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A Historiography of the Hyperlink:

Periodizing the Web through the
Changing Role of the Hyperlink
Anne Helmond

INTRODUCTION: PERIODIZING THE stresses the continuities between the two peri-
WEB THROUGH THE HYPERLINK ods and is careful to not position the shift as a
technological upgrade, he nonetheless creates
In this chapter I provide a historiography of a juxtaposition by characterizing Web 1.0 as
one of the core elements of the web, the a web for ‘publishing’ and Web 2.0 as a web
hypertext link. I do so with the specific pur- for ‘participation’ (2005). This supposed shift
pose of tracing the various roles of this central from Web 1.0 as the ‘read-only’ static pub-
web object as a way to understand social, lishing web to Web 2.0 as the ‘read-write’
technical, and commercial transformations of participatory social web has since become
the web. That is, the hyperlink is positioned as the web’s dominant historical narrative
a way to historicize larger web developments (Song, 2010; Allen, 2013; Ankerson, 2015;
and as an alternative way to periodize the web. Helmond, 2015; Stevenson, 2016).
The dominant way of web periodization is Following Allen’s interpretation and cri-
through what Allen calls a ‘discourse of ver- tique of this narrative, Megan Ankerson
sions’ (2013), established by Tim O’Reilly proposes to ‘put aside the discourse of ver-
who labeled the period after the dot-com sions and approach the web and web histo-
crash ‘Web 2.0’ (2005), a marketing term riography as a site of ongoing configuration’
he used to claim this period as new and by employing Lucy Suchman’s notion of
upgraded, whilst at the same time promising a ‘configuration’ as ‘a device for studying
sense of continuity (Allen, 2013: 5). In doing how material artifacts and cultural imaginar-
so, O’Reilly invented the idea of Web 1.0 in ies are joined together’ and how these are
retrospect and created a perception of the connected to specific production practices
web before, Web 1.0, and after, Web 2.0, the (Ankerson, 2015: 3). Like Ankerson’s consid-
dot-com crash (Allen, 2013). Whilst O’Reilly eration of web historiography through forms

of alignment and configuration, I approach an analytical device for data-harvesting; and

my periodization of the web through one of sixth, the disappearance of the ‘traditional’
the core infrastructural elements of the web, hypertext link as the prime connection mech-
the hyperlink, by tracing its production and anism with the rise of mobile apps.
use practices within a view of the web as a
complex social, techno-commercial configu-
ration. Such focus does not aim to merely
describe the technological progress of the TRACING THE HYPERLINK
hyperlink as a material artifact, but rather,
to situate its development within the diverse The history of the hyperlink as a reference
practices of end-users, webmasters, bloggers, and navigational object is often traced back
and developers within the context of the soft- to the footnote (De Maeyer, 2013), which
ware, platforms, search engines, and apps that functions as a way to explicitly link to addi-
are involved in the creation, distribution, and tional information and source material within
consumption of hyperlinks. At the same time, a text (Grafton, 1997), and to even older
I consider the hyperlink’s imagined capabili- forms of inter textual connections (Halavais,
ties by the actors involved in its production 2008; Brügger, 2017). In his genealogy of
and distribution. Which social, political, or the hyperlink, Niels Brügger positions the
economic purpose does the hyperlink serve hyperlink within the longer and broader his-
for them? I argue that there is an ongoing – tory of links as mechanisms for interconnect-
and sometimes conflicting – interpretation of ing pieces of text (2017). He identifies three
what the hyperlink is or should be, and that phases in his history of intertextual linking
there is a constant negotiation between spe- and observes how each period is character-
cific production and use practices as well as ized by a specific type of media: first, links in
an unfolding alignment with social and eco- non-digital media such as clay tablets, printed
nomic incentives. books, and mechanical systems; second,
In what follows, I argue that the hyperlink links in stand-alone digital computers; and
is not a timeless object and that it may be third, links in networked digital computers
employed to analyze changes in the social, (2017). The history of the link presented here
technical, and commercial configuration of mainly focuses on the third period, which is
the web. I do so by providing a periodiza- characterized by the advent of interconnected
tion of the hyperlink based on its historically computer systems, digital hypertext systems,
diverse roles at six key moments (or episodes) and the rise of the World Wide Web. In par-
that are characterized by distinct devices. ticular I focus on the role of search engines,
I provide a history that discusses these six blog software, social media platforms, and
episodes individually whilst demonstrat- apps in the evolution of the role of the hyper-
ing their interconnections, thus highlighting link on the web and the mobile space.
how these episodes may run parallel. First, On the web hyperlinks have evolved beyond
the proto-hyperlink as envisioned in early citations to serve a wide range of social and
hypertext systems; second, the hypertext link technical functions (Halavais, 2008). Thus,
as fabric of the web and navigational object instead of thinking about hypertext and
in the early pre-search web; third, the hyper- hyperlinks as ‘remediations’ of older media
link as the currency of the web in the heydays types and linkages (cf. Bolter, 1990), I follow
of the search engine era; fourth; the role of Elmer’s call that if we wish to understand links
hyperlinks in building the blogosphere and and linking on the web ‘we must also come to
the introduction of new link types; fifth, the grips with the specific architectural logic of
effects of platformization on the hyperlink by the web’ and consider the hyperlink within
social media platforms turning the link into its web-native environment (2001). That is, I

