scum and Villainy, pg. 17): You use your attacks to beat down your opponents' defenses. When you successfully damage an opponent using a bludgeoning weapon
that you have the Weapon Specialization talent for, your next attack against that opponent made before the end of the encounter gains a +2 bonus to the attack roll and to the damage
roll. The effects of multiple Crushing Assaults do not stack.
Prerequisite: Weapon Specialization.
DEVASTATING ATTACK (Star Wars Core, pg. 52): Choose a single exotic weapon or weapon group with which you are proficient. Whenever you make a successful attack against a target
using such a weapon, you treat your target's damage threshold as if it were 5 points lower when determining the result of your attack.
You may select this talent multiple times. Each time you select this talent, it applies to a different exotic weapon or weapon group.
DISARMING ATTACK (Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 29): Choose a single exotic weapon or weapon group with which you are proficient. You ignore a target’s armor bonus to Reflex
Defense when disarming with such a weapon. Additionally, as a free action, once per encounter, you can grant yourself a +10 bonus on your attack roll when attempting to disarm an
opponent while using such a weapon.
Prerequisites: Improved Disarm, Intelligence 13, Weapon Specialization with the chosen weapon.
IMPALING ASSAULT (Scum and Villainy, pg. 17): You can hit your opponents to slow them down. Whenever you successfully damage an opponent using a piercing weapon that you
have the Weapon Specialization talent for, your opponent reduces its speed by 2 squares until the end of your next turn. The effects of multiple Impaling Assaults do not stack.
Prerequisite: Weapon Specialization.
IMPROVED SUPPRESSION FIRE (Legacy Era, pg. 31): When you successfully an enemy using the aid another action (see page 151 of the Saga Edition core rulebook), that enemy takes a
-5 penalty on its attack rolls until the start of your next turn. When targeting an area with an autofire weapon, each enemy in the turn, regardless of whether your attack hits.
PENETRATING ATTACK (Star Wars Core, pg. 52): Choose a single exotic weapon or weapon group with which you are proficient. Whenever you make a successful attack against a target
using such a weapon, you treat your target's damage reduction as if it were 5 points lower when determining the result of your attack.
You may select this talent multiple times. Each time you select this talent, it applies to a different exotic weapon or weapon group.
Prerequisite: Weapon Focus with chosen exotic weapon or weapon group.
STINGING ASSAULT (Scum and Villainy, pg. 17): You can deliver nasty injuries that leave your opponents reeling. Whenever you successfully damage an opponent using a slashing
weapon that you have the Weapon Specialization talent for, your opponent takes a -2 penalty on melee attacks against you until the start of your next turn. The effects of multiple
Stinging Assaults do not stack.
Prerequisite: Weapon Specialization.
WEAPON SPECIALIZATION (Star Wars Core, pg. 52): Choose a single exotic weapon or weapon group with which you are proficient. You gain a +2 bonus on damage rolls with such
weapons. You may select this talent multiple times. Each time you select this talent, it applies to a different exotic weapon or weapon group.
Prerequisite: Weapon Focus with chosen exotic weapon or weapon group.
One of the most valued skills a pilot on the fringe can have is the ability to blast past the authorities and not get caught. This talent tree covers abilities common to smugglers and
blockade runners throughout the galaxy.
CLOSE COVER (Scum and Villainy, pg. 25): If you occupy the same space as a vehicle that is larger than the vehicle you are piloting, your vehicle gains a +5 cover bonus from the larger
Prerequisite: Watch This.
OUTRUN (Scum and Villainy, pg. 25): Whenever you use the all -out movement action as the pilot of a vehicle, your vehicle gains a +2 dodge bonus to Reflex Defense.
PUNCH THROUGH (Scum and Villainy, pg. 25): If you are the pilot of a vehicle, smaller vehicles that attempt to engage you in a dogfight take a -10 penalty on their Pilot check instead of
the normal -5.
SMALL TARGET (Scum and Villainy, pg. 25): When you are the pilot of a Colossal or smaller vehicle, capital ship weapons that take a -20 penalty on attack rolls against your vehicle (such
as turbo-lasers) do not automatically score a critical hit on your vehicle on a natural 20. The attack is only a critical hit of the total attack roll
(20 + the weapon's attack bonus) would normally hit your vehicle. Otherwise, the attack deals normal damage.
WATCH THIS (Scum and Villainy, pg. 26): You can move into or through a space occupied by a vehicle of Colossal (frigate) size or larger without causing a collision. Additionally, if you
pilot a Colossal or smaller vehicle, you can occupy the same space as a vehicle of Colossal (frigate) size or larger.


The ace pilot relies on finely honed instincts and years of pilot training to out-maneuver and destroy enemy starships.
BLIND SPOT (Starships of the Galaxy, pg. 17): You can fly a vehicle you pilot so close to a target at least two sizes larger than your vehicle that it is difficult for the target to avoid or
attack you. You must be adjacent to the target (at starship scale) to use this talent. As a swift action, make an opposed Pilot check against the target. If you succeed, you move into the
same space as your target. You move with your target if it moves (assuming your vehicle has sufficient speed to keep up), and you must make another opposed Pilot check each round as
a swift action to stay in its blind spot.
As long as you stay in the target’s blind spot, any attack you make against the target gains a +2 bonus, and the target takes a -2 penalty on attacks made against you.
CLOSE SCRAPE (Starships of the Galaxy, pg. 17): Whenever you are piloting a vehicle of Colossal size or smaller, you may make a Pilot check as a reaction to turn a critical hit into a
normal hit. The DC for the Pilot check is equal to the attack roll total of the critical hit. If you are successful, the damage from the attack is not doubled (though it is still considered an
automatic hit).
CLIP (Galaxy of Intrigue, pg. 24): When you use the ram action, you reduce the size of your ship by two categories for the purposes of taking collision damage. The rammed ship takes
damage appropriate to the actual size of your ship.
ELUSIVE DOGFIGHTER (Star Wars Core, pg. 207): When engaged in a dogfight, any enemy pilot engaged in the same dogfight takes a -10 penalty on attack rolls when you succeed on the
opposed Pilot check (see Attacking in a (Dogfight, page 171).
FULL THROTTLE (Star Wars Core, pg. 207): You can take 10 on Pilot checks made to increase your vehicle's speed (see the Pilot skill description, page 71). In addition, when you use the
all-out movement action while piloting a vehicle; your vehicle moves up to five times its normal speed (instead of the normal x4).
IMPROVISED ATTACK RUN (Starships of the Galaxy, pg. 17): You do not have to move in a straight line when using the attack run action.
JUKE (Star Wars Core, pg. 207): When you fight defensively as the pilot of a vehicle (see page 171), you may negate a weapon hit on your vehicle using the Vehicular Combat feat one
additional time per round.
Prerequisites: Vehicular Evasion
KEEP IT TOGETHER (Star Wars Core, pg. 207): Once per encounter, when a vehicle you're piloting takes damage that equals or exceeds its damage threshold, your vehicle avoids moving
down the condition track (see Conditions, page 148).
MASTER DEFENDER (Galaxy of Intrigue, pg. 24): When you fight defensively, either your vehicle gains a +5 dodge bonus to Reflex Defense if you and your gunners take a -2 penalty to
attack rolls, or it gains a +10 dodge bonus if you and your gunners take a -5 penalty to attack rolls.
RELENTLESS PURSUIT (Star Wars Core, pg. 207): You may roll twice for any opposed Pilot check made to initiate a dogfight, keeping the better result (see Dogfight, page 171).
RENOWNED PILOT (Clone Wars, pg 39): Your reputation as a skilled pilot precedes you and bolsters the resolve of your allies. All allies within 6 squares of a vehicle you pilot can reroll
one Pilot check, keeping the better result. Once an ally has used this ability, that same ally cannot gain this talent’s benefit during the same encounter.
ROLL OUT (Unknown Regions, pg. 29): You are an expert at escaping dogfights. When making an opposed check to disengage from a dogfight, you can reroll your Pilot check, taking the
better result. If you fail, you remain in the dogfight, but the gunners on your vehicle do not take penalties to their attack rolls (see page 171 of the Saga Edition core rulebook).
Prerequisite: Elusive Dogfighter.
SHUNT DAMAGE (Galaxy of Intrigue, pg. 24): Once per encounter, if your ship takes damage, make a Pilot check and compare the result to the Reflex Defense of one adjacent allied
ship. If your check result is higher, the allied ship takes the damage instead.
VEHICULAR EVASION (Star Wars Core, pg. 207): If the vehicle you are piloting is hit by an area attack (see Area Attacks, page 155), it takes half damage if the attack hits. If the area
attack misses your vehicle, it takes no damage. You cannot use this talent when your vehicle is stationary or disabled.
VEHICLE FOCUS (Starships of the Galaxy, pg. 17): Choose a single type of vehicle from the following list: airspeeder, capital ship, space transport, speeder, starfighter, or walker. When
you are the pilot or gunner of that type of vehicle, you gain +2 to all attack rolls with a vehicle weapon, and may take 10 on any Pilot checks made while piloting that type of vehicle,
even when you are otherwise unable to.
Prerequisites: Wisdom 13.
WINGMAN (Starships of the Galaxy, pg. 17): As a swift action, you can make a DC 15 Pilot check to assist any allied starfighter or airspeeder within 2 squares at starship scale. If you
succeed, the pilot of that vehicle gains a +5 bonus on all opposed Pilot checks relating to the dogfight action until the start of your next turn.
Prerequisites: Wisdom 13.


Many starship gunners are skilled both in and out of the cockpit and are deadly with ranged weapons of any kind.
CRIPPLING HIT (Starships of the Galaxy, pg. 17): Whenever you make an attack that causes a vehicle to move -1 or more steps down the condition track, you may also cause it to lose
one of the following systems: hyperdrive, one weapon or weapon battery, or communications. The systems remains inoperative until the target regains all steps on the condition track.
Prerequisite: Expert Gunner, System Hit.
DOGFIGHT GUNNER (Star Wars Core, pg. 207): While your vehicle is engaged in a dogfight, you take no penalty on your attack rolls with vehicle weapons even if you are not the pilot.
Prerequisite: Expert Gunner.
EXPERT GUNNER (Star Wars Core, pg. 207): You gain a + 1 bonus on attack rolls made using vehicle weapons.
FAST ATTACK SPECIALIST (Unknown Regions, pg. 29): Once per encounter, when piloting a vehicle of Gargantuan size or smaller, you can make a full attack as a standard action. You
can spend a Force Point to use this action one additional time in an encounter.
Prerequisites: Expert Gunner, Quick Trigger.
GREAT SHOT (Starships of the Galaxy, pg. 17): When firing a vehicle weapon, you treat the distance to the target as though it were one range category less than it actually is. For
example, when targeting an enemy at short range, you treat it as though it were at point blank range for the purpose of determining bonuses or penalties.
OVERCHARGED SHOT (Unknown Regions, pg. 29): You know how to overcharge your vehicle's weapon to produce additional damage. As a swift action, you can overcharge your
vehicle's energy weapon and deal 1 die of damage on your next attack in the same turn. However, your weapon loses 1 die of damage on its subsequent attacks and cannot be
overcharged again, until a full round passes without the weapon firing.
Prerequisites: Expert Gunner.
QUICK TRIGGER (Star Wars Core, pg. 207): Whenever an enemy vehicle moves out of your square or an adjacent square, you may make a single attack against that vehicle as an attack
of opportunity.
Prerequisite: Expert Gunner.
SYNCHRONISED FIRE (Starships of the Galaxy, pg. 17): Once per encounter, you may ready to fire a single weapon at the same target as an ally, and you coordinate with a single
weapon of your ally. If both attacks hit, you add the damage of the two weapons together before applying the target’s SR or DR, and treat it as a single attack for purposes of exceeding
the target’s damage threshold.
Prerequisite: Expert Gunner.
SYSTEM HIT (Star Wars Core, pg. 207): Whenever you deal damage to a vehicle that equals or exceeds its damage threshold, you move that vehicle an additional -1 step on the
condition track (see Conditions, page 148).
Prerequisite: Expert Gunner.


You are an expert at leading a squadron of smaller vehicles into combat as a unit.
All talents in the Squadron Leader talent tree apply to other airspeeders, starfighters, and space transports in a squad you command. A squadron includes any airspeeder, starfighter, or
space transport you pilot, plus a maximum number of vehicles equal to your ace pilot class level plus your Charisma modifier (minimum one other ship). Vehicles must be able to
communicate with you to gain the benefit of your Squadron Leader talents, and you designate which vehicles are in your squadron at the beginning of your first turn as a free action.
Each squadron can benefit from the talents of only a single squadron leader. A squadron leader is normally designated when an encounter begins, but vehicles without a squadron
leader can join a squadron as long as both the vehicle and the squadron leader are willing, and the squadron leader has not reached his maximum squadron size.
BEGIN ATTACK RUN (Starships of the Galaxy, pg. 17): As a swift action, you designate a single target. When using the attack run action against that target, vehicles in your squadron gain
a +5 bonus on their attack rolls (instead of the normal +2). You may have only one target designated at a time.
Prerequisite: Charisma 13.
REGROUP (Starships of the Galaxy, pg. 18): Once per encounter as a standard action, you can move all
Vehicles in your squadron +1 step on their condition tracks.
Prerequisite: Charisma 13.
SQUADRON MANEUVERS (Starships of the Galaxy, pg. 18): Choose one talent that you already possess. The talent you select must be from the Expert Pilot or Gunner talent trees. Once
per encounter as a standard action, you can impart the benefits of the chosen talent to all members of your squadron. Once gained, its benefits last until the end of the encounter.
Prerequisite: Charisma 13, any other ace pilot talent.
SQUADRON TACTICS (Starships of the Galaxy, pg. 18): Once per encounter, when you use a starship maneuver, you grant all ships in your squadron the ability to use the same
maneuver once on their next turn. The pilot of each ship that chooses to use the maneuver must make any Pilot checks or attacks rolls the maneuver requires – your success or failure
with the maneuver has no bearing on the success of other units of your squadron.
Prerequisite: Charisma 13, Wisdom 13, any other ace pilot talent, Squadron Maneuvers, Starship Tactics.


You are adapt at flying in tight formations with your allies, working together with them to achieve your goals and using your vehicles to shield theirs form harm. To use talents from this
tree, you must be piloting a vehicle of Colossal size or smaller.
CONCENTRATE ALL FIRE (Rebellion Era, pg. 40): When you use the aid another action to aid an ally’s attack roll with a vehicle weapon, if the attack hits, it deals +1 die of damage. Any
ally can only benefit from this talent once per attack roll, regardless of how many allies with this talent aid on the attack.
ESCORT PILOT (Rebellion Era, pg. 40): When a vehicle that you are piloting is adjacent to a vehicle of Colossal size or smaller that is piloted by an ally, both you and your ally gain a +5
circumstance bonus to Pilot checks to avoid being pulled into a dogfight as an attack of opportunity.
LOSE PURSUIT (Rebellion Era, pg. 40): When a vehicle that you are piloting is adjacent to a vehicle of Colossal size or smaller that is piloted by an ally, both you and your ally gain a +5
circumstance bonus to Pilot checks to avoid being pulled into a dogfight as an attack of opportunity.
RUN INTERFERENCE (Rebellion Era, pg. 40): As a reaction, you can use the Vehicular Combat feat to negate an attack against an adjacent vehicle of Colossal size or smaller that is piloted
by an ally. If you can use Vehicular Combat more than once per round, each use to negate an attack counts toward your limit of uses per round.
Prerequisite: Escort pilot.
WINGMAN RETRIBUTION (Rebellion Era, pg. 40): When a vehicle of Colossal size or smaller that is piloted by an ally is damaged by an attack, once per round as a reaction you can make
a vehicle weapon attack with a -5 penalty against your ally’s attacker.
Prerequisite: Escort Pilot.

AGENT OF OSSUS (The Force Unleashed, pg. 91)

The Agent of Ossus are urban Force-users who specialize in using their powers to survive in the cities and towns at the center of civilization. Their proximity to Imperial authority
necessitates both discretion and creativity among their members.
Because the Agent of Ossus talent tree is a Force talent tree, you need the Force Sensitivity feat to select these talents.
BURIED PRESENCE (The Force Unleashed, pg. 92): You can spend a Force Point as a standard action to become immune to detection by the force for 1 hour. During this time, you
always avoid detection by characters who are using the sense force application of the Use the Force skill, and you cannot be the target of the farseeing power. You may use this as a
reaction to another character attempting to locate you with Sense Force (but before the character locates you), and if you make a Use the Force check this power’s effect immediately
CONCEAL OTHER (The Force Unleashed, pg. 92): When you use either the Buried Presence talent or the Vanish talent, you affect one other willing adjacent target, granting it the effect
of that talent as well.
You can select this talent multiple times. Each time you do so, it increases the number of adjacent willing targets you affect by one.
Prerequisite: Buried Presence.
INSIGHTFUL AIM (The Force Unleashed, pg. 92): You can spend a Force Point as a swift action to substitute your use the force modifier for your ranged attack bonus when making
attacks with a ranged weapon until the beginning of your next turn.
Prerequisite: Weapon Proficiency (pistols or rifles) feat.
VANISH (The Force Unleashed, pg. 92): You can make a Use the Force check as a swift action to vanish from the sight of a single target within line of sight. If the result of your Use the
Force check exceeds the target’s Will Defense, you gain total concealment from that target until the beginning of your next turn, or until you make an attack roll or skill check against the

AING-TII MONKS (Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 72)

The Aing-Tii monks have an understanding of the Force that is different from the Jedi and most other Force traditions. The Force has many more aspects than just a light side and a dark
side, and it is most useful for facilitating freedom of travel.
AURA OF FREEDOM (Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 73): All allies within 6 squares of you gain a +5 Force bonus on skill checks or grapple checks made to escape grapples or other
immobilizing hazards. Additionally, whenever an ally within 6 squares of you is moved against its will (such as by the move object Force power or the Bantha Rush feat), you can spend a
Force Point as a reaction to negate the forced movement entirely.
FOLDED SPACE MASTERY (Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 73): While you are the pilot of a vehicle, you can use the fold space Force power (see page 25) to move the vehicle across
long distances. If your Use the Force check to activate the power is sufficient to move an object of the same size as your vehicle (or larger), you can use the power to move your vehicle
and all of its occupants safely to the desired destination. You use your Use the Force check result instead of a Use Computer check, as though calculating a hyperspace jump. This
otherwise uses the normal rules for hyperspace travel, thought travel is instantaneous and requires no hyperdrive.
Prerequisite: Fold Space.
LIBERATE (Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 73): You can spend a Force Point as a swift action to designate one ally within 12 squares of you and in line of sight that is currently
grabbed, grappled, or immobilized; that target automatically escapes from the grab or grapple (or the immobilizing effect is removed), and the target can move up to half its speed
immediately as a reaction. This movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity.
Prerequisite: Aura of Freedom.
MANY SHADES OF THE FORCE (Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 73): Choose one Force power with the [dark side] or [light side] descriptor in your Force suite. That power is no
longer considered to have that descriptor for you.
Prerequisite: Force Training.
SPATIAL INTEGRITY (Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 73): While you are aboard a vehicle, you can spend a Force Point as a reaction to the vehicle taking damage; you make a Use
the Force check and reduce the damage the vehicle takes by the check result. This reduction occurs after both DR and SR are applied to the damage.

ASSASSIN (Scum and Villainy, pg. 28)

You do not fight fair. If you are ever caught in a straightforward fight, the odds are you are not going to make it, so your best move is to set up your attacks and use every trick at your
ADVANTAGEOUS POSITIONING (Scum and Villainy, pg. 28): Any opponent that you are flanking is considered flat-footed and is denied its Dexterity bonus to Reflex Defense against you.
Prerequisite: Shift.
GET SOME DISTANCE (Scum and Villainy, pg. 28): Once per encounter as a standard action you can make a melee attack against a target and then move your speed away from that
target. This movement does not provoke an attack of opportunity.
Prerequisites: Advantageous Positioning, Shift.
MURDEROUS ARTS I (Scum and Villainy, pg. 28): When your successful attack causes an opponent to move -1 step along the condition track, that opponent immediately takes an
additional + 1d6 damage.
MURDEROUS ARTS II (Scum and Villainy, pg. 28): Whenever you successfully hit an opponent that you have marked (see "Mark" below), your melee and ranged attacks deal an
additional + 1d6 damage.
Prerequisite: Murderous Arts I.
RUTHLESS (Scum and Villainy, pg. 28): Once per encounter, when you drop a foe to 0 hit points or push an opponent to the bottom of the condition track, you can immediately take a
bonus standard action.
SHIFT (Scum and Villainy, pg. 28): As a move action, you can move 1 square without provoking an attack of opportunity.
SNIPING ASSASSIN (Scum and Villainy, pg. 28): When you make a ranged attack against a target that is not at point blank range, you add half your class level to your damage roll.
SNIPING MARKSMAN (Scum and Villainy, pg. 28): Once per encounter, when you make a ranged attack against a target that is not at point blank range, you can ignore your target's
armor bonus to Reflex Defense.
Prerequisite: Sniping Assassin.
SNIPING MASTER (Scum and Villainy, pg. 28): By taking only a single swift action, you can aim at a target that is not within point blank range.
Prerequisites: Sniping Assassin, Sniping Marksman.


Members of the GenoHaradan are skilled not only in performing assassinations but also in manipulating others. An ancient organization dating back to the early days of the Republic, the
GenoHaradan are a clandestine group of assassins who pick their targets for political reasons, though their true motives are rarely evident to those outside the organization.
DEADLY REPERCUSSIONS (Scum and Villainy, pg. 28): When you reduce a target to 0 hit points or move the target to the bottom of the condition track, all your opponents within line of
sight of both you and your target take a -2 penalty on attack rolls until the beginning of your next turn.
MANIPULATING STRIKE (Scum and Villainy, pg. 30): Once per turn when you successfully damage a target with a non-area attack, make an immediate Persuasion check against the
target's Will Defense. If successful, you can determine what the target does with its swift action on its next turn. This is a mind-affecting effect.
IMPROVED MANIPULATING STRIKE (Scum and Villainy, pg. 30): Whenever you successfully use the Manipulating Strike talent, you determine what the target does with its move action
on its next turn. You cannot move an opponent into a hazard (such as into lava or off a cliff).
Prerequisite: Manipulating Strike.
PULLING THE STRINGS (Scum and Villainy, pg. 30): As a standard action, you can make a Persuasion check against the Will Defense of a target within 12 squares. If you succeed, you
move the target up to half its speed toward you through the safest route, and you can make an immediate ranged or melee attack against the target if it is within your range. You cannot
move an opponent into a hazard (such as into lava or off a cliff).

BARAN DO SAGE (Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 74)

Kel Dor who become Baran Do Sages are contemplative and insightful, using the Force to unravel the skeins of the past, present, and future to determine the best course of action. They
are masters of farseeing and other Sense-related Force abilities, making them excellent as both investigators and advisors.
ENHANCED DANGER SENSE (Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 75): You gain a +10 bonus on Perception checks made to avoid being surprised. Additionally, you can spend a Force
Point to act in the surprise round, even if you are surprised.
EXPANDED HORIZON (Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 75): Whenever you use the Search Your Feelings application of the Use the Force skill, you can sense the consequences of
your actions out to 1 hour into the future (instead of the normal 10 minutes). You can spend a Force Point when you do so to expand this window out to 8 hours, or a Destiny Point to
expand this window out to 24 hours.
KNOWLEDGE AND DEFENSE (Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 75): You add your Wisdom bonus to your reflex Defense whenever your Dexterity bonus would normally be denied to
Prerequisite: Enhanced Danger Sense.
PLANETARY ATTUNEMENT (Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 75): Whenever you arrive on a new planet, you can spend 10 minutes and a Force Point to acclimate yourself to the
planet’s unique ebb and flow of Force energy. While on the planet, you gain a +2 Force bonus to all defenses against naturally occurring hazards on the world, your speed increases by 1
square, and you can sense what the weather will be like in the immediate area up to 24 hours in advance as a full-round action.
PRECOGNITIVE MEDITATION (Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 75): Once per day, you can spend 10 minutes meditating to seek visions of the future. At that time, you can spend a
Force Point as a part of this meditation. Once during the rest of the day, whenever you or a vehicle you pilot are the target of an attack, you can choose to negate that attack provided
the attack roll is not a natural 20. At the end of the day, if you did not use this ability, you regain the Force Point spent on the meditation.

The nature of their work requires bounty hunters to associate with the scum of the universe. You are among the finest bounty hunters in the galaxy, relying on the element of surprise
and your hunter's instincts to catch your prey.
DETECTIVE (Galaxy of Intrigue, pg. 24): You are skilled in locating individuals and using research and surveillance to learn some of their most intimate secrets. When you make a Gather
Information check to locate an individual, the DC is reduced by 10, and the time and bribery cost are reduced by half.
DREAD (Scum and Villainy, pg. 26): As a standard action, you can instill bone-chilling fear in an opponent whom you selected for Hunter's Target. Make a Persuasion check against your
opponent's Will Defense. If you equal or exceed your opponent's Will Defense, that opponent takes a -5 penalty to Will Defense. This is a mind-affecting effect. The penalty remains as
long as you have line of sight to your opponent and immediately ends if the line of sight is broken.
Prerequisites: Hunter's Mark, Hunter's Target.
ELECTRONIC TRAIL (Galaxy of Intrigue, pg. 24): Once you have located a target using Gather Information, you can track its electronic presence. Once per day, you receive a catalog of
the target's electronic trail, which includes the amount and location of credits spent, the routes of any public transportation taken, and the sites viewed on the HoloNet while the target
was logged in using its primary identity. To receive this information, you must have access to a computer or data pad plus access to a network or the HoloNet. The electronic trail does
not reveal bank balances or other secret information, which requires a separate Gather Information check.
Prerequisites: Nowhere to Hide, trained in the Use Computer skill.
FAMILIAR ENEMIES (Unknown Regions, pg. 29): You can apply your familiar foe bonus against a second enemy. If you can see both enemies simultaneously in the same round, you need
to spend only a single full-round action observing them. Otherwise, you must spend a separate full-round action on each enemy.
Prerequisite: Familiar foe special quality.
FAMILIAR SITUATION (Unknown Regions, pg. 29): You can apply your familiar foe bonus to your Fortitude and Will Defenses against attacks and actions taken against you by the target
of your familiar foe special quality.
Prerequisite: Familiar foe special quality.
FEARSOME (The Force Unleashed, pg. 42): Your reputation precedes you, striking fear in your target. Any opponent within 6 squares whose level is equal to or less than your heroic
level takes a -1 penalty on attack rolls made against you.
Prerequisite: Notorious.
HUNTER'S MARK (Star Wars Core, pg. 209): If you aim before making a ranged attack (see Aim, page 154), you move the target character -1 step along the condition track if the attack
deals damage (see Conditions, page 148).
HUNTER'S TARGET (Star Wars Core, pg. 209): Once per encounter as a free action, you may designate an opponent. For the rest of the encounter, when you succeed on a melee or
ranged attack against that opponent, you gain a bonus on damage rolls equal to your class level.
Prerequisite: Hunter's Mark.
JEDI HUNTER (The Force Unleashed, pg. 42): You are skilled at fighting Jedi and other Force-users. You gain a +1 insight bonus to Fortitude and Will Defense and deal +1 die of damage
against characters who have the Force Sensitivity feat.
NOTORIOUS (Star Wars Core, pg. 209): Your skill as a bounty hunter is known throughout the galaxy, even on fringe worlds. When you are not disguised, you can reroll any Persuasion
checks made to intimidate others, keeping the better result (see the Persuasion skill, page 71).
NOWHERE TO HIDE (Star Wars Core, pg. 209): You may choose to reroll any Gather Information checks made to locate a specific individual (see the Gather Information skill, page 67),
but you must keep the result of the reroll even if it is worse.
NOWHERE TO RUN (Scum and Villainy, pg. 26): Once per turn, whenever an opponent whom you selected for Hunter's Target attempts to withdraw, you can make an attack of
opportunity against the opponent.
Prerequisites: Hunter's Mark, Hunter's Target, Nowhere to Hide.
QUICK CUFFS (Unknown Regions, pg. 29): You are fast with the binders. As a swift action, when you successfully use the grab action against a target, you can use binder cuffs or similar
restraints to bind one of the target's arms to one of your arms or to an adjacent object. You cannot use improvised materials, such as mesh tape, for this talent, and the binders must be
in your hands or readily available. You and the target both take a -2 penalty to attack rolls and Reflex Defense while bound together.
Prerequisite: Quick Draw feat.
RELENTLESS (Star Wars Core, pg. 209): This talent applies only to an opponent you've designated as your hunter's target (see Hunter's Target, above) . Any attack or effect originating
from the target that would normally move you along the condition track (see page 149) does not, in fact, move you along the condition track.
Prerequisites: Hunter's Mark, Hunter's Target.
REVEALING SECRETS (Galaxy of Intrigue, pg. 25): Your investigations reveal information that your target thought was secret. When you make a Gather Information check to learn secret
information, the DC is reduced by 10 and the bribery cost is reduced to one-fifth the original cost.
Prerequisite: Detective.
RUTHLESS NEGOTIATOR (Star Wars Core, pg. 209): When haggling over the price of a bounty (see the Persuasion skill, page 71), you can reroll your Persuasion check and keep the
better result.
Prerequisite: Notorious.
SIGNATURE ITEM (The Force Unleashed, pg. 42): You are famous for using certain items, and you have become skilled at wielding them. You select a single weapon, suit of armor,
vehicle, starship, or other item. While wielding that weapon, wearing that armor, piloting that vehicle, or otherwise using that item, you gain a +2 morale bonus on opposed skill checks.
You can select this talent multiple times. Each time you do so, you choose a new object to be your signature item. The effect of multiple signature items are cumulative with one
another, increasing this morale bonus by 1 each time.
TAG (Scum and Villainy, pg. 26): Whenever you damage an opponent whom you selected for Hunter's Target, all allies gain a +2 bonus on their next attack roll against that opponent
until the start of your next turn.
Prerequisites: Hunter's Mark, Hunter's Target.


