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Name and colour the toys correctly (textbook page 22)

ball plane doll train computer games

monster kite go-kart bike car

1. 2. 3

4 5.

7. 8 9.
Read the chant, fill in the missing word (textbook page 22)

Toy shop, ……………………… shop,

Let’s ……………………… to the toy shop.


A………………………, a car, a bike , oh


A……………………………………….. and a train,

A…………………………………. ,a computer games

A………………………………………… and a plane.


And there’s a ……………………………….. !

That’s right!
Fill in the blanks (.text book page 22)

What’s your favourite toy?

My favourite toy is a . c

What’s favourite toy toy
favourite is a?. c

What’s your favourite toy?

My favourite toy is a.

Write the correct answer (.text book page 23 activity 2)

1.What ‘s his name? His name ‘s………………………….

2. How old is he ? He ‘s …………………………….

3. What ‘s his favourite toy ?

His favourite toy ‘s his ………………………….

(a) Rearrange the words to form correct phrases. (text book page 25)

1. train. A blue long

yellow A ball. small

monster. purple An ugly

A go-kart pink new

green A ball. big
Look and read. Tick (/) or cross (X) the box. textbook page 28

It's a long train.

It's a new kite.

It's a big boat.

It's an ugly doll.

It's an old bike.

It’s a short train.

Colour the shape. (textbokk page 30)





(a) Look and count the shapes.

❶ triangle square

parallelogram rectangle

❷ triangle square

parallelogram rectangle

triangle square

rectangle circle

triangle square

rectangle circle

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