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A. Identity
School : SMAN 1 Kepanjen
Subject : Physics
Class/ Semester : X/ 2
Meeting : 8th
Time Allocation : 2 x 45 minutes
B. Standar of Competency
5. Applied electrical principal in many problems solving and technology
C. Bassic Competence
5.3.Use electrical measurement instruments in circuit
D. Indication
 Use ammeters and voltmeters with appropriate scales.
 Use a galvanometer in null methods.
E. Lesson Objective
Students should be able to
 Explain how to read amperemeter scale
 Explain how to read voltmeter scale
F. Lesson Model
STAD (Student Team Achievment Development).
G. Lesson Methods
Cooperating, presentation, catechize, lecture.
H. Topics
The electric current flowing in a circuit can be measured in many ways .
direct measurement can be performed using an amperemeter or ammeter. A
galvanometer is also a tool for measuring electric current directly.
Skala yang ditunjuk

Skala maksimal

Batas maksimal

To read the scale is

skala yang ditunjuk
membaca amperemeter= xbatas maksimum
Voltmeter is used to measure voltage. To read the scale of voltmeter same
as amperemeter.
I. Lesson Scenario
Lesson Activity Time
Teacher Activity Students Activity Allocation
Orientation  Open the lesson with  Answer the 20
greetings question from
‘‘Assalamau’alaikum, teacher
how are you today?” “Wa’alaikum
sallam. We are
 Give a question fine ma’am”
voltmeter and  Answer the
amperemeter. question
“ If you want to measure
electric current, what “ use
will you do?” amperemeter”
“ If you want to measure
voltage, what will you
do?” “ use voltmeter”
 Explain the lesson
objective.  Listen the
from teacher.
Discussion  Ask the students to  Follow the 40
discussion about how to instruction from
read scale of teacher.
amperemeter and
Presentation  Ask the students to  Presentation 20
 See across the
presentation and give a  Discuss the
chance for another group problem
or students to have a
Evaluation  Give a question to  Answer the 10
evaluated for example: question
 Conclude the lesson
together.  Conclude the
 Give an instrction for lesson together.
next meeting.
 Give a task and close the  Answer the
lesson with greeting. greeting from

J. Source
Abdullah, Mikrajuddin. Physics for Senior High School Grade X. Bandung:
Kanginan, Marthen. 2007 Fisika untuk SMA Kelas X. Cimahi: Erlangga.
Alat :
Amperemeter, voltmeter
Bahan :
Power point
K. Assessment
Assessment of cognitif
1. How to read scale of termometer and voltmeter!
2. The value of amperemter below is?
Assessment of afective
Name score
No of Active Asks Courage Total
4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1
Scores is 1 to 4 are:
4 = good, 3 = adequate, 2 = moderate, 1 = less
number of scores obtained
Value obtained are : N = x 100
Assessment of psicomotor
Behavior score
Name of
No Read the scale Total
4 3 2 1
Scores is 1 to 4 are:
4 = good, 3 = adequate, 2 = moderate, 1 = less
number of scores obtained
Value obtained are : N = x 100

Kepanjen, 12 April 2011

Guru Pamong Guru Praktikan

Drs. Sarijono Wahyu Dwi Puspitasari

NIP. 195711171980031010 NIM. 107321409691
Kepala Sekolah SMA Negeri 1 Kepanjen

Drs. Sugeng Hadiono, M.Pd

NIP. 195707021985031013

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