Soraya Salipada - Ge2 Topic 7 Learning Activities, Assessment, Enrichment

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Activity 1

Direction: Different periods in history had peculiar characteristic as to how farmers own
land and how government acted on it when land ownership became a potent
social issue. Enter information below the characteristics of land problem in a
given period and how the government responded to it.

Period Land problem characteristics Government response

Spanish period When the Spaniards came to In turn, the encomiendero

the Philippines, the concept of acquired the right to collect
encomienda (Royal Land tribute from the indios (native).
Grants) was introduced. This
system grants that
Encomienderos must defend
his encomienda from external
attack, maintain peace and
order within, and support the

American period Public Land Act of 1903 – The Torrens system, which the
introduced the homestead Americans instituted for the
system in the Philippines. registration of lands, did not
Tenancy Act of 1933 (Act No. solve the problem completely.
4054 and 4113) – regulated Either they were not aware of the
relationships between law or if they did, they could not
landowners and tenants of pay the survey cost and other
rice (50-50 sharing) and sugar fees required in applying for a
cane lands. Torrens title.
After WWII

Provide landowners equality in

President Corazon On June 10, 1988, former terms of income and
Aquino government President Corazon C. Aquino opportunities, empower land
signed into law Republic Act owner beneficiaries to have
No. 6657 or otherwise known equitable land ownership,
as the Comprehensive enhance agricultural production
Agrarian Reform Law (CARL). and productivity, provide
The law became effective on employment to more agricultural
June 15, 1988. workers, and put an end to
conflicts regarding land

Activity 2

Direction: Enter in the diagram the retention limits and restrictions on land sale of FBs
under the CARP and CARPER laws.

Retention limits Restriction on land


1. A landowner whose landholdings 1. Under

are covered under CARP may retain the law,
an area of not more than five land
hectares thereof. beneficiarie
s may sell
s only after
10 years

2. Comprehensive Agrarian Reform

Program Extension with Reforms, 2.Section
known also as CARPER or CARPer, 73 of the
(Republic Act 9700) is the CARPER
amendatory law that extends again law: “Any
the deadline of distributing conversion
agricultural lands to farmers for five by any
years. It also amends other landowner
provisions stated in CARP. of his/her
land into
any non-
use with
intent to
avoid the
of this Act
to his/her
s and to

Activity 3

Direction: Answer the questions below.

1. What were the factors that encourage land cultivators to own the land?
Land reform, a purposive change in the way in which agricultural land is held or
owned, the methods of cultivation that are employed, or the relation of agriculture to the
rest of the economy. Reforms such as these may be proclaimed by a government, by
interested groups, or by revolution.

2. Which policy or legislation serves as a negative model for agrarian reform? Why?
3. Agrarian reform in the Philippines aims to address the country's long-standing
problem of rural landlessness. The government addressed fundamental national
goals, such as promoting equality and social justice, food security, and poverty
alleviation in the countryside, through the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform
Program (CARP), which began in 1987. The CARP, however, has yet to be
finished after more than 14 years and is currently beset by numerous challenges,
including landlord opposition and a lack of legislative backing, as well as
significant funding shortfalls.Agrarian reform, on the other hand, has been found
to have a major influence on farmer recipients in a number of studies. Apart from
social fairness, increased per capita incomes, lower poverty rates, higher
physical capital investments, and improved household welfare and productivity
were recorded
4. Give at least two problems that are common among various periods or
administration that characterized agrarian problems in the history of the

Several weaknesses in land-use policy, administration and management

adversely affect the efficiency of land markets, and thus the country’s economic
growth potential and equity: (1) unclear and inconsistent land policies; (2) an
inefficient land administration infrastructure; (3) a highly politicized land tax

5.Do you think land problem remains a potent social problem today? Why?
Yes, because land is one of the reasons of many conflict that happens all around
the Philippines.


Direction: Write the answer before the number.

Republic Act 6657____1. What is the legal basis of CARP?

Comprehensive Agrarian Reform_Proram Extension

2. What does CARPER mean?

Agrarian Reform_3. It is a broad term which includes measures to modernize the

agricultural practices and improving the living conditions of entire agrarian population.
The Agricultural Land Reform Code( R A_3844)___
4. It was the first Land Reform Law passed after WWII

Pres Diodado Macapagal 5. He was the president who abolished share tenancy and
emphasized owner-cultivatorship and farmer independence, equity,
productivity improvement and public land distribution.


Activity 1

Direction: Considering the CARP and CARPER Law as a negative model, what change
or proposal would you like to take place? Get and read the copy of these
laws at -act-no-6657/.and Identify provision/s
of these laws that you find defective. Lay down your revision of the said
provision. Write your justification for changing it.


CARP and CARPER Laws Revision

1. 1.
Justification for the revision

Activity 2

Direction: Interview a farmer beneficiary (FB) of Agrarian Reform Program since

Commonwealth period until recently under R.A 6657. Sketch the location of
the land that the FB acquired. Provide the approximate size, resources, and
other features of the land. Ask the FB how and when did he/she acquire the
land. Do an actual visit and take some photo with the FB and land. You may
write your own view also aside from reflecting the information derived from
the interview.

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