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Kate usually wears jeans but now she is wearing a dress. | play the piano every day. (a npocto KoHCTaTylO qakT) My neighbour is always playing the piano at night. (a BucnoBnioIo He3afOBONeHHA, posgpatysaHHa) 1*. 3anoBHu nponyckn npaBunbHoo chopmoio AiecnoBa — y Present Simple a6o Present Continuous. 1) Look! The dog (bark) at the tree. 2) Tim's dog never (bark). 3) | smell smoke. | think something (burn). 4) Dina always (look) great. 5) Luke doesn’t hear you. He (dream). 6) My dad (finish) work at 6 p.m., but this week he (work) till 5. 2*. Cknagu 3anvtaHHa 3i cnipB y AyxkKax, NocTaBMBUM giecnoBa y Npasunbunit Yac — Present Simple a6o Present Continuous. 1) (you / remember / his address) ___Do you remember his address? 2) (what / she / wear / today) 3) (your granny / wear / glasses) 4) (he / understand / what to do) 5) (what language / they / speak / now) 6) (he / know / Polish) 7) (what / you / look / at) 3**. Cknagu sanepeyenua 3i cris y Aykkax, NocTaBuBwM AiecnoBa y NpasunbHnii Yac — Present Simple a6o Present Continuous. 2) (we / discuss / our holiday / now) 3) (Liz / know / the answer) 4) (my mum / work / this week) 5) (his granny / go to work) 6) (it / get dark / yet) 7) (it/ get dark / till 9 in July) 8) (it/ rain / here in summer) 4". lonosin peyeHHs cnopamu 8 AykKaxX, nocTaBMBN AiecnoBa y NpasunbHnii Yac — Present Simple a6o Present Continuous. 4) It (always rain) on my birthday! | feel so unhappy! 2) It (often rain) at this time of the year. 3) Why (you constantly tease) your little brother? 4) Don't worry. They (always fight) and then make up. 5) Jim (always come) late. | got used to it. 6) You (always come) late! I’m sick and tired of that! 7) She (always wear) long skirts. This is her style. 8) You (wear) the same sweater every day. Can you put something different just for a change? | called you yesterday. — 9 g3B0Hna Tobi BYopa. (npocTa KOHCTaTayjia chaKTy) ] | was calling you at 5 p.m. yesterday. — AI oaBoHna Tobi BYopa 0 5-/ roqMHi Be4opa. (Mn BKAayeMo TOYHINA 4aC, kon Big6ysanace gia) | was cooking while Ted was doing his homework. — A Kyxopapiana, nok Ten po6ue AomawHe 3aBqaHHA. 41*. 3anoBHn nponycku npaBunbHolo chopmotd Aiecnis y AyKkax — Past Simple a6o Past Continuous. 1) Kate (live) in Poland for three years. 2)1 (live) in Mexico when my brother got married. 3) It was a nice evening, so they (walk) home from work. 4) Luke (study) Maths at university. 5)1 (have) breakfast at 7 a.m. 6) She (have) breakfast very early yesterday. 2**. NoctaB giecnosa y npaBunbHnii Yac. B opHi YacTuHi peyweHHA — Past Simple, y apyrii — Past Continuous. 1) When | (see) him, he (talk) to Mary. 2) My dad (meet) my mum when they (work) in China. 3) When they (get) married, they (study) at Oxford University. 4)We (hear) a strange noise when we (drive) home. 5) She (wear) a long red dress when | (see) her 3***. Tpoe apy3iB posnosigatoTb npo cso npurogu. SanoBHu nponycKn NpagunbHoWw cbopmow Aiecnosa — Past Simple a6o Past Continuous. Notim poskaxu ui ictopii Big 3-1 oco6u. A. Last year | (1), (witness) a real fire. | (2) (discuss) some problems with my boss on the 32nd floor of a skyscraper when we (3) (hear) the fire alarm. We (4) (rush) out to the elevator, but it (5) (not work). The stairs were full of thick smoke. We couldn't go down, sowe (6) (go) up to the roof. When we (7) (get) there, some people (8) (scream). Others (9) (wait) calmly. | was very scared. Eventually a helicopter (10) (land) on the roof and (11) (rescue) all of us. B. | (1) (participate) in some archeological dig on a small island in the South Pacific. | (2) (take) a nap when the volcano (3) (erupt). The noise was so loud that it (4) (wake) me up. | (5) (look) out of my tent. Everybody (6) (run) toward the harbour. | (7) (throw) on my robe and (8) (rush) to the harbour myself. Fortunately there was a cruise ship there and we all (9) (get) on it. The ship (10) (leave) when the lava (11) (hit) down. So it was a narrow escape. C. One summer my girlfriend and | (1) (stay) with friends near Los Angeles. We (2) (have) a barbecue in the garden when an earthquake (3) (begin). Everything (4) (shake). The food and the plates (5) (fall) onto the ground. We (6) (start) picking everything up and suddenly we (7) (see) the ceiling fall in. We were lucky not to be in the house at that moment. But our friends’ dear cat was there. But she was saved by a miracle. fi YPOK 3. Present Simple i Present Perfect | know this man. — A sHalo yo miognuy. I've known him all my life. — 9 sHato Horo Bce CBOE KUTA, ‘y@ | |'ve always loved Mary. — Sl sap. nio6ue Mepi. 41*. Nigxpecnu npasunbHy cbopmy Aiecnosa. 1) | live / have lived in New York. 2) | know/have known Jane since childhood. 3) She works / has worked since she graduated. 4) He travels / has travelled a lot this year. 5) My parents travel / have travelled a lot. 6) Jack likes / has liked History all his life. 7) | know/I have known this rule. 2*. Mepenuwn peyenHs B Present Perfect, spo6vswin HeoOxiaHi 3MiHu. 1) llike grapes. __/ have always liked grapes. 2) | know this rule. 3) My dad works in a hospital. 4) Nick is ill. 5) | don’t understand it. 6) They are married. 7) My mum teaches French. 8) They have a car. 9) | live in London. 3**. 3anoBHu nponycku npaBunbHoIo cbopmolo HagaHUXx HWKYe pie- cnis — Present Simple a6o Present Perfect. always want work love be travel understand never like 1) Jack round the world this year. 2) Nora married for 6 months. 3)1 to buy a house at the seaside. 4) Carl his dog. 5) Sara cats. 6) you at this company long? 7) you what you have to do? 4**, Nepexnagu axrnilicbkoto MoBor. 1) Tu Hikonu MeHe He po3ymiB. 2) A 3aBkaM 3HaB Ue. 3) Bin He posymie Te6e. 4) Mid aig He npautoe. 5) A npautow TyT yke ABa poKu. 6) A 3Hato TBOW CecTpy. 7) Denne 3Hae Mepi 3 autTuHcTBa. 8) Moi 6atbku KuByTb y WotnaHaii 3 2003 poy. 9) Me Bin xuBe? The Chinese invented powder. — Kuraiyi suHaitwnu nopox. (Lle 6yno gaBHo, pin BrpaTwna HoBMHy i niwna B icTopito) Have you heard? Luke has invented a new electronic device! — Tu 4ys? Siok cTBOpvB HOB enekTpOHHMAA npwnag! (Lle akTyanbHa HOBMHA; HEBAXKNMBO, KON Gyno SMi/ICHeHO gio, aKYeHT Ha pesynbTari yiei Ali — HoBoMy npvnagi.) 