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Int. J. Global Warming, Vol. 20, No.

1, 2020 1

Analysis of carbon sequestration by dominant trees

in urban areas of Thane city

Aasawari A. Tak
Department of Botany,
The Institute of Science,
15-Madame Cama Road, Mumbai-400032, India

Umesh B. Kakde*
Department of Botany,
15-Madame Cama Road, Mumbai-400032, India
*Corresponding author

Abstract: The present investigation was conducted to estimate the

total carbon sequestered by urban trees in Thane city (India). The total tree
biomass, total stored carbon, and CO2 removed by urban trees was
determined by with allometric model/volume equations and compared. Using
random sampling plot method 50 plots with 0.04 ha each, generated to
facilitate measurements of trees. It was observed that, carbon sequestration
(kgC/tree) was highest in Azadirachta indica, 3,289.8 kgC/tree, followed by
Ficus benghalensis (2,375.5 kgC/tree), Tamarindius indica (1,666.9 kgC/tree),
Casurina equisetifolia (1,530.5 kgC/tree) and Pongamia pinnata
(865.9 kgC/tree). The investigation data will be helpful to evaluate the role of
urban trees in reducing atmospheric the carbon dioxide. The study will also be
useful in assessment of carbon storage potential of the several regions, which
are under the threat of air pollution issues worldwide in near future.

Keywords: allometric model; tree biomass; carbon sequestration; carbon

storage; volume equations.

Reference to this paper should be made as follows: Tak, A.A. and Kakde, U.B.
(2020) ‘Analysis of carbon sequestration by dominant trees in urban areas of
Thane city’, Int. J. Global Warming, Vol. 20, No. 1, pp.1–11.

Biographical notes: Aasawari A. Tak is a research scholar and her area of

research interest is environmental pollution, monitoring, assessment and
management. She has published many research papers in reputed international

Umesh B. Kakde is workings as an Associate Professor at The Institute of

Science, Mumbai, which is a well-known institution for PG education and
research. His areas of research interests are environmental biotechnology,
pollution and management. He is a recognised PG and PhD and guiding post
graduate students, PhD, and other doctoral scholars and produced many PhD
scholars under his guidance. He is a recipient of the distinguished scientist
award by the international society. He has published many research papers in
international journals. He is on the panel of reviewers for many scientific
journals of repute.

Copyright © 2020 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.

2 A.A. Tak and U.B. Kakde

This paper is a revised and expanded version of a paper entitled ‘Quantfying

carbon storage in urban trees in Thane City’ presented at 9th NABS National
Conference on New Biological Researches: Opportunity and Challenges for
Sustainable Development, School of Energy, Environment and Natural
Resources, Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai, Tamilnadu, India, 11th–12th
August 2016.

1 Introduction

Rapid growth in civilisation and industrialisation along with deforestation affected

Thane city, which is the suburb of Mumbai metropolis, of India. The waste products from
industries and factories pouring toxic pollutants in the atmosphere which are responsible
for the imbalance in local biodiversity. It was observed that plantation programs done in
few years had replaced many tolerant plant sp., like Ficus beghalensis, Azardirachta
indica with substitution of Bauhinia sp., Cassia siamea, Dalbergia sp., dominated the
native tree sp., of the areas. Increased motor vehicles and transportation accelerated the
green house gas emissions in the environment. Developmental activities and increased
transportation activities are increasing the concentration of air pollutants as greenhouse
gases (GHG). Between GHG, CO2 plays the major role in absorbing outgoing terrestrial
radiation and contributes about half of the total greenhouse effect. Carbon sequestration
could play an important role in reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Forest areas and
plantations in urban areas can play a significant role in carbon storage and sequestration.
The challenges of climate change can be efficiently overcome by the storage of carbon in
terrestrial carbon sinks viz. plants, plant products and soils for longer periods of time.
Trees, plants use photosynthesis to convert carbon dioxide (CO2) into food material
like sugar, cellulose and other carbon-containing carbohydrates that they use for food and
growth. Trees are unique in their ability to lock up large amounts of carbon in their wood
and continue to add carbon as they grow. Carbon needs to be pulled out of the
atmosphere and put into long-term storage elsewhere. Plants reduce atmospheric CO2 and
putting carbon in long-term storage in the plant parts like wood, etc., is known as carbon
Carbon dioxide (CO2) plays an important role in absorbing outgoing terrestrial
radiation and contributes about half of the total greenhouse effect. The CO2 concentration
in the atmosphere has increased from about 278 ppm, during the pre-industrial period, to
approximately 399 ppm in the present day. The increasing carbon emission is of major
concerns; it was well addressed in Kyoto protocol (Ravindranath et al., 1997) and United
Nations Framework Convention on Carbon Change (UNFCCC). Tree, shrub, soil and
seawater play crucial role in absorbing atmospheric CO2. The trees act as major CO2 sink,
which captures carbon from the atmosphere, and acts as sink, stores the same in the form
of fixed biomass during the growth process. Therefore, growing trees in urban areas can
be a potential contributor in reducing the concentration of CO2 in atmosphere by its
accumulation in the form of biomass. As trees grow and their biomass increases, they
absorb carbon from the atmosphere and store in the plant tissues (Matthews et al., 2000)
resulting in growth of different parts.
Analysis of carbon sequestration by dominant trees in urban areas 3

