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The Gerber Articulator and System of

Full Denture Construction

Part 2(b)

Setting-up the Teeth and Finishing the Dentures

By G. E. White, Technical Instructor, University of Sheffield Dental School

The Gerber Articulator and System of Full Denture Construction

Taken from “The Dental Technician” 1973, Vol. 26 No. 4

The Gerber Articulator and System of
Full Denture Construction
The sagittal condylar path angles therefore, most stable part of the ridge.
obtained from the extra-oral tracings are This principle is similar to the way a
transferred to the Condylator mechanism saddle is positioned on a horse’s back.
of the articulators. The stylus and tracing (Fig. 8.) Many full lower dentures lack
plates are removed from the blocks and functional stability when the upper and
new wax added to the rim of the upper lower teeth are separated and move
occlusal block until it again makes contact forwards during masticatory pressure in
with the lower rim. Crest of the ridgelines the molar region of the dentures because
are drawn on each model, together with this simple rule of confining artificial teeth
lower ridge profile lines, which are drawn to stable areas has not been observed.
on the sides of the model mounting This propulsive movement causes sore
plaster. The lowest point of this line is spots under the lower denture and
marked with a bisecting line. (Fig. 7.) eventually leads to the destruction of the
Gerber arranges teeth so that the underlying alveolar bone. (Fig. 9.)
forces of mastication applied to them are Gerber Condyloform posterior teeth are
least able to dislodge the dentures. designed so that the palatal cusps only of
Gerber insists that the occlusal surfaces the upper teeth fit into a fossa or hollow
of the posterior teeth must follow the contained in each of the opposing lower
curve of the lower ridge. This simple rule teeth. (Fig. 10A.) The principle is similar
ensures that occlusal forces are always at to a mortar and pestle. (Fig. 10B.) They
right angles to the ridge, so promoting a are wider bucco-lingually than most
high degree of stability during function, conventional posterior teeth and give
when the dentures are held apart by hard better results because the bulge of the
food and the patient is applying strong buccal surface makes a satisfactory
closing pressure. contact with the cheek. If there is a cross
Setting-up commences with the upper bite relationship between the maxilla and
anterior teeth, which are arranged to the mandible than the teeth are arranged so
usual appearance criteria. Setting-up of that the buccal rather than the palatal
the posteriors begins with the first lower cusps of the upper teeth engage the
molar teeth, which are set over the fossae in the lower teeth. (Fig. 10C.)
“lowest” and, therefore, most stable part As well as dictating the radius of the
of the ridge. (Fig. 7.) The remainder of the “Spee curve” and the number of posterior
lower posteriors are then set into place, teeth to be used, the lower alveolar ridge
taking the usual care to keep them over can be assessed for its denture-
the crest of the ridge. If the profile of the supporting qualities to indicate the way
lower ridge rises sharply as it approaches the posterior teeth will occlude. (Fig. 11.)
the retromolar pad, the teeth would have After the upper anteriors and the upper
to be set on an inclined plane and forces and lower posteriors have been set up,
applied to them would be resolved in a lower anteriors are selected which will fill
direction which would propel the lower the gap between the left and right lower
denture in a forward direction (Fig. 9.) To first premolar teeth. The lower incisors lie
avoid this the last molar tooth is omitted directly over the crest of the ridge. They
or replaced by a premolar to confine the may be tilted forwards a little which,
posterior teeth to the most horizontal and, together with a hollow in the denture base
Fig. 7. The left and right ridge profiles Fig. 8. Stability during mastication is
are drawn on the sides of the model improved if the lower teeth follow the
mounting plaster. A mark bisects the curve of the lower ridge. This ensures
line at the lowest and therefore most that occlusal forces are always at right
stable part of the ridge. angles (90 degrees) to the surface of the
alveolar process.

Fig. 9. If the molar teeth are set

over a sloping part of the ridge
the lower denture moves for-
ward during mastication.

