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Letter from the editing
Here’s one for the road. Enjoy
this walk off-issue just like Gio
Urshela’s walk off single against
the Rays.

FTW Editors


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Why James Harden is the MVP

The race between James Harden and third-place finisher. Harden also finished as first in
Giannis Antetekoumpo is one of the greatest and the league in win shares and box plus-minus, which
most hotly contested race in recent memory. A estimates the number of points per 100 possessions
7-foot freak who could dunk with ease from the that a player adds compared to a replacement-level
free throw line ran the East with freakish ath- player. He even improved his defense, which had
leticism, dominance in the paint, and a brilliant been his one weakness that people continued to
display of passing that is rare for somebody that point at when trying to knock his greatness. Not
tall. Meanwhile, James Harden came back from only did he average 2 steals per game, which was
his MVP season in 2018 and somehow got better. third best in the league, and ranked top-15 in defen-
He raised his points-per-game average from his sive win shares. That’s one spot ahead of defensive
league-leading 30.4 last season to 36.1 this year stalwart Joel Embiid.
while dishing out 7.5 assists per night. He even At the end of the day, if the fact that Hard-
brought his rebounds up to just over 6.5 per en could put up historic, mind-blowing stats while
night and despite increased responsibility, main- leading an injury-riddled roster that featured
tained a field goal percentage around 44% and stretches of games with Daniel House, Austin Rivers,
a three-point percentage around 37%. Giannis Kenneth Faried, and James Ennis starting alongside
had an MVP-caliber season, but there are levels Harden to a fourth seed in the West is monumental.
to this. James Harden made history this year and Sure, Giannis led the league in PER (Player Efficien-
to simply push that to the side because his style cy Rating). But he leads Harden in that stat by .3.
is boring or because you feel that he holds the Compare that to all of the areas where Harden blew
ball too much is not what MVP voting should be Giannis out of the water and that slight advantage
about. seems far less impressive. Both players had historic
Let’s start with what we all know. We all years and I do believe that Giannis will win MVP in
saw James Harden’s streak of 32 straight 30-point the end. But just know that if his name is read at the
games. That’s the longest streak since Wilt Cham- NBA Awards in June, it’s the wrong choice. Hard-
berlain, who as you may remember, averaged 50 en isn’t very fun to watch and, yes, he did win the
points per game in a season. Harden scored at award last year. That doesn’t make anything he did
least 50 points 9 times this season, including at this season less special and it certainly doesn’t make
least 60 twice. These numbers weren’t him just him undeserving of one the the greatest honors in
trying to stat pad. The team needed him. Chris sports.
Paul, Eric Gordon, and Clint Capela all missed
large chunks of time early in the season after the
Rockets had fallen to 14th in the Western Con-
ference standings. Harden carried the Rockets
all the way to 4th in the stacked West by season’s
end, and a lot of the heavy lifting was done by
him alone. He had eight triple-doubles, includ-
ing a pair of 50-point triple-doubles that have
become somewhat commonplace when we see
the highlights on Sportscenter. The man averaged
over 43 ppg during the month of January and
went on a streak of 302 consecutive points with-
out being assisted on any of them. That’s almost
unheard of. Harden did all of this while sporting
a true shooting percentage that was by far the
best of any player who averaged more than 35
points per game, as Harden’s true shooting per-
centage (61.2) is 5 full percentage points better
than Michael Jordan’s in 1986-87. Players with
usage ratings such as Harden’s (39.3), which was
tops in the league by over 7%, aren’t supposed
to shoot so efficiently, as his true shooting per-
centage is almost 9 points better than the league
average as well.
All of these factors together create an
intricate yet clear statistical argument for why
Harden is the MVP. His VORP (Value of a Re-
placement Player) was calculated to be 9.9, 2.3
higher than the second-place finisher- Giannis. en-named-western-conference-player-month-january
To give some context to that difference, Giannis’
VORP is just .3 higher than Nikola Jokic- the




Trae Young for

Rookie of the Year
During the beginning of the its history.
season, Luka Doncic was con-
sidered the sure-fire Rookie of Now, let’s compare some
the Year. However, after the All- head-to-head stats for this sea-
Star break, Trae Young put up son. Young has higher offensive
extraordinary numbers, closing and defensive ratings, despite
the gap on Doncic. In this ar- being considered a “defensive
ticle, I will explain why Young liability”. Young earned six
should take home the award. more double-doubles than Don-
cic and shot 11.6% better from
Doncic averaged 21.2 points, the free throw line. Young also
7.8 rebounds, and 6 assists, possesses a higher offensive
while Young averaged 19.1 win share. His scoring streak
points, 3.7 rebounds, and 8.1 to end the season put him first
assists. While Doncic’s statis- among all rookies in total points.
tics may seem better at first
glance, Young’s more detailed After the All-Star break,
statistics placed him among Young erupted, averaging 24.7
the best players in the league-- points, 9.2 assists and 4.7 re-
and the best rookies of all time. bounds per game. This is an
Young had seven 30 points and improvement of nearly eight
10 assist games, while Doncic points from before the All-Star
did not record any such com- break. While Young’s 3 point
bination. This is the most by percentage improved by more
any rookie ever besides Oscar than three percent, Doncic’s
Robertson. Young also had a efficiency dropped by over
40+ point and 10+ assist per- eight percent to a weak 26.4%.
formance in March. The other Young’s noticeable improve-
two rookies to do this: LeBron ment in such a short time span
James and Michael Jordan. was remarkable.
Young was third-leading assis-
ter in the entire league out of As a leader of a young and
all players who competed in at inexperienced team, Young’s
least 60 games. He also ranks outstanding play guided the
top five all-time in total assists Hawks to place second in the
in a rookie season. Young was league in points per game and
awarded the Conference Player three-pointers per game af-
of the Week award not once but ter the All-Star break. Young’s
twice to Doncic’s zero. These rookie season has shown what
stats demonstrate how Young is a unique talent he is, especial-
a unique and rare talent in the ly in his facilitating and passing
context of the entire league and abilities.