Hunting Jedi is big business during the Legacy era, as the Sith-controlled Empire pays well for captured Jedi. However, given their powers and skills, Jedi are among the most dangerous
prey for bounty hunters to pursue.
FORCE BLANK (Legacy Era, pg. 40): You are especially hard to detect using the Force. Attempts to detect you using the Sense Surroundings aspect of the Use the Force skill suffer a -10
LIGHTSABER EVASION (Legacy Era, pg. 40): Whenever an enemy misses you with a melee attack with a Lightsaber, you may move up to 2 squares in any direction. This movement does
not provoke attacks of opportunity.
PRECISION FIRE (Legacy Era, pg. 40): The Jedi are skilled at blocking and deflecting ranged attacks with their lightsabers, and you are able to compensate for this to some degree by
taking careful shots. Whenever you aim before making a ranged attack, you increase the difficulty of Deflect attempts to negate your attack by +5.
STEEL MIND (Legacy Era, pg. 40): If you resist the effects of a mind-affecting Force power, the user of that power cannot attempt to use the same power against you for the rest of the
STRONG-WILLED (Legacy Era, pg. 40): You are trained to resist Jedi mind tricks. You add your class level to Will Defense against Use the force checks.
TELEKINETIC RESISTANCE (Legacy Era, pg. 40): Whenever you are targeted by a Force power that moves you, you reduce the distance you are moved by half.


The Gand Findsmen are an ancient order of Force-sensitive bounty hunters that interpret the signs and portents they receive as a result of the complex ceremonies they perform.
Typically, only Gand can take these talents, though under some circumstances a Gamemaster may allow a Force-sensitive member of another species to take these talents as the
character's story permits.
FINDSMAN CEREMONIES (Scum and Villainy, pg. 26): Once per day, you can spend 10 minutes performing rituals that enhance your connection with the Force, receiving visions and
portents as a result. At that time, you can spend any number of Force Points in the performance of the ritual, up to the total number you have remaining. For the remainder of the day,
whenever you make a Perception or Stealth check, make a Use the Force check to use the farseeing Force power, or make an attack roll, you can choose to reroll but must keep the
second result, even if it is worse. You may do this a number of times per day equal to the number of Force Points you spent during the casting of the ritual. At the end of the day, you
regain Force Points equal to the number of rerolls you have remaining.
Prerequisite: Force Sensitivity feat.
FINDSMAN'S FORESIGHT (Scum and Villainy, pg. 26): The visions you receive sometimes provide clues about dangerous situations. Whenever you make a Perception check to avoid
surprise, you may roll two dice and keep the better result.
Prerequisite: Findsman Ceremonies.
OMENS (Scum and Villainy, pg. 26): You see omens in both success and failure. Whenever an ally within 10 squares and line of sight to you rolls a natural 1 or a natural 20 on an attack
roll, you gain a +2 insight bonus to either your next attack roll made before the end of your next turn, or a +2 insight bonus to Reflex Defense until the end of your next turn (your choice)
Prerequisite: Findsman Ceremonies.
TARGET VISIONS (Scum and Villainy, pg. 26): You have visions that tell you what your enemies are likely to do even before they do it. Once per encounter, when an enemy creature
moves within 6 squares of you, you may make a melee or ranged attack against that target as a reaction to their movement.
Prerequisite: Findsman Ceremonies.
TEMPORAL AWARENESS (Scum and Villainy, pg. 26): Timing is crucial to a Findsman. Once per encounter, as a reaction to any enemy's attack, you can move up to your speed.
Prerequisite: Findsman Ceremonies.
CHARLATAN (Scum and Villainy, pg. 30)
Charlatans are masters of misdirection, confusion, and trickery. They owe their success in double-cross to their uncanny knack for cultivating the existing beliefs of their marks and
twisting them in subtle ways to their own benefit.
CUNNING DISTRACTION (Scum and Villainy, pg. 31): When you successfully feint an opponent in combat, you can immediately move up to one-half your speed.
DAMAGING DECEPTION (Scum and Villainy, pg. 31): You know how to distract a target, exposing weak spots that your allies can exploit. As a standard action, you can make a Deception
check against the Will Defense of any target within your line of sight that can see, hear, and understand you. If successful, the next attack made before the start of your next by one of
your allies turn that hits your target deals an additional +2 dice of damage.
Prerequisite: Cunning Distraction.
DISTRACTING SHOUT (Scum and Villainy, pg. 31): Once per encounter, as a reaction to one of your allies being attacked, you can make a Deception check, replacing the defense scores
of that ally with the result of your Deception check for the resolution of that attack. If any defense scores are higher than the Deception check result, your ally can use that defense score
instead. If the attack still hits, this does not count as the one use per encounter of this talent.
Prerequisite: Cunning Distraction.
IMPROVED SOFT COVER (Scum and Villainy, pg. 31): While you occupy a square adjacent to another creature, you can use a swift action to gain a +2 cover bonus to your Reflex Defense
until the start of your next turn or until you are no longer adjacent to another creature, whichever comes first.
Prerequisite: Innocuous.
INNOCUOUS (Scum and Villainy, pg. 31): As a swift action, you can make a Deception check against a single enemy within 6 squares of you and in line of sight. If the check equals or
exceeds the target's Will Defense, the target takes a -5 penalty on all attacks made against you until the start of your next turn.
TREACHEROUS (Scum and Villainy, pg. 32): Whenever you are attacked in combat and adjacent to a creature other than your attacker, you can move 1 square as a reaction. The attack,
intended for you, instead targets the adjacent creature, though if you move away from a creature that threatens you, it can make an attack of opportunity before the original attack is
Prerequisites: Improved Soft Cover, Innocuous.

You are wanted in multiple systems for criminal acts, and your manner of doing business has earned you an unsavory reputation in the criminal underworld.
FEAR ME (Scum and Villainy, pg. 26): Such is the fear you instill in your minions that when in your presence, they would rather die than disappoint you. Once per encounter, as a
reaction to one of your minions being moved down the condition track, you can reduce the number of steps the minion moves down the condition track by 1. Additionally, the target
regains hit points equal to your heroic level. If the target is reduced to 0 hit points or moved to the bottom of the condition track, you cannot use this talent on that target.
Prerequisites: Attract Minion, Inspire Fear I, Inspire Fear II.
FRIGHTEN (Scum and Villainy, pg. 26): Once per encounter, you can designate a minion as a free action to spread fear among your enemies. At any point before the end of the
encounter, you can activate this ability to force all enemies adjacent to your minion to move 1 square away from the minion. This movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity.
This is a mind- affecting effect.
Prerequisites: Attract Minion, Inspire Fear I.
INSPIRE FEAR I (Star Wars Core, pg. 210): Your infamy and reputation are such that any opponent whose level is equal to or less than your character level takes a -1 penalty on attack
rolls and opposed skill checks made against you, as well as Use the Force checks made to activate Force powers that target you. This is a mind-affecting fear effect.
INSPIRE FEAR II (Star Wars Core, pg. 210): As Inspire Fear I (see above), except that the penalty increases to -2.
Prerequisite: Inspire Fear I.
INSPIRE FEAR III (Star Wars Core, pg. 210): As Inspire Fear I (see above), except that the penalty increases to -5.
Prerequisites: Inspire Fear I, Inspire Fear II.
MASTER MANIPULATOR (Unknown Regions, pg. 29): When you make a successful Persuasion check, you can immediately make a second Persuasion check against the same target,
even if it is not normally allowed. The second Persuasion check need not be for the same use of the Persuasion skill as the first. For example, if you successfully change the attitude of
the target, you can immediately attempt to change it a second time, or you can attempt to intimidate the target instead.
Prerequisites: Notorious, Skill Focus (Persuasion)' trained in the Persuasion skill.
NOTORIOUS (Star Wars Core, pg. 210): Your reputation as a crime lord is known throughout the galaxy, even on fringe worlds. When you are not disguised, you may reroll any
Persuasion checks made to intimidate others, keeping the better result (see the Persuasion skill, page 71).
SHARED NOTORIETY (Star Wars Core, pg. 210): When your minions invoke your name, others take note. If you have minions (see the Attract Minion talent, below) they may reroll any
Persuasion checks made to intimidate others
(see the Persuasion skill, page 71). but the result of the reroll must be accepted even if it is worse.
Prerequisite: Notorious.
SMALL FAVOR (Unknown Regions, pg. 29): You can call in a small favor from someone who owes you.
Once per day, make a DC 25 Persuasion check. If the check is successful, an informant gives you information, granting you a + 10 competence bonus to one Gather Information or
Knowledge check made within the next 24 hours.
Prerequisites: Notorious, Trained in the Persuasion skill.
TERRIFY (Scum and Villainy, pg. 27): As a standard action, you can make a Persuasion check against a target that is within your line of sight and that is also affected by your Inspire Fear
talent. If you equal or exceed the target's Will Defense, then on its next turn the target must spend at least one move action to move away from you. If the target is somehow prevented
from doing so, then the penalty from Inspire Fear doubles until the start of your next turn. This is a mind-affecting fear effect.
Prerequisites: Frighten, Inspire Fear I, Inspire Fear II.
UNSAVORY REPUTATION (Scum and Villainy, pg. 27): Any opponent that is reduced to half hit points or fewer while within 6 squares of you takes a -2 penalty on all attack rolls and skill
checks for the duration of the encounter. This is a mind-affecting fear effect.
Prerequisites: Inspire Fear I, Inspire Fear II , Inspire Fear III, Notorious.


You have the ability to attract loyal minions and are skilled at redirecting allies on the battlefield.
ATTRACT MINION (Star Wars Core, pg. 210): You attract a loyal minion. The minion is a non heroic character (see page 277) with a class level equal to three-quarters of your character
level, rounded down.
You may select this talent multiple times; each time you select this talent, you gain another minion. Normally, you can have only one minion with you at a time. Any other minions you
have are assumed to be looking after your various interests. If you lose a minion, you can send for another minion if you have one (although normal travel time still applies).
Each minion that accompanies you on an adventure is entitled to an equal share of the total experience points earned for the adventure. For example, a minion that accompanies a
party of five heroes on an adventure receives one-sixth of the XP that the group earns.
ATTRACT SUPERIOR MINION (Galaxy of Intrigue, pg. 25): You attract a particularly skilled and powerful minion. The minion is a non-heroic character with a class level equal to your
character level. This talent otherwise functions as the Attract Minion talent.
Prerequisites: Attract Minion, Impel Ally I, Impel Ally II.
CONTINGENCY PLAN (Galaxy of Intrigue, pg. 25): Once per encounter, if you fail an attack roll, a skill check, or the use of a talent that requires an opposed check, you can move your
speed as a reaction.
BODYGUARD I (Scum and Villainy, pg. 27): Whenever you are adjacent to a minion gained with the Attract Minion talent, once per turn as a reaction to being attacked you can redirect
the attack against that minion. Compare the attack roll to the minion's defenses and resolve the attack as normal.
Prerequisite: Attract Minion.
BODYGUARD II (Scum and Villainy, pg. 27): When you redirect an attack to a minion using the Bodyguard I talent, that minion's relevant defense score gains a bonus equal to half your
class level. Prerequisites: Attract Minion, Bodyguard I.
BODYGUARD III (Scum and Villainy, pg. 27): When you redirect an attack to a minion using the Bodyguard I talent, that minion can make an immediate melee or ranged attack against
your attacker, if the attacker is within range. Additionally, the bonus provided by the Bodyguard II talent increases to your full class level.
Prerequisites: Attract Minion, Bodyguard I, Bodyguard II.
IMPEL ALLY I (Star Wars Core, pg. 210): You can spend a swift action to grant one ally the ability to move its normal speed. The ally must move immediately on your turn, before you do
anything else, or else the opportunity is wasted. You can use this talent up to three times on your turn (spending a swift action each time).
IMPEL ALLY II (Star Wars Core, pg. 210): You can spend two swift actions to grant one ally the ability to take a standard action or move action. The ally must act immediately on your
turn, before you do anything else, or else the opportunity is wasted.
Prerequisite: Impel Ally I.
IMPEL ALLY III (Scum and Villainy, pg. 27): Once per encounter, you can spend three swift actions on consecutive turns to grant one ally the ability to take a standard action and a move
action. The ally must act immediately on your turn when the final swift action is spent, before you do anything else, or the opportunity is wasted.
Prerequisites: Impel Ally I, Impel Ally II.
INSPIRE WRATH (Scum and Villainy, pg. 27): As a standard action, you can designate a target to be the object of your allies' wrath. While your allies have line of sight to you or until you
are unconscious or dead, your allies gain a +2 morale bonus on attack rolls against the target and a +2 morale bonus on skill checks against that target.
You can designate a new target on any round by using another standard action. You can only use this talent against one opponent at a time.
Prerequisites: Impel Ally I, Impel Ally II.
MASTER'S ORDERS (Unknown Regions, pg. 30): When an ally uses an action granted to him or her by you, the ally can reroll any attack or check made during that action, taking the
better result.
Prerequisites: Impel Ally I, Impel Ally II.
SHELTER (Scum and Villainy, pg. 27): Whenever you are adjacent to a minion, you increase any cover bonus to your Reflex Defense by +2.
Prerequisite: Attract Minion.
TACTICAL SEPERIORITY (Scum and Villainy, pg. 27): Spend two swift actions to select two allies. Each ally can move 2 squares as a reaction. This movement does not provoke attacks of
TACTICAL WITHDRAW (Scum and Villainy, pg. 27): Spend two swift actions to grant all allies that are in your line of sight and within 6 squares of you the ability to use the withdraw
action as a swift action until the start of your next turn.
URGENCY (Scum and Villainy, pg. 27): Once per encounter, you can spend three swift actions on consecutive turns to increase the speed of all allies within line of sight of you by 2. The
increased speed lasts until the start of your next turn after the third swift action is spent.
Prerequisites: Impel Ally I, Impel Ally II.
WEALTH OF ALLIES (Scum and Villainy, pg. 27): Whenever one of your minions is killed, he or she is replaced by another minion of the same level. This replacement occurs 24 hours
Prerequisite: Attract Minion.

DROID’S (Scavenger’s Guide to Droids, pg. 26)

Droid talents work the same as the talents presented in the Saga Edition core rulebook. However, each talent is available only to droids of a particular degree. When a character would
normally gain a talent, such as when attaining an odd-numbered level in a heroic class, the droid can select a droid talent from among those presented below.


DULL THE PAIN (The Force Unleashed, pg. 102): As a full-round action, you can make a DC 15 Treat Injury check on an adjacent living creature to move it +1 step along the condition
Prerequisite: Medical Droid.
INTERROGATOR (The Force Unleashed, pg. 102): You can create an aura of unliving, emotionless menace that no biological creature can match, and combine it with the cruel
application of medical knowledge. You can use your Treat Injury modifier on a Persuasion check to change attitude or intimidate. You must be adjacent to your target to use this ability,
in addition to the normal requirements for these uses of the Persuasion skill.
KNOWN VULNERABILITY (Scavenger’s Guide to Droids, pg. 26): You know the vulnerable spots to hit on most species. As a free action, you make a DC 15 Knowledge (life sciences)
check (DC 25 for rare species, DC 35 for unknown species, both as determined by the Gamemaster). If the check is successful, until the end of the encounter, whenever you make a
successful melee or unarmed attack that deals damage against a target of that species, your target takes a -2 penalties to attack rolls until the end of your next turn.
Prerequisite: Trained in Knowledge (life sciences).
MEDICAL ANALYZER (Scavenger’s Guide to Droids, pg. 26): You use your medical knowledge and advanced droid
processor to improve your treatment of medical conditions. When making a Treat Injury check to Treat Disease, Treat Poison, or Treat Radiation, you can also add your Intelligence
modifier to your roll.
Prerequisites: Trained in Knowledge (life sciences), medical droid.
MEDICAL DROID (The Force Unleashed, pg. 102): When you use a medpac to perform first aid with the Treat Injury skill, the creature gains 2 hit points for every point by which your
check exceeds the DC (rather than the normal 1 hit point).
SCIENCE ANALYZER (Scavenger’s Guide to Droids, pg. 26): You use your extensive databanks to better analyze scientific data. You can add double your Intelligence modifier to your
Knowledge (life sciences) or Knowledge (physical sciences) skill check.
Prerequisites: Trained in Knowledge (life sciences) and Knowledge (physical sciences).
TRIAGE SCAN (Scavenger’s Guide to Droids, pg. 26): As a standard action, you can make a DC 20 Treat Injury check. If the check succeeds, you know if the organic characters within 6
squares and within your line of sight are below one half of their hit points and at what step they are along the condition track.
Prerequisites: Trained in Treat Injury, medical droid.


ADEPT ASSISTANT (The Force Unleashed, pg. 102): When you successfully aid another character on a Mechanics, Pilot, or Use Computer check, you add +5 to the check result (rather
than the normal +2).
BURST TRANSFER (Scavenger’s Guide to Droids, pg. 26): You can double the amount of data transferred with the Binary language in a single round (see page 191 of the Saga Edition
core rulebook) when communicating with other droids with Burst Transfer, and you cu t Access Information time in half when making Use Computer checks to find general or specific
information (see page 76 of the Saga Edition core rulebook) .
MECHANICS MASTERY (The Force Unleashed, pg. 102): You can always take 10 on a Mechanics check, even if distractions or hazardous circumstances would normally prevent you from
doing so.
ON-BOARD SYSTEM LINK (Scavenger’s Guide to Droids, pg. 26): While aboard a starship or vehicle and plugged into the ship's systems by scomp link, droid socket, or basic data port,
you can reroute power or recharge shields as two swift actions instead of three.
QUICK ASTROGATION (Scavenger’s Guide to Droids, pg. 26): Your speedy electronic astrogation-calculation routines allow you to cut calculation time in half. Additionally, when
attempting a Use Computer check to Astrogate, you can make the calculation as a standard action instead of a full-round action. Prerequisite: Trained in Use Computer.
SCOMP LINK SLICER (Scavenger’s Guide to Droids, pg. 26): Your inherent speed and advanced skill reduce the danger of slicing computer systems. You must be physically linked to the
system you are slicing. You can use each of the following actions once per encounter:
 Eradicate: You can use Disable or Erase Program on a computer that is friendly or helpful toward you. With this talent, disabling or erasing a program takes 5 minutes and
requires a DC 15 Use Computer check (see page 76 of the Saga Edition core rulebook).
 Lockout: If you succeed on an opposed Use Computer check when you Issue a Routine Command to counteract another programmer's actions, you automatically lock the
other programmer out of the system. He or she must succeed in an opposed Use Computer check against you to regain access to t he system (see page 76 of the Saga Edition
core rulebook). You resist the attempt as a reaction.
 Untraceable: As a reaction, you automatically keep a hostile computer from tracing your location if you fail a Use Computer check (see page 76 of the Saga Edition core
rulebook) by 10 or less.
Prerequisites: Any two talents from the Slicer Talent Tree (see page 47 of the Saga Edition core rulebook). Burst Transfer can be one of these talents.
VEHICLE MECHANIC (The Force Unleashed, pg. 102): Once per day you can spend three swift actions in successive rounds to make a DC 20 Mechanics check to restore 1d8 hit points to
a vehicle and move it +1 step along the condition track. You also restore 1 hit point to the vehicle for every point by which you exceed the Mechanics check DC.


ETIQUETTE (The Force Unleashed, pg. 103): When you succeed on a Persuasion check to change attitude, you adjust the target’s attitude by one additional step.
HELPFULL (The Force Unleashed, pg. 103): Once per turn you can use the aid another action to assist any adjacent ally on a skill check as a swift action instead of a standard action.
NUANCED (Scavenger’s Guide to Droids, pg. 26): You are skilled in the nuances of diplomatic speech and gestures.
Once per encounter, you can add your Wisdom bonus to a Persuasion check in addition to your Charisma bonus.
OBSERVANT (Scavenger’s Guide to Droids, pg. 26): You enhance your persuasiveness by app lying data obtained through observation. Whenever you would fail a Persuasion check, you
can roll a Perception check as a free action, with a DC equal to the DC of the Persuasion check. If you succeed, add +5 to the original Persuasion check result.
PROTOCOL (The Force Unleashed, pg. 103): You always succeed on attempts to aid another on Deception, Knowledge, and Persuasion checks (no checks required).
SEPERVISING DROID (Scavenger’s Guide to Droids, pg. 26): You are programmed to oversee other droids. You can use each of the following actions once per encounter:
 Combat Support: As a standard action, you automatically aid another on an allied droid's attack roll, provided you are capable of using the aid another action to assist that ally.
If you also have Weapon Focus with this weapon, you increase the bonus provided by the aid another action from +2 to +3.
 Director: As a standard action, you automatically aid another droid with a skill you are trained in. If you also have Skill Focus in the skill, you increase the aid another bonus
from +2 to +5.
 Instant Action: As a swift action, you grant one ally a swift action that it can use immediately as a free action.
Prerequisites: Observant, any talent from the Influence, Inspiration, or Leadership Talent Trees (see pages 43 - 44 of the Saga Edition core rulebook).
TALKDROID (Scavenger’s Guide to Droids, pg. 26): You know how to subtly massage translations. When one of your allies is attempting to use the Persuasion skill to change the attitude
of a creature that does not understand your ally, you add +2 to the ally's Persuasion check results if you perform the translation.
Prerequisite: Trained in Persuasion.
COMBAT REPAIRS (The Force Unleashed, pg. 103): Once per day, as a full-round action, you can use the Mechanics skill to repair yourself (using the repair droid application of the skill),
as opposed to the normal 1 hour.
DROID SMASH (The Force Unleashed, pg. 103): You can use your mechanical strength when wielding a melee weapon. You add 2 x your Strength bonus to melee damage rolls when
wielding a weapon in one hand.
JUST A SCRATCH (Scavenger’s Guide to Droids, pg. 27): Once per encounter, as a reaction, you can reduce the damage from a single attack that targets your Reflex Defense by an
amount equal to your Fortitude Defense. Prerequisites: Equipped with medium or better armor, proficient with that armor.
TARGET ACQUISITION (Scavenger’s Guide to Droids, pg. 27): Once per encounter, as a swift action, designate an enemy target within line of sight as an acquired target. You gain a +1
circumstance bonus to attack rolls and damage rolls for all attacks against that target until the end of the encounter, as long as the target remains within your line of sight.
TARGET LOCK (Scavenger’s Guide to Droids, pg. 27): You lock onto the target designated by the Target Acquisition talent. If the target leaves your line of sight, you automatically
reacquire the target lock as a reaction if the target comes back within your line of sight. You also gain a +5 bonus to your Perception skill when opposing the target's Stealth checks.
Prerequisite: Target Acquisition.
TARGETING PACKAGE (The Force Unleashed, pg. 103): You can take two consecutive swift actions in the same round to activate special targeting software. When you do so, you gain a
+2 bonus on attack rolls and damage rolls on your next attack if your target is at point blank range (or within reach, for melee attacks) and within line of sight.
You lose the benefit of this talent if you lose line of sight to your target or if you take any other action before making your attack. The effect of this talent stacks with that of the Point
Blank Shot feat.
WEAPONS POWER SURGE (Scavenger’s Guide to Droids, pg. 27): Once per encounter, as a free action, you can increase the damage dealt by one of your weapons by 1 or 2 damage
dice in exchange for moving - 1 step on the condition track for each die increased.
The weapon must be permanently mounted to your chassis, and it must use your internal power supply. Handheld weapons, such as blaster rifles, do not qualify for this talent.


CARGO HAULER (The Force Unleashed, pg. 103): You gain a +5 bonus on Strength-based skill checks. Additionally, you double your carrying capacity.
DURABLE (Scavenger’s Guide to Droids, pg. 27): You are particularly durable and continue to function when a lesser droid would become disabled. The first time during an encounter
that you would be moved to the bottom of the condition track by any effect, you instead stop at the -10 step. Additionally, if a single attack causes you to move multiple steps down the
condition track, you can spend a Force Point as a reaction to only move -1 step down the condition track.
ENVIRONMENTALLY SHIELDED (The Force Unleashed, pg. 103): You gain a +5 equipment bonus to your Fortitude Defense against environmental hazards, including extreme
atmospheric conditions and corrosion.
HEAVY-DUTY ACTUATORS (Scavenger’s Guide to Droids, pg. 27): Your heavy-duty actuators allow you to release your power and speed in a quick burst. You can double your Strength
bonus to your melee and unarmed damage rolls.
Prerequisite: Medium or larger size.
LOAD LAUNCHER (Scavenger’s Guide to Droids, pg. 27): You are considered proficient with improvised thrown weapons (see page 150 of the Saga Edition core rulebook) when making a
ranged attack by throwing an object. Objects up to one size category larger than you can be thrown up to a number of squares equal to 2 x your Strength bonus (minimum 1 square).
Additionally, you add your Strength bonus to any damage dealt.
POWER SUPPLY (The Force Unleashed, pg. 103): You have learned to reroute power through your system to act as a power generator, providing power to an E-Web blaster (or similar
weapon requiring a power generator). Additionally, whenever you would normally spend three swift actions to recharge shields or reroute power on a vehicle or starship, you need
spend only two actions instead.
TASK OPTIMIZATION (Scavenger’s Guide to Droids, pg. 28): Select a skill you are trained in. Once per encounter, you can perform any application of that skill as one action quicker than
normal but as at least a swift action (for example, a full-round action becomes a standard action , a standard action becomes a move action, a move action becomes a swift action). Tasks
requiring more than one round cannot be optimized with this talent.

DROID COMMANDER (Clone Wars, pg. 43)

You have learned the quirks and intricacies of commanding droids, and you can get the most out of even the least sophisticated basic programming.
AUTOMATED STRIKE (Clone Wars, pg. 43): As a swift action, you can make a DC 15 Knowledge (tactics) check. If successful, all droid allies able to hear and understand you gain the
benefits of the Double Attack feat for one weapon group with which you are proficient until the end of your next turn.
Prerequisite: Double Attack with the chosen weapon.
DROID DEFENSE (Clone Wars, pg. 43): As a standard action, you can transmit tactical information to all droid allies that can hear and understand you, granting them a bonus equal to
your Intelligence modifier to one of their defenses (your choice) until the beginning of your next turn.
DROID METTLE (Clone Wars, pg. 43): As a swift action once per turn, you can designate a single droid ally within your line of sight. That droid ally gains bonus hit points equal to 10 +
your class level.
Prerequisites: Droid Defense.
EXPANDED SENSORS (Clone Wars, pg. 43): If you or any of your droid allies has line of sight to and is aware of a target, all droid allies that can hear and understand you are also
considered to have line of sight (but not necessarily line of effect) to that target.
INSPIRE COMPETENCE (Clone Wars, pg. 44): As a swift action once per turn, you can grant one droid ally within your line of sight a competence bonus on its next attack roll made before
the start of your next turn equal to half your class level.
Additionally, any droid designated as the target of your Networked Mind class feature is considered to have a heuristic processor whenever it is beneficial, even if it does not actually
have a heuristic processor.
Prerequisite: Expanded Sensors.
MAINTAIN FOCUS (Clone Wars, pg. 44): As a swift action once per turn, you can grant all droid allies within your line of sight the ability to take the Recover action as two swift actions
(instead of as three swift actions) until the start of your next turn .
OVERCLOCKED TROOPS (Clone Wars, pg. 44): You push the limits of the droids under your command.
You can spend a swift action once per turn to allow each of your networked allies (see the Networked Mind class feature below) to immediately move up to their speed.
Prerequisite: Droid Defense.
REINFORCED COMMANDS (Clone Wars, pg. 44): When you use an ability that grants a droid ally a morale or insight bonus, increase the value of that bonus by 1.
Prerequisite: Droid Defense.


You can take direct control over your droid allies for brief periods.
DIRECTED ACTION (Scavenger’s Guide to Droids, pg. 28): As a standard action , you al low one droid that can hear and understand you to make a Deception, Mechanics, Persuasion,
Pilot, Ride, Treat Injury, or Use Computer check immediately as a free action. The droid can replace its relevant ability score modifier for that check with your Intelligence modifier.
DIRECTED MOVEMENT (Scavenger’s Guide to Droids, pg. 28): As a move action, you allow one droid that can hear and understand you to move up to its speed. The droid can make
Acrobatics, Climb, Jump, Stealth, or Swim checks during this movement, and can replace its own relevant ability score modifier for that check with your Intelligence modifier.
FULL CONTROL (Scavenger’s Guide to Droids, pg. 28): As a full-round action, you allow one droid that can hear and understand you to take the full attack action. The droid can replace
its relevant ability score modifier to any attack rolls it makes with your Intelligence modifier.
Prerequisites: Directed Action, Directed Movement, and Remote Attack.
REMOTE ATTACK (Scavenger’s Guide to Droids, pg. 28): As a standard action, you allow one droid that can hear and understand you to make a melee or ranged attack. The droid can
replace its relevant ability score modifier to its attack roll with your Intelligence modifier.

ENFORCER (The Force Unleashed, pg. 43)

You are trained investigator who can locate and apprehend a quarry with exceptional speed and prowess.
COVER BRACING (The Force unleashed, pg. 45): You can brace a weapon set on autofire as a single swift action (instead of two) if you are adjacent to an object (including walls, barriers,
and vehicles) that provides you with cover from all of the target squares.
INTENTIONAL CRASH (The Force unleashed, pg. 45): You know how to intentionally crash an opponent’s moving vehicle. When you successfully deal damage to a vehicle by ramming it,
your vehicle takes half damage from the ram. Additionally, if the target vehicle is the same size as your vehicle or smaller, that vehicle cannot move in the following round.
Prerequisite: Trained in the pilot skill.
NONLETHAL TACTICS (The Force unleashed, pg. 45): When you are using a ranged weapon set to stun, stun grenades, nets, or stun batons, you gain a +1 bonus on your attack roll and
deal +1 die of stun damage.
PURSUIT (The Force unleashed, pg. 45): When running, you are not restricted to a straight line (see “Endurance,” page 66 of the Saga Edition core rulebook) and you can reroll
Endurance checks, using the better result, while running.
Prerequisite: Dexterity 13.
RESPECTED OFFICER (The Force unleashed, pg. 45): You have a reputation that causes allies and enemies to treat you with respect. You automatically improve the attitude of an
indifferent character to friendly with no check required (see “Persuasion,” page 71 of the Saga Edition core rulebook).
SLOWING STUN (The Force unleashed, pg. 45): When you move a target at least -1 step along the condition track with an attack, its speed is halved until all conditions are removed.
TAKEDOWN (The Force unleashed, pg. 45): When you successfully make a melee attack and deal damage at the end of a charge, you knock your target prone as well, provided your
opponent is no more than one size category larger than you.

