Notes For Presentation

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Slide 1: 1 out of 6 american women has been the victim of an attempted or completed rape in

her life time

- About 3% of American men (1 in 33) have experienced an attempted or completed rape

in their lifetime

-As of 1998, an estimate 17.7 million American women had been vitims of attempted or
completed rape
As of 1998, 2.78 million men have been victims of attempted or completed rape
- Rape related preganancy rate is about 5.0% per rape among victims of reproduction age
so 12 to 45 years old.

32.4% of these victims do not know they are pregnant until their third
trimester (28 weeks later)

Slide 5: Roe v. Wade

-it was issues January 22, 1973
- the court held this so women's right to privacy was protected by the !4th Amendment

- Prior to Roe V. Wade abortion was illegal all through out the country

- when abortions were illegal there were some women who resorted to illegal dangerous,
“back-alley” abortions or self-induced abortions.

- during the 1950s-1960s the estimate of illegal abortions in the U.S was from 200,000 to
1.2 million per year
- June of 1970 Texas district court ruled that the states abortion ban was illegal because it
violated the constitutional right to privacy
- if Roe V. Wade is overturned, acess to legal and safe abortions is gone and unsafe abortions
will take place

Slide 6 : Married Couple

-Many people wouldnt understand why couples who are married wouldn't want a kid
Many don't even consider the affairs in couples who are married or the abuse or the real reason
some people know they aren't ready

-Even at an appropriate age some couples aren't ready for kids, morally some people think its
the right decision to abort a kid that wouldn't be wanted
-Some adults want to be the best parent possible to the kid when they are ready to have one
Abortions are very common and people have abortions for many diffrent reasons only you know what’s best
for you.
Millions of people face unplanned pregnancies every year and about 4 out of 10 decide to get an abortion

Even some people who planned their pregnancies tend to abort a child because of health or safety reasons

Everyone has their own unique and valid reason for having an abortion whether ….

75% of parents recently openly abandoned their children due to homelessness, lack of food, no
heating during winter and not enough resources.
41% of the parents already had 4 or more children in their household and felt as if they could
not afford any more

Why not put the kid up for adoption you may ask?

Deciding to have an abortion doesn’t mean you don’t want or love children
Everyone has their own unique and valid reason for having an abortion whether ….
- Simply they aren’t ready to be parents
- Primary cause is poverty or financial hardship
- 75% of parents recently openly abandoned their children due to homelessness,
lack of food, no heating during winter and not enough resources.
- Mental illness
- Lack of sexual health education
- Poor knowledge regarding family planning
- Restrictions regarding access to abortion
- Child having some form of disability
Why not put the kid up for adoption?

Slide 7: Foster care

Many child welfare systems are badly broken and children suffer serious harm in these systems. Many
are separated from their siblings, some children hop from one foster care to another never
knowing when their lives will be uprooted next.
Instead of being quickly moved into adopted Homes many kids stay in foster homes or
institutions for years. Too many kids are abused in the system that’s supposed to car for them

- There are nearly 424,000 children in foster care in the U.S on any given day
- In 2019 over 672,000 children spent time in U.S foster care

While states work days to find a forever home got these kids on an average day children available for
adoption spend an average of 1 ½ years waiting to be adopted
I hear a lot of people hate on others for making the decision to abort, and a lot of people suggest
to women to have the child and put it up for adoption, but there's already so many unwanted
children in the foster care system that need more attention than a fetus

Slide 8: effects of children in the foster care

Putting children up for adoption does not save their lives 100% of the time.
Many children suffer from serious mental problems

Not every kid in the foster care has a terrible life but a big percentage isn't wanted and experiences a lot
more disadvantages
So my question is
Why force someone to have another unwanted child?