cord-slam-dunks-1544110275 VOLUME 5 | THE MAY ISSUE 9

Luke Doncic for Rookie of

the Year
On June 21st, 2018, the night who, according to many fans and I love Trae Young, and I think that
of the 2018 NBA draft, a trade analysts, would become the next this Rookie of the Year storyline
was made that would define face of the NBA. Luka was run- was great for the fans and for the
the careers of two young men ning away with the NBA’s rook- league. Trae is an excellent player,
forever. The first is Luka Don- ie of the year trophy, and while but this Rookie of the Year “race”
cic, the 20-year old Slovenian some other rookies were having was never close. Recent bias has
Euroleague MVP. The second, impressive seasons, Luka was unfortunately swayed many peo-
Trae Young, is a college super- unmatched and unquestionably ple’s opinions, but the facts are
star who led the nation in both the favorite. That is, until Trae simple: Trae did for 3 months es-
points and assists while car- Young showed up to the party. sentially what Luka had been doing
rying Oklahoma to the NCAA After a tough start to the season all year, and did it arguably worse.
tournament. In fact, both these in terms of his three-point shot, His performance on the court is
players share a special con- Trae began to hit his shots more simply inferior to Luka’s, which is
nection as they were traded for consistently, and averaged 18 emphasized by Atlanta’s lack of
each other on draft night. Luka points in the month of January. It victories throughout the year. Un-
was originally taken with the would only get better from there like the Hawks, the Mavericks won
third pick by the Atlanta Hawks, for Trae, as he would average 35 games this year and were in se-
whereas Trae was originally above 23 points per game in the rious playoff consideration, mostly
taken by the Mavericks with the months of February, March, and due to Luka’s contributions.
sixth pick. After both players April. People quickly took notice Now I know that the NBA’s
were drafted, the respective of Trae’s offensive explosion, the awards races should not be popu-
organizations agreed to a deal Mavericks struggles, and Luka’s larity contests; they should be de-
that brought Trae to the Hawks decrease in efficiency and began cided based on who had the better
and Luka to the Mavericks. Ear- to question whether the Rookie season. However, whether we like
ly on in the year, Luka showed of the Year race was really over. it or not, a player’s popularity plays
immense potential as a leader Trae essentially swapped plac- a significant part in how many
on the court and as a future es with Luka in terms of being votes they accrue, and Luka Don-
all-star while Trae struggled. in the spotlight for much of the cic was easily one of the most pop-
Trae was shooting under 40% latter part of the season. Almost ular rookies we have ever seen.
from the field, while Luka set every night, NBA highlight pages As I mentioned earlier, for much of
the league on fire by averag- were obsessed with “Ice Trae’s” the season, the league was envel-
ing around 20 points, 7 assists incredible vision, handles, range, oped in “Luka Mania.” Luka was on
and 7 rebounds right out of the and clutch shot-making ability. a highlight reel every single night,
gate. The Mavericks operated Their comment sections began and almost instantly became the
as a potential playoff team with to be filled with statements like, new face of the Mavericks fran-
Luka impressing fans with high- “Trae is better than Luka,” and chise. Everyone was talking about
light reel plays every night. One “Trae is the real Rookie of the him. Luka hit a few stepback threes
night, Luka hit a nearly impos- Year.” Even so-called NBA ex- in a game, and people put videos
sible three-point buzzer beat- perts went on TV and proclaimed of him next to James Harden and
er fadeaway to beat the Trail- that Trae Young had pulled ahead compared the two. Luka also re-
blazers. Everyone was talking of Luka in the race. ceived the second most fan votes
about this European sensation, Now don’t get me wrong, for the all-star game in the Western


Conference behind only Lebron
James. Trae Young was definitely
very popular in a similar fashion
this season, but “Luka Mania” was
on a completely different level.
Finally, statistically speak-
ing, Luka outperformed Trae in
every category but assists. I know
that these stats don’t tell the whole
story, but they do play a large role
in determining the winner of the
race, especially when considering
that Luka led his team to a better
record than Trae did, while having
far less help from his teammates.
This is partially because the Mav-
ericks traded away their entire
starting lineup for an injured Kri-
staps Porzingis midway through
the season. Nevertheless, Luka is
averaging more points, rebounds,
blocks, steals than Trae and is
shooting more efficiently from the
field and from three-point range.
Many people look at Luka’s field
goal percentage and say that he is
not the most efficient scorer either,
but Luka was shooting at around
a 37% clip from 3 before many of
his teammates were traded and
defenses became completely fo-
cused on stopping him.
In conclusion, while many
argue that this year’s Rookie of
the Year race is a lot closer than
it seems, it really is not. Luka has
been superior to Trae in almost
every aspect of the game. Luka
has simply had one of the best
rookie seasons in recent memory
and definitely deserves to win the
award at the end of the year.



The Future of The

New York Knicks
s the 2018-2019 Also, in a big trade before Knicks the number one pick

A season came to a
close for the New
York Knicks, fans
the trade deadline this win-
ter, the Knicks were able
to trade away Kristaps Por-
which is unfortunate con-
sidering they had the best
odds, but they could have
were left with an- zingis and Tim Hardaway been worse off. Instead,
other disappointing season Jr and receive talent like they will wind up picking at
without a playoff appear- Dennis Smith Jr. Although number three. That high up
ance. With an atrocious re- it may not seem obvious, in the draft there will still
cord of 17 wins and 65 loss- that trade was beneficial to be lots of talented players
es this season, the Knicks the Knicks because even available like RJ Barrett,
were able to secure the though they might have got- De’Andre Hunter, and possi-
highest odds to receive the ten rid of their most talent- bly Ja Morant. These young
number 1 draft pick, which ed players. Those two defi- and talented rookies will all
everyone expected to be 18 nitely did not have the talent help the Knicks attract the
year old Duke star Zion Wil- or intangibles to lead a team interests of big name play-
liamson. However, this was to a championship. While a ers in free agency this sum-
not the case as the Knicks championship for the Knicks mer. Personally, I believe
ended with the third pick in may seem overly ambitious that this summer could de-
the lottery. Throughout the at this point, that is the goal cide the prosperity or failure
season there has been lots for every team, whether it of the Knicks for the next
of talk of the Knicks acquir- is in the near future or far decade or so and it will all
ing big names in free agen- down the road. In addition to depend on landing big free
cy this summer, such as their lack of abilities to lead agents. If the front office
Kyrie Irving, Kevin Durant, the team, Hardaway was on will continue to take steps
and/or Kemba Walker. With a huge contract that com- in the right direction the
the addition of these stars pletely oversold his actual way they have this season
in free agency along with a capabilities on the court there is a very good possi-
high draft pick, the Knicks and Porzingis was very in- bility the Knicks could end
could possibly have a star jury prone, did not seem to up with 2 or 3 superstars on
studded team with the po- have the drive to work on their roster next season, but
tential of making a playoff his body, and also began to there is always the fear that
push. Along with the possi- cause issues of the court the Knicks organization will
bilities of these big named with rape allegations. Por- go back to its old ways and
players coming to play in zingis made it clear that find a way to mess up gold-
New York, the Knicks front he did not want to play in en opportunities. Only time
office has finally made a few New York anymore so there will tell.
sensible moves during the was no reason to keep him
season. For example, they around.
were able to stack up a lot Up to this point, the
of inexpensive young play- Knicks have done many
ers with leadership quali- things right in the last year
ties that have the potential in terms of front office deci-
to be influential role players sions. The recent draft lot-
on a team with a few stars. tery ended up not giving the



