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Introduction: corruption is a slow poison which kills the constitution, the society and the economy of

developing nations as it attacks the morality of justice.In other words, corruption is one of the biggest
challenges faced in cotemporary world.

Definition : a form of dishonesty or immoral behavior by businessmen, organizations or companies to

obtain an illegal benefit or use power to achieve private profits and gains.

Forms of corruption :

 It includes giving or accepting bribes, undertable payments, embezzlement, manipulating

elections, false accounting, money laudering, nepotism, theft, defrauding investors,extortion,child
labour and all sorts of unethical acts

 Embezzling is the act of taking money that has been placed in your trust but belongs to
another person
 Bribery is a form of corruption which involves the promise of money or a favor to someone in
a position of power with the hope of influencing that person’s behavior
 Money laundering refers to the process of concealing financial transactions
 Tax evasion is usually understood to be an act in which the individual intentionally chooses to
not pay income taxes and bills
 Creative accounting also called aggressive accounting is the manipulation of financial
 Counterfeiting refers to the imitation of something (product, service) with the intent to
deceive and fraud the consumers.
 Extortion(threatening) is a crime which involves the illegal acquisition of money, property, or
favors through the use of force or the threat of force
 Black mailing is the crime of threatening to reveal damaging or embarrassing information in
order to coerce money or other goods or forms of cooperation out of the victim.
 Child labour is the act of exploiting children who are under the age specified by law
worldwide makers in full time hobs by parents or by businessmen which interrupts child’s
social development and education.

Factors (main reasons) that lead to corruption (commiting illegalness):

1. Poverty : while the rich have all the life supplies they need to live, the poor cope with their
lack of material by stealing in order to satisfy their essential needs
2. Greed of money whether it comes from a rich or a poor person, greed of money may result
in the person commiting illegalness such as accepting bribes and money laundering for the
sake of earning money.
3. Weak property rights
4. Lack of commitement to society and the disrespect corrupts have toward those who share
the same community with them due to their unconsciensness and irresponsibility causes
them to feel no shame and no remorse while behaving unethically.
5. Low media freedom due to the absence of democracy in the nation which means that the
population has no right to change the corrupt government that is letting the economy
growth diminish by his unconsciensness and lack of responsibility which is unfortunatly
leading to bad social conditions.Thus, citizens don’t have a choice but to commit immoral
acts like undertable payment to earn money and tax evasion to keep their money as they
need it to survive those crucial social conditions.
6. Low level of education means that the person won’t be able to find a decent job nor have a
sustainable income,this leads to poverty which will eventually result in corruption as we have
said before.

Results of corruption : (concequences)

Corruption has enormous negative impacts on both people’s private life and society :

1. It prevents justice inside the society. For example people who are rich or those with high
social ranks and positions tend to often steal the rights of others with lower posts by giving
bribes to the administrators or through nepotism
2. It leads to unemployment issues as well as marginalization of competencies as non-qualified
people take the opportunities of jobs that they obviously don’t deserve from the hands of
qualified and competent people. For instance, they may ensure them being hired by
companies and workers seakers easily by giving them a sum of money. However, they will
not be performing their job as they are supposed to be doing which will cause the diminish of
economy growth. They do so as they are sure of the fact that no one is able to fire them
because of two main reasons; one is that Ceos are just like any other person; fond of money
even if it means commiting illegalness, and second because if the boss attempt to fire them
they can cause him a scandal by confessing that he accepted bribes which will get him fired
3. Corruption gradually destroy the economy of the nation(country). In fact, rich people never
pay taxes while middle ranged and poor citizens are obliged to pay the bills, also called tax
evasion.This reduces tax revenues which will result in emphasizing the gap between the rich
and the poor and leads to unequality and to slow economy growth.
4. Unemployement mainly due to nepotism will result in poverty and bad social conditions

How (ways) to eradicate (fight) corruption :

Fighting corruption is the responsibility of both governments and citizens

1. law makers should pass very strict rules and laws and impose stringent regulations against
any person committing illegalness whether they are poor or rich, high or low ranked through
punishing the misbehaviors publicly and throwing them behind jail bars without any mercy
nor forgiveness and refusing any sort of intercession in order to end impunity.
2. governments should fight tax evasion ( non-payment or underpayment of taxes) as all people
got to pay their taxes and mainly those privileged with higher incomes like businessmen
3. governments ought to appoint (hire) only honest and well qualified servants who work
wholeheartedly aiming for the country’s development and to reassure (and provide) the best
services to civils.
4. Spread awareness among people (the youth “the new generations” as they are the future of
their nations) and engage them in the journey of eradicating corruption.

Code of ethics :

Definition: the code of ethics is a guide of principles made specifically to help workers establish
business honestly and with integrity. It also outlines the values of the business or organization and it
differs from one another.

 Respect
 Inclusivity
 Integrity
 Honesty
 Consideration
 Transpirancy
 Probity
 Be honest and trustworthy.
 Be fair and take action not to discriminate.
 Respect privacy.
 Ensure that the public good is the central concern during all professional

All about child labour :

The causes of child labour :
Children are forced to work at an early age because of many factors :
 Some children go to work due to poverty when their families don’t have enough
money to satisfy their essential needs parents oblige their kids to go and work in
order to survive and to fulfill those needs like food and clothes
 The expensive life conditions sometimes force children into getting a job (to work) to
help provide another source of income along with their parents’ to save it for crucial
 Lack of schools is also another cause as parents are never whilling to see their
children home everyday doing nothing that will benefit them in the future, Thus,
they send them to work in very hard manual jobs
 The weak laws in the country allows businessmen and companies to exploit children
in hard work for their personal profits through giving them very low incomes

Effects of child labour :

 It harms both their mental and physical health
 It effects their physical health.they work in very heavy manual jobs and in inadequate
places mainly farms and supermarkets so they suffer from many health problems
they may hurt their backs from carrying veryheavy material at work
 It effects their schooling children who go to work will score low marks at tests and
exams because they do not care about their studies and then they dro out of school
at a very early age
 Children start taking drugs though they get low wages from their work theu buy
drugs this will lead to many social problems like robbery and killing
 Child labour deprives the innocent children from their childhood they are deprived
from their rights to play and go to school with their mates.
How to stop child labour :
 The government ought to pass trict law and stringent regulations against
businessmen and companies which employ children .they must be punished severely
 They must give more importance to education .they must build schools mainly in
rural areas as well as making the education free and accessable for every child
 Parents who don’t support their children to go to school must be punished
 Government must offer enough job opportunities for parents for them to be able to
afford the necessary school and life supplies for their children
 Spread awareness among people and the empowerment of children’s rights through
creating national and international organizations that support children.

Drawbacks of counterfeinting:

 It effets consumer’s health. they buy cheap fake products of all kinds food medicines
clothes which may contain harmful substances since they don’t follow the worldwide
regulations of production and they may cause many illnesses like cancer (skin)
 They cost a lot of money even though they are cheap in other words they are a waste
of money as their quality is bad which means that they don’t last long until they
break and they and unusable as well as they not being guaranteed and unrepairable.
 Forging products may cease the creativity of people in fact people are not allowed to
invent other genuine products (no new items will lunch in the market + original
creators will stop inventing new goods as they are fed up of other companies stealing
their designs and wasting their work)
 Counterfeiting gives to the country and all of its products a bad reputation
worldwide this will negatively effect the economy

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