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Allabhaksh (1MS19EI401)
Raveesh (1MS19EI403)
Rohita (1MS17EI041)


1.Date of activity: 31 Jan 2020

2.Duration: 9am to 2pm

3.Activity done as an Individual or in a Group: In Group

4.Goal of the activity:

ANNADANA is the distribution of spiritually sanctified food, prasad to people
in general and to people in need. Because it is food which is offered first to Lord
Krishna, it is considered spiritual and sacred, and grants more benefit than
simply satisfying one’s hunger. One may take prasad himself, but if he
distributes it or helps it to be distributed, the benefits are multiplied hundreds of
times. This important charity is recommended in the Vedas for people at any
time of life.
The Social Work Program is structured as a comprised based program. The
program implements this structure through its mission and specific goals.

Mission Statement
We serve as a student and community resource, providing holistic undergraduate
social work education.

Program Goals

▪ Generalist Preparation: To prepare students for entry-level ecologically-

based generalist practice at all levels of intervention (individuals, groups,
families, organizations, and communities), utilizing a liberal arts foundation.
▪ Diversity: Students can improve their interaction with people from different
backgrounds and myriad religious believes. The field of social work itself has
a diverse past filled with exemplary members of society.
▪ Ethics: To prepare students for ethical decision-making guided by the values,
principles & standards of the social work profession, particularly the values
of self-determination, empowerment, & regard for diversity.
• Social Justice: To prepare students to recognize & apply social justice
principles in practice situations calling for social change and advocacy.
• Professional Development: To prepare students for continuing professional
• Service: Service is an ideal profession for those who derive satisfaction from
helping others. To support on-campus, local, regional & international
constituencies with research, continuing education, consultation and
assistance, which promote social justice and social development.
5.Importance of the community activity performed:

As this organization is indulged with serval activities. The activity which is

vital role in Food distribution and management. The responsibility of this
community activity brings positive impact across India. By the source of
ANNADANAM,MIDDAY -MEAL programs . The impact of this specific
activity was organized in 2006 by A C Nielsen and observed that this program not
only improved the nutritional status of the children but also has resulted in increased
enrolment and attendance in the schools. It also improved the performance of the
students in the class and their attention span has improved and they have shown
good academic progress.

In the year 2007, Harvard Business School conducted a study on the operations
of AKSHAYA PATRA and included it in their MBA curriculum as a case study on
precision and time management. The role of Akshaya Patra is considered to be the
most important as, preferred or has drastic development towards the education system.

Akshaya Patra is focused on eliminating classroom hunger and attracting more

children to schools and ensure to keep them in school by feeding nutritious mid-
day meal everyday. This is in partnership with the Government of India and all the
various State Governments

Hygiene and cleanliness are of most importance in each of the Akshaya Patra
kitchens, be it centralised or decentralised. The committee organized is the member of
as a member of the National Steering-cum-Monitoring Committee (NSMC) for the
mid-day meal programme. The Foundation has also received global recognition by
being ranked the 23rd NGO among the Top 100 NGO's of the world by the Global
Economic and social circumstances force these children to forego education
and engage in doing menial jobs in order to earn a single meal a day. Research also
shows that universal education has lagged because of the prevailing hunger and
malnutrition state. These two factors reduce school enrolments, hamper performance
levels. It prevents them from working and instead encourages them to study and get
educated. In this way, the programme also helps in the universalization of primary

6.Details of the activity/ Work accomplished:

• Name of Organization - FOLK-Youth Empowerment club of ISKCON

• We were prior introduced with the organization and functionality with the
registration system.
• Activity based: Community service – ‘Food Distribution & Management’-
• The study of the activity-NITYA ANNADANAM- is the service of free lunch
• Activity was distributed among students as team with assistance of the
supervisor of the program.
• The services of the food department were in a systematic procedure.
• The guidance of the all fields of internal and external working which involves
of time, preparation and production.
• Conduction of the activity: The team divided of volunteers, were assigned with
activity accordingly
• Instructions to people arrived for the food court- As numerous
• people visit to ISKCON, the instructions towards path of ANNADANAM hall
where give by volunteers
• Maintenance of food services – Volunteering the food provided is been
acknowledged in an appropriate manner.
• The distribution of the food- The team involved towards this played major as the
food to be served was in a specific procedure.
• Overall Cleanliness – The maintenance of cleanliness was taken care along by
side of food serving.
• These were activities which was accomplished.
• Also introduces with internal activities of preparation of food along which they
distributed to the needy.

7.Mention the enclosures submitted along with the report:

a. Detailed plan:

Activity and report are by overall experience of specific activities such as

• Team work towards achieve the goals mentioned

• As the students were provided with guidance of knowing the small ascepts of
the activity taken place
• Understanding as within the organization functionality of addressing the human
kind of this specific activity of the services which through charity or giving in
b. Participation record:
c.Photographic proof:
8. Learning outcomes:

a. Community aspects learnt during this activity:

Education is an important aspect that plays a huge role in the life. Millions
of children don't do their education because of poverty. The role of Akshaya Patra as
an NGO in implementing the mid-day meal programme is to bridge the gap between
education and hunger for school children by providing free mid-day meals. Studies
have shown higher the literacy rate lower is the probability of petty crime and Also
underprivileged parents who cannot afford even a meal will prefer to send their children
to work rather than sending them to school.Due to the mid-day meal initiative scheme
of government Akshay Patra is given monetary benefits by the government for
providing children with food. Hence the children need not worry about providing for
themselves and can concentrate more on studying. So this mission helps the community
as a whole. Akshaya Patra will continue to serve quality, hygienic and nutritious food
to school children every day in its endeavour to eliminate classroom hunger in India.

b. Leadership or Team spirit aspects improved during this activity:

Akshaya Patra Feeding 1.6 million children a day, Patra Foundation

in partnership with the central government's Mid Day Meal Scheme (MDMS). There
are many students who come to school just for the food and the milk. It has served
more than two billion meals and now aims to increase its reach to 60000. It will be
better choice if the kitchen goes unorganised and without Teamwork. Also work is
assigned to people based on their talent, some people are good at cooking whereas
others may be better at management so it’s also important to assign people to work
based on their skill set and interest. We learned the benefits of team building and
effective team collaboration to improve teamwork. This activity helped us to get to
know each other better, it also brought a sense of Understanding amongst ourselves
and appreciate the talent in each person. It also taught us about giving each other a
chance and how we could get along with one and another.

c. Any other non-technical skills learnt during this activity:

Many people are hankered by riches or success in their career however We

learnt that Happiness does not come from money, fame, power or worldly
possessions but they come from helping mankind. Many people are so self- oriented
that they do not think about others and are in constant pursuit of happiness. Little do
they realise that happiness lies in helping others. The task of providing food for many
children is daunting and challenging in itself and is far superior to the materialistic
desire that many of us are constantly pursuing.

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