Dave Gettleman Is The Worst
General Manager In The NFL
fter Jerry Reese got the Giants defense clearly regressed, man) to be the best quarterback left
A fired during the 2017
season, I thought that
especially against the run. Gettleman
was able to make it through the rest
in the draft. To make matters worse,
Haskins ended up getting drafted by
the Giants would fi- of the season without any bad moves, the Redskins, so the Giants will be re-
nally get a competent general man- but things picked up in the offsea- minded of Gettleman’s mistake twice
ager. I could not be more wrong. Not son. He started by letting star safety a year for years to come. Jones would
only is Gettleman incompetent, but Landon Collins walk in free agency, have assuredly been available for the
he is somehow worse than Reese. In only to see him sign with the Gi- Giants second first round pick, and
just one year, Gettleman managed ants’ rival: the Washington Redskins. has been described by scouts as having
to derail the entire Giants franchise Then, in arguably his worst move, he “pedestrian talent,” and being a career
by making one head-scratching traded away one of the best wide re- backup at best.
decision after another. First, Get- ceivers in the NFL, Odell Beckham
tleman completely overpaid for Jr, to the Cleveland Browns for next The Giants will never be successful
left tackle Nate Solder, making him to nothing--safety Jabrill Peppers, a under is because of Gettleman’s philos-
the highest paid offensive lineman first round pick, and a third round ophy and his lack of a plan. For start-
at the time. Solder is a fine player, pick. They would use the first round ers, Gettleman does not value defen-
but he has never made a Pro Bowl pick to take run stopping defensive sive backs, a very important position
or All-Pro team and is not close to tackle Dexter Lawrence, essential- on defense. He refuses to pay them. As
worth the amount of money that ly a worse version of Damon Har- the Panthers GM he let Josh Norman
the Giants are paying him. He then rison. So basically, Gettleman gave walk, and ended up losing his job be-
took running back Saquon Barkley up Beckham, Harrison, and Collins cause of it. Now he has done the same
over quarterback Sam Darnold with for a worse player in each position for the Giants. One would think he
the second pick in the draft. While and their third round pick, Oshane would have learned from his mistakes.
Barkley is a phenomenal player by Ximines, a defensive end from Old He believes a team can be rebuilding
all means, franchise quarterbacks Dominion. Additionally, Gettleman and trying to win at the same time.
are much more valuable and harder seemed to put no effort into getting He cannot be more wrong. If he keeps
to find than running backs. While a better offer for Beckham, which he trying to win with a bad team, the Gi-
both of these moves seamed pretty easily could have. He views Jabrill ants will continue to be stuck with five
bad at the time, it would only go Peppers as the same value as a first win seasons, and will never get that top
downhill from here. After a bad round pick, which is completely draft pick they need to reach the next
start to the saeson, Gettleman start- wrong. He was unable to even get the level. Finally, although he claims he has
ed his purge of the Giants’ roster. He Browns better 3rd round pick. Then a plan, he clearly does not. He stated
started by trading cornerback Eli draft day came, and pass rusher Josh multiple times that the Giants didn’t
Apple to the Saints for a 4th round Allen, considered to be one of the sign Beckham to trade him, but his
pick, which was not actually a terri- best players in the draft, fell to Giants plan clearly changed, and the Giants
ble trade, as Apple struggled on the at the 6th pick. But in typical Gettle- ended up eating $16 million in dead
field and was also considered to be a man fashion, he instead took Dan- money because of it. He has also stat-
cancer in the locker room. The next iel Jones, a quarterback from Duke. ed multiple times that you have to take
day, though, things went from bad Football is not the sport where you the best player available in the draft. He
to worse. Gettleman traded away take a guy from Duke with a top ten clearly changed his mind on this belief,
defensive tackle Damon Harrison, pick. Not only was Jones far from the as Jones was not even a top 30 player in
the best run stopping defensive best prospect available, but he wasn’t the draft.
tackle in the NFL, to the Lions for even the best quarterback available,
a 5th round pick. A 5th round pick! as Dwayne Haskins was considered
After the trading away Harrison, by everyone (except David Gettle-

NFL 2019 Quarterbacks With Explosive

Potential In This Upcoming Season
While the 2019-2020 NFL ed, “I’m willing to do whatev- icism not only earned him the
season seems a light-year er. Whatever they say, I’ll do.” number one overall draft pick
away, right now, many Jimmy is motivated to have a of the 2019 NFL draft but it also
quarterbacks are deep in comeback year that will pro- earned him the ninth overall pick
thought during this offsea- pel him to the playoffs with in the 2018 MLB draft. He is the
son. Instead of looking for- the help from an underrated first player to ever be selected
ward, they are looking back, roster. in the first round of the NFL and
no doubt reflecting on their MLB draft. Also, he earned him-
2018 season; specifically, the Kirk Cousins self the 2018 Heisman award for
opportunities they missed to If you thought that a three his colossal performance at the
take their skills to the next year $84 million deal of- University of Oklahoma. He was
level. Whether due to inju- fered to former the Redskins selected by the Arizona Car-
ries or the disappointment quarterback would fuel this dinals who dumped their 2018
on the stat sheets, here’s my star-studded Minnesota Vi- first round pick Josh Rosen af-
list of quarterbacks I believe kings team to the playoffs, ter being put under an offensive
are motivated to have their you would be wrong. Soon line that offered no protection.
defining season, either driv- after a disappointing playoff But the Cardinals are hoping
en by a chip on their shoul- miss, partly due to the emer- that with their new quarterback,
der, or the belief that their gence of the Chicago Bears’ who might as well already be the
jobs are on the line. powerhouse defense led fastest in his position, they won’t
by Khalil Mack, the memes have to worry as much about the
Jimmy Garoppolo started flowing in. The topic O-Line issue. Kyler’s extraordi-
The 2018-2019 season of these memes explored the nary ability to throw on the run
came to an abrupt end for fact that Case Keenum, a no- will provide hope and a new dy-
the San Francisco 49’ers’ name quarterback who had namic for this Cardinals offense.
Jimmy Garoppolo. Formerly led the Vikings on a Cinder- My prediction is that Kyler will
the backup for New England ella story-esque playoff run be a top 15 quarterback in the
Patriots’ Tom Brady, Garop- all the way to the NFC Cham- NFL by the end of this year.
polo suffered a torn ACL pionship, had been forced to
during a game against the pack his bags and depart to Baker Mayfield
Kansas City Chiefs. What the Mile-High City. And who If you follow football this is
makes this injury particularly did they get in return? Cous- probably the quarterback you
brutal is that Garoppolo was ins - who got mopped by the would agree with me the most
just three games into his first Buffalo Bills, a team which when it comes to this list. If it
season as a starter for the was at their season low after was not clear enough in the 2018
49’ers. Expectations were one of their players retired season about Baker’s talent and
set high for Garoppolo this at halftime earlier in the sea- work ethic, you are definitely
past season. His brief 2017 son. While his stat sheet says going to see it shine this year.
performance for the 49’ers otherwise, there were clear With the new acquiring of Odell
had earned him a 5-year $137 moments in big games where Beckham Jr., the wide receiver
million deal. He took the title he could’ve stepped up but with arguably the best hands in
of highest paid player in the he didn’t deliver. Hopefully, the league, his flare is bound to
entire league after winning he’ll take this offseason to fit perfectly with Baker’s simi-
just five remaining games further learn his new offense, lar fiery passion for the game.
of the 2017 season. During and with his clear work ethic, Baker, being the rookie with the
rehab for his knee, he told we should expect some big most passing touchdowns, is
the website “Bleacher Re- changes this upcoming sea- bound to put on a show this up-
port”, “It’s been a very pro- son. coming season. Don’t sleep on
ductive offseason. Whether the dangerous sophomore who
it was in the film room or out Kyler Murray only has one thing in his sights,
on the field. Even trying new Kyler Murray is an athlete the Lombardi Trophy.
things. Different drops, how whom I refuse to believe is
your movement is.” He add- human. His freakish athlet-



