Week 3

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Topic: Cleaning and Maintaining
Kitchen Tools, Equipment and
Learning Competencies:
1. Recognize kitchen premises
to be cleaned and sanitized.
2. Clean the kitchen area in
accordance with food safety
and occupational health
3. Use cleaning agents in
sanitizing kitchen premises;
4. Follow safety and first
aid procedures.

Writer: Maria Melanie M. Loto

Illustrator: William Robles
Layout Artist: Maria Melanie M. Loto
Evaluator/s: Maria Nina M. Manrique

Writer: Maria Melanie M. Loto

Illustrator: William Robles
Layout Artist:

Department of Education • Schools Division of Marinduque

Illustrator: Gerry Lacdao 1.5 Cleaning and Sanitizing
Layout Artist: Dennis S. Ibahan
Kitchen Premises

What’s New
The kitchen premises should be keep clean and sanitary at all times.
Cleaning and sanitizing kitchen premises include the correct way of cleaning
and sanitizing tools and equipment and working surfaces in a safe and
effective way.
Surfaces to be cleaned my include walls, floor and
shelves; benches and working table; oven, stove, cooking
equipment and appliances; fridge, freezers and cool
rooms; store room and cupboards; and extraction fans.\
Linen is included in the kitchen area. It comes in
the form of napkins, table cloths, serving cloths and
cleaning cloths.
The most common cleaning equipment used in the kitchen are
dishwashers, floor scrubbers or polishers and pressurized steam or water
Regular cleaning of counter tops and floors needs to be done daily and is
usually assigned as part of regular daily duties. Other cleaning tasks that need
to be done less frequently must be scheduled and assigned as needed for
instance, daily, weekly, monthly. General cleaning of floors, windows, walls and
certain equipment should be assigned to personnel and it is often done in
cooperation with the housekeeping and maintenance departments of the

Procedure for Disinfecting Premises

a. Preliminary cleaning is required
b. Apply solution to hand, non-porous surface thoroughly wetting it with cloth,
mop, and sponge. Treated surface must remain wet for 10 minutes. Wipe
with dry cloth.
c. Sponge on mop or allow to air dry.
d. Use a spray device for spray application Spray 6-8 inches from the surface,
rub with a brush, sponge or cloth. Avoid inhaling sprays.

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e. Rinse all surfaces that come in contact with food such as exterior of
appliances, tables and stove top with potable water before rinse
First Aid Procedure Caused by Chemical Poisoning
What to do?
 If the person has been exposed to poisonous fumes, such as carbon
monoxide, get him or her into fresh air immediately
 If the person swallowed the poison, remove anything remaining in the mouth.
 If the suspected poison is a household cleaner or other chemical, read the
label and follow instructions for accident poisoning. If the product is toxic,
the label will likely advise you to call the hospital/doctor.
 Follow treatment directions given by poison centers.
 If the poison is spilled on the person’s clothing, remove the clothing and pour
the body with continuous tap water.

How to Keep your Kitchen Clean and Safe

1. Remove unnecessary clutter from surfaces.
• Discard appliances and gadgets that you don't
use any more, as unused appliances would only
tend to gather dust. Be sure that any appliances
which are still maintained and used are stored in
a safe place that is out of reach of children.
2. Keep your refrigerator clean and tidy.
• Before you do your weekly shopping, remove old
and rotten food and clean shelves and racks. Look
at expiration dates and be sure to label any
containers of homemade food or leftovers. Don't
make a habit of keeping food for too long in the
fridge; rotten food will breed bacteria and may even
contaminate fresh food that is kept in the same
3. Use a rubbish bin with a lid to keep odors out
that attracts flies and other insects.
• Empty it as soon as it smells, even if it is not yet
full. You should ideally do this every day.

4. Wash and disinfect your rubbish bin once a week.

• This will ensure that any germs which might
have remained even after you emptied out the
rubbish will die and cannot multiply. Also, this will
remove any foul smells which might be emanating
from the trash bin.