Active absorption of CO2 from the atmosphere in photosynthetic process and its
subsequent storage in the biomass of growing trees or plants is the carbon storage (Baes
et al., 1977). In terms of atmospheric carbon reduction, trees in urban areas offer the
double benefit of direct carbon storage and affect the emission of CO2 from urban areas
thereby providing stability to natural ecosystem with maintenance of climatic conditions
by the biogeochemical processes. Vegetation in properly managed conditions are likely to
have a greater effects and values in comparison to non-urban forests due to faster growth
rates and increased proportions of large trees.
The estimation of bole volume and tree biomass forms the part of non-destructive and
allometric methods for the estimation the carbon storage. Tree biomass estimation is done
by numerous methods. Prominently two main approaches used for estimation of tree
biomass are destructive (Parresol, 1999) and non-destructive (Loetsch et al., 1973).
Non-destructive approach includes use of mathematical equations for different species to
arrive at tree volume. These equations are volume equations or allometric equations
(Tiwari, 1992). Tree biomass is the product of estimated volume and tree density. Some
of the allometric equations directly estimate tree biomass and known as mass equations.
There are several allometric/volume equations developed by researchers. Selection of
the appropriate equation is a key and depends upon several factors like type of forest,
DBH and tree height range etc. In the northern Sierra of Oaxaca, (Acosta-Mireles et al.,
2002) generated allometric model for hardwood oak forest. In Northern Mexico,
(Návar-Cháidez, 2010) created classical allometric model for estimation of expansion
factor and biomass accumulation. Salimon et al. (2011) evaluated the biomass and carbon
storage in Brazil and recorded the total aboveground biomass to be 3.6 ± 0.8 Pg with
non-forest biomass. Navar (2010) recorded that collection of information based on
parameters size, height, and diameter of plant plays crucial role in estimating the above
ground biomass (AGB) of the plant.
In the present investigation, our main objective is to quantify the tree biomass, carbon
storage and sequestration in random sample plots of urban areas of Thane city (suburb of
Mumbai, Maharashtra). The study will be helpful in improving the air quality in the
region to utilise tolerant plant species for carbon assessment. It will be helpful in
reforestation in urban areas.

2 Materials and methods

To estimate tree biomass of different trees, non-destructive method was used to

understand the region-wise changes in biomass and to satisfy the various attributes in
forest management and ecology (Komiyama et al., 2008; Wang, 2006). The biomass of
trees estimated based on diameter at breast height (DBH) and tree height. The study was
carried out in summer season from March to May. The ecologists have developed various
methods to estimate the biomass of forests. These include destruction methods and
non-destructive methods. In the destructive method, all trees to be destructively cutting
order to obtain tree biomass. Hence, the destructive method is not suitable for mature
forests. The non-destructive method uses allometric equations to estimate tree biomass by
measuring simple tree measuring parameters like DBH, tree height, and canopy diameter.
4 A.A. Tak and U.B. Kakde

2.1 Study area

Thane city is located in Maharashtra state and is a part of the Mumbai metropolitan
region. Topographically it has high hills towards the west and submersible marshland
along the Thane creek on the south-east and Ulhas riverbank towards the north.
Thane city lies between 19°12’N and 73°02’E with the total area of 128.23 sq. km.
The maximum temperature ranges from 35 to 40°C during summer and the minimum
temperature is between 25°C to 35°C during the winter months of November–January.
The average rainfall is about 2,500 mm received during the rainy season from June to the
end of September. The climate of the region is coastal, hot and humid.