1*. 3anosHu nponyckn npaBunbHow cpopmow giecnia y ayKkax — Past Simple a6o Present Perfect. 1) I (not play) tennis this year. 2) She (have) six different jobs since she left school. 3) He (run) away from school three times when he was fourteen. 4) How many cups of coffee (you drink) today? 5) In those days Andrew (come) to stay with us most weekends. 6) Shakespeare (write) poems as well as plays. 7) Since my brother lost his job, he (write) two books. 8) I’m not cooking today — | (cook) all the meals yesterday. In fact, | (cook) most of the meals this week. 9) Our team are rubbish. They (lose) eight games one after the other in this season. 2**, Tloctas giecnosa B ayxkkax y nigxogsyuii vac — Past Simple a6o Present Perfect. A sad story of a sad man One Sunday evening two men (1) (meet) ina London pub. One of them was very unhappy. ‘Life is terrible, everything in the world is really boring,’ he sad. ‘Don't say that,’ said the other man. ‘Life is marvelous! The world is so exciting! Think about Italy. It's a wonderful country. (2) you ever (be) there?’ ‘Oh, yes. | (3) (go) there last year and | (4) (not like) it.’ ‘Well, (5) you (be) to Norway? (6) you ever (see) the midnight sun?’ ‘Oh, yes. | (7) (go) there in 2000 and | (8) (see) the midnight sun. | (9) (not enjoy) it.’ ‘Well, | (10) just (return) from a safari in Africa. (11) you (visit) Africa yet?’ ‘Yes, | (12) (go) on a safari in Africa last year and | (13) (climb) Mount Kilimanjaro. It was really boring.’ ‘Why don’t you go to Iceland? My friends (14) (be) there several times and they really (15) (love) it there!’ ‘1 (16) (fly) there last summer. | (17) (see) geysers, volcanos and Marstian landscapes. Nothing special.’ ‘Well,’ said the other man, ‘I think that you really need help. Only the best psychiatrist can help you. Go to see Dr Shrinkbaum in Baker Street.’ ‘| am Dr Shrinkbaum,’ (18) (answer) the man sadly. Present Simple, Present Continuous, ~ Past Simple i Present Perfect Present Simple | Present Continuous Past Simple Present Perfect Onucye aii 8 Onneye aii, aki Onnoye aii 8 Onveye aii 8 murynomy, TenepiwHbomy, | Biq6yBaloTbcA B AAaHMA «=| MMkynoMy, YacTO | He noBigomnsio4n, Aki BinGyBarOTbCA | MOMeHT, a TAKOX 31 is BkasiBxow, KonM | KONM Came Bif6ynaca 3 NeBHOO cnosamu this week, came sig6ynaca —_—| pis, aGo Bkasyioun Ha perynapxictio, a | today, this Sunday Tow | nia; Tako onucye | npoMixoK Yacy, AKMiA TaKOXK OYBBMDHI | AK NPOTMCTABNeEHHA THyyOr nogin y ‘Ue HE 3aKIH4MBCA. pat, perynapHim, sBM4aiiHVM | MUHynoMy. iam. 1*. 3anosHn nponyck npasunbHolo cbopmoio giecnia y Ayxkkax — Present Continuous, Past Simple a6o Present Perfect. 1) You (be) a beautiful baby. 2) | (not read) her latest book. 3) (you visit) India? 4) My great-great-grandmother (live) in Glasgow. 5) Columbus (not discover) America: the Indians already (know) where it was. 6) Amazing news! Scientists (discover) a new planet! 7) Who (give) Shakespeare his first job? 8) How many times (you be) in love? 9) | (never enjoy) a holiday as much as this one. 10) ‘(you hear) the thunder last night?’ 11) Josh (work) late this week. 12) Tim can't join you — he (do) his homework. 13) They (invent) cure for cancer! — | think, you are mistaken, it’s only your dream. 2**, Noctas giecnosa 8 AyKkax y npaBunbHu Yac — Present Simple, Past Simple a6o Present Perfect. John (1) (always be) interested in the sea. When he was ten, his mother (2) (buy) him an aquarium and he (3) (have) a collection of tropical fish ever since then. For the last twenty years, he (4) (live) in a big house in Aukland where he has an aquarium. Last year he (5) (open) the aquarium to the public. Thousands of people (6) (already visit) his collection. His collection includes several sharks which (7) (swim) around looking dangerous. ‘People (8) (not understand) sharks,’ he says. ‘I (9) (never have) any problems with my sharks because | (10) (know) how to behave. Sharks only (11) (attack) humans in certain situations. Once, a great white shark (12) (try) to attack me but I (13) (hit) it on the nose with my camera.’ 3**. Qonosxn nuct Sonu nogpysi npasunbHoio cbopmoio giecnis y ayxkax — Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple a6o Present Perfect. ern It (be) a couple of months since | last (write) to you so | (think) I'd better get in touch and tell you all my news. | (not/decorate) the living room yet. | (not/decide) what colour to paint it! | (not/buy) any curtains either. I (finish) moving the furniture in right now and I (unpack) most of my things. | (decorate) the bedroom at the moment. It (look) very nice. 4 (YPOK 1). Noctas giecnosa B Present Simple a60 Present Continuous. | _am working _ (work) late this week. 41) It (not rain) here in summer. 2) He (not understand) what to do. 3) You (speak) too loudly. | can’t hear you. 4) Hurry up! It (get) dark! 5) Kate (wear) glasses but she (now wear) them today. 2 (YPOK 2). Noctas giecnosa eB Past Simple a6o Past Continuous. The police _stopped_ me while | _was driving home. (stop, drive) 1) When | _. the door, they about me. (open, talk) 2) While he »he a plate. (wash up, break) 3) He his girlfriend when he in India. (meet, travel) 3 (YPOK 3). Noctas piecnosa B Present Simple a6o Present Perfect. He __reads__ every day. 1) Joe Maths. (always like) 2) Nobody me here. (ever understand) 3)1 to go there. (never want) 4) Let her alone! She to go. (not want) 5)1 winter. (not like) 6)I him since childhood. (know, ee 4 (YPOK 4). Noctas niecnosa B Past Simple a6o Present Perfect. We _heve never been _ (never be) to China. 1) Sam (get up) early today. 2)1 (not see) John today. 3)! (never ride) a horse in my childhood. 4) Who (break) the window? 5) Look! Somebody (break) the window. 6)1 (be) to Britain twice in my life. 5 (YPOK 6). 3anosHu nponyckn npasunbHolo cbopmoio giecnis y Ayxxkax — Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple a6o Past Continuous. |__haven't painted __ (not paint) the walls yet. 1) It four weeks since | last Marta. (be, see). 2) Jack bananas in his childhood, but now he them. (not like, love). 