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Workout the following and fill each blank with correct answer
a) 235 is _________ more than 157.

b) _________ is 225 less than 500 .

c) 12 tens more than 12 ones is _______ .

d) 507 is 11 tens less than ________ .

e) 27 less than 407 is ___________.

f) _______ is 387 more than 42 ones.

g) 535 is _______ more than ______ .

h) 940 is 5 tens more than ________ .

i) ________ less than 763 is 20.

j) _________ is just before 100.

k) ________ comes just after 99.

2. Solve the equations below

a) 87 - (89 - 4) = ?
b) 61 + 109 – (278 – 109) = ?
c) 31 + 9 – (78 - 9) = ?
d) 45 – 9 X 4 + 8 = ?

3. Solve the below problems

a) 309 X 8
b) 708 X10
c) 12087 - 8893
d) 10809 – 9788
e) 405 + 10006 + 99
4. Solve the below problems by solving equations.
a) You have 11 toys. Tutu have 5 toys. How may toys you can share with your
brother so that you can have at least 9 toys.

b) You bought some toys to share with orphan kids on your birthday. There are
50 kids in the orphanage. After giving 3 toys each of the kids, you find you
have 18 left. How much toys did you buy?

c) You have 12 rupees in your piggy bank, yesterday it was your birth day and
your father gave you 15 rupees to buy a color book. Today you bought that
book with 22 rupees. How much money you still have with you to buy

d) You are going to Sabuj dada’s home. You first traveled 5 Km by bus and rest
by Auto. If the total distance from your home to Sabuj Dadas home is Eight
Km, how much distance you did travel by Auto?

5. What is the largest 2 digit number you can form using 9 , 0 , 7 .

6. Complete the below sequence

580 680 660 760 740 920

7. Lisa has 4 pieces, but she only needs 3 out of the 4 to fill the given frame

8. Difference between two numbers is 294.The smaller number is 376.What is the

bigger number.

9. Teacher asked you to write Five thousand Five but you have written 505. How
much more or less you have written.

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