Some elite troopers know exactly where to strike their foes to deal maximum damage, potentially crippling their enemies in the process.
EXTENDED CRITICAL RANGE (SIMPLE WEAPONS)(Unknown Regions, pg. 30): When you attack with a simple weapon, you extend the weapon's critical range by 1 (for example, 19-20
instead of 20) . However, anything other than a natural 20 is not considered an automatic hit; if you roll anything other than a natural 20 and still miss the target, you do not score a
critical hit.
Prerequisites: Weapon Proficiency (simple weapons). base attack bonus + 10.
DENY MOVE (The Force Unleashed, pg. 42): When you score a critical hit with a melee or ranged attack, your target cannot move on its next turn. Prerequisite: Reduce Mobility.
EXTENDED CRITICAL RANGE (HEAVY WEAPONS) (The Force Unleashed, pg. 42): When you are using a heavy weapon, you extend the weapon’s critical range by 1 (for example, 19-20
instead of 20). However, anything other than a natural 20 is not considered an automatic hit; if you roll anything other than a natural 20 and still miss the target, you do not score a
critical hit.
Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +10, Weapon Proficiency (heavy weapons) feat.
EXTENDED CRITICAL RANGE (RIFLES) (The Force Unleashed, pg. 42): When you are using a rifle, you extend the weapon’s critical range by 1 (for example, 19-20 instead of 20). However,
anything other than a natural 20 is not considered an automatic hit; if you roll anything other than a natural 20 and still the target, you do not score a critical hit.
Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +10, Weapon Proficiency (rifles) feat.
FLURRY ATTACK (The Force Unleashed, pg. 42): Choose a single weapon group or exotic weapon you are proficient with. When you score a critical hit with a weapon from that group,
you can make one immediate extra attack (in addition to the other effects of a critical hit) against a single target within range. You may only use this talent once per turn. You can select
this talent multiple times. Its effects do not stack. Each time you take the talent, it applies to a new weapon group or exotic weapon.
Prerequisite: Weapon Proficiency feat for chosen weapon.
KNOCKBACK (The Force Unleashed, pg. 42): When you score a critical hit against a target no more than two size categories larger than you are, you can choose to move that opponent 1
square in any direction as a free action. You cannot use this talent on an opponent that is being grabbed or grappled, and you cannot move your target into a solid object or another
creature’s fighting space.
REDUCE DEFENSE (The Force Unleashed, pg. 42): When you score a critical hit with a melee or ranged attack, your target takes a -2 penalty to Reflex Defense until it is fully healed (at
maximum hit points).
REDUCE MOBILITY (The Force Unleashed, pg. 42): When you score a critical hit with a melee or ranged attack, you reduce the target’s speed by half until it is fully healed (at maximum
hit points).


Mandalorians are talented and ferocious warriors. Their skilful training, warrior culture, and advanced combat abilities make them formidable foes in any era. The following talents are
particularly suited to the Knights of the Old Republic era.
ARMORED MANDALORIAN (Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 38): Mandalorians wear armor constantly and learn to adjust to take an impact on the strongest section of their armor. You
add your armor’s Fortitude Defense bonus as an equipment bonus to your elite trooper damage reduction (with a maximum bonus equal to your base elite trooper DR). Additionally, if a
lightsaber does not ignore the DR of the armor you are wearing (such as cortosis weave/phrik alloy armor), a lightsaber does not ignore your damage reduction.
Prerequisites: Dexterity 13, Mandalorian Glory, proficient in armor worn.
MANDALORIAN ADVANCE (Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 38): Veteran Mandalorians know how to move on the battlefield. Once per encounter, on your turn, you can move up to
your speed as a free action before any other action.
MANDALORIAN FEROCITY (Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 38): Mandalorians can be ferocious fighters. Select one weapon group or exotic weapon you are proficient with. Once per
encounter, when making more than one attack in a round, you can add one damage die to each successful hit with the selected weapon group or exotic weapon. You can take this talent
more than once, selecting a different weapon group each time.
Prerequisites: Dexterity 13, proficient in selected exotic weapon or weapon group.
MANDALORIAN GLORY (Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 38): Above everything else, Mandalorians fight for glory in battle. Once per encounter, when you reduce an opponent’s hit
points to 0, you gain a +5 attack bonus with your next attack during the same encounter.


IGNORE DAMAGE REDUCTION (Threats of the Galaxy, pg. 53): When you make an unarmed attack against a target that has damage reduction, and you deal more damage than the
target’s DR, you ignore the target’s DR completely.
Prerequisites: Teräs Käsi Basics, Martial Arts I.
TERÄS KÄSI BASICS (Threats of the Galaxy, pg. 53): You deal an additional die of damage with you unarmed attacks.
Prerequisite: Martial Arts I.
TERÄS KÄSI MASTERY (Threats of the Galaxy, pg. 53): If you make only unarmed attacks during a full attack action, you can take the full attack action as a standard action instead of a
full-round action.
Prerequisites: Teräs Käsi Basics, Martial Arts I, Martial Arts II, Martial Arts III.
UNARMED COUNTERSTRIKE (Threats of the Galaxy, pg. 53): When you successfully parry a melee attack with the unarmed Parry talent, you can immediately make an unarmed attack
as a reaction against that target.
Prerequisites: Teräs Käsi Basics, Unarmed Parry, Martial Arts I, Martial Arts II.
UNARMED PARRY (Threats of the Galaxy, pg. 53): When you fight defensively, as a reaction you can negate a melee attack by making a successful unarmed attack roll. If your attack roll
equals or exceeds the attack roll of the incoming melee attack, the attack is negated. You must be aware of the attack and not flat-footed, and you take a cumulative -2 penalty to all
attack rolls for each attack roll made since the beginning of your last turn.
Prerequisites: Teräs Käsi Basics, Martial Arts I, Martial Arts II.


Your skill with hand-to-hand combat is unmatched, and you can wield melee weapons with lethal accuracy and power.
ACCURATE BLOW (Clone Wars, pg. 39): Choose one exotic melee weapon or one of the following weapon groups in which you are proficient: advanced melee weapons, lightsabers, or
simple weapons. When you make a melee attack with a weapon from the chosen group and the attack roll exceeds the target’s Reflex Defense by 5 or more, you deal +1 die of damage
with the attack.
CLOSE-QUARTERS FIGHTER (Clone Wars, pg. 40): Whenever you occupy the same square as your target or are adjacent to your target, you gain a + 1 circumstance bonus to your melee
attack rolls against that target.
IGNORE ARMOR (Clone Wars, pg. 40): Once per encounter, when you make a melee attack, you can ignore any armor or equipment bonuses granted by your target's armor.
IMPROVED STUNNING STRIKE (Clone Wars, pg. 40): When you damage an opponent with a melee attack that moves the target down the condition track, the target cannot take any
action requiring a standard or full -round action on its next turn.
Prerequisite: Stunning Strike.
WHIRLING DEATH (Clone Wars, pg. 40): You twirl your weapon around you in a blur, creating a circle of death around you. Any enemy target that begins its turn adjacent to you takes
damage equal to your Strength bonus. You must be wielding a melee weapon to use this talent.
Prerequisites: Melee Smash, Unrelenting Assault.


You are specially trained to protect those around you, either by taking the brunt of attacks that are aimed at them, or by defusing dangerous situations before they occur.
ARMORED GUARD (Legacy Era, pg. 40): When you use the Ward talent (see below), your ally’s cover bonus to reflex Defense is increased by one-half the armor bonus of any natural
armor you possess as well as any armor you are wearing.
Prerequisite: Ward.
BODYGUARD’S SACRIFICE (Legacy Era, pg. 41): As a reaction, you can interfere with any successful attack against an adjacent ally. You can choose to take any or all of that attack’s
damage, and the remainder of dealt to the target as normal. Once you use this talent, you may not use it again until the end of your next turn.
GUARD’S ENDURANCE (Legacy Era, pg. 41): Whenever you begin your turn adjacent to the target of your Ward talent (see below), you gain bonus hit points equal to your character
level until the start of your next turn. Damage is subtracted from the bonus hit points first, and any bonus hit points remaining at the end of the encounter go away. Bonus hit points
from different sources do not stack.
Prerequisite: Ward.
LIFESAVER (Legacy Era, pg. 41): Once per encounter as a reaction, when an ally takes damage that equals or exceeds its damage threshold or reduces it to 0 hit points, you can move up
to your speed provided you end your movement adjacent to that ally. This movement provokes attacks of opportunity as normal, you take all of the damage that triggered this talent’s
use, and your ally takes no damage.
Prerequisite: Bodyguard’s Sacrifice.
OUT OF HARM’S WAY (Legacy Era, pg. 41): As a move action, you allow one ally within 6 squares of you to move up to its speed, provided the ally ends its movement adjacent to you.
This movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity.
ROLL WITH IT (Legacy Era, pg. 41): Whenever you take damage on behalf of an ally through the use of a talent (including Harm’s Way), you gain damage reduction equal to your class
level until the end of your next turn.
Prerequisite: Bodyguard’s Sacrifice, Take the Hit.
TAKE THE HIT (Legacy Era, pg. 41): Whenever you take damage on behalf of an ally through the use of a talent (including harm’s way), your damage threshold is increased by 5.
Prerequisite: Bodyguard’s Sacrifice.
WARD (Legacy Era, pg. 41): AS a swift action, designate one adjacent ally. Until the end of your next turn, as long as that ally remains adjacent to you, you are considered to be providing
that ally with soft cover against all attacks. You cannot be designated as the target of this talent (such as, when it is used by an ally) if you have used this talent since the start of your last
turn, and you cannot use this talent if you are currently designated as another ally’s ward.


You have demonstrated that you are a highly skilled and capable soldier for the Republic and work well in a commando squad.
AMBUSH: When you successfully hit an opponent that has not yet acted in combat, you deal +2 dice of damage with the attack.
HIGHER YIELD: Once per encounter, you can choose to deal +1 die of damage with a sing le grenade or other explosive.
Prerequisite: Trained in the Demolitions ski ll.
RAPID RELOAD: You can retrieve a stored energy cell or power pack and reload your weapon as a single swift action.
SHOULDER TO SHOULDER: Whenever you begin your turn adjacent to an ally, you gain a number of bonus hit points equal to your heroic level. Damage is subtracted from the bonus hit
points first, and any bonus hit points remaining at the end of the encounter go away. Bonus hit points from various sources do not stack.
STRENGTH IN NUMBERS: If you are within 10 squares of an ally, you can add +2 to your DR.
WEAPON SHIFT: If you use a ranged weapon as a melee weapon (as with the Gun Club talent), you gain a +2 bonus to melee attack rolls with that weapon.
Prerequisite: Gun Club.


You are an expert at small-unit tactics, leading a small group of allies into battle as a cohesive unit.
All talents in the Squad Leader talent tree apply to other characters in a squad you command. A squad includes yourself plus a number of characters equal to or less than the sum of
your elite trooper class level plus your Charisma modifier (minimum of one other character). These characters must be on foot, must have line of sight to you, and must be able to
communicate with you to gain the benefit of your Squad Leader talents. As a free action, you designate which characters are in your squad at the beginning of your first turn.
Each squad can benefit from the talents of only a single squad leader, designated when an encounter begins. A character without a squad leader can join an existing squad if both
characters and squad leader are willing and if the squad leader has not reached his or her maximum squad size.
FALL BACK (Galaxy at War, pg. 31): As a move action, you can enable each member of your squad to immediately move two squares. This movement does not provoke an attack of
Prerequisite: Charisma 13
FORM UP (Galaxy at War, pg. 31): As a move action, you give all squad members a +2 morale bonus to their Reflex Defense until the end of your next turn, as long as they are within 6
squares of another squad member.
Prerequisites: Charisma 13.
FULL ADVANCE (Galaxy at War, pg. 31): As a move action, you give all squad members a +2 morale bonus to damage rolls until the end of your next turn.
Prerequisite: Charisma 13.
HOLD STEADY (Galaxy at War, pg. 31): Once per encounter, as a standard action, you move all members of your squad +1 step on the condition track.
Prerequisite: Charisma 13.
SEARCH AND DESTROY (Galaxy at War, pg. 31): As a move action, you give all squad members a +2 morale bonus to Perception checks until the end of your next turn.
Prerequisite: Charisma 13.
You are skilled at wielding a variety of weapons and can wield choice weapons with deadly precision and force.
CONTROLLED BURST (Star Wars Core, pg. 211): Your penalty when making an autofire attack or using the Burst Fire feat is reduced to -2. In addition, if you brace an autofire-only
weapon, you have no penalty on your attack roll.
EXOTIC WEAPON MASTERY (Star Wars Core, pg. 211): You are considered proficient with any exotic weapon, even if you don't possess the appropriate Exotic Weapon Proficiency feat.
GREATER DEVASTATING ATTACK (Star Wars Core, pg. 211): Choose a single exotic weapon or weapon group with which you're proficient. Whenever you make a successful attack
against a target using the chosen exotic weapon or a weapon from the chosen group, you treat your target's damage threshold as if it were 10 points lower when determining the result
of your attack. This replaces the effects of the Devastating Attack talent (see page 53).
Prerequisites: Greater Weapon Focus, Devastating Attack (see page 53). and Weapon Focus feat (see page 89) with the chosen exotic weapon or weapon group.
GREATER PENETRATING ATTACK (Star Wars Core, pg. 211): Choose a single exotic weapon or weapon group with which you're proficient. Whenever you make a successful attack
against a target using the chosen exotic weapon or a weapon from the chosen group, you treat your target's damage reduction as if it were 10 points lower when determining the result
of your attack. This replaces the effects of the Penetrating Attack talent (see page 53).
Prerequisites: Greater Weapon Focus, Penetrating Attack (see page 53). and Weapon Focus feat (see page 89) with the chosen exotic weapon or weapon group.
GREATER WEAPON FOCUS (Star Wars Core, pg. 211): Choose one exotic weapon or weapon group with which you're proficient. You gain a +1 bonus on attack rolls with the chosen
exotic weapon or a weapon from the chosen group. This bonus stacks with the bonus granted by the Weapon Focus feat (page 89). You must be proficient with the weapon to gain this
benefit. You may select this talent multiple times. Each time you select this talent, it applies to a different weapon group.
Prerequisites: Weapon Focus feat (see page 89) with chosen exotic weapon or weapon group.
GREATER WEAPON SPECIALIZATION (Star Wars Core, pg. 211): Choose one exotic weapon or one of the following weapon groups: advanced melee weapons, heavy weapons, pistols,
rifles, simple weapons. You gain a +2 bonus on damage rolls with the chosen exotic weapon or a weapon from the chosen group. This bonus stacks with the bonus granted by the
Weapon Specialization talent (page 53). You must be proficient with the weapon to gain this benefit. You may select this talent multiple times. Each time you select this talent, it applies
to a different weapon group.
Prerequisites: Greater Weapon Focus, Weapon Focus feat (see page 89). and Weapon Specialization (see page 53) with the chosen exotic weapon or weapon group.
MULTIATTACK PROFICIENCY (HEAVY WEAPONS) (Star Wars Core, pg. 211): Whenever you make multiple attacks with any type of heavy weapon as a full attack action (see Full Attack,
page 154). you reduce the penalty on your attack rolls by 2.
You can take this talent multiple times; each time you take this talent, you reduce the penalty on your attack rolls by an additional 2.
MULTIATTACK PROFICIENCY (RIFLES) (Star Wars Core, pg. 211): Whenever you make multiple attacks with any type of rifle as a full attack action (see Full Attack, page 154), you reduce
the penalty on your attack rolls by 2.
You can take this talent multiple times; each time you take this talent, you reduce the penalty on your attack rolls by an additional 2.
EXTENDED THREAT (Unknown Regions, pg. 30): When using a ranged weapon eligible to make attacks of opportunity, you threaten all squares within a 2-square radius.
Prerequisites: Weapon Focus and Weapon Proficiency with weapon used.
FEROCIOUS ASSAULT (Galaxy at War, pg. 30): Once per encounter, when making an autofire attack, you can treat the attack as a 6 square cone. Making this attack consumes 20 shots
from the weapon’s power pack.
Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +12, Controlled Burst.
MULTIATTACK PROFICIENCY (simple weapons) (Unknown Regions, pg. 30): When you make multiple attacks with any type of simple weapon as a full attack action (see page 154 of the
Saga Edition core rulebook), you reduce the penalty to your attack rolls by 2. You can take this talent multiple times; each time you take this talent, you reduce the penalty to your attack
rolls by an additional 2.
TWO-FOR-ONE THROW (Unknown Regions, pg. 30): As a standard action, you can throw two weapons simultaneously. Both weapons target the same enemy or target square and are
thrown with one hand. Make separate attack rolls for each weapon, each at a -10 penalty. The weapons must be similar, such as two grenade like objects or two knives, and they must
be no larger than one size category smaller than you. The attack cannot exceed short range (typically 8 squares).
Prerequisites: Weapon Focus (simple weapons). Weapon Proficiency (simple weapons).

FALLANASSI (Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 76)

The White Current guides the Fallanassi to use its power to benefit everything and everyone around them, as well as to protect themselves. Those who succeed in channelling the White
Current often display powers with surprising effects.
FORCE IMMERSION (Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 77): You can use the sneak application of the Stealth skill to hide from electronic surveillance and sensors. Any opponent
attempting to detect you with sensors or electronic surveillance must beat your Stealth check with a Use Computer check. You need only roll a single Stealth check to avoid both
electronic notice and notice by conventional means, using the same result as the DC for both Perception checks and Use Computer checks made to detect you.
Prerequisite: White Current Adept, trained in Stealth.
IMMERSE ANOTHER (Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 77): Whenever you make a Stealth check to sneak, you can use your check result in the place of one adjacent ally’s Stealth
check to sneak (additionally, if you have the Force Immersion talent, that talent applies to the designated ally as well). Similarly, you can use your Use the Force check result in the place
of an adjacent ally’s Use the Force check result to avoid detection by the Sense Force application of the skill.
You can spend a Force Point to have this ability apply to all adjacent allies instead of just one.
Prerequisite: White Current, trained in Stealth.
RIDE THE CURRENT (Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 77): As a reaction to being damaged by an attack or Force power, you can spend a Force Point to gain total concealment from
all targets until the end of your next turn. Additionally, if you have not yet taken your second wind, you can do so immediately as a part of this reaction.
SURRENDER TO THE CURRENT (Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 77): As a swift action, you can choose to surrender to the White Current and allow it to flow around you and fuel
your Force powers. Until the end of the encounter, you cannot use Force powers that do not have “You” as the sole target. However, once per turn as a swift action, you can recover one
spent Force power that has “You” as the sole target without spending a Force Point, adding that power back to your Force suite.
WHITE CURRENT ADEPT (Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 77): You can make a Use the Force check in place of a Stealth check. You are considered trained in the Stealth skill. If you
are entitled to a Stealth check reroll, you can Use the Force check instead (subject to the same circumstances and limitations).

FELUCIAN SHAMANS (The Force Unleashed, pg. 92)

Felucian shamans learn to manipulate their natural aptitude with the Force and amplify their inherent powers in a variety of ways. In addition to the talents described below, Felucian
shamans can also select the Charm Beast and Command Beast talents from the Dathomiri Witch talent tree (see page 107 of the Saga Edition core rulebook).
DETONATE (The Force Unleashed, pg. 93): When you use the Force blast power, you can spend a Force Point to compare the result of your Use the Force check to the Reflex Defense of
all other characters, creatures, and droids within 2 squares of your target. If you exceed the reflex Defense of those secondary targets, they also take damage from the Force blast, and if
you fail to exceed their Reflex Defense, they take half damage instead. This is considered to be an area attack against the secondary targets (but not against the original target).
Prerequisite: Force blast.
HIVE MIND (The Force Unleashed, pg. 93): You can use the telepathy application of the Use the Force skill as a swift action, and you automatically succeed (no roll required) if your
target is a willing recipient on the same planet.
INFUSE WEAPON (The Force Unleashed, pg. 93): You can spend a Force Point to infuse an unpowered melee weapon (one that does not require an energy cell) with the strength of the
Force, making it resistant to the attacks of other weapons. Infusing the weapon takes a full-round action. From that point forward, when you wield the weapon, its damage reduction is
doubled, and lightsabers do not ignore the weapon’s damage reduction. When you spend a Force Point to modify the attack roll of an infused weapon, you also add 2 x the Force Point’s
result to the damage roll if the attack is a success.
SICKENING BLAST (The Force Unleashed, pg. 93): When you use the Force blast power, if you use the Force check exceeds the target’s Fortitude Defense, you can choose to move the
target -1 step along the condition track. Doing so increases your Dark Side Score by 1.
Prerequisite: Force blast.

You have learned to use the Force to touch minds of beasts, soothing them and convincing them to do your bidding.
BONDED MOUNT (Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 18): Whenever you encounter a domesticated beast with a friendly or helpful attitude toward you, you can spend a Force Point as
a full-round action to bond the beast to you as a mount. A bonded mount shares an empathic link with you, allowing you to sense its emotions as a free action. When you ride a bonded
mount, your mount uses your Reflex Defense and Will Defense instead of its own. Additionally, if your mount has any special senses (such as scent, darkvision, or low-light vision) that
you do not possess, you gain the benefits of its special senses as long as you are riding that mount.
Prerequisite: Charm Beast.
CHARM BEAST (Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 18): You can make a Use the Force check in place of a Persuasion check when attempting to change the attitude of an
undomesticated creature with an intelligence of 2 or less. Additionally, you do not take the normal -5 penalty on the check if the creature can’t speak or understand your language. (This
talent is identical to the Dathomiri Witch talent of the same name, and both are considered to be the same talent for the purposes of satisfying prerequisites).
ENTREAT BEAST (Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 18): You can use the Force to convince a small beast to carry objects, deliver messages, or perform other minor tasks for you. If you
are near a beast that is at least indifferent to you (whether this be a pet you bring with you or a beast encountered in the wild), you can make a Use the Force check against the beast’s
Will Defense as a swift action. If your skill check equals or exceeds the beast’s Will Defense, the beast performs one task for you from the following list: deliver one object from your
person to another target within 30 squares of you; retrieve one unattended object within 30 squares of you; retrieve one unattended object within 30 squares of it and in its line of sight
and bring it to you; or press a button, pull a lever, or otherwise perform some minor activation of an unattended item within 30 squares.
Prerequisite: Charm Beast.
SOOTHING PRESENCE (Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 18): Whenever you encounter a beast with an unfriendly attitude toward you, you automatically shift its attitude to
indifferent (no skill check required).
Prerequisite: Charm Beast.
WILD SENSE (Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 18): As a swift action once per turn, you can make a Use the Force check to touch the mind of a beast with an indifferent or better
attitude toward you, provided it is within 12 squares of you and in your line of sight. When you do so, the beast makes an immediate active Perception check, and you are considered to
perceive everything that the beast does, including noticing targets, as though you had made the check.
Additionally, until the end of your turn, you are considered to have line of sight to anything the beast has line of sight to.
Prerequisite: Charm Beast.


Your powerful negative emotions allow the dark side to flow through you, giving you great power.
CHANNEL AGGRESSION (Star Wars Core, pg. 213): If you succeed on an attack against a flanked opponent or any target that is denied its Dexterity bonus to Reflex Defense, you may
spend a Force Point as a free action to deal additional damage to the target equal to 1d6 per class level (maximum 10d6).
CHANNEL ANGER (Star Wars Core, pg. 213): You let your anger swell into a rage. As a swift action, you may spend a Force Point to gain a +2 rage bonus on melee attack rolls and melee
damage rolls for a number of rounds equal to 5 + your Constitution modifier. At the end of this duration, you move -1 step along the condition track (see Conditions, page 148). While
raging, you cannot use skills that require patience and concentration, such as Mechanics, Stealth, or Use the Force.
Prerequisite: Channel Aggression.
CRIPPLING STRIKE (Star Wars Core, pg. 213): Whenever you score a critical hit, you may spend a Force Point to also reduce the target's speed by half until he is fully healed (that is,
restored to maximum hit points).
Prerequisite: Channel Aggression.
EMBRACE THE DARK SIDE (Star Wars Core, pg. 213): Whenever you use a Force power with the [dark side} descriptor, you may reroll your Use the Force check, but you must accept the
result of the reroll even if it is worse.
Upon choosing this talent, you can no longer use Force powers with the [light side} descriptor.
Prerequisites: Channel Aggression, Channel Anger.
DARK SIDE Talisman (Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 17): You can spend a Force Point to imbue a weapon or some other portable object with the dark side of the Force, creating a
talisman that grants you protection from the light side. Creating the dark side talisman takes a full-round action. When you wear or carry the talisman, you gain a +2 Force bonus to one
of your defenses (Reflex, Fortitude, or Will) against Force powers with the [light side] descriptor. You can have only one dark side talisman active at a given time (though you can have
both a dark side talisman and a Force talisman active at the same time), and if your dark side talisman is destroyed, you cannot create another one for 24 hours.
GREATER DARK SIDE TALISMAN (Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 17): As Dark Side Talisman (above), except that the talisman’s Force bonus extends to all three of your defenses
(Reflex, Fortitude, and Will).
Prerequisite: Dark Side Talisman.


Force adepts use the Force to survive on fringe worlds, and they often have signature Force powers that they use particularly well.
FORCE POWER ADEPT (Star Wars Core, pg. 214): You are skilled at using a particular Force power. Select one Force power you know. When using that Force power, you have the option
of spending a Force Point to make two Use the Force checks, keeping the better result. This talent may be selected multiple times. Its effects do not stack. Each time you select this
talent, you must choose a different Force power.
FORCE TREATMENT (Star Wars Core, pg. 214): You can make a Use the Force check in place of a Treat Injury check (see the Treat Injury skill, page 74). You are considered trained in the
Treat Injury skill. If you are entitled to a Treat Injury check reroll, you may reroll your Use the Force check instead (subject to the same circumstances and limitations).
In addition, you can administer first aid, treat disease, treat poison, and treat radiation without the requisite medical kit or medpac.
FORTIFIED BODY (Star Wars Core, pg. 214): The Force shields you against ailments, toxins, and radiation poisoning, making you immune to disease, poison, and radiation.
Prerequisite: Equilibrium (see page 101).
INSTRUMENT OF THE FORCE (Unknown Regions, pg. 30): You are particularly in tune with the living Force. When you successfully use Search Your Feelings, you gain a Force Point that
must be used before the end of the encounter. If you use this Force Point in a manner that would end in unfavorable results (per Search Your Feelings), you raise your Dark Side Score by
1.lfyou use the Force Point in an action that would normally raise your Dark Side Score, you raise your Dark Side Score by 2 instead.
LONG CALL (Unknown Regions, pg. 30): When using the telepathy ability of Use the Force, you reduce the DC of the Use the Force check by half, as do those Force-users for whom you
are a willing telepathic recipient. When attempting to contact an unwilling target, you can reroll and take the better result. By spending a Force Point, you can simultaneously contact a
number of targets equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum two) with a single Use the Force check.
Prerequisite: Mystical Link.
MYSTICAL LINK (Unknown Regions, pg. 30): The Force guides you in unexpected ways. As a standard action, make a DC 30 Use the Force check. If the check is successful, you gain one of
the following benefits, as selected by the Gamemaster: one Force power is returned to your Force suite; one Force Point that is lost if it is not spent before the end of the encounter; an
additional use of a Force-related talent or feat normally restricted to once per encounter; or roll an additional die when making a Force check and select the highest die rolled.


You can imbue weapons and objects with the power of the Force.
ATTUNE WEAPON (Star Wars Core, pg. 214): You may spend a Force Point to attune a melee weapon. Attuning the weapon takes a full round action. From that point forward, whenever
you wield the attuned weapon, you gain a +1 Force bonus on attack rolls. The weapon is attuned to you alone; others who wield the weapon do not gain the Force bonus.
EMPOWER WEAPON (Star Wars Core, pg. 214): You may spend a Force Point to empower a melee weapon. Empowering the weapon takes a full-round action. From that point forward,
the empowered weapon deals an additional die of damage, but only when wielded by you. (For example, an empowered lightsaber deals 3d8 points of damage instead of 2d8 points of
damage.) Others who wield the weapon do not gain the bonus damage die.
FOCUSED FORCE TALISMAN (Clone Wars, pg. 40): When you create a Force Talisman (see page 214 of the Saga Edition core rulebook), you can select a single Force power from your
Force suite. Whenever you are wearing this talisman and activate the selected Force power, you can spend a Force Point to immediately regain all your expended uses of that spent
power, adding it to your Force suite.
Prerequisite: Force Talisman.
FORCE TALISMAN (Star Wars Core, pg. 214): You may spend one Force Point to imbue a weapon or some other portable object with the Force, creating a talisman that provides
protection to you . Creating the talisman takes a full-round action. While you wear or carry the talisman on your person, you gain a + 1 Force bonus to one of your defenses (Reflex,
Fortitude, or Will). You may only have one Force talisman active at any given time, and if your Force talisman is destroyed, you may not create another Force talisman for 24 hours.
FORCE THROW (Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 38): You can hurl a simple or advance melee weapon your size or smaller as a standard action, treating it as a thrown weapon. You are
considered proficient with the thrown weapon. The thrown weapon deals normal weapon damage if it hits. If the weapon deals piercing or slashing damage, it becomes embedded in
your target, remaining there and causing an additional die of damage each round at the end of the target’s turn, and also when it is removed (removing the embedded weapon is a swift
action and an adjacent ally can remove the embedded weapon for you). Your target must be within 6 squares of you. The weapon does not automatically return to you, but you can
retrieve it with move object (dealing an additional die of damage in the process, if the weapon is embedded in the target, as above).
Prerequisite: Empower Weapon.
GREATER FOCUSED FORCE TALISMAN (Clone Wars, pg. 40): As Focused Force Talisman (see above), except that a Force Point spent to immediately recover the selected power does not
count against the "one per turn" restriction on spending Force Points.
Prerequisites: Force Talisman, Focused Force Talisman.
GREATER FORCE TALISMAN (Star Wars Core, pg. 214): As Force Talisman (above), except that the talisman's Force bonus extends to all three of your defenses (Reflex, Fortitude, and
Prerequisite: Force Talisman.
PRIMITIVE BLOCK (Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 38): As a reaction, you may negate a melee attack by making a successful Use the Force check. The DC of the skill check is equal to
the result of the attack roll you wish to negate, and you take a cumulative -5 penalty on you Use the Force checks to use this talent for every time you have used Primitive Black since the
beginning of your last turn. You must have a weapon you have empowered drawn to use this talent, and you must be aware of the attack and not flat-footed. You may spend a Force
Point to use this talent to negate an attack against an adjacent character.
You may use the primitive Block talent to negate melee area attacks, such as those made by the Whirlwind Attack feat. If you succeed on the Use the Force check, you take half damage
if the attack hits and no damage if the attack misses.
Prerequisite: Empower Weapon.