3) They chess at the moment. (play) 4) Tod when | called. (cook) Sa2auntia Kinoricme bariB ss / 30 Ouirae ‘Ann's eyes are red. She has been crying. | She's been playing for half an hour. Has she been watching TV long? She's been watching TV since you left. 1*. Hanuw noyatkn peyeHb B Present Perfect Continuous. 1) (he / run) He has been running. 2) (I / have a bath) 3) (Mark / read) 4) (they / watch TV) 5) (Sara / cook) 6) (we / practise) 7) (you / sleep) 8) (he / jog) 9) (she / plan) 2**. 3anoBHu nponycku 3anponoHoBaHumn giecnoBpamu y Present Perfect Continuous. argue write travel read play run 1)1 have been reading this book since yesterday. 2) They for two months. 3) She the piano for an hour. 4) We are very tired. We since 6 a.m. 5) My neighbours all day long! 6)| an essay since 7 p.m. a a erent 3**, Noctas 3anvtaHHa 3a spa3kom. 2) Lily is wet. (swim) 3) Nick has a lot of bruises. (fight) 4) ‘I have a headache’. (watch TV) ‘ 5) ‘We have been very busy lately’. (prepare) ‘ for the exam?’ 6) ‘His hands are dirty’. (work) ‘ in the garden?’ 4°", Nepeknagu peyenua aHrnivicbKolo MOBOW. 1) Bova AaBHo nnaBae? 2) Ketit npuGupae y coil kimHati BKe Tpu roqMHn. 3) A kyxoBapto 3 panty. 4) A He fosro Ha TeGe Yexato. 5) BiH BiB Mawuny npotsrom 5 roguH, Tomy BiH Tenep TaKvii BToMne- HU. 6) Bona octaHHim Yacom 3a6araTo icTb. 7) Mu npautoemo Hag UMM npoextom uinni MicALb. Present Perfect i Present Perfect Continuous Present Perfect Continuous Present Perfect 4. Mv uikasuoca camo pie. Ham He | [Ina Hac Baxnunpe spiicHeHHa pli, HAM BaXNIMBO, 3aBEPWEHO ii 4 Hi: ujkaBni ii peaynbTar, a He npoyec: Tom's hands are very dirty. He has been | The car is going out of the garage. Tom : repairing the car. has repaired it. 2. My nigxpecnivemo, 9k poBro Mu nigxpecnioemo, sk GaraTo Mn BKE ‘ apiicuiosanaca (a6o goci 3gicHioettcA) | 3po6unu a6o cKinbkKn pas mv 3piicHiOBann : sKacb Alin: SKYCb pltO: Ann has been writing letters all day. Ann has written ten letters today. rae cmemenamnnacnnLS RSI 41**. Moctas piecnoga 8 Aykkax y npaBunbHui Yac — Present Perfect Simple a6o Present Perfect Continuous. 1) I'm exhausted! | (work) all day, and I (not finish) yet. 2)I (visit) many countries over the past few years. 3) Someone (take) my books. | (look) for them for ages, but (not find) them yet. 4) 1 (shop) since morning, but ‘ (not buy) anything. 5) That's one of the best books | (ever read). 6) The streets are all wet. It (rain). 7)I (listen) to you for the past half an hour, but |’m afraid | (not understand) a single word. 8) Somebody (stand) under the window since morning. 9) The castle (stand) here for centuries. 2**. Nloctas yTouHtoioui 3anuTaHHA, BUKOPUCTOBYIOUN nigKasku. 1) Paul is a singer in a band. How long (sing) __ has he been singing ? How many records (record) _has he recorded _? 2) Your friend Alan is learning to drive. What do you ask him? How long (learn to drive) 2 (buy) a car yet? 3) Jenny is a teacher. How long (teach) 2 How many schools (work) in? 4) You meet your friend Sally outside the cinema. You ask her: How long (wait) 2 5) Joey is getting married to Andrew next September. What do you ask her? How many guests (invite) 2 How long (know) Andrew? 6) You meet an old friend you haven't seen for ten years. What (do) all this time? Where (be) ie 7) You know that Peter has been to the States several times. How many times (be) to the States? 8) Your friend Ann and her family are in France for their holidays. You call her and ask: How long (stay) in France? 9) Sam’s mother is on holiday. What do you ask him? What places (visit) yet? 10) You want to know if it is still raining. What do you ask? (it / stop / raining) yet? Present Continuous i Present Perfect Continuous Present Perfect Continuous Present Continuous Mu ninkpecnidemo, ak foro Mn rosopumo a6o sanutyemo npo Te, 4M 1, | saiicHioersca pia: XTOCb Hapasi 3aMHATH: I've been reading for two hours. | am reading at the moment. How long have you been waiting? Are you waiting for me? 1*. 3anosHu nponycku Aiecnopamu y npaBunbHomy uaci — Present y' Continuous a6o Present Perfect Continuous. 1)1 (write) a letter. 2) She (play) the piano for three hours. 3) We (stay) with our friends. 4)We (stay) at this hotel since we arrived. 5) They (have) breakfast. 6) She (have) a shower for an hour. 7) We (not talk). 8) He (not do) any exercise for three weeks. 9) It (rain) all day long. 10) It (not snow). 11) | (not wait) for anybody, | (just stand). 12)1 (wait) for you over an hour. 13) | (try) to contact him since yesterday. 14) How long (you/work) on this project? 15) 1 (just try) to help you! 16) What (you/work) on? 17) He (work) a lot recently, no wonder he has all those headaches. ee ere A terre ee Te 2**, Tlepenuuim peyenHa B Present Perfect Continuous, spo6newn Heo6xigHi GonoBHeHHA. 1) | am writing a letter. _/’ve been writing this letter for twenty minutes. 2) I’m having a bath. 3) We are playing tennis. 4) Tom is doing his homework. 5) Jack’s sister is playing the violin. 6) My mother is cooking. 7) Tim is sleeping. 3***, Nepeknagu peyeHHa aHrnilicbkolo MOBOIO. 1) Yoke 48a TwKHI Age cHir. 2) 3apas ige now? 3) Bonu posmosnaioTb ye ABi roguHu. 4) Mu cnyxaemo my3uky. 5) Bix cugutb TyT BigTogi, ak Bu niwinu. 6) Tom po6uTb ypokn. 7) Mos cectpa suByae aHrnilicbky 3 8 pokis. Present Simple, Present Continuous, [ vPOK 9. present Perfect, naat Rareat Coach | ‘ Present Present Perfect Present Simple Continuous Present Perfect Continuous Onucye gio, ska | Onvcye qito, aka | Onncye gio, aka Onueye gito, aka Big6yBaeTbCA BiQ6yBacTbcA B | 3aKIHYMNaCA He DYKE |NPOQOBXYETECA 3 MeBHOO AaHWiA MomeHT. | laBHO, pesynbTaT BkasaHiti| NPOMiKOK perynapnictio a6o | Ted is fishing (at | akoi Baxnneit i yacy i BinGysaeTbca ‘ noctiAHo. the moment). aKTyanbHU ANA foci a6o WonHO I get up every day TenepiwHboro. saKinyunaca, at 7 a.m. Look! Somebody has {I've been tidying up my L planted a tree! room since morning. ences TIEN 1*. SanoBHu nponyckv npaBUnbHo!o chopmot Aiecnis y AyKKaX. 1)1 (usually come) home at 4 p.m. 2) He (drive) for six years. 3) Do you know? His dad (win) the lottery! 4) He (study) hard for the last three weeks. 