2.2 Sampling strategy

Random sampling method was used for sampling the above ground vegetation. In view of
this, 50 random sample plots of 0.1 acre each (radius 37.2 ft) were generated using
Google maps utility for Thane city (128.23 sq. km). Sample plot-based method used in
the study is one of the most commonly used methods for all kinds of vegetation sampling.
The method is versatile, cost-effective and applicable to baseline as well as project
scenario. This method is also among the methodologies approved by the clean
development mechanism (CDM) for a forestation and reforestation projects under the
Kyoto Protocol. A total of 29 species consisting of 238 living and standing trees were
sampled from an area of about 5.0 acre using circular plots of 0.1 acre each. To avoid
repetition of trees the sampled trees were labelled by a tagging.

2.3 Measurement of girth size at breast height (GBH)

Girth size at breast height (GBH) in centimetres of all the identified trees in the plot was
measured approximately 1.3 metre from the ground. The GBH of trees having diameter
greater than 10 cm were measured directly by measuring tape. GBH was later converted
to corresponding DBH values by dividing it by π (Pi) (3.14) as given in equation (1).
DBH = ( GBH π ) (1)

where π = 3.14.

2.4 Measurement of tree height

Tree height measurement was done using Suunto Clinometer. Readings of both treetop
and base levels was taken from a distance of 20/30 m from the base of the tree in a
direction such that top and bottom are visible. To arrive at the tree height, the measured
readings of top and base level will be added if they have the opposite sign and subtracted
from one another if they have the same sign.

2.5 Determining AGB

It includes living biomass of trees above the soil. The AGB was calculated by
adding bole biomass and non-bole biomass. Bole biomass is determined by multiplying
bole volume (m3) with wood density (kg/m3). Bole volume is determined by using
Analysis of carbon sequestration by dominant trees in urban areas 5

species-specific volume equation/allometric models (which uses DBH and tree height)
(FSI, 1996; Salunkhe et al., 2016; Chaudhari et al., 2015). Wherever the species-specific
volume equations/allometric models are unavailable, general regional volume equations
are used (Forrest Resources of Nashik, 1990). Wood density (kg/m3) value for the species
obtained from world agro forestry database (ICRAF Database, 2016). Wherever the wood
density of tree species was unavailable; the standard average value of 610 kg/m3 was
applied. Non-bole biomass was obtained by multiplying bole biomass with biomass
expansion factor (BEF). Value of BEF applied in the present investigation is
1.6 (Narasimha Rao, 2013).
AGB (kg) = Bole biomass (kg) + Non-bole biomass (kg) (2)

Bole biomass (kg) = Bole volume of biomass ( m3 ) × wood density ( kg m3 ) (3)

Non-bole biomass (kg) = Bole biomass (kg) × BEF (4)

2.6 Determining below ground biomass (BGB)

This includes all biomass of live roots excluding fine roots having, less than 2 mm
diameter. The BGB has been calculated by multiplying AGB taking 0.26 as the root shoot
ratio (Zanne et al., 2010).
BGB (kg) = 0.26 × above ground biomass (kg) (5)

2.7 Computing total biomass (TB)

TB is the sum of the AGB and BGB.
TB (kg) = AGB (kg) + BGB (kg) (6)

2.8 Carbon storage and CO2 removed

Generally, for any plant species 50% of its biomass is considered as carbon (Vieilledent
et al., 2012).
Carbon storage (kg) = Total biomass (kg) × 50% or Total biomass 2 (7)

CO 2 removed (kg) = Carbon storage (kg) × ( 44 12 ) (8)