Last season, nobody would have ex- MAXWELL RESNICK Paddack, Pete Alonso, Fernando Ta-
tis Jr., and Nick Senzel, Soroka has
pected Christian Yelich to win NL the potential to be among the best of
MVP or Blake Snell to win AL Cy K/9. Once again, Morton has been them all. So far this season, Soroka has
Young. While these are purely bold overlooked due to the success of last earned a 1.21 ERA, and has not given
predictions, each of these players or year’s Cy Young winner, Blake Snell up more than one earned run in any
managers has the potential to create and the breakout performance of start this season. If he keeps this up, it
a compelling case for their respec- phenom Tyler Glasnow. will be hard to deny him of the award.
tive award. Honorable Mentions: Matthew Honorable Mentions: Victor Robles,
Boyd, Mike Clevinger Keston Hiura
American League Most Valuable
Player: George Springer National League Cy Young: Hyun- American League Manager of the
Conversation regarding the plethora Jin Ryu Year: Terry Francona
of talent in the Astros’ lineup often While few predicted this type of Few teams in recent memory have suf-
revolves around Jose Altuve, Alex breakout for Ryu, he did provide us fered from injuries as badly as the In-
Bregman, and Carlos Correa, un- with signs of improvement at the dians have this season. It started when
fairly excluding Springer. No Astro end of last season. Ryu only made franchise player Francisco Lindor be-
hitter, however, is performing better 15 starts last season, but he man- gan the year on the Injured List, then
this season than George Springer. aged an impressive 1.97 ERA. This budding superstar Mike Clevinger
Not only is Springer a longshot for season, Ryu has arguably been the went on the 60-day Injured List with
the American League MVP award, biggest surprise in baseball. Recent- a back injury. To top it off, two-time
he’s far from a safe bet to win the As- ly termed “the new Greg Maddux”, Cy Young award winner Corey Kluber
tros’ MVP award. However, batting Ryu has gotten better as this season fractured his arm. Additionally, 2018
leadoff in a potent lineup creates has progressed. He currently owns AL MVP third-place finisher Jose
more at-bats, causing his counting a 1.72 ERA, along with 21 consecu- Ramirez has been very disappoint-
stats to potentially be inflated for tive scoreless innings, and an absurd ing thus far. And yet, the Indians find
his own benefit. If Springer is able 18:1 strikeout to walk ratio. If inju- themselves three games ahead of .500.
to sustain this production for an ries don’t hold him back, it’s actually In a very weak AL Central, it is pos-
extended period of time, he has the plausible to believe the 32-year-old sibly a healthy Indians pitching staff
ability to compile a compelling case breakout star could take home this could lead a division title. Francona
for the most prestigious individual award. probably will not win, but it is unfair
honor in baseball. Honorable Mentions: Zack Greinke, to rule him out so far.
Honorable Mentions: Tommy Luis Castillo Honorable Mentions: Brad Ausmus,
Pham, Tim Anderson Rick Renteria
American League Rookie of the
National League Most Valuable Year: Brandon Lowe National League Manager of the Year:
Player: Trevor Story Before the start of the season, ESPN Clint Hurdle
Ever since Story burst on the scene released a poll for the public, asking Every year, the Pirates get off to an
with 7 home runs in his first 6 career who they believe will win the AL abnormally hot start. And every year,
games, he’s fallen under the shadow Rookie of the Year award. Lowe was they falter and return to their medi-
of teammate Nolan Arenado. Many not even an option. The debate was ocre ways. Perhaps this year could be
believe Arenado, a top-five MVP limited to Triple-A phenoms and different. Josh Bell looks like a break-
finisher each of the past three years, prospect ranking headliners Vladi- out candidate. When healthy, James-
is due for his share of the trophy. mir Guerrero Jr., and Eloy Jimenez. on Taillon and Chris Archer have the
However, Story quietly put together While the hype around those pros- potential to be a dominant one-two
a spectacular season last year. pects is deserved, no AL rookie has punch in that rotation. Unfortunately
Honorable Mentions: Marcell Ozu- been more surprising than Brandon for the Pirates, they play in an incredi-
na, Anthony Rendon Lowe, who won AL Rookie of the bly tough division, but if they can sus-
Month in April. While it is possible tain this level of play for an extended
American League Cy Young: Char- that Guerrero will go on a tear and period of time and sneak into a wild
lie Morton win the award, Lowe’s made quite a card spot, it is very possible Hurdle de-
Last year with Houston, Morton of- compelling case for himself so far. velops a strong case for the award.
ten was overlooked due to the star- Honorable Mentions: Yusei Kikuchi, Honorable Mentions: Andy Green,
power of the Astros’ rotation. Mor- Michael Chavis Mike Shildt
ton quietly pieced together a nice
season for himself, however, with a National League Rookie of the Year:
3.13 ERA, a 15-3 record, and over Mike Soroka
200 strikeouts. This season, Mor- Five starts into the season and ten
ton has actually improved, with a into his career, Mike Soroka looks
sub-three ERA and an even higher promising. In a race featuring Chris



