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Test Centres: Delhi, Noida, Hyderabad, Bhopal, Jaipur, Lucknow, Bhubaneswar, Indore, Pune, Kolkata, Patna

ESE 2021 : Prelims Exam GENERAL STUDIES

Section A : Ethics and Values in Engineering Profession
Section B : Basics of Project Management
Section C : General Principles of Design, Drawing and Importance of Safety

1. (a) 11. (a) 21. (b) 31. (b) 41. (a)

2. (c) 12. (c) 22. (c) 32. (b) 42. (b)

3. (d) 13. (b) 23. (b) 33. (c) 43. (c)

4. (c) 14. (c) 24. (b) 34. (b) 44. (c)

5. (b) 15. (d) 25. (c) 35. (b) 45. (c)

6. (c) 16. (d) 26. (a) 36. (a) 46. (b)

7. (c) 17. (b) 27. (c) 37. (c) 47. (c)

8. (d) 18. (d) 28. (b) 38. (a) 48. (a)

9. (c) 19. (c) 29. (d) 39. (b) 49. (c)

10. (b) 20. (a) 30. (b) 40. (b) 50. (d)
General Studies & Engineering Aptitude | Test 9 11


1. (a)
Engineering Ethics is the activity and discipline aimed at:
(i) Understanding the moral values that ought to guide engineering profession or practice
(ii) Resolving moral issues in engineering
(iii) Justifying the moral judgments in engineering. It deals with set of moral problems and issues
connected with engineering.

3. (d)
• Rule utilitarianism differs from act utilitarianism in owning that moral rules are more important
than an individual’s action.
• The act utilitarianism focuses on individual actions rather than on general rules.

4. (c)
• Moral autonomy is the ability to think critically and independently about moral issues and
apply this normal thinking to situations that arise during the professional engineering practice.
• In other words, moral autonomy means the skill and habit of thinking rationally on ethical
issues based on moral concern. It is concerned with the independent attitude of an individual
related to ethical issues.
• It is the ability to arrive at reasoned moral views based on the responsiveness to human

5. (b)
Deontological ethics or deontology is an approach to ethics that determines goodness or rightness
from examining acts, or the rules and duties that the person doing the act strove to fulfill. This is
in contrast to consequentialism, in which rightness is based on the consequences of an act, and not
the act by itself.

6. (c)
The code of ethics propagated by professional societies play a vital role. The roles of Codes of
Ethics are:
• Inspiration
• Guidance
• Support for responsible conduct
• Deterring and disciplining unethical professional conduct
• Educational and promotion of mutual understanding
• Contributing to positive public image of profession
• Protecting the status quo suppressing dissent within the profession
• Promoting business interest through restraint of trade

7. (c)
• Conscientiousness means commitment to live according to certain values. Engineers have to
be sensitive to a range of moral values and responsibilities, which are relevant in a given

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• Accountability refers to the general tendency of being willing to submit one’s action to any
type of moral scrutiny.

9. (c)
• Collegiality: Disposition to support and co-operate with one’s colleagues.
• Respect: Acknowledge the worth of others
• Commitment: Share a devotion to the moral ideals inherent in the practice of engineering.
• Connectedness: Aware of being part of a co-operative undertaking created by shared
commitments and expertise.

10. (b)
• Patent is a contract between an Inventor and the Government.
• Trade Mark is a name or symbol adopted for identifying goods.
• Copyright is a right to original literary and artistic works.

11. (a)
Obligation of Confidentiality:
I. Respect for autonomy: Recognizing the legitimate control over private information (individuals
or corporations). This control is required to maintain their privacy and protect their self-
II. Respect for Promise: Respecting promises in terms of employment contracts, not to divulge
certain information considered sensitive by the employer.
III. Regard for public well-being: Example: When companies maintain some degree of
confidentiality concerning their products, the benefits of competitiveness within a free market
are promoted.

12. (c)
Maintaining professional standards of practice is the most effective way of reducing liability

13. (b)
• Ethical egoism: It is the view that right action consists in producing one’s own good.
• Ethical relativism: It is the view that right action is merely what the law and customs of one’s
society require.
• Ethical Pluralism: It is the view that there may be alternative moral perspectives that are
reasonable, but no one of which must be accepted completely by all rational and morally
concerned persons.

14. (c)
• Perseverance is necessary for the acquisition of technical competence and for its application in
solving technical problems.
• Independence refers to be free of secondary interests with other parties.
• Integrity refers as openness and honesty, both with themselves and with others.

