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Name:__Elisea Judel Serrano_______________________________ Section:_________TM3B________


Multicultural Diversity in the Workplace

Activity 1

Instructions.  Respond to the following items in no more than 10 sentences. Write your responses in
a Word file. Use your surname as filename for easier identification. (2 items x 10 points)

1. In your perspective, what is the importance of contrast in culture among multicultural organizations?
Cite a situational example to support your answer.

The concept of culture is a simple way to understand a people, although on a superficial

level. They did not suggest that every member of culture acts in the same manner. Contrary to belief,
every culture is different, yet people of a particular culture display similar behavioral patterns that
reflect where and how they grew up. Knowing the ways of culture should assist us in interacting with
its members. Also Multicultural organizations had differences of all types not merely tolerated they
are sight out because their inclusion offers critical opportunities for improvement.

For example There are cultural variances between generations of employees. Traditionalists, baby
boomers, Generation X, Generation Y, and Millennials are all represented in a diverse workplace. Each
generation has its own set of qualities. Employees classified as baby boomers, and especially, tend to
associate their personal identity with their career or the type of work they undertake. Baby boomers
are also classified as devoted, yet unafraid of leaving jobs when there is a chance for professional
growth and success.

2. As a Filipino, cite an example based on a category or dimension of culture that explains how it
impacts work processes in a tourism and hospitality organization (e.g., hotel, airline, restaurants, etc.).

As a filipino they can help to maintain our culture if we utilize it in tourism or every institution in
our nation, and our country will become well known as a result of our culture.However, this newly
perceived easy access across countries does not necessarily translate to an easy integration of
difference in beliefs and culture. Culture has been highly ignored when it comes to achieving
customer satisfaction.
 The cabin crew members know how to address different types of individuals, which is very
important in a multicultural workplace.
 The hospitality industry, particularly its employees, must recognize and accept all opportunities
for advancement.

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