CV JHarrison (11.05.11)

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4 Green End Road, Hemel Hempstead, United Kingdom, HP1 1QW

  Phone 07800666010 • E-mail `


I am an intuitive and driven filmmaker, editor & photographer currently looking to build on
industry experience and secure freelance & fulltime roles within a crew or post team.


To be a success the director must give his everything to the production, continually push himself and those around
him to achieve more than anyone thought possible. The editor is forever thinking, striving for perfection, glimpsing
that perfect moment and capturing the life spark of a scene, maintaining a cool head when all around is chaos,
delivering results that are impressive and meaningful. This who I am, someone who will work for you, strive to deliver
more than you hoped, and exceed your expectations. Finding and capturing moments that grip you, and stay with
you there after.


2011 May We Are Social & Kleenex London

2nd Camera Operator

I am proud to include this production in my recent experience, as I was able to fulfil the important role of second
camera operator on a We Are Social shoot for Kleenex. The director commented that he was impressed with my
talents throughout the shoot & I was able to bring to the production both my own ideas, equipment, experience &
skills. Freelancing on projects such as this is something I both enjoy and work hard at as I believe it is vital to be
involved in many areas of production to grow as a filmmaker.

2011 April Cartoon Network Europe London

Assistant Editor and Technical Assist

Within this production of ‘Sock TV’ I was in charge of data wrangling and backup as well as edit assembly & data
logging. By working closely with the Director and liaising with the Editor i was able to play a vital role in this
production and often found myself required to work through a technical difficulties, to ensure the smooth running of
the backup & capture process ready for the editor to take over in post.

2010 July – August TenThree Editing House London

Assistant Editor and Runner

Having fulfilled an assistant role at tenthree I was responsible for a number of delegated tasks and jobs including
shadowing three professional editors. By working closely with the team I have been able to examine and improve
on my understanding and capabilities in editing, as well as expand upon previous experience and technical
knowledge of what is required in a post production facility such as this.
2010/11 April – March (freelance) Work Experience at WAX Agency London

Junior Editor and Producer

I assumed the role of Intern at this production agency, but soon became involved with on location camerawork and
assistant director work, in house editing, as well as illustration and storyboarding for future productions. Having
impressed my employers I was offered future freelance work opportunities, allowing me to build on my level of post &
on set experience.  

2010 Jan – Ongoing (Part Time) Harrison Consulting Engineers Hemel Hempstead  

Office manager

Helping to run an at times busy & chaotic office at Harrison Consultign Engineers has given me the grounding and
office experience required to survive in such a demanding environment. Whilst working here I have been able to
utilize my technical abilities through the use of AutoCAD training for creating technical engineering drawings
following site visits and calculations.

2010 June – Ongoing Lumo Film Production Hertfordshire

Director and Editor

I am currently involved in running a small production company called Lumo Film along with a partner & fellow
photographer, we have a passion for creating short form video and producing showreel material we are proud of
that shows off our talents as filmmakers. This company’s success has been achieved through hard work & dedication
whilst working with the latest kit & software to ensure a high standard of quality.

2010 November – 2011 March Documentary Backpacking North America

Camera Op & Editor

I spent 3 months this year backpacking across America solo, experiencing life and growing as a filmmaker.
Throughout my travels I endeavoured to Film and Capture the journey and edit Videos and Footage on the road.
This experience has allowed me to expand on my knowledge of the Canon 7D DSLR and Final Cut Pro while
developing my understanding of documentary filmmaking & gorilla style shooting.

Part & Full Time Retail

Throughout my education I have worked at a wide verity of part time and full time positions from Intense chef work
to customer service and retail roles. Regardless of the position at every workplace I have been able to comfortably
fit in and knuckle down delivering quality service and products. If a job is worth doing its worth doing properly, and
so I endeavour to push myself and strive for new goals and achievements be it in commercial front of house or in
industrial behind the scenes. From each position I would surmise that I have realized and expanded on a range of
skills such as teamwork, problem solving, performing under pressure, client care, and maintained physical and
mental work effort.

2007- 11 BSc (Hons) Degree in Entertainment Technology at the University of Portsmouth.

Completed with 2.1 certification.

Degree focused upon Digital Video, Post Production, Editing & Graphic illustration;

• Creating and developing film proposals as well as directing and leading a production team.
• Conducting research and preparation for shooting.
• Post Production management & experience.
• Organizing filming schedules and structuring of personal projects.
• Software abilities ranging from Avid Media Composer, Microsoft Office, Adobe, and Final Cut Pro.

2005- 07 3 AS/A2 Level qualifications at Hemel Hempstead Sixth Form

• Information Communication Technology - C

• Graphic Products – C
• Art & Design – B

2000- 05 11 GCSE’s at Hemel Hempstead School


• English Language – B • Double Science – BB • Graphic Design – B

• English Literature – A • Maths – B • Art – A
• Religious Education – A • Drama – B  
• Information Tech - C • Physical Education - C

Olly Moss is a Creative Producer at We Are Social. I reported to him whilst working as a Junior Editor,
Camera Assistant, Producer, and Illustrator on work experience at WAX Agency. He would be happy to
provide a reference for myself upon request.

+44 (0)20 3195 1700



Thankyou for taking the time to consider me for this position.

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