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Ash Devoirs- Victor Frankenstein

January 1

Horrified. I was horrified by what I was seeing. It was as if all my years of work
blinded me into not seeing the monster I created. I looked at this creature, the
thing I spent so much time on, and I thought I was dreaming. When I saw him
move, it made me snap into reality and I immediately ran out of the room. He
was the most horrible thing I ever saw : he was as tall as the 8-foot-tall ladder
that was in my laboratory, and horrifyingly ugly. Words cannot convey the
absolute revulsion this thing gave me and I’ve never been this scarred. It was
sickening, and I asked myself why I did that. Yet, I chose the most beautiful parts
of countless of beautiful bodies to make him !So why did he turns out this way?
Has my quest to understand the nature of life gone too far? As I got a closer look
at him, my questions were quickly answered. He was less human than I intended
to : he was as monstrous as a rotting corpse. I could see his arteries and muscles
underneath his yellow skin, and it was the least appealing thing in the world. I
immediately felt guilty and thought to myself : “you have created a monster, the
most hideous thing in the world.”. Mind you, the atmosphere didn’t help me calm
down : we were in my laboratory, it was so dark it was almost upsetting, and
only some flickering candles were lighting up the place, the room smelled like
rotten corpses and smoke from the electricity I used! I couldn’t bring myself to
even be happy that it works, because I created an abomination. He was also
gigantic, as big as a closet, and almost twice as big as me. He moved slowly at
first, maybe because it took him time to realize that he was alive. Outside, it was
night : rain poured down, and thunder was striking, almost as if it wanted to
remind me of my monstrous creature and the way he was born. Hearing these
sounds was now a torture for me. I was as sacred as a little kid who’s about to
get grounded: will God forgive me for what I did ? When my eyes met his eyes,
which were as yellow as his skin, I knew that my life was over. I feared for
myself: what would the authorities do ? Will I go to prison ? Hell, how will the
world react? If even me, his creator, cannot bear his appearance, how will the
people react ! Now that it worked, I didn’t know how the creature would react,
but I knew one thing : I didn’t want to be near him. Matter of fact : I didn't want
anyone to be near him but I couldn’t do anything in front of one of the biggest
things I've ever seen. I regret giving life to this horrid monster and I couldn’t
help but feel bad for him. And at last, I hoped from the bottom of my heart that
he would die.

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