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5. Use separate chopping boards for different kinds
of food.
• Keep separate chopping boards for your meat and
your vegetables to reduce the spread of bacteria.
Clean the meat chopping board extra carefully,
especially after cutting chicken, as raw food has a
higher tendency of containing bacteria.

6. Change the Dishcloth you wipe surfaces with

every day.
• Use a different cloth for surfaces than for dishes.
Wash the cloth with hot water and, as appropriate,
bleach. Use separate towels for hands and dishes,
and change both of those regularly, too.
7. Use a paper towel for any mess that is
particularly likely to cause contamination, such as
raw meat or eggs, and anything that has fallen on
the floor.
• It is better to use cleaning material that you can
easily throw out after and prevent from
contaminating other food, instead of using towels or
sponges which you would still be likely to use again
8. Keep kitchen floors free from debris and grease by
sweeping and washing regularly.
• If something has spilled, make sure to mop it
right away instead of letting the mess stay there.
Aside from making sure that germs do not use the
spillage as a breeding ground, immediate mopping
would also prevent unwanted accidents such as
slipping from occurring.
9. Don't leave dirty crockery and pans to fester
where they can attract harmful bacteria.
• Wash dishes with hot water and soap as soon as
you're done using them.
10. Wash surfaces that get touched. Periodically wipe
doorknobs, handles, buttons and controls, and light
switches in and around your kitchen with cleaning
• Even if they seem clean to the naked eye, they
may already be harboring bacteria.

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11. Wash your hands before handling food and again
if you sneeze or cough, blow your nose, go to the
bathroom, or touch high-use surfaces.

What I can do
Directions: Based on the given picture in each number, compose a sentence
related in kitchen cleaning and safety.

1. ______________________________________

2. _________________________________
4. ____________________________________
3. ____________________________________

5. ____________________________________

Directions: Look around your kitchen at home. Which food-contact surfaces
need to be cleaned and sanitized? Clean this kitchen area in accordance with
food safety and occupational health regulations. Observe safety and first aid
procedures when cleaning and sanitizing. Describe each of the process you
used in cleaning and sanitizing. Write it in a paragraph form and submit
upon retrieval of answer sheets or you may take a video while you are doing
the task. Send it to your teacher using Fb messenger, in your glass GC or in
any online flatform you are convenient with.

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Directions: Analyze the following situations. Underline the most related
technique in keeping your kitchen clean and safe
1. You are in your TLE class. Your teacher, Mrs. Loto, said that each group will
prepare an appetizer. When it is time to start, you observed that your group
mate sneezed and coughed several times so, you encouraged everyone to
wash their hands.
(Wash your hand in handling food, Wash surfaces that get touched)
2. It’s your parents’ anniversary. Your older brother planned that he will be the
one who will prepare breakfast to surprise them. When you woke up, you
saw that the dirty pans and other tools in cooking are left in the sink. What
should you tell your brother?
(Don’t leave dirty cookery and pans to fester where they can attract
bacteria, Kitchen tools must be wiped after used)
3. The Dizon family is living next door to your house. They have rubbish bin
beside their house. One day you observed a foul smell. It seems that the
smelly odor is from your neighbor, the Dizon family. You went to their house
and try to convince them to wash and disinfect their rubbish bin once a
(Wash and disinfect your rubbish bin once a week, Put the rubbish bin
outside your house so you can’ smell the foul odor)
4. December 8 is the feast of the Immaculate Conception. It is tradition in Boac
town that when it is the feast of the Virgin Mary, everybody cooks an
abundant amount of food to celebrate. You are tasked by your mother to
chop the ingredients for menudo. You had learned from your TLE teacher
that you should not chop the meat and the vegetables on the same chopping
(Don’t obligate yourself to cook too much, Use separate chopping boards
for different kinds of ingredient)
5. You wondered why your mother started to wipe, clean or disinfect the
different parts of your kitchen and so you asked your mother, “Mom, why are
you disinfecting the surfaces of the kitchen?” Then your mother replied,
“Even though we see that it is clean, tiny organisms that can cause diseases
can be found.”
(Use microscope in cleaning so you can see the small organisms that
can’t be seen by the naked eye, Wash surfaces that get touched)
6. Cooking is one of the hobbies of your sister. One day, you saw her cooking
the favorite dish of your father. When she was about to transfer the food, a
small spill occurred. She quickly took a towel, but you stopped her and said
that it will be better to use paper towel.