5) Luke (read) this book since Monday and he (read) 55 pages so far. 6) We (play) chess at the moment. 7) The guests (come) in the evening, so Marta (cook) all day today. 8) He (be) ill all this week. 9) Lynn (have) dinner. 10) The train (arrive) at 9.15 p.m. 11) Tom (pass) all his exams and he’s free now. 12) ‘What's the matter?’— | (read) in my room for hours and I've got a headache.’ 13) ‘You're filthy! What you (do)? —'I (work) in the garden.’ 2**. Noctas yTouHioloui sanuTaHHA. 1) | am waiting for Jack. How long __have you been waiting __ for him? 2) | know Mary. How long her? 3) | am doing my homework. How many exercises so far? 4) My kids are playing. What game it: 5) He goes swimming. How often 2 6) | work here. Since when here? 7) My dad usually finishes work at 6 p.m. What time this week? 8) Dora is in London now. How long there? 9) He plays tennis rather well. How long tennis? 3***, Mepeknagn peyeHHa aHrmnilicbKolo MOBOIO. 1) Tom xBopie 3 noveginka. 2) Bonn 3apa3 He npalitowTb y cagy. 3) Bu cugnte TyT 3 12-1 rogquun? 4) A Hikonu yboro He posymiB. 5) Mapta He Aye Ao6pe posymie chisuky. 6) BiH cnyxae mysuky. 7) Boua cnyxae yen MIO3HKN yKe ApyrMi THKgeHb. He will (=He'll) do that tomorrow. Will you come with me? | will not (=won’t) tell them. | Py There will be more work next month. If the weather is fine, we will go to the country. 1*. Yuopa no Tene6ayeHHio akuiich npocbecop posnosigas, AKMM cTaHe ceit 3a n’atgecat poxis. Mogusucb Ha KOHCNeKT Uboro npocbecopa i Hanuwluv, lO BiH Ka3aB. 1) more people in the world There wil more people in the world. : 2) robots do all the hard work 3) not so many jobs 4) people have more free time 5) not very much oil 6) fish farms under the sea 7) people not live on other planets 8) people not litter very much 9) less natural food 1) If your cousins (come) __ come _ tomorrow, | (ask) _ will ask__ them to come to my party. 2) If Donna (visit) the museum next week, she (see) the statue from Egypt. 3) Lara (become) famous if she (make) some good records. 4) You (fall) if you (not look) where you are going. 5) Those trees (die) if we (not water) them. 6) If | (have) time tomorrow, | (tidy) up the garden. 7) Someone (steal) that money if you (leave) it on the floor. - Wo Tpanutbes, AKWO...? Cknagu naHutoxoK nogii, aki MOKYTb cine proper oayiod nanan nigkaskn. de oie wone® — pass my exams — go to university — study medicine — become a doctor — save people's lives 1) If | don’t go out so much, I'll do more work. 2) If | do more work, | 3) 4) 5) 6) 3aco6u nepegayi maiGyTHLoro — Future Simple, be going to, might [ Future Simple be going to might |» nepenGayaemo a6o KoHCTa- | * onucyemo 3annaHoBaHy | * onucyemo plo, TyeMo (pakT y Maii6ytHbomy | itd 8 MaiA6yTHbomy siKa, MOXSIMBO, onucyemo pilweHHA, AKE * BUCNOBNKEMO | Bin6ygerooa B 1 Gyno WomHO npvAHATE BneBHeHicTb / Hemmnyyictb| Man6yTHboMy =— | oo * BKNBaEMO 3i CNOBaM Toro, wo Bin6yyeTbCA | probably, definitely towo 4*. 3anosHn nponyckn will abo be going to. IHopi moxnusi o6ugBa BapiaHTn (noscHY, ANA AKOrO BuNagKy AKMA BapiaHT nigivjge). 1) Oh, no! There isn’t any salt! — Isn’t there? It's O.K. | get some from the shop on my way back home. 2) | think that Tom get the job. 3) Look! Our flat is burning! — Good heavens! | call the fire-brigade immediately! 4) Do you have any plans for tonight? — Yes, | meet Lucy. 5) It's very easy. | show you. 6) Look at these black clouds! It rain. 7) | think that Ann come at 8 o'clock. 8) 1 never learn that difficult language! 9) It's Jack's birthday tomorrow. — Gosh}! I've absolutely forgotten about it. Oh, | give him a book. 10) It's Jack’s birthday tomorrow. — | know, | give him a book. 141) Oh no! The house has cracked! It collapse! 12) Sally definitely win the contest! 1) We will probably go to the country tomorrow. _We_might go to the country tomorrow. 2) Jack will probably not go to university. 3) She will probably fail her exam. 4) | will probably start learning Chinese. 5) They will probably go to Venice next month. 6) You will probably not recognize him. 3**, 3anosHn nponycku will, be going to a6o might. | 1) What are you going to do tonight? — | don’t know. | __might_ go fora walk. 2) Do you know what you will do after you leave school? — Yes, | enter university. 3) You don’t study at all! You fail your exam! 4) The weather forecast says it rain tomorrow. 5) ‘We to see that film in the cinema tonight.’ ‘What you do if there are no tickets?’ ‘Then we go for a walk.” 6) Have you heard that Doris talk to her boss about that incident? 7) Who knows! They not come tomorrow. 8) ‘Have you made up your mind where to go on your honeymoon?’ ‘Yes, we spend our honeymoon in New Zealand.’ 1 (YPOK 6). Cknagu crsepppxysanbui (+), 3anepeyni (-) Ta sanutanbHi (?) peyeHHa B Present Perfect Continuous 3i cnip, aki HagaloTbCA B ayKKax. (we / wait for you / since 3 p.m.) (+) _We have been waiting for you since 3 p.m. 1) (how long / you / write the essay) (?) 2) (we / swim / long) (-) 3) (he / repair his car / all day today) (?) 4) (she / have a shower / for 20 minutes) (+) 5) (they / argue / for an hour) (—-) 6) (Sam / sunbathe / since you left) (+) 2 (YPOK 7). S3anoBHu nponyckn npaBunbHoo chopmolo giecnia y Ayxkax — Present Perfect a6o Present Perfect Continuous. |_have been having _ (have) bad dreams for two months. Ail (try) to lose weight for ages, I (lose) ten pounds so far. 2) Jack (read) for two hours and he (almost finish) the book. 3) My parents (travel) for a month already and they (visit) 6 countries. ee ee ee ee | 3 (YPOK 8). SanosHn nponyckw HagaHumn cnoBamu, nocTaBVBLK Aiecnosa y npasunbunii Yac — Present Continuous a6o Present Perfect Continuous. They _are talking (talk) at the moment. 1) He (dig) the garden since morning. 2) What (you / do) all these years? 3) What (they / play)? 4) (you / stand) here long? 5) She (have) a bath. She (have) a bath for an hour! —— 4 (YPOK 9). DonosHn peyeHHa npasunbHoto cpopmote aiecnis y AyKKax. If you _don't stop (not stop) crying, |_won't buy (not buy) you anything. 1) If the weather (be) fine, we (go) to the country. 2) If you (not study) properly, you (fail) your exam. 3) If | (enter) university, my dad (give) me his car. 5 (YPOK 10). 