consider the medium-specificity of the hyper- organize the world’s information (Rayward,
link as a web-native object (Helmond, 2013; 1994; Wright, 2014a; Wright, 2014b). Otlet
Rogers, 2013) by focusing on the infrastruc- aimed ‘to promote universal access to human
ture of the web and the actors involved in the knowledge through a global information
production and distribution of hyperlinks. network that he dubbed the “Mundaneum”’
In what follows next, I discuss the changing (Wright, 2014a: 5). Knowledge was stored
purpose, use, and function of the hyperlink in and connected to the universal library of
over time in six episodes, each characterized the Mundaneum via a personalized multime-
by a number of human and non-human pro- dia workstation called the ‘Mondothèque’
tagonists that have played a major role in the (van den Heuvel & Rayward, 2011; Wright,
history of the hyperlink. 2014a). The Mondothèque, which remained
an unrealized prototype, should be under-
stood as ‘more than just a platform for con-
suming information; it was an active tool for
EPISODE 1. THE PROTO-HYPERLINK knowledge production’ (Wright, 2014a: 235)
IN EARLY HYPERTEXT SYSTEMS enabling users to create links between vari-
ous types of media documents and pieces of
Most commonly, the lineage of the hypertext knowledge. Wright sees Otlet’s Mondothèque
link is traced back to pre-web hypertext sys- as the forgotten European precursor to
tems (Barnet, in this volume; Elmer, 2001), Vannevar Bush’s Memex, a proto-hypertext
as a way to interconnect and make accessible system in which (hyper)links were concep-
our ephemeral human knowledge (Barnet, tualized as associational markers to establish
2014). In her history of hypertext, Barnet (in ‘trails’ between documents (Bush, 1945). The
this volume; 2014) describes different Memex aimed to organize, sort, and structure
visions, models, and implementations of the world’s knowledge via associative index-
hypertext systems before the web in order to ing. However, what distinguishes Otlet’s from
emphasize that the web is just but one Bush’s visions is that ‘Otlet saw the network
famous realization of a hypertext system. It is as essential to his vision of a worldwide
beyond the scope of this chapter to describe platform for knowledge sharing; Bush envi-
the development of these systems at length. sioned the Memex as a stand-alone machine’
The history of hypertext has been extensively (Wright, 2014b). Otlet and Bush’s devices
discussed elsewhere by scholars from litera- were analog machines that relied on micro-
ture studies, game studies, information sci- film for the storage of data, but both remained
ence, and new media studies (see Bolter, unbuilt prototypes. The advent of the (net-
1990; Landow, 1991; Aarseth, 1997; Elmer, worked) computer introduced new ideas
2001; Kirschenbaum, 2001; Wardrip-Fruin, about organizing and connecting the world’s
2004; Krapp, 2006; Halavais, 2008; Barnet, information. Ted Nelson and Doug Engelbart
in this volume; Barnet, 2014; Wright, 2014a; were two pioneers working on early hypertext
Brügger, 2017). systems before the advent of the web.
However, it is important to briefly con- The word ‘hyperlink’ has been attrib-
sider a number of proto-hypertext systems uted to Ted Nelson, who worked on the first
and the types of interconnections they con- hypertext system, Project Xanadu, in the
ceived to understand links as part of tech- 1960s. The system was never entirely built
nical infrastructures for organizing and but a number of partially functioning Xanadu
distributing information. One of the earliest prototypes have been released since the late
proto-hypertext systems was Paul Otlet’s 1990s (Nelson, 2016). Nelson coined the
Mondothèque, a device for researchers, pro- word ‘hypertext’ (Nelson, 1965) in a paper
viding one of the many visions on how to outlining an evolutionary file structure for an