3 Result and discussion

There were total 238 trees of 29 species recorded in random sample plots for Thane city
in approximately 5.0 acre area. Table 1 shows the details of various species, their
frequency and other parameters required for the present investigation. The abundance of
trees and the mean carbon content per tree (kgC/tree) found in sample plots of Thane city
as depicted in Figures 1 and 2 respectively. It was observed that the most dominant
species were Avicennia marina (24.8%) followed by Magnifera indica (9.7%), Acacia
nilotica (8.8%), Senna siamea (8%) and Ficus reliogosa (5.5%). Similarly, most scared
6 A.A. Tak and U.B. Kakde

species (<0.5%) were Butea monosperma, Casurina equisetifolia, Ficus aperima,

Hibiscus rozasinensis and Holoptela integrifolia (Figure 1).

Figure 1 Tree species distribution in sample plots of Thane city (see online version for colours)

Figure 2 Tree species mean carbon (kgC/tree) in sample plots of Thane city (see online version
for colours)

It was recorded that Azardirachta indica has maximum carbon content, i.e., 23 tC
(Figure 3). The maximum AGB and BGB of Azardirachta indica is 5,981.4 kgC/tree and
598.1 kgC/tree respectively, followed by Magnifera indica having carbon content, AGB
and BGB as 19.4 tC, 1,529.7 kgC/tree and 153 kgC/tree respectively, followed by Ficus
benghalensis having carbon content, AGB and BGB as 16.6 tC, 4,319.1 kgC/tree and
431.9 kgC/tree respectively (Table 1). The other major carbon sequestration species were
Tamarindius indica (10 tC), Acacia nilotica (10 tC), Ficus reliogosa (9.6 tC), Senna
siamea (9.3 tC) and Pongamia pinnata (8.7 tC).
Wood Total Mean Carbon in total Mean CO2 CO2 removed by
Mean AGB Mean BGB
Species name No. of trees density biomass carbon species removed total species
Table 1
kg/m3 kg/tree kg/tree kg/tree kg/tree tC/species kg/tree tCO2/species
Acacia nilotica 21 762.9 864.4 86.4 950.8 475.4 10.0 1,743.2 36.6
Alstonia scholaris 3 397.3 257.6 25.8 283.3 141.7 0.4 519.5 1.6
Avicennia marina 59 731.6 218.1 56.3 274.4 137.2 8.1 503.1 29.7
Azardiracta indica 7 727.5 5,981.4 598.1 6,579.6 3,289.8 23.0 12,062.5 84.4
Bauhinia variegate 2 653.0 132.6 13.3 145.8 72.9 0.1 267.3 0.5
Borassus flabellifer 4 975.0 554.1 55.4 609.5 304.7 1.2 1,117.4 4.5
Bruguiera caryophylloides 5 810.0 316.9 31.7 348.5 174.3 0.9 639.0 3.2
Butea monosperma 1 440.0 681.6 68.2 749.8 374.9 0.4 1,374.6 1.4
Casurina equisetifolia 1 918.6 2,782.7 278.3 3,061.0 1,530.5 1.5 5,611.8 5.6
Catharanthus roseus 3 610.0 0.9 0.1 1.0 0.5 0.0 1.8 0.0
Cocos nucifera 5 616.7 961.8 96.2 1,058.0 529.0 2.6 1,939.7 9.7
Dalbergia sisoo 8 693.4 6.1 0.6 6.7 3.4 0.0 12.5 0.1
Delonix regia 4 510.0 738.0 73.8 811.8 405.9 1.6 1,488.3 6.0
Eucalyptus alba 3 870.7 576.6 57.7 634.3 317.1 1.0 1,162.8 3.5
Ficus aperima 1 344.0 354.8 35.5 390.3 195.1 0.2 715.5 0.7
Ficus benghalensis 7 490.3 4,319.1 431.9 4,751.0 2,375.5 16.6 8,710.1 61.0
Ficus reliogosa 13 443.0 1,339.7 134.0 1,473.6 736.8 9.6 2,701.7 35.1
Hibiscus rozasinensis 1 610.0 37.8 3.8 41.6 20.8 0.0 76.2 0.1
Holoptela integrifolia 1 610.0 262.6 26.3 288.8 144.4 0.1 529.5 0.5
Jatropha curas 4 610.0 148.5 14.8 163.3 81.7 0.3 299.4 1.2
Magnifera indica 23 597.7 1,529.7 153.0 1,682.7 841.3 19.4 3,084.9 71.0
Moringa pterigosperna 4 262.0 1,329.1 132.9 1,462.0 731.0 2.9 2,680.4 10.7
Pithecellobium dulce 4 665.8 254.7 25.5 280.2 140.1 0.6 513.6 2.1
Polyalthia longifolia 2 563.5 112.8 11.3 124.1 62.0 0.1 227.5 0.5
Analysis of carbon sequestration by dominant trees in urban areas

