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The Uniformed Killer:

A cool breeze blew through the town of

. As i shouted out my best friends name, i felt the deep sadness in me, scared
about the fact that i might never see him again..As the night passed, of course,
the search party didn't find my poor friend Terry Turner. I didn't think I'd end up
studying my best friend's case. But at that point, it didn't come to my mind at all
that it was all that deep. The thoughts of my best friends death were too
overwhelming to realise he wasn't just lost and missing; someone was responsible
for his sudden disappearance...

Chapter 1: The Murder

I walked the dark gloomy corridors of Secondary School. Everyone was super
cautious walking around in my school and as i went to lessons the old-style
loudspeaker stated my name. The head of year was summoning me. While I entered the
lair i was met by 2 of my classmates, suspiciously looking at me like i was in
trouble for something, something unspeakable, something that would make life turn
upside down within seconds. My instincts were correct; the head of year, Mr
Thompson was saying an unnamed source saw me with Terry in the Parsloe's Park the
day Terry became missing. "Now that we have established things, it's time you have
a little chat with the police.They should coming any minute now." The men in blue
put my skinny arms behind my back and with the sound of handcuffs clicking, I
realised that my life will turn to a misery in the next few days or even weeks as
they escorted me through the teen-infested school corridors into the police

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