Method of Statment

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Seecmmee! | FDHJV |amec® | pa xipic Seemepete | Sone KIPIC Al-ZOUR NEW REFINERY PROJECT (2OR) Prosser: LEVEL 1 ADMINISTRATION BUILDINGS Documents: | METHODSTATEMENT FOR TERRACOTTA’ | cowtmacTINO. | LOZR-FL3OXKOO! ocumen no: 132. 78-0000-AMTS 018 ewision:| + | PAGE: | tot20 METHOD STATEMENT FOR ‘TERRACOTTA INSTALLTION {| | ztsni | tite or review FHOBET Tsuna aatamed | ganas aol ‘aie ‘and approval sat | nuahintar | "Shiren ia ee er Prepared Approves We] me | dowintmaesie | eset | cwesy | evedty| APL Zz anim International oS Perera MFDHJV |amnec® | px KIpic © Sontaciog Ce WL. sel ae ~ KIPIC AI-ZOUR NEW REFINERY PROJECT ZOR) fname: LEVEL 1- ADMINISTRATION BUILDINGS | ocumenrrirus: | MEMOOSTATERENTFORTERRACOTTA T cowrmact nO. | LAZR-FI-S0KO01 Documenrr no: 152R-78.0000-4TS-018 rewision:| + | PAGE: | 2ot20 Revision Misory 1_| tess or rvew a approval 2eyuly2018 Rev.No Description Date ote: ‘Changes the ates revision are denoted bya vertical linen the lef-hand margin against the revised ext Goidten), [Z ‘Alghanim international } [2 seer | sri [enee [preume| Jnouecr: | aPC AIZOUR NEW REFINERY PROJECT ZOR) | LEVEL 1- ADMINISTRATION BUILDINGS SME TLE” | NETWOU SATERENT FOR TERRACOTTA ove ERLE | conact 0: | ocwenrwo: | Lazieanooaursare | nevBion:| + | pace: | ser TABLE OF CONTENTS Sesion Destin vp xo 1. mee ' 20 sane ‘ 20 Program 1 40 Reerencs ‘ 5.0 Dens and Abreviaons : 60 Duties and Responsibilities Ld 70 Materials , 120 Methodology for teraction 90 cuaty contrat 0 100 Plantandaupmest ‘8 110° evronment 8 120° communctionan Trning * 120. Health Sayan Weare » 140 tachment » ‘LEVEL 1- ADMINISTRATION BUILDINGS. Steateage | MFDH JV |omec® | pe IpIC Srmesamgcowit | Soom | a TOPIC ALZOUR NEW REFINERY PROJECT GOR) | men Te: | MESO STATEMENT FOR TERRACOTTA | contacto. [ LazR-FIS0-KOO; Pocus Le2R7e2000.AsNTS-O18 REvsion:| 1 | Pace: | sorz0 1.0 PURPOSE ‘The purpose ofthis method statements to describe the methodology for execution of terracotta Installation works activities of KIPIC Al Zour New Refinery Project (ZOR) Level-1 Administration Bulidings® to make concerned person familiarized with th sequence af actviis,uilizations of resources, documents & drawings involved, maintaining & recording documents & data to meet approved construction drawings, project speification and contractual obligations. 20. SCOPE ‘This method statoment illustrates the procedures we intend to adopt fr terracotta installation forall structures associated with KIPICAIZour new refinery projet(ZOR)Lave-1 Administration Buiiings. 30° PROGRAMME The work will be carried out as per approved drawing and projet specification and project schedule with adequate resources to meet target. The progress of work willbe reflected on dally and monthly report by the Planning Department. 40° REFERENCES 4.1 Related Specifications > LOZR-78-0000-HS-PLN-001 Health Safety and Environment Plan > HSE-TSSA-06-2012 Safe Work Practices on Liting Appliances and Tackles > HSE-TSSA-06-2020 Safe Work Practices Work Permit System & Risk Assessment > PAO33NKP. Project Specification for Terracotta Fins > P4O33NRP. Project Specification for Terracotta farade panel system > DEP 34.1920.31-P4001NRP-00-PV Reinforced Concrete Foundations and Structures > PAO33NRP. Rigid Insulation > P4033NRP. - Exterior Curtain Wall Systems 4.2 British Standards Institution (BS), European Committee for Standardization (EN) > SEN 14411 Ceramic tiles - Definition, classification characteristics gD sommeeases | AED H JY emec KIPIC Contracting ora. |e sisos on BE RIRIC KIPIC AL-ZOUR NEW REFINERY PROJECT (ZR) Leena LEVEL 1- ADMINISTRATION BUILDINGS. ocuwenr rite; | METHOD STATEMENT FOR TERRACOTTA INSTALLTION LSZR-F130-K001 ocument wo: LO2R-78-0000-A.MTS-018 1 | pace: | sorz0 and marking. > BSEN ISO 10545-2 Ceramic tiles. Determination of dimensions and surface walty > BSEN SO 10545-3 Ceramic tiles. Determination of water sbeorption, apparent porosity, apparent