The Imperial Inquisitors are a special group of dark Jedi who work for the Empire. Trained to hunt down and destroy the remaining Jedi whenever they are found, Imperial Inquisitors are
steeped in the lore of the dark side. A character must be a member of the Inquisitorius and have a dark side score of 1+ to take talents from this tree.
COWER ENEMIES (The Force Unleashed, pg. 42): When you use the Persuasion skill to intimidate, you can intimidate all targets in a 6-square cone (originating from your square) instead
of intimidating a single target. All other limitations to the intimidation use of the persuasion skill still apply.
Prerequisite: Force Interrogation.
FORCE INTERROGATION (The Force Unleashed, pg. 43): When you deal damage to one or more creatures by using a Force power, you can immediately make a Persuasion check as a
free action to intimidate a single target you damaged.
INQUISITION (The Force Unleashed, pg. 43): You are particularly adept at dealing with Force-sensitive foes. You gain a +1 bonus on attack rolls and deal +1 die of damage against targets
that have the Force Sensitivity feat.
UNSETTLING PRESENCE (The Force Unleashed, pg. 43): You can spend a Force Point as a standard action to create an aura of unsettling discomfort around you. You make a Use the
Force check when you activate this talent and compare the check result to the Will Defense of any creature that comes within 6 squares of you. If your Use the Force check result
exceeds the creature’s Will Defense, that target takes a -2 penalty on attack rolls and skill checks while within 6 squares of you. This aura lasts for the remainder of the encounter.
Prerequisite: Force Interrogation.


You have studied the Force in a radically different way from other Force-users, relying on rituals and mystic lore to harness its power.
CHANNEL VITALITY (Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 18): You can fuel your mastery of the Force with your own vitality. As a swift action, you can move -1 step down the condition
track to gain a temporary Force Point. This temporary Force Point lasts until the end of your turn, at which point it is lost if it has not been used.
CLOSED MIND (Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 18): Whenever a creature uses a mind-affecting effect on you that targets your Will Defense, it must roll the attack roll or skill check
twice, taking the lower result.
ESOTERIC TECHNIQUE (Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 18): When you spend a Force Point to activate a Force technique of Force secret, you gain a bonus hit points equal to 10 +
your class level until the end of the encounter.
MYSTIC MASTERY (Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 18): Whenever you gain a level, you also gain a number of additional Force Points equal to the number of Force talents you
possess (maximum +6).
REGIMEN APTITUDE (Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 18): You gain a +5 Force bonus on skill checks made to perform a Force regimen (see page 10).
Prerequisite: Force Regimen Mastery (see page 23).


You have mastered the art of mental manipulation, using the Force to touch, read, and affect the minds of others with ease.
MIND PROBE (Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 18): When you touch a living creature with an Intelligence of 3 or higher, you can use the Force to probe its mind for secrets. You
must be adjacent to the target, and using the mind for secrets. You must be adjacent to the target, and using the mind probe is a full-round action. If the target is unwilling, you must
succeed on a Use the Force check, equalling or exceeding the target’s Will Defense. This ability otherwise functions exactly as the Gather Information skill’s Learn News and Rumors,
Learn Secret Information, and Locate Individual applications. Your Use the Force check must still exceed the base Gather Information skill DCs in order to retrieve the information you
seek, but you need not pay anything in bribes, and you retrieve the information as a part of the full-round action. Failing the skill check by 5 or more does not cause someone to notice
that you are seeking the information.
PERFECT TELEPATHY (Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 18): You can communicate in full sentences and complete thoughts when you use the telepathy aspect of the Use the Force
skill, instead of just in basic phrases. However, the target of your telepathy can still only communicate in basic emotions or single thoughts.
PSYCHIC CITADEL (Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 18): You gain a Force bonus to your Will Defense equal to your class level.
PSYCHIC DEFENSES (Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 18): Whenever another creature targets you with a Force power with the [mind-affecting] descriptor, it automatically takes
Force damage equal to 1d6 x your Wisdom modifier (minimum x1).
Prerequisite: Psychic Citadel.
TELEPATHIC INTRUDER (Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 19): Whenever you use a Force power with the [mind-affecting] descriptor successfully against a target, until the end of
your next turn you gain a +2 Force bonus on skill checks made to activate mind-affecting Force powers and talents against that same target.

GLADIATOR (Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 43)

You have learned the tricks of fighting in the gladiatorial arena. These talents represent your knowledge of this specialized combination of combat and showmanship.
BRUTAL ATTACK (Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 44): Choose a single exotic weapon or weapon group you are proficient with. Attacks with such weapons that deal damage that
exceeds an opponent’s damage threshold deal +1 die of damage on that attack.
You can select this talent multiple times. Each time you select this talent, it applies to a different exotic weapon or weapon group.
Prerequisite: Weapon Focus with the chosen weapon.
CALL OUT (Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 44): When you use the Personal Vendetta talent, you may designate one target of that talent to take a -5 penalty to attacks against targets
other than you instead of the normal -2.
Prerequisite: Personal Vendetta.
DISTRACTING ATTACK (Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 44): When you deal damage to a target with a melee or ranged attack, compare the attack roll to the target’s Will Defense. If the
attack roll also meets or exceeds the target’s Will Defense, the target takes a -2 penalty to Reflex Defense until the end of your next turn.
Prerequisite: Brutal Attack with the weapon used.
EXOTIC WEAPONS MASTER (Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 44): You treat all exotic weapons as a single weapon group (exotic weapons). If you already have feats or talents that grant
proficiency with or augment the use of one exotic weapon, those feats or talents grant proficiency with or augment all exotic weapons. For example, if you already had Exotic Weapon
Proficiency (shyarn) and Weapon Focus (shyarn) you now have Weapon Proficiency (exotic weapons) and Weapon Focus (exotic weapons), and the effects of both feats or talents apply
to all exotic weapons.
Prerequisite: Proficiency in at least one exotic weapon.
LOCKDOWN STRIKE (Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 44): When you hit a moving opponent that is one size category larger than you or smaller with an attack of opportunity, you
immediately end its current movement.
MULTIATTACK PROFICIENCY (EXOTIC WEAPONS) (Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 45): Whenever you make multiple attacks with exotic weapons as a full attack action, you reduce the
penalty on your attack rolls by 2.
You can take this talent multiple times; each time you take this talent, you reduce the penalty on your attack rolls by an additional 2.
Prerequisite: Exotic Weapons Master.
PERSONAL VENDETTA (Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 45): As a swift action, you can taunt all enemies within 12 squares and line of sight; on their next turn, these enemies take a -2
penalty on attack rolls made against any target other than you.
This is a mind-affecting effect.
UNSTOPPABLE (Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 45): You can sometimes shrug off the effect of debilitating attacks. Once per encounter, if you are hit by an attack that would normally
knock you down the condition track, you can reduce the number of steps you move down the condition track by 1 step (to a minimum of 0).

While pistols offer great versatility and mobility, their range is a significant limiting factor. Thus, many gunslingers choose to specialize in long arms, especially blaster carbines.
BLOWBACK (Legacy Era, pg. 41): When you make an attack with a rifle that deals damage in excess of your target’s damage threshold, you can choose to push the target 1 square away
from you.
CLOSE CONTACT (Legacy Era, pg. 41): the point-blank range of any rifle or carbine you use is increased by 5 squares. Short range for the weapon begins 5 squares later, but still ends at
the same distance.
You can take this talent up to two times; each time you take this talent, you increase the point-blank range of any rifle or carbine you use by an additional 5 squares, up to a maximum of
10 squares.
MULTIATTACK PROFICIENCY (RIFLES) (Legacy Era, pg. 41): Whenever you make multiple attacks with any type of rifle as a full attack action (see page 154 of the Saga Edition core
rulebook), you reduce the penalty of your attack rolls by 2. You can take this talent multiple times; each time you take this talent, you reduce the penalty on your attack rolls by an
additional 2.
OLD FAITHFUL (Legacy Era, pg. 41): The trusty sidearm class feature (see page 217 of the saga Edition core rulebook) of the gunslinger prestige class also applies to any rifle or carbine
that you use.
OPPORTUNITY FIRE (Legacy Era, pg. 41): You gain a +2 bonus on attacks of opportunity made with rifles.
RIFLE MASTER (Legacy Era, pg. 41): You treat all rifles as though they were accurate weapons, taking no penalty when firing at targets at short range.
SHOOT FROM THE HIP (Legacy Era, pg. 41): You can always use a rifle to make attacks of opportunity.
SNAP SHOT (Legacy Era, pg. 41): You do not provoke attacks of opportunity while using the aim action with a rifle or carbine with its stock extended.


You never travel anywhere without a blaster (or two), and you know how to handle yourself in a gunfight. The following talents may only be used with pistols and rifles.
BLIND SHOT (Clone Wars, pg. 41): You ignore the penalties on your ranged attack rolls when a target has concealment or total concealment.
DAMAGING DISARM (Galaxy of Intrigue, pg. 25): If you successfully disarm an opponent using a ranged attack, the target also takes half damage from the attack.
Prerequisite: Ranged Disarm.
DEBILITATING SHOT (Star Wars Core, pg.216): If you aim before making a ranged attack (see Aim, page 154), you move the target character -1 step along the condition track if the attack
deals damage (see Conditions, page 148).
DECEPTIVE SHOT (Star Wars Core, pg.216): Select one target in line of sight within 6 squares. You can spend two swift actions on the same turn to make a Deception check; if the check
result equals or exceeds the target's Will Defense, the target is denied its Dexterity bonus to Reflex Defense against your attacks until the beginning of your next turn.
IMPROVED QUICK DRAW (Star Wars Core, pg.216): If you are carrying a pistol (either in your hand or in a holster), you may draw the pistol and make a single attack during a surprise
round even if you are surprised. If you are not surprised, you may take any single action of your choice, as normal.
KEEP THEM HONEST (Galaxy at War, pg. 31): When using the aid another action to suppress an enemy (see page 151 of the Saga Edition core rulebook), the enemy instead takes a -5
penalty to all attacks until the end of your next turn.
Prerequisite: Careful Shot feat.
KNOCKDOWN SHOT (Star Wars Core, pg.216): If you aim before making a ranged attack (see Aim, page 154) and the attack hits, you knock the target prone in addition to dealing
damage. You can't use this talent to knock down targets two or more size categories bigger than you.
LINGERING DEBILITATION (Unknown Regions, pg. 31): Once per encounter, when you successfully use Debilitating Shot to move a target character -1 step on the condition track, the
target suffers a persistent condition requiring 4 hours of rest or a DC 25 Treat Injury check to remove.
Prerequisite: Debilitating Shot.
MOBILE ATTACK (PISTOL) (Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 38): Immediately after making a full attack where you attack with two pistols, you may move up to your speed as a free
Prerequisite: Multiattack Proficiency (pistols), Dual Weapon Mastery 1, Weapon Focus (pistols).
MULTIATTACK PROFICIENCY (PISTOLS) (Star Wars Core, pg.216): Whenever you make multiple attacks with any type of pistol as a full attack action (see Full Attack, page 154), you
reduce the penalty on your attack rolls by 2.
You can take this talent multiple times; each time you take this talent, you reduce the penalty on your attack rolls by an additional 2.
PISTOL DUELIST (Galaxy of Intrigue, pg. 25): You are a master of the elegant, if archaic, custom of dueling with pistols. You can use each of the following actions once per encounter as a
standard action:
 End Game: You make a single ranged attack with a pistol against an opponent within range. The opponent's damage threshold is halved (round down) for the purposes of this
 Snap Aiming: You make a single ranged attack with the benefits of aiming.
 Stand Steady: You gain a +4 bonus to your Reflex Defense until the end of your next turn and make a single ranged attack.
RANGED DISARM (Star Wars Core, pg.216): You can disarm an opponent using a ranged attack. If your ranged disarm attack fails, your opponent doesn't get to make a free attack
against you (see Disarm, page 152).
RANGED FLANK (Scum and Villainy, pg. 27): If you are within 6 squares of a target and are armed with a pistol or a rifle, you can act as though you occupied the nearest square adjacent
to the target for the purposes of determining whether or not you or any allies are flanking that target. You may only be considered to be flanking a single target at range at a time. You
must spend a swift action on your turn to designate the target you flank at range.
RETREATING FIRE (Unknown Regions, pg. 31): When moving away from a pursuing target, if you either run or use two move actions during this turn, you can make a sing le ranged
attack with a -5 penalty as part of your move action. You can spend a Force Point to avoid the penalty.
SLOWING SHOT (Unknown Regions, pg. 31): If you successfully use Debilitating Shot, until the target moves to the normal state on the condition track or until the end of the encounter,
the target's speed is reduced by 2 squares, and it loses its Dexterity bonus to its Reflex Defense and is considered flat-footed. These effects occur in addition to the effect of Debilitating
Shot (see page 216 of the Saga Edition core rulebook). If you spend a Force Point, the target's speed is reduced by 4 squares or half of its normal speed, whichever is the greater
Prerequisite: Debilitating Shot.
SWIFT SHOT (Unknown Regions, pg. 31): Once per encounter, you can make a single ranged attack with a handheld weapon as a swift action instead of a standard action. However, you
cannot use your remaining actions for an attack.
TRIGGER WORK (Star Wars Core, pg.216): You take no penalty on your attack roll when using the Rapid Shot feat.


You are a master of wielding two pistols at the same time, and can use both pistols simultaneously in unusual ways.
DASH AND BLAST (Scum and Villainy, pg. 27): Once per encounter as a full-round action, when you are wielding two pistols, you may move up to twice your speed and make a ranged
attack with each pistol. The normal penalties for attacking with two weapons apply to these attacks.
Prerequisites: Dual Weapon Mastery I, Running Attack.
FLANKING FIRE (Scum and Villainy, pg. 28): Whenever you are flanked by two (or more) opponents and are wielding two pistols, you can make a full attack action as a standard action
instead of a full-round action. This is provided that you target only opponents that flank you and attack at least two targets.
Prerequisite: Dual Weapon Mastery I.
GUARANTEED SHOT (Scum and Villainy, pg. 28): If you are wielding two pistols and make a single ranged attack with one of those pistols as a standard action, even if you miss you deal
damage equal to half your heroic level to the target. This consumes a single shot from the weapon not making the attack, and the weapon you attack with uses as many shots as
required by the attack.
Prerequisite: Dual Weapon Mastery I.
HAILFIRE (Scum and Villainy, pg. 28): When you are wielding two pistols, as a standard action you can make an autofire attack with one of the pistols as though the weapon were set to
autofire, even if the pistol would not normally be capable of autofire. The normal penalties for autofire still apply to this attack roll, and you may split the number of shots consumed
between the two pistols.
Prerequisite: Dual Weapon Mastery I.
TWIN SHOT (Scum and Villainy, pg. 28): When you are wielding two pistols, you gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls when using the Rapid Shot feat.
Prerequisite: Dual Weapon Mastery I, Rapid Shot.


You are an expert at long-range combat, using the inherent range advantage of a rifle to win the day.
BULLSEYE (Galaxy at War, pg. 31): Once per encounter, you can designate a single target that you have aimed at and that is not within point-blank range. When making a ranged attack
roll against that target, the target is denied its Dexterity bonus to Reflex Defense when determining the effect of your attack.
Prerequisites: Draw a Bead, Precision Shot, Sniper feat.
DRAW A BEAD (Galaxy at War, pg. 31): Once per round, you can spend a single swift action to designate a single enemy who is not within point-blank range. When you make a
successful ranged attack roll that deals damage against the designated enemy, add your Dexterity bonus (minimum +1) to the damage roll. This effect lasts until the target is
unconscious, dead or leaves your line of sight. You can have only one enemy designated in this manner.
Prerequisites: Precision Shot, base attack bonus +10.
HARRYING SHOT (Galaxy at War, pg. 31): When you make a successful ranged attack against an enemy that you have aimed at and the attack deals damage, the target cannot use a
standard action to make an attack roll on his or her next turn. This counts as a stunning effect.
Prerequisites: Pinning Shot, Precision Shot.
PINNING SHOT (Galaxy at War, pg. 31): You can keep your target worrying about where the next shot is coming from instead of trying to flee. When you deal damage to an enemy that
you have aimed at, the target’s speed is reduced to 2 squares, and the target cannot take either a double move action or use the run action until the end of your next turn. This is a
stunning effect.
Prerequisite: Precision Shot.
PRECISION SHOT (Galaxy at War, pg. 31): When using the aim action, you gain the benefit of the Point Blank Shot feat against your target, regardless of range category.
Prerequisite: Far Shot feat.
IMPERIAL KNIGHT (Legacy Era, pg. 43)
You are a skilled master of the Force who knows how to get the most out of your armor.
ARMORED AUGMENTATION I (Legacy Era, pg. 45): Once per encounter, you may spend a Force Point as a swift action to augment your own ability to withstand damage by imbuing the
armor you are wearing with the Force. This allows you to add your armor bonus to Reflex Defense to your damage threshold until the end of the encounter.
Prerequisite: Armor Proficiency with the type of armor worn.
ARMORED AUGMENTATION II (Legacy Era, pg. 45): Whenever you use the Armored Augmentation I talent, you also gain DR equal to 2 x your armor’s equipment bonus to Fortitude
Prerequisite: Armor Proficiency with the type of armor worn, Armored Augmentation I.
ARMOR MASTERY (Legacy Era, pg. 45): When calculating your Reflex Defense, you may add your heroic level plus one-half your armor bonus (rounded down) or your armor bonus,
whichever is higher. You must be proficient with the armor you are wearing to gain this benefit.
This talent counts as both the Armored Defense and Improved Armored Defense talents for the purposes of prerequisites.
CORTOSIS DEFENSE (Legacy Era, pg. 45): You are adept at using a cortosis gauntlet to parry lightsaber attacks. You gain a +2 bonus when making an opposed unarmed melee attack roll
against a lightsaber attack.
CORTOSIS RETALIATION (Legacy Era, pg. 45): Whenever you successfully use a cortosis gauntlet to parry an attack made with a lightsaber, you may make an immediate attack of
opportunity against the attacker.
Prerequisite: Cortosis Defense.


You have dedicated your life to serving the rightful Emperor, and your devotion knows no bounds.
KNIGHT’S MORALE (Legacy Era, pg. 45): When an ally within 12 squares of you and within your line of sight hits a lightsaber attack, you gain a +1 morale bonus to all defenses until the
end of your next turn.
OATH OF DUTY (Legacy Era, pg. 45): When an ally within 12 squares of you and within your line of sight hits with a lightsaber attack, you gain bonus hit points equal to 3 x your class
level until the end of your next turn. Damage is subtracted from the bonus hit points first, and any bonus hit points remaining at the end of the encounter go away. Bonus hit points from
different sources do not stack.
PRAETORIA VONIL (Legacy Era, pg. 45): You have mastered the offensive lightsaber style favoured by the Imperial Knights. When wielding a single lightsaber with two hands, you deal
+1 die of damage if you move at least 1 square on your turn before making the attack.
Prerequisite: Weapon Focus (lightsabers).
STRENGTH OF THE EMPIRE (Legacy Era, pg. 45): When an ally within 12 squares of you and in your line of sight hits with a lightsaber attack, you deal +1 die of damage with the next
lightsaber attack you make before the end of your next turn.
Prerequisite: Knight’s Morale.

IMPROVISER (Rebellion Era, pg. 41)

You have mastered the ability to make something out of nothing, turning spare parts and scrap into a sensor pack, a weapon, or a protective suit of armor. You can build what you need
on the fly, and sometimes your customized gear proves more useful than what you otherwise might have purchased.
BIGGER BANG (Rebellion Era, pg. 43): Whenever you create a grenade with the Improvised Device talent, the grenade deals an additional die of damage when used.
Prerequisite: Improvised Device.
CAPTURE DROID (Rebellion Era, pg. 43): Once per encounter, you can use this talent on an adjacent enemy droid that has been reduced to 0 hit points or moved to the bottom of the
condition track but not destroyed. As a standard action, make a Mechanics check against the droid’s Will Defense. If your result equals or exceeds the droid’s Will Defense, the droid
moves +2 steps on the condition track, regains 1d8 hit points, and becomes your ally, and its attitude toward you immediately shifts to friendly. The droid fights on your side until the
end of the encounter, at which point it is destroyed.
CUSTOM MODEL (Rebellion Era, pg. 43): Whenever you create a device with the Improvised Device talent, you can apply one modification granted by the tech Specialist feat (see page
21 of Starships of the Galaxy) to the device. This customization does not affect the value of the item being created.
Prerequisites: Improvised Device, tech Specialist feat.
IMPROVED JURY-RIG (Rebellion Era, pg. 43): You can use the Jury-Rig application of the Mechanics skill as a standard action instead of as a full-round action. Additionally, you are not
required to make a skill check to successfully jury-rig a device or vehicle, and the device or vehicle moves +3 steps on the condition track instead of +2.
IMPROVISED DEVICE (Rebellion Era, pg. 43): You can create a temporary piece of almost any type of equipment from the spare parts you have around. To do so, you must make a DC 25
Mechanics check and spend one hour building the device. The object can have a maximum value of 200 credits x class level, it cannot have an availability of rare or illegal, and it cannot
be unique. The device you create must be something that you would reasonably be familiar with, and after 24 hours the object is destroyed. You can use this talent once per day.


You know how to find just what you need, no matter how far you are from civilization or how rare the item is. If you can’t find it, you make it – but most of the time; you find it.
BLACK MARKET BUYER (Rebellion Era, pg. 43): When seeking an item from the black market, you do not need to make a Gather Information check to locate a black market merchant;
you automatically succeed.
EXCELLENT KIT (Rebellion Era, pg. 43): You always make sure that your allies have the best gear available. Whenever you purchase weapons, armor or other equipment (either legally or
through the black market), all gear you purchase has 50% more hit points than normal and 5 more DR than normal. In addition, whenever one of your allies makes a Mechanics check on
an object that you purchased, that ally gains a +2 equipment bonus to the check.
JUST WHAT IS NEEDED (Rebellion Era, pg. 43): You have a knack for finding the best quality replacement parts for broken equipment. Whenever you use the Repair application of the
Mechanics skill, you restore an extra 1d8 hit points with a successful Mechanics check, in addition to what you would normally restore.
If you use the aid another action to assist an ally with repairs, that ally also repairs an extra 1d8 hit points with a successful Mechanics check. Any ally can only benefit from this talent
once per Mechanics check, regardless of how many allies with this talent aid on the check.
ONLY THE FINEST (Rebellion Era, pg. 43): Whenever you purchase goods through the black market, you can obtain items that have been modified with the Tech Specialist feat (see page
21 of Starships of the Galaxy) without increasing the base value of the items.
Prerequisite: Black Market Buyer.
RIGHT GEAR FOR THE JOB (Rebellion Era, pg. 43): Once per day when an ally makes an untrained skill check, as a reaction you can grant that ally a +5 equipment bonus to the check,
and the ally is considered trained in that skill for the purpose of using trained-only applications of the skill. You cannot use this talent to allow an ally to make an untrained Use the Force

INFILTRATOR (The Force Unleashed, pg. 48)

You are trained to work within the famed Bothan Spynet. The spinet is a secret collection or organic and electronic resources and personnel spread throughout the galaxy, accessed by
computer or in person.
BOTHAN RESOURCES (The Force unleashed, pg. 50): Your status within the Spynet give you access to additional resources, and you know the best sources for restricted or rare items.
With a successful DC 20 Gather Information check, you can purchase standard weapons, equipment, and transport services at 50% of the going rate, or exotic and restricted weapons,
equipment, and transport services at 75% of the going rate.
Prerequisite: Spynet Agent.
KNOWLEDGE IS LIFE (The Force unleashed, pg. 50): As a swift action, you can designate a single target within line of sight and make a Knowledge (galactic lore) check against a DC equal
to 15 + the target’s CL. If the check is successful, for the remainder of the encounter you gain a +2 morale bonus to the defense score of your choice against that target.
Prerequisite: Spynet Agent.
KNOWLEDGE IS POWER (The Force unleashed, pg. 50): As a swift action, you can designate a single target within your line of sight and make a Knowledge (galactic lore) check against a
DC equal to 15 + the target’s CL. If the check is successful, for the remainder of the encounter you score a critical hit against that target on a natural roll of 19 or 20. If you have another
ability that increases your weapon’s critical range against that target (such as the elite trooper’s extended critical range talent, or the Jedi Knight’s Vaapad talent), you increase this range
by 1 (for example, from 19-20 to 18-20). However, anything other than a natural 20 is not considered an automatic hit; if you roll anything other than a natural 20 and still miss the
target, you do not score a critical hit.
Prerequisite: Spynet Agent.
KNOWLEDGE IS STRENGTH (The Force unleashed, pg. 50): As a swift action, you can designate a single target within line of sight and make a Knowledge (galactic lore) check against a DC
equal to 15 + the target’s CL. If the check is successful, for the remainder of the encounter you gain a +2 morale bonus on attack rolls against that target.
Prerequisite: Spynet Agent.
SIX QUESTIONS (The Force unleashed, pg. 50): You have mastered the basic Bothan philosophy of Six Questions to glean more information from contacts through fewer questions. As a
swift action, you can make a Knowledge (galactic lore) check against a DC equal to 15 + the target’s CL. If the check is successful, you learn a target character’s level, classes, and ability
scores, and the target’s available Force Points and Destiny points.
Prerequisite: Spynet Agent.
SPYNET AGENT (The Force unleashed, pg. 50): You can use your Gather Information check modifier instead of your Knowledge (galactic lore) checks. You are considered trained in the
Knowledge (galactic lore) skill for the purpose of using this talent. If you are entitled to a Knowledge (galactic lore) reroll, you can reroll your Gather Information check instead (subject to
the same circumstances and limitations).
Prerequisites: Bothan species, or two talents from the Infiltration tree.


You are trained to secretly infiltrate enemy strongholds and organizations by force or by guile.
ALWAYS READY (The Force unleashed, pg. 49): You are accustomed to operating in response to enemy actions. When your readied action is triggered, it does not change your initiative
count (see page 162 of the Saga Edition core rulebook).
Prerequisite: trained in the Initiative skill.
CONCEALED WEAPON EXPERT (The Force unleashed, pg. 49): You are deadly with an unarmed strike, hold-out blaster, dagger, or vibrodagger or other small, concealable weapon (as
determined by the Gamemaster). Once per round you can use a swift action to reroll an attack using one of these weapons, but you must take the second result, even if it is worse.
CREEPING APPROACH (The Force unleashed, pg. 49): As a swift action, you can designate a single opponent with 12 squares that is unaware of you as the target of this talent. Until the
beginning of your next turn, that target may not make perception checks to notice you, even if you enter the target’s line of sight. If you or any of your allies attack the target, the effect
of this talent ends. Prerequisite: Trained in the Stealth skill.
SET FOR STUN (The Force unleashed, pg. 49): You are particularly adept with stun weapons. If you are using a ranged weapon that deals stun damage (including a lethal weapon set to
stun), you can spend two consecutive swift actions in the same round to activate this talent. If the stun damage on your next attack exceeds the target’s damage threshold, you move
the target -3 steps along the condition track instead of the normal -2.
You lose the benefit of the talent if you lose line of sight to your target or if you take any other action before making your attack.
SILENT TAKEDOWN (The Force unleashed, pg. 49): You are skilled at quietly knocking out or eliminating guards and others when they are caught unaware. If you damage an opponent
that is unaware of you, that opponent cannot speak or make other noises until the end of your next turn. This is a stunning effect.
Prerequisite: Trained in the Stealth skill.