Carbon estimation of trees found in random sample plots of Thane city

Pongamia pinnata 10 619.8 1,574.3 157.4 1,731.8 865.9 8.7 3,174.9 31.7
Senna siamea 19 682.3 889.6 89.0 978.6 489.3 9.3 1,794.1 34.1
Syzygium cumini 8 701.1 556.0 55.6 611.6 305.8 2.4 1,121.3 9.0
Tamarindus indica 6 990.2 3,030.7 303.1 3,333.8 1,666.9 10.0 6,112.0 36.7
Terminalia catappa 9 540.4 500.3 50.0 550.3 275.2 2.5 1,008.9 9.1
8 A.A. Tak and U.B. Kakde

Figure 3 Species carbon content (tC) in sample plots of Thane city (see online version
for colours)

Figure 4 Relationship between tree DBH and tree height (see online version for colours)

Figure 5 Relationship between AGB, tree height and tree DBH (see online version for colours)
Analysis of carbon sequestration by dominant trees in urban areas 9

It was observed that, mean carbon sequestration (kgC/tree) was highest in Azardirachta
indica, 3,289.8 kgC/tree, followed by Ficus benghalensis (2,375.5 kgC/tree),
Tamarindius indica (1,666.9 kgC/tree), Casurina equisetifolia (1,530.5 kgC/tree) and
Pongamia pinnata (865.9 kgC/tree). Tree species with lowest carbon sequestration were
Bauhinia variegata (72.9 kgC/tree), Polyalthia longifolia (62.0 kgC/tree), Hibiscus
rozasinensis (20.8 kgC/tree), Dalbergia sisoo (3.6 kgC/tree) and Catharanthus roseus
(0.5 kgC/tree), Figure 2.
Nowak and Crane (2002) reported urban trees in the coterminous USA currently store
700 million tonnes of carbon with a gross carbon sequestration rate of 22.8 million tC/yr.
The CO2 fix model, suggested that the carbon storage potential in soil and products was
less sensitive than carbon stock of trees (Kaul et al., 2010). It was observed that tropical
urban forests are carbon-rich ecosystems, which contributes up to 55% of terrestrial
carbon sinks with aboveground biomass accounting the major carbon pool (Gibbs et al.,
2007; Vashum and Jayakumar, 2012).
In the present investigation, it was found that the trees with lager diameter breast
height stored greater amount of carbon. Measured tree height and tree DBH indicates
positive correlation, i.e., with increase in tree height, DBH increases and vice versa.
Similarly, tree height and tree DBH were positively correlated with AGB (Figures 4
and 5).

4 Conclusions

The current study has calculated total carbon stock in 29 trees species in 50 random
sample plots in urban area of Thane city. The average standing stock of organic carbon in
238 trees in Thane city is 0.561 tC/tree. It is observed that, Azardirachta indica tree act as
the best carbon-absorbing agent in the current study area. The study is helpful to estimate
the carbon storage and CO2 removed in random sample plots of urban area of Thane city.
The investigation data will be helpful to evaluate the role of urban trees in reducing
atmospheric the carbon dioxide. This study will also help in accessing sample-based
carbon storage estimates for other cities or forest covers by using non-destructive


Authors are thankful to the Director, The Institute of Science, Mumbai-32 (India) for
providing assistance and granting necessary permissions for carrying out the study.

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