automatic personal filing system, in which Berners-Lee describes his task as to

he quotes Bush’s ideas about the Memex at ‘marry’ the development of the internet with
length. Nelson used the word hypertext to early ideas of hypertext and hypertext links
describe how text within the system could be (2000: 6) to form ‘a web of information’
accessed and retrieved in a nonlinear fashion (2000: 4). His vision of the web was inspired
whereby readers could follow hypertext links by the following idea: ‘Suppose all the infor-
to read additional information. A noteworthy mation stored on computers everywhere were
core element of Nelson’s Xanadu was the linked […]. Suppose I could program my
idea of unbreakable two-way links as a way to computer to create a space in which anything
implement ‘transclusion’, a type of interlink- could be linked to anything. […]’ (2000: 4).
ing of ‘the same thing knowably and visibly To create such an interlinked information
in more than one place’ (Nelson, 1999: 1). space, Berners-Lee created the Universal
Around the same time as Nelson was work- Resource Identifier (URI) to identify any
ing on Xanadu, Doug Engelbart was creat- object on the web, the Hypertext Transfer
ing the oN-Line System (NLS), inspired by Protocol (HTTP) for transferring hypertext,
Bush’s Memex. NLS was a system for cross- and the Hypertext Markup Language
referencing, based on the basic premise that (HTML) as a common language or ‘basic
you could link to anything and to anywhere lingua franca’ for writing and representing
through the Link function (Barnet, in this hypertext pages (2000: 36–40). Berners-Lee
volume). The NLS system had fine-grained considered the URI the ‘most fundamental
linking capabilities and links within the sys- innovation of the web’ because the hypertext
tem represented a relationship (Barnet, in link contains the destination URI telling the
this volume).1 Both Xanadu and NLS were browser where to find the document (2000:
never adopted on a wide scale and it wasn’t 37). HTML in its turn functions as ‘the
until the late 1980s, when Apple started sell- fabric’ (Berners-Lee et al., 1994) or ‘connec-
ing computers with a pre-installed version of tive tissue’ (Berners-Lee, 1998) of the web.
HyperCard, a piece of hypermedia software, One of the central elements of HTML is the
that hypertext became available to the larger hypertext link as ‘the basic hypertext con-
public and became ‘de facto the archetype struct’ enabling connections between differ-
of what hypertext – and hyperlinking – was’ ent resources on the web (W3C, n.d.).
(Barnet, 2014: xxii; Brügger, 2017). With the Hypertext links, commonly referred to as
advent of the World Wide Web (the web), hyperlinks, web links, or just simply links,
the ideas of hypertext and hyperlinking allow the creation of interconnections
would be further exposed to a larger public. between websites, web pages, and other web
objects. As such, they bear the capacity to
weave disparate entities of the web together
into ‘a single, global information space’,
EPISODE 2. THE HYPERLINK AS which Berners-Lee called the World Wide
FABRIC OF THE WEB Web (2000: 4). Universality was key to the
design of the web as ‘[a] hypertext link must
In his book Weaving the Web on the history be able to link to anything’ (107) and anyone
of the web, Tim Berners-Lee acknowledges should be able to create links. Berners-Lee
the ideas of Bush, Nelson, and Engelbart in considered ‘the right to link’ as ‘the very
developing a hypertext system (2000: 5–6). basic building unit for the whole Web’ (139).
He describes how his creation was also Similar to, but distinct from, Nelson’s imple-
inspired by the organizing structures of the mentation of the two-way link, Berners-Lee
mind in terms of making and storing connec- contemplated designing the web with bid­
tions through (random) associations (2000: 10). irectional links (Berners-Lee, n.d.) but these

were never implemented as part of an archi- With the growth of the web it became
tectural decision because mono-directional more and more difficult to find interesting
links enabled the web to scale quickly and relevant websites. This led to the crea-
(Berners-Lee, 1998). Another important tion of new services that aimed to index the
aspect in the design of the link was that web (Halavais, in this volume), with search
whilst Berners-Lee saw that it could be used engines like Aliweb, Excite, and AltaVista,
as ‘a way of transmitting judgements of qual- expert directories of links2 like DMOZ
ity’, he made clear that ‘the intention in the and the Yahoo! Directory, and portals like
design of the web was that normal links MyNetscape and My Yahoo!, which posi-
should simply be references, with no implied tioned themselves as entry points to the web
meaning’ (Berners-Lee, 1997) and that the by providing professionally curated links.
hyperlink does not imply any type of endorse- These mostly new commercial actors made
ment (2000: 139). money off hyperlinks through the strate-
Key to the initial popularization of hyper- gic placement of links or ‘featured links’
links was the introduction of graphical on their websites (Hargittai, 2000; Rogers,
browsers such as Mosaic by indicating click- 2002). Thus, hyperlinks have given rise to
able hyperlinks in blue-colored underlined an industry of new commercial actors on
text, which became the de facto standard for the web such as content aggregators, web
displaying links on the web (Weinreich et al., portals, and search engines (cf. Dellarocas
2001). Whilst anyone could potentially create et al., 2013: 2360). A new company, Google,
hyperlinks by learning HTML, in these early would turn hyperlinks and the interlinked
days of the web this act was reserved to web- infrastructure of the web into a very success-
masters who could make and run their own ful business model.
websites. With the advent of HTML editors,
content management systems, blog software,
and free website services such as Tripod and
Geocities, it became easier to create web- EPISODE 3. THE HYPERLINK AS
sites and to link to other sites. This period of CURRENCY OF THE WEB
mass amateur website building, which Olia
Lialina refers to as the ‘vernacular web’, was An important moment in the history of both
driven by a do-it-yourself ethos with very few the web and the hyperlink has been the intro-
design rules – except for a valid HTML – and duction and rise of search engines. Here, I
led to an explosion of websites with an ama- focus on the role of Google as the search
teur aesthetic (Lialina, 2009: 27). According engine that ‘built its empire from an appre-
to Lialina this web was ‘fascinated by the ciation of the Net’s underlying architecture’,
power of links’ and ‘people felt it was their as it conceived of a ‘web/info-centric busi-
responsibility to configure the environment ness model that was built upon the harvesting
and build the infrastructure’ by linking to and crawling of hyperlinks’ (Elmer, 2006: 9).
other pages and by listing external link lists What distinguished Google from previous
on their websites (27). In addition to build- search engines is that it employed hyperlinks
ing the web’s infrastructure, people also built as a way to calculate the relevance and repu-
communities through links by engaging in tation of a site, by considering – amongst
‘web rings’, a way of interlinking websites other factors – who links to whom and how
with similar topics (Elmer, 1999; Lialina, often a site is linked to (Brin and Page,
2009: 27). These web rings also contributed 1998). Google’s PageRank algorithm calcu-
to the discoverability of new websites and lates the relevance of a website based on the
offered a subject-based index of a set of web- quality or importance of other websites link-
sites (Elmer, 1999). ing to it (Brin and Page, 1998) and as a result