anteriorly, makes allowance for a stability of the dentures is tested by

contracting orbicularis oris muscle which applying firm pressure with a pointed
might otherwise displace the denture instrument on to the occlusal surfaces of
backwards. any tooth, one side at a time. The
When the setting-up has been finished dentures should not move. The dentist
the teeth are checked for contact in attends to the shape of the wax flanges at
centric occlusion in the following way. this time because a good deal of extra
The locks controlling condylar movement stability is to be gained if the shape of the
on the Condylator are positioned to allow flanges is in harmony with the
hinge movements only. Green typewriter movements of the lips and cheeks during
ribbon (10 cm. Wide) is placed between function. When the try-in has been
the upper and lower teeth and the completed the dentures are sealed to
articulator closed. A proper fitting of the their respective models and the models
upper cusps into the lower fossae is removed from the mounting plaster. The
shown by a green dot in the centre of tapered sides of the models makes them
each fossa. The dots should be over the come away easily and produces an
alveolar ridge. (Fig. 12.) accurate socket in the plaster into which
The dentures are waxed to make them the models can be accurately returned,
ready for try-in. In the mouth the dentures carrying the processed dentures.
are assessed according to standard Processed dentures need to be
criteria for speech and appearance. The returned to the articulator to remove the
errors of occlusion produced by
volumetric changes in the denture base reproduction of condylar movement are
material during polymerisation and to positioned to allow hinge mandibular
grind-in the occlusal surfaces of the movements only. Green typewriter ribbon
posterior teeth to produce what Gerber is used between the teeth to check that
calls a “poly-valent" occlusion. (Fig. 13.) the cusp to fossa contacts developed
This means that although the basic during setting-up are still present. If due
mortar shape of the occlusal surfaces of to processing errors a tooth does not
the lower is retained, it has to be re- show a satisfactory green dot, then the
worked slightly so that its shape is in other teeth which do show evidence of
harmony with the articulator’s reproduc- contact with opposing teeth have their
tion of the patient’s own particular green dots ground away slightly with
temporomandibular joints movements. revolving 6 mm. spherical stones. This is
This is done as follows: continued until all the lower posterior
teeth show a proper contact with the
A. The locks controlling the articulator’s cusps of the upper teeth.

Fig.10. A. The palatal cusps of the upper posteriors
(X) occlude in the central fossae of the lower teeth
with a point contact. The teeth work together within
the shaded areas. B. The principle is the mortar and
pestle. C. With the cross bite the necks of the teeth
are moved buccally to maintain cheek contact and
buccal cusps engage the lower fossae.

Fig. 11. A. Full anatomical occlusion-used only with

good ridges. B. Reduced occlusion-upper teeth tilted
to prevent buccal cusp contact. For average to poor
ridges. C. Reduced occlusion-tooth tilted and buccal
cusp ground away. For poor ridges. D. Mixed
occlusion-all premolar lower posterior teeth set-up.
For very poor ridges and to increase tongue space.
Fig. 12. A dot contact produced in the Fig. 13. The “mortar and pestle” which
lower teeth by single upper cusp. The allows smooth tooth movements in
dots are over the crest of the ridge. any direction.

