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FS 2

Understanding AR
Concepts, Processes
and Models

TARGET Your Intended Learning Outcome

At the end of this Learning Episode, I must be able to:

 Use concepts and processes of action research.

 Identify sample models of AR such as DepEd, 2017; McNiff & Whitehead, 2006; and
Nelson, 2014.
Participate and Assist
You are now ready to participate and assist!
Understanding fully the concept and the process of Action Research will enable you to
learn and provide the needed assistance to your teacher member in doing Action Research.
What concepts have been emphasized in the task and infographics? Give at least four.
1. ________________________________________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________________________________
3. ________________________________________________________________________
4. ________________________________________________________________________

Since the 3 models are all for action research, what are the common elements of the three?

Choose the AR sample Abstract that you submitted in Episode 2.

 Analyze the components vis-à-vis only one model out of the 3 presented.

 If you choose to compare with Model A-Mc-Niff & Whitehead, 2006, here are the
Title and Author of the Action Research;
Key Components Entry form your Sample AR
OBSERVE The Problem
REFLECT Reflection
PLAN Plan of Action
ACT Implementation
MODIFY Recommendation

 If you choose to compare with Model B-Nelson, O. 2014, here are the components.
Title and Author of the Action Research;
Key Components Entry form your Sample AR
OBSERVE The Problem
REFLECT Reflection
PLAN Plan of Action
ACT Implementation

Or if you choose the DepEd Model, 2017, here are the components.
Title and Author: (the same as your entry in Model A)
Key Component Action Research Process
I. Context and Rationale Study Background
II. Action Research Question
III. Proposed Innovation, Intervention AR Question
IV. Action Research Methods Describe Action Research Methods.
a. Participants/ other sources of Data
b. Data Gathering Methods
c. Data Analysis Plan
V. Action Research Work Plan Summarize Action Research Work Plan.
VI. Cost Estimate Write Cost estimate
VII. Plan for Dissemination and Describe how the results will be shared
VIII. References Write at least 3 references

What have you understood about the concept of Action Research and how will these be
utilized in your practice?

As a future teacher, is conducting an Action Research worth doing?


How can AR be useful for every classroom teacher?


Remembering my classroom observations in FS 1, I noticed that there are many questions
that I raised in my mind. These include:

Thinking deeply about those problems, perhaps something must have been done to solve
the problem or answer the question, like:

Now, that I am in FS 2, I plan to make a plan for my solution to problem (choose from a,
b, c) cause because
My action will come later, given enough time in FS 2 or during my Teaching Internship.

CHECK for Mastery

Direction: Check from the choices, what answer/s respond to the question correctly and
put an X if otherwise.
1. Action research requires a teacher to be:
____ observant of what is happening in the classroom
____ asking one self of how to improve teaching.
____ following the daily routine all the time.
____ finding ways on how children should learn better
____ blaming learners for their inability to learn
2. There are many ways of doing action research which follow a cynical process. The
process includes:
____ observe, reflect, plan, act
____ observe plan, act, reflect
____ reflect, act, plan, reflect
____ plan, observe, act, reflect
____ modify, observe, plan, reflect
3. As an action researcher, I will be developing my skill as a person who is
____ systematic
____ reflective
____ rigorous
____ futuristic
____ situational
4. On which of the following would you choose to conduct an Action Research. Why?
____ changes in the classroom practices. Why?
____ effects of curriculum restructuring. Why?
____ understanding of self as a teacher. Why?
____ teaching a new process to the students. Why?
5. Which of the following relates closely to what action research is?
____ used to address practical problems in the classroom
____ refers only to everyday life of the learners
____ allows teachers to study their own classroom
____ brings theories and practices together

WORK on my Artifacts
Your artifacts will be a full blown completed Action Research

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