MLB Standings Predictions

American League
wild card chase. Polanco until they are 30. Byron Bux-
ton will also look to bounce back as he
4) Toronto Blue Jays had a season full of injuries in 2018; If
1) New York Yankees This year seems to be a healthy Buxton can be one of the best
The Yankees definitely throwaway year for the Blue Jays as center fielders in the game and could
didn’t get worse this offseason. they seem to have not put togeth- potentially be the star that the team
Adding key reliever Adam Otta- er a very competitive team as they craves. If Kepler and Buxton can finally
vino and bringing in veteran ex- lost Marco Estrada in free agency step into what they have been made
perience in Troy Tulowitzki and and traded away Josh Donaldson out to be and Polanco continues what
D.J. Lemahieu to fill in the gap at the end of last season. The one he did last year than this team could
for the first two months for the bright spot for the team this year be the surprise team of the AL.
injured Didi Gregorius. The team will be the debut and development
also brought back all star starter of the highly touted rookie Vlad 3) Chicago White Sox
J.A. Happ to complete their start- Guerrero Jr. They missed out on Machado
ing rotation.Last year the team and Harper, but definitely improved.
won 100 games even with Aaron 5) Baltimore Orioles The addition of Alonso should be a
Judge missing a month due to in- The Orioles seem to be good power bat to pair with Abreu
jury. Pending another huge injury, heading to a record setting year on a daily basis. Along with the addi-
this team looks to bring havoc in of losses as they have no immedi- tion of Alonso, the team has bolstered
2019. ate plan for success. All the team their bullpen with Alex Colome and
can hope for is a “tank” in hopes Kelvin Herrera. Both players are strong
2) Boston Red Sox of getting a high draft pick as they relievers and should help close games.
The World Series Cham- wait out the dominance of the Red Even with all the additions through
pions seemed to regress this off- Sox and Yankees. trades and free agency, the team’s

season as they lost their two best greatest addition will be number one
relievers in Craig Kimbrel and Joe prospect in the system, Eloy Jimenez.
Kelly to free agency making their
bullpen one of the worst in the 4) Kansas City Royals
league. Even with the abysmal The Royals are an interesting team
bullpen, the Sox will look to re- 1) Cleveland Indians as they have veered away from the idea
peat this year behind Mookie Bet- It seems that the Indians were from power and have instead opted for
ts, J.D. Martinez, and their stellar going to blow it all up this off- speed-spotlighted by the addition of
pitching. If they can add an arm season by trading either Kluber or Billy Hamilton. The biggest brightspot
or two to their bullpen, than they Baur. Instead Kluber and Baur sit will most likely be Adalberto Mondesi
could push their way to another on the roster at the start of spring who will be the everyday shortstop for
100 win season. training and are looking to wreak the club; Mondesi will bring speed and
havoc this year. Losing Michael all around great defense to the team.
3) Tampa Bay Rays Brantley, Andrew Miller, Cody Al- This team will feel the loss of Salva-
The Rays seemed to be len, and the rented Josh Donald- dor Perez who will be recovering from
the biggest, yet quiettest surprise son will bring the team down a peg Tommy John Surgery from a injury in
of 2019. Tampa mustered up 90 or two this season. The indians are Spring Training.
wins and kept themselves in the also resting easy as no other team
wild card race until the last sec- seems to be competing for their 5) Detroit Tigers
ond.. The team will have to have number one spot. The Tigers will probably be better
another surprising year to get to than the Royals in the up and coming
90 wins, but its not out of the 2) Minnesota Twins years, but they don’t seem to have any
question. The team will rely on AL The Twins will need this year to big prospects close to the big leagues.
cy young winner Blake Snell and be a success as all of their young The team lacks star power with Miguel
hope for a bounce back season talent is getting to the point that Cabrera being on the final part of his
for Tommy Pham. Look for the they need to start producing. The career and the team trading away the
team to regress by a few games, offseason was good to the twins rest of their good players in the last
but still be competitive in the AL as they signed Nelson Cruz ,and few years.
locked up Max Kepler and Jorge


them to turn some heads. another year

4) Los Angeles Angels 3) New York Mets

1)Houston Astros Shohei Ohtani proved to ev- If healthy this team can compete
The Astros look to be a lock eryone that he could pitch and hit in with anyone, but that’s a big if. The
for another AL West Pennant after the MLB, unfortunately he will only Mets had an interesting offsea-
winning 100 wins last year. The hit this. With Ohtani on the DL with son with trading for Robinson Cano
team will definitely feel the loss- tommy john, the pitching staff for the and Edwin Diaz, while also signing
es of Dallas Keuchel and Char- Angels looks very questionable. The Wilson Ramos and Jed Lowrie. In a
lie Morton, but still have the two team did makes some good moves time where teams are looking to
headed beast of Justin Verlander this offseason as they signed Matt get younger and not older, the Mets
and Gerrit Cole leading their rota- Harvey to a one year deal, signed seem to be going against that trend
tion. The Team also had the most slugger Justin Bour, and locked up to become a winning team again.
underrated signing of the offsea- Mike Trout for 12 years and 426.5 With Cespedes out, the team will
son with the acquisition of Mi- million dollars. This might not be rely on its younger bats like rookie
chael Brantley, who when healthy the Angel’s year as their pitching Pete Alonso who will be the every-
is an all star. Don’t forget that the resembles a group of leftovers, but day starting First Baseman and in my
core of this team is still young they are on the up and coming. opinion will be a top 10 one at that.
and will be better than last year. This team is an interesting team to
The hole in this team that might 5) Texas Rangers keep an eye on and could reke havoc
stop them from getting to another The Rangers seem like the if the stars align correctly
World Series is their bullpen. runt of the AL West as their team
lacks components of a champi- 4) Washington Nationals
2) Oakland Athletics onship team. The Team’s pitching The Nationals lost Bryce Harper to
Last year’s team felt like seems to be part of the worst rota- a division rival and it seemed over
Moneyball 2.0. The team filled tions in the MLB and they also lack for them. That is not the case as
with rookies, unproved players, a steady catcher among other posi- star studded prospect Victor Robles
and a few great players made an tions. Even with Joey Gallo, Rougned will be taking over in centerfield for
incredible push and finished way Odor, and Shin-Soo Choo, the team the team this year and will be a sta-
above expectations at 97 wins. will end up at the bottom of the pack ple in the lineup for years to come.
The team did lose key players in once again. Along with Robles, a new addition to