relative density and bulk density > BSENIS0 10545-4 Ceramic tiles: Determination of modus of rupture and breaking strength > BSENISO 10545-5 Ceramic tiles: termination of impactresistance by ‘measurement of coefficient of restitution > BSENISO 10545-6 Ceramic tiles: Determination of resistinceto deep abrasion for unglazed tes > BSENISO 10545-8 Ceramic tiles: Determination of linear thermal expansion > ssnis0 105159 ‘Ceramic tiles. Determination of resistence to thermal > BSENISO 10545-12 Ceramic tiles, Determination of frost resistance > BSENISO 10545-13, + Ceramic tiles: Determination of chemisal resistance > BSENISO10545-14 _:-_Ceramietiles, Determination of resistance to stains > pin 105161 Cladding for external walls- Requirements, principles of esting > pINai31 Aluminum constructions under predominsntly static loading. > DIN 1055-4 Action on structures ~ wind Toads. > pin 18202 ‘Tolerances in building construction, > Asce7-10 Wind Loads: Guide tothe Wind Load Prvisions > SEN 1504 = Protection and Repair of concrete structures 5.0 DEFINITIONS/ ABBREVIATIONS = owner + Kuwait Integrated Petroleum Industries | QP teeneeeet | AFD JV |amec® | pix KIDIC t ‘KIPIC ALZOUR NEW REFINERY PROJECT (ZOR) srovecn LEVEL 1- ADMINISTRATION BUILDINGS Documener nue: | METHOOSTATENENT FOR TERRACOTTA T cowrpact NO. | LOZR-FI30xX001 | |, pecowerve {SzR.78-0000-4.TS-O18 REVISION: | 1 | PAGE: | 6120 | ‘Company (KIPIC) + company = FLvOR- FD + contractor = Alghanin International (ALG) + Project, -KIPICAL-Zour New Refinery Project (ZOR)- Level, ‘Adminstration Buildings + per Design and Engineering Practice | ow = Project Variation + use Health Safe & Environment + aAsac Quality Assurance / Quality Control + a Job Satey Anayss + om Inspection and Test Plan | + ASTM ~ American Society for Testing and Maerials | = IFC Issued For Construction 6.0 DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES 641 All personnel engaged in terracotta installation shall have adequate experience in their respective discipline. Only qualified competent equipment operators stall be involved. {62 Allpersonnel will be made aware ofthe environmental aspects ofthe works through toolbox talks and where necessary training sesions on certain aspects ofthe works affected bythe environment 63 Construction Managers responsible forthe overall works ‘Site Engineer, Surveyor and Foreman are responsible for the construcon n acordance withthe scope of work, approved drawings, related specication and HSE requirements implementation, 64 QA/QC Engineer/Inspectr shall ensure that all works ae carted out trict in accordance with approved Method Statement, Inspection and Test plas and project specification 65. Safety Engineer, Safety Officer, Safety Assistant shall ensure that works are carried outin accordance to approved Method Statement, Risk Assessment and Control Measures. To perform training session for HSE requirements and to ensure follow ety for scafolding And concrete shuttering. 66 ll esting wl be carried ou in the site laboratories by approved third pty. ——————————————— _) Alghanim international > @ eorcerne AFOH IV |amec> | px xupic enenabe eet || cee ly KIPIC AI-ZOUR NEW REFINERY PROJECT (ZOR) rower eva ADMINISTRATION HL OHES pbocumenr rm: | METHOD STATEMENT FOR TERRACOTTA T conrracTINo.: | LOZR-FIS0KO01 pocimenr wo: LOzR7a4000-A.NTS.18 ewsion:| 1] PAGE: | reta0 70, Maer 7 Sub framing 714 Profile » PFC ( Contral Faveton profile): for horizontal or vertical sections > FH (Faveton hollow profile): fr extreme comer (long piece longer than 60cm) > FH (Favetonauxilar profile) :for extreme corner (short piece shorter than 60cm) 7.4.2 Brackets > Support Bracket (Axed point: usually placed in slats (concrete or steel) and support the Fagade weight. profile mist not have mare than one supportbracketto overcome the dilatation effet) @ seinmemi! | AED JV | amec® | px KIpIC Contracting Cor WL a aU PIC ALZOUR NEW REFINERY PROJECT ZOR) hateorarsioa LEVEL 1- ADMINISTRATION BUILDINGS