Bennett envelope of movement and again

B. The vertical pin is raised so that it high spots are ground away.
cannot make contact with the incisal
guidance table and so cannot influence The smooth protrusive, lateral and
mandibular guidance. retrusive articulation of the teeth which
this tooth form and method of grinding
C. The locks are now adjusted to allow produces is further refined by using a
protrusive, lateral and Bennett mandibular mixture of 220 grit carborundum and
movements to be simulated by the glycerine between the teeth and moving
articulator. Red typewriter ribbon is now the articulator so that the teeth are
used between the teeth, whilst the ground together in a rotary manner,
articulator is moving through all possible starting with very small movements and
excursions. The red colour used after the increasing these in size until a radius of
green centric check now makes the about 3 mm. is reached. About 10 to 15
original green centric dots look “black”. revolution in a clockwise direction
These black dots show equilibrated followed by a similar number in an anti-
centric and only the red marks in the clockwise direction usually suffices to
fossae of the lower teeth, which show refine and merge the ground and
interference are lightly stoned away. This unground areas of the fossa into a single
gribding is quickly done and harmonises unified bowl shape in which the cusp from
the standard fossae shape of the an upper tooth can move in any direction
Condyloform teeth with the patient’s with equal facility. (Fig. 13.)
individual condylar guidance, radius of Now the dentures can be removed from
Spee curve and spatial position of the the models and the resin “flash” and other
models within the frame of the articulator. sharp projections removed. The dentures
are not polished but are straightaway
D. The locks are now adjusted so that a tried in the patient’s mouth so that the
retral mandibular movement from centric areas developed in wax to allow the
is added to the protrusive, lateral and musculature to stabilise the dentures can
be finally shaped with cutting instruments
at the chair side. Particular attention is have what Fenn, Liddelow and Gimson
given to accommodating the buccinator (1961) call “plain line articulation” of the
and orbiclaris oris muscles in both teeth, i.e. teeth set up without regard to
dentures and the lingual flange of the lateral jaw movements. These dentures
lower denture almost always terminates are destructive. They tend to move about
just beyond the mylohyoid ridge. The in use because of cuspal interferences
precise outline of the denture lingually is and cause pain and sore spots under the
determined by the dentist, who must be denture. If these traumatic forces exceed
able to raise the floor of the patient’s the physiological tolerance of the alveolar
mouth by finger pressure under the chin bone, it resorbs.
without displacing the denture. If the original fit of the dentures was
A novel but revealing test of denture good then bone resorption can be kept to
stability in the teeth apart situation is to a minimum if the patient can learn to
invite the patient to bite hard on to a fairly avoid making lateral and protrusive
hard object, say a pencil, which the movements and to chew with a simple
patient holds in his hand and uses in hinge-like action. It is reasonable to
different parts of the mouth, not assume that we can expect a small
neglecting the last molar teeth. If the number of patients to learn these new
teeth have been set to follow the curve of masticatory movements perfectly and that
the lower ridge and do not go too high up this number will probably be balanced by
a steeply sloping approach to the those who will be unable to show any
retromolar pad, the denture will not move, significant control over their dentures,
no matter if the ridges are well formed or even after long perseverance. This latter
flat. If the dentist follows the impression group complain that “the dentures do not
technique correctly, the dentures resist work properly” or “they move and hurt
removal from the mouth almost when I eat”. The pain they experience is
regardless of the shape of the residual usually lingual and the crest of the ridge
alveolar processes. When the dentist is and is produced by the “dragging” effect
satisfied with the retention and stability, when the imbalanced teeth attempt to
the dentures are polished in the usual slide over each other during lateral and
way. Very great care is taken not to polish protrusive jaw movements. To the
within 2 mm. of the periphery, which is left denture movements attributable to cuspal
quite undisturbed. interference can be added the strong
propulsive movement produced when the
Conclusion and Summary posterior teeth are set on an inclined part
Patients who have worn full dentures of the ridge. (Fig. 9.) The only structure,
for some time can present themselves for which can resist this movement, is the
new dentures with mouths that have relatively delicate anterior segment of the
changed radically from the time the lower alveolar bone and its thin covering
original dentures were fitted. Typically the of mucosal tissue. Forward lower denture
upper alveolar processes are relatively movement elicits a quick response from
unchanged while at the same time the the mucosa in the form of pain in the area
lower alveolar processes show varying of the lingual fraenae. Any attempt to
degrees of resorption up to the terminal ease the denture over these painful areas
flat lower ridge problem which can be so will only exacerbate the situation by
difficult to solve in older patients. This spoiling the fit and retention of the
almost endemic pattern of alveolar bone denture.
loss is not a chance or random With the exception of those who can
misfortune. Its origins can be traced in the change the way they eat to accommodate
majority of instances to dentures which their dentures’ occlusal disharmonies, the
remainder of patients will experience are working together in contact, and when
some denture movement during mastica- they are separated by food this influence
tion which is most cases will encourage will be lost at precisely the time it is most
the underlying alveolar bone to resorb needed. With this in mind Gerber has
more rapidly than would be the case with been able to significantly extend stability
stable dentures. The resorption reaches a into the tooth apart-dentures under load
point where the fit of the dentures is situation by limiting the posterior teeth to
affected and allows the cuspal inter- those more horizontal areas of the lower
ferences to move easily dislodge the alveolar process which simple laws of
denture and so a circle of imbalance mechanics indicates are the most suitable