Jed Lowrie and Jeurys Familia to the team will be Patrick Corbin who
free agency. The team did make signed for a 6 year, 140 million dollar
a trade for Jurickson Profar over contract. Corbin could be the third
the offseason and he could fill the starter in this stacked rotation that
roll that lowrie has left open. The 1) Philadelphia Phillies could help the Nationals go over the
team could miss their ace Sean Probably the biggest off- top. Like the Angels, this may not be
Manaea for the whole 2019 sea- season out of any of the teams, the their year, but look for them to be on
son as he is still recovering from Phillies will look to reek havoc on the rise come 2020.
shoulder surgery in September. the rest of the MLB. With additions
Expect this team to still be really of Bryce Harper, Jean Segura, and J.T. 5) Miami Marlins
good, but take a step back from Realmuto, the Phillies might be fa- Sorry Marlins fans, but this is go-
last year. vorites to win the World Series. While ing to be another dreary season in
the World Series might not happen, Florida. Miami had one star in J.T.
3) Seattle Mariners a NL East Pennant is extremely pos- Realmuto last year and they traded
The Mariners seemed to sible. him away this offseason. With most
give up this offseason as they people not being able to name most
traded 3 of their best players in 2) Atlanta Braves of their starting 9 players, the team
Robinson Cano, Edwin Diaz, and The Braves had an amazing is looking to continue its slow re-
James Paxton. This doesn’t mean 2018 winning the NL East with their building process under new owner
they don’t have anyone. The team big breakout rookie Ronald Acuña Derek Jeter.

comprises of veterans like Jay Jr. What did they do to improve this
Bruce, Dee Gordon, Kyle Seager, offseason, just added a former AL
and Felix Hernandez who can still MLP in Josh Donaldson. Donaldson
produce. They also have good will bolster their lineup, but the real
young players like Tim Beckham concern is their starting pitching 1) Milwaukee Brewers
who will look to break out this which lacks a star studded ace. If The brew crew looks to repeat
season. WIth little to no expecta- the team can somehow land Dallas their outlook from last year and with
tions meant for this team, look for Keuchel than they might be set to the NL MVP Christian Yelich, they
repeat being NL East champions for might just do it. While pitching looks


looks to be the weakness of the at Yankee Stadium, he boasted an years, this might be a World Series
Brewers, they are filled with stars all above average ERA and was some- team.
throughout their lineup and have a what dominate; with a new change
lockdown closer in Josh Hader. With of scenery to the NL, Gray will face 4) San Francisco Giants
a full year of Mike Moustakas and a platoon of teams that have never It would be a great storyline for the
Jonathan Schoop, along with anoth- seen him pitch which will help him Giants to win the division of Manag-
er year of dominance from Christian throughout the season. Besides that, er Bruce Bochy’s last season, sad-
Yelich, Lorenzo Cain, and Jesus Agu- Puig will bring energy to the club- ly it most likely won’t happen. The
ilar, the Brewers could be trouble for house and team. Once Scooter Gen- team contains good pieces in Evan
anyone who steps in their way. nett comes back, this team will be Longoria, Buster Posey, and Madison
dangerous. Bumgarner, but it doesn’t seem as
2) St.Louis Cardinals that will be enough to push the team
Paul Goldschmidt is now a St. Lou- 5) Pittsburgh Pirates to the finish line. The pitching has
is Cardinal. He finally gives them a Pittsburgh is going to need been a disappointment in the past,
star hitter to plug into the lineup to rely on its pitching staff if it wants and will number 2 rotation Pitcher
everyday, while also giving the Car- to win games this year. The team Johnny Cueto being out the entire
dinals their first steady first base- has two aces in Jameson Taillon and year, it doesn’t seem to getting bet-
man since Albert Pujols. The cardi- Chris Archer who can give them 35 ter. The Giants had a dynasty, but
nals also bolstered their bullpen by wins combined. This team has a now they are just hanging on by a
adding lefty reliever Andrew Miller. Tampa Bay Rays-esque feel to it, but thread.
While this may sound like a broken then again they could finish last in
record, their problem will be starting the NL Central 5) Arizona Diamondbacks

pitching. This rotation doesn’t con-
sist of a star ace, with Mike Mikolas Arizona lost its three best play-
holding down the spot. Hopefully ers in AJ Pollock, Patrick Corbin, and
Yadier Molina can stay healthy and Paul Goldschmidt this offseason, but
help lead this team to another post- 1) Los Angeles Dodgers that doesn’t mean they don’t have
season birth. They went to the world se- anyone left. The team still has Ace
ries last year and they only improved Zack Greinke and young third base-
3) Chicago Cubs this year. This offseason, the Dodg- man Jake Lamb. Look for the team
The cubbies did not finish out the ers lost Manny Machado, but gained to have surprise players pop out and
season well last year as they blew AJ Pollock and Joe Kelly to bolster for the team to at least be competi-
their lead in the NL Central, lost the their roster. Along with Corey Sea- tive this season.
one game playoff for the NL Cen- ger coming back, the Dodgers seem
tral lead, and then lost the wild card to be the deepest team in the NL
game. The scary part is they didn’t and have a real shot of winning the dodgers-cody-bellinger-nl-
add anyone to their team to fix this league this year. rookie-year/859891001/

mistake from last year.While they still

have stars Kris Bryant and Anthony 2) Colorado Rockies
Rizzo along with what is a starting Locking up Nolan Arenado
rotation with three aces in Jon Les- this offseason was a smart move
ter, Cole Hamels, and Jose Quintana for the Rockies. Along with Are-
and two above average pitchers nado, the team is rocking a strong
in Kyle Hendricks and Yu Darvish, lineup that includes All Star Charlie
their problem is their bullpen. The Blackmon, and sluggers Mark Reyn-
pen for the Cubs is atrocious and olds and Daniel Murphy. The biggest
doesn’t have one standout pitcher question for the team will be their
that comes in and lets you believe pitching which seems to have a lot
that they can get the job done every of untapped potential and skill.
3) San Diego Padres
4) Cincinnati Reds Speeding up the rebuild, the
The Reds finally look like a signing of Manny Machado will pay
major league team. The Reds went off right away for the Padres. Mach-
out and got better this season by ado will provide a star to San Diego
adding pitching and hitting to their and another experienced veteran to
team. The most underrated trade of the clubhouse. Along with Machado,
this offseason in my opinion was the rookies Fernando Tatis Jr. and Chris
Reds acquiring Sonny Gray from the Paddack with dramatically change
yankees. When Gray was not pitching the outlook of the team. In a few




he last two MLB sea- ally hear their case and award the bad because in MLB (and every other