not all hyperlinks have equal value for EPISODE 4. BUILDING THE
Google. Whilst Google currently takes over BLOGOSPHERE AND THE
200 signals into account, PageRank is still an INTRODUCTION OF NEW LINK TYPES
important factor in determining a site’s rele-
vance (Search Console Help, n.d.). Besides directories, web portals, web rings,
Google’s ‘industrialization’ of the hyper- and search engines trying to organize the
link (Turow, 2008: 3) has created the so- web in the late 1990s, there were also very
called ‘link economy’ (Rogers, 2002; important individual actors such as webmas-
Walker, 2002) in which search engines deter- ters and bloggers who would point other
mine the value of links and where links are users to interesting websites and pages
exchanged, bought, or sold by webmasters through link lists on their websites and blogs.
and spammers. Google turned the link from Blogs are often seen as a specific genre of
a navigational object into ‘the currency of websites (Siles, in this volume),3 defined by
the web’ by interpreting links as ‘objective, their form as ‘frequently updated, reverse-
democratic and machine-readable signs of chronological entries on a single Web page’
value’ (Walker, 2002: 72). Google’s busi- (Blood, 2004: 53). These entries, called
ness model is built on the ‘open web’, a web ‘posts’, constitute the main units or building
built on open standards and where links can blocks of the blog, in contrast to the ‘page’
be followed from one page to another and unit of the website. In order to be able to link
indexed by search engines. The foreground- to a single post, instead of a whole page,
ing of the link as a sign of value and medium blogger Jason Kottke started implementing
of exchange raises questions about the actors permanent URLs for each entry on his blog
involved in the production, indexation, and (Kottke, 2000). This idea was quickly taken
distribution of links. In this sense, the hyper- up by developers from the blog software
link provides a way to understand the early company Blogger, who implemented ‘per-
commercialization of the web, which has tra- malinks’ into their software to give ‘each
ditionally focused on businesses ‘rushing’ to blog entry a permanent location – a distinct
the web to build websites as a form of pres- URL – at which it could be referenced’
ence (cf. Rogers, 2002), but instead focuses (Blood, 2004: 54). This new link type was
on the political economy of the link. Such a quickly adopted by other bloggers and blog
perspective considers its role as a currency software developers and the permalink
(Walker, 2002) and draws attention to the rise became ‘a canonical component of the stand-
of new web-specific services that monetize ard Weblog entry’ (Blood, 2004: 54). Early
the hyperlink as the core feature of the web, blogger Rebecca Blood argues that the ‘orig-
and the rise of new linking practices and inal weblogs were link-driven sites’ (2000)
strategies. With the new role of the link as the and that the prototypical blog focuses on
currency of the web, actors involved in creat- linking to other blogs to provide commentary
ing hyperlinks became aware of their strate- on interesting blog posts (Blood, 2000;
gic value, leading to a whole new industry Herring et al., 2005). But links did not only
of manipulation around search engines to play an important role within a blog entry;
achieve higher rankings (Halavais, 2008: bloggers also often created ‘blogrolls’ to link
49–50). Next, I elaborate on the political to other interesting blogs in the sidebar of
economy of linking and the constant negotia- their blogs. All these links between blogs
tion between those creating links and those create an interconnected network of blogs
indexing and distributing links by focusing called ‘the blogosphere’, although the degree
on the role of links and the practices of link- of its interconnectedness might be overesti-
ing in the blogosphere and the creation of mated (Herring et al., 2005). The ritual prac-
new types of links. tices of linking stabilized the blog as a web

