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Page 1 of 15 – TNV Võ Phạm Minh Trí

MES LANGUES – BUỔI 9 (26.12)

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MES LANGUES – BUỔI 9 (26.12)

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MES LANGUES – BUỔI 9 (26.12)

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MES LANGUES – BUỔI 9 (26.12)

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MES LANGUES – BUỔI 9 (26.12)

Page 6 of 15 – TNV Võ Phạm Minh Trí

MES LANGUES – BUỔI 9 (26.12)

move upward
plummet reduction
plunge downward tendency
collapse downfall

a flat
a plateau
level off; prevail consistency; reach a plateau
stay uniform / stay immutable

wave, oscillate, vacillate waves, oscillation, vacillation

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MES LANGUES – BUỔI 9 (26.12)




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MES LANGUES – BUỔI 9 (26.12)

mốc nào đó đạt được khi tăng/giảm 1 số liệu

A tăng / giảm + TO + số liệu B

A tăng / giảm + TO + B
A tăng / giảm + BY + .... = B

The students increase to 1000 in the year 2021

Vd: Học sinh hiện tại là 900 --> 1000.The students increase by 100

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MES LANGUES – BUỔI 9 (26.12)

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MES LANGUES – BUỔI 9 (26.12)

Vd1: Your dog's tail is much longer than my dog.

Vd2: Your dog's tail is much longer than that of my dog.


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MES LANGUES – BUỔI 9 (26.12)

plummet / soar / skyrocketed

increased stood at / peaked at

hitting a plough of sliding to an oscillation
a dip / a plummet
made saw/witnessed/showed

fell/decrased (sequentially)

There was a steady increase in the number of male which overweight women from 1980 to 2000
There was an fluctuation/oscillation/vacillation of female's
a little under ... percentage between 2000 and 2010
a little over/above ...

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MES LANGUES – BUỔI 9 (26.12)


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MES LANGUES – BUỔI 9 (26.12)

The amount of meat consumed reached its peak at 1211 in 2002 then slightly dropped to 1132
in 2012
There was an oscillation in the amount of meat consumed between 1992 and 2012, in
which it peaked at 1211 in 2002

The amount of Cheese was smallest with only 113 grams in 1992 and stayed stable from 2002
to 2012
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MES LANGUES – BUỔI 9 (26.12)

The Cheese in 2002 and 2012 leveled off in comparison with the year 1992, it increased
gradually from 133grams to 125grams

There was a marginal rise of about 14grams in the consumption of bean in 2002, then it
increased significantly to 590grams in 2012

There was an upward trend in the amount of meat consumed, in which a steady expansion to
590 grams in the amount of bean consumed in 2012 was the most explicit/obvious.

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