T sons have shown a

quite alarming trend—
teams simply aren’t
player one of the two salaries. This
occurs until the player has played
six years in MLB, or when his team
North American major league) teams
are rewarded for being horrible. While
I’m not arguing for Miami to be rele-
spending money anymore. Besides decides that they don’t want him gated to AAA like in soccer, because
Boston’s J.D. Martinez deal, Phil- anymore and cut him, at which that’s a bad idea, I do think there
adelphia’s Harper deal (which, at point he will become a free agent. should be some way to stop teams
13 years/330 million, was some- However, here’s the interesting from trying to be so ridiculously bad
how a lower average annual value, part. Teams are simply non-ten- that they don’t have 10 wins by May.
or AAV, than his potential 10/300 dering (cutting) arbitration-eligible (Miami did that.) But as long as teams
Washington extension), and San players who were rather produc- are rewarded for being bad, they will
Diego’s Machado deal, which was tive. For example, Billy Hamilton try to be bad. Maybe drop the draft
reportedly the only one to even (1.3 WAR in 2018) was non-ten- pick 10 spots if a team loses more
surpass $250 million, the majority dered by Cincinnati last winter. than 100 games. Something to stop
of free agents are quite honestly Hamilton, a known speed freak teams from deliberately losing.
being stiffed. As I write this, Dal- with about zero batting skill (he hit So teams aren’t playing to win and
las Keuchel, a man who has won .236 and doesn’t walk); after be- teams want players who have low sal-
a Cy Young not too long ago, and ing cut, he signed a $4.25 million ary commitments. How do we stop it?
Craig Kimbrel, a very, very good deal with Kansas City, where he is A salary floor of at least $120 million.
closer, remain unsigned. currently projected for a 0.7 WAR. If you aren’t at that level, the remain-
Minor leaguers literally make Cincinnati has since replaced him der gets paid directly to each player-
below minimum wage, but that’s with Nick Senzel, who is projected so if you’re $4 million under $120 mil-
another story for another issue. for a slightly worse 0.3 WAR. This is lion, like Atlanta is as of now, then $4
However, when a minor leaguer a trend. Jonathan Schoop (0.5 WAR million gets paid to each player. That
comes up to the majors, he is paid in 2018) was non-tendered by Mil- way, teams are really incentivized to
the fraction of $545,000 propor- waukee. He signed an $8.5 million not run a $62 million payroll like Tam-
tional to how many days out of deal with Minnesota and has al- pa is doing (not that it isn’t working,
172 he was on the 40-man roster. ready outdone his entire campaign because Tampa is weird that way). At
So if a player spends 86 days on last year; he is currently at 1.1 WAR $120 million, 11 teams would be un-
a major league roster, he is paid and projected for 3.9 WAR, a very der the floor: Atlanta, Detroit, Toron-
$272,500. For the following two good season. His replacement is to, San Diego, Kansas City, the White
years (if the player is called up Keston Hiura, who is projected for Sox, Oakland, Pittsburgh, Baltimore,
before a certain date, just the fol- a below-replacement -0.3 WAR. Miami, and Tampa Bay. Of these, only
lowing year) he is on a roster, his It’s clear that teams would rather Tampa, Atlanta, Pittsburgh, and San
team can pay him as much as they not pay the few million in arbitra- Diego are near a .500 winning per-
want, but no less than $545,000, tion and instead take less produc- centage. The rest of these teams are
and for every day the player is not tion from a cheaper source. tanking. So you’d force them not to
on the Injured List (IL), the 25-man This extends to free agents. As- run bare-bones payrolls and actually
roster, or the 40-man roster, he suming 1 WAR = $5 million, Aar- do stuff with their money. Of course,
loses a percentage of his salary. on Judge actually deserves to be Tampa has a $219 million total reve-
So Aaron Judge, who is in his third paid $25.5 million this year. (For nue, so this may not be remotely fea-
year, is earning $622,300. For comparison, Mike Trout deserves sible, but it’s a way to stop players
comparison, by-no-means-MVP to be paid $49 million.) While ob- from being out of jobs.
candidate but still solid-to-great viously the team has to pay 25+
free agent signing D.J. LeMahieu guys a non-insignificant amount
is making $12,000,000. of money, there is still absolutely
Next year, however, Judge will no reason that teams who clearly
enter arbitration. Essentially, the need a starter, for example, can’t
Yankees will have a salary idea for sign Keuchel. Boston needs re-
Judge, and he and his agents will lievers, what’s wrong with signing
have a salary idea as well. Their Kimbrel?
goal is to get to an agreement Here’s yet another issue. Teams
on either a one-year contract or are tanking. Miami is literally pro-
a long-term deal before a certain jected to lose 115 games this year.
date, at which point they simply Kansas City is projected to lose
submit their ideas to an indepen- 107. Baltimore is projected to lose
dent arbitrator, who will eventu- 109. These teams are trying to be






Favorites: regained his groove with a win in ic, and Nadal and is very comfortable
Dominic Thiem-Thiem is my pick Madrid, one of the biggest tourna- on the clay, having won a title in Es-
to win Roland Garros this year. The ments leading up to the French. The toril and beaten Nadal in the semis
clay offers Thiem time to execute tennis world believes that Djokov- of Madrid before falling to Djokovic.
his notoriously exaggerated wind- ic will regain his motivation at the Look for Tsitsipas to make it through
up on the forehand, which results second grand slam of the year, but to the second week of Roland Gar-
in one of the fastest shots in tennis. doubts exist due to his inconsistent ros, and potentially make a run to the
Having already made a Roland Gar- performance this year. quarters or semis.
ros Final and beaten both Federer
and Nadal on clay this year, it is Dark Horses: Fabio Fognini- Fognini is an ultra-tal-
without question that Thiem, when Roger Federer-Federer has had a ented Italian who has been on tour for
at his best, can take down anyone solid season so far, racking up two a while, currently ranked twelve in the
on the red dirt. titles in Dubai and Miami. Roger world. Fognini beat Nadal in the final
would normally be a favorite for any of Monte Carlo to win his first mas-
Rafael Nadal- It is blatantly obvi- tournament, but this is a peculiar ters 1000 title. Fabio has all the skills
ous that the 11 time French Open situation. Federer skipped the clay needed to compete to the later rounds
champion is the Las Vegas favorite court season the last two years and of a slam, but the question remains if
to win Roland Garros. Nadal is fully has not played the French Open his effort level will be at full strength.
healthy, yet has had a few hiccups since 2015. This clay season, Fed-
this clay season, failing to win Bar- erer was a point away from beating Daniil Medvedev-This Russian with
celona, Monte Carlo, or Madrid, Thiem in Madrid, but couldn’t pull a wicked two-handed backhand has
where he has had unprecedent- through. In recent years Roger has made his mark on the tour this year.
ed success in previous years. The become more aggressive to short- Medvedev beat Djokovic to reach the
question remains if Nadal can find en his matches, and I’m not sure semis at Monte Carlo and fell to Ni-
his top game, at which he is invinci- how well Roger’s body can hold up shikori in the final of Barcelona. Al-
ble on the clay. if he plays some tight and long ear- though Medvedev will most likely not
ly round matches. However, Roger win the tournament, look for him to
Novak Djokovic- Djokovic is the is arguably the second best clay push through to the later rounds.
number one player in the world court player in the world and has
and had a tremendous comeback shown us countless times that he’s Christian Garin-This 22 year old
season in 2018 followed by a win still got some magic left and can has jumped to 33 in the world in what
in Australia to achieve an astound- achieve a Federer miracle. seems like only a month. The Chilean
ing 15 grand slam titles. Howev- has already won two ATP 250 titles
er, Djokovic has been a complete Stefanos Tsitsipas-The 6’4” on clay in the last few weeks, beating
mess since Australia, losing early Greek freak of tennis, is headlining players such as Zverev, Schwartzman,
to lower ranked players in a variety the Next Gen players and challeng- and Cecchinato. I am looking forward
of tournaments. Despite a short ing Zverev’s fame. This year, Ste- to seeing how Garin competes in the
slump, Djokovic might have just fanos has beaten Federer, Djokov- best of five format.