pocumener rue: | WETHOOSTATENENT FOR TERRACOTTA T conTRACT NO. pocumenerno- Sz. 700000-A.TS- O18 REVISION: | 4 > Stop Bracket (lating point): usually used in blockwork and support wind the wind force > Special comer bracket: in intermediate areas ifthe elevation is too long 7as.others > Clamp: to hold trracota tiles and profile together tightly ww _ Alghanim international 5 ‘teeta AFDHJV |amec® | px xipic ee | Seem TGPIGAIZOUR NEW REFNERY PROJECT GOR) novecr EVEL 1 ADMINSTRATION BUILDNOS Document rcs: | METOOSTATRIENTFOR TERRACOTTA T cowrpncT NO. | LaZRFI30KOOT pocimenr wo: zn T2000. TSO REVISION: | 1 | PAGE: | eorzo > EBDM rubber joint: The EPDM rubber which is lubricated with fatto make the placing easier is placed 7.2 Ausiliar components 7.2.4 Anchors > Fischer nylon anchor SX 10x80 to use with block or concrete it se with DIN 571.1290 for ing point > HILTIMetallicanchore HAS-R M8175 to use with concrete for fixed point | px KIC aie. | Hw a PRovecr: LEVEL 4- ADMINISTRATION BUILOINGS. ee ome reno Seneaenoe! = feel oe =o SS re ——- 17.3 Terracotta tiles > Dimensions as pr lent specs 8.0 Methodology for Terracotta installation 8.1 Delivery , Storage and Handling > Deliver components, terracotta fins pipe, and other manufactured Itemss0 as not to be damaged or deformed. > Package terIrart baguette fr protection during transportation and handling Unload store, nd erect aluminum framing system and erracota fins pipe na manner to prevent bending ‘warping, wisting, and surface damage ‘Contacting Co WALL. ee Ic KIPIC ALZOUR NEW REFINERY PROJECT OR) oe LEVEL 1- ADMINISTRATION BUILDINGS MNT Le: | METOOBTATEHENTFORTERRACOTTA'T contact No. | LOZRIFLSOxO01 MENT NO Lozereanoo.ars.o18 | Revision: | + | PAGE: [ at20 > stack terracota fins pipe on platforms or pallets, covered with sutable weather-tight and ventilated covering. Store tiles to ensure dryness, with positive slope for drainage of water and do not store baguette in contact with other materials that might ease staining, cracking, branother surface damage. > Materials shall be delivered in original packages or bundles, bearing name of manufacturer geminmenem! | EDH JV | ore | per KIPIC ——————— > Handel material with care to prevent damage, > Inevent of damage, make repairs and replacements necessary at no aditonal cost to Owner | 82 Surface preparation > surfaces must be clean and sound, Remove al traces of formwork, release agents, previous coatings, atance organle growth and anyother contaminants that may fect the bond adversely, Do not use scrabbling or anyother aggressive method, > Suitable cleaning methods include ultra-high-pressure water jetting and griblasting or other ‘suitable methoa > Apply vapor barriers per IFC 83 Installation 8.3.1 installation of substructure 83.1.1 facade marking Mark one reference line or level in one ofthe elevations Indicate the starting point of the elevation Measure the distance "Y" between the startin point and reference line Mark starting line from the reference ine Mark the ist vertical axis which is placed at distance X away from the starting point Mark profile axes “vertical lines’ and brackets axes “horizontal lines" Note: axes marking should done in onetime Install brackets Firs fll place brackets inthe corners to check fagade aplomb and fatness ‘We have three types of brackets support bracket, stop bracket and special side bracket, support and stop bracket has shor side 60 mm and long side 90 mm, special corner bracket ‘60x120mm > Toknow which ofthis sides fxedto inner walls the function of airgap > Ifargap thickness between 118.5 and 134 mm i wil be fixed to the wall with the Long side _.» Alghanim international | SSentn ect MFDHJV jamec> | pe IpIc eeeemont as | eae a KIPIC AI-ZOUR NEW REFINERY PROJECT (ZOR) - }) Prosecr: LEVEL t- ADMINISTRATION BUILDINGS OSUMENT TTL: | MEFOOSTATERENT FORTERRACOTTA T contmacT NO: | LazR FIS0-KOO! .OCUMENT WO LSzR-72-0000-AANTS-o18 ewsion: | + | PAGE: | vor20 >» 1faingap thickness between 133.5 and 164 mm