INDEPENDENT DROID (The Force Unleashed, pg. 46)

Autonomy Talent
You are able to resist any attempts to curb your independence and can fight back against anyone that tries to suppress your personality.
DEFENSIVE ELECTRONICS (The Force unleashed, pg. 47): You defend you independence from all. When someone tries to reprogram you, add your class level to your Will Defense.
ION RESISTANCE 10 (The Force unleashed, pg. 47): You gain DR 10 against ion damage.
SOFT RESET (The Force unleashed, pg. 47): You are adept at rerouting your internal electronics. If you are moved to the bottom of the condition track by any means other than taking
damage exceeding your damage threshold, you automatically move +1 step along the condition track after being disabled for 2 rounds.
MODIFICATION SPECIALIST (The Force unleashed, pg. 47): You have become skilled at reprogramming and modifying your own systems. You do not incur the normal -5 penalty on
Mechanics and Use Computer checks to reprogram yourself or perform self-modifications (see page 197 of the Saga Edition core rulebook).
REPAIR SELF (The Force unleashed, pg. 47): When you repair yourself (using the repair droid application of the Mechanics skill), you repair 1 additional hit point for each point by which
your check exceeds the DC.
JUST A DROID (Scavenger’s Guide to Droids, pg. 28): You are adept at passing yourself off as an ordinary droid.
You can use each of the following actions once per encounter.
 Just Another Droid: You are skilled at using Stealth to sneak past unwary enemies when moving in plain sight. You can use the Sneak application of the Stealth skill when in
plain sight of an enemy, if the enemy has no reason to doubt that you are just another droid. You are considered trained in Stealth for this action.
 Just a Normal Droid: You can reroll Deception checks for deceptive appearance to make observers believe that you are carrying out a standard function when attempting to do
something atypical for your droid model or function. You may keep either result.
SWIFT DROID (Scavenger’s Guide to Droids, pg. 28): You move quickly when caught. You can make a swift action as a reaction after failing a Deception check or a Stealth check.
Prerequisites: Any two talents from the Autonomy talent tree.
You have become a highly advanced droid and are among the elite units of your class.
BREAK PROGRAM (Scavenger’s Guide to Droids, pg. 29): You can use your ability to circumvent behavioural inhibitors to temporarily break the programming of a droid that you have a
data link with. Make a Use Computer check opposed by the droid's Will Defense.
Breaking the droid's programming overrides its behavioural inhibitors for a number of rounds equal to your Intelligence bonus.
Prerequisite: Trained in Use Computer.
HEURISTIC MASTERY (Scavenger’s Guide to Droids, pg. 29): You understand the subtleties and limitations of your heuristic processor. You can reroll any untrained skill check (except
Use the Force), keeping the second result, even if it is worse. Once per encounter, you can spend a Force Point to reroll any skill check (trained or untrained), taking the better result.
Prerequisite: Wisdom 15.
SCRIPTED ROUTINES (Scavenger’s Guide to Droids, pg. 29): Your extensive experience allows you to preset specific routines that give you an advantage in some situations. Once per
encounter you can use each of the following actions:
 Attack Script: You can use a feat or a talent that modifies your attack roll as one action less (for example, a full-round action becomes a standard action, a standard action
becomes a move action, a move action becomes a swift action, a swift action becomes a free action).
 Defense Script: You can apply your Independent Spirit bonus a second time during a single encounter.
 Skill Script: While in combat, you can apply a bonus equal to one-half of your class level to any single skill that requires a standard action or less to use. You must be trained in
the skill.
Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +5.
ULTRA RESILIENT (Scavenger’s Guide to Droids, pg. 29): You have advanced subroutines that make you more resistant to the effect of damage. Once per encounter, as a reaction, you
can increase your damage threshold with a bonus equal to your Independent Droid level.


You have become more specialized than other droids of the same or similar model.
COMPUTER LANGUAGE (The Force unleashed, pg. 47): You can use your persuasion modifier instead of your Use Computer modifier when making Use Computer checks. You are
considered trained in the Use Computer skill for the purpose of using this talent. If you are entitled to a Use computer check reroll, you can reroll your Persuasion check instead (subject
to the same circumstances and limitations).
Prerequisite: Must know the Binary language.
COMPUTER MASTER (The Force unleashed, pg. 47): You can reroll any opposed Use Computer check, using the better result.
ENHANCED MANIPULATION (The Force unleashed, pg. 47): You have improved appendage manipulation routines. You can take 10 when making any Dexterity-based skill check, even if
you are threatened or would not normally be able to take 10.
Prerequisite: Dexterity 15.
HOTWIRED PROCESSOR (The Force unleashed, pg. 47): You gain temporary processing power, enhancing your mental attributes. When you hotwire your processor (a swift action), you
gain a +5 circumstance bonus on Intelligence- and Wisdom-based skill checks and a +1 circumstance bonus on ranged attack rolls. A hotwiring lasts for a number of rounds equal to one-
half your level (rounded down).
When the hotwiring ends, you move -1 persistent step along the condition track. The penalties imposed by this condition persist until you receive repairs (using the repair droid
application of the Mechanics skill).
POWER BOOST (Scavenger’s Guide to Droids, pg. 28): You channel your power surge into a boost for your locomotion system. When you initiate a power surge, you can use one of the
following bonuses with your installed locomotion system: Jump +4 squares (walking or wheeled locomotion), or increase hovering height by 4 squares (hovering locomotion). You can
use this talent for a number of rounds equal to one-half your level (rounded down).
At the end of a power boost, you move -1 persistent step on the condition track. The penalties imposed by this condition persist until you receive repairs (using the Repair Droid
application of the Mechanics skill). You can use both Power Surge and Power Boost at the same time, but you must move -2 persistent steps on the condition track.
Prerequisite: Power Surge.
POWER SURGE (The Force unleashed, pg. 47): You temporarily surge your power systems to enhance your physical abilities. When you initiate a power surge (a swift action), you gain a
+1 circumstance bonus on melee attack rolls, +1 die of damage on melee damage rolls, and an increase of 2 squares to your speed. A power surge lasts for a number of rounds equal to
one-half your level (rounded down).
At the end of a power surge, you move -1 persistent step along the condition track. The penalties imposed by this condition persist until you receive repairs (using the repair droid
application of the Mechanics skill).
SKILL CONVERSION (The Force unleashed, pg. 47): When you reprogram yourself, you can sacrifice a single trained skill for a bonus Skill Focus feat. You must meet the prerequisites for
the feat (you must be trained in the skill you choose to gain Skill Focus for), and you can do this only once per reprogramming.

IRON KNIGHTS (Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 78)

The Iron Knight are truly unique, in that they are silicon-based creatures that use droids as their physical bodies to interact with the galaxy. As a result, they view and utilize the Force in
ways that seem unusual to the Jedi. Most of their powers involve their ability to affect droids and other machinery.
DROID DUELIST (Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 79): Whenever you are wielding a lightsaber, you can spend a Force Point as a swift action to cause an opponent to be flat-footed
against your next attack made with a lightsaber before the end of your turn.
FORCE REPAIR (Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 79): You can use the Force Trance application of the Use the Force skill to recover hit points though natural healing. You can also
receive hit points from the vital transfer Force power. Whenever you receive bonus hit points from any source, you gain additional bonus hit points equal to your Charisma modifier
(minimum +1).
HEAL DROID (Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 79): You can use the vital transfer Force power to heal droids (including Shard-inhabited droids), which are normally immune to this
Prerequisites: Vital Transfer.
MASK PRESENCE (Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 79): As a swift action, you become immune to the Sense Force application of the Use the Force skill, and appear to be nothing
more than a regular droid in the force. If you make a Use the Force check or use any Force power or Force talent, this effect immediately ends.
SILICON MIND (Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 79): Other Force-users have a difficult time knowing how to influence you. You can spend a Force Point as a reaction to gain a bonus
to your Will Defense equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum +1) against all Use the Force checks until the end of your next turn.

JAL SHEY (Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 57)

The Jal Shey concentrate on studying the Force, improving their diplomacy, and applying their knowledge to their trappings. You must be a member of the Jal Shey tradition to use any of
these talents.
ACTION EXCHANGE (Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 57): Whenever you successfully use Force Delay, you grant one ally within six squares and line of sight the ability to trade a move
action for another standard action on his next turn.
Prerequisite: Force Delay.
FORCE DELAY (Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 57): Jal Shey verbally startle opponents with a little help from the Force. Once per encounter, make a Persuasion check against the Will
Defense of a target of Intelligence 3 or higher that can understand you as a reaction. If successful, the target loses its move action on its next round. If you spend a Force Point, the target
loses its standard action instead.
Prerequisite: Trained in Persuasion.
IMBUE ITEM (Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 58): You can spend a Force Point to imbue a specially crafted weapon, item, armor, or article of clothing with the power of the Force.
Imbuing the item requires a full round action. As a full-round action, the wearer of such an item can open himself to the Force, transferring one of their Force Points into the item. You
can then use a swift action to spend a stored Force Point at any later time, even in the same round that you spend a Force Point of your own. You can attune only one item per 24 hours,
the item functions only for you and a given item can only store one Force Point at a time. You cannot wear more than one attuned item at a time, and you can spend only up to a
maximum of two Force points in a round (one of your own plus one from an item).
KNOWLEDGE OF THE FORCE (Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 58): You can use your scholarly knowledge of the Force to help others reach their full potential. You can spend a Force
Point as a reaction to aid another ally within 6 squares on a Use the Force check, following the normal rules for the aid another action as usual.

Through rigorous training and experience, you become one of the greatest swordfighters in the galaxy.
Force Fortification: As a reaction, you can spend a Force Point to negate a critical hit scored against you and take normal damage instead. You can spend this Force Point even if you've
already spent a Force Point earlier in the round.
GREATER WEAPON FOCUS (LIGHTSABERS) (Star Wars Core, pg.218): You gain a + 1 bonus on melee attack rolls with lightsabers. This bonus stacks with the bonus granted by the
Weapon Focus (Iightsabers) feat.
Prerequisite: Weapon Focus (Iightsabers) feat (see page 89).
GREATER WEAPON SPECIALIZATION (LIGHTSABERS) (Star Wars Core, pg.218): You gain a +2 bonus on melee damage rolls with lightsabers. This bonus stacks with the bonus granted by
the Weapon Specialization (Iightsabers) talent.
Prerequisites: Greater Weapon Focus (Iightsabers). Weapon Focus (Iightsabers) feat, Weapon Specialization (Iightsabers) (see page 53).
IMPROVED LIGHTSABER THROW (The Force Unleashed, pg. 43): You can spend a Force Point as a standard action to throw your lightsaber at a group of opponents. You make a single
ranged attack roll (treating the lightsaber as a thrown weapon) and compare the result to the Reflex Defense of all targets in a 6-square line originating in your square. If your attack roll
result exceeds a target’s Reflex Defense, you deal normal lightsaber damage to that target (dealing half damage if you fail to exceed the target’s Reflex Defense). This attack is
considered an area attack.
You can pull your lightsaber back to your hand as a swift action by making a DC 20 Use the Force check.
Prerequisite: Lightsaber Throw.
IMPROVED RIPOSTE (Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 39): When you successfully make a riposte attack using the Riposte talent, you do not count the Block use that triggered the
riposte (thus, you take no cumulative penalty to Use the Force checks from that Block attempt). Subsequent Block attempts before the beginning of your next turn impose penalties as
Prerequisites: Deflect, Redirect Shot.
LIGHTSABER FORM SAVANT (Jedi Academy, pg. 19): Once per encounter as a swift action, you can return any one spent Force power with the [lightsaber form] descriptor to your Force
suite without spending a Force Point. You can select this talent multiple times. Each time you select it, you can use it one additional time per encounter.
MULTIATTACK PROFICIENCY (Iightsabers) (Star Wars Core, pg.218): Whenever you make multiple attacks with any type of lightsaber as a full attack action (see Full Attack, page 154),
you reduce the penalty on your attack rolls by 2.
You can take this talent multiple times; each time you take this talent, you reduce the penalty on your attack rolls by an additional 2.
SEVERING STRIKE (Star Wars Core, pg.218): When you deal damage with a lightsaber that is equal to or greater than both the target's current hit points and the target's damage
threshold (that is, when you would deal enough damage to kill your target), you may choose to use this talent. Instead of dealing full damage, you instead deal half damage to your
target and move it -1 step on the condition track (see Conditions, page 148). In addition, you sever one of your target's arms at the wrist or elbow joint, or one of the target's legs at the
knee or ankle joint (your choice).
Severing part of an arm prevents the target from wielding weapons or using tools in that hand and imposes a -5 penalty on skill checks and ability checks keyed to Strength and
Dexterity. Severing part of a leg knocks the target prone, reduces the target's speed by half, reduces its carrying capacity by half, and imposes a -5 penalty on skill checks and ability
checks keyed to Strength and Dexterity.
Because of the severity of such an injury, losing a part of a limb causes a persistent condition that can only be removed by having surgery successfully performed on you (see Treat Injury
skill, page 74). A cybernetic replacement limb (see page 137) negates these reductions and penalties.
SHOTO MASTER (Jedi Academy, pg. 19): When you wield both a one-handed lightsaber and a shoto (or guard shoto), you can consider the one-handed lightsaber to be a light weapon.
Additionally, if you have the Lightsaber Defense talent, you can activate the talent as a free action on your turn (instead of a swift action) whenever you wield both a one-handed
lightsaber and a shoto (or guard shoto).
THROWN LIGHTSABER MASTERY (The Force Unleashed, pg. 43): Any target successfully struck by a lightsaber you throw moves at half speed (round down) until the beginning of your
next turn.
Prerequisites: Improved Lightsaber Throw, Lightsaber Throw.


You have dedicated your life as a Jedi to preserving knowledge and applying it in times when it is needed.
DIRECT (Clone Wars, pg. 41): As a standard action, you can return one spent Force power to the Force suite of any ally within 6 squares of you and in your line of sight.
The Force power must have been spent by the ally you designate.
IMPART KNOWLEDGE (Clone Wars, pg. 41): You can aid another on the Knowledge checks of any ally within 6 squares of you as a reaction for Knowledge skills you are trained in.
Prerequisite: Skilled Advisor.
INSIGHT OF THE FORCE (Clone Wars, pg. 41): You can make a Use the Force check in place of a Knowledge check for any Knowledge skill you are not trained in. You are considered
trained in that Knowledge skill for the purposes of using this talent. If you are entitled to a Knowledge check reroll, you can reroll your Use the Force check instead (subject to the same
circumstances and limitations).
MASTER ADVISOR (Clone Wars, pg. 41): When you use the Skilled Advisor talent (see page 40 of the Saga Edition core rulebook), the ally you aid gains one temporary Force Point at the
end of her next turn. If the Force Point is not spent before the end of the encounter, it is lost.
Prerequisite: Skilled Advisor.
SCHOLARLY KNOWLEDGE (Clone Wars, pg. 41): As a swift action, you can reroll a Knowledge check and keep the better of the two results. This can be used with any Knowledge skill you
are trained in.


You have dedicated yourself to the art of creation, learning how to craft weapons and other items used by the Jedi with exquisite detail.
CALL WEAPON (Jedi Academy, pg. 19): You can use the Move Light Object application of the use the Force skill to call a lightsaber you built into your hand and ignite it as a free action.
The weapon must be in your line of sight to call it to your hand.
LIGHTSABER SPECIALIST (Jedi Academy, pg. 19): Whenever you are armed with a lightsaber that you built, you gain a +2 morale bonus on Use the Force checks made to use the Block
and Deflects talents.
Prerequisite: Masterwork Lightsaber.
MASTERWORK LIGHTSABER (Jedi Academy, pg. 19): Whenever you build a lightsaber, you do so with such expertise that it makes the weapon even more refined and elegant. When
you build a lightsaber, you can choose to add one extra accessory to the lightsaber that you built, you can always choose to reroll one damage die from your damage roll, but you must
keep the second result, even if it is worse.
In addition, you can mentor another character while he constructs his own lightsaber. When you do so, you reduce the Use the Force check DC for constructing the lightsaber by -5.
PERFECT ATTUNEMENT (Jedi Academy, pg. 19): Whenever you spend a Force Point to add to a lightsaber attack roll made with a lightsaber that you built, you can add that same
amount to the damage if the attack hits.
QUICK MODIFICATION (Jedi Academy, pg. 19): You can spend 1 minute modifying a lightsaber you have built, removing one accessory and putting a different one in its place.
Gamemasters may rule that some modifications cannot be added or removed in this way due to rarity of materials or the difficulty of the modification (such as adding or removing the
electrum detail).
Prerequisite: Masterwork Lightsaber.


Jedi Battlemasters are highly trained in Jedi combat techniques. They serve as the head combat trainers for Jedi organizations and as Jedi commanders on the battlefield. Many
Battlemasters begin their careers as Jedi Guardians.
DEFENSIVE CIRCLE (Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 39): As a swift action, you and any allies affected by your Battle Meditation gain a +2 insight bonus to reflex Defense, lasting as long
as they are affected by Battle Meditation. Additionally, you gain a +1 bonus to your Use the Force checks to Block and Deflect (as per the talents) for each adjacent ally wielding a
Prerequisites: Battle Meditation, Block or Deflect, Jedi Battle Commander.
FORCE REVIVE (Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 39): When an ally affected by your Battle Meditation is reduced to 0 hit points, you can spend a Force Point as a reaction, allowing that
ally to take its Second Wind as a reaction immediately (though the target still falls unconscious before the Second Wind is triggered).
Prerequisites: Battle Meditation, Jedi Battle Commander.
JEDI BATTLE COMMANDER (Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 39): You are trained to direct Jedi in pitched battles. Your battle meditation grants a +2 insight bonus on attack rolls instead
of the normal +1.
Prerequisite: Battle Meditation.
MOBILE ATTACK (LIGHTSABERS) (Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 39): Immediately after making a full attack where you attack with two lightsabers (or both ends of a double-bladed
lightsaber), you may move up to your speed as a free action.
Prerequisites: Multiattack Proficiency (lightsabers), Dual Weapon Mastery 1, Weapon Focus (lightsabers).
SLASHING CHARGE (Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 39): Once per encounter, while making a charge, you take no cumulative penalty to Use the Force checks for each Block attempt
you make during the charge. When performing clashing charge, you can apply the attach bonus granted by the charge to all Riposte attacks as well. You can declare the use of this ability
after you being the charge but before make your first Riposte attack.
Prerequisite: Block, Riposte, Weapon Focus (lightsabers), Weapon Proficiency (lightsabers).
You have focused your natural ability with the Force to heal the sick and injured.
FORCE TREATMENT (Clone Wars, pg. 41): You can make a Use the Force check in the place of a Treat Injury check. You are considered trained in the Treat Injury skill. If you are entitled
to a Treat Injury check reroll, you can reroll your Use the Force check instead (subject to the same circumstances and limitations).
HEALING BOOST (Clone Wars, pg. 41): When healing somebody through vital transfer, the amount of damage healed increases by 1 point per your class level.
Prerequisite: Vital transfer.
IMPROVED HEALING BOOST (Clone Wars, pg. 41): When healing somebody through vital transfer, the amount of damage healed increases by 2 points per your class level.
Prerequisites: Healing Boost, Vital transfer.
SOOTHE (Clone Wars, pg. 41): When using vital transfer to heal somebody, you can move the target + 1 step on the condition track instead of healing damage. When doing so, you
move -1 step on the condition track in exchange.
Prerequisite: Vital transfer.


The role of teacher is vital to the success and strength of the Jedi Order. Though all Jedi masters take the time to instruct their apprentices, a certain few excel at the art of instruction.
APPRENTICE BOON (Jedi Academy, pg. 19): Whenever an ally within 12 squares with a lower Use the Force skill bonus than you makes a Use the Force check, you can spend a force
Point as a reaction to add to that Use the Force check. Use your level to determine how many dice to roll for the Force Point.
SHARE FORCE SECRET (Jedi Academy, pg. 19): When you take this talent, choose one Force secret that you know. Once per turn as a swift action, you can grant the use the Force secret
to one ally within 12 squares of you who is trained in the Use the Force skill. The target gains the benefit of this secret until the end of your next turn.
Prerequisite: Must know at least 1 Force secret.
SHARE FORCE TECHNIQUE (Jedi Academy, pg. 20): When you take this talent, choose one Force technique that you know. Once per turn as a swift action, you can grant the use of this
Force technique to one ally within 12 squares of you who is trained in the Use the Forces skill. The target gains the benefit of this technique until the end of your next turn. You cannot
choose the Force Point recovery technique for this talent.
Prerequisite: Must know at least 1 Force Technique.
SHARE TALENT (Jedi Academy, pg. 20): Choose a talent that you already possess. The talent must be from the Lightsaber Combat talent tree, the Duelist talent tree, or the Lightsaber
Forms talent tree. Once per day as a standard action, you can spend a Force Point to impart the benefits of the chosen talent to one or more allies, effectively granting them the talent
(even if they don’t meet the prerequisites). An ally must be within 12 squares of you and must be able to see and hear you to gain the talent; once gained, its benefits last until the end
of the encounter.
You can share the talent with a number of allies equal to one-half your class level, rounded down. Only allies who are trained in the Use the Force skill can gain the benefits of the shared
You can take this talent multiple times. Each time you do so, you must select a different talent to share with this ability. You can share each talent with your allies only once per day.
Prerequisite: At least one talent from the Lightsaber Combat, Duelist, or Lightsaber forms talent tree.
TRANSFER POWER (Jedi Academy, pg. 20): As a standard action, you can spend any one use of a Force power currently in your Force suite, adding a use of that power to the Force suite
of any ally trained in the Use the Force skill. The ally must be within 12 squares of you and in your line of sight. When your ally uses that power, it disappears from his or her Force suite.
If the ally does not use the Force power before the end of the encounter, it is permanently removed from his or her Force suite.
Prerequisite: Force training feat.


You are one of the Jedi Order’s most trusted investigators, tasked with ferreting out the truth through a combination of detective work and Force divination.
ECHOES IN THE FORCE (Jedi Academy, pg. 20): You can use the farseeing power on a location instead of on an individual creature, peering into the location’s past to view events that
occurred there. Unlike the normal use of the farseeing power, you are actually looking into the location’s past (at a time you designate), and you must be standing in the location being
viewed. The target DC for your Use the Force check is 20, +1 for each day into the past that you attempt to scry. When you look into the past, you need only specify a time in a number
of days, as you can sense tremors in the Force that focus your visions on meaningful events that day.
JEDI QUARRY (Jedi Academy, pg. 20): As a swift action, you designate a single target creature as the focus of your attentions. You gain a +2 bonus to your speed any time you spend a
move action to move, provided that you end your movement adjacent to the target. You retain this bonus (and may not use this talent again) until your target surrenders, is reduced to
0 hit points, or moves to the bottom of the condition track, or until the encounter ends.
PREPARED FOR DANGER (Jedi Academy, pg. 20): Whenever you have at least one unspent farseeing power in your Force suite, you can spend that farseeing power to regain any one
other Force power as a swift action.
SENSE DECEPTION (Jedi Academy, pg. 20): Whenever someone makes a Deception or Persuasion skill check against your Will Defense, you can make a Use the Force check, replacing
your Will defense with the result of your Use the Force check if it is higher.
UNCLOUDED JUDGEMENT (Jedi Academy, pg. 20): Whenever you are the target of a mind-affecting Force power or talent, you can spend a Force Point as a reaction to negate the
effects of that Force power or talent (no skill check required).
Prerequisite: Sense Deception.


In the Legacy era, the Jedi are once again hunted to near-extinction. To survive, the Jedi must learn to conceal their Force powers and blend in with the common galactic citizen.
COVER YOUR TRACKS (Legacy Era, pg. 41): You are adept at living beneath society’s radar. Anyone who attempts to locate you using the Gather Information skill suffers a -5 penalty on
their Gather Information checks.
DIFFICULTY TO SENSE (Legacy Era, pg. 41): You are skilled at concealing your presence from other Force-users. You may reroll any opposed Use the Force check made to conceal your
presence from someone who attempts to sense other Force-users, keeping the better result.
FORCE VEIL (Legacy Era, pg. 41): Your ability to conceal yourself from other Force-users allows you to reduce the radius within which you can be detected to 10 kilometers (instead of
100 kilometers).
Prerequisite: Difficult to Sense.
JEDI NETWORK (Legacy Era, pg. 42): You have access to a network of Jedi sympathizers. While in a civilized area, you can call upon this network of allies once per game session for one
of the following purposes:
 Acquire Equipment or Funds: You can use your contacts to obtain material that might otherwise be licensed, restricted, military or illegal, provided that the total value of the
equipment does not exceed your level in this class x500 credits. Alternately, you can obtain a number of credits from your contacts equal to this amount to spend as you see
 Obtain Information: Your contacts provide you with information, automatically succeeding on a Gather Information check (and covering the credit cost of the check) provided
that the DC does not exceed 20.
 Receive Medical Attention: Your contacts provide you and up to three of your allies with medical attention as dispensed by a skilled physician or healer. The length of the
treatment cannot exceed 24 hours, but is otherwise free of charge and completely private.
 Secure Safe house: One of your contacts provides a safe redoubt for you and up to three of your allies, for a number of days equal to your Jedi Knight class level. While in
hiding, you have no contact with anyone other than the individual who is hiding you. Once the allotted time is up, you must leave the safe house or risk discovery. For each day
you remain in hiding past this deadline, the Gamemaster should roll 1d20. On a result of 15 or higher, your safe house is discovered, and your contact’s complicity in keeping
you hidden is exposed.


Jedi Shadows are often elite Jedi Sentinels who specialize in abilities that aid them in pursuing dark side users in all forms and locations. These talents are also utilized by Jedi Covenant
DARK DECEPTION (Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 39): You can cloak your intentions with a veil of anger and hate. When another character attempts to sense you through the Force in
any way, you can choose to act as though your Dark Side Score equals your Wisdom score.
Additionally, Deception is not a class skill for you.
IMPROVED SENTINEL STRIKE (Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 39): Increase the damage dice of your Sentinel Strike to d8 instead of d6.
Prerequisite: Sentinel Strike.
IMPROVED SENTINEL’S GAMBIT (Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 39): You can use Sentinel’s Gambit an additional number of times an encounter equal to half your class level
(minimum 1). Prerequisite: Sentinel’s Gambit.
REBUKE THE DARK (Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 39): When using the rebuke Force power against a Force power with the [dark side] descriptor, roll two dice for the rebuke attempt
and take the better result.
TAINT OF THE DARK SIDE (Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 39): Add one Force power with the [dark side] descriptor to your Force suite. Once per encounter you can use that Force
power with the [dark side] descriptor without increasing your Dark Side Score. If you spend a Force Point or Destiny Point to modify this power in any way, you increase your Dark Side
Score as normal.
Prerequisite: Dark Deception.
Jedi Watchman are elite Jedi tasked with protecting and watching over a specific world or region of space. They seek out and destroy threats to the Republic and the Jedi Order. As such,
they have enhanced their abilities to blend in and covertly investigate threats at their source. All Watchmen are appointed and approved by the Jedi Council before training; many begin
as Jedi Consulars. A Watchman’s assignment might change, as directed by the Council.
FORCE WARNING (Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 40): Allies within 12 squares can choose to reroll their initiative checks at the start of combat but must take the second result, even if
it is worse. Furthermore, if any allies within 12 squares are surprised at the start of an encounter, but you are not, you can designate a number of those allies equal to your Wisdom
modifier (minimum 1); those allies are no longer considered surprised and can act normally on the surprise round.
IMPROVED QUICK DRAW (lightsabers) (Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 40): If you are carrying a lightsaber (either in your hand or at your belt), you can draw the lightsaber, ignite it,
and make a single attack during the surprise round even if you are surprised. If you are not surprised, you can take any single action of your choice, as normal.
Additionally, once per turn you may draw and ignite a lightsaber as a free action on your turn.
Prerequisites: Quick Draw, Weapon Focus (lightsabers).
SHELTERING STANCE (Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 40): Whenever you are adjacent to an ally, you may use the Block or Defect talents on attacks that target that ally without the
need to spend a Force Point.
Prerequisite: Block or Deflect, Vigilance.
VIGILANCE (Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 40): As a swift action you may designate one adjacent ally as the target of this talent. That target gains a +1 deflection bonus to Reflex
Defense as long as you remain adjacent to them. You may change the target of this talent as a swift action.
WATCHMAN’S ADVANCE (Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 40): When acting in the surprise round, you and your allies can take an extra move action. Any character can gain only one
extra move action during the surprise round regardless of the number of Jedi with this talent in your group.
Prerequisites: Force Warning.


You have learned to use the Force to master a variety of weapons, and have expanded your martial prowess to cover more than just lightsabers.
COMBAT TRANCE (Jedi Academy, pg. 21): Whenever you use the battle strike power, you gain the power’s bonus on attack rolls on your first melee attack made each round until the
end of the encounter. If you do not attack in a round, this effect ends.
IMPROVISED WEAPON MASTER (Jedi Academy, pg. 21): You take no penalty on attack rolls with improvised weapons.
SHOTO PIN (Jedi Academy, pg. 21): Whenever you are wielding a shoto and successfully use the Block talent to negate a melee attack, the attacker can make no further melee attacks
until the start of its next turn or until you are no longer adjacent to it.
Prerequisite: Block.
TWIN WEAPON STYLE (Jedi Academy, pg. 21): As a standard action, whenever you are wielding two weapons (or a double weapon), you can make one attack with each weapon (or each
end of a double-weapon). Each attack must be against a different target.
TWIN WEAPON MASTERY (Jedi Academy, pg. 21): Whenever you use the Twin Weapon Style talent, you can move 2 squares between each attack. This movement does not provoke
attacks of opportunity.


