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 Organic food is the product of a farming system which refers to agricultural products that are

grown and processed without the use of fertilizers, growth regulators, livestock feeds,
pesticides, additives, bio-engineered genes
 Conventional food is the product of a farming system which refers to agricultural products
that are grown and processed with the use of fertilizers, growth regulators, livestock feeds,
pesticides, additives, bio-engineered genes to enhance plant growth
 G.M.F (genetically modified food) also know as genetically engineered food or bio
engineered food produced from organisms that have had changes introduced into their DNA
using the methods of genetic engineering for instance: selective breeding, mutation

Types of safety :

 Moral (mind – spirit-mental health)

 Physical (health)
 Produrism (producer)
 Consumerism (consumer)

How to stay fit, be healthy

 First, you should design a well-balanced and specific meal(diet) plan with restricted amount
of daily calories matching (suitable , coherent for) your height and age range. For instance,
adults mustn’t surpass the limit of 2500 calories a day
 Second, you should eat a variety of fresh and unprocessed foods, most importantly fruits,
vegetables, greens, nuts, whole grains, roots and foods from animal sources such as meat,
fish, eggs and milkthat provide beneficial nutritions like vitamins, minerals, protein and
antioxidants that your body needs in order to stay healthy.
 Third, you ought to avoid foods with high sodium and sugar levels, especially canned and
dried vegetables which significantly higher your risks of burdensome weight gain, obesity,
heart diseases, strokes, diabetes, high blood pressure and some types of cancer
 You should also eat moderate amounts of fat and oil.For exemple, opt for low fat or reduced-
fat versions of milk and diary products, choose white meat and fish which are generally low
in fat compared to red meat. Avoid industrially produced food and fast food, and replace
fried food with baked one.
 In addition, you had better drink enough water; around 8 cups a day, which will help you stay
hydrated and energetic all day long
 Finally and most importantly, you should always devote some time daily to workout and try
to be as physically active as you can.
The main causes of obesity :

 Overeating and the consumption of too many calories that surpass the adviced amount by
nutritionists , whether it’s by habit and out of being used to it or due to psychological and
mental health problems such as depression,stress, low mode, anxiety and eating disorders
mainly binge eating disorder also known as emotional eating.
 Genetic heredity; people whose family members are obese or suffer from excess weight and
constent weight gain are more prone to get fat as genes plays an essential role in our
metabolism system, speed and effectivity and also in the distribution of fat.
 Physical inactivity represents a major cause of weight gain .people who lack movement tend
to gain more weight compared to those who exercise regularely.
 Syndromes and diseases may also effect one’s health and result in major and uncontrolled
weight gain.For exemple Underactivetheroid which means that your theroid glands are not
producing enough hormones the thing that slows your metabolism.As for women, the most
common disease that causes them to put on weight is polycystic ovarian syndrome where
their bodies produce unstable and large amounts of estrogen which is also known as the
fiminity hormone that leads to weight gain

The main causes of being skinny :

 Syndromes and diseases may also effect one’s health and result in major and uncontrolled
weight loss.For exemple,Overactive steroid which means that your steroid glands are
producing excess levels of hormones the thing that boosts your metabolism. And we can’t
talk about diseases without mentioning diabetes type 1 where your immune system
attempts to attack the cells in your pancreas that produce insuline, and without insuline you
body can’t use glucose as energy, this causes high blood glucose, thus, your kidneys remove
unused glucose through urine and as sugar leaves your body so do calories.Some types of
cancer also encourages ( may result in) weight loss
 Substance abuse also causes the consumer of alcohol, cocaine and all kinds of drugs to lose
weight by the time passing and every substance effect that in a different way.As for alcohol,
it provides enery to the body and once your body gets too much energy, it starts to shunt
(use) the extra enery into the synthesis of storage products like fats which will eventually
cause weight loss.
 Malnutrition which revolves around the consumption of a small amount of daily calories
which is not enough to provide the sufficient levels of glucose used in producing energy,
therefore, your body will use the fat as a replacement and burn it to make the needed
energy that your body needs to function and that will leads to weight loss.
 Some types of treatments and medicaments.For instance, antidepressants.
How can we protect our children from the bad outcomes of energy beverages (energy

 Encourage them to drink milk and water.(drinks that benefit their bodies and satisfy their
daily needs of long lasting energy from natural sources)
 Be a good role model.
 Talk to them about the dangers of energy drinks. (raise their awareness of the inconvenience
of such beverages and how harmful and dangerous it can be for their development)
 Keep eyes on them and control what they eat and drink
 Help them cut off energy drinks from their diet and fight their addiction.

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