the short side willbe fixedon the wall Spocal corner bracket wil permit way out from 194 mm > For bigger size, we should contact supplier for more longer bracket check sketches in next | page > Place brackets at both sides of ofthe profile mean place one bracket or more onthe leftand Another one or more onthe right for ane prfilefnd below photo > Distance between center of anchor hole and profil wll be $3:5mm BD vemmeetot | AEDH IV | amec® | pe KIPIC Smee: | Soten PIC Al-2OUR NEW REFINERY PROJECT (ZOR) LEVEL 1- ADMINISTRATION BUILDINGS PROJECT: ppocumener rue: | NETHOOSTATENENT rq TERRACOTTA pocumenr nor {S2R.78-0000-A.TS 018 > Tojointhetween brackets and walls fisher nylon anchors wil placed In ke wall according to the fllowing indications 1} Dothe dri 2 Cleanthe hole 3: Introduce the anchore at surface level 4 Roll the serew into the anchor through the bracket hole > Tojoint between stop brackets and profile 2 aut diling screws placed fa vertical sliding holes. this serews have its corresponding neoprene washers see below photo. i > Tojolntbetween support brackets and profile 2 auto drilling serows placed in vertical sliding holes and 2 serew-nutin the horizontal sliding holes se below photo, 1) Agari trations ‘General Tracing ‘Contracting Cox WL. a FDHJV |amec” | Bx KIPIC KIPIC ALZOUR NEW REFINERY PROJECT (ZOR) ‘LEVEL 1- ADMINISTRATION BUILDINGS, UMENT TITLE TWETHOD STATEMENT FOR TERRACOTTA STALLION Document no: {LSZR-78-0000-A-NTS-018 REVISION: Install profiles indicated ‘lamp fixation inorder to sketch Distance between profiles Placing brackets at both si Placing the bracket accor Placing profiles hold the last le Distance to take into account between brackets ides ofthe profile ing t airbag. Joints between profles/brackets and wall/brackets 1” From stating point have to place the profiles taking into account each prfile type as is > Profile must be taken into acount thatthe profile must be long enough toensure the last > Respect profile fatness andthe airgap mentioned in project > Profiles PFH must be placed in sucha way that they permit a proper grip of the tile and the bracket anchors that Support it donot get closer than 100mm of the holeside see below > Sometimes T profile are placed a the sides to fix carpentry finish ofthe jamb Here atthis point we can say we have substructure of elevation is finished 8.3.13 substructure installation summary Qian | EDL IV |amec® | pax xpic cemucemel, | MEOH WY "GPC A-ZOUR NEW REFINERY PROUECT Com Seve NOMINATION Lome Dbocuenr rus: | PETWOOSTATERENTFOR TERRACOTTA T contract no. | LS2R-F130-K001 ocumenrno: | Ls2R-eano-AarTste evsion:| +] AGE: | 80120 8.3.2 installation of tiles 83.2.1 install clamps "Once the profiles ae placed the starting lamps placed > Starting lamps must levelled with the begining ofthe profile From starting clamp we place the remaining clamps at fixed distance ‘Remaining clamps is placed downwards to hold the tle and it wont be fixed with pin due to pti fee tobe dismantled ifnecessary and to permit the llatation ofthe tle ‘Be careful wth the placing of next lamps if we have to absorb difference: in horizontal joints sve blow photo (ap between tiles shouldbe 6 mm, vovovy Bene’ | EDH JV | amec® | pe KIpIC =5 ce TOPE AOUR NEW RENERY PROVES GOR) prose CAVE ADuNSATON DOR one psaeermm: | MEMOOSTATRTERLIERAEET | conrmact no; [ vane ocoMeNT no: zR78.000-AMTE-8 Revision: | 1| PAGE: | 8ot20 8.3.22 install EBDM rubber > Place the EPDM rubber join like below photo > Notto ct the rubber jlnt in exact size but leave a spare part which wll becut when the tile was already paced > ‘Thejoint must be held from bottom with some limit in beginning to avolésliding, £83.23 install Rockwall >” Install rockwool on wall as per in IFC and approved RAM. install tiles > To presentiles we will redesign the placing of initial row to correct some deviations by not anchored some clamps see below BD ntinige | MFDHJV |amec® | Bg KIPIC ScranetgecmLL | heen aa TOPIC ALZOUR NEW REFINERY PROJECT