format and created a sense of community as configuration of actors involved in the pro-
bloggers would start referring to themselves duction and distribution of links. Blog soft-
as the ‘weblog community’ (Ammann, 2009; ware introduced and standardized new types
Siles, 2011: 745). of links such as the permalink, the track-
Before the advent of blog software, which back, and pingback, and became an active
originated and gained popularity between agent in creating links between blogs and
1997–9, bloggers would manually create the interlinking of blogs into a blogosphere
hyperlinks to link to other blogs (Blood, (Helmond, 2008; Weltevrede and Helmond,
2000; Helmond, 2008). The practice of 2012; Helmond, 2013).
blogging and linking was made easier with Another important blog feature that high-
the implementation of linking features into lights the constant negotiations taking place
blog software and What You See Is What between various actors involved in creat-
You Get (WYSIWYG) editors (Blood, 2004: ing, distributing, and exploiting links is the
54). Hereafter, bloggers would only have to blog comment. Whilst previously the act of
insert a URL and the blog software would linking was mainly reserved to webmasters
automatically generate the corresponding and bloggers,4 blog comments underneath
HTML code for the hyperlink. Blog software blog posts opened up the blog to links from
also enabled automated interlinking between blog visitors. This form of user-generated
blogs with the creation of two new link types linking expanded the participatory ideals of
that were built on top of the permalink: the blogging as a way ‘to democratize publishing’
trackback and pingback. Blog software can (Blood, 2004: 55) by also giving blog read-
‘ping’ or notify other blog software of an ers a voice. However, opening up the com-
incoming link by automatically ‘placing a ment space made blogs even more prone to
reciprocal link – a trackback – in the entry spam. Spammers would not only target the
they have just referenced’ (Blood, 2004: 55). trackback mechanism but also the comment
Trackbacks are a semi-manual type of notifi- space with links to boost their own rankings.
cation and interlinking system since bloggers This time an attempt to create a solution to
have to manually send the trackback notifi- combat link spam was developed by Google,
cation from within the software’s interface. the key actor in the link economy, who suf-
Receiving trackbacks could be automated fered from spam in its search engine results
since blog software can be configured to as a result of the new linking capabilities.
automatically receive and place trackbacks On January 18, 2005, Google announced its
underneath a post. Unfortunately, trackbacks measure to prevent comment spam, a new
turned out to be very prone to spam since the hyperlink attribute called ‘nofollow’. In
receiving software did not verify the incom- HTML, elements can have parameters called
ing link and incoming links could therefore attributes where the <a> element defines the
very easily be faked. Spammers used track- hypertext link, the ‘href’ attribute defines
backs to artificially boost the ranking of their the destination of a link, and the ‘rel’ attrib-
sites in search engines and pingbacks were ute specifies ‘the relationship between the
developed to partially solve the problems of document containing the hyperlink and the
trackbacks. Pingbacks automatically send destination resource’ (W3C, 2014). Google
notifications to other blogs and the receiv- introduced the ‘nofollow’ value as part of the
ing blog software verifies the incoming link. hyperlink’s ‘rel’ attribute to indicate a partic-
Both trackbacks and pingbacks (semi-)auto- ular type of relationship between the source
matically interlink blogs and render the links and destination link: ‘From now on, when
between blogs visible on both ends, resem- Google sees the attribute (rel=“nofollow”) on
bling the idea of a two-way link. Trackbacks hyperlinks, those links won’t get any credit
and pingbacks draw attention to the changing when we rank websites in our search results’

(Cutts and Shellen, 2005). No credit meant buttons to fit the underlying business models
no value for a website’s PageRank, severely of the associated social media platforms; and
diminishing the intended goal of the spam- third, the increasing invisibility of the hyper-
mers. The nofollow attribute was introduced link in social media.
in collaboration with a number of partners, With the introduction of social bookmark-
including major blog software developers ing icons, now commonly known as social
such as Blogger and WordPress, who imple- buttons, social media platforms have devel-
mented it into their software so that every oped ways to facilitate easy link sharing
link in a blog comment would automatically across platforms (Helmond, 2013).5 Sharing
receive the nofollow attribute. The effect of a website article using a social button such as
nofollow is that, in Google’s world, not all Facebook’s Share button automatically cre-
links have equal value, since links in com- ates a status update displaying a preview of
ments with the nofollow attribute do not pass the link’s content: the article’s title, subtitle,
on value for a site’s PageRank. The role of image, domain name, and author.6 The status
‘nofollow’ in preventing spam is still a press- update with the link preview does not show
ing issue today, as Google regularly warns the linked URL but instead is reduced to the
webmasters to follow their linking guidelines URL’s domain name, which then links to the
and to use ‘nofollow’ where appropriate or individual article. Sharing an article directly on
else they may see their sites’ rankings penal- Facebook is handled slightly differently since
ized (Google Webspam Team, 2017). posting a link both shows the full URL in the
status update and creates a link preview under-
neath the post. The automation of link sharing
via social buttons creates a two-way link:
PLATFORMIZATION ON THE Facebook also employs linking mechanisms that
closely resemble the bidirectional links proposed by
HYPERLINK Bush, Nelson, and so on. Whereas a typical Web
hyperlink usually goes in one direction – from
Whilst the hyperlink has technically not source document to target hyperlink – links on
changed since its inception, in the previous Facebook typically work both ways; a comment or
‘like’ interaction will show up in multiple threads;
episodes I have demonstrated how search and a user may follow a link back to see the origi-
engines and blog software have appropriated nal commenter’s page. (Wright, 2014a: 290)
or added features to the hyperlink for their
own purposes. This next episode discusses However, Facebook does not support tradi-
the implications of the ‘platformization’ of tional linking practices of being able to
the web (Helmond, 2015), a term used to create a hyperlink by linking a word in a
refer to the rise of social media platforms and Facebook post to a specific URL destination
the consequences of their extension into the on the web. The only ‘links’ you can create
web, for the hyperlink. It provides a way to are to internal Facebook items such as users
conceptualize how social media platforms and pages (Berners-Lee, 2010). Software
have imposed their own infrastructural and developer Dave Winer is a strong advocate of
economic model onto the web by repurpos- implementing hyperlinking into Facebook.
ing web-native objects, such as the hyper- The current implementation, he argues, is not
link, for their own gain. I discuss the a form of linking and is ‘really hurting the
consequences of the rise of social media for rest of the web’ by not allowing users to
the hyperlink by addressing three issues: freely link to other places on the web (Winer,
first, the further automation of linking 2016). Tim Berners-Lee has also expressed
through social buttons; second, the reconfig- his concerns in regard to websites and web
uration of the hyperlink through social services that develop their own linking