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(Use paper towel for any mess that is particularly to cause
contamination, do not let children cook alone to avoid spillage of food)

7. Usually, when you have excess food, you put it in the refrigerator to prolong
its shelf life. One day, when you opened the refrigerator, you smell a very bad
odor. You realized that it is months since the last time you cleaned the
insides of your refrigerator.
(Don’t cook to much food to avoid its wastage, Keep your refrigerator
clean and tidy)
8. Dish cloth is one of the materials used in drying the plates and other
cooking materials after washing. You observed that it is stinky already, what
is the best thing that you should do?
(Change the dishcloth you wipe surfaces every day, Do not wipe your
plates and cooking materials so nothing can get stinky)
9. Ms. Cordapia, an old TLE teacher who is very strict is your teacher for the
first two grading. One day, your activity is to prepare canapé. You and your
group mates finished early that pushed you to play with the spreads.
Carelessly, you spilled the spread all over the floor and you don’t want Ms.
Cordapia to be mad at you and deduct a very big point for filthiness so you
quickly grabbed something to clean the mess up.
(Don’t be careless so you will not be scolded, keep kitchen floors free
from debris and grease by sweeping and washing regularly)
10. It’s your birthday today so, you wanted to treat your family by cooking
different cuisines. One by one, you started to peel and slice the ingredients.
You observed that you don’t have a rubbish bin, then you decided to just pile
them in your kitchen and just pick them up later. You served the dishes you
prepared yet, you are shocked that the pile of biodegradable garbage you left
cause flies and other insect to roam in your kitchen.
(You only need rubbish bin for peels of ingredients, Use a rubbish bin
with a lid to keep odors out that attracts flies and other insects)

Additional Activity

Make a paragraph stating how important to acquire knowledge and
develop skills in the proper way of cleaning and sanitizing kitchen tools and
equipment. Relate in the present situation of our society, the COVID 19
pandemic cri

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Key to Correction

Activity 1:
Possible answers:
1. Wash your hands before and after handling food.
2. Use separate chopping board for meat, fish, vegetable and fruits.
3. Dispose garbage separately.
4. Check electrical cord of appliances before using.
5. Use signage to warn when mopping the floor.
1. Wash your hands before handling food
2. Don’t leave dirty cookery and pans to fester where they can attract harmful ingredients
3. Wash and disinfect your rubbish bin once a week
4. Use separate chopping board for different kinds of ingredient
5. Wash surfaces that get touches
6. Use paper towel for any mess that is particularly to cause contamination

7. Keep your refrigerator clean and tidy

8. Change the dishcloth you wipe surfaces everyday
9. Keep kitchen floors free from debris and grease by sweeping and washing regularly
10. Use a rubbish bin with a lid to keep odors out that attracts flies and other insects

Peralta, Joana C. Technology and Livelihood Education Modules in Home Economics Cookery. St.
Bernadette Publishing House Corporation, 2014
Learning Module in Cookery 9, 2017

Para sa mga katanungan o puna, sumulat o tumawag sa:
Kagawaran ng Edukasyon – Schools Division Marinduque
T. Roque St., Malusak, Boac, Marinduque
Email: deped_marinduque@yahoo.com or
Tel. No.: (042) 332-1009 / 332-1611
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