Alex Zverev-Zverev has been
plainly terrible this season and
seems to be in a confused men-
tal state. He has yet to defend
any of his points this clay sea-
son and will drop in the rank-
ings. On top of this, Zverev has
failed to breakthrough at the
slams and live up to expecta-
tions. Look for him to be upset
in the early rounds.

Nick Kyrgios-Kyrgios is the

most talented player on tour but
resorts to tanking and show-
boating during most of his
matches. Kyrgios has not been
focused this season and I don’t
see anything changing heading
into the French Open. Howev-
er, he did win a tournament in
Acapulco earlier this year af-
ter beating Nadal, Zverev, and
Isner, which shows that he can
break out at any moment.

Grigor Dimitrov-Dimitrov has

fallen to 46 in the world, out
of seeding range for the grand
slams. If he gets matched up
with a seed or clay court spe-
cialist early, I don’t see him pull-
ing through.

Denis Shapovalov-Viewing
Denis for the first time on clay, it
has become apparent that Sha-
po is not a clay court player. He
has failed to win a match on clay
thus far and is a good bet to get



The Top 25
ATP in 2025
The last decade of men’s tennis has
been dominated by three players: Roger
Federer, Novak Djokovic, and Rafael Na-
dal. Although it has been entertaining to
watch these three masters of the game
compete at a high level for an extended
period of time, it is time to ask the ques-
tion: who is part of the next wave? We
have started to see signs of young play-
ers rising up the rankings in the last few
years, so it is now time to predict who will
sit atop the rankings when the “Big Three”
can no longer play their best tennis. So,
here is my projected top 25 male tennis
players in the year 2025.

1) Stefanos Tsitsipas, Greece

2) Dominic Thiem, Austria
3) Alexander Zverev, Germany
4) Borna Coric, Croatia
5) Felix Auger-Aliassime, Canada
6) Kyle Edmund, Great Britain
7) Daniil Medvedev, Russia
8) Alex de Minaur, Australia
9) Karen Khachanov, Russia
10) Denis Shapovalov, Canada
11) Hubert Hurkacz, Poland
12) Christian Garin, Chile
13) Lucas Pouille, France
14) Nikoloz Basilashvili, Georgia
15) Frances Tiafoe, United States
16) Nick Kyrgios, Australia
17) Laslo Djere, Serbia
18) Marton Fucsovics, Hungary
19) Filip Krajinovic, Serbia
20) Jaime Munar, Spain
21) Lorenzo Sonego, Italy
22) Taylor Fritz, United States
23) Casper Ruud, Norway
24) Andrey Rublev, Russia
25) Hyeon Chung, South Korea



Life for Real Madrid and Ron-

aldo After the Transfer
Nearly everybody in the world tremely apparent thus far. Real Madrid
knows the name Cristiano Ronaldo, has struggled to score goals as they have
regardless of whether or not they fol- only scored 12 goals in eight games and
low soccer. A superstar athlete who have been shut out for the past 400 min-
in recent years is as famous for his utes of play during one point of the sea-
commercials as he is for his abilities son. Their lack of goal-scoring has also
on the field. But what many may not hurt the performance of the team in the
know about CR7 is his undoubted im- standings, as Real Madrid currently sits
portance to a club’s offense, especially in third place. The team is playing as a
to Real Madrid. Arriving in Madrid set of individuals, instead of as a unified
in 2009, Cristiano brought a level of team, with everybody attempting to play
sophistication and undeniable talent to the way Ronaldo did, but to no avail. Al-
the Los Blancos lineup. Madrid would though many would argue that this is di-
immediately reap the benefits of hav- rectly correlated to the fact that Real Ma-
ing a player like Ronaldo, as they drid has also lost their coach, Zinedine
scored the most goals in the league Zidane, the fact that Zidane’s brilliance
that year and would finish second to could not make up for ronaldo’s absence
Barcelona by only three points. In the in the few months he coached the team
following seasons, Ronaldo contin- this year weakens this argument. While
ued to be a menace, racking up 311 Madrid has tried a couple of different
goals in 292 games, and winning 16 strikers as replacements for Ronaldo,
trophies for them in only eight years. none can replicate the explosiveness and
On July 10, 2018, the improbable hap- wicked finishing that Ronaldo brought
pened when Ronaldo was bought by to the pitch every single game. As Real
the Turin-based, Italian club, Juventus. Madrid relies on the talent of their high-
Ronaldo has gone on to continue his paid superstars, losing the centerpiece
marvelous play with the Italian club, al- of this trophy machine affected the team
ready scoring 21 goals, third in the Se- dynamics present in the squad and gave
rie A, trailing only Fabio Quagliarella way to the current Real Madrid team.
and Duvan Zapata. Additionally, Ron- While many think that coach will be
aldo has been the cornerstone to an- able to change the play of the team in
other Juventus championship and has order to score more goals, a lingering ef-
had a good season in the Champions fect of Ronaldo’s transfer will be visible
League, with Juventus advancing into for years to come.
the quarterfinals only to be eliminated
by Ajax. While the transfer news was
great for Juventus and Ronaldo, Real
Madrid felt rather displeased with the
thought of losing their top goal scorer,
and Cristiano’s absence has been ex-



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