mechanisms that do not interoperate with the valuable link data. Twitter can now easily
web’s open standards and formats (Berners- track how many times a link has been shared,
Lee, 2010). He argues that they are under- clicked on, by whom, and when, on its plat-
mining the web’s principle of universality form. But it can also gather many of these
meaning that you can link to anything, where statistics when the link is distributed outside
‘the URI is the key to universality’ (2010). of its platform boundaries. As I have argued
He explains how social media platforms are elsewhere, platforms have turned the link into
becoming silos by walling off their informa- an analytical device by repurposing it into a
tion: ‘The isolation occurs because each data-rich shortened URL:
piece of information does not have a URI.
By automatically wrapping links in tweets with a
Connections among data exist only within a URL, Twitter makes this shared data on its
site’. Berners-Lee warns that ‘[t]he more this platform ‘algorithm ready’ by reconfiguring the
kind of architecture gains widespread use, hyperlink to fit the platform. The automatic pro-
the more the Web becomes fragmented, and cessing of the hyperlink and its reconfiguration
the less we enjoy a single, universal informa- into an analytical device in order to become part of
an algorithmic system is what I refer to as the
tion space’ (2010: 82). Links are essential in
algorithmization of the hyperlink. (Helmond 2013)
weaving the web into a single place and
social media platforms are prohibiting a spe- On social media platforms, the link no longer
cific type of linking practice, the traditional just functions as a navigational device where a
hyperlink, using instead their own forms of link in a tweet points to another location on
interlinking. In addition, many social media the web, but also provides valuable data such
platforms also reconfigure links posted to as link statistics. This data serves as input for
their platforms so that they fit the underlying the platform’s various algorithms that deter-
platform architectures and business models. mine relevant and trending content but is also
They do so by turning links shared to their used by Twitter’s marketing partners for their
platforms into shortened URLs, a new type own commercial purposes such as advertising
of link which gained popularity on Twitter. (Helmond, 2013). Platforms have appropri-
On Twitter, users can only use up to 140 ated the link as an object to measure web
characters for their tweets, which means activities, attention, and other forms of engage-
that posting a link will take up a signifi- ment to fit their own economic agendas.
cant number of valuable characters. Users Next, I briefly turn to the current state of
turned to URL shorteners such as TinyURL web development to reflect on the decline
to shorten their long links into shortened of the hyperlink and the introduction of new
links, e.g. In June link types such as mobile deep links and app
2011 Twitter built its own URL shortener links with the rise of mobile apps. into its platform architecture and from
that moment onwards every link posted to
Twitter is automatically shortened into a
URL.7 Twitter hides this transformation of EPISODE 6. BEYOND THE WEB:
the hyperlink from its users, by displaying an MOBILE APPS AND DEEP LINKING
abbreviated version of the original long link
in the front-end, the platform’s user interface The previous sections have argued that in
as visible in the browser, whilst using the order to understand the evolution of the
actual shortened link for a variety of different hyperlink and associated linking practices
purposes in the back-end, the platform’s data we should consider the actors involved in the
infrastructure.8 By routing all links through production and reconfiguration of the hyper-
its platform, Twitter can not only detect and link. In the changing political economy of
filter out spam links but it can also collect linking a variety of actors has been involved