ZOR) roves: LEVEL 1- ADMINISTRATION BUILDINGS Dbocumenr rue: | METROOSTATEIENT FORTERRACOTTA | contract NO. | LAZR-FI30-KOOt pocimen Wo: ‘azr Te 2000-AaTs.o18 Revsion:| 1 | PACE: [ror > Toplace frstrow anchoring Go down the clamps that are not anchored > Usually two clamps are placed above starting clamps and they are held by the pin but without passing through any clamp hole as per below photo > After placing the tile we have to remove the in, the pin which is downwerds will hold the tile The next clamp is presented ready to start with the process again > Ferfinal look please see below 84 Inspection request stages Inspection request should be submitted complying withthe approved inspection and test plan 85. Clean Up "> Donotallow accumulation of debris arising from work of ths speciicatin. Maintain premises n neat and orderly manner. > ‘Inevent of spilling or splashing compound onto other surfaces, immediately remove material and all traces of residue. | | ee | 2 eee | MFDHJV |amec® | px HIPC Contracting Co WiLL = KIPIC ALZOUR NEW REFINERY PROJECT @ZOR) LEVEL 1- ADMINISTRATION BUILDINGS ovine ETO Forno ee pocunenr wo Laan Ta00-eTs-n8 pase: [wot 9.0 Quality Control > In order to ensure that the quality of materials and mix proportons are maintained ‘throughout terracotta instaltion operations sampling and testing shal be carried out using ‘the relevant Inspection and Test Plan and all other relevant codes quoted in the project specification in accordance with aroutine testing program that shall teagrocd with before the start of concrete works, > Significant stages of work shal be monitored and ensured tobe enforced by the concerned ‘3 per the approved Inspection and Test Pan Inspection request shal be submited t the Company a day prior to inspection schedule. 10.0. Plantand Equipment Equipment tobe used inthe execution ofthe works Is listed below. Before mobilization of ‘equipment it will be inpected to ensure it meets all safety requirements and operators wil be tested and certified 1. Hand tools 2. Drill ‘3 Small ches for iron sawing ‘4 Saw desk with circular disc cooled with water 11.0 Environment > Works wil proceed under controlled environment. Control measures identified in the Risk Assessment tobe in place, Establish a management policy supporting waste minimization. Establish a waste management team Prepare and implement a Waste Management Plan (WMP). ‘Communication and Training ‘Ader approval ofthis method statement, a pre-construction mectng tbe held among the supervisory staff involved. Tralnings mentioned in the risk assessment to be followed. Communication between the site tam and security willbe the mobile phone system. Personnel with mobile phone numbers shall be displayed / available at site office and camp aecommodation, including Subcontractors. 13.0. Health, Safety & Welfare > All safery rules & regulation forthe project shall be adhered to at all times. Third party certified equipment and competent personnel to be deplayed. Requlred work permit (PTW) t> be secured. Rsk assessment and risk control measures as per approved SA are tobe n place. > Allsite personnel shall be properly equipped with protective clothing and tools appropriate | op Szameeeer! | EDH JV | amec ee BE KIPIC TKIPIC ALZOUR NEW REFINERY PROJECT (ZOR) Proven LEVEL 1- ADMINISTRATION BUILDINGS pocumexrrmis: | MEMCOSTATRIENTFORTERRACOTTA T conmact nO. | LOZR-FISD-KOO! pocumexr no: {SzR0-000-AarS-o18 REWSION:| + | PAGE: | 1por20 for their duties and shall ensue that work area facilites are safe prior tothe commencement of work activites, > For night working operations, there must be an adequate and suitable lighting. ‘There must bea sae secure access and egress forall personnel and workers atthe site > Safety aspects of masonry work shall bein accordance with project HSS plan. HSE fre and safety regulations shal be adhered. 