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You hear chanting getting louder and louder from a table a couple down from you.


A young man, obviously a little drunk, stands up, takes a big drink of beer, then walks up to the bar.
He slaps a gold piece down on the table. Durnan nods and reaches under the bar and pulls out a bell,
and hands it to the man. The other people cheer, and the guy begins to strip off his weapons and
Armor. After he's down to his underwear, he walks out onto the small wooden platform that hangs
over the taverns namesake.

A cable is lowered from above, it has a looped end to stand on. The man takes one more chug of
beer, drops the tankard down into the hole, then steps onto the rope. The rope begins to lower
down into the hole.

Insight check (DC 10) - he has a brave face but he's scared shitless.

As soon as he's past the lip people start shouting out bets, "I'll bet a silver he's ringing that bell
before he hits the bottom!" another says "I bet 2 copper he stays down 3 minutes and comes up
with the cup!" more betting.

After a minute or so the rope stops, meaning he made it to the bottom, the tavern suddenly gets
very quiet, although there are a few unhappy grunts and the exchange of coin from the people that
bet he wouldn't make it to the bottom. A minute passes, you see the rope move slightly here and
there. 2 minutes pass, almost 3 minutes pass and then the sound of a bell begins to echo up the
hole. The rope begins to be pulled up, the hole seems unnaturally dark , and you can't see anything
past 40 ft.

Suddenly you see the man appear, on the end of the rope, one hand holding the rope, the other
holding the tankard up triumphantly, there are yells of joy and defeat from the crowd.

He get's to about 20ft away when suddenly you see movement below him. The form of a Troll
solidifies as it climbs quickly up the shaft, the crowd starts yelling and pointing, but the man on the
rope doesn't seem to understand, 10 feet from the platform the Troll catches him and bites down,
he screams. The Troll climbs up onto the platform and rips the man in 2 and throws him to the

You see Durnan reach up and grab a great sword that's hanging behind the bar, then vault the bar-
top and yell "Troll! Any help get's a free round on me!"

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