3anosHu nponycku will, be going to a6o might. They __might join us later. I’m not sure. 1)We probably go to the contryside this weekend. 2) At last he’s made up his mind! He buy that car. 3) ‘What are your plans for tonight?’ ‘We see the new play at the theatre.’ ‘What you do if the theatre is full?’ ‘Then we go to a restaurant.’ 4) ‘Have you got any plans for tonight?’ ‘Not yet. | meet my friends or just stay at home.’ Future Continuous. BxusakHa Npuknagu 4. Min rogopmmo npo Te, Wo xToct 6yge —_| | will be sleeping at home at this time SH@XOQMTMCA B NPOLeci BUKOHaHHA AKOICb All| tomorrow. B MeBHM MOMEHT y Mait6yTHbOMy. She will not be working from 3 to 5.p.m. on Monday. 2. Mn ropopmmo npo sannakosati aii 8 Will you be running in the next year’s maii6yTHbomy. Y ubomy 3Ha4eHHI MOKE marathon? = Are you going to run in 3aminiopaTuca 4Yacom Present Continuous | the next year’s marathon? a60 380poTom be going to 1*. YtBopu yac Future Continuous i i3 HagaHux cniB. 1) we / not walk ___We won't be walking. 2) they / have a meeting 3) 1/ not cook 4) she / eat 5) he / play the piano 6) we / not sing 2**. 3anoBHu nponyckn npaBunbHotO dopmoiw giecniB y AyKkax — Future Simple a6o Future Conanuous, 1) He (sleep) when you come. 2)I (lend) you this book. 3) She (wear) a red dress at the party. 4) In half an hour everybody (watch) that program. 5) Don’t come between 8 and 9 a.m. | (have) dinner. 6) After they arrive, we (have) dinner. 3**, Moctas 3anutaHHa y npasunbHomy Yaci — Future Simple a6o Future | Continuous. Noscuu cai BuGip. ————————————— 1) you (have) a party this time next week? 2) she (watch) the talk show tonight? | 3) When he (finish) his work? 4) you (work) tomorrow afternoon? 5) your sister (draw) a picture for us? 6) you (drive) at midnight? 7) Sara (join) us for lunch? 8) they (study) all weekend? 9) you (meet) Jack tomorrow? 10) you (help) us? 1) 3a nisroguuu mn 6yfemo 3aropaTu Ha nnaxi. 2) 360pn sakinyatbca 0 3.00. 3) Bonu He 6yAyTb NpautoBaTu, Konu mu npuigemo. 4) 3 6-i go 7-i Beyopa Tu 6yfew nnaBatn B 6acenHi? 5) Wo tn 6yfew po6utu o 7-H roquHi BeYopa B NoHeAinoK? 6) A 6yay “ekaTu Ha Te6e TyT 3aBTpa Oo 6-1 BeYopa. a Ie ae | ee He said he hadn't lived abroad. — BiH cka3ap, ujo (paxiwe) He kB 3a KOPACHOM. When | came, she left. — Konu 9 npwiiwos, Bova niwna. (Boa niwna nicns Toro, ak A npvinwos) When | came she had left. — Konv 9 npwiiwos, Bova Bxe niwna. (Boxa niwna Qo Toro, AK 8 Npwiwos)| 1*. Nigkpecnu npasunbHui BapiaHr. 1) Nobody understood / had understood how the cat got / had got into the car. 2) We didn’t have / hadn't had much money left after we bought / had bought that package holiday. 3) When | arrived / had arrived at the shop, it already closed /had already closed. 4) Tom didn’t play / hadn't played in the game because he hurt /had hurt his leg. 2*. Donosyn peyeHHA cTBepa»kyBanbHOIW (+), 3anepeyHoW (—) a6o 3a- nutanbHow (7) dopo Past Perfect giecnis y AykKax. 1) The fridge was empty. Dan (do) (-) __hadn’t done __ the shopping. 2) | couldn't get in because | (forget) (+) my keys. 3) Everybody was running and shouting. What (happen) (?) ? 4) Ted wasn’t at home. Where (go) (?) he ie 5) | had a feeling that we (meet) (+) before. 6) Mary said that she (be) (-) to London before. - Cknlagn 3 BOX peYeHb OfHe 3a 3pa3KOM. 1) Jack had his dinner. Then he went to play. When Jack had had his dinner, he went to play. 2) | did my homework. Then | sat down to watch TV. 3) Leo had a bath. Then he went to bed. 4) They made a report. Then they went for a walk. 5) Clara read the book. Then | borrowed it. 6) We arranged a new meeting. Then we went home. 4°", 3anosHn nponycku npaBunbHow chopmoi Ajecnis y aykkax — Past Simple a6o Past Perfect. 1) Nina __didn’t tell___ anyone how she _had achieved _ that result. (not tell; achieve) 2) It to rain, and | that | the window. (start; remember; not close) 3) Lisa me she couldn't go to the theatre, but I the tickets. (tell; already buy) 4) By the time we to their place they up all the cake. (get; eat). 1 5) 1 a letter on my desk that | . (find; not open) 6) The children up their room because their mother them to. (tidy; ask) 1 OED a Ee a ee Be ak |! The ground was wet. It had been raining. — 3emnsa 6yna moKpoi0. Npoitwos pow. (low novagcs go Toro, sk Mm noMiTwnM, WO 3eMnA 6yna mokpoto, i 0 Toro MoMeHTy Bxke 3akin4BCa.) How long had you been waiting for him by the time he arrived? — Ak gosro Bu Ha Hboro 4ekaNM fAO Toro Yacy, AK BiH Npixas? 1*. Mpountan cutyauito i Hann ii nOACHEHHA, BUKOPKCTOBYIONU nigka3ku B AyxKKax. rN 1) Jack was breathing heavily. (run) __He had been running. 2) Dolly's eyes were red. (cry). 3) The boy's clothes were dirty, their hair was untidy and one of them had a black eye. (fight) 4) Mary woke up at night, terrified. (have a bad dream) 5) | was very tired when | came home. (work hard all day) 6) Lola’s hands and clothes were covered in paint. (paint the walls) __ 7) When we came back from the beach, our skin was red and hurt. (lie in the sun too long) 8) When | saw Jina, she was terribly fat. (eat too much lately) nN 2**. Npouvtait cuTyaumio i sanvuun ii OHM peYeHHAM 3a 3pasKoM. 1) | started driving at 9 a.m. At 11 a.m. | saw a beautiful castle. — | had been driving for 2 hours _ when | __saw a beautiful castle 2) We started playing football. Half an hour later it started raining. — We when it raining. 3) | came to the restaurant and started waiting for Jack. Jack arrived 20 minutes later. | when he at last. 4) Sam travelled for two months. Then he ran out of money. Sam before he A 5) They started working in the garden at 10 a.m. At 1 p.m. a thunder- storm began. They when 3**. 3anoBHn nponyckw npasunbHum Yacom — Past Continuous a6o Past Perfect Continuous. 1) My sister __was taking __ (take) a shower when | came. 2) They (watch) TV from 5 to 7 p.m. 3) We (walk) along the road for an hour before we saw the first house. 4) Tom (cross) the street when he saw an accident. 