over time: from webmasters, bloggers, and Google, and Facebook have introduced new
social media users to search engines, blog link types for linking between apps and
software, and social media platforms, to for linking to specific content within apps.
only name a few. I have argued that in order Facebook launched App Links at its F8
to understand what the hyperlink is, can do, Developer Conference in 2014 as ‘an open
or is made to do, we should consider its role cross platform solution for deep linking to
within the transforming socio-techno- content in your mobile app’ (Facebook for
commercial environment of the web. When Developers, n.d.). For Facebook, these App
considering the present role of the hyperlink, Links also provide a way to gather app ana-
its evolution and implementation should also lytics such as ‘traffic and usage informa-
be considered beyond the web. That is, with tion’ on who is using your app (Facebook
the introduction of mobile phones and the for Developers, n.d.), thereby position-
increasing ubiquity of mobile network data, ing App Links as both navigational and
in recent years we have seen the develop- analytical devices. In May 2015 Google
ment of the mobile web (Goggin, in this announced its own ‘App links, along with
volume) with pages specifically built for or App Indexing for Google search’ (Eason,
adjusted to smaller screens and lower band- 2015). A month later, during the WWDC,
width. However, instead of building mobile Apple also announced its own version, enti-
web pages or services many companies have tled ‘Universal Links’ (Apple Developer,
built dedicated mobile apps. For many, apps n.d.-a), seemingly referring to the univer-
have become the main entry point to the web sality principle of hyperlinks on the web.
and internet-based platforms (comScore, Similar to websites and web pages, which
2016). Whilst the mobile web is based on are linked or ‘woven’ together by hyper-
the same standards as the web, and links links to create the World Wide Web, Apple
between pages are created using hyperlinks, explicates how ‘an app exists as part of an
apps employ proprietary linking mecha- ecosystem’ of other apps (Apple Developer,
nisms. They use so-called mobile or app n.d.-b). Universal Links are Apple’s way of
‘deep links’ to enable app interlinking but linking apps into an ecosystem similar to but
these deep links are not based on open separate from the web. Whilst these current
standards. In his defense of the open web, developments may aim to address the cur-
Berners-Lee describes how deep linking in rent barriers of app-interlinking, they are
apps works and the consequences of this not providing a universal solution.9 With
type of linking: ‘Apple’s iTunes system, for the introduction of deep links, Facebook’s
example, identifies songs and videos using App Links, Google’s app links, and Apple’s
URIs that are open. But instead of “http:” Universal Links these companies have con-
the addresses begin with “itunes:”, which is tributed their own – mostly proprietary –
proprietary. You can access an “itunes:” link solutions for app linking (and indexing)
only using Apple’s proprietary iTunes pro- and have created a proliferation of new app
gram’ (2010: 83). Apps do not employ open link standards outside of the scope of W3C,
link standards, which, similar to the prac- which oversees open web standards such as
tices of social media platforms, turns them HTML and the hypertext link. In addition,
into stand-alone objects or little unlinkable deep links provide not only an app-native
islands that often function separate from the way of linking, but also an app-native way
web, thereby turning them into ‘closed to track users, and to collect valuable infor-
worlds’ or centralized ‘walled gardens’ mation for advertisers. At the same time this
(Berners-Lee, 2010: 83). new link type points to the diminishing role
To create interconnections between apps of the hyperlink in the app space as a univer-
and the web, companies such as Apple, sal interconnector.

CONCLUSION the hyperlink is, could, or should be. That

is, there is a constant interplay between the
The hyperlink as one of the core infrastruc- material object of the hyperlink and the
tural elements of the web has a long and rich various actors involved in its production,
history – not only if we consider its potential distribution, and valorization. Instead of
precursors of intertextual links and its early providing a lineage or teleological account
employment in proto-hypertext systems, but of the hyperlink, the six episodes focused
also, and especially, its implementation on on the changing constellations of actors and
the web. In this chapter I have provided a how they employ the hyperlink for their own
historiography of the hyperlink by narrating social, technical, and economic incentives.
its role in six episodes in the history of the The episodes demonstrate a number of con-
web. These episodes demonstrate how the tinuities and discontinuities in the role of the
hyperlink has evolved from a feature to inter- hyperlink. First, the hyperlink is still a core
link information within technical knowledge element of the web and a central mecha-
infrastructures such as the Mondothèque, the nism for creating and navigating connections
Memex, Xanadu, and the World Wide Web, between web pages and sites. On the one
to a feature that may be used to collect valu- hand links are created manually by webmas-
able information about the interlinked struc- ters, bloggers, and other types of web users,
ture of the web as well as about the people and, on the other hand, their production
clicking and viewing those links. That is, the has become increasingly (semi-)automated
hyperlink’s long-established role as a navi- with the introduction of blog software and
gational tool has been supplemented with its social buttons. As a consequence, the way in
new function as an analytical device for data- which the web becomes interconnected has
harvesting. As such, the evolution of the changed. Second, social media platforms and
hyperlink provides an important entry point companies involved in app development have
into understanding the increasing commer- created their own interconnection and inter-
cialization of the web. The way in which the linking mechanisms, their own types of links,
hyperlink has been employed socially by which function similarly to, but are different
users and economically by search engines, from, the traditional hyperlink. As a result,
social media platforms, and apps has changed social media platforms and in particular apps
significantly. By tracing how these actors are seen as walled gardens which operate on
have handled and appropriated the hyperlink their own logic of connection, largely discon-
over time we gain insights into its novel nected from the World Wide Web at large.
additional functions on the web and in the Custom linking mechanisms are not only
app space. developed for creating connections, but espe-
The six episodes focused on the relation cially for tracing and tracking the movement
between the main actors involved in the of users and their data through social media
production, distribution, and valorization platforms and apps.
of hyperlinks. These protagonists included By focusing on the political economy of
human actors, such as webmasters, bloggers, linking over time, I have drawn attention
blog software developers, and technology to the increasing commercialization of the
entrepreneurs, as well as non-human actors hyperlink. The hyperlink has seemingly lost
such as blog software, search engines, social its innocence since it is no longer just a way
media platforms, apps, and the companies of navigating the web but has also become an
behind them such as Google, Facebook, object that can be monetized and that can be
Twitter, and Apple. Each of these actors employed to track users. Linking is no longer
comes with its own very specific ideas, just ‘weaving the web’ but contributing to an
agendas, or economic incentives of what infrastructure of valuation.