86 All personne! wil undergo safety orientation including medical tes and will fllow the safety procedure forall actviues as stipulated inthe cients manual and procedures. v ll equipment will be certified by approved third party and FDH Clients’ safety personnel Safety barricades and sign boards shall be provide as per the standards, All engine driven mobile equipment shall comply with HSE-TSSA-0S-2018 ‘Al! heavy construction equipment operator shall comply with HSE-TSSA-05-2018 clause 3.12. vvvyy Proper housekeeping shall be maintained all around work places before and after work commenced. 14.0 Attachment > Supplier method statement —— ae Seanemet | MEDHJV | ane | Ic ‘Sonar! Trading Coniractngcorwit. | PROJECT: ‘KIPIC AI-ZOUR NEW REFINERY PROJECT (ZOR) LEVEL 1- ADMINISTRATION BUILDINGS ocumenr Tile | NETHOD STATEMENT FOR TERRACOTTA ‘CONTRACT NO. | LOZR-F130.KODi “UMENT NO: L9ZR.78.0000-A.NTS.018 Revision: | + | PAGE: ATTCHMENT 1 Supplier method statement favetor’ 1. Faveton system description fending ents poston. Pee cu Cd ‘Supportbracket Stop bracket Speci corner bracket === yh Co | Pooinsco siz aise favetor’ RM umeco Tiel faveton favetor! faveton In longitudinal direction fayetor favetor’ favetort favetor’ favetort Ci CNS C cay Distance botwoon profes sccount between brackets tbat sdes ofthe profes according profes, bracket Cee ccc Cea eae y Machinery and tole fr the assembly process 4. Cutting machines Saw desk with circular disc cooled with water and softs. Hose of 125m, 1 ‘cogs, 4 Feeney Eee accu ace 1200 100mm 1190 peer reas Pen eer eects botween brackets “Tenet table ropresants he dstances between brakes according tothe distance between profes. This tables usta gue and ‘shouldbe used unr th supervision othe bldg st echnican a Fe [ative] [Che Paar 3 on fee [stig gre] [ee [ Hepa te Large] [ee [tar repel 500 mm 480 mm Note 1a 5rojects where the dynamic wind pressure was 100 kgm? 2F, ores Fy = pressure wind force F = sco wind fore; M = maximam mementum: f= maximum arrow R= maxsmum reaction '8. Forces without mayorar for the arrow calcuation, 4.7.2, Joint between brackets-inner wall 4.7.3. Type of anchoring according to the Ceaser) + Pafs are marked with elevation as fllws ‘We mark wth elevation he sat of the pole refering 5010001000 B=] Measurements i mm F ‘SinPasador Con Pasador favetor’ CaaS SEC reer recy fens p1ooms loaod loood loo0"d Leafs 0 0 i090 00 joo ad Cood jo00”0 PME Cue Tele ig ‘once we nave he bulk edesines (or the corresponding elevation) we SeeeatedatPeton apse m 2 ‘Subestucure assembly: For that we wil doth folowing steps: In his point we can say that the substructure is ished, ‘Coram assembly For that ww fo the floning steps: 5) We pace each profile staring clamp. Tho location ofthis clamp is Puts te rng i" A " te starting camp we place the camps ‘Stremertsweh i funelon of he ack Tnacaaay to absorb oterencs i hoor ace the EPDM rubber joint fr going tobe ct in he ulin ste, before tng rng he pan measurement we wl hock ‘haven measurement ha te ie regues ‘The Faveton sytem installation has been already completed. Graphical, the proses a fons: faveton favetor’ faveton Knowing the starting point ofeach have observed in he former pol now wo wil havo to place the pros taking ito account each ‘ate ype aa rica 2 to respctiho| ess andthe aap mentioned inthe project. For that wllbe necessary lo tow aoe nach plant © ‘sate the fares Sothe clamps ready paced aso inthe projct favetor’ The next camp is placed downwards tohoid the tia, ‘The next fed clamp is placed in such way "that between pins isthe measurement given in that work horizontal joints, due to the pins would ‘ot be placed withthe format measurement. Crete ce To present the tile: For that we will redesign the ceramic placing the initial row and in this way we correct, some deviations. Be careful if we must absorb differences in vetical joints First row anchoring: eet hem fo shore Placing of the second clamps row: favetor? favetor 6. Standard constructive CTE a g q . q ee | «tit Tae oo ieee Seneca neice) ae) favetor’ Internal corner

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