5) When | arrived, Lola (wait) for me. She was very annoyed because she (wait) for half an hour. 6) When | looked out of the window, the sun (shine) brightly but the ground was wet. It (rain). l yPOK 45. Past Perfect i Past Perfect Continuous | Past Perfect | Past Perfect Continuous TlosHauae HeTpyBany Allo, 9KB NosHavae TpnBany filo a60 pilo, AKA gaKiH4unaca fo nesHoro MomeHTy —_| 6araTopasoBo nosTopwerses, i Ui All B mmkynomy. YkpalHCbKoI0, AK NPOOBXyIOTbCA HO NeBHOrO MOMeHTY B Npaswno, nepexnagaerbce piecnoBom| miHynomy. YkpaiHcbKow nepeKnapaeTeca, AK AOKOHaHOTO BMAy. Npaswno, piecnoBom HeAOKOHaHOrO BAY. | | ‘22 || had written 12 letters before you || had been writing letters before you came. — came. — A xanvcas 20 nuctis no «| A nucaB nuctu Becb 4ac, AOKM TH He NPMAWOB. Boro NpHxogy. (gio saBepweHo, (nigxpecnioeTeca npoposxexicTb pli: 9 HanncaB nigkpecniserbcs ji pesynbTar, a He = | Ayxe Garato nucrie i 3a/MmaBca UMM npakTM4HO TpyBanict) | GesnepepsHo, noKu Te6e He Gyno) | 4*. SanoBHy nponycku npasunbHuM Yacom Aiecnia y Aykkax — Past Perfect Continuous a6o Past Perfect. 14) When | came into the room, Sally was sitting in the armchair exhausted. She (do) physical exercises. 2)1 (work) part-time for the company for two years before my boss offered me a full-time position. 3) He (apply) for 23 jobs before he was hired at last. 4) The fire was terrible. The firemen (never see) such a terrible accident. 5) By the time Mr. Davis retired, he (teach) over 6000 people how to drive. 6) The manager (interview) 25 applicants before he found someone who met all the requirements. 7) My sister (suffer) from exhaustion for along time, so she just had to go on holiday. 2 ene cemtneORRSERAETES 2**. 3anoBHn nponycKn HanaHnmn Aiecnopamu y npaBunbHomy uaci. —_——___._. finish pl ay rt look already eat 1) The girls’ eyes were sore. They computer games all afternoon. 2) By the age of 15 Christopher Paolini writing his bestselling fantasy series called Inheritance. 3) I didn’t want the dessert because | too much. 4) By the time we arrived the concert so we didn’t hear anything. 5) We for a house for a year before we found something we re realy liked. ae Mepexnanu a axrnicbkoro MOBO}. 1) Y Mepi 6ys Capea Tonoc, AK A KONM-HebyAb uyna. 2) Eke ayke BTomunaca, Tomy WO YinuA GeHb rotysanaca Ao icnuty. 3) flit ayke smepanu, Tomy Lo Yinwi MeHb rpanuca B cHiry. 4) Mo 30 pokis BiH HanucaB Tpy KHMKKU. 5) Konu Bova sakinuuna rosopuTy, © nigivwos go Hei i noctasue Kinbka 3anutanb. 6) A go6pe sxas Aopory. A 6ys tam patie 6arato pasis. Present. Past Future | work every day. (koHcTaTauia akty B TenepiwHbomy) | lived in Paris two years ago. (koHcTaTayia cbakty B muynomy) | will bring some juice. (woo npwiHse piweHHA SpiCHVTH AKYCb Ail0 B Simple The train leaves at Mali6yTHboMy) 9.45. (ropopumo People will live longer in npo posknag) future. (koHcTaTayia cbakty B Maii6yTHboMy) | am reading. | was reading at 7. | will be swimming in the (aia, aka | was reading when you sea at this time tomorrow. Big6yBaeTbCA 8 called me. (aia 6yna B (gia, aka 6ype ‘Dari MoMeHT) Npoueci 3picHEHHA B NeBHMi | 3picHIOBATHCA B NeBHUA MOMeHT y MiatHyniomy) MOMeHT B Ma”GyTHbOMy) Continuous | am leaving for | was cooking while Dora was| ll be taking my exams in Spain tomorrow. —_| tidying the flat. dune. (sannaHosaxa gia 8 | (gsi tpueani ali, aki (tpwpana, sa3ganerigy MaMGyTHbOMY, 4aCTO | 3AI/CHIOKOTLCA NapanienbHo | 3annakoBaHa AIA B 3 Diecnopamn pyxy) | onHa opHilA) Mali6yTHbOMy) Thave finished my | She had left before | called. | By the time you arrive | will report. | had lived here before have finished my essay. 2000. Perfect | (nigkpecneHHa (nia apiicHunaca no aKoich | (pin sakin4uTeCA AO NesHOrO pesynbTaty inwoi aii 8 MuHynomy abo MOMeHTY B MiHynomy) saBepweHol pil) QO neBHoro MOMeHTY B muyniomy) Thave been waiting | By the time you joined me —_| (@»xweaeTbca eKpaii pinKo) for two hours! | had been jogging for two Her eyes are red. | hours. By the time you come | will She has been Her eyes were red. She had | have been doing this work Perfect | crying. been crying. for five hours. Continuous (gia nowanaca Weak 4ac TOMY i tpusas goci abo wjoriHo 3aKinanaca) (nin novanaca 8 MuHynomy i Tpvpane peaknia 4ac Alo neaHoro MoMeHTy 8 Munynomy) (mn nigkpecnioemo, ak Hosro 6yfe TpuBatn pia AO NeBHOrO MOMEHTY B manytHbomy) _—s____s_ss 1***_ 3anoBHu nponyckn npaBunbHoto chopmow HagaHoro Aiecnosa. —_—_———————— walk 1) Our baby Jack now. He’s just ten months old. 2) ‘How did you get here?’ ‘We . It didn't take long.’ 3) After ten miles we had to stop for a rest. We non-stop for four hours. take 4) My dog looked guilty. He some food from the kitchen table. 5) It was a hard match. At half-time, the ambulance one of the footballers to hospital. 6) ‘This shirt is $45, sir.’ ‘That's fine. | it’ have 7) | think we should buy a new car. We this one for ages. 8) Don’t phone at 8.00 this evening. We dinner then. 9) We a lovely picnic until my wife was stung by a bee. make 10) Mum sandwiches when somebody called. 11) He not up his mind yet about which university to enter. 12) Have you heard about Lenny? They him redundant. 13) 1 this cake since early morning. 14 (YPOK 42). S3anosHu nponyckn npaBunbHoIo cbopmow giecnis y Ayxkax — Future Simple a6o Future Continuous. | __ will be watching _ (watch) TV when you come. 1) Mary (take) part in the singing contest in June. 2) People (live) longer in future. 3) Don (play) tennis at this time tomorrow. 4) We (go) for a walk after you finish work. 5) 1 (study) all weekent 6) She (join) us for dinner. : 2 (YPOK 13). 3anosHn nponyckn npaBunbHo chopmoio giecnia y Ayxkax — Past Simple a6o Past Perfect. When | came, my sister had already had already left. (come, already leave) 1) Tom suddenly (remember) that he (not lock) the door. 2) They (know) the way very well because they (be) there before. 3)1 (recognized) that gi (meet) her two years ago.: 3 (YPOK 14). SanosHu nponyckn npaBunbHoIo cbopmolo vijecnia y Ayxxkax — Past Continuous a60 Past Perfect Continuous. Yesterday at 5 p.m. | __was talking __ (talk) on the phone. enero oR 1) When | woke up it (snow). Everything was covered in snow, so it (snow) all night, | guess. 2) When | came, Jane (have) a shower. She (work) in the garden before that. 3) When we left the house it in). It (rain) since morning. 