You have refined your knowledge of lightsaber technique, your blade becoming an extension of yourself. Anyone using a lightsaber may use one of these forms, but you have the
discipline and patience to become a true master of the form.
ATARU (Star Wars, pg. 218): You may add your Dexterity bonus (instead of your Strength bonus) on damage rolls when wielding a lightsaber. When you wield a lightsaber two-handed,
you may apply double your Dexterity bonus (instead of double your Strength bonus) to the damage.
DJEM SO (Star Wars, pg. 218): Once per round when an opponent hits you with a melee attack, you may spend a Force Point as a reaction to make an immediate attack against that
JAR'KAI (Star Wars, pg. 218): When you use the Lightsaber Defense talent, you gain twice the normal deflection bonus to your Reflex Defense when you are wielding two lightsabers.
Prerequisites: Lightsaber Defense (see page 41). Niman.
JUYO (Star Wars, pg. 218): Once per encounter, you may spend a Force Point as a swift action to designate a single enemy in your line of sight. For the remainder of the encounter, you
may reroll your first attack roll each round against that opponent, keeping the better result.
Prerequisites: Weapon Focus (Iightsabers) feat (see page 89). Weapon Specialization (Iightsabers) (see page 41). base attack bonus + 10.
MAKASHI (Star Wars, pg. 218): When wielding a single lightsaber in one hand, the deflection bonus you gain from the Lightsaber Defense talent (see page 41) increases by 2 (to a
maximum of +5).
Prerequisite: Lightsaber Defense.
NIMAN (Star Wars, pg. 218): When wielding a lightsaber, you gain a + 1 bonus to your Reflex Defense and Will Defense.
SHIEN (Star Wars, pg. 218): Whenever you redirect a deflected blaster bolt (see the Redirect Shot talent, page 41). you gain a +5 bonus on your ranged attack roll.
Prerequisites: Deflect (see page 41), Redirect Shot (see page 41).
SHII-CHO (Star Wars, pg. 218): When using the Block or Deflect talents, you only take a -2 penalty on your Use the Force check for every previous block or deflect attempt since your last
turn (see page 41).
Prerequisites: Block (see page 41), Deflect (see page 41).
SOKAN (Star Wars, pg. 218): You may take 10 on Acrobatics checks to tumble even when distracted or threatened. Additionally, each threatened or occupied square that you tumble
through only counts as 1 square of movement.
Prerequisite: Acrobatic Recovery.
SORESU (Star Wars, pg. 218): You may reroll a failed Use the Force check when using the Block or Deflect talents.
Prerequisites: Block (see page 41), Deflect (see page 41).
TRÀKATA (Star Wars, pg. 218): By harnessing the unique characteristics of a lightsaber, you can catch your opponent off guard by quickly shutting off and reigniting the blade. When
wielding a lightsaber, you may spend two swift actions to make a Deception check to feint in combat (see page 66).
Prerequisites: Weapon Focus (Iightsabers) feat (see page 89), Weapon Specialization (Iightsabers) (see page 41), base attack bonus + 12.
VAAPAD (Star Wars, pg. 218): When attacking with a lightsaber, you score a critical hit on a natural roll of 19 or 20. However, a natural 19 is not considered an automatic hit; if you roll a
natural 19 and still miss the target, you do not score a critical hit.
Prerequisites: Juyo, Weapon Focus (Iightsabers) feat (see page 89), Weapon Specialization (Iightsabers) (see page 41), base attack bonus + 12.

JENSAARAI (Star Wars Core, pg. 106)

The Jensaarai walk a thin line between light and darkness, using the teachings of both the Jedi and the Sith to create their own unique traditions. Only Force-users that are part of the
Jensaarai tradition may select talents from this tree.
ATTUNE ARMOR (Star Wars Core, pg. 107): As a full-round action, you may spend a Force Point to attune a suit of armor to the Force, permanently increasing its armor bonus by +2. In
addition, the maximum Dexterity bonus of the attuned armor permanently improves by + 1. Only you can benefit from wearing the attuned armor; the benefits do not apply if someone
else dons the armor.
FORCE CLOAK (Star Wars Core, pg. 107): As a swift action, you can surround yourself with an invisible bubble of Force power that shields you and anything you're carrying from
electronic surveillance. The bubble also blocks all electronic sensors and communications. The Force cloak lasts for as long as you concentrate (a standard action) or until the start of
your next turn.
FORCE CLOAK MASTERY (Star Wars Core, pg. 107): As the Force Cloak talent, except that you can expand the bubble to envelop a number of creatures (including yourself) equal to your
character level.
Prerequisite: Force Cloak.
LINKED DEFENSE (Star Wars Core, pg. 107): As a swift action, you can take a penalty of up to -5 on your attack roll and add the same number (up to +5) as a Force bonus to an ally's
Reflex Defense, provided the ally is within your line of sight when you activate this talent. The bonus you confer cannot exceed your base attack bonus. The changes to your attack rolls
and your ally's Reflex Defense last until the start of your next turn.

KEETAEL (Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 58)

Keetael learn to efficiently and secretively manipulate the Force in combat. Because of their long lives, they gain certain advantages when attempting to view the past through Force.
You must be a member of the Keetael tradition to use these talents.
CONCEAL FORCE USE (Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 58): You have learned to use the Force without telltale gestures, reducing the disturbance created in the process. Whenever you
make a Use the Force check, as a swift action you can make a Deception check to convey deceptive appearances in order to conceal the effects of your Force use. Normal modifiers for
the deception’s complexity still apply.
FORCE DIRECTION (Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 58): You use the Force to guide your ranged attacks to their target. Whenever you spend a Force point to add to a ranged attack roll,
you can always add +3 (or +4, if you roll d8s for Force Points) instead of rolling the die.
FORCE MOMENTUM (Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 58): You use the Force to add to the impact of your melee weapon, increasing your damage. Whenever you spend a Force point to
add to a melee attack roll, if the attack hits you can also add the Force point’s result to the damage roll.
PAST VISIONS (Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 58): The long-lived Draethos are particularly adept at searching and understanding the past. When using farseeing to look into the past,
reduce your DC numbers by half. Also, you are able to see everything within 6 squares of your target clearly without spending a Force Point.
Prerequisite: Visions.

LUKA SENE (Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 60)

The Luka Sene build upon the natural Miralukan sense-based abilities. You must be a member of the Luka Sene to take the talents described below.
FIELD DETECTION (Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 60): As a swift action, make a DC 15 Use the Force check. If the check succeeds, you can detect the presence, general strength, and
origin (or direction of origin if the source is out of range) of electromagnetic and energy fields within 12 squares of you. You can also determine the type of field, allowing you to detect
communications devices, sensors, and other electronic equipment. When dealing damage to a person or droid using a personal shield, or to a vehicle with shields active, a successful
check allows you to detect minute fluctuations in the shield, reducing their SR by -5 against your attacks until the end of your turn.
Prerequisite: Trained in Use the Force.
IMPROVED FORCE SIGHT (Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 60): Your natural Force sight is more precise than that of your fellow Miraluka. You can use the Search application of the
Perception skill as a swift action. Additionally, you always succeed when using the Sense Surroundings application of the Use the Force skill (no roll required).
Prerequisite: Force sight species trait, trained in Use the Force.
LUKA SENE MASTER (Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 60): You are a master of Luka Sene techniques and an expert in using sense-related talents and powers. Once per encounter, you
gain a temporary Force Point that you must spend when activating a talent from the Sense or Luka Sene talent trees, using the farseeing Force power, or on a Use the Force check made
to use the Search Your Feelings or Sense Force applications of the skill. The Force Point is lost if not used before the end of the encounter.
Prerequisites: Field Detection, farseeing.
QUICKSEEING (Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 60): As a free action on your turn, you can make a Use the Force check against a living creature within 12 squares, removing one use of
the farseeing Force power from your active suite (as though you had activated the power). If your check result equals or exceeds the Will Defense of the target you gain a +2 insight
bonus on attack rolls against that target until the end of your turn. This counts as using the farseeing Force power against that target, but this talent replaces the normal rules and effects
of that power. Prerequisites: Trained in Use the Force, farseeing.

MALKITE POISONER (Threats of the Galaxy, pg. 13)

You have mastered the deadly arts of poison from the masters on Malkii. You can employ a wide array of lethal toxins with which you can quickly and efficiently destroy your targets.
MALKITE TECHNIQUES (Threats of the Galaxy, pg. 13): Once per encounter, you can apply a toxin to any non-energy slashing or piercing weapon as a standard action. If an attack roll
with that weapon also exceeds the target’s Fortitude Defense, that target is poisoned. Each round on the creature’s turn, the poison makes an attack roll (1d20 + your heroic level)
against the target’s Fortitude Defense. If the attack succeeds, the target takes damage equal to 1d6 + one-half your heroic level and moves -1 step along the condition track. A target
moved to the end of the condition track by the poison is unconscious but continues to take damage as long as the poison continues to attack. The poison attacks each round until it
misses or until the victim is cured with a Treat Injury check (DC 10 + heroic level).
MODIFY POISON (Threats of the Galaxy, pg. 13): You can modify the delivery method of a poison (contact, ingested, inhaled, injury) to another delivery method by succeeding on a
Knowledge (life sciences) check (DC equal to the poison’s treat Injury DC). The poison’s capabilities and specific effects are unchanged.
Prerequisite: Malkite Techniques.
NUMBING POISON (Threats of the Galaxy, pg. 13): Any target you poison is automatically denied its Dexterity bonus to its Reflex Defense for as long as it remains poisoned.
Prerequisite: Malkite Techniques.
UNDETECTABLE POISON (Threats of the Galaxy, pg. 13): The treat Injury DC needed to cure a poison you have used against a target increases by 5.
Prerequisite: Malkite Techniques.
VICIOUS POISON (Threats of the Galaxy, pg. 13): Any poisons you have used against a target gain a +2 bonus to their attack rolls made against that target’s Fortitude Defense.
Prerequisite: Malkite Techniques.
MARTIAL ARTS MASTER (Galaxy at War, pg. 32)
You have advanced training in one or more martial art forms, turning your body into a lethal weapon. Although any character can practice these forms, you have the dedication and
perseverance to go beyond what most beings are capable of.
ECHANI EXPERTISE (Galaxy at War, pg. 32): When making an unarmed attack, you extend your critical threat range by 1 (for example, 19-20 instead of 20). However, anything other
than a natural 20 is not considered an automatic hit; if you roll anything other than a natural 20 and still miss the target, you do not score a critical hit.
Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +10.
HIJKATA EXPERTISE (Galaxy at War, pg. 32): When you damage a creature or droid with an unarmed attack, the target takes a penalty to its next attack roll equal to your Strength
K’TARA EXPERTISE (Galaxy at War, pg. 33): Once per turn, when you damage a creature or droid with an unarmed attack, you can make an attack to disarm as a swift action. Also, you
do not take the -5 penalty to your attack roll if the target is wielding a weapon with more than one hand.
K’THRI EXPERTISE (Galaxy at War, pg. 33): Any enemy that begins its turn adjacent to you takes damage equal to your Strength modifier (minimum 1 point) if you are able to make an
attack of opportunity against them. You can use this talent while wearing only light armor or no armor.
STAVA EXPERTISE (Galaxy at War, pg. 33): When you successfully grab an enemy, he or she must make an opposed grapple check to break free of your grab. If you are initiating a
grapple, you can reroll your grapple check. However, you must accept the second result, even if it is worse. You can use this talent only while wearing light armor or no armor.
TAE-JITSU EXPERTISE (Galaxy at War, pg. 33): Once per turn, when you damage a creature or droid with an unarmed attack, compare your attack roll to the target’s damage threshold.
If your attack roll equals or exceeds the target’s threshold, the target is moved -1 step on the condition track, regardless the damage result of your attack.
WRRUUSHI EXPERTISE (Galaxy at War, pg. 33): Once per turn, when you damage a creature or droid with an unarmed attack, you can make an attack against the target’s Fortitude
Defense as a free action. If that attack is successful, the target can take only a single swift action on their next turn. You can use this talent only while wearing light armor or no armor.


You have advanced training in one or more martial art forms and have turned your body into a lethal weapon. Any character can practice these forms, but through dedication and
perseverance you have exceeded the abilities of other beings.
FLURRY OF BLOWS (Galaxy at War, pg. 33): When you make multiple unarmed attacks as a full attack as a full attack action (see page 154 of the Saga Edition core rulebook), you reduce
the penalty to your attack roll by 2.
You can take this talent multiple times. Each time you take this talent, you reduce the penalty to your attack rolls by an additional 2.
HARDENED STRIKE (Galaxy at War, pg. 33): If you damage with an unarmed attack a creature or droid that has Damage reduction, you reduce the value of that Damage Reduction by
one until the end of the encounter. Cumulative attacks against the same target do not stack.
PUNISHING STRIKE (Galaxy at War, pg. 33): When you score a critical hit on an unarmed attack, you can make an immediate unarmed attack (in addition to other effects of a critical hit)
against a single target within reach. You can use this talent only once per turn and only while wearing light armor or no armor.
TOUGH AS DURASTEEL (Galaxy at War, pg. 33): As part of your training, you have learned how to ready yourself for the attacks of your opponents, reducing the effectiveness of their
blows. Starting at 2nd level, whenever you damage a target with an unarmed attack while wearing light or no armor, you gain bonus hit points equal to your class level. The number of
bonus hit points you gain with an unarmed attack increases for every other level you gain in this class.

MASTER PRIVATEER (The Force Unleashed, pg. 50)

You are a veteran of privateering and have learned the secrets of fighting aboard starships.
ARMORED SPACER (The Force unleashed, pg. 52): You can use armoured spacesuits as if you had the Armor Proficiency (heavy) feat.
ATTRACT PRIVATEER (The Force unleashed, pg. 52): You attract a loyal privateer lieutenant. The privateer is a nonheroic character who has a class level equal to three-quarters of your
character level, rounded down.
You select this talent multiple times. Each time you do so, you gain another privateer. Each privateer who accompanies you on an adventure is entitled to an equal share of the total
experience points earned for the adventure. For example, a privateer who accompanies a party of five heroes on an adventure receives one-sixth of the XP that the group earns.
BLASTER AND BLADE I (The Force unleashed, pg. 52): When you make a single attack with an advanced melee weapon as a standard action, you can immediately make an attack with a
pistol as a free action, provided you have both the advanced melee weapon and the pistol as a free action, provided you have both the advanced melee weapon and the pistol as a free
action, provided you have both the advanced melee weapon and the pistol in your hands when the melee attack is made. You apply the normal penalties for fighting with two weapons
to both of these attacks.
Prerequisites: Dual Weapon Mastery I feat, Weapon Proficiency (advanced melee weapons, pistols) feats.
BLASTER AND BLADE II (The Force unleashed, pg. 52): When you are wielding both an advanced melee weapon and a pistol, you treat the advanced melee weapon as though you were
wielding it two-handed (including doubling your Strength bonus on damage rolls).
Prerequisites: Blaster and Blade I, Dual Weapon Mastery I feat, Weapon Proficiency (advanced melee weapons pistols) feats.
BLASTER AND BLADE III (The Force unleashed, pg. 52): When you are wielding both an advanced melee weapon and a pistol, you can make a full attack as a standard action instead of a
full-round action, provided you attack with both weapons.
Prerequisites: Blaster and Blade I, Blaster and Blade II, Dual Weapon Mastery I feat, Weapon Proficiency I feat, Weapon Proficiency (advanced melee weapons, pistols) feats.
BOARDER (The Force unleashed, pg. 52): You are skilled at boarding hostile vessels. You ignore cover (but not improved cover) with your character-scale ranged attacks while aboard a
starship or space station.
ION MASTERY (The Force unleashed, pg. 52): You know the typical weakness of vehicles and droids, and you know how to preserve such targets for capture rather than destroying
them. When attacking with ion weapons, you gain a +1 bonus on attack rolls and deal +1 die of ion damage.
MULTIATTACK PROFICIENCY (ADVANCED MELEE WEAPONS) (The Force unleashed, pg. 52): When you make multiple attacks with any type of advanced melee weapon as a full attack
action, you lessen the penalty on your attack rolls by 2.
You can take this talent multiple times. Each time you do so, you lessen the penalty on your attack rolls by an additional 2.
PRESERVING SHOT (The Force unleashed, pg. 52): When you deal damage with a vehicle weapon that is equal to or greater than both the target vehicle’s current hit points and the
target vehicle’s damage threshold (that is, when you would deal enough damage to destroy the target vehicle), you can choose to use this talent.
Instead of dealing full damage, you instead deal half damage to your target and move it -1 step along on the condition track. In addition, you disable the ship’s sublight engines and
hyperdrive. The ship cannot more or make a jump to lightspeed until it has received repairs (through use of the repair object application of the Mechanics skill).

MATUKAI (Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 80)

All Matukai strive to achieve perfect harmony between the physical and the spiritual aspects of their lives. As a result, they find ways to use the Force to improve their bodies.
BODY CONTROL (Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 81): You can add your Charisma modifier instead of your Constitution modifier to your Fortitude Defense. Additionally, you can
spend a Force Point as a swift action to become immune to poison, radiation, and disease until the end of the encounter.
PHYSICAL SURGE (Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 81): Whenever you roll an Initiative check at the start of combat, you can spend a Force Point to increase immediately, regardless
of whether or not you are surprised.
SOFT TO SOLID (Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 81): As a reaction when you are damaged by an attack, you can spend a Force Point to increase the rigidity of your skin, gaining DR
10 until the end of your next turn.
WAN-SHEN DEFENSE (Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 81): As a swift action, you can use your wan-shen to parry your opponents’ attacks, gaining a +1 deflection bonus to your
Reflex Defense against melee attacks until the start of your next turn. You must have your wan-shen in hand to use this talent, and you do not gain the deflection bonus if you are flat-
footed or otherwise unaware of the incoming attack.
You can take this talent multiple times; each time you take this talent, the deflection bonus increases by +1 (to a maximum of +3).Prerequisite: Proficient with the wan-shen (see page
WAN-SHEN KATA (Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 81): You treat the wan-shen as a Medium weapon instead of a Large weapon. You can use the Pin and Trip feats with a wan-shen,
substituting your attack bonus with the wan-shen for your grapple check. You must have your wan-shen in hand to use this talent.
In addition, when you use the wan-shen as a double weapon, you reduce all attack penalties for attacking with both ends of the weapon by 1.
Prerequisites: Proficient with the wan-shen, Wan-Shen Kata, base attack bonus +5.

MEDIC (The Force Unleashed, pg. 52)

You are highly trained in medical procedures for all conditions.
BATTLEFIELD MEDIC (The Force unleashed, pg. 54): You can use the first aid application of the treat Injury skill on a creature as a standard action instead of a full-round action.
Prerequisite: Steady Under Pressure.
BRING THEM BACK (The Force unleashed, pg. 54): You can use the revivify application of the treat Injury skill on a target that has died anytime within a number of rounds equal to one-
half your heroic level.
EMERGENCY TEAM (The Force unleashed, pg. 54): You are skilled at working on and managing an emergency medical team. Allies automatically succeed on aid another attempts when
assisting you with Treat Injury checks.
EXTRA FIRST AID (The Force unleashed, pg. 54): You can use the first aid application of the Treat injury skill one additional time per day on a target that has already received first aid for
the day.
MEDICAL MIRACLE (The Force unleashed, pg. 54): As a standard action, you can make a DC 20 Treat Injury check on an adjacent target. If the check is successful, that target immediately
uses its second wind, even if it is above half hit points. If the target has already expended all of its second winds for the day, this talent has no effect.
NATURAL HEALING (The Force unleashed, pg. 54): Your extensive knowledge of natural healing allows you to make first aid, treat disease, and treat poison (Treat Injury) Checks without
a medical kit, if you have access to appropriate natural substitutes (as determined by the Gamemaster).
SECOND CHANCE (The Force unleashed, pg. 54): If you fail your Treat Injury check, your patient does not take any additional damage, nor does it die, even if the failed check would
normally require it.
Prerequisite: Steady Under Pressure.
STEADY UNDER PRESSURE (The Force unleashed, pg. 54): You can choose to reroll any Treat Injury check, using the better result.

As your medical skills grow, you gain insight into specific medical procedures and treatment of specific species. At each even-numbered level (2 nd, 4th, 6th and so on), you gain a
medical secret, giving you a bonus when you use a specific application of the treat Injury skill. You can select a given treatment only once.
When you gain this class feature, select a secret from the choices below.
IMPROVED FIRST AID (The Force unleashed, pg. 54): When you use a medpac to perform first aid with the Treat injury skill, the creature gains one additional point for every
point by which your check exceeds the DC (in addition to any extra hit point gained normally for exceeding the DC).
IMPROVED HEAD DAMAGE (The Force unleashed, pg. 54): On a successful surgery attempt to heal damage, the target recovers an additional number of hit points equal to
your class level.
IMPROVED LONG-TERM CARE (The Force unleashed, pg. 54): On a successful application of long-term care, the target recovers an additional number of hit points equal to
your class level.
IMPROVED PERFORM SURGERY (The Force unleashed, pg. 54): You can attempt a Treat injury check to perform surgery in half the usual time.
IMPROVED REVIVIFY (The Force unleashed, pg. 54): You can make a Treat Injury check to revivify someone as a standard action instead of a full-round action.
IMPROVED TREATMENT (The Force unleashed, pg. 54): You can make a Treat Injury check to treat disease or radiation in 1 hour, instead of 8 hours. Also, you can treat up to
twice as many patients as normal.
PERSONAL PHYSICIAN (The Force unleashed, pg. 54): You take no penalties on your skill checks when using the Treat Injury skill on yourself.

MELEE DUELIST (Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 46)

You are lethal when fighting with one or more melee weapons.
ADVANTAGEOUS STRIKE (Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 47): You take advantage of your opponent’s haste. You gain a +5 bonus on attacks of opportunity with melee weapons you
are proficient with.
DIRTY TRICKS (Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 47): You are not above using a few dirty tricks to win. You can use the feint application of the Deception skill as two swift actions against
an opponent you threaten.
Prerequisite: Trained in Deception.
DUAL WEAPON FLOURISH I (Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 47): When wielding only two light melee weapons or two lightsabers, whenever you make a single attack as a standard
action with one weapon you can make a single attack with the other weapon as a free action against the same target. You apply the normal penalties for fighting with two weapons with
this attack.
Prerequisites: Dual Weapon mastery I, Weapon Finesse.
DUAL WEAPON FLOURISH II (Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 47): When you are wielding only two light melee weapons or two lightsabers, once per turn on your turn you can make a
full attack as a standard action instead of a full-round action, provided you attack with both weapons during the attack. You apply the normal penalties for fighting with two weapons to
both of these attacks.
Prerequisites: Duel Weapon Mastery I, Duel Weapon Mastery II, Dual Weapon Flourish I, Master of Elegance, Weapon Finesse.
MASTER OF ELEGANCE (Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 47): You may add your Dexterity bonus (instead of your Strength bonus) on damage rolls when wielding a light melee weapon.
When you wield a light melee weapon two-handed, you may apply double your Dexterity bonus (instead of double your Strength bonus) to the damage.
Prerequisites: Dual Weapon Flourish 1 or Single Weapon Flourish 1, Weapon Finesse.
OUT OF NOWHERE (Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 47): Once per encounter, as a free action on your turn, you can make an attack with a light melee weapon or lightsaber after a
successful feint.
Prerequisites: Trained in Deception, Weapon Finesse.
SINGLE WEAPON FLOURISH I (Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 47): When you wield only a single light melee weapon or a single lightsaber and make a full attack, you can move up to
your speed as a free action at any time during your turn.
Prerequisites: Double Attack (advanced melee weapons, exotic melee weapon, or lightsabers), Weapon Finesse.
SINGLE WEAPON FLOURISH II (Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 47):
When you wield only a single light melee weapon or a single lightsaber, once per turn on your turn you can make a full attack as a standard action instead of a full-round action.
Prerequisites: Double Attack (advanced melee weapons, exotic melee weapon, or lightsabers), Master of Elegance, Single Weapon Flourish I, Weapon Finesse.

MILITARY ENGINEER (Clone Wars, pg. 44)

You have become skilled at using and manipulating technology on the battlefield. In fact, your fellow soldiers rely on your technical expertise in the heat of battle.
BREACH COVER (Clone Wars, pg. 44): When you fire or throw a weapon with a burst or splash radius at a target with cover, you ignore that cover.
BREACHING EXPLOSIVE (Clone Wars, pg. 44): You ignore the damage threshold of doors and walls when using mines and fixed (non-grenade) explosives.
DROID EXPERT (Clone Wars, pg. 44): When you repair a droid, you repair 1 additional hit point for each point by which your Mechanics check beats the base DC of 20.
Prerequisite: Repairs on the Fly.
PREPARED EXPLOSIVE (Clone Wars, pg. 44): When you use a mine or other fixed (non-grenade) explosive, you can choose to have the blast radius of the explosive become difficult
terrain after the explosive has detonated. Alternately, if you plant a mine or fixed explosive in an area of difficult terrain, you can have the explosive deal no damage and instead turn the
difficult terrain into normal terrain.
PROBLEM SOLVER (Clone Wars, pg. 44): As a swift action once per turn, you can designate a single vehicle within your line of sight whose pilot can hear and understand you. That pilot's
vehicle ignores difficult terrain until the start of your next turn, and the pilot gains a +5 insight bonus on all Pilot checks made to avoid hazards and collisions until the start of your next
QUICK MODIFICATIONS (Clone Wars, pg. 44): When you create a field-created weapon (as per the class feature), you can choose one weapon modification from the Tech Specialist feat
(see page 21 of Starships of the Galaxy) to apply to the created weapon at the time of creation.
Prerequisites: Repairs on the Fly, Tech Specialist feat.
REPAIRS ON THE FLY (Clone Wars, pg. 44): You can use the Repair application of the Mechanics skill to repair a droid or object as a standard action. You can gain the benefits of this
talent only once per day per droid, object, or vehicle repaired.
SABOTAGE DEVICE (Clone Wars, pg. 45): As a swift action, you can sabotage any object or weapon that is powered by an energy cell or power pack so that it becomes a grenade. The
object or weapon is then considered to be a fragmentation grenade in all ways, but it can be turned back into its original form with another swift action.
TECH SAVANT (Clone Wars, pg 45): As a standard action, you can increase the speed of one adjacent droid or vehicle you occupy by 1 square (app lied to any method of locomotion)
until the end of your next turn. Any droid or vehicle can only benefit from this talent once per round.
Prerequisite: Trained in the Knowledge (technology) skill.
VEHICULAR BOOST (Clone Wars, pg 45): As a standard action, you can make a DC 15 Mechanics check to grant one vehicle you occupy a number of bonus hit points equal to 5 x your
class level. Damage is subtracted from the bonus his points first, and any bonus hit points remaining at the end of the encounter go away. Bonus hit points from multiple sources do not

When a fighting force is outmanned, outgunned, and constantly on the run, only the skill and acumen of talented officers can keep morale high and prevent desertion or surrender.
Fugitive commanders are skilled in the art of deceiving and eluding their pursuers.
DISCIPLINED TRICKERY (Legacy Era, pg. 42): Once per turn as a reaction, you allow one ally within 12 squares of you and in your line of sight to reroll one Deception or Stealth check, but
the ally must keep the second result, even if it is worse.
GROUP PERCEPTION (Legacy Era, pg. 42): Whenever you roll a Perception check, all allies within 6 squares of you can do so as well, taking the highest reroll result rolled by you or any
HASTY WITHDRAWAL (Legacy Era, pg. 42): As a swift action once per turn, you target a number of allies equal to your Charisma bonus (minimum 1). Each targeted ally must be within
12 squares of you and in your line of sight. Each ally you target can take the withdraw action immediately as a free action. The normal rules for withdrawing otherwise apply (see page
153 of the Saga Edition core rulebook).
STALWART SUBORDINATES (Legacy Era, pg. 42): When any ally within 12 squares of you and in your line of sight is targeted by a skill check against its Will Defense, the source of that
skill check (whether a hazard, a creature, a droid, or whatever) must roll the skill check twice and take the lowest result.
STAY IN THE FIGHT (Legacy Era, pg. 42): As a swift action, you remove one mind-affecting or fear effect currently affecting an ally within 12 squares of you and in your line of sight. When
you do so, you also grant the target a number of bonus hit points equal to 10 + your class level.
STEALTHY WITHDRAWAL (Legacy Era, pg. 42): When an ally withdraws as a result of your Hasty Withdrawal talent and ends its withdraw action with cover or concealment from any
enemy target, that ally can make an immediate Stealth check to sneak as a free action.
Prerequisite: Hasty Withdrawal.