Slide 9: young adult

I’ve been had many conversation with different individuals about teenage pregnancies and i kept
hearing the same frase come out of their mouths “ they need to live with their consequences or
babies don't deserve to die for their mistakes”
And i always thought to myself, what about the baby's life growing up? Don't they deserve a
good life? What if the mother has the baby but doesnt love it like it should be because she had
to put her life on hold for that baby and that baby grows up despising their child because thats
all they knew growing up or what if that mother is homeless because she can't afford to take
care of herself and her baby would you make enough of an effort to help them as much as you
are when you support the abortion laws because clearly you want to save a life, whats stopping
you from allowing youself to help those lives in need?

Slide 10: unwanted pregnancies should not end..

Suicide is very common for female teens, specially in teen mothers who become pregant outside of
marriage and think suicide is a solution to unresolved problems .
They couldve chosen suicide because of poverty, intimate partner violence , family rejection,
social isolation and stigma from the community and chronic physical illnesses

- There was a survey where participants were selected from departments of gynecology and
obstetrics and maternal health care centers in Bangladesh. Which were interviewed and of the
940 participants , 61 reported suicide attempts in the past 12 monts which were within one year
after the pregnancy
- In conclusion adolecent preganancy had a higher risk for suicide in Bangladesh
In my opinion it's very important to consider what the mother wants and their mental health. Yes
teen or not, I will always hear someone say something along the lines of it was their mistake
and they have to live with it, and some of the same people shame teen mothers for being
pregnant, they look and make them feel ashamed for choosing to keep their baby. No one can
possibly please society because if you abort it your “ a murderer” but if you keep the it you have
failed. I can't possibly explain the pressure a woman, especially a teenager, has when it comes
to pregnancies.

Slide 11: single women

- Womens opportunities for education, employment and career development are always affected
by unplanned pregnancies. Younger and unmarried women will most likely want to obtain an
abortion if she has diffrent priorities
- Theres many cases where a women would rather have an abortion and continue going to school
or continue her development at a job where theres no time for a child or simply because she not
ready to put her whole life on pause for another human being
And for those asking if they are so focused on their future why aren't they being more
careful and i'll give you this

Birth control: Current contrecept use increased with age. 37.2% of women ages 15-19 use it and
73.7% of women ages 40- 49 use it
➔ The pill: 99% effective yet 9 out of 100 pill users get pregnant each year
➔ IUD: 99% effective failure rate is less than 1% during the first year
➔ The Depo shot: 94% effective about 6 out of 100 typical couples will have an accidental
pregnancies and chances increases if a girl waits longer than 3 months to get her next
➔ Condoms: 98% effective. 2 out of 100 will end up pregnant in a year
➔ Diaphragm: 88% effective. 12 out of 100 people will get pregnant
➔ each year
One in 7 can't afford birth control at any price
Slide 12: The Bible (first)
~ there was one Mosaic law that had to do with miscarriages which denies that the bible
is antiabortion, it clearly states that miscarriage does not involve the death of a human
being but if a women had a miscarrige as the result of a fight the male who caused it
should be “fined” and if the women dies the person resposible must be killed

Slide 13: the bible (second)

- What about commandment 6 “thou shalt not kill”?
~Many antiabortionist like using this one as evidence that the bible is agaisnt abortions,
yet they clearly to figure out the bibles definition of life
~ According to the bible it clearly states an embryo/ fetus is not a human being
~this quote didn't even apply to many living, breathing human beings because there's
many passages where women and children were massacred in the bible

Slide 14: the bible (third)

- This passage shows that the Lord casually orders Moses to massacre 24,000 Israelites,
should come up to a clear conclusion that the bible is not pro-life
Numbers 31:17: Now therefore kill every male among the little ones.
Deuteronomy 2:34: utterly destroyed the men and the women and the little ones.
Deuteronomy 28:53: And thou shalt eat the fruit of thine own body, the flesh of thy sons and of thy
I Samuel 15:3: slay both man and woman, infant and suckling.
2 Kings 8:12: dash their children, and rip up their women with child.
2 Kings 15:16: all the women therein that were with child he ripped up.
Isaiah 13:16: Their children also shall be dashed to pieces before their eyes; their houses shall be spoiled
and their wives ravished.
Isaiah 13:18: They shall have no pity on the fruit of the womb; their eyes shall not spare children.
Lamentations 2:20: Shall the women eat their fruit, and children.
Ezekiel 9:6: Slay utterly old and young, both maids and little children.
Hosea 9:14: give them a miscarrying womb and dry breasts.
Hosea 13:16: their infants shall be dashed in pieces, and their women with child shall be ripped up.

