Informative Essay (Ways To Deal With Stress)

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Stress is human’s natural feeling of not being able to cope with changes in specific situation

(Shahsavarani, 2013). With the outbreak of Coronavirus, many people are struggling to stay safe
physically and mentally. The new norm such as quarantine, online learning, isolation and social
distancing surely affects everyone. Being overwhelmed with frustration, weariness and isolation
might lead to intense psychological problems. Hans Selye quoted, “Stress does not kill us but our
reaction to it will”. Therefore, it is very important for people to handle stress properly as it can
lead to chronic condition. Human can deal with stress by identifying the stressor, practicing
healthy lifestyle and taking a break.

First and foremost, it is very crucial to recognize the sources of stress. Each people have different
trigger of stress as they reacts differently in difficult circumstances. For example, one might be
stressed from financial problems, friends, academics or work. Pinning down the root of stress
will surely help in understanding the actual problem. You will then be able to adapt and focus on
controlling it. Until you eliminate or reduce the trigger, you will constantly be suffering.
Sometimes, it might be complicated to identify the sources. Ergo, list down the reasons of your
stress, your feelings, your reaction and how you calm yourself in a stress journal (Lawrence,
Melinda Smith and Robert, 2020). By doing so, you can pinpoint the actually reason and it will
be easier to find solution. Thus, accepting or embracing you stress will help you in fighting
against it and lower the impact of pressure on you.

Another way to cope with stress is living a healthy lifestyle. Changing lifestyle to healthier
routine will help in improving one’s mental, social and physical well-being. It is a known fact
that adopting healthy living will improves mental well-being (Abdul, 2020). A few example of
healthy routine that should be practiced are exercise regularly, eat balanced-diet meal and most
importantly avoid alcohol, cigarettes and drugs. Physical activities are actually a very powerful
stress reliever. It causes positive impact on you brain and body, such as improving mood,
increase self-confidence and help you sleep better. Don’t forget to include healthy diet in your
routine. Daily meal should have lots of vegetables, fruits, protein and also whole grain. Having
strong immune system is a must to fight against stress. Also, do not rely on alcohol, cigarettes
and drugs as these items can lead to serious health compilation. Therefore, living healthily will
not only reduce stress but also lower the risk of chronic illness.
Lastly, provide time for yourself. This last method is needed in dealing with daily problems.
There is an old saying, all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. As a human being, it is
crucial to give space and take a moment to breath before continuing work or responsibility.
Spend your precious break doing your hobby or engage yourself in activities that would bring
happiness and calmness such as listening to music, painting, reading books, cooking or
gardening. It does not have to be activities that consume lots of time. It can even be for 15-20
minutes. Self-pampering will help relieve your stress as it can triggers relaxation response
(Elizabeth, 2020). Protecting your body from the effect of stress and contribute to better
emotional and physical health. Hence, taking a break is an effective stress management
technique as it is good for your body and mind.

In conclusion, every single person will encounter stress in life and it is important to know how to
deal with it properly. People’s coping ability differs as their ways of thinking are different.
Digging the root of pressure is a good way to analyze and come up with effective stress
management plan. Incorporating healthy way of living and making some “Me” time should be
inserted into the plan as both activities are major contribution to de-stress. As Hans Selye quoted,
“Stress does not kill us but our reaction to it will”. With better care and guidance method of
fighting stress, people will be more energetic, happier and will be able to overcome any obstacles
in life.

(686 words)
References :

Abdul Khaiyom JH. (2020). Managing mental health in pandemic COVID-19 and movement control
order. Retrieved from

Amba Brown, BSc. (2021). 62 Stress Management Techniques, Strategies & Activities. Retrived from

Mahakud, G. C., Vikas Sharma & Khagendra. (2013). Stress Management: Concept and Approaches.
Retrieved from

Melinda Ratini, DO. (2019). 10 Tips to manage stress. Retrieved from

Shahsavarani A. (2015). Stress: Facts and Theories through Literature Review. Retrieved from

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