Officers study old battles, looking for historic examples of good military tactics. You are an expert at leading troops into battle and using the battlefield to your advantage.
ASSAULT TACTICS (Star Wars Core, pg.221): As a move action, you may designate a single creature or object as the target of an assault. If you succeed on a DC 15 Knowledge (tactics)
check, you and all allies able to hear and understand you deal + ld6 points of damage to the target with each successful melee or ranged attack, until the start of your next turn. This is a
mind-affecting effect.
COMMANDER'S PREROGATIVE (Unknown Regions, pg. 31): During the first round of combat in an encounter (after the surprise round, if any), you can take your turn before any of your
allies, but you must use either the share talent prestige class ability or a talent from one of the following talent trees as part of your turn: Commando, Leadership, or Military Tactics. On
the subsequent round, you return to your normal place in the initiative order.
Prerequisite: Trained in the Initiative skill.
DEPLOYMENT TACTICS (Star Wars Core, pg.221): You can use your tactical knowledge to direct allies in battle. As a move action, you can make a DC 15 Knowledge (tactics) check. If the
check succeeds, you and any allies that can see, hear, and understand you gain a + 1 competence bonus on attack rolls against flanked opponents or a + 1
dodge bonus to Reflex Defense against attacks of opportunity (your choice). The bonus lasts until the start of your next turn. This is a mind-affecting effect.
If you have the Born Leader talent (page 44) or the Battle Analysis talent (page 52), the bonus granted by this talent increases to +2.
EXPLOIT WEAKNESS (Clone Wars, pg. 42): When you use the Assault Tactics talent (see page 221 of the Saga Edition core rulebook) on an enemy, the target takes a cumulative -1
penalty to Reflex Defense each time it is damaged by one of your allies (maximum -5). This penalty applies until the end of your next turn.
Prerequisite: Assault Tactics.
FIELD TACTICS (Star Wars Core, pg.221): You know how to use existing terrain to best advantage. By using a move action, you can make a DC 15 Knowledge (tactics) check. If the check
succeeds, you and all allies within 10 squares of you can use whatever cover is available to gain a + 10 cover bonus to Reflex Defense (instead of the normal +5 cover bonus). Allies must
be able to hear and understand you to gain this benefit, and the bonus lasts until the start of your next turn.
This talent provides no benefit to anyone who doesn't have cover. This is a mind-affecting effect.
Prerequisite: Deployment Tactics.
GRAND LEADER (Clone Wars, pg. 42): As a swift action, once per encounter, you can grant bonus hit points equal to 5 + one-half your character level to all allies within 20 squares of you
and in your line of sight. Damage is subtracted from the bonus hit points first, and any bonus hit points remaining at the end of the encounter go away. Bonus hit points from multiple
sources do not stack.
IRREGULAR TACTICS (Unknown Regions, pg. 31): Your tactics confuse enemy commanders and tacticians that can see or otherwise observe your forces in action, such as when using
sensors. After using the share talent special quality, make a Knowledge (tactics) check as a free action. The result replaces the DC of any talents that use Knowledge (tactics) from the
Military Tactics talent tree used against your or your allies. Prerequisite: Share talent special quality.
LEAD BY EXAMPLE (Unknown Regions, pg. 31): If you have already used a talent in an encounter before granting the same talent to an ally with your share talent special quality in the
same encounter, any character who benefits from share talent gains one of the following bonuses when using that talent: Reduce the talent's DC by 5; gain an additional +2 bonus to any
bonus to attack, Defense, or damage used by the talent; or reduce the amount of damage taken by the character through the use of the talent by 10 points. If the talent can be affected
by more than one effect, the character using the talent selects the desired effect.
Prerequisite: Share talent special quality.
ONE FOR THE TEAM (Star Wars Core, pg.221): As a reaction, you can choose to take one-half or all of the damage dealt to an adjacent ally by a single attack. Similarly, as a reaction, an
adjacent ally can choose to take one-half or all of the damage dealt to you by a single attack (even if he doesn't have this talent).
Prerequisite: Deployment Tactics.
OUTMANEUVER (Star Wars Core, pg.221): An officer learns to counter the tactics of his enemies. As a standard action, you can make a DC 15 Knowledge (tactics) check. If the check
succeeds, enemies in your line of sight lose all competence, insight, and morale bonuses on attack rolls, as well as any dodge bonuses to Reflex Defense, until the start of your next turn.
If one or more enemy officers are within your line of sight, the highest level officer among them can attempt to oppose your Knowledge (tactics) check as a reaction. If her skill check
result is higher than yours, your attempt
to outmaneuver your enemies fails.
Prerequisites: Deployment Tactics, Field Tactics.
SHIFT DEFENSE I (Star Wars Core, pg.221): As a swift action, you can take a -2 penalty to one defense (Reflex, Fortitude, or Will) to gain a + 1 competence bonus to another defense until
the start of your next turn.
SHIFT DEFENSE II (Star Wars Core, pg.221): As a swift action, you can take a -5 penalty to one defense (Reflex, Fortitude, or Will) to gain a +2 competence bonus to another defense until
the start of your next turn.
Prerequisite: Shift Defense I.
SHIFT DEFENSE III (Star Wars Core, pg.221): As a swift action, you can gain a +5 competence bonus to one defense (Reflex, Fortitude, or Will) by taking a -5 penalty to your other two
Prerequisites: Shift Defense I, Shift Defense II.
TACTICAL EDGE (Star Wars Core, pg.221): You can use the Assault Tactics, Deployment Tactics, or Field Tactics talent as a swift action instead of a move action, provided you have the
talent in question.
TURN THE TIDE (Unknown Regions, pg. 31): Once per encounter, after the first round of combat, you can make a Knowledge (tactics) check as a full-round action and compare the result
to the Will Defense of al l enemies with in 12 squares of you and within your line of sight. If your check is successful, affected enemies must reroll their Initiative checks at the start of the
next round. Allies within your line of sight can choose whether to reroll their check. Rerolls and other modifiers to the Initiative skill apply normally to this check for all affected targets.
Prerequisites: Command Decision, Commander's Prerogative, trained in the Initiative skill.
UNCANNY DEFENSE (Clone Wars, pg. 42): Once per day, you can add one-half your officer class level to all your defenses for one round. You must declare that you are using this talent
at the beginning of your turn. The benefits last until the beginning of your next turn.


You are skilled at commanding starships and small fleets.
COMBINED FIRE (Starships of the Galaxy, pg. 18): As a swift action, you may designate a single creature, vehicle, or object within your line of sight as the target of combined fire. Any
weapon batteries attacking that target deal an extra die of damage for every 2 points their attack roll exceeds the target’s Reflex Defense (instead of every 3 points). In addition, when
using the tactical fire option for capital ship (see ship descriptions in Chapter 4), you may designate a weapon or weapon battery to make a single attack.
FLEET DEPLOYMENT (Starships of the Galaxy, pg. 18): As a full-round action, you can designate a number of vehicles equal to your class level and within your line of sight. Those vehicles
may immediately move a number of squares equal to their speed.
Prerequisites: Charisma 13.
FLEET TACTICS (Starships of the Galaxy, pg. 18): As a standard action, you may designate a single vehicle as the target of a large-scale assault. If you succeed on a DC 15 Knowledge
(tactics) check, all allied gunners within line of sight deal 1 additional die of damage to the target with each successful ranged attack until the start of your next turn. This is a mind-
affecting effect.
Prerequisites: Charisma 13, Fleet Deployment.
IT’S A TRAP! (Starships of the Galaxy, pg. 18): You are skilled at sensing the plans of enemy naval officers and counteracting them. Once per encounter as a reaction, you can grant the
pilot of any single vehicle within line of sight (including a vehicle you are commanding) an immediate move action.
LEGENDARY COMMANDER (Starships of the Galaxy, pg. 18): When you are the commander of a capital ship, calculate its Reflex Defense using your heroic level plus one-half the ship’s
armor bonus (round down), the pilot’s heroic level, or the ship’s armor bonus, whichever is more. In addition, all gunners on your ship add one-half your heroic level or one-half their
heroic level, whichever is more, to damage rolls with vehicle weapons. Finally, you treat any genetic crew as being one quality level higher (maximum of ace).
Prerequisites: Charisma 13, Intelligence 13, Born Leader.


You have learned that many enemies can be considered potential allies instead. You can recognize the telltale signs of a potential ally, and, rather than killing your enemy, you can bring
him or her over to your side.
BOLSTERED NUMBERS (Rebellion Era, pg. 40): Whenever you successfully use Recruit Enemy on a target, you and all allies within line of sight gain a +2 morale bonus to attack rolls until
the end of the encounter.
Prerequisite: Recruit Enemy.
NOBLE SACRIFICE (Rebellion Era, pg. 40): Whenever you successfully use Recruit Enemy on a target, if that target is reduced to 0 hit points or moved to the bottom of the condition
track, as a reaction you can grant yourself and all allies within line of sight a number of bonus hit points equal to 10 + your class level. Damage is subtracted for bonus hit points first, and
any bonus hit points remaining at the end of the encounter are lost. Bonus hit points do not stack. No bonus hit points may be granted if you or an ally reduce the target to 0 hit points
or move it to the bottom of the condition track.
Prerequisite: Recruit Enemy.
RECRUIT ENEMY (Rebellion Era, pg. 41): Once per encounter when you deal damage to a living creature that is equal to or greater than the target’s current hit points and the target’s
damage threshold (that is, when you deal enough damage to kill the target), you can use this talent. Make a Persuasion check against the target’s Will Defense; if your result equals or
exceeds the target’s Will Defense, instead of dealing full damage, you deal half damage to the target and move it -1 step on the condition track. In addition, the target becomes your ally,
and its attitude toward you immediately shifts to friendly. The target fights on your side until the end of the encounter, at which point it departs (or, if the GM wishes, the target might
become your ally permanently and join your party). Anyone hostile to you becomes hostile to the target.
This is a mind-affecting effect. If the target is of a higher level than you, it gains a +5 bonus to its Will Defense. Enemies that cannot be bribed, blackmailed, or seduced (such as
stormtroopers) are immune to this effect.
STAY IN THE FIGHT (Rebellion Era, pg. 41): If you successfully use Recruit Enemy on a target and that target can catch a second wind, the target can do so immediately as a reaction.
Prerequisite: Recruit Enemy.
TEAM RECRUITING (Rebellion Era, pg. 41): You can use your Recruit Enemy talent whenever you or an ally would deal damage to kill a target, instead of only when you do.
Prerequisite: Recruit Enemy.

The Order is still developing training techniques and abilities. You must be a member of the Order of Shasa to take any of the following talents.
DECEPTION AWARENESS (Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 61): Realizing how the devastating the consequences would have been if the Sith had successfully deceived her and her
companions during the Jedi Civil War, Shasa has developed a technique for using the Force to detect deceptions. You gain +5 to your Will Defense against uses of the Deception skill.
Additionally, you can make a Use the Force check instead of a Perception check to sense deception and sense influence. You are considered trained in Perception for the purpose of
using this talent. If you are entitled to a Perception check reroll, you may reroll your Use the Force check instead (subject to the same circumstances and limitations).
GREATER WEAPON FOCUS (Fira) (Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 61): You have mastered the chosen weapon of the order of Shasa. You gain a +1 bonus on melee attack rolls with a
fira. This bonus stacks with the bonus granted by the Weapon Focus feat.
Prerequisite: Weapon Focus (fira).
PROGENITOR’S CALL (Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 61): You have learned to sense the call of your ancestors and wield it through the Force. Once per encounter, you can
telepathically disrupt an enemy by making a Use the Force check against the target’s Will Defense. If you succeed, the target is confused by the call, moving -1 persistent step down the
condition track and losing its standard action on its next turn. A creature can only be affected by this power once per encounter, and the persistent condition can be removed with a DC
15 Treat Injury check or by resting for 8 hours. This is a mind-affecting effect.
WAVEFORM (Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 61): Taking cues from Manaan’s oceans, you know how to emulate wave action using the Force. As a swift action, when you use a
telekinetic Force power (that is, a power affected by the Telekinetic Power or Telekinetic Savant talents), you manipulate the particles of the environment around you to add to the force
of impact, allowing you to add your Charisma modifier to any damage dealt (minimum +1).

OUTLAW (Scum and Villainy, pg. 34)

As an outlaw, you live under a shadow, and everywhere you go, any time you reveal yourself, you risk being noticed and captured. As a result, you develop a number of abilities that help
you escape pursuers, even when hopelessly outnumbered.
CONFOUNDING ATTACK (Scum and Villainy, pg. 34): Once per encounter, whenever you would use Uncanny Instincts, you can forgo the movement to make an immediate melee or
ranged attack against the opponent that hit you. If your attack is a melee attack that hits and deals damage, you and your opponent immediately switch places, if both you and your
opponent can end in a legal space.
Prerequisites: Tangle Up, Uncanny Instincts.
DOUBLE UP (Scum and Villainy, pg. 35): Once per encounter, whenever you would use Seize the Moment, you can forgo the extra swift action to make an immediate melee or ranged
attack against the damaged opponent. If your attack is a ranged attack that hits and deals damage, you treat the damage dealt by you and your ally as though it was one attack for the
purposes of overcoming DR, SR, and determining whether the damage exceeded the target's damage threshold.
Prerequisites: Find an Opening, Seize the Moment.
FIND AN OPENING (Scum and Villainy, pg. 35): Whenever you would use Seize the Moment, you can forgo the swift action to be able to aim as a single swift action on your next turn.
Prerequisite: Seize the Moment.
OPPORTUNISTIC DEFENSE (Scum and Villainy, pg. 35): Once per encounter, whenever you would use Uncanny Instincts, you can forgo this extra movement and instead increase your
Reflex Defense by 5 until the end of your next turn.
Prerequisite: Uncanny Instincts.
PRETERNATURAL SENSES (Scum and Villainy, pg. 35): Once per encounter, as a reaction, you can add one-half your class level to the defense score of your choice.
SEIZE THE MOMENT (Scum and Villainy, pg. 35): Once per round, whenever an ally successfully damages an opponent, you can take a swift action as a reaction.
TANGLE UP (Scum and Villainy, pg. 35): As a standard action, you can make a non-area melee or ranged attack against an opponent within range. If the attack hits, you deal half your
normal damage (minimum 1 point), but your opponent loses its next move action.
Prerequisite: Uncanny Instincts.
UNCANNY INSTINCTS (Scum and Villainy, pg. 35): Once per round whenever an opponent successfully deals damage to you, you can move 1 square as a reaction. This movement does
not provoke attacks of opportunity.

PATHFINDER (Rebellion Era, pg. 43)

You specialize in finding and creating optimal locations from which your allies can fight, and then making sure that they reach those locales safely. In combat, you use your eye for
finding secure locations to pick the best spots from which to launch your attacks.
BUNKER BLASTER (Rebellion Era, pg. 45): If you adjacent to an object that can provide you with cover from a target, you can aim at that target as a move action.
DEFENSIVE MEASURES (Rebellion Era, pg. 45): All enemies treat your safe zone as difficult terrain.
Prerequisite: Safe Zone.
ENHANCE COVER (Rebellion Era, pg. 45): As a swift action, you can designate a single ally within your line of sight who has cover from one or more enemies. That ally is considered
instead to have improved cover against those enemies until the start of your next turn as long as the ally still has cover.
ESCORT FIGHTER (Rebellion Era, pg. 45): You can spend a swift action to designate one adjacent ally. Until the start of your nest turn, if you move, that ally can also move the same
number of squares, provided that the ally ends its movement adjacent to you. You cannot move a distance greater than the ally’s speed.
LAUNCH POINT (Rebellion Era, pg. 45): Any ally who starts his or her turn within your safe zone and then exits the zone gains a +2 bonus to attack rolls before the end of that ally’s turn,
provided that the ally is not within your safe zone when the attack is made.
Prerequisite: Safe Zone.
OBSCURING DEFENSES (Rebellion Era, pg. 45): Enemies that fire into your safe zone take a -2 penalty to attack rolls.
Prerequisite: Safe Zone.
RELOCATE (Rebellion Era, pg. 45): You can dismiss your safe zone as a swift action, ending its current effects. Any allies in the space your safe zone was occupying gain a +2 bonus to
their speed until the start of your next turn. When you use this talent, you cannot create a new safe zone until the start of your next turn.
Prerequisite: Escort Fighter.
SAFE ZONE (Rebellion Era, pg. 45): As a standard action, you can identify a safe zone, within which your allies gain certain advantages. You designate a 4-by-4 square area of the combat
as a safe zone; at least 1 square of the safe zone must be the square that you currently occupy. Each ally who starts his or her turn within the safe zone gains a +2 circumstance bonus to
his or her Fortitude Defense and Will Defense until the start of the ally’s next turn. The safe zone lasts until the end of the encounter, and you can have only one safe zone in effect at a
time. You can create a new safe zone as a standard action, dismissing the old safe zone and replacing it with the new one, but no square of the old safe zone can overlap with any square
of the new safe zone. You cannot create a safe zone in a space that overlaps another pathfinder’s safe zone.
ZONE OF RECUPERATION (Rebellion Era, pg. 45): Any ally who catches a second wind while within your safe zone regains a number of additional hit points equal to your class level.
Prerequisite: Safe Zone.
SABOTEUR (The Force Unleashed, pg. 54)
You are skilled at improvising weapons, handling explosives, and disrupting the enemy.
DEVICE JAMMER (The Force unleashed, pg. 56): You can construct a short-range jammer that affects a specific type of electronic device such as a personal shield generator, comlink,
computer, or datapad. As a full-round action, you select a particular piece of personal, portable electronic equipment (any item listed as equipment, excluding droids, vehicles , and
weapons, that has an electronic component) and make a DC 20 Mechanics check. If the check is successful, all devices of the chosen type cease to function while within 12 squares of
your position for the remainder of the encounter. You may only have one jammer (device or droid) active at a time.
DROID JAMMER (The Force unleashed, pg. 56): You can construct a short-range jammer that affects droids. As a full-round action, you make a Mechanics check to build the jammer.
When a droid comes within 6 squares of you, compare the result of your Mechanics check to the droid’s Will Defense, the droid can take only swift actions as long as it remains within
the radius of the jammer. Droids that are immune to the effect of a restraining bolt are immune to the effect of this talent.
The jammer functions for the remainder of the encounter. You may only have one jammer (device of droid) active at a time.
EXTREME EXPLOSION (The Force unleashed, pg. 57): You know how to set large charges and use dozens of charges for extremely large explosions. You increase the blast radius of any
mines or explosives by 1 square.
Prerequisites: Skilled Demolitionist, Shaped Explosion.
MINE MASTERY (The Force unleashed, pg. 57): You can place a mine as a standard action instead of a full-round action.
SHAPED EXPLOSION (The Force unleashed, pg. 57): You know how to set charges to direct a blast in a specific direction or manner. You can shape an explosion caused by explosives or
mines that you set into a line or a cone instead of a radius. The length of the line is equal to 2 x the radius of the explosive blast, the length of the cone is equal to 3 x the radius of the
blast, and either the line or the cone originates from the square when the explosives are placed.
Prerequisite: Skilled Demolitionist.
SKILLED DEMOLITIONIST (The Force unleashed, pg. 57): You can set a detonator as a swift action, and your explosives never go off as the detonator is being placed, even if you fail the
check by 10 or more. You must still roll to determine if the charge otherwise goes off as planned (see “Mechanics,” page 69 of the Sage Edition core rulebook).


You can construct small, disposable, automated turrets.
BLASTER TURRET I (The Force unleashed, pg. 57): Once per encounter, as standard action you can create a blaster turret (Size Tiny, Initiative +4, Perception +4, Reflex Defense 10, 10
hp, Threshold 8) that can be mounted to any flat surface. The turret fires as a standard blaster pistol once per round, using your base attack bonus plus your Intelligence bonus and
dealing 3d6 points of damage. The turret fires at any target you designate (a free action, once per round on your turn), though you must remain adjacent to the turret to control it. The
turret is expended at the end of the encounter.
BLASTER TURRET II (The Force unleashed, pg. 57): Your turret’s capabilities increase in the following ways: Initiative +8, Perception +8, Reflex Defense 12, 15 hp, Threshold 10, and the
turret deals 3d8 points of damage. The turret can be directed by remote control at a range of 12 squares.
Prerequisite: Blaster Turret I.
BLASTER TURRET III (The Force unleashed, pg. 57): Your turret gains the ability to fire twice per round, with a -5 penalty on each attack roll, and gains DR 5.
Prerequisites: Blaster Turret I, Blaster Turret II.
ION TURRET (The Force unleashed, pg. 57): You can construct a turret that is highly effective against droids. The turret deals ion damage instead of normal damage.
Prerequisite: Blaster Turret I.
STUN TURRET (The Force unleashed, pg. 57): You can construct a nonlethal turret. The Turret deals stun damage instead of normal damage.
Prerequisite: Blaster Turret I.
TURRET SELF-DESTRUCT (The Force unleashed, pg. 57): Your turret self-destruct automatically when it reaches 0 hit points. If explodes in a 2-square radius, dealing its normal damage.
If you are adjacent to the turret, you can disable this feature as a reaction.
Prerequisite: Blaster Turret I.

SEYUGI DERVISHES (Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 82)

Seyugi Dervishes are masters of unarmed combat augmented by their control over the Force, and they traditionally hire themselves out as contract assassins. Their Force powers allow
them to move unseen and to make devastating, lightning-quick assaults on their targets.
SEYUGI CYCLONE (Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 83): If you are wielding no weapons (other than combat gloves or stun gauntlets), you can use the Whirlwind Attack feat as a
standard action by spending a Force Point even if you do not possess the Whirlwind Attack feat. Additionally this talent satisfies the prerequisites for the Whirlwind Attack feat.
MOBILE WHIRLWIND (Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 83): Whenever you use the Whirlwind Attack feat, you can move up to your speed after the attack is resolved.
Prerequisite: Seyugi Cyclone.
REPELLING WHIRLWIND (Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 83): You gain a +2 circumstance bonus to Reflex Defense against any target hit by your Whirlwind Attack until the start of
your next turn.
Prerequisite: Seyugi Cyclone.
SUDDEN STORM (Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 83): Instead of a normal melee attack at the end of the charge, you can spend a Force Point to make a Whirlwind Attack (as per the
feat) at the end of a charge, provided you are not wielding any weapons (except combat gloves or stun gauntlets).
Prerequisite: Seyugi Cyclone.
TEMPEST TOSSED (Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 83): When you damage a target with a Whirlwind Attack, you can choose to move that target 1 square in any direction as a free
action. You can’t move a target that’s being grabbed or grappled, and you can’t move the opponent into a solid object or another creature’s fighting space. This forced movement does
not provoke attacks of opportunity.
Prerequisite: Seyugi Cyclone.

SHAPER (Legacy Era, pg. 46)

Some shapers develop implants that can be placed quickly and easily, temporarily boosting the physical prowess of their beneficiaries.
The following talents all grant effects that last until the end of the encounter. At the end of the encounter, any target that benefits from one or more of these talents immediately moves
-3 steps down the condition track, and the condition becomes persistent. The persistent condition can only be removed after 8 hours or rest, or by performing successful surgery (as per
the application of the Treat Injury skill) on the target.
ADRENALINE IMPLANT (Legacy Era, pg. 47): Once per encounter as a standard action, you can give one adjacent living creature an adrenaline implant. The target must be willing to
receive this implant, which grants the target 10 bonus hit points at the start of each of its turns. These bonus hit points do not accumulate. Damage is subtracted from the bonus hit
points first, and any bonus hit points remaining at the end of the encounter go away. Bonus hit points from different sources do not stack.
PRECISION IMPLANT (Legacy Era, pg. 47): Once per encounter as a standard action, you can give one adjacent living creature a precision implant. The target must be willing to receive
this implant, which grants the target a +1 equipment bonus on attack rolls until the end of the encounter.
RESILIENCE IMPLANT (Legacy Era, pg. 47): Once per encounter as a standard action, you can give one adjacent living creature a resilience implant. The target must be willing to receive
this implant, which grants the target a +5 equipment bonus to its damage threshold until the end of the encounter.
SPEED IMPLANT (Legacy Era, pg. 47): Once per encounter as a standard action, you can give one adjacent living creature a speed implant. The target must be willing to receive this
implant, which increases the target’s base speed by 2 until the end of the encounter.
STRENGTH IMPLANT (Legacy Era, pg. 47): Once per encounter as a standard action, you can give one adjacent living creature a strength implant. The target must be willing to receive
this implant, which allows the target to deal +1 die of damage whenever it hits with a melee attack until the end of the encounter.


You manipulate Yuuzhan Vong biotechnology in new ways, molding it to your own ends and making it more effective.
BIOTECH MASTERY (Legacy Era, pg. 47): When using the Biotech Specialist feat to modify biotechnology, you are able to make the appropriate modification in half of the normal time
for half the normal cost. In addition, you can take 10 on the Mechanics check (even when distracted or threatened), but you cannot take 20.
EXPEDIENT MENDING (Legacy Era, pg. 47): You can temporarily mend a damaged or disabled biotech device using the Treat Injury skill (see page 32) as a standard action instead of a
full-round action.
Prerequisite: Expert Shaper.
EXPERT SHAPER (Legacy Era, pg. 47): You may reroll any Treat Injury check made to repair or modify a biotech object, but the result of the reroll must be accepted even if it is worse.
MASTER MENDER (Legacy Era, pg. 47): Whenever you temporarily mend a biotech device using the Treat Injury skill (see page 32), the mended device moves +4 steps on the condition
track. In addition, the mended device only moves -3 steps down the condition track at the end of the scene or encounter, and is only disabled if this reduction brings it to -5 steps on the
Prerequisite: Expert Shaper.
SKILLED IMPLANTER (Legacy Era, pg. 47): Whenever you use the Biotech Surgery feat to install an implant, the implant’s attack bonus against the recipient’s Fortitude Defense is halved
(see page 67 for more information on implants).
Prerequisite: Biotech Surgery feat.

SHAPERS OF KRO VAR (Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 84)

The Shapers of Kro Var are deeply in touch with the four classic elements of air, earth, fire, and water. They use the Force to manipulate these elements at a fundamental level, creating
impressive effects, such as rippling stone, walls of solid wind, and gouts of flame. The talents listed here are a small fraction of the “spells” that these primitive Force-users are capable of
COMBUSTION (Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 85): You can spend a Force Point as a swift action to add 1d6 points of fire damage to any Force power that causes damage to a
single target. A target that takes fire damage also catches on fire (see page 256 of the Saga Edition cure rulebook).
Prerequisite: Force Training.
EARTH BUCKLE (Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 85): You can spend a Force Point as a swift action to create a 3x3 square area of difficult terrain centered on you. You ignore any
penalties for moving on difficult terrain that you create using this talent.
FLUIDITY (Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 85): You use your Use the Force check modifier instead of your Acrobatics check modifier when making Acrobatics checks. If you are
entitled to an Acrobatics check reroll, you may reroll your Use the Force check instead (subject to the same circumstances and limitations). Additionally, when you attempt a grapple or
attempting to break free of a grapple, you can spend a Force Point to be treated as if you were one size category larger.
THUNDERCLAP (Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 85): When you use a Force power that deals damage, you can use the Bantha Rush feat against that target as though you had made
a melee attack.
Prerequisite: Bantha rush, Force Training.
WIND VORTEX (Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 85): You can spend a Force Point as a swift action to surround yourself with whirling winds. You gain concealment from all other
targets and gain a +2 circumstance bonus to Reflex Defense against thrown weapons. This effect lasts until the end of the encounter.

The Sith tradition believes in order through tyranny. In ancient days, Sith warriors battled Jedi Knights for galactic supremacy until, finally, the few surviving Sith were driven into hiding.
Since then, the Sith have conspired to annihilate the Jedi and everything they stand for.
AFFLICTION (Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 40): You Force power carries the taint of the dark side more so than even other dark side users. When you damage a single opponent with
one of your Force powers, that target also takes 2d6 points of Force damage at the beginning of its next turn, before taking any actions.
DARK HEALING (Star Wars Core, pg.223): You can spend a Force Point to heal wounds by drawing life energy from another creature within 6 squares of you. Using this ability is a
standard action, and you must succeed on a ranged attack roll. If the attack equals or exceeds the target's Fortitude Defense, you deal ld6 points of damage per class level to the target
and you heal an equal amount. If the attack fails, there is no effect.
DARK HEALING FIELD (Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 40): You can spend a Force Point to heal wounds by drawing life energy from up to three targeted creatures within 12 squares of
you. Once per encounter, make a Use the force check. If the attack equals or exceeds a target’s Fortitude Defense, the target takes 1d6 damage per class level. You heal half the total
damage dealt (cumulative from all targets). If the attack fails, the targets take half damage and you heal that amount.
Prerequisites: Dark Healing, Improved Dark Healing.
DARK SCOURGE (Star Wars Core, pg.223): You have dedicated your life to wiping out the Jedi, and your hatred of them knows no bounds. Against Jedi characters, you gain a + 1 dark
side bonus on attack rolls.
DARK SIDE ADEPT (Star Wars Core, pg.223): Force powers that are strongly tied to the dark side flow through you more easily. You can reroll any Use the Force check made when
activating Force powers with the [dark side] descriptor, but you must keep the result of the reroll, even if it is worse.
DARK SIDE MASTER (Star Wars Core, pg.223): As Dark Side Adept (see above), except that you can spend a Force Point and keep the better of the two Use the Force checks.
Prerequisite: Dark Side Adept.
DRAIN FORCE (Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 40): Once per encounter, as a reaction when you damage a Force-sensitive opponent, the dark taint of your power allows you to sap
some of the opponent’s strength and convert it to personal power, regaining one spent Force power. Additionally, the target loses one Force Point.
Prerequisite: Affliction.
DRAIN KNOWLEDGE (Threats of the Galaxy, pg. 30): As a standard action, you can spend a Force Point to drain the knowledge of an enemy you touch; you must succeed on a Use the
Force check (DC equal to the target’s Will Defense) to activate this talent, and if you fail to activate this talent, you may not try again on the same target for one day. If successful, you
immediately become trained in one skill that the target is trained in; if you are already trained in that skill, you instead gain Skill Focus in that skill. This training or focus lasts for one day.
Additionally, your target moves -1 persistent step along the condition track, and the persistent condition can be removed only by resting for 8 hours.
Additionally, you can choose to instead sift through the mind of the target, looking for a specific piece of knowledge or information. Doing so requires you to make a Perception check
against the target’s Will Defense; success indicates that you pull the relevant information from the target’s mind. When you do so, you do not gain the training or focus normally granted
by this talent, but otherwise the talent functions as normal. Using this talent increases your Dark Side Score by 1.
FORCE DECEPTION (Star Wars Core, pg.223): You can use your Use the Force check modifier instead of your Deception check modifier when making Deception checks, as you use the
Force to cloak your vile treachery. You are considered trained in the Deception skill. If you are entitled to a Deception check reroll, you may reroll your Use the Force check instead
(subject to the same circumstances and limitations).
IMPROVED DARK HEALING (Star Wars Core, pg.223): Your dark healing ability (see above) improves. The range of this ability increases to 12 squares, and even if the attack fails the
target takes half damage while you heal an equal amount.
Prerequisite: Dark Healing.
SITH ALCHEMY (Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 41): Your knowledge of Sith sorcery allows you to imbue talismans and other objects with the power of the dark side.
 Create Sith Talisman: You can spend one Force Point to imbue a portable object with the dark side, creating a Sith talisman that provides offensive strength to a Force power or
lightsaber attack. Creating the talisman takes a full-round action. While you wear or carry the talisman on your person, add 1d6 to your damage with Force powers. You can
have only one Sith talisman active at any given time, and if it is destroyed, you cannot create another one for 24 hours.
 Create Sith Weapon: You can alchemically treat a properly prepared weapon to become a Sith weapon. You may spend a Force Point to imbue the weapon with the properties
of the Sith alchemical weapon template (this process takes one hour to complete). See Chapter 5: Equipment and Droids for information on Sith alchemical weapons.
Prerequisite: Dark Side Adept, Dark Side Master.
STOLEN FORM (Threats of the Galaxy, pg. 81): You have learned how to use a Jedi fighting technique to defeat Jedi in combat. Choose one talent from the Lightsaber Forms talent tree
(SE 218); you gain the benefit of this talent and are considered to have this talent for the purpose of satisfying prerequisites. You must meet all the prerequisites as normal from the
chosen lightsaber form talent, in addition to the prerequisites of this talent.
You can select this talent multiple times. Each time you select it, choose a different lightsaber form.
Prerequisite: Any one Force Technique, Weapon Focus (lightsabers) feat.
WICKED STRIKE (Star Wars Core, pg.223): When you score a critical hit with a lightsaber, you may spend a Force Point to move the target -2 steps along the condition track (see
Conditions, page 148).
Prerequisites: Weapon Focus (Iightsabers) feat (see page 89). Weapon Specialization (Iightsabers) (see page 41).


