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Development communication (DevCom) is an approach to communication which provides

communities with information they can use in bettering their lives, which aims at making public
programme and policies real meaningful and sustainable

Development Communication is communication with social conscience. It takes humans into account.
It is primarily associated with rural problems, but is also concerned with urban problems.

According to Nora C. Quebral (1972)

Development Communication is the art and science of human communication applied to speedy
transformation of a country and the mass of its people from poverty to a dynamic state of economic
growth that makes possible greater social equality and the larger fulfilment of the human potential.

Significance of Developmental Communication

 It creates awareness about available technologies.

 Mobilizes people to use them for the betterment of society.

 It links Government agencies, NGO’s and people

Development refers to:

 Positive changes in the socio-economic and cultural lives of the majority of people on a
permanent basis without exploitation or violence

 Calls for intensive efforts to tackle the problems of mass illiteracy, population, malnutrition,
poor health, hunger and etc.

The concept of developmental communication is to utilize the power of communication as a catalyst

for social development.

Development communication is intended to build consensus and facilitate knowledge sharing to

achieve positive change in development initiatives.

As per CFA (Communication Foundation for Asia), for achieving Development Communication goals 5
I’s are important:







Philosophy and Goals of Developmental Communication

1. Development Communication is purposive communication, it is value laden; and it is


2. Development Communication is goal oriented. The ultimate goal of development

communication is a higher quality of life for the people of a society by social and political
3. The goal of development communication is not purely in economic terms, but also in terms of
social, political, cultural and moral values that make a person’s life whole and enable a person
to attain his or her full potential.

The four kinds of Developmental Communication

DIALOG – development communication foster dialog to facilitate mutual understanding, to assess the
situation, and to seek wider consensus.

ANALYTICAL – it concludes large amount of its work such as assessment of political risks and
opportunities, and effectiveness. We know how effectively people are empowered to voice their
perception and opinions.

STRATEGIC –It emphasizes the professional and timely application of communication techniques and
methods to achieve intended objectives.

PERSUASIVE – in development communication, persuasion can be based on accurate information and

within a context of two- way communication.

The role of Developmental Communication in campus paper

1. To act as media for development communication to foster a strong sense of national discipline,
identity and love of country and of things Filipino among the people.
2. To train the staffers in the communication process and serve as training ground for future
responsible journalists and leaders of society.
3. To become dependable forums, communication links and feedbacks among the schools, the
community and the government.

4. To disseminate and interpret the socio-economic development program of the government and
other agencies.
5. To advance the goals of education and culture by:
A. Developing moral value such as honesty, integrity and respect for parents, elders and duly
constituted authorities.
B. Promoting commonly accepted social and ethical characteristics of Filipino life.
C. Redirecting the interest of the youth towards the work oriented curriculum.
D. Enhancing the cultural awareness among the people; and
E. Furthering knowledge in science and technology
6. To act as an accurate and fair vehicle of information of school policies, programs and activities
to the studentry and the lay community.
7. To encourage and develop good taste in artistic and literary writing among the students.
8. To act as information arm of the government by publishing excerpts of presidential decrees,
letters of instruction, general orders and the like pertaining to community development.
9. To focus the interest of the readers on events of national and international significance.
10.To arouse the interest of the readers by printing entertaining activities.



1. Choose what to write.

2. Situation before the development

3. How the development addresses the situation.

4. Feedback of the people.

5. Situation after the development.

6. Plans for future development.




1. The writer’s first responsibility is transition and popularization.

2. The writer must translate scientific, political, and other professional jargon and technical terms into
concepts that could be understood by the people.

3. When the material is tortuously difficult, then the writer must use visual aids and graphics to
illustrate and explain what she means.

4. The development writer must always write with his purpose in mind.

5. The writer must be his own editor.



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