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Current Situation of Pakistan Job Market

Pakistan is always struggling with its Job market situation and creates employment opportunities
never the same. An unforeseen situation in the country and Government polices always varied
which effects seriously on job market.

Factors Affecting The Job Market:

The deteriorating law and order situation in various parts of the country forced the investors to
offload their investments. The news of bomb blasts and ever increasing threats of blasts in
different cities kept the investors and business growth activities on the sideline. It affect as a
serious stop mark on Pakistan job market.

Load shedding of electricity is disturbing economy, especially the industrial sector as it is one of
the largest sectors of Pakistan’s economy. This sector should employ a large number of labors. But
Due to electricity breakdown already established industry is deteriorating, resulting in the
prevailing unemployment ratio. Due to less availability and high rates of basic inputs like
electricity, gas and oil etc, many industries have been closed and many preparing to close. This
uncertain situation of power failure is reducing the plans of the future Business expansion in the
country and leaving an irremovable impact on Pakistan Job market.

Current international financial crisis is also one of the biggest reason of unemployment in Pakistan
and in the whole world. This crisis originated from the banking sector of USA, UK and some
European countries and is now a global phenomena.

Factors Favorable To The Job Market

In current adverse market situation jobseekers are exploring new ways for employment activities
and businessmen are trying almost everything to reduce the cost of production, it has opened the
doors of opportunities of outsourcing and off shoring which were buzzwords a decade ago but
unfortunately we couldn’t materialize the opportunity provided to us.

The recent global developments have made the internet a marketplace where you can work at
home as a free lancer and safely make extra money. There are plenty of freelance sources
available for freelancers who want to sell their time and skills in the global marketplace. Home
office business is flourishing in the Pakistan and it is predicted to be the new ever increasing
employment trend in the country.

Finding Jobs in Pakistan through online job portal like LineOwork is growing trend in Pakistan
which has already benefited thousands of jobseekers and employers to connect each other in
timely manner and savior over other traditional methods.

Pakistan is usually experiencing difficulties with its job market as it very often encounters
mass unemployment. Unexpected circumstances in the country and new government plans
constantly come about and seriously affect the job market.

Some of the most important factors that affect the job market are:

- The fragile law and order conditions in numerous areas of the country forced investors to
shut down their businesses. The news of terrorist attacks and escalating threats of
explosions in numerous cities have strongly affected the economical development of the

- The precarious state of energy supply to the industry is also a major factor in Pakistan's
unemployment. Because of the low development of the energy sector, many large industries
are not able to grow and to produce more work opportunities. The poor energy supply is
very often accompanied by a lack of oil and gas, which have caused many businesses and
industries to go bankrupt. As a result, thousands of people were left with no job and with
very slim chances of finding a new one.

- The existing international economic crisis is as well a decisive factor for lack of
employment in Pakistan as well as in the world. The crisis was caused by the banks in the
USA, UK and a few European countries and has grown into a global phenomenon, which has
especially affected developing countries such as Pakistan.

However there are also some positive factors influencing the job market. Some of them are:

- In the modern society of today, competition among economic rivals is very strong, which
has led many companies to cut down on costs in order to provide cheaper products and to
gain market share by doing so. As a consequence, there has been a huge growth of
outsourcing request on the Pakistani job market, as the workers here tend to be paid with
much less money compared to other countries.

- The government of Pakistan is one of the most important job providers in the country as
it's ever growing and improving, thus requiring more and more people. The main advantage
of working for the government is the high job security levels compared to other places.
People who have found work in a governmental institution are very rarely fired and they can
look forward for a secure retirement.
1. Write a resume. Even if the particular job you're looking for has an application process where a
resume isn't necessary, the process of writing a resume can help sort your thoughts and prepare
you for an interview. Having a written record of your work history makes filling out an
application much easier, too. Tailor the resume to the type of job for which you are applying,
emphasizing related skills and coursework.

2. Call the employer. Ask about the application process: "Good morning. My name is John Doe. I
was wondering if you had any positions open and, if so, how I could apply?" You will usually
have your call routed to the hiring or human resources manager. If they have any openings,
they'll either ask you to come in and fill out an application, or they'll ask you to send a resume
and cover letter by mail or e-mail, in which case you should inquire "To whom should the letter
be addressed?" They will give you their full name - write it down and ask them to spell it out if

3. Write a cover letter if it's a part of the application process. Make sure it is specific to the job,
with the company name and address and, if possible, the name of the person who will be
receiving it.

4. Ask two or three friends or family members to read over your resume and cover letter for
typos. It's often difficult to see our own mistakes.

5. Apply:
a. Visit the employer to fill out your application form. It's usually best to go in the mid-
morning, when they're not too busy, but before the day has worn them out. Ask to
speak to the hiring manager and try to hand the form to them personally: "Hi, we spoke
on the phone yesterday about the (job title) position. Here's my application. Let me
know if you need anything else!" This will give the employer a chance to see you (so
present yourself well) and put a face to a name.
b. Send your cover letter and resume as instructed.

6. Follow Up:
a. If you filled out an application but the hiring manager wasn't there at the time, call three
days later, ask to speak to the manager, and confirm that the application was received:
"Hello, this is (your name). I filled out an application on (day you came in) and I just
wanted to confirm that it was received."
b. If you sent a cover letter and resume by mail, call a week later to confirm their receipt. If
you sent them by e-mail, call the day after.

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