You have learned the alchemical arts of the Sith Lords and can create objects and creatures that are filled with the power of the dark side.
CAUSE MUTATION (Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 21): You can use your mastery of Sith alchemy to create mutated abominations. You must have access to a willing (or
unconscious) creature to which you will apply the Sith Abomination template (see the sidebar) or the Chrysalis Beast template (see page 133). You also need a medical lab outfitted for
the process, which requires a number of days equal to the creature’s modified CL. You must spend a Force point at the completion of the process to complete the transformation. A
creature you have mutated is considered to be domesticated creature, but for you only (unless it was already a domesticated creature before its mutation).
Prerequisite: Sith Alchemy.
RAPID ALCHEMY (Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 21): As a standard action, you can perform minor alchemical alterations to a melee weapon you wield. For the remainder of the
encounter, you gain a +2 equipment bonus on attack rolls with that weapon. Additionally, once before the end of the encounter, you can sacrifice this bonus as a free action to gain a +5
equipment bonus on a single damage roll you make with that weapon.
SITH ALCHEMY (Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 21): Your knowledge of Sith alchemy allows you to imbue certain objects with the power of the dark side. You can perform any of
the following alchemical transformations, though each time you do so, increase your Dark Side by 1.
 Create Sith Amulet: You can create a Sith amulet. The creation of a Sith amulet requires 25,000 credits’ worth of gems and other raw materials, and the creation process takes
1 week (this work can be spread out over several sessions and need not be consecutive). At the end of the process, you must spend a Force Point to complete the Sith amulet,
after which point it functions exactly as a Sith amulet (see page 68).
 Create Sith Armor: You can transform a suit of normal battle armor into the dark armor worn by Sith Lords. You must have a suit of battle armor to transform into the dark
armor (light battle armor becomes light dark armor, medium battle armor becomes medium dark armor, and heavy battle armor becomes heavy dark armor). The
transformation process takes 1 day for light dark armor, 2 days for medium dark armor, and 3 days for heavy dark armor. You must spend a Force Point at the end of the
creation process to complete the armor’s transformation.
 Create Sith Talisman: You can spend 1 Force Point to imbue a portable object with the dark side, creating a Sith talisman that provides offensive strength to a Force power.
Creating the talisman takes a full-round action. While you wear or carry the talisman on your person, you add 1d6 to your damage with Force powers. You increase your Dark
Side score by 1 when you first wear or carry a Sith talisman. You can have only one Sith talisman active at any given time, and if it destroyed, you cannot create another one for
24 hours.
 Create Sith Weapon: You can alchemically treat a simple melee weapon or an advanced melee weapon, turning it into a Sith weapon. You must spend a Force Point and spend
1 hour imbuing the weapon with the properties of a Sith alchemical weapon. A lightsaber does not ignore the Sith weapon’s DR, and characters who are proficient in the
weapon’s use can treat it as a lightsaber for the purposes of the Block, Deflect, and redirect Shot talents (and any talents that have those Jedi talents as a prerequisite).
Additionally, as a swift action, the wielder of a Sith weapon can spend a Force Point to gain a bonus equal to his Dark Side Score to the damage of his next attack made with the weapon
before the end of the encounter. This increases the wielder’s Dark Side Score by 1.
SITH ALCHEMY SPECIALIST (Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 22): You can modify an object with Sith alchemy so that it gains a specific trait. Specific traits are listed on Table 1-1. You
can only perform one modification at a time. Unless otherwise notes, you cannot grant more than one benefit to a single object, and you cannot apply the same benefit more than once.
You must spend a Force Point and devote 1 hour of uninterrupted work to apply a trait to the relevant object, and when you do so, you increase your Dark Side Score by 1.
Prerequisite: Sith Alchemy.


Cortosis Weave Automatically deactivates any lightsaber that strikes the wearer
Dark Side Energy Grants the wearer a +2 equipment bonus on Use the Force checks made
to activate powers with the [dark side] descriptor
Dark Side Stealth Grants the wearer a +2 equipment bonus on the Use the Force checks
made to avoid detection
Imposing Form Grants the wearer a +2 equipment bonus on Persuasion checks made to


Damage Reduction A Sith abomination gains DR 5 or increases its existing DR +5

Iron Will A Sith abomination gains a +2equipment bonus to its Will Defense

Vile Natural Weapons A Sith abomination’s natural weapons are laced with Sith poison (see
page 69)


Jagged Weapon Any time the Sith weapon damages a living creature, that creature takes
1d4 points of damage at the start of its next turn

Master’s Weapon The Sith weapon grants a +2 equipment bonus on Use the Force checks
to Block and Deflect
Vile Weapon The Sith weapon is always considered to be laced with Sith poison (see
page 68)
The Sith use terror to lead their troops, and Sith commanders have few compunctions about making examples of underlings. Therefore, it is not surprising that the Sith use the anger
and fear of their subordinates to their own terrible advantage.
DESPERATE MEASURES (Legacy Era, pg. 43): Desperation stems from fear. Once per encounter as a swift action, you instill desperation in all allies within 12 squares of you and in your
line of sight, allowing each of them to make an immediate attack at a -5 penalty.
Prerequisite: Focus Terror.
FOCUS TERROR (Legacy Era, pg. 43): Once per encounter as a swift action, you can harness the fear felt by your allies and transform it into a powerful motivational tool. All allies within
12 squares of you and in your line of sight move +2 steps along the condition track, but suffer a -2 penalty on attack rolls and skill checks for a number of rounds equal to your character
INCITE RAGE (Legacy Era, pg. 43): Once per encounter as a swift action, you can channel your anger and hatred into your allies. Each ally within 12 squares of you and in your line of
sight gain a +1 rage bonus on attack rolls but take a -2 penalty to their Reflex Defense. This effect lasts until the encounter ends, or you are knocked unconscious or killed.
POWER OF HATRED (Legacy Era, pg. 43): Once per encounter as a swift action, you can inflame the passions of your allies. Each all within your line of sight who has fewer than half its
normal hit points gains bonus hit points equal to your character level. Damage is subtracted from the bonus hit points first, and any bonus hit points remaining at the end of the
encounter go away. Bonus hit points from different sources do not stack.
Prerequisite: Incite Rage.

THE BANDO GORA (Clone Wars, pg. 55)

The cultists of the Bando Gora have a reputation for being merciless, and you are no exception.
BANDO GORA SURGE (Clone Wars, pg. 55): Whenever you move up the condition track by any means, you gain bonus hit points equal to 5 + your heroic level. Bonus hit points are
consumed before normal hit points, and unused bonus hit points go away at the end of the encounter. Bonus hit points from multiple sources do not stack.
FORCE FIGHTER (Clone Wars, pg. 53): Whenever you spend a Force Point to add to an attack roll, you heal a number of hit points equal to the Force Point result if the attack hits.
RESIST ENERVATION (Clone Wars, pg. 53): Whenever an effect would move you down the condition track, you can spend a Force Point to negate that movement down the condition
VICTORIOUS FORCE MASTERY (Clone Wars, pg. 53): Whenever an enemy you have damaged in this encounter is reduced to 0 hit points, you may automatically return one spent Force
power to your Force suite as a free action.

THE BELIEVERS (Clone Wars, pg. 56)

The Believers follow the teachings of the Sith from ancient times and strive to extend the influence of the dark side of the Force.
BELIEVER INTUITION (Clone Wars, pg. 56): As a reaction, when an opponent successfully attacks you, make a Use the Force check and compare the result to your opponent's attack roll.
If the check equals or exceeds the result of the attack roll, you can add your Charisma modifier to your Reflex Defense.
DEFENSE BOOST (Clone Wars, pg. 56): As a swift action, you can make a DC 15 Use the Force check. If the check succeeds, you gain a + 1 Force bonus to your Fortitude Defense until the
end of the encounter. Before you make your Use the Force check, you can increase the target number to DC 20 to gain a + 1 Force bonus to all your defenses.
HARDINESS (Clone Wars, pg. 56): You can spend a Force Point to reduce the number of swift actions it takes you to move + 1 step along the condition track by one.
HIGH IMPACT (Clone Wars, pg. 56): As a swift action, make a DC 15 Use the Force check. If your check succeeds, double your Strength bonus to the next melee damage roll you make
before the end of your turn.
SITH REVERENCE (Clone Wars, pg. 56): You gain a + 1 morale bonus on your attack rolls while you are within 20 squares and in line of sight of an ally with a Dark Side Score equal to or
greater than your own.

THE BLAZING CHAIN (Unknown Regions, pg. 32)

Blazing Chain members develop abilities that aid them in raids and starship combat. They do not rely on lightsabers, so they apply the Force to blasters and other weapons in ways that
other traditions have not attempted.
FORCE DIRECTED SHOT (Unknown Regions, pg. 33): You use the Force to alter the flight of your blaster bolt, projectile, or similar missile from a thrown or ranged weapon. As a swift
action, select one square within 12 squares of you and within your line of sight. You treat that square as the origin square for your next ranged attack
with an energy weapon made before the end of your next turn, and determine cover and concealment as though you were firing from that square. You must have line of sight to the
target of the attack from the square you occupy.
Prerequisites: Force Sensitivity, trained in the Use the Force skill.
NEGATE AND REDIRECT (Unknown Regions, pg. 33): When you successfully use the negate energy power (see page 99 of the Saga Edition core rulebook) against a ranged energy
weapon (such as a blaster), you can redirect some of the shot's energy at an enemy target, in addition to the power's usual benefit. As a free action immediately following your
successful use of the negate energy power, choose one enemy you can see within 6 squares of you, and make a Use the Force check against the target's Fortitude Defense. If you hit, the
target takes energy damage equal to one-half of the damage you negated.
Prerequisite: Negate energy, Force Sensitivity, trained in Use the Force.
RISING ANGER (Unknown Regions, pg. 33): You tap directly into your anger to increase the effectiveness of your attacks. Once per round as a reaction to an ally taking damage or being
moved down the condition track by an enemy, you gain a + 1 morale bonus to your next attack roll. If you use this talent again before you make an attack, the bonus increases by 1, up
to a maximum of +5.
Prerequisite: Force Sensitivity, Dark Side Score of 1 or higher.
RISING PANIC (Unknown Regions, pg. 33): You start a rising panic in an enemy who observes your attacks and actions, inhibiting the enemy's ability to respond. Once per round as a
reaction to an enemy damaging one of your allies or moving one of your allies down the condition track, you can make a Use the Force check against the target's Will Defense. If the
check is successful, you move the target -1 step on the condition track. An enemy moved to the bottom of the condition track by this talent does not fall unconscious, but instead must
spend its actions fleeing combat for one minute or until it moves up the condition track. This is a mind-affecting fear effect.
Prerequisite: Force Sensitivity, Dark Side Score of 1 or higher.

THE CORPORATE AGENT (Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 42)

You are an extension of your corporation and wield their power as your own.
COMPETITIVE DRIVE (Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 42): You are driven to compete and succeed. Once per encounter, you can reroll any Wisdom-, Intelligence-, or Charisma –based
skill check (except Use the Force) and take the better result.
COMPETITIVE EDGE (Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 42): When you and your allies are not surprised, you and a number or allies equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum 1) that you
designate on your first turn gain the benefit of the Quick Draw feat for the remainder of the encounter.
CORPORATE CLOUT (Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 42): You are adept at making deals that make enemies question which side they should be on. Once per encounter, as a standard
action, you can make a Persuasion check against the Will Defense of an enemy within line of sight. If your check equals or exceeds the target’s Will Defense, the target cannot attack you
for the remainder of the encounter. If your check exceeds the Will Defense by 5 or more, the target will not attack you or your allies for the remainder of the encounter, and retreats
from the encounter. If your check exceeds the Will Defense by 10 or more, the target’s attitude toward you is now Friendly, and the target becomes your ally for the remainder of the
encounter, remaining under the control of the Gamemaster. If you or one of your allies attacks the target, the target once again becomes hostile.
If the target is higher level than you, it gains a +5 bonus to its Will Defense.
This is a mind-affecting fear effect.
Prerequisites: Impose Hesitation, Wrong Decision.
IMPOSE CONFUSION (Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 43): Increase the area of Impose Hesitation to a 12-square cone. Also, once per encounter, after making the Persuasion check for
Impose Hesitation, you can instead choose to have the targets lose a standard action on their next turn.
Prerequisite: Impose Hesitation.
IMPOSE HESITATION (Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 43): As a standard action, make a Persuasion check targeting all opponents in a 6-square cone. If you equal or exceed the target’s
Will Defense, the target loses a swift action on its next turn and cannot take full-round actions. This is a mind-affecting effect. Targets need to see, hear, and understand you to be
affected by this attack.
WILLFUL RESOLVE (Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 43): Once per encounter, you can negate the effect of a single attack roll or skill check made against you that targets your Will
WRONG DECISION (Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 43): Each time you are attacked, the opponent that attacked you takes a -2 morale penalty to its Will Defense until the end of your
next turn. This penalty is not cumulative, so if a target makes multiple attacks against you it only incurs the penalty once per turn.
The Disciples of Twilight embody shadow, using the Force to manipulate light and darkness.
CLOAK OF SHADOW (Legacy Era, pg. 57): You can spend a Force Point as a swift action to bend light around you, veiling yourself in shadows. Until the end of the encounter, whenever
you move and end your movement at least 3 squares away from your starting position, you gain concealment from all targets until the beginning of your next turn.
PHANTASM (Legacy Era, pg. 57): Whenever you successfully use a Force power with the [mind-affecting] descriptor against a target, any time before the end of the encounter you can
spend a Force Point as a swift action to create illusory phantoms around that target. When you do this, you and all of your allies within the target’s line of sight have concealment from
the target until the end of your next turn.
REVELATION (Legacy Era, pg. 58): As a standard action, you can make a Use the Force check against the Will Defense of an enemy that has concealment from you or any of your allies. If
successful, the enemy is silhouetted by a faint shimmering light that belies his location. You target loses any concealment bonuses to Reflex Defense until the end of your next turn.
SHADOW ARMOR (Legacy Era, pg. 58): You use the Force to bend light around yourself, wrapping you in shadows and making it difficult for enemies to tell where you end and the
shadows begin. As a swift action, you grant yourself a +1 Force bonus to your Reflex Defense until the start of your next turn.
You may select this talent multiple times. Each time you select it, the Force bonus it provides increases by +1 (maximum +4).
Prerequisite: Cloak of Shadow.
SHADOW VISION (Legacy Era, pg. 58): As a swift action, you gain low-light vision, allowing you to ignore concealment (but not total concealment) from darkness. This benefit lasts for 5
minutes or until the end of the encounter, whichever comes first.

THE EMBER OF VAHL (Legacy Era, pg. 58)

Members of Vahl’s cult look to their goddess for inspiration. Over the years, they have developed talents that slant toward the destructive.
INITIATE OF VAHL (Legacy Era, pg. 59): Having been formally initiated into Vahl’s priesthood, you are resistant to the effects of fire and extreme heat. You take half damage from attacks
that deal fire damage, or no damage on a miss (if the fire damage is part of an attack).
READING THE FLAME (Legacy Era, pg. 59): You can enter a trance by staring into a flame of any size, gaining insight into the workings of the galaxy by meditating on the flame’s
movement. Whenever you use the farseeing power or the Search Your Feelings application of the use the Force skill, you can reroll your use the Force check, keeping the better result.
Prerequisite: Initiate of Vahl.
SWORD OF VAHL (Legacy Era, pg. 59): Your devotion to Vahla allows you to eschew advanced weapons in favour of simple implements of war. You gain a +1 Force bonus on attack rolls
made with simple weapons.
Prerequisite: Initiate of Vahl.
VAHL’S BRAND (Legacy Era, pg. 59): Any additional damage you deal with an empowered weapon (see Empower Weapon talent, page 214 of the Saga Edition core rulebook) is
considered to be fire damage.
Prerequisite: Empower Weapon.
VAHL’S FLAME (Legacy Era, pg. 59): As a swift action, you can use the force to call forth the sparks of your goddess, wreathing your weapon in flames. Until the beginning of your next
turn, any successful attack you make with a melee weapon deals an additional 1d6 points of fire damage.
Prerequisite: Initiate of Vahl.

THE KILIAN RANGERS (Rebellion Era, pg. 37)

As a respected member of the Kilian Rangers, you have learned their methods of using the Force. You are a master of the siang lance and the shield gauntlet, and you use them to
defend chivalry and justice.
Because the Kilian Ranger talent tree is a Force talent tree, you must have the Force Sensitivity feat to select these talents.
EMPOWER SIANG LANCE (Rebellion Era, pg. 37): You can spend a Force Point to empower a siang lance, which takes a full-round action. After the siang lance is empowered, it deals an
additional die of damage when you wield it. Others who wield the weapon do not gain the bonus damage die.
Prerequisite: Siang Lance Mastery, base attack bonus +7.
SHIELD GAUNTLET DEFENSE (Rebellion Era, pg. 37): Once per turn as a reaction, you can gain a +2 deflection bonus to your Reflex Defense against any one ranged attack. To use this
talent, you must be wearing an active shield gauntlet, you must be aware of the attack, and you must not be flat-footed.
SHIELD GAUNTLET DEFLECT (Rebellion Era, pg. 37): Once per round as a reaction, you can negate a ranged attack by making a successful Use the Force check. The DC of the skill check is
equal to the result of the attack roll you wish to negate. To use this talent, you must be wearing an active shield gauntlet, you must be aware of the attack, and you must not be flat-
footed. You can spend a Force point to use this talent to negate a ranged attack against an adjacent character.
You can use Shield Gauntlet Deflect to deflect some of the barrage of shots fired from a ranged weapon set on autofire. If your use the Force check succeeds, you take half damage if the
attack hits and no damage if the attack misses.
Prerequisite: Shield Gauntlet Defense.
SHIELD GAUNTLET REDIRECT (Rebellion Era, pg. 37): This talent allows you to redirect a deflected blaster bolt along a specific trajectory so that it damages another creature or object in
its path. When you successfully deflect a blaster bolt, you can make an immediate ranged attack against another target within 6 squares of you to which you have line of sight. If the
attack succeeds, it deals normal weapon damage to the target.
Only single blaster bolts can be redirected in this manner. You cannot use this talent to redirect barrages from autofire weapons and other types of projectiles. To use this talent, you
must be wearing an active shield gauntlet, you must be aware of the attack, and you must not be flat-footed.
Prerequisites: Shield Gauntlet Defense, Shield Gauntlet Deflect, base attack bonus +5.
SIANG LANCE MASTERY (Rebellion Era, pg. 37): You treat a siang lance as a rifle instead of as an exotic weapon. Additionally, you gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls with a siang lance. This
talent counts as the Weapon Focus (siang lance) feat for the purpose of satisfying prerequisites. If you also have the Weapon Focus (rifles) feat, the attack bonus provided by this talent
does not stack with the attack bonus provided by weapon Focus (rifles).

THE KORUNNAI (Clone Wars, pg. 56)

You have learned to use pelekotan to survive in the jungles of Haruun Kal and have bonded with an akk dog, which serves you faithfully.
AKK DOG MASTER (Clone Wars, pg. 57): You gain an akk dog follower. Choose either the aggressive, defensive, or utility follower temp late, and generate the akk dog follower's
statistics using the rules on page 32. This follower gains the akk dog species traits (see the "Akk Dog Followers" sidebar) and the Power Attack feat. Additionally, any Force power you
activate that targets you can target your akk dog follower instead, at your discretion.
An akk dog counts toward the total number of followers you have, just like followers gained from other talents.
Akk Dog Trainer's Actions: You and your akk dog have bonded through the Force and can fight in concert. You can use any of the following actions on your turn.
 Attack in Concert: As a standard action, you can make a melee or ranged attack against a target in range. If your akk dog follower is adjacent to the target and your attack hits,
the target also takes piercing damage equal to 1d6 + the akk dog's Strength modifier. This additional damage is considered part of your attack for the purposes of resolving
damage, DR, SR, and overcoming damage threshold.
 Fall Upon Prey: As a standard action, you ca n make a melee or ranged attack against a target in range, and your akk dog can take the charge action against a target with in its
range. However, both you and your akk dog take a -5 penalty on your attack rolls (t his replaces the bonus to attack rolls granted by the charge action).
 Paired Maul: As a standard action, you can make a melee or ranged attack against a target in range. If the attack hits, your akk dog follower gains a +2 competence bonus on
its next attack roll against that target.
Prerequisite: Akk Dog Master.
AKK DOG ATTACK TRAINING (Clone Wars, pg. 57): Your akk dog follower gains t he Powerful Charge feat.
Prerequisite: Akk Dog Master.
PROTECTIVE REACTION (Clone Wars, pg. 57): Whenever you are targeted by an attack made by an enemy adjacent t o your akk dog follower, that attacker provokes an attack of
opportunity from your akk dog follower.
Prerequisite: Akk Dog Master.
AKK DOG FOLLOWERS (Clone Wars, pg. 57)
When a character gains an akk dog follower, the follower gains the species traits of the akk dog described below. Akk dogs are considered beasts.
Abilities: Akk dogs have set ability scores. They use the following statistics: Strength 16, Dexterity 8, Constitution 12, Wisdom 10, Intelligence 2, Charisma 8.
Large Size: Akk dogs take a -1 size penalty to Reflex Defense and a -5 size penalty to Stealth checks. Their lifting and carrying limits are double those of Medium characters.
Speed: An akk dog's base speed is 6 squares.
Natural Armor: Akk dogs gain a +2 natural armor bonus to Reflex Defense.
Natural Weapon: When an akk dog makes an unarmed attack, it can use its natural weapons, dealing 1d6 points of slashing damage (plus its Strength modifier) with that
attack instead of normal unarmed damage.

THE KRATH (Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 59)

The Krath specialize in experimenting with the dark side and Sith sorcery. You must be a member of the Krath tradition to take any of the talents described here.
DARK SIDE MANIPULATION (Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 59): Your Sith sorcery experimentation has provided you with a method of manipulating the dark side. Once per encounter,
when using a Force Point in an act that would give you a dark side point, you may treat the Force Point as though you had rolled the maximum on the die.
KRATH ILLUSIONS (Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 60): As a swift action, you can reduce the penalty for large illusions by one half (rounded, minimum -1).
Prerequisite: Illusion.
KRATH INTUITION (Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 60): You have a natural ability to use dark-side artifacts, such as Sith talismans and alchemical weapons. Once per encounter, you
may spend a Force Point to treat the damage from a Sith alchemical weapon as though you had rolled the maximum damage on the dice.
KRATH SURGE (Knights of the Old Republic, pg. 60): Once per encounter, using rudimentary Sith sorcery, you channel dark side energy in a manner that boosts one use of a Force
power. As a swift action, you can add 1 die of damage (if the power deals damage) or extend the range of the power by 6 squares (if it has a range beyond yourself or a single target).
Using this talent automatically adds the [dark side] descriptor to the power used.

TYIA (Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 86)

The masters of the Tyia seek our Harmony while eschewing Discord. A Tyia adept connects to the Force in search of unity, and attempts to align his body and his spirit with the galaxy.
CYCLE OF HARMONY (Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 87): When an ally within 12 squares of you and in your line of sight takes damage or moves down the condition track by any
means, you can designate a different ally within 12 squares of you and in your line of sight as a reaction. The ally you designate gains bonus hit points equal to5+ your Charisma modifier
(minimum +1). Damage is subtracted from bonus hit points first, and any bonus hit points remaining at the end of the encounter are lost.
Prerequisite: Tyia Adept.
FORCE STABILIZE (Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 87): You can designate an ally within 12 squares of you and in your line of sight once per turn as a swift action; that ally
immediately takes its second wind if it has not yet done so in this encounter.
Prerequisite: Tyia Adept.
REPEL DISCORD (Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 87): Whenever you are targeted by a Force power with the [dark side] descriptor, you can spend a Force Point as a reaction to give
the creature using that Force Power against you a penalty on its Use the Force check to activate the power equal to its Dark Side Score.
STIFLE CONFLICT (Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 87): You can choose to have any Force power you activate deal stun damage instead of normal damage.
TYIA ADEPT (Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 87): As a swift action, you can spend a Force Point to designate one non-droid ally within 12 squares of you and in your line of sight.
Until the end of your next turn, whenever you or the targeted ally takes damage from any source, you take half damage and your ally takes half of the damage. This halving of damage
place before the damage is compared to your respective damage thresholds.

VANGUARD (Clone Wars, pg. 47)

As an expert in the art of scouting enemy formations, you are a valuable asset to any military force. Your ability to see what lies ahead on the battlefield is uncanny.
ENHANCED VISION (Clone Wars, pg. 47): When actively looking for hidden enemies, you can make a Perception check as a swift action instead of a standard action.
IMPENETRABLE COVER (Clone Wars, pg. 47): Whenever you have cover against a target, you gain DR equal to your class level against that target until the start of your next turn,
provided you still have cover from the target at the time the attack is made.
Prerequisites: Maximize Cover.
INVISIBLE ATTACKER (Clone Wars, pg. 47): If your target is unaware of you, your ranged attacks deal + 1 die of damage against that target.
Prerequisite: Maximize Cover.
MARK THE TARGET (Clone Wars, pg. 47): Whenever you damage a target with a non-area ranged attack, you may designate one ally within your line of sight as a swift action. Your
target is considered f lat-footed against that ally's first attack made before the start of your next turn.
MAXIMIZE COVER (Clone Wars, pg. 47): When an opponent uses the aim action to negate your cover, you can make a Stealth check opposed by t he attacker's Initiative check. If
successful, you retain your cover bonus.
SHELLSHOCK (Clone Wars, pg. 47): Whenever you damage a target that is unaware of you with an area attack, that target is considered flat-footed until the start of your next turn.
Prerequisite: Soften the Target.
SOFTEN THE TARGET (Clone Wars, pg. 47): Whenever you damage a target with a ranged attack, you may designate one ally within your line of sight as a swift action. The ally you
designate ignores the target's damage reduction and SR (if any) until the start of your next turn.
TRIANGULATE (Clone Wars, pg. 47): If you and at least one other ally have line of sight to and are aware of a target, you and allies that can hear and understand you can reroll one
ranged attack roll against that target, accepting the second result even if it is worse. You and your allies can only gain the benefit of t his talent once per encounter.
Prerequisite: Enhanced Vision.

WARDEN OF THE SKY (Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 88)

Wardens of the Sky use a combination of martial arts and Force powers to help keep the space lanes safe. As a Warden of the Sky, you rely on nothing more than your own body to serve
as a weapon against predators.
BRUTAL UNARMED STRIKE (Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 89): Whenever you roll the damage for an unarmed attack, you reroll any dice that comes up with a result of 1.
Prerequisite: Telekinetic Strike.
MARTIAL RESURGANCE (Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 89): You recover all spent Force powers, adding them to your Force suite again, whenever you roll a natural 20 on an
unarmed attack.
REBOUND LEAP (Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 89): Whenever you reduce an opponent to 0 hit points with an unarmed attack, you can make a Jump check as a free action,
moving a distance as determined by the results of your Jump check. You can use the surge power as normal to enhance this Jump check, increasing the distance you move.
SIMULTANEOUS STRIKE (Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 89): As a standard action, you can make two unarmed attacks, each against different targets.
Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +5.
TELEKINETIC STRIKE (Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 89): Whenever you make a successful unarmed attack, you can add the result of a Force Point roll to the damage instead of the
attack roll (see “Using Force Points” on page 93 of the Saga Edition core rulebook).
TELEKINETIC THROW (Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 89): Whenever you successfully use the throw feat, your opponent falls prone in any space you desire up to 3 squares beyond
your reach.
Prerequisite: Throw feat.

WITCHES OF DATHOMIR (Star Wars Core, pg. 107)

The Force-using witches of the planet Dathomir are primitive yet powerful beings. They use ancient training handed down for generations as the basis of their powers.
ADEPT SPELLCASTER (Star Wars Core, pg. 107): You may use any Force power that normally requires a swift action, move action, or standard action as a full-round action instead.
If you choose to do so, you may reroll your Use the Force check to activate that power, but you must accept the result of the reroll, even if it is worse.
CHARM BEAST (Star Wars Core, pg. 107): You may make a Use the Force check in place of a Persuasion check when attempting to change the attitude of an undomesticated creature
with an Intelligence of 2 or less. Additionally, you do not take the normal -5 penalty on the check if the creature can't speak or understand your language.
COMMAND BEAST (Star Wars Core, pg. 107): Whenever you manage to shift the attitude of a beast to indifferent or friendly, you may treat that creature as a domesticated animal-but
for you only (it remains undomesticated in its response to other creatures). Additionally, you may use this beast as a mount, as per the Ride skill (see page 72), provided that it is at least
one size category larger than you and has a comfortable place for you to sit. For more information on beasts, see page 273.
Prerequisite: Charm Beast.
FLIGHT (Star Wars Core, pg. 107): As a swift action, you can spend a Force Point to fly. You gain a fly speed equal to your land speed, and you can ascend at half speed or descend at
double speed. The flight lasts until the start of your next turn; if you're still airborne at that time, you fall.
Prerequisite: Adept Spellcaster.
ZEISON SHA (Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 90)
Zaison Sha talented enough to become warriors focus their powers on manipulating the objects around them. They are also masters of their signature weapon: the discblade (see page
DISCBLADE ARC (Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 91): As a full-round action, you can make an area attack with your discblade, striking three targets, all of which must be within point
blank range for your discblade. This attack uses the area attack rules; you make one attack roll and apply the result to every target you designate.
Prerequisite: Proficiency with the discblade.
DISTANT DISCBLADE THROW (Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 91): When you use a discblade, you treat it as a pistol (instead of a thrown weapon) for the purpose of determining
Prerequisite: Proficiency with the discblade.
RECALL DISCBLADE (Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 91): When you make a ranged attack with a discblade (or use the Discblade Arc talent above), after the attack is resolved you
can make a DC 15 Use the Force check to call the weapon back to your hand as a free action.
Prerequisite: Proficiency with the discblade.
TELEKINETIC VIGILANCE (Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 91): You can return the intercept Force power to your Force suite as a swift action without spending a Force Point.
Prerequisite: Intercept.
WEAPON SPECIALIZATION (DISCBLADE) (Jedi Academy Training Manual, pg. 91): You gain a +2 bonus on melee damage rolls with your discblade.
Prerequisite: Proficiency with the discblade, Weapon Focus (discblade).

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