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Evolution Starts Not From A Single Point

In the YouTube video titled ‘Mankind Rising - Where do Humans Come’, it argued
that evolution starts from a primordial single cell that branched out too many of which we can
distinguish today. However, it does not explain the cause of the Cambrian explosion where
many genetic variations occurred in a short amount of time and their precursor is unknown. It
also left aside the idea about the chance of having a variation in the first ancestral cell.
Interestingly, the second video is about Dr. Stephen Meyer in his talks about the Case for
Intelligent Design claiming that perhaps our variation is present in the beginning, that
different species arise from different primordial single cells.

I would certainly coincide to believe that all life on earth came from one ancestor. It
does, however, continue the idea of that primordial soup theory of origin. We arose from a
chance, in the very extreme environment of earth that forms the building blocks of life-
proteins. From then on, the earliest cells that have been formed divide continues to mutate,
and produce variation from their kind. However, as Dr. Meyer had said, “maybe we are an
orchard of separate trees and not a big one branching tree that connects from the base of
primordial life.” it makes me wonder about the occurrence of chances that everything does
not seem too impossible. From the very beginning, as in the first video, from the assembly of
proteins changes occurred that the cell was formed. Chances could also pertain that there
could be a variation in the very first cells that successfully formed leading to the variation of
life on earth. It could, however, explain why species during the Cambrian explosion lack
supporting fossils that lead to their formation. The idea would be that they arise because they
have different ancestral cells that could force them to be out of the branches of the tree of life.

The second point in which the two videos discussed is that the sequence of the DNA
is subject to millions of changes and results. The variation of species in the Cambrian Era is
because “random changes can generate new information”. Thus, we evolve from continuous
random change and the change that is favorable to its environment is retained and will

In the theory of evolution, the concepts of Dr. Meyer give me enlightenment that we
evolve from different primordial cells. Different primordial cells have merged or mutated to
create different species that are interrelated to each other. Evolution is also continuous but the
species that could survive longer is the one that can survive in the environment.

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