4 (YPOK 15). SanosHv nponycku npaBunbHoIo cbopmoio jiecnia y Ayxkax — Past Perfect a6o Past Perfect Continuous. By midnight Ted _had covered _ (cover) 30 pages only though he _had been reading _ (read) since morning. 1) By the time they found the house they E (walk) for two hours and they (lose) all their patience. 2) Dora was exhasted. She (run). She (run) 15 km. 3) When | came, Lola (prepare) 15 different dishes. She (cook) all day. 5 (YPOK 16). QonosHn peyeHHa npasunbHolo cbopmoi giecnis y ayxkax. |__saw__ (see) a big dog when | __was crossing _ (cross) the street. 1) Terry and Lenny (get) married last week. They (meet) only three weeks before. ' 2)! (work) on this project for 20 days and | (not finish) yet. | 3) Kate (cry) when we (come) into the room. Sarzansna Kiveriome darib ss / 3O Ouiika | Diecnoso be beat 2a chopma 3-Ta cbopma Nepexnag wasiwere | been Gyr, sHaxonuTuca beat beaten became become began begun nouwHaTn ‘bet bet po6utu craBky, yknagatu napi it bitten kycatu(ca) blew ‘blown AyTH, BiaTH ae |broke | broken Namatu(ca) | > ‘brought fe | brought Npunocuty, npue ATI ee | a Dane SU eS |bought | bought kynyBaTn ‘caught caught noeumn, nigxonutn (xsopo6y) | chose chosen —_—_o6patn = came = ‘i come = npwxoAMTH, npMbKAKATH a eal cost cost KOWTYBa’ | ‘cut cut ‘pisata - Toprysaru (in), Maru cnpapy (with) |konatH, BMpUTA |pobutn dealt |mManiopaTn (onisyamu); \TarHyTH, KpecnuTH ‘drank drunk a) drove |driven” ‘BogwTn (astisky), igqnt | eaten ‘ict = ail fallen naga™m . ‘fed ~ ropyeaTn ie = enplene fought ~~ fought ~ 6uTHCA, CBAPHTHCA — 7 [found found —_sHaxogutu ae Qiecnopo 2a cbopma | 3-ta cbopma Nepeknag fly flew flown = nirara | forget forgot. ~—=—sforgotten © sa6yaatn — freeze ‘fro frozen | MepsHyTu, 3amopoxkyBaTn get got/gotten OTpumyB: Aictapatu(ca) al give - ‘gave “given | qasarn | go. went gone ‘im, Big’bKoKaTn | “grow = grew “grown poctu, BupoulyBaTn | |hang hung hung iia, Bucitn 7 Ihave shad Math — | hear "heard — 4yTH — hide hid ~ xoBaTu(ca) 7 | hit hit Gag) yaapatu(ca), Bpisarnca hold held ne _Tpamara (B pykax) oe | hurt Rue 2 kpnequru, , Gonith, : sagipatn (nouyTTA) keep —s kept. ~—=SKept. == tpamamn (y ce6e), a6epirarn know knew z ‘known jean = | leave left left ‘sannuiamn, Bi 'DKDKATH | lend lent er |nosmuarn (komyce) | ‘let let let __Aoseonarn lay lain nexKatu as || lit oe [sananiosati, csituTa “tee leee ry6umn | meant “Tmeant osHaua v, MaTY HaMip met |met a _ayerpiwarn(ca) paid $ paid nnatutu, cnnayyBatTn put — [put [knacrw, crasuTn read [red] read [red] uutamn | "rod : ‘ridden samt BepxXi, F Ha senocuneni rung ~naB0HNTA | risen niqhimatuca, BcTaBaTu | Diecnoso | 2-rachopma | 3-79 chopma ‘run ran run Girat say said said cka3artn, TOBOpuTH see saw seen (aww sent sent Hagcunatu, Bignpaenatn set set BCTaHOBMIOBaTH, CTaBMTH shone shone caitutn(ca), craTa | shot shot (otpinatn, 3HimaTH (KiH0) shut shut “saumnsita sang sung cigar sit | sat = sat OAT a) sleep slept ; slept ~ lenata — oo speak spoke spoken |rosopiTu, posMoanarin spend spent spent _ BuTpayaTu —— “spread | spread spread posniosciomysatu(on), PoskupaTu(ca) stand | stood ‘stood cTOATH : oe steal stole stolen kpact eataomseane naie sting | stung i ‘stung ; _oKannTn, rece re ‘swear swore swom =—_KMACTHoA, cBapuTUCA swim |swam swum nnvem, nnapaTn take Itook taken 1s | Gpaty, Bigeogu™ —— teach “taught . ‘taught HaByaTn (koroce), Buknagatn 4) ‘tear ‘tore torn pBaTu = tell a ‘told |told _ToBopuTH, poskasyBaTn think hought __thought __aymatu, ranaty, Bpexarn : throw threw [thrown kugatn “understand “understood | | understood posymiTn i : = a ‘wake iwoke woken 6yguTH, npoxgarnca HocuTu (ogar) Burpasatn, nepemaratu | written nucatu Biqnosigi AO “Ypox 1 1, 1)is barking; 2) barks: 3) is burning; 4) looks; 5) is dreaming; 6) finishes; is working. 2. 2) Whattis she wearing today? 3) Does your granny wear glasses? 4) Does he understand what to do? 5) What language are they speaking now? 6) Does he know Polish? 7) What are you looking at? 3, 2) We aren't discussing our holiday now. 3) Liz doesn't know the answer. 4) My mum isn’t working this week. 5) His granny doesn't go to work. 6) Itisn’t getting dark yet. 7) It doesn't get dark til 9 in July. 8) It doesn't rain here in summer. 4. 1) is always raining (mx sacmyveHi taKoo cutyauieo i Hapikacmo Ha Hel); 2) often rains; 3) are you constantly teasing (mn eucnosnicemo Boe HesanoBoneHHA cHTyauielo); 4) always fight (uum mpocto KoHcTatyemo cbakr); 5) always comes (konctarauia cbaxry); 6) are always coming (mn BiicnoBniCeMO CBOE HesaRoBoneHHA nocTiHHMH ganisHeHann); 7) always wears; 8) are wearing 1.1) lived: 2) was living; 3) walked; 4) studied; 5) was having; 6) had 2. 1) saw; was talking; 2) met; were working; 3) got; were studying; 4) heard; were driving; 5) was wearing; saw. 3. A. 1) witnessed; 2) was discussing; 3) heard; 4) rushed; 5) wasn't working; 6) went; 7) got; 8) were screaming: 9) were waiting; 10) landed; 11) rescued, B. 1) was participating; 2) was taking; 3) erupted; 4) woke; 5) looked: 6) was running; 7) threw; 8) rushed; 9) got; 10) was leaving; 11) hit C. 1) were staying: 2) were having; 3) began; 4) shook (y sHaventi «sarpscnocan a6o was shaking (y sha4enni «rprcnocan): 5) fell; 6) started; 7) saw. Ypox 3 1. 1) live; 2) have known: 3) has worked; 4) has travelled; 5) travel; 6) has liked; 7) know. 2. 2) | have known this rule since I was 9. (ryt i aani Kypcnaom Hafaioreca MoxnMBi BapiaHTA BcTaBOK). 3) My dad has working in a hospital all his life. 4) Nick has been ill for a week. 5) | have never understood it, 6) They have been married for three years. 7) My mum has taught French since she graduated. 8) They have had a car for years. 9) | have lived in London since 2070. 3. 1) has travelled: 2) has been; 3) have always wanted; 4) loves; 5) has never liked; 6) Have you worked (AKIO Haul cniaposMoBHHK BCE We NpaLioe Tam) a60 Did you work (aku Haw cnisposMoBHitk Ginbwe Tam He npauloe); 7) Did you understand 4. 1) You have never understood me. 2) | have always known it. 3) He doesn't understand you. 4) My granddad doesn’t work. 5) | have worked here for two years. 6) | know your sister. 7) Dennis has known Mary since childhood. 8) My parents have lived in Scotland since 2003. 