resorption more imbalance more resorp- to receive pressure without denture
tion is established which can so quickly movement and by arranging the occlusal
destroy the alveolar processes as surfaces parallel to the curve of the lower
effective foundations for dentures. ridge. (Fig. 8.)
In order that teeth can be set up to Although this method of setting-up
avoid destructive cuspal interferences, it means that the size of the occlusal table
is essential to use an articulator which may be reduced in difficult cases,
copies the movements of the mandible of because Gerber contends that it is better
the patient for whom the dentures are to omit a tooth if it has to be placed where
being made so that tooth contacts it would add to the instability of the
developed in the laboratory will be denture, the denture base is always as
reproduced in the mouth. Gerber’s large as intra-oral muscle activity will
research (1959) has drawn attention to allow. Although Gerber uses other
the inadequacies of adjustable two axis materials such as plaster of Paris when
articulators. They have their own the ridges are flabby, the material most
individual movement characteristics and, used by him is zinc oxide-eugenol paste,
in Gerber’s opinion, are not able to used in a close-fitting resin tray. One of
generate the correct mandibular paths of the most important reasons for using the
movement on the working side (side to material in this way, apart from the
which the mandible moves in a lateral jaw mucosal adaptation to the alveolar bone it
movement). produces (Fig. 1) is that the combined
Gerber has pointed out that balanced thickness of tray and impression material
occlusion and balanced articulation do is small and it is only by using such a
not necessarily provide denture stability if technique that an accurate tray supported
the teeth are set on an inclined alveolar impression of the sulcus can be obtained.
bone foundation. The main objective of The dentist controls the shaping of the
the Gerber system of full denture periphery of the impression by
construction is to provide the patient with manipulating the soft tissues of the mouth
dentures which are stable and passive in so that only areas which move during
use. Gerber does this by making sure that normal function are accommodated in the
the occlusal surfaces of the teeth move in impression. This technique, unlike some
close harmony with each other and with “functionally trimmed” impression tech-
the movements of the temporomandibular niques, does not rely on patients co-
joints of which Gerber considers the operation in making movements with the
Bennett movement constitutes a very tongue which are not used in normal
important part. For many years speech, mastication or swallowing.
technicians and dentists have questioned The intra-oral Gothic arch tracing
the validity of anatomical articulation on makes it possible for the dentist to obtain
the grounds that it can only be effective reliable records of the horizontal jaw
as a stabilising influence when the teeth relationship without the risk of mucosal
“compression” produced by uneven Condyloform teeth are made by Candulor
contact of the rims during the sealing ib a range of shades to match their
together of the blocks. The Gothic arch anterior teeth. They are available in resin
tracing has the great advantage that the and porcelain.
dentist can check that he has recorded a The central features of the Gerber
properly retruded condylar position before system of full denture construction is the
he dismisses the patient. Payne (1969) Condylator articulator.Gerber claims that
investigated the relationship between the it moves in a more natural manner
apex of the intra-oral Gothic arch and the because he has copied the shape of the
position of habitual closure in the condyle heads and the glenoid fossae
edentulous person and found that: and therefore the articulator can perform
1. Habitual closure occurs at a the Bennett movement more faithfully.
precisely defined position and The articulator and matching face bow
does not occur over an area. are easy to use and duplicate in important
2. The actively traced apex point of a respects the movements of the “fully
Gothic arch is a reliable guide to adjustable” instruments such as the
the position of habitual closure. Grainger Gnathoscope and pantograph.
3. The apex point of an active Gothic The Condylator is a simple articulator
arch tracing is not the most which is capable of reproducing three
retruded position. dimensional condylar movement without
Gerber agrees with Payne that the apex conventional incisal guidance. The incisal
point is a “muscular” position and not the guidance plate and rod are used only to
most retruded or ligamentous condylar maintain the vertical dimension during the
position in the glenoid fossae. In the setting-up of the teeth. The form of the
Condylator articulator Gerber has allowed setting-up can be “graded” so that it is
for an up to 2 mm. retrusive movement able to follow the dictates of the shape of
from the apex point (centric) to the fully the lower alveolar processes. This
retruded condylar position. It is not provides denture stability even in
surprising perhaps that despite its unfavourably shaped alveolar processes.
advantages the Gothic arch has been Professor Gerber has developed a
neglected in this country when Payne, system of full denture construction which
because of the lack of suitable apparatus, contains the best features of established
was obliged to construct his own stylus techniques but in a form which he has
from the end of a ball point pen and a brought up to date in the light of modern
tracing plate from an acrylic disc carried research and technology. The Condylator
in a cast metal framework. Gerber styi articulator and Condyloform teeth are
and plates are used in conventional unique to Gerber.
occlusal blocks. The apparatus is
reusable because the tracing is made at REFERENCES
the correct vertical dimension and does Craddock, F. W. (1949), J. Amer. Dent.
not require the tracing plate to be Ass., 38, 6, 697-710.
perforated at the apex point to allow the Craddock, F. W. (1956) Prosthetic
stylus point to pass through as in the Dentistry, Kimpton.
technique described by Fenn, Liddelow Fenn, Liddelow and Gimson (1961),
and Gimson (1961). Clinical Dental Prosthetics, Staples.
The form of the condyloform posterior Fish, E. W. (1952), Principles of Full
teeth establishes a mortar and pestle Dentures Prosthesis, Staples.
effect during mastication, which allows a Gerber. A. (1959), Der Zahntechniker No.
smooth gliding tooth contact in any 6.
direction from centric occlusion. (Fig. 13.)
Payne, A. G, L. (1969), Brit. Dent. J., 126,
5, 220-223.

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