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15. (d)
Purpose of various types of standards:
(i) Accuracy in measurement, inter-changeability and ease of handling
(ii) Prevention of injury, death and loss of income or property
(iii) Fair value of price
(iv) Competence in carrying out tasks
(v) Sound design and ease of communications
(vi) Freedom from interference

17. (b)
The guidelines to reach an agreement are:
• Build trust
• Listen
• Show concern for problem and not people
• Start with a discussion and analysis of interests, concerns and needs. It begins with interests,
not positions or solutions.
• Use objective criteria whenever possible. Agree on how something will be measured.

20. (a)
The knowledge required to assess the risk are:
• Uncertainties in design
• Testing for safety
• Analytical testing
• Risk-benefit analysis

22. (c)
Self-esteem is a psychological concept. It means having a positive attitude towards oneself even if
the attitude is unwarranted.

25. (c)
Moral responsibility is not confined to the roles one plays in a situation, rather, it is based on the
obligations, norms, and duties that arise from moral considerations.

26. (a)
Identify the general requirements of a project, break it down into discrete activities comes under
planning phase.

27. (c)
If a project becomes never ending due to frequent changes of scope, then attempts should be made
to close it.

28. (b)

1 1
Present value of perpetual annuity = A     2000   10000
i 0.2

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29. (d)
• When the EMD amount is large, EMD is accepted in the form of bank guarantee from a
nationalized/scheduled bank.
• It is the amount to be deposited by all the tenderers when they submit their tender.

31. (b)
Cost performance index indicates whether the project is under budget or over budget.

32. (b)
During monitoring we collect information about project and use this information to identify status
of project. During control, we try to bring actual performance to planned performance.

34. (b) Earned value  EV  Earned value (EV)

CPI = Actual cost AC ; SPI = Planned value (PV)
 
35. (b)
Methods of cost estimation in projects are:
1. Analogous (Top-down)
2. Bottom-up method
3. Data analysis
4. Three point estimating method
5. Project management information system method
6. Parametric estimate
7. Monte Carlo estimate

37. (c)
Line of Balance technique is adopted for repetitive type of work.

39. (b)
As the axis is perpendicular to the ground i.e., the H.P. begin with the top view. It will be an
equilateral triangle of sides 40 mm long, with one of its sides perpendicular to xy.

a c
c b

b B C

d e f
x y
e f A b
X d
F f c
. d
.P d

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General Studies & Engineering Aptitude | Test 9 15

a c

d e f
x y

o f c
d 40

Length ef  = OC = 40 sin 60° = 34.64 mm

40. (b)

Design Weight Butt Hinge Flush hinge Barrel hinge

Criteria factor Score Rating Score Rating Score Rating
Cost of part 0.5 8 4.0 7 3.5 9 4.5
Durability 0.3 7 2.1 6 1.8 9 2.7
Time of produce 0.1 6 0.6 5 0.5 7 0.7
Reliability 0.1 6 0.6 5 0.5 8 0.8
Total 7.3 6.3 8.7

Overall score rating order is barrel hinge > butt hinge > flush hinge.

41. (a)
Fire brigades are divided into two types—incipient and interior structural. An incipient fire brigade
is used to control only small fires. It requires no special protective clothing or equipment. An
interior structural fire brigade may fight any type of fire provided it has been issued the appropriate
protective clothing and equipment.

42. (b)
Engineering controls: Proper ergonomic tools should be utilized that allow workers to maintain
optimal joint positions.

44. (c)
• The tentative decision should be explored for future possible adverse consequence.
• Blind faith in expert opinion can lead to trouble.

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45. (c)


x y

Profile plane:

10 B

5 A 10

x, y
46. (b)

P R.
V. P

b a



100 mm

c .P

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General Studies & Engineering Aptitude | Test 9 17

Equilateral triangle ABC of side 100 mm = 10 cm is parallel to H.P.

Its one edge AB is also parallel to reference line xy.
Top view of other edges AC and BC is of true length because these lines are parallel to H.P.
Side view of other edges AC and BC is of length
10 × cos 30° = 10 cm

47. (c)
Accident: It is an unplanned event that resulted into injury/illness of people/damage or loss of
Incident: It is an unplanned event that does not result in personal injury but may result in property
Near miss: Any incident or event that did not happened, but could have resulted in an accident it
can be a result of individual action, established process, procedure etc.
Hazard: A hazard is the potential of a substance, person, activity or process to cause harm. It may
be any facility, location, equipment, tool, job, task etc.

48. (a)
Angle which are multiple of 15° like 15°, 30°, 45°, 60°, 75° etc. can be drawn by using compass and
ruler alone.

49. (c)
PDS is product design specifications which is document created during problem definition activity.
Which includes performance requirement, manufacturing requirement, acceptance standard etc.


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