9) Where does he live? Ypox 4 1, 1) haven't played; 2) has had; 3) ran; 4) have you drunk; 5) came; 6) wrote; 7) has written; 8) cooked: have cooked; 9) have lost. 2. 1) met; 2) Have you ever been; 3) went; 4) didn't like; 5) have you been; 6) Have you ever seen; 7) went; 8) saw: 9) didn't enjoy; 10) have just retumed; 11) Have you visited; 12) went; 13) climbed; 14) have been; 15) loved; 16) flew: 17) saw; 18) answered. 1. 1) were; 2) haven't read; 3) Have you visited; 4) lived; 5) didn't discover; knew: 6) have discovere 7) gave; 8) have you been; 9) have never enjoyed: 10) Did you hear; 11) is working; 12) is doing; 18) have invented. 2. 1) have always been; 2) bought; 3) has had: 4) has lived; 5) opened; 6) have already visited: 7) swim: 8) don't understand; 9) have never had; 10) know; 11) attack; 12) tried; 13) hit 3. has been; wrote; thought; haven't decorated; haven't decided; haven't bought; am finishing; have unpacked; am decorating; looks. Tect 1 1. 1) doesn't rain; 2) doesn’t understand; 3) are ‘speaking; 4) is getting; 5) wears; is not wearing. 2. 1) opened; were talking; 2) was washing up; broke; 3) met; was travelling. 3. 1) has always liked; 2) has ever understood: 3) have never wanted; 4) doesn't want; 5) don''t like; 6) have known. 4. 1) got up; 2) haven't seen; 3) never rode: 4) broke; 5) has broken; 6) have been. 5. 1) has been; saw; 2) didn't like; loves; 3) are playing; 4) was cooking. Ypox 6 4, 2) | have been having a bath; 3) Mark has been reading; 4) They have been watching TV; 5) Sara has been cooking; 6) We have been practising: 7) You have been sleeping; 8) He has been jogging; 9) She has been planning. 2. 2) have been travelling; 3) has been playing; 4) have been running; 5) have been arguing; 6) have been writing. 3. 2) Has she been swimming? 3) Has he been fighting? 4) Have you been watching TV? 5) Have you been preparing; 6) Has he been working, 4. 1) Has she been swimming long? 2) Kate has been tidying her room for three hours (already). 3) I've been cooking since morning. 4) | haven't been waiting for you long. 5) He has been driving for 5 hours, that's why he's so tired now. 6) She has been eating too much lately. 7) We've been working on this project for a whole month. Ypou 7 4. 1) have been working; haven't finished; 2) have visited; 3) has taken; have been looking; haven't found; 4) have been shopping; haven't bought; 5) have ever read; 6) has been raining; 7) have been listening; haven't understood; 8) has been standing (BiH cToiTe tyT He Tak Bxe JaBHo i HanesHe ckopo nige); 9) has stood (samok yxe cToitb AeKinbKa cTonit’ i npoctoiT’ we AoBro. Y Taxwx BunagKax Present Perfect Continuous He BXMBAETHCA). 2. 2) have you been learning to drive? Have you bought; 3) has she been teaching? / has taught? (3 ‘Alecnosamn teach, work, live MoxniBa samivia Yacy Present Perfect Continuous 4acom Present Perfect 623 ania cwmcny): has she worked? 4) have you been waiting? 5) have you invited; have you known; 6) have you been doing; have you been: 7) have you been; 8) have you been staying: 9) has she visited; 10) Has it stopped raining. Ypok 8 1. 1) am writing; 2) has been playing; 3) are staying; 4) have been staying; 5) are having; 6) has been having; 7) are not talking; 8) hasn't been doing: 9) has been raining 10) isn't snowing: 11) am not waiting; am just standing; 12) have been waiting; 13) have been trying; 14) have you been working; 15) am just trying, 16) are you working; 17) has been working. 2. 2) I've been having a bath for an hour, (ryt i nani kypenaom HanawoTecr Moxnuai BapialTA OOcTABMH, aki nepersopiowts Present Continuous Ha Present Perfect Continuous). 3) We have been playing tennis since morning. 4) Tom has been doing his homework for two hours. 5) Jack's sister has been playing the violin since she was 5. 6) My mother has been cooking ever since she came from work. 7) Tim has been sleeping for 10 hours. 3. 1) It has been snowing for two weeks (already) 2) Is it raining? 3) They have been talking for two hours. 4) We are listening to music. 5) He's been sitting here (ever) since you left. 6) Tom is doing his homework. 7) My sister has been studying English since she was 8, Ypox 9 1. 1) usually come; 2) has been driving; 3) has won; 4) has been studying; 5) has been reading; has read; 6) are playing: 7) are coming: has been cooking; 8) has been; 9) is having; 10) arrives; 11) has passed; 12) have been reading; 13) have you been doing; have been working. 2. 2) have you known; 3) have you done; 4) are they playing; 5) does he go; 6) have you worked / have you been working: 7) is he finishing work; 8) has she been /has she been staying; 9) has he been playing. 3. 1) Tom has been ill since Monday. 2) They aren't working in the garden (now). 3) Have you been sitting here since noon? 4) | have never understood it. 5) Marta doesn't understand Physics very well 6) Heis listening to music. 7) She has been listening to this musical for the second week. Ypox 10 1. 2) Robots will do all the hard work. 3) There will be not so many jobs. / There won't be so many jobs, 4) People will have more free time. 5) There won't be very much oil, 6) There will be fish farms under the sea. 7) People wor't live on other planets. 8) People won't litter very much. 9) There will be less natural food 2. 2) visits; will see; 3) will become; makes; 4) will fall; don't look; 5) will die; don’t water: 6) have; will tidy; 7) will steal; leave. 3. 2) I'l pass my exams; 3) If | pass my exams, Ill go to University. 4) If | go to University, I'll study medicine. 5) If study medicine, Il become a doctor. 6) If! become a doctor, I'll save people's lives. = Ypox 11 1.1) will; 2) will (akwo mi npocTo KoHCTaTyeMo cbakT) 60 is going to (aKulo MM BHcnoBMiCEMo Teepay snesHeHicTs y ckasaHomy); 3) will; 4) am going to; 5) will; 6) is going to; 7) will; 8) will; 9) will, 10) am going to; 11) is going to (AKyo 6yaHHOK cHMbHO Tpichys, Bit HeonminHo enane); 12) will. 2. 2) Jack might not go to university. 3) She might fail her exam. 4) | might start leaming Chinese. 5) They might go to Venice next month. 6) You might not recognize him,

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