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Exercise 1 - Prepositions

Prepositions - Recycling-advanced-english-69-71.pdf

A. Choose the correct preposition according to the meaning in brackets.

1. He’s too young to be allowed in this bar. He’s _________ age (too young to
legally buy alcohol, drive a car, vote etc)
a. over
b. under
c. behind

2. Nobody would ever suspect her. She’s ______ suspicion (so honest that no one
could think that she had done anything wrong)
a. above/beyond
b. over
c. beneath

3. There’ll be no trouble about repairing the television if it goes wrong. It’s

_____________ guarantee. (protected by a guarantee)
a. over
b. behind
c. under

4. Don’t let those children get too wild! Keep them_____________ control. (the
ability or power to make someone or something do what you want or make
something happen in the way you want)
a. under
b. over
c. beyond

5. He’s taller than most people. He’s of____________ average. (the usual level or
amount for most people or things)
a. over
b. below
c. above

6. The main thing is, don’t hurt him_________ all. (used to say that something is
more important than anything else)
a. above
b. over
c. beyond
7. That’s rather unfair. You’re hitting_____________ the belt. (informal unfair or
a. below
b. beyond
c. over

8. I’m afraid I can’t work for anyone else. You see, I’m _________ contract to my
present employers for two years. (an official agreement between two or more
people, stating what each will do)
a. above
b. over
c. under

9. He whispered the answer. ‘Yes,’ he said,_________ his breath, keep him safe. (in
a quiet voice so that no one can hear you)
a. under
b. over
c. behind

10. Someone who robs an old lady of all her savings is ___________ content , and
deserves to be punished. (does not deserve respect or attention)
a. beneath
b. beyond
c. out

11. Use one of the_____________ mentioned prepositions to complete these

sentences. (mentioned on a previous page or higher up on the same page)
a. over
b. above
c. under

12. It’s very frosty this morning. The temperature must have dropped ______ zero.
(a temperature of 0° on the Celsius or Fahrenheit scale)
a. above
b. below
c. under

13. Shall we discuss the problem after lunch, _______ a cup of coffee. (while
drinking coffee)
a. on
b. at
c. over

14. He’s a freelance film director, and travels all__________ the world making his
films. (in every part of the world)
a. around
b. over
c. throughout

15. The village is well_____________ sea level, and at risk of being flooded if the
sea wall is breached by a particularly high tide.(The average height of the sea,
used as a standard for measuring other heights and depths, such as the
height of a mountain)
a. above
b. below
c. under

16. Doctors think heart attacks are sometimes brought on by being _______
stress/pressure at home or at work.
a. under
b. over
c. on

17. You’ll have to tell me the truth. Stop trying to pull the wool _______ my eyes. (to
deceive someone by not telling the truth)
a. beyond
b. above
c. over

18. If you don’t bargain with the market traders, you’ll be paying ______ the odds
for their goods.(British English- informal to pay a higher price than is usual or
a. beyond
b. above
c. over


Under age:too young to legally buy alcohol, drive a car, vote etc
Above/Beyond Suspicion: so honest that no one could think that she had done
anything wrong
Under Guarantee: protected by a guarantee
Under Control: the ability or power to make someone or something do what you
want or make something happen in the way you want
Average: the usual level or amount for most people or things = above/below average
Above all: used to say that something is more important than anything else
Below the belt: informal unfair or cruel
Contract: an official agreement between two or more people, stating what each will
do = on a contract/under contract
Under your breath: in a quiet voice so that no one can hear you
Beneath Content: does not deserve respect or attention.
Above-mentioned: mentioned on a previous page or higher up on the same page
Zero: a temperature of 0° on the Celsius or Fahrenheit scale = above/below zero
Over (a cup of) coffee: while drinking coffee
All over/throughout the world: in every part of the world
Sea level: The average height of the sea, used as a standard for measuring other
heights and depths, such as the height of a mountain = above/below sea level
Pull the wool over somebody’s eyes: to deceive someone by not telling the truth
Pay over the odds: (British English) informal to pay a higher price than is usual or

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