Notes New Media & Society, 15(2): 260–275. doi:

1  See Barnet in this volume for more detail on the Ammann, R. (2009) ‘Blogosphere 1998: Analysis’,
role of links and types of linking in Doug Engel-
Tawawa, 5 November. Available at: http://
bart’s oN-Line System (NLS) and Ted Nelson’s
2  Berners-Lee’s first website at CERN also con- 1998-analysis.html (Accessed: 13 January
tained two directories of websites, one organized 2013).
by subject and the other by type of service, see: Ankerson, M.S. (2015) ‘Social media and the “read-only” Web: Reconfiguring social
html (Accessed: 8 March 2017). logics and historical boundaries’, Social
3  See danah boyd’s (2006) critique of defining blog- Media + Society, 1(2): 1–12. doi: 10.1177/
ging as a form or genre – she argues that, instead, 2056305115621935.
it should be seen as both a medium and a practice. Apple Developer (n.d.-a) Seamless Linking to
4  As well as users from web fora, message boards,
Your App, WWDC 2015 – Videos. Available
and other early forms of web-based communica-
tion groups.
5  See Helmond (2013) on the history of social but- wwdc2015/509/ (Accessed: 4 March 2017).
tons and the technical details of link automation. Apple Developer (n.d.-b) Universal Links for
6  Which elements are visible in the preview Developers, Apple Developer. Available at:
depends on whether or not the website with the
Share button has optimized itself for Facebook’s links/ (Accessed: 4 March 2017).
crawler by employing Open Graph tags, Face- Barnet, B. (2014) Memory Machines: The
book’s markup language. Evolution of Hypertext. London: Anthem
7  See Helmond (2013) on the history of link short- Press.
eners, the technical details behind link shortening,
Berners-Lee, T., Cailliau, R., Luotonen, A., Nielsen,
and the role of shortened URLs in social media.
H.F., and Secret, A. (1994) ‘The World-Wide
8  Technically this means that the browser displays
the long URL, whilst the short URL is coded into Web’, Communications of the ACM, 37(8):
the underlying HTML. 76–82. doi: 10.1145/179606.179671.
9  For example, Apple’s Universal Links only works with Berners-Lee, T. (1997) ‘Links and law’, Com-
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only interlinking Apple apps into an ecosystem. ble at:
LinkLaw.html (Accessed: 29 October 2012).
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Original Design and Ultimate Destiny of the
valuable comments on this chapter. This work
World Wide Web. New York: Harper Business.
is part of the research program Innovational
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Research Incentives Scheme Veni with pro- for continued open standards and neutrality’,
ject number 275-45-009, which is (partly) Scientific American, December. Available at:
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9781473980051_OFC.indd 3 12/03/2018 10:4
SAGE Publications Ltd Editorial arrangement & Introduction © Niels Brügger &
1 Oliver’s Yard Ian Milligan, 2019
55 City Road Chapter 1 © Ian Milligan, 2019 Chapter 23 © Ian Milligan, 2019
London EC1Y 1SP Chapter 2 © Niels Brügger, 2019 Chapter 24 © Ignacio Siles, 2019
Chapter 3 © Peter Webster, 2019 Chapter 25 © Christina Ortner,
SAGE Publications Inc. Chapter 4 © Richard Rogers, 2019 Philip Sinner and Tanja Jadin, 2019
2455 Teller Road Chapter 5 © Valérie Schafer and Chapter 26 © Madhavi
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SAGE Publications Asia-Pacific Pte Ltd Chapter 10 © Michael Stevenson Chapter 30 © Valérie Beaudouin,
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Chapter 13 © Justin Joque, 2019 Chapter 33 © Jeremy Wade
Chapter 14 © Michael L. Nelson Morris, 2019
and Herbert Van de Sompel, 2019 Chapter 34 © Jim McGrath, 2019
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Chapter 17 © Alexander Halavais, Chapter 36 © Mark McLelland,
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