Slide 16: what being pro- life really means

Knowing this why would antiabortionist want women to potentially die due to unsafe abortions
when they couldve had leagl safe ones?
Why would they want women to join these statistics ?

Anti abortionist are not “pro-life” they are pro-birth, they do not care for what happens to
the child after it leaves the womb, they don't care for the women and their mental health,
nor do they care about helping them financially if the women does decide to keep the
child. They clearly only care that they are born wanted or unwanted, they just care that
they are born.

If they are pro life they should consider everyone's life shouldn't they?

Slide 17: are you pro-life?

- In my opinion most pro-life advocates like the idea of controlling womens bodies rather
than caring about life and giving a fetus the right to live


- If you couldn't quite answer yes to all of those then your at best pro- fetus unless you
support IVF because its a result to the destruction of millions of embryos and those who
dislike abortions should be because they believe every embryo is a person. Supporting
IVF and being pro life pretty much proves your more pro controlling women's bodies and
people with uteruses

Slide 18:
- Anti abortionist claim that abortion is murder yet muder is a legal term that describes
homicide which is diffrent from manslaughter which abortion does not meet because a
fetus isnt given personhood because scientifically it cant survive without the use of the
mothers organs. Which ties to bodily autonomy; “the right to make decisions over one’s
own life and future” meaning a person cannot be forced to give up the use of their organs
for another.

Slide 19:
- ~ the republicans saying they are pro life are the same ones who are working towards
imprisoning or executing women who access safe abortions, the same ones who are
restricting immagrants from coming to the U.S because they see those humans as a
critical threat rather than human beings seeking a better life and a second chance to have
the rights they deserve , and the same ones who silence doctors and the same ones who
strip reproductive healthcare away from millions of low-income people.
- I have dreams and hopes and ambitions and every girl this year and the next year who
graduates has their dreams, ambitions, and goals and we have all spent all our entire
lives working towards these goals in our future and without our input and without our
consent our control over that future has been stripped away from us. I am terrified for me
and any another girl that if our contraceptives fail, i am terrified if any girl is raped that
our hopes ,goals and efforts we worked so hard for will no longer matter, i hope for those
who have reached thier dreams(like these women in the picture), those women don't
have to worry anymore , i hope men who don't have to worry about this who don't go
through this i hope you all know how gut wrenching that is, i hope you can feel how
dehumanizing its is to have the autonomy from your own body taken away from you.

Poster :
Its not 1899, Abortions should not be a crime
Please remember these golden rules when i talk
1 : Be honest, think realistically , and be open minded
A lot of people struggle with the decision of whether or not to end an abortion and others don’t,
instead it’s a relief and it’s a very common emotion after an abortion
2: be non-judgemental
Believing that eveyone has the right to make decisions about their own bodies means that an
abortion is more than fair game than any other right
It’s Important that any conversation about abortion is factual and supportive to anyone that
considers their choice
3: focus on the individuals
It’s important that we consider the individuals mental health and rights when pregnant, the right to
decide the outcome of the pregnancy should be the individuals choice only, only they know their
circumstances and the results of their actions
4: recognize diversity
No two abortions are the same. They all a occur in different social economic and cultural settings
5: avoid negative language
It’s important to keep in mind that that it’s a hard decision abs negative language can cause bad
mental health in the future and for those deciding they can end up deciding wrong